The unequalledconstrictioncomes, above the sealmain hallflowerwindowscreens the azuremoonlight, butinthisazuremoonlightactuallydoped the blackpellet of twinkle star.
The wolfgodhas not heldto graspthathandclaw of Claymoreto lift, on behalf of the silverhair of Lunar Wolf, showed the blackbecause of the corrosion of abyssearly, itsinstinct, letsitlifts the handrequesttofalling the azuremoonlight, butitjusttouchedthesemoonlight, the blackpellet in moonlightstartsto spread, invades the black the azuremoonlight, changes into the blackliquid, dripsfollowing the referring toseam of wolfgod.
“吼!!”Roaredto smuggle the air waveto proliferatelayer upon layer, beyonddozensmeters, knightlongwararmorcollided, drills the lance pointendtangto arriveslantinglyon the ground, fell the 」terrifyingweightbecause ofthisawlspear/gun「thunder, the ground that the lance pointcontactedwas crackedimmediatelyhollowly.
The knightslongrun outoutrageously, itsbelt/bring the chargemomentum, makesvia the space of itplaceshatter, the bigpieceblackglass piecedebrisscatters in all directions.
骑士长悍然冲出,其带起的冲锋势头,让途经之处的空间破碎,大片黑色玻璃碎片般的空间碎片四散。Butin the rear area, wearswhitemagic robeSefeliato flutter, the hoodmelts, the gold/metalwhitelong hairscatters, thatpair of pupilbecause of the gathering of Splitting Element, graduallyturns intoshininggolden color.
而在后方,身穿白色法袍的瑟菲莉娅飘飞而起,兜帽消融,金白色长发飘散开,那双瞳孔因黎元素的汇聚,逐渐变成耀金色。Flutterssingle-handedemptyis graspingfromSefelia of groundseveralmetersplace, nextoneflickers, more than tenmetersthickgoldenlight beamfallsloudly, poundsto be one of them the wolfgodbang, continuallyinclinebutbelowimpact, lets the entiremain hallrumble the vibration.
飘飞在距离地面几米处的瑟菲莉娅单手虚握,下一瞬,十几米粗的金色光柱轰然落下,将狼神轰砸在其中,持续倾斜而下的冲击,让整座大殿都轰隆隆的震动。Bang, bangandbang!
嘭、嘭、嘭!Severalgoldenchainnailspuncturefrom the peripheralspace, sewsbywolfgodplaces that the light beamsuppresses, as the shininggolden color in Sefeliaeyeis more obvious, thesechainsstretchcompletelystraight, attemptingto be in-situ the wolfgodfetter.
十几根金色的链钉从周边空间内刺出,钉在被光柱压制的狼神身上各处,随着瑟菲莉娅眼中的耀金色更明显,这些锁链全部绷直,企图将狼神束缚在原地。Kacollapsesone, allchainsbreakaccordingly, as the control of Sefelia, sewsallhalfchainsonwolfgodemitsshininggolden colorradiance, loudlyexplosion.
The main hallwas attackedto cover, the chargepastknightlongwas forcedto pause, keeps offbefore the bodysingle-handed, the fresh breezefront surface, detected that this, the knightlongtiny stepdoes not draw back, grasps the 「thunderto fall the 」awlspear/gunto welcomegoes forward.
大殿被冲击笼罩,原本冲锋过去的骑士长被迫停步,单手挡在身前,劲风迎面,察觉到这点,骑士长寸步不退,手持「雷陨」锥枪就迎上前。Bang, thunderYunandDark MoonClaymoreclashes, is centered onthiscentral point, the space in main halljust likeshattermirrorblasting open, attackslayer upon layerto the peripheralproliferation.
The glow that Splitting Elementblasting openbringsdiverges, thismakes the knightlongsee, oppositewolfgod, is graspingthatlongClaymoreunexpectedlysingle-handed, resemblesalsohas the ample force, after thisisknightlongPromotiontois certainly strong, has never experienced, falls」to be very heavybecause of the 「thunder that heuses, in additionheas the rewiringsoldier, naturallyisStrength, whenopposing the enemy, the enemywill avoidresistingwithhimdirectly.黎元素炸裂带来的辉光散去,这让骑士长看到,对面的狼神,竟是单手握着那长柄大剑,似是还有余力,这是骑士长晋升到绝强后,从未经历过的,因他使用的「雷陨」很重,外加他作为重装战士,自然是力量型,因此对敌时,敌人都会避免与他正面对抗。
The knightslongarethattype, hecanbe injuredby the enemytomanytimes, but once the enemywas seizedonetimebyhim, thatisten thousand not duplicate/restoresnightmares, no opportunity of overturn.
