SATS :: Volume #14

#1374: „Talked you to hear a moment ago?”, Lu Zhou continued saying that „connects reptile for me ‚’, launches the search and rescue to the missing astronaut.”

sparks/Mars. 火星。 Above surface. 地表之上。 Drove spare Mars Rover to arrive in the destination, the preliminary examination personnel who two wore the spacesuits jumped down from the vehicle quickly. 驾驶着备用的火星车抵达了目的地,两名穿着宇航服的科考人员很快从车上跳下。 Has arrived at the target location......” to observe the situation an all around situation, on Han Kang Yu face wrote all over dignifiedly, opened the communication frequency to report to say to the base, neighbor has not discovered Dr. model/pattern, has not seen his Mars Rover.” “已经到达目标位置……”环视了一眼四周的情况,韩康宇的脸上写满了凝重,打开了通讯频道向基地汇报说道,“附近没有发现范博士,也没有看到他的火星车。” Here is Coordinate south latitude 15 这里是坐标南纬15 …… …… …… …… However let alone was the person. 然而别说是人了。 The tire seal that even Mars Rover leaves behind, cannot see here. 甚至就连火星车留下的轮胎印子,在这里都看不到。 Quick, in the communication frequency broadcast the calm sound. 很快,通讯频道内传来了冷静的声音。 Possibly is avoids the sand storm the time moves other positions, the positioning system under the influence of sand storm had the error...... area the nearby to search.” “可能是躲避沙尘暴的时候移动到了其他位置,定位系统在沙尘暴的影响下产生了误差……在附近一带搜索。” Yes.” “是。” After obtaining beam had the instruction of team leader, two people will look around that film title for the gate of hell mountain range immediately. If to avoid the sand storm, compares the spacious region sand dune, there without doubt is the best choice. 在得到了梁有成队长的指示之后,两人立刻将目光瞄准了附近的那片名为地狱之门的山脉。如果是为了躲避沙尘暴的话,相比起空旷地带的沙丘,那里无疑是最好的选择。 Thinks of here, two people take the action immediately, really discovered the recent clue. 想到这里,两人立刻展开了行动,果然发现了新的线索。 Mars Rover here......” “火星车在这里……” Discovered by steep dike that Mars Rover that Dr. model/pattern uses, the definite orders opened the vehicle door to look at the eye wise inward, the brow wrinkled gently, on vehicle no one, toolbox not.” 在一处陡峭的岩壁旁边发现了范博士使用的那辆火星车,明文哲拉开车门向内看了眼,眉头轻轻皱起,“车上没人,工具箱也不在。” After hearing the sound, Han Kang Yu arrives at his side immediately quickly, looks at the driving position of that nobody left, the cold sweat immediately from his volume forward slip. 听到声音之后,韩康宇立刻快步走到了他的旁边,看着那辆空无一人的驾驶位,冷汗顿时从他的额前滑了下来。 A fist hammer on a person of high tire, he could not bear scold one to say. 一拳锤在了一人高的轮胎上,他忍不住骂了一句说道。 Where damn...... did this fellow run?” “该死……这家伙到底跑哪里去了?” He is this deputy team chief who scientific research brigade that goes to sparks/Mars, the responsibility that if some people on sparks/Mars the matter, he and beam had bore the brunt. 他是这支前往火星的科研大队的副队长,若是有人在火星上出了事儿,他和梁有成的责任是首当其冲的。 Naturally, compares a living human life, takes on responsibility anything was the small matter. 当然,相比起一条活生生的人命,担责什么的都是小事儿了。 If some people died here, will give these to envy China to attain achievement the person of harboring ulterior motives without a doubt, attacked their excuses, colonized the plan regarding the entire sparks/Mars, without doubt is a serious attack! 若是有人死在了这里,毫无疑问将给那些嫉妒华国所获成就的别有用心之人,一个攻击他们的借口,对于整个火星殖民计划而言,也无疑将是一次沉重的打击! But now, their even even/including people has an accident does not make clear. 而现在,他们甚至连人到底出了什么事儿都搞不清楚。 At this time, stood is wise in the car(riage) entrance definite orders, suddenly said. 这时候,站在车门口的明文哲,忽然开口说道。 Has a possibility.” “有一种可能。” Han Kang Yu looks asked immediately to him. 韩康宇立刻看向了他问道。 What possibility?” “什么可能?” According to him message on Mars Rover...... before losing contact, he should witness that vanishing faulted structure in this nearby. Considering that had the sand storm at that time, outside the car(riage) the visibility is not high, the position that the crack presents should be away from here very is not far.” “根据他在火星车上的留言……在失去联络之前,他应该是在这附近目击到了那个消失的断裂构造。考虑到当时发生了沙尘暴,车外能见度不高,裂缝出现的位置应该距离这里不会很远。” Looks on Han Fudui long face gradually the ugly expression, the definite orders wise silent a while, continued saying that guess that made everyone be hard to accept. 看着韩副队长脸上逐渐难看的表情,明文哲沉默了一会儿,继续说出了那个令所有人都难以接受的猜测。 