SATS :: Volume #14

#1373: Can be able to hear?

Then situation was quite critical. 当时的情况相当危急。 Leaves model/pattern with the choice only has three. 留给范同的选择只有三个。 Resists to collapse the rock layer of closing up with the flesh and blood, another climbs up more than 20 meters gulfs in five seconds...... 一个是用血肉之躯去对抗坍塌着靠拢的岩层,另一个则是在五秒的时间内爬上二十多米的深坑…… Also or, cuts off the rope to fall down. 亦或者,割断绳索掉下去。 He only used for one second then to make the decision, promptly untied the lock catch of waist. 他只用了一秒钟便做出了决定,当机立断地解开了腰间的锁扣。 In fact his judgment is correct. 事实上他的判断非常正确。 That closes up in the same place dike simply has not left he five seconds of that long time, under he considers as finished around most three seconds, that hits solid in the same place rock layer, then cut off the ray from top of the head...... 那合拢在一起的岩壁根本没有留给他五秒钟那么长的时间,他算了下前后最多三秒钟,那结结实实撞在一起的岩层,便掐断了来自头顶的光线…… However, although from that time's point of view, that is best to decide. 不过,虽然在当时看来,那已经是最好的决定了。 But crossed merely for a half hour, model/pattern with then some regrets. 但才仅仅过了半个小时,范同便有些后悔了。 The aspect of own present facing, besides can keep an entire corpse, where as if compared with was not compressed in the string good obtains goes. He had walked nearly for a half hour, this cavern looks like does not have the end to be the same, making one unable to see the hope. 自己现在所面临的局面,除了能留个全尸之外,似乎并不比被压扁在绳子上好得到哪里去。他已经走了快半个小时了,这洞穴就像是没有尽头一样,让人看不到希望。 Mother...... here looks like the labyrinth to be the same simply.” “妈的……这里简直就像是迷宫一样。” Really oneself should at that time safe, but says that now these things are useless. 果然自己当时应该稳妥一点,但现在说这些事情已经没用了。 The ground transmits trembling gently. 地面传来轻轻的震颤。 Was supposing probably was the position that previously fell the collapsed dike burying, the model/pattern same deep breath the one breath, making oneself as far as possible calmer. 估摸着大概是自己先前掉下来的位置已经被坍塌的岩壁给埋住了,范同深呼吸了一口气,让自己尽可能地冷静一些。 For was been not so depressed by own mood, he tries hard to convince itself, this is only a scientific exploration activity. 为了让自己的心情不那么沮丧,他努力说服自己,这只是一次科考活动而已。 Powder sandy aposandstone...... unexpectedly was not the red iron ore, has not thought that can also discover such interesting thing here,” “粉砂质石英岩……居然不是赤铁矿了,没想到还能够在这里发现这么有趣的东西,” What is this? Biomass clastic rock?” “这又是什么?生物质碎屑岩吗?” This is a serious discovery. 这可是一个不得了的发现。 In eye depressed was wiped gradually replaces excitedly, model/pattern uses the multipurpose spades in hand, without damaging rock mass, knocked a rock debris to get down carefully. 眼中的沮丧渐渐被一抹兴奋取代,范同用手中的多功能锹,在不损伤岩体的情况下,小心地敲了一点岩屑下来。 Looks at treasure in the sample sack, in his eye excited was even more intense. 看着样品袋中的宝贝,他眼中的兴奋愈发的强烈了。 „......, if here can take the half-life examination to be good, like this I can conclude area this formation age of deposit formation.” “……要是这里能做半衰期检测就好了,这样我就能够断定这一带沉积层的形成年代了。” If not for the present situation is less optimistic, in communication is only left over the uninterrupted static, he really wants joyful other scientific researchers in base to share this together. 若不是现在的情况不容乐观,通讯器里面只剩下不间断的杂音,他真想将这份快乐于基地里的其他科研人员们一同分享。 