骑士长属于那种,他可以被敌人伤到很多次,可一旦敌人被他逮住一次,那就是万绝不复的噩梦,没任何翻盘的机会。And yet, the knightlongwas educatedby the wolfgodface to face, thatisanythingis the strengthandbeautiful of fight.
A greatstrengthfallson」to raidsuddenlyfrom the 「thunder, the ground of knightlongunder footdisruptsloudly, incitesone, Claymorecuts the 「thunderto fall」, does not waitto the knight the neutral of longhalf a pointexhaust fumes, the wolfgodboth handsto graspHikari KoudzukiClaymore, a swordchops.
一股巨力突然从「雷陨」上袭来,骑士长脚下的地面轰然碎裂,滋啦一声,大剑切过「雷陨」,不等给骑士长半分回气的空挡,狼神已双手握上月光大剑,一剑劈来。tang, the knightlongsuccessfulfalls」to supportthisswordby the 「thunder, actuallyalsonearlyknees down, hiswhole bodyfightska ka the sound that armorsends outto be unable to withstand the load.
哐嘡一声,骑士长成功以「雷陨」架住这一剑,却也险些单膝跪地,他全身战甲发出不堪重负的咔咔声。At this moment, a roundultraBlood Smoking Cannonrumblesoutrageously.
The wolfgodbare-handedcatchesthisround of Blood Smoking Cannon, butalsodrew backbackwardhalfstep, the knightlongseizes the chanceto retreat.
The wolfgodmoves some palms of tingling with numbness, the visionobserves the situation, finallylocks the blacktrillion, thinks that thisstrikes from the blacktrillion, as forSu Xiao, this momentright personholds【Silver Moon Blade】, Situated by mode that the wolfgodneglectssubconsciously.
The sound that the waterdropsurgesis especially obvious, everyonelooksto the origin of thissound,goldenlawballsappearinSefeliaperipheral, withhercontrol, theselawballshas delimitedpointed cones, changes intoarcs, fromapproaches the wolfgodassaultin all directions.
水滴涌动的声音格外明显,所有人都向这声音的来源看去,一颗颗金色法球出现在瑟菲莉娅周边,随着她的操控,这些法球划过一根根尖锥,化为一道道弧线,从四面八方向狼神袭去。Bang, bangandbang......
The deafening sound of explosionis lingering on faintly, such suppressedstrength, lets the blacktrillionfeeling that the preparationattacksgoes forward, does not seem to usehimto act, a Sefeliapersoncansolve the wolfgod, can only say,worthilyisvoidoverlordfactionArcane Eternal Starpowerhouse.
爆炸的震响不绝于耳,此等压制力,让准备突袭上前的黑兆感觉,似乎不用他出手,瑟菲莉娅一个人就能把狼神解决,只能说,不愧是虚空霸主势力・奥术永恒星的强者。Was suppressedwhile the wolfgod, the knightlongholdsto grasp the awlspear/gunsurprise attackto go forward, just like the meteorto bump into, drills the spear/gunandClaymoretocutting.
趁着狼神被压制,骑士长持握锥枪突袭上前,犹如陨星相撞般,锥枪与大剑对斩。tang! The Claymorecutting edgefragmentscatters, at this timelooksagain, Dark MoonClaymore in wolfgodhand, had been explodedby the SefeliaSplitting Elementweapontois damaged.
嗡~!Infiltrates the elementgatheringsound of personto transmit, at this timelookstoSefelia,could not have seenherform, can only seedazzlingSplitting Elementgolden colorradiance, nextonechecks, as conciseas the extremelight beam, eruptsfromSefelia, slantingdiagonalbelowwolfgodbanggoes.
渗人的元素汇聚声传来,此时向瑟菲莉娅看去,已经看不到她的身影,只能看到耀眼的黎元素金色光华,下一刹,一根凝练到极点的光柱,从瑟菲莉娅上方喷发而出,斜斜向下方的狼神轰去。Although the wolfgodintendsto avoid, longwas actually constrainedby the knight, isthisshortdiversion, making the wolfgodbe fallen the 」hitby the Sefelia「light.
After shortthundering, worldas ifquiet , in fact, thisis the eardrumbecause ofshortdeaf, whenloud sound that the loud soundcausesgraduallyfrom weak ones to strong ones, was shakento the worldsense of isolation, comes back, canfeel the stabbing pain of eardrumagain, the wind pressure and coming.
