SATS :: Volume #14

#1372: Looks that looks at abyss, model/pattern in the heart the instinct to give birth to intense.

Coughs......” “咳……” Call base...... Coordinate south latitude 15 “呼叫基地……坐标南纬15 …… …… …… …… Has not responded. 没有回应。 In the communication frequency transmits only has that anxious electric current static. 通讯频道里传来的仅有那令人焦虑的电流杂音。 The surroundings is a pitch-dark darkness, the right wrist conducts the computer to glitter Signal loss The icon is reminding him, he had separated the contact with base thoroughly. 周围是一片伸手不见五指的黑暗,右臂腕载电脑上闪烁的【信号丢失】的图标提醒着他,他已经彻底断开了与基地的联系。 And, here depth at least over 20 meters. 并且,这里的深度至少是在二十米以上。 The surroundings also proliferate can accelerate the electromagnetic wave signal attenuation the red iron ore...... 周围还遍布着能够加速电磁波信号衰减的赤铁矿…… Damn......” “该死……” In the eye flashed through a despair, but that flashes the negativity of passing, quick was then wanted to replace by intense seeking livehood. 眼中闪过了一丝绝望,不过那一闪而逝的负面情绪,很快便被强烈的求生欲取代了。 On Earth also many people he went back. 地球上还有很多人在等他回去。 He cannot confess here...... 他可不能交代在这里…… The seeking livehood knowledge when is recalling trains in Gurbantunggut Shamo learns, model/pattern with clenching teeth with effort to crawl from the ground, after deep breath one breath, in the wrist conducted the computer to input the manager password, closed besides increasing the energy consumption meaningless the positioning system and communication module. 回忆着在古尔班通古特沙漠上训练时学到的求生知识,范同咬着牙费力从地上爬了起来,深呼吸了一口气之后,在腕载电脑上输入了管理者密码,关闭了除了增大能耗之外毫无意义的定位系统和通讯模块。 Here does not know many meter deep sparks/Mars underground...... 这里是不知道多少米深的火星地下…… Here, he can depend upon, only then oneself. 在这里,他能够依靠的,只有自己了。 Thinks perhaps oneself must miss the tonight's hot pot, model/pattern swallowed a saliva, clenched teeth to take out the symbol pen of special coating from the back toolbox, sought a knowing position on the wall of this cave, left behind the symbols as well as some last words of whereabouts. 想到自己恐怕得错过今天晚上的火锅了,范同咽了口唾沫,咬牙从背后的工具箱里取出了特殊涂料的记号笔,在这岩穴的墙壁上寻了一处结识的位置,留下自己行踪的记号以及一些遗言。 Hopes that these last words will never use.” “希望这些遗言永远不会用上。” Loses contact from him now, that side the base should find the problem, the accidental/surprised rescue crew should Move out be right. 从他失联到现在,基地那边应该已经发现问题了,不出意外救援队应该已经出发了才对。 However regarding the rescue capability of base, he actually does not dare to expect is too many. 然而对于基地的救援能力,他却不敢期待太多。 After all on these simple engineering facilities, he really cannot think that has anything to help itself never know many meter deep underground crawl. 毕竟就那些简单的工程设备来说,他实在想不出来有什么东西能够帮助自己从不知道多少米深的地下爬上去。 He is young. 他还年轻。 Has not wanted for science dying for justice. 还不想为科学“殉道”。 In the heart prayed for own destiny, model/pattern with then took down folds the multipurpose spades to grasp in the right hand, simultaneously turned on the stand-alone power supply flashlight on helmet, started to try to find out forwarding in a crushed stone rubble cavern. 心中为自己的命运祈祷了一句,范同接着取下折叠多功能锹握在了右手,同时打开了头盔上的独立供电式电筒,开始在一片碎石瓦砾的洞穴中摸索着向前。 Although front not necessarily is the outlet, but at least feels better to treat waits for death here. 