Tidied up the tool and sample, he started to march forward along the cavern. 收拾好了工具和样品,他开始沿着洞穴继续向前。 Although makes the probability that these things cannot increase him to return alive, but at least...... he tragically died by some chance, these valuable research data, will become a precious scientific research heritage. 虽然做这些事情并不能加大他生还的概率,但至少……万一他不幸遇难,这些宝贵的研究资料,将成为一笔宝贵的科研遗产。 Naturally, some premise people can for the words that he gathers up dead bodies...... 当然,前提是有人能够替他收尸的话…… In the future path is getting more and more difficult to walk. 往后的道路越来越难走。 Sometimes bumped into the branch road, he must pass in and out attempts several times, found the true entrance. 有时候碰到了岔路,他得进进出出尝试好几次,才找到真正的入口。 In this period rested a while on the road, ate the spoon meat, looks to remain not much supplies, model/pattern with the mood somewhat was low. 期间在路上休息了一会儿,吃了点流质食物,看着所剩不多的补给,范同的心情不禁有些低落。 However what is interesting, this he noticed a very interesting phenomenon all the way. Properly speaking the core of sparks/Mars has cooled, as he to channel thorough, the surrounding temperature actually rose about 5. 不过有意思的是,这一路上他注意到了一个非常有趣的现象。按理来说火星的地核是已经冷却了的,但随着他向通道内深入,周围的温度却是升高了五左右。 Although the surrounding environment is still very cold, but at least gave the person to bring a comfort. 虽然周围的环境依然很冷,但至少给人带来了一丝安慰。 Recorded these fragmentary discoveries, is model/pattern of recuperation to set out to march forward slightly. 将这些零零碎碎的发现记录了下来,稍作休整的范同起身继续向前。 The front channel is even more narrow, even must take many efforts to squeeze through. 前方的通道愈发狭窄,甚至得费不少力气才能挤过。 When he starts to suspect gradually oneself went astray, a roughly five wide gulf, appeared in his front suddenly. 就在他渐渐开始怀疑自己是不是走错了的时候,一座约莫五步宽的深坑,忽然出现在了他的面前。 The laser ranging showed, below depth should in 10 to 20 meters about, be exactly the same as the situation that he bumped into a moment ago simply. 激光测距显示,下方的深度应该在10到20米左右,和刚才他碰到的情况简直如出一辙。 Stopped the footsteps in the gulf edge, model/pattern with on the face appeared wiped the embarrassment. 在深坑的边缘停住了脚步,范同的脸上浮现了一抹难色。 What to do? 怎么办? Gets down, withdraws looks for a way out in addition? 是下去,还是退后另找出路? If continues downward, the position will be getting deeper and deeper, some people for the hope that oneself will gather up dead bodies also uncertain. 如果继续向下,自己所处的位置可能会越来越深,有人替自己收尸的希望也会更加的渺茫。 Even if did not try to find out downward, counted on that side the base person relies on the limited condition to dig from more than 20 meters deep underground, is still a not too realistic matter. 然而就算不向下摸索,指望基地那边的人凭借着有限的条件将自己从二十多米深的地下挖出来,也是一件不太现实的事情。 Recalled these road forks that previously passed by, he felt scalp tingles. 回想起自己先前路过的那些岔路口,他不禁感到了一阵头皮发麻。 Thinks that the situation impossible to be in any case worse than the present, finally he clenched teeth to make the decision, steeled one's heart, in the multipurpose spades with the aid of hand, slid toward front gulf bravely. 想到反正情况也不可能比现在更糟了,最终他还是咬牙做出了决定,心一横,借助手中的多功能锹,朝着面前的这座深坑勇敢地滑了下去。 Coasts along nearly vertical channel. 沿着近乎垂直的通道滑下。 Ground that his both feet touches, was actually the accident/surprise must know compared with before. 这一次他的双脚触及的地面,却是意外比之前要结识了许多。 