But now, the crack disappears.” “但现在,裂缝不见了。” Your meaning is, he jumped under the crack, then crack after he got down closed rapidly?” “你的意思是,他自己一个人跳到了裂缝下面去,然后裂缝又在他下去之后迅速合上了?” Definite orders wise silent place under. 明文哲默然地点了下头。 Only can be this.” “只能是这样了。” Although knows that this is the most possible one situation, but Han Kang Yu could not bear tsukomi. 虽然知道这是最可能的一种情形,但韩康宇还是忍不住吐槽了一句。 What tectonic movement is so quick, but can also...... the flash close? The opportunity of crawling?” “什么构造运动这么快,还能……一瞬间就合上?爬上来的机会都没有?” How would I know, I do not conduct the geological research,” the expression on definite orders wise face appeared a bitterness and astringency, speaks the truth, I felt that here is a little weird , because called the gate of hell? Or we give this mountain range to assign/life a name to consider as finished.” “我哪知道,我又不是搞地质研究的,”明文哲脸上的表情浮现了一丝苦涩,“说实话,我感觉这里有点儿邪门,是因为叫地狱之门吗?要不我们给这山脉重新命个名算了。” What two people communication modules are starting is the public channel. 两人的通讯模块开着的是公共频道。 Stands has in base communication indoor beam, has been listening to two people exchange. 站在基地通讯室内的梁有成,一直在听着两人的交流。 Pondered over a moment later, his sinking sound issued the order. 思忖了片刻之后,他沉声下达了命令。 Now worries not to help matters.” “现在着急也无济于事。” Guessed boldly, if that crack appeared regarding 128 outliers randomly, under of this region should have the big free space to be right. Thinks from this angle, Dr. model/pattern of falling down the big probability is also living. Naturally, I am not this expert in aspect , can only say, all think in the most optimistic direction.” “大胆地猜测一下,如果那个裂缝是围绕着128异常点随机出现的话,这片区域的下方应该存在着较大的自由空间才对。从这个角度想,掉下去的范博士大概率还活着。当然,我不是这方面的专家,也只能说,一切朝着最乐观的方向去想。” You widen the range, searches again along the mountain range edge, if he is also living, will not definitely sit waiting for death below, said that did not permit to go to the jaw opening waiting rescue of next earthquake crack.” “你们扩大范围,沿着山脉的边缘再搜索一下,如果他还活着的话,肯定不会在下面坐以待毙,说不准已经去下一个地震裂纹的开口处等待救援了。” Moreover, I will support to the ground command center application.” “另外,我会向地面指挥中心申请支援。” „......, no matter the final result how, we must lead.” “……不管最后的结果如何,我们都得把人带回来。” Drills a rock to take the core in sparks/Mars surface is not perhaps difficult, but wants to excavate more than 20 meters deep rock layers, fishes from below, to the sparks/Mars colony existing condition is quite difficult. 在火星地表上钻个岩取岩芯或许不难,但想要挖穿二十多米深的岩层,把人从下面捞上来,对火星殖民地现有的条件来说还是相当困难的。 On perhaps Moon has this type of engineering facilities, but here will be impossible to have, therefore they can do also only then the application will support this means. 月球上或许有这种工程设备,但这里不可能会有,因此他们能做的也只有申请支援这一个办法。 Actually said that is the application supports, was only a view of comfort. 其实说是申请支援,也只是一个安慰的说法了。 Even if Moon Palace number that side support really catches up from afar, and brought the reliable excavating equipment, they can do still gathers up dead bodies for him. 就算月宫号那边的支援真的千里迢迢地赶过来,并且带来了可靠的挖掘设备,他们所能做的也不过是替他收尸而已。 Listens the instruction of team leader in the communication frequency is transmitting, Han Kang Yu is pinching tightly the fist silent for a long time. 听着通讯频道里传来的队长的指示,韩康宇捏紧着拳头沉默许久。 Finally, he loosens the fist, sighed. 最终,他松开拳头,叹了口气。 „...... The present also can only like this.” “……现在也只能这样了。” The definite orders wise proposition said: I want to apply for the use jurisdiction of Xu Fu optical observation module.” 明文哲提议说道:“我想申请徐福号光学观测模块的使用权限。” beam has: Has assigned to you, us will also help you stare neighbor whether has the new place crack to appear. Remember, if discovered again that...... the unusual crack, do not act rashly, especially forbids the downward exploration!” 梁有成:“已经分配给你们了,我们这边也会帮你们盯着附近是否有新的地裂纹出现。记住,如果再发现那个……异常的裂缝,一定不要轻举妄动,尤其禁止向下探索!” No matter his present situation how, we cannot bear the secondary loss.” “不管他现在的情况如何,我们都承受不起第二次损失。” ...... …… Has in beam one and feeds in the earliest possible time of Earth the situation and distress message, entire ground command center already, because that sudden condition entered the emergency. 