虽然前面未必是出路,但至少好过待在这里等死。 Thinks that same opens the closed crack to the time cut-out, in his heart had a sense of urgency. 想到那个向定时开关一样打开闭合的裂缝,他的心中不由生出了一丝紧迫感。 Everyone is unwarrantable, he now position, tomorrow not by other sand or anything burying. 谁也不能保证,他现在所处的位置,明天不会被沙子或什么别的东西给埋上。 Why as for him can here...... 至于他为什么会在这里…… All must before several hours mentioned. 一切都还得从几个小时前说起。 ...... …… sparks/Mars research station. 火星科考站。 Also calculated the peaceful morning, by an unexpected news breaking. 原本还算安静的早晨,被一条意料之外的消息给打破了。 Autonomous decision making power?” Listened to team leader's explanation, sat Dr. Sun Wen zhe in conference room end frowns, opens the mouth to ask, in other words, later we can decide independently whether took action?” “自主决策权?”听完了队长的解释,坐在会议室末尾处的孙文哲博士皱了下眉头,开口问道,“也就是说,以后我们可以自主决定是否采取行动了吗?” Is this,” nods, looks to sit other four teammates here, beam has to continue saying that this is that side the control center we make the decision that a more flexible decision makes for the aspect, if discovered when the extravehicular exploration what special clue, can not need to wait for the instruction of control center, reported to me directly then.” “是这样的,”点了点头,看着坐在这里的其他四名队友们,梁有成继续说道,“这是指挥中心那边为了方面我们做出更灵活的决策而做出的决定,如果在舱外探索时发现了什么特别的线索,可以不用等待指挥中心的指令,直接向我这边报备即可。” In the conference room spread the sound of talking in whispers. 会议室里传开了窃窃私语的声音。 Stands an angle of researchers, this naturally is a good matter, at least means that they are not necessary to withstand/top nearly ten minutes of delay and ground command center communication, can be engaged in research subject in the hand flexibly. 站在一名研究人员的角度来讲,这当然是一件好事儿,至少意味着他们可以不必顶着近十分钟的延迟和地面指挥中心沟通,能够更灵活地从事自己手中的研究课题。 However, risk same letting person is also hard to neglect. 不过,这其中的风险也同样的让人难以忽视。 Facing conference room that falling into discusses spiritedly, beam had the team leader to cough gently, then looked to this research station only planet geologist model/pattern with the doctor. 面对陷入议论纷纷的会议室,梁有成队长轻轻咳嗽了一声,接着看向了这座科考站的唯一一名行星地质学家范同博士。 , He said. 顿了顿,他开口说道。 Moreover, that 128 outliers the project, the priority had been enhanced a level.” “另外,那个‘128异常点’的项目,优先级已经被提高到了a级。” That side ground command center already in our databases established one alone code-named 128 the brand-new work diary, if you have any new discovery, is not necessary dozen of reports to me, with your individual terminal, will discover directly renewed in the independent work diary on the line.” “地面指挥中心那边已经在我们的数据库上单独建立了一个代号为‘128’的全新工作日志,如果你有什么新的发现的话,可以不必向我这边打报告,直接用你的个人终端,将发现更新在单独的工作日志里就行了。” Independent work diary?” “单独的工作日志?” On the face showed an unexpected expression, model/pattern with calming down, asked earnestly, I can ask, whether this means when studying this/should project, my directly was responsible for the object changing from the preliminary examination base-” 脸上露出了一丝意外的表情,范同定了定神之后,认真问道,“我可以问一下,这是否意味着在研究该项目时,我的直接负责对象从科考基地变更到了-” Right,” beam had to select, said briefly and to the point, from now on, your research directly is responsible for Academician Lu.” “没错,”梁有成点了下头,言简意赅地说道,“从现在开始,你的研究直接对陆院士负责。” Academician Lu?! 陆院士?! Hears this unexpected name, model/pattern with the face on the surprised expression, opened mouth immediately subconsciously close to. 听到这个意料之外的名字,范同脸上立刻了惊讶的表情,下意识地张了张嘴巴。 Sat by him three colleagues, on the face also showed the surprised expression as if by prior agreement, after recovering, then threw the envying look to him. 坐在他旁边的三名同事,脸上也是不约而同地露出了惊讶的表情,在回过神来之后,紧接着便向他投去了羡慕的眼神。 Regarding ordinary scientific researchers, can in the subordinate work of Academician Lu, meaning is not only approval in a disciplinary power, means that will obtain the average person the resources that is inconceivable! 对于一名普通的科研人员而言,能够在陆院士的手下工作,意味的不仅仅是一种学术能力上的认可,更意味着将得到一般人难以想象的资源! Did not say exaggeratingly, this feeling looked like the first prize of lottery ticket simply- 毫不夸张的说,这种感觉简直就像是中了彩票的头奖- No, is more thrilling than the first prize! 不,比头奖还要让人激动! The happiness comes too suddenly, used to recover some little time. 幸福来得太突然,用了好一会儿才回过神来。 However, although the excitement in heart is not false, but model/pattern in the heart actually was also full of the doubts. Although the range of study of Professor land browses widely, but he had not heard he also has the research in geology. 然而,虽说心中的激动不假,但范同的心中却同样充满了疑惑。虽然陆教授的研究范围涉猎广泛,但他从来没有听说过他在地质学方面还有研究。 Even if that faulted structure truly disclosed the valuable clue, but was still insufficient to arouse the interest of that big shot? 即便那个断裂构造确实透露出了很多有价值的线索,但也不至于引起那位大佬的关注吧? With manned ascends compared with the fire plan, this is only an insignificant minor matter. 和载人登火计划本身相比,这只是一件微不足道的小事而已。 Academician Lu...... does he also study the geology?” 陆院士……他也研究地质学吗?” beam has the team leader to shake the head. 梁有成队长摇了摇头。 Specific situation I am not very clear, he has studied, can only you and he exchanges. However I thought that the issues of these minor details can neglect actually, since Academician Lu attaches great importance to that faulted structure, wants to come to discover what unusual clue.” “具体的情况我也不是很清楚,他有没有研究过,只能你自己和他交流了。不过我觉得这些细枝末节的问题倒是可以忽略掉,既然陆院士对那个断裂构造如此重视,想来应该是发现了什么不寻常的线索吧。” Unusual clue? 不寻常的线索? If is really so. 如果真是如此的话。 Oneself really need to find a time, communicated with Academician Lu...... 自己确实有必要找个时间,和陆院士沟通一下了…… After breaking up, the same day work proceeded as usual. 散会之后,当天的工作照常进行。 Although 128 the priority of project was raised a rank, he directly is responsible for the object turning into Academician Lu now oneself, but this work of completion is completed normally. 虽然“128”项目的优先级被提升到了a等级,他现在直接负责对象变成了陆院士本人,但该完成的工作还是得正常完成的。 Opened that side Mars Rover dehydration source area to transfer, confirmed that the drilling equipment still had is working normally, model/pattern conducted the sample investigation with several ore deposits that continuing on the map labelled. 开着火星车去水源地那边转了一圈,确认钻探设备仍然有在正常工作,范同继续去地图上标注的几处矿床进行了取样调查。 After completing these things, today's work was ended. 做完了这些事情之后,今天的工作便算是结束了。 Considering the weather information of Xu Fu forecast, will have sand storm in the afternoon after this region, model/pattern with has not wasted the time, started Mars Rover to start to turn toward the base to return. 考虑到徐福号预报的气象信息中,下午会有一场沙尘暴经过这一片区域,范同也就没有浪费时间,发动了火星车开始向着基地返航。 