Perhaps...... 或许…… This is true bottom? 这才是真正的“底部”? With is so thinking in model/pattern, and stands up the flash to the front looking , the whole person looked like stupidly fell suddenly same, dumbfoundedly there. 就在范同如此想着,并站起身来向前方看去的一瞬间,整个人忽然就像是傻掉了一样,目瞪口呆地愣在了那里。 Taking advantage of light that flashlight sends out, looks at front that almost steep corridor, he used to digest shock in heart for a long time, squeezed out a few words from the lips slowly. 借着那电筒发出的灯光,看着面前那条几乎陡直的长廊,他用了好长时间才消化了心中的震撼,缓缓从嘴唇间挤出了一句话来。 fuck!” 卧槽!” Here...... especially...... simply blockhouse!” “这里……特么的……简直碉堡了!” High approximately two meters sorrel steles stand and wait for a long time in the both sides of corridor, is the same like the stone column that the avenue stands and waits for a long time, is connecting the ceiling and ground. Complex pattern fruit reveal in the surface of stele, although has blurred to not seeing clearly its original surface is full, but can still see a carving trace from above. 一座座高约两米的红褐色石碑伫立在长廊的两侧,就如同夹道伫立的石柱一样,连接着天花板与地面。复杂的花纹果露在石碑的表面,虽然已经模糊到看不清楚它本来的面满,但仍然能够从上面看到一丝雕琢的痕迹。 The present all, have not been able to explain with the simple geology. 眼前的一切,已经无法用简单的地质学来解释了。 Which angle from looked, this does not seem like the natural formation. 无论是从哪个角度看,这都不像是天然形成的。 They look like the artware...... 它们就像是艺术品…… One pile was situated the artware in ancient vestige...... 一堆坐落在古代遗迹中的艺术品…… The mouth is whispering exciting thinking aloud, model/pattern with the camera on flashlight and helmet aimed at that row of cultural relic sculpture, is pressing the shutter crazily. 嘴里嘀咕着兴奋的自言自语,范同将电筒和头盔上的摄像头一齐对准了那排文物似的雕塑,疯狂地按着快门。 If there is signal, he really wants all that here sees, reported to the base. 如果不是没有信号,他真想把在这里看到的一切,都报告给基地。 Previously that all discoveries all the way, could not compare all that he discovered here. 先前那一路上的所有发现,都比不上他在这里发现的一切。 The underground of sparks/Mars has the civilized activity the trace! 火星的地下存在文明活动的痕迹! Had at least existed! 至少曾经存在过! The human civilization is not only in universe! 人类文明并非是宇宙中的唯一! They are not lonely! 他们并不孤单! He almost can imagine, if this news were publicized, what kind of stir will cause on Earth. The excitement of this discovery buried treasure, making him almost unable to bear want to shout loudly. 他几乎能够想象到,这一消息若是被公开,将会在地球上引起怎样的轰动。这种发现宝藏的兴奋,让他几乎忍不住想要大声喊出来。 Material is like outside sand, basically had been made decent the red iron ore!” “材料和外面的沙子一样,基本上已经被风化成了赤铁矿!” „The totem of sparks/Mars civilization? Utensil that some type holds the religious rite? Also or some type of handicraft......” “火星文明的图腾?还是某种举行宗教仪式的器物?亦或者某种工艺品……” wait......” 等等……” The mouth had one lightly, when he was trying to find out found a breakage relatively higher stele, with carrying the multipurpose spades are trying the superficial oxide layer knocks off, is actually discovered that the interior of entire stele with is different, is constituted by the red iron ore that he imagines completely. 嘴里发生了一丝轻咦,当他摸索着找到了一座破损度相对较高的石碑,用携带的多功能锹试着将表面的氧化层敲掉的时候,却是发现整个石碑的内部并非和他想象的一样,完全由赤铁矿构成。 Even is happen to opposite...... 甚至于正好相反…… Including material, is hardly the calcium carbonate mineral of ferri. 