就在梁有成将现场的情况和求救信息一并传回地球的第一时间,整个地面指挥中心已经因为那突如其来的状况进入了紧急状态。 An astronaut is missing! 一名宇航员失踪! The colonizing cabin landed also less than one week to have such serious matter, this is not only the pure aerospace accident, was the serious political accident. 殖民舱着陆还不到一个星期就发生了这么严重的事情,这已经不仅仅是单纯的航天事故了,更是严重的政治事故。 Now nation also in the celebration manned ascends in the atmosphere of fire complete success. 现在全国都还在庆祝载人登火圆满成功的氛围中。 If this matter passed on, where this can make them manned ascend the face of hot office toward to put? 要是这事情传出去了,这得让他们载人登火办公室的脸往哪搁? In office. 办公室里。 Hears the situation that Director often/common reported that the Lu Zhou whole person is shocked. 听到常主任报告的现场情况,陆舟整个人都愣住了。 Although he had also considered before then this 128 outliers risk that the research project possibly has, but has not really thought that unexpectedly meets by this form emergence. 虽然在此之前他也有考虑过这个“128异常点”的研究项目可能存在的风险,但实在没有想到居然会是以这种形式出现。 Do the people get down the time crack to close? 人下去的时候裂缝合上了? Sounds like by anything living the thing gave eating to be the same. 听起来就像是被什么活着的东西给“吃掉”了一样。 After silent for a long time, Lu Zhou cannot bear ask. 沉默了许久之后,陆舟忍不住问道。 „Is person also living?” “人还活着吗?” Is uncertain of one's fate,” on face appeared wiped the bitter and astringent expression, Director often/common continued saying that „the present issue is, that side sparks/Mars base sent in the signal of request reinforcement, but we, even if the present sends out the rescue, perhaps still no helped.” “生死未卜,”脸上浮现了一抹苦涩的表情,常主任继续说道,“现在的问题是,火星基地那边发来了请求增援的信号,但我们就算现在派出救援,恐怕也于事无补。” This truly is an issue. 这确实是一个问题。 Even considering the most optimistic situation, that model/pattern are still most with doctor supplies can only insist about three days. Even if their magpie bridge numbers start now Move out from the Moon Palace number, wants to arrive in sparks/Mars still at least to take over two weeks. 即使是考虑到最乐观的情况,那个范同博士身上的补给也最多只能够坚持三天左右的时间。即使他们的鹊桥号现在就从月宫号上启程出发,想要抵达火星也至少需要两周以上的时间。 After this has not discussed that can solve the problem the situation. 这还不讨论去了之后能不能解决问题的情况。 After all the environment and sparks/Mars on Moon are entirely different, for engineering facilities that Moon customizes, is not necessarily able the seamless compatibility on sparks/Mars. 毕竟月球上的环境和火星截然不同,为月球量身定做的工程设备,在火星上未必就能完美兼容。 Pondered over in the heart a moment later, Lu Zhou made the decision, says. 在心中思忖了片刻之后,陆舟做了出决定,开口说道。 Temporarily first do not send out the reinforcement.” “暂时先不要派出增援。” But-” “可是-” I know that you are worried about anything,” saw Director often/common worry on face, the Lu Zhou expression continued to say calmly, now, but most abstains was we are thrown into confusion.” “我知道你在担心什么,”看出了常主任脸上的担忧,陆舟表情冷静地继续说道,“但现在最忌讳的就是我们自己乱了阵脚。” Since is missing now, but also without confirming our astronauts had died, that temporarily first do not publicize this matter.” “既然现在只是失踪,还没有确认我们的宇航员已经身亡,那就暂时先不要公开这件事情。” At the same time, lets us the outpost on sparks/Mars in the resources that uses to take advantage, launches the search and rescue to the missing astronaut.” “与此同时,让我们在火星上的前哨动用一切可以利用的资源,对失踪宇航员展开搜救。” If evolved not the irrecoverable aspect finally as before......” “如果最后依旧演变成了无法挽回的局面……” I will shoulder all responsibility.” “我会承担一切责任。” Hears these words, Director often/common the shoulder shakes, cannot believe that looks at Lu Zhou. 听到这句话,常主任肩膀一震,不敢相信地看着陆舟 Crossed some little time, he expression heavy place under. 过了好一会儿,他才表情沉重地点了下头。 „...... Is.” “……是。” The gate of office closed. 办公室的门关上了。 In the spacious room, was only left over a Lu Zhou person. 宽敞的房间里,只剩下了陆舟一个人。 Listens sound of footsteps that out of the door is going far away gradually, sat in desk following Lu Zhou silent a while, finally sighed gently, looks at placed intelligent cell phone on desk. 听着门外渐渐远去的脚步声,坐在办公桌后面的陆舟沉默了一会儿,最终轻轻叹了口气,将目光投向了放在办公桌上的智能手机 Xiao Ai.” 小艾。” The signal light glitters slightly, a news appeared on the screen. 信号灯微微闪烁,一条消息出现在了屏幕上。 【 Is master, calling me? o( ' 【主人,在叫我咩?o(〃' …… ……
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