短暂的轰鸣后,世界仿佛都安静,实际上,这是耳膜因巨响所导致的短暂失聪,当巨响逐渐由弱到强时,被震到隔绝的世界感官,又重新回来,再次能感受耳膜的刺痛,以及迎面而来的风压。But the slantingeruptionbelowlightfalls, suppresses the wolfgodcontinually, the knightlongstridesto go forward, abdomen that an awlspear/gunpasses through the wolfgod, the lance pointbloodstained that the rear areashows, almostsimultaneously, a round of doubleBloody Spiritin additionholdsultraBlood Smoking Cannon, the head of hitwolfgod.
斜斜喷发而下的光陨,将狼神持续压制,骑士长跨步上前,一锥枪贯穿狼神的腹部,后方透出的枪尖染血,几乎同时,一发双血魂加持的超・血烟炮,命中狼神的头颅。Moreover, the blacktrillionappearsbehind the wolfgod, tworows of shortsword of waistplace, one nailby the vertebra of wolfgod, sewedtworows, amounts tomore than tenshortsword.
不仅如此,黑兆出现在狼神背后,后腰处的两排短刀,一把把钉在狼神的脊椎两侧,钉了两排,总计十几把短刀。‚Emitting light.’
The SefeliaProfound Levelabilityactivates, asherboth handsstretchto the both sides, gatheredSplitting Element and spaceenergy, and natural elemental energyspiralenergyspear/gunappears, assheaims at the wolfgod, spiralenergyspear/gunbangraids, tosimplydoes not have the flight trajectoryquickly, has sewnon the head of wolfgod, afterthisattackis completed, the spiralenergyspear/gunpasses throughitplace, presents the airingone after another, and spacewas punctured the stayed behindblackmark.瑟菲莉娅的奥义级能力激活,随着她双手向两侧拉伸,一根汇聚了黎元素、空间能量,以及自然元素的螺旋能量枪出现,随着她指向狼神,螺旋能量枪轰的一声袭出,快到根本没有飞行轨迹,就已经钉在狼神的头颅上,在这攻击完成后,螺旋能量枪所途经之处,才接连出现气爆,以及空间被刺破所留下的黑痕。Thisstrikes the powerfultodoes not dareto believe that makingHP of wolfgodplummet70, fallsto the 9.5degrees, inextinguishable property that abyssProliferating Lifeformbrings, at this momentis especially obvious, ifcontinuesto attack, kills the wolfgod, triggersthischaracteristicssurely.
The Bloody Shadowsurprise attackgoes forwardtogether, butinwolfgodperipheral, the knightlongpasses throughitsabdomenwith the awlspear/gun, one of the blacktrillionsewsshortswordinhisback, every timeis connecting the metalsilk thread the shortswordterminal, another ends of allsilk threadssubmergeto the air, tightensstraightly, a spiralenergyspear/gunpierces the head of wolfgod, thesefetters and attacks, keeping the wolfgodtemporarilyfrommoving.
噗嗤!Is scattering the long blade of blackbluehaze, submerges the chest of wolfgod, HP of wolfgod, fallsto0.1suddenly, thatgloomybloodstripdemonstration, will look likewith the enemy of dyingvery much.
飘散着黑蓝色烟气的长刀,没入狼神的胸膛,狼神的生命值,骤然滑落到0.1,那灰暗的血条显示,和将死之敌很像。Dragon Flashpulls outfrom the chest of wolfgodleaves, withittogether, a lot ofblackhazes, theseisinextinguishable property the abyssProliferating Lifeformsourceenergy, was bittenmodeDevil's Bladeto swallowat this momentcrazily.斩龙闪从狼神的胸膛内抽离,与之一同的,还有大量黑色烟气,这些是不灭特性・深渊滋生物的本源能量,此刻都被狂噬状态的魔刃吞噬掉。ArrivedonlyremainsmostDark MoonClaymoreto let gobroken, toonlyremainpricks the groundsharply, thiswas once usedto resist the abyssweapon, at this moment when toend.
残破到只剩大半的暗月大剑脱手,以仅剩的锋利刺入地面,这把曾用于对抗深渊的武器,此刻到了终结之时。„This, victory?”
“这就,胜了?”During after blacktrillionspeeches, leapsseveralsteps, andflingsseveralshortsword, sewson the wolfgod.
黑兆说话间后跃几步,并甩出几把短刀,钉在狼神身上。Goldenradianceputs, one of the Splitting Elementconstitutionsews the goldenweaponwhen the wolfgod, inonesoonwill hititsnape of the neckplace, a handclawlifts, grabs this Splitting Elementsharp sword, kā bāpinchesto explode.
The abyssenergyis centered on the wolfgodcentral eruption, fell the 」awlspear/gunto pierce the wolfgodwith the 「thunder, is longby the knight who thissuppressesitsaction, shortlywill be raisedflies, thