SATS :: Volume #14

#1368: Hell treasure hunt

Had the team leader in beam landing day the same day duty diary, compiles on passed to Xu Fu time, Lu Zhou on Earth beyond tens of millions kilometers, received the reminder that the duty completed. 就在梁有成队长将“着陆日”当天的任务日志,汇总上传到徐福号上的时候,远在数千万公里之外地球上的陆舟,也同时接到了任务完成的提醒。 Congratulates the quality, completes thorough hell legend duty!】 【恭喜素质,完成“深入地狱”传说任务!】 Task specification: There is the end of samsara, is all starts.】 【任务说明:那里是轮回的尽头,也是一切的开始。】 Reward: 2.8 million free experiences( 500,000 5 + 300,000 data), 10000 General points, legend duty card.】 【奖励:280万自由经验(50万・五+30万基准值),10000积分,传说任务卡。】 As usual, the system left behind words that in the task specification is difficult to understand, what however and was not quite in the past same, this Lu Zhou has not made clear it actually to express anything completely. 和往常一样,系统又在任务说明中留下了一段难懂的话,然而与往常不太一样的是,这一次陆舟完全没有搞清楚它到底想表达什么。 Does not seem like teasing or satirizing. 不像是在调侃或者讽刺。 But if said that is the advice, that also was too rather fuzzy. 但若说是忠告的话,那未免也太模糊了点。 That is sending out the duty title of ominous aura...... 还有那散发着不祥气息的任务标题…… Although the reward has succeeded in obtaining, feeling that but he all had not always ended. 虽然奖励已经到手了,但他总有一种一切都还没结束的感觉。 After pondering over for a long time, Lu Zhou placed the matter of this does not have any clue temporarily one side, then continues to look that to part that the experience rewarded. 思忖了许久之后,陆舟将这件没有任何头绪的事情暂时放在了一边,接着继续看向了经验奖励的部分。 Altogether 2.8 million free experiences, enough made him all rise the remaining biochemistry, the energy study and information science to lv8. 一共280万自由经验,足够让他将剩下的生化学、能源学、信息学全都升到lv8了。 Naturally, he also has another choice, that experiences these piles completely( 10,000 / 3 million) or material science( 63,000 / 3 million) comes up to the engineering. Although this 2.8 million free experience being insufficient make these two divisions/disciplines promote, but can actually the experience pile to being promoted entrance. 当然,他还有另一种选择,那就是将这些经验全部堆到工程学(0万/300万)或者材料学(6.3万/300万)上去。虽然这280万的自由经验不足以让这两门学科升级,但却可以将经验堆到晋级的门口。 As the matter stands, only needs to make material science or the engineering direction duty again casually, can achieve lv9, the challenge next lv10 being promoted duty. 这样一来,只需要再随便做个材料学或者工程学方向的任务,就可以达到lv9,挑战下一个lv10的晋级任务了。 From the efficiency, both strategies are feasible. 从效率上来讲,两种策略都是可行的。 However thinks that legend duty card in Mission rewards, after Lu Zhou intertwined a while, finally chooses the distribution method that the rain and dew moistened. 不过想到任务奖励中的那张传说任务卡,陆舟纠结了一会儿之后,最终还是选择了雨露均沾的分配方法。 After all, the reward of next duty wants to come very is not low. 毕竟,下一个任务的奖励想来不会很低。 Can pull the average ranks, deals with all kinds of situations regarding him, will have to help some. 能够将平均等级拉高一点,对于他应对各种各样的情况,也会更有帮助一些。 Threw 500,000 experiences to the biochemistry, branched out 1.2 million and 1.1 million experiences again respectively, threw on the energy study and information science. 将50万经验扔给了生化学,再分别分出了120万和110万经验,扔到了能源学和信息学上面。 After an operation ended, the property panel after renewal appeared quickly in his front. 一番操作结束之后,更新之后的属性面板很快浮现在了他的面前。 a. math: lv10 a.数学:lv10 B. Physics: lv10 b.物理学:lv10 c. biochemistry: lv 8( 10,000 / 3 million) c.生化学:lv八(1万/300万) d. engineering: lv 8( 10,000 / 3 million) d.工程学:lv八(0万/300万) E. material science: lv 8( 63,000 / 3 million) e.材料学:lv八(6.3万/300万) f. energy study: lv 8( 10,000 / 3 million) f.能源学:lv八(0万/300万) g. information science: lv 8( 10,000 / 3 million) g.信息学:lv八(0万/300万) General points: 48335 积分:48335 Besides the maths and physical two full levels, the remaining divisions/disciplines has risen to lv8,” looks at data on the property panel, Lu Zhou nods satisfied, „is looked that which first arrived at lv9.” “除了数学和物理两门满级之外,剩下的学科都已经升到lv8了,”看着属性面板上的数据,陆舟满意地点了点头,“接下来就是看哪一门先到lv9了。” How does not know, he who looks at that all various professions division/discipline rank, one type brushes the professional course to twist a feeling suddenly. 不知怎么的,看着那一行行学科等级的他,忽然有一种刷专业课绩点的感觉。 Thinks that has elapsed does not know many years university life, in his heart had one to fondly remember. 想到已经逝去不知道多少年的大学生活,他的心中不由生出了一丝怀念。 When entire division/discipline lv10...... means probably in some sense graduated.” “等到全学科lv10……大概就意味着某种意义上的毕业了吧。” Shook the head gently, expelled in this strange feeling the mind, he extended the index finger to select that in goods column duty card that is emitting the pale golden gloss. 轻轻晃了晃脑袋,将这股奇怪的感觉赶出了脑海中,他伸出食指选中了物品栏中的那张散发着淡金色光泽的任务卡。 As one string of light corpuscles spread along his index finger fingertip, brand-new Mission Board followed appears in his front. 随着一串光粒沿着他的食指指尖扩散开来,一张全新的任务面板紧随其后地显现在了他的面前。 However is seeing the Mission Board flash, Lu Zhou was actually there. 然而在看到任务面板的一瞬间,陆舟却是楞在了那里。 Duty: Hell treasure hunt 【任务:地狱寻宝】 Explained: Can take to you it is my being honored, but fulfills is your mission, the decision-making power in you.】 【说明:能将它带给你是我的荣幸,而是否履行属于你的使命,决定权在你。】 Request: Witnesses and excavates from the void gift, and makes it be delivered from oppression.】 【要求:目击并发掘来自虚空的赠礼,并让它重见天日。】 Reward:???】 【奖励:???】 Lu Zhou: „......?” 陆舟:“……?” The drop rate of now not only drawing, even the requirements and reward of duty, start to cover up? 现在不只是抽奖的爆率,连任务的要求和奖励,都开始遮遮掩掩的了吗? ...... …… The second weekend of April, Xu Fu arrives in the second day of Mars orbit. 四月的第二个周末,徐福号抵达火星轨道的第二天。 Early morning tranquility, by an unexpected piece of news breaking. 清晨的宁静,被一条突如其来的消息给打破了。 A length roughly ten minutes of video, was renewed manned to publish in the official site of fire program office. 一条长度约莫十分钟的视频,被更新到了载人登火计划办公室的官网上。 That is one group from the pictures tens of millions kilometers away. 那是一组来自数千万公里之外的画面。 First through Xu Fu angle of view, photographing colonizing cabin- is also the separation of head toroidal frame and entire colonizing ship, and approaches the flash of Mars atmosphere edge in the colonizing cabin ignition, the angle of view hauled and links up seamlessly in the colonizing cabin, led the audience to dive at the first angle of view to the surface of sparks/Mars. 先是通过徐福号的视角,拍摄了殖民舱-也就是头部环形结构与整个殖民舰的分离,紧接着在殖民舱点火并靠近火星大气边缘的一瞬间,视角拉进并无缝衔接到了殖民舱上,以第一视角带着观众俯冲向火星的地表。 From the artistry, the editing of entire video calculates on simple and crude only, has almost not used any original photography technique, does not have any special effect. When saw that silver-white ring descends an instance in vast desert from hundred kilometers upper air, people still felt that to come from shock of innermost soul! 单从艺术性来讲,整个视频的剪辑算的上简单粗暴,几乎没有采用什么独到的拍摄手法,也没有任何特效。然而当看到那座银白色的圆环从百公里的高空降落在一片沙海中的瞬间,人们依然感受到了那来自灵魂深处的震撼! Xu Fu successful injection! 徐福号成功入轨! The colonizing cabin successfully lands! 殖民舱成功着陆! Five astronauts step sparks/Mars! 五名宇航员踏上火星! Looks at that exciting picture, sits before the computer, cell phone much is watching people of entire landing process, could not bear send out excited cheer. 看着那一幕幕激动人心的画面,不少坐在电脑前、手机前观看着整个着陆过程的人们,都忍不住发出了一声激动的喝彩。 fuck! This throws the iron lump from the space, made them give to put in order the feeling of science fiction big piece actually!” 卧槽!这从天上扔个铁疙瘩,硬是让他们给整出了科幻大片的感觉!” Merely is the iron lump??? Do you know that gadget multiple? Over a hundred tons! Besides us, on this Earth also no who can deliver to sparks/Mars to come up from Earth that big quality!” “仅仅是铁疙瘩???你知道那玩意儿多重吗?上百吨了好吗!除了咱们,这地球上还没哪谁能把那么大的质量从地球送到火星上去!” Simply blockhouse!” “简直碉堡了!” I have not gone to Moon, our astronauts have trod sparks/Mars to come up the footprint......” “我还没有去过月球,咱们的宇航员都已经将脚印踏到火星上去了……” Academician Lu is flamboyant!!!