被包括在内的材料,是几乎不含铁的碳酸钙矿物。 Calcium carbonate mineral......, this should not be some type of biological electron particle materialization stone . Moreover the past of forming was perhaps remote, seems like on the trilobita fossil compared with Earth to be old.” “碳酸钙矿物……不,这应该是某种生物质化石,而且形成的年代恐怕非常久远了,看上去比地球上的三叶虫化石还要老。” The mouth muttered is talking over, model/pattern with took a sample from inside cautiously five size equal rock pellets, admitted in the sample sack to preserve them. 嘴里喃喃自语地念叨着,范同从里面小心翼翼地取样了五块大小均等的岩石颗粒,将它们放进了样品袋中保存好。 „...... Has not thought that some day I must be a guest performer the archaeologist.” “……没想到有一天我还得客串一下考古学家。” Outside is the red iron ore, inside is the biological electron particle materialization stone, recalls before the time makes decent completely, he infers this gadget the outer covering to be some iron-base alloy material, seals some living creature like the coffin in inside. 外面是赤铁矿,里面是生物质化石,将时间回溯到完全风化之前,他推断这玩意儿的外壳应该就是某种铁基合金材料,像棺材一样将某种活物封存在里面。 The intuition told him, here was possibly similar to the tomb same place. 直觉告诉他,这里可能是类似于墓地一样的地方。 Although still has other understanding, but this without a doubt is most likely one. 虽然还存在着其他理解,但这毫无疑问是可能性最大的一种。 Tightened the multipurpose spades in hand, model/pattern with along this corridor that is lending the ominous aura marches forward. Although the fellow in hand cannot take to him more security senses, but always feels better not to have. 紧了紧手中的多功能锹,范同沿着这条散发着不祥气息的走廊继续向前。虽然手中的家伙并不能带给他更多的安全感,但总好过没有。 Is clearly opposite with front situation, as he continues to be thorough toward the corridor, front road suddenly spacious. 和前面遇到的情况截然相反,随着他继续朝着走廊深入,前方的路忽然宽敞了起来。 Especially after he steps into to one spaciously main hall, has a suddenly seeing the light feeling instantaneously. 尤其是当他踏入到一座宽敞的“大殿”之后,瞬间有种豁然开朗的感觉。 However when he is preparing to march forward, is actually the unexpected discovery, own knee withstood/top probably on not a visible wall was the same, is unable again forward one step. 然而就在他正准备继续向前的时候,却是意外的发现,自己的膝盖像是顶在了一面看不见的墙壁上一样,无法再向前一步。 In him puzzled, when front on that say/way not visible wall is trying to find out, strange happened suddenly. 就在他困惑地在面前那道看不见的墙壁上摸索着的时候,诡异的一幕忽然发生了。 The wrist conducts the computer the symbol of display signal, suddenly turned into full Ge from the fork number. 腕载电脑上显示信号的标志,忽然从叉号变成了满格。 Gawked slightly, noticed the signal light of that twinkle, model/pattern with restarted the communication module subconsciously. 微微愣了下,注意到了那闪烁的信号灯,范同下意识地重启了通讯模块。 One string of noisy electricity glides, transmit from the communication frequency quickly. 一串嘈杂的电流音,很快从通讯频道中传来。 In he looks at the wrist to carry the signal on computer disappointedly, was supposing this probably is the electromagnetic wave that some type forms naturally time, the off and on sound, does not have the omen to resound from his ear together suddenly. 就在他失望地看着腕载电脑上的信号,估摸着这大概是某种天然形成的电磁波的时候,一道断断续续的声音,忽然毫无预兆地从他的耳边响起。 cough cough.” 咳咳。” „...... Can be able to hear?” “……能听得见吗?” …… …… ( Math three stars, everyone has not forgotten compared with heart ~) (数学已经三颗星了,大家别忘了比心呀~)
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