SATS :: Volume #14

#1371: Mysterious missing crack?

In mid April. 四月中旬。 A research agency signature publishes the paper of fire program office, will publish on Journal of «Future» latest issue. 一篇研究机构署名登火计划办公室的论文,刊登在了《未来》最新一期的期刊上。 On sparks/Mars discovers the mysterious geologic structure! 火星上发现神秘地质构造! The earthquake crack vanishes overnight mystically! 地震裂纹一夜之间神秘消失! After this paper once were published, immediately initiates the international community widely to pay attention. 这篇论文一经发表之后,立刻引发了国际社会广泛关注。 Always people regarding the understanding of sparks/Mars are, that is a deathly stillness desert planet, does not have the complete ecosystem, does not have the fierce geological activity. Some are only the red sands of wreaking havoc, as well as was corroded the rugged landform that several billions years of ancient geological periods formed by the sand storm. 一直以来人们对于火星的理解都是,那是一颗死寂的沙漠行星,没有完整的生态系统,也没有剧烈的地质活动。有的只是肆虐的红沙,以及被沙尘暴侵蚀了数十亿年的古地质时期形成的崎岖地貌。 However this discovery, subverted people without doubt to the inherent impression of this star. 然而这一发现,无疑是颠覆了人们对这颗星球的固有印象。 Not only on sparks/Mars has new geological activity doubtful, even possibly has on Earth no special geological phenomenon! 火星上不但疑似存在较新的地质活动,甚至可能存在地球上没有的特殊地质现象! At least on Earth, no one had heard the earthquake crack that has formed, can restore in one night such as beginning, and seems like probably nothing happened is the same. 至少在地球上的时候,没有谁听说过已经形成的地震裂纹,能够在一夜之间修复如初,并且看上去就好像什么都没有发生过一样。 At some international well-known astronomical enthusiast forum. 国际某知名天文爱好者论坛上。 In the earliest possible time that the paper just published, then some people translated English to reprint here it, and quick then aroused the discussion of slaughter version scale. 早在论文刚刚刊登的第一时间,便有人将它翻译成了英文转载到了这里,并且很快便激起了屠版规模的讨论。 Wtf? Was the geologic structure of sparks/Mars still active? That means, restores sparks/Mars magnetic field, to transform the Mars atmosphere actually to have the possibility?” “wtf?火星的地质构造仍然活跃?那岂不是意味着,修复火星磁场、改造火星大气其实都是有可能的?” Right, has the possibility, but the possibility is close to 0 infinitely. Actually how my more curious that crack vanishes, that picture looks, although strange, but does not seem like p.” “没错,有可能,只是可能性无限接近于0而已。其实我更好奇那条裂纹到底是如何消失的,那图片看着虽然奇怪,但也不像是p的。” Can be the alien does?” “会不会是外星人干的?” haha, does not rule out this possibility! Perhaps is that crack actually leads to sparks/Mars civilization the channel?” 哈哈,不排除这种可能!没准那个裂缝其实是通往火星文明的通道?” Your this brain hole is a little big......” “你这脑洞有点大……” I think before , where has looked at a video, a Martian takes a picture, walks in front of Curiosity rover...... perhaps we always the understanding sparks/Mars, is the people of life there hopes that we see.” “我想到了以前在哪里看过的一个视频,一个火星人拿着一张画,走在好奇号的前面……没准我们一直以来对火星的了解,都是生活在那里的人们希望我们看到的。” I thought that compares to Martian far-fetched viewpoint, is the possibility of p chart greatly.” “我觉得相比起火星人这种不靠谱的观点,还是p图的可能性更大一点。” Not only discussed sound at the forum of amateur, on the face book and Twitter can also see similar discussion, is only not relatively speaking intense in the degree. 热议的声音不只是在业余爱好者的论坛上,脸书、推特上也都能看到类似的讨论,只是在程度上相对而言没那么强烈。 In light of flooded on media these outside the report of civilized making groundless accusations long ago about the place, many people were guessing that earthquake crack can actually be the trace that the alien stays behind. 结合早些年充斥在媒体上的那些关于地外文明的捕风捉影的报道,不少人都在猜测那条地震裂纹会不会其实是外星人留下的痕迹。 Although this guess no truth, but actually accidental/surprised popular. 这种猜测虽然没什么道理,但却意外的受欢迎。 Considering public's extensive concern over this matter, the bbc reporter soon found the nasa high resolution imaging science lab. 鉴于公众对这件事情的广泛关注,bbc的记者很快找到了nasa高分辨成像科学实验室。 As internationally manned ascends another outside hot office besides China „the sparks/Mars authoritative organization, although their conditions compared with have delivered the former of sparks/Mars the scientific researchers inferior a point, but the strength in fundamental research cannot be underestimated. 作为国际上除了华国载人登火办公室之外的另一家“火星权威机构”,虽然他们的条件比起已经将科研人员送上火星的前者而言还是逊色了一点,但他们在理论研究方面的实力还是不容小觑的。 What we interview now is graduates from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology planetology specialty, is teaching in who the nasa high resolution imaging science lab holds an office at present......” “我们现在采访到的是毕业于麻省理工大学行星地质学专业、目前正在nasa高分辨成像科学实验室任职的柯米顿教授……” Aimed at the lens sat on chair teaches, that young reporter continued to say politely. 将镜头对准了坐在椅子上的柯米顿教授,那位年轻的记者礼貌地继续说道。 Teaches hello, as planetology domain expert, if this earthquake structure is actually exists, you think that this means anything.” “柯米顿教授您好,请问作为行星地质学领域的专家,如果这条地震构造却是存在的话,您认为这将意味着什么。” Facing Reporter bbc inquiry, after professor hesitated a while, says. 面对bbc记者的提问,柯米顿教授沉吟了一会儿之后,开口说道。 This is a very interesting issue.” “这是个很有意思的问题。” In fact April 19 about, our saw clearly probably the detector once observed to have been to the weak seismic signal on sparks/Mars, but that signal was really extremely weak, we is not only unable to understand the internal structure of sparks/Mars through it, even is unable to conclude this signal whether reliable.” “事实上大概在19年4月左右,我们的‘洞察号’探测器就曾经在火星上观测到过微弱的地震信号,只不过那个信号实在是太过微弱,以至于我们不但无法通过它了解到火星的内部结构,甚至无法断定这个信号到底是否可靠。” If China manned ascends that special geologic structure that the hot office discovers really like they said that forms in the recent hundreds of thousands of years, that without a doubt will be an unprecedented discovery, it will even renovate us the understanding about sparks/Mars.” “如果华国载人登火办公室发现的那个特殊的地质构造真的像他们说的那样,是在最近的数十万年间形成的,那毫无疑问将是一个史无前例的发现,它甚至将刷新我们对火星的认识。” Caught to teach from the spoken language to disclose keenly the critical information that young reporter pursues immediately asks: Your meaning is, is this discovery important?” 敏锐地捕捉到了柯米顿教授从言语中透露出来的关键信息,那名年轻的记者立刻追问道:“您的意思是,这个发现非常重要?” Important is without a doubt.” “重要是毫无疑问的。” Reporter: But is also a viewpoint...... these pictures can be possible be now forge?” 记者:“可是现在还有一种观点是……那些图片会不会有可能是伪造的?” Does not rule out this possibility, but this type is likely. In fact I had also suspected, but quick cancelled this thought. After all......, since they had arrived on sparks/Mars, should to not crack a joke in this issue bored,” said these words with tone half jokingly, professor pushed under the eye on bridge of the nose, stopped continued to say a moment later, actually on my viewpoint, compared the appearance that earthquake constructed, the one who made one care was why it vanishes suddenly.” “不排除这种可能性,但这种可能性非常非常小。事实上我也曾经怀疑过,但很快就打消了这个念头。毕竟……既然他们都已经到了火星上,应该不会无聊到在这种问题上开玩笑,”用半开玩笑的口吻说出了这句话,柯米顿教授推了下鼻梁上的眼睛,停顿了片刻之后继续说道,“其实就我的观点,相比起那条地震构造的出现,更让人在意的是它为何突然消失了。” No matter it whether really like hearsay, is the life in the underground Martian behavior, or is some special bacteria that has the restore geologic structure causes......” “不管它是否真的像传闻中的那样,是生活在地下的火星人所为,或者是某种具有修复地质构造的特殊细菌导致的……” I felt, if can make clear reason, its significance will try to be clear how that earthquake crack forms, wants important many!” “我觉得,如果能够将这其中的缘由搞清楚,其意义将远比弄清楚那条地震裂纹是如何形成的,要重要的多!” After the interview ended . 采访结束之后。 The editing later interview video recording, the form of documentary film was emitted by bbc, and was passed to the youtube and other video sites by quickly, caused netizens' extensive discussion. 剪辑之后的采访录像,被bbc以纪录片的形式放出,并很快被上传到了youtube等视频网站上,引发了网友们的广泛讨论。 In fact, the viewpoint of professor, academic circle mainstream viewpoint. 事实上,柯米顿教授的观点,也正是学术界的主流观点。 Namely, that earthquake crack should exist, on the geologic activity by sparks/Mars forms, and from the situations on that group of picture, forming the time should not be remote. 即,那条地震裂纹应该是真实存在的,由火星上的地质运动形成,并且从那组照片上的情况来看,形成时间应该不会非常久远。 What makes everyone unable to think through, then a long crack, why will vanish in one night. 只是让所有人都想不通的是,那么长的一条裂纹,为何会在一夜之间消失。 About this phenomenon reason, the opinion of academic circle such as was expected that was divided into two schools. 关于这一现象的原因,学术界的意见如预料之中地分成了两派。 And a school of viewpoint is relatively conservative, thinks that possibly is the expand with heat and contract with cold that on sparks/Mars the huge day and night temperature difference causes, causes the faulted structure situation the porous layer compression fracture, thus causes the to split open the surface to happen to the inside recoverability contraction. 其中一派的观点相对保守,认为可能是火星上巨大的昼夜温差导致的热胀冷缩,使得断裂构造地步的孔隙岩层压裂,从而导致开裂的地表发生向内侧的修复性收缩。 In addition the disposing function of sandstorm, filled the fruit reveal in the slight fissure of surface, causes that special faulted structure, seeming like seemed one night vanishes was the same. 再加上风沙的填埋作用,填补了果露在地表的细微的裂痕,才使得那条特殊的断裂构造,看上去就仿佛是一夜之间消失了一样。 As for another school of viewpoint, is the biological origin, thinks that was biting iron bacteria of some life in red iron ore corroded the faulted structure bottom red iron ore mineral lode. 至于另一派的观点,则是生物成因,认为是某种生活在赤铁矿上的噬铁细菌侵蚀了断裂构造底部的赤铁矿矿脉。 In addition neighbor the drilling sample of China sparks/Mars research station to water source, resulted in structure collapsing of this/should area, then has the phenomenon that the faulted structure vanished. 再加上附近华国火星科考站对水源地的钻探取样,引发了该地区的构造坍塌,进而发生了断裂构造消失的现象。 However, the viewpoint of any side lacks the effective theoretical foundation, no one can convince anyone. 然而,无论是哪一方的观点都缺乏有效的理论依据,彼此之间谁也说服不了谁。 Guess that besides this these can also justify oneself logically reluctantly, some did not speak the guess of logic completely. 除此了这些逻辑上勉强还能自圆其说的猜测之外,还有一些完全不讲逻辑的猜测。 For example, about Martian. 比如,关于火星人的。 Young some people believe that the pure geologic activity has been unable to explain this type mystically the phenomenon, can only sum up in caused by human factors it. 一小部分人认为,单纯的地质运动已经无法解释这种“神秘”的现象,只能将它归结于人为因素造成的。 But this likely is the masterpiece of Martian! 而这很可能便是火星人的杰作! Has the scholar of this viewpoint, even made the further promotion based on this viewpoint. 持有这一观点的学者,甚至基于这一观点做出了进一步的推广。 For example, after losing the protection of atmosphere, the Martian then moved to from the surface underground, but that crack actually at all is not the earthquake forms, is actually the Martian's access to surface. 比如,在失去了大气层的保护之后,火星人便从地表搬到了地下,而那道裂纹其实根本不是什么地震形成的,其实是火星人通往地表的出入口。 In brief, all kinds of viewpoint numerous said the numerous altars/jars. 总之,各种各样的观点众说纷坛。 In the face of this inconceivable phenomenon, all as if became confusing. 在这个不可思议的现象面前,一切都似乎变得扑朔迷离了起来。 But at this time, made everyone unexpected matter, suddenly happened...... 而就在这时候,一件令所有人都意想不到的事情,忽然发生了……
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