( Variant pronunciation)” 陆院士牛逼!!!(破音)” Manned ascends the video on fire program office official site, opened the authorization quickly, reprinted on the major video sites. 载人登火计划办公室官网上的视频,很快开放了授权,转载到了各大视频网站上。 Afterward, more and more netizens participated in the late editing of video, even the display creativity added on BGM to the video, inserted other materials as the redeployment transition that the lens switch over, the delight that the demon changed. 再后来,越来越多的网友参与到了视频的后期剪辑,甚至发挥创意地给视频加上了bgm,插入了其他素材作为镜头切换的转场过渡,魔改的不亦乐乎。 Through various types of channels, these videos were reprinted outside online. 通过各种渠道,这些视频被转载到了外网上。 The person from the beginning does not know also thinks that is the announcement of which science fiction big piece, finally saw that behind discovered this gadget is not the movie, but real fellow. 一开始不知道的人还以为是哪部科幻大片的预告,结果看到后面才发现这玩意儿不是电影,而是真家伙。 After realizing this point, in the hearts of many was full of the complex mood. 意识到这一点之后,不少人的心中都充满了复杂的情绪。 Especially North American netizen. 尤其是北美网友。 Although regarding the human civilization, this truly is a time that is worth celebrating, but why does not know, their landings on sparks/Mars surface ring, not only cannot feel a wee bit excited...... 虽然对于人类文明而言,这确实是一个值得庆祝的时刻,但不知道为什么,他们那座着陆在火星表面的圆环上,非但感觉不到一丁点儿的兴奋…… Even, some depressed. 甚至于,还有一些沮丧。 «Wall Street Journal» analyzed from the level of economics this time ascended the impact that the fire plan probably had, the New York Times in the technical panel published this news very much low-key, only then the Washington Post used a full page to report to this matter reluctantly. 《华尔街日报》从经济学的层面分析了这次登火计划可能带来的影响,《纽约时报》在科技面板很低调地刊登了这一消息,只有《华盛顿邮报》勉强用了一整版对这件事情进行了报道。 The media of entire North America looked like make to be the same, lost the interest in sparks/Mars together, planned to have news one that this no one is willing to see low-key. 整个北美的媒体就像是约好了一样,对火星一起失去了兴趣,打算将这件没有人愿意看到的新闻低调地一笔带过。 This time, no one raises what aerospace competition. 这一次,再也没有人去提什么航天竞赛。 Everyone is very at heart clear. 所有人的心里都无比清楚。 The victory and defeat of this competition, has branched out...... 这场竞赛的胜负,早就已经分出了…… ...... …… East coast of North America. 北美东海岸。 Boston International Airport. 波士顿国际机场。 Was just towing the suitcase through Han Mengqi of customs, a face compelled to look to stop Lincoln limousine outside airport ignorant, that stood in motorcade nearby protocol personnel. 刚刚拖着行李箱通过海关的韩梦琪,正一脸懵逼地看着停在机场外的林肯加长轿车,还有那站在车队旁边的礼宾人员。 In she was deliberately considering is which influential figure and sits , in same flight, that stood by the vehicle door, puts on the middle-aged man of straight suit suddenly with her to the line of sight, smiling walked toward her. 就在她寻思着是哪位大人物和自己坐在了同一趟航班上的时候,那位站在车门旁边、穿着笔挺西装的中年男人忽然和她对上了视线,一脸微笑地向她这边走了过来。 Hello, are you Ms. Han Mengqi?” “您好,请问您是韩梦琪女士吗?” Looks at this person, Han Mengqi says at present scruple. 愣愣地看着眼前这人,韩梦琪迟疑说道。 What issue is...... has?” “是……有什么问题吗?” I am the White House foreign guest receive the director in office, this is my name card.” “我是白宫外宾接待办公室的主任,这是我的名片。” White House? 白宫? Do the foreign guests receive the office? 外宾接待办公室? Han Mengqi: „???” 韩梦琪:“???” What ghost?! 什么鬼?! „Were you admitting mistakes people?” Received the name card that man handed over, Han Mengqi does not know whether to laugh or cry said, I am only participate in April of international material research learned the conference......” “你们是不是认错人了?”接过了那个男人递来的名片,韩梦琪哭笑不得地说道,“我只是来参加国际材料研究学会的四月会议的……” How to admit mistakes? We must go is there,” that man smiles politely, says, believes you have certainly many issues to ask, a while in going to you stays on the road in hotel, I to your 11 explanations.” “怎么会认错?我们要去的就是那里,”那个男人礼貌地笑了笑,开口说道,“相信您一定有很多问题想问,一会儿在前往您下榻酒店的路上,我会向您一一解答。”
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