However unusual the time that unfortunately, the sand storm arrives, was ahead of time for five hours compared with the estimate. 然而非常的不巧,沙尘暴到来的时间,比预计中提前了五个小时。 When he just Move out less than two kilometers, the red sand of blotting out the sky had then camouflaged the field of vision outside glass completely, visibility less than two meters. 当他才刚刚出发不到两公里的时候,铺天盖地的红沙便已经将车窗外的视野完全遮蔽了,能见度不足两米。 However what fortunately is, this type of regional sand storm cannot continue to be very long. 不过所幸的是,这种区域性的沙尘暴不会持续很久。 Stemming from the security in order, model/pattern with has not worried to withstand/top the dust storm to hurry along, but drove Mars Rover to and him to less than one kilometer mountain range by, on the terrain contour line along map found a leeward place to stop. 出于安全起见,范同也就没有着急地顶着沙暴赶路,而是将火星车开向了和他相距不到一公里的山脉旁边,沿着地图上的地形等高线找了个背风的地方停下。 The scrubbing sound that out of the window wreaks havoc weakened finally some. 窗外肆虐的刮擦声总算是减弱了些许。 Compared to the wilderness, here is a good temporary haven. 相对于旷野来讲,这里是一个不错的临时避风港。 Then, this mountain range did call the gate of hell to come probably? 说起来,这座山脉好像叫地狱之门来着? From that sloven outline, but also really has the entrances of several scanning hells. 从那不修边幅的轮廓来看,还真有几分像地狱的入口。 So thinking, to be switching off model/pattern of engine with, the preparation waited for peacefully this light rain in the past. When he was deliberately considering must do anything kills the bored time, is actually suddenly from the back of that numerous red sand, glimpsed a unusual shadow. 如此想着,关掉了发动机的范同,准备安静地等待这场“小雨”过去。就在他寻思着要不要干点什么打发无聊的时间的时候,却是忽然从那重重红沙的背后,瞥见了一道不寻常的影子。 This glance, his eye changed cannot move, the whole person sat from the seat of taking down straight. 这一瞥,他的眼睛变挪不开了,整个人从放倒的座椅上坐直了起来。 fuck? How can here?” 卧槽?怎么会在这里?” The mouth talked over one in a soft voice, in his eye inscribed unbelievable. 嘴里轻声念叨了一句,他的眼中写上了一丝难以置信。 That is together roughly more than ten meters break mouths, looks like the scar of knife wound the same as print together impressively there. 那是一道约莫有十几米长的断裂口,就像是一道刀疤一样赫然地印在那里。 This is how possible......” “这怎么可能……” Yesterday here he and Sun Wen came to wise together time, opened more than ten kilometers road around the edge of this mountain range, in this period clearly passed through this region! 昨天他和孙文哲一起来这边的时候,绕着这座山脉的边缘开了十几公里路,期间分明经过了这片区域! If there is such a obvious earthquake crack to suspend here, he will be absolutely impossible to miss! 如果有这么明显的地震裂纹摆在这里,他绝对不可能会错过! ...... 难道…… Like that faulted structure that vanishes suddenly, was this gadget was recently long? 就像突然消失的那条断裂构造一样,这玩意儿是最近才长出来的? Does not dare to hesitate, model/pattern with opens the vehicle-borne communications system immediately, made the report to the base here situation. 不敢犹豫,范同立刻打开了车载通讯系统,将这里的情况向基地做了报告。 Call base...... Coordinate south latitude 15 “呼叫基地……坐标南纬15 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… Has not responded. 没有回应。 Day! Because of sand storm?” “日!是因为沙尘暴吗?” Scolded a swearing, model/pattern with hung up the communications system, opened the vehicle door to jump, buried the step of staggering to arrive at that break mouth side. 骂了一句粗口,范同将通讯系统挂断了,推开车门跳了下去,埋着踉跄的步伐走到了那条断裂口的旁边。 The atmosphere density on sparks/Mars is very low, even frequently more than ten levels of sand storm, the lethality is still far from sparks/Mars rescuing exaggerating that in that movie described. 火星上的大气密度很低,即便动辄十几级的沙尘暴,杀伤力也远远没有火星救援那部电影中描绘的那么夸张。 However this does not mean that this sand storm is not dangerous, first effect on the field of vision is an aspect, next is the sand of sparks/Mars is similar on the ingredient and red iron ore, even on some rich iron ores the iron content of compared with Earth is high. 然而这并不意味着这沙尘暴就一点儿都不危险,首先对视野的影响是一个方面,再其次便是火星的沙子在成分上和赤铁矿差不多,甚至比起地球上的一些富铁矿的含铁量还高。 Regarding the radio, simply is the dimensionality reduction attack. 对于无线电而言,简直就是降维打击。 Arrived at that faulted structure side, model/pattern cocurrent under looked at one. 走到了那条断裂构造的旁边,范同向下看了一眼。 Laser ranging demonstration depth probably about 20 meters...... 激光测距显示深度大概二十米左右…… Because of dust storm reason, even if there is a flashlight, the bottom visibility is still not high, wants to know that under is what situation, still can only get down to have a look. 因为沙暴的原因,即便是有电筒,底部的能见度依旧不高,想要知道下面是什么情况,也只能下去看看。 Preferably, collects several rock samples to go back to make the lothological analysis again. 最好,再收集几个岩样回去做岩性分析。 However thinks of here, in his eye actually flashed through a hesitation. 然而想到这里,他的眼中却是闪过了一丝犹豫。 Or...... 要不…… When the sand storm did finish was saying? 还是等到沙尘暴结束了在说? But if this crack vanished...... 可如果这道裂缝就这么消失了…… Thinks that the front axle has the autonomous decision making power that the team leader mentioned, after model/pattern underwent an ideological struggle, finally clenches teeth, made the decision. 想到之前梁有成队长提到的自主决策权,范同经过了一番思想斗争之后,最终还是咬了咬牙,做出了决定。 Gets down to look at words, should not have what issue. 只是下去看一眼的话,应该不会有什么问题。 Most one minute, oneself remove. 最多一分钟,自己就撤回来。 Thinks of here, he no longer hesitates, after on Mars Rover established the procedure/program of automatic sending a letter, then gets out to arrive by the trunk, took down hung in the above safety rope. 想到这里,他不再犹豫,在火星车上设置了自动发信的程序之后,便下车来到了后备箱旁,取下了挂在上面的安全绳。 With innumerable has exercised such, he fixed the lock catch on the waist, then arrived at that like the scar general fierce faulted structure side. 和已经无数次演习过的那样,他将锁扣固定在了腰上,然后来到了那座如同疤痕一般狰狞的断裂构造旁边。 Thinks that immediately must reveal this back secret, model/pattern in the heart gave birth to an excitement. 想到马上就要揭开这背后的秘密了,范同的心中不由生出了一丝激动。 Come, making me have a look under this to hide what secret......” “来吧,让我看看这下面到底藏着什么秘密……” The mouth is talking over in a low voice, his deep breath the one breath, fell following the dike edge cautiously. 嘴里低声地念叨着,他深呼吸了一口气,小心翼翼地顺着岩壁的边缘降了下去。 From the beginning all are smooth. 一开始一切都还算顺利。 Following the safety rope, he dropped the faulted structure bottom slowly. 顺着安全绳,他缓缓下降到了断裂构造的底部。 When his boots bottom touches the bottom flash, steps on the touch on dry leaf quick to transmit from the sole. 然而当他的靴底触碰底部的一瞬间,踩在枯树叶上的触感很快从脚底传来。 Looking like touched some switch to be the same, the silt qualitative ground collapsed loudly downward. 就像是触碰了某个开关一样,粉砂质的地面轰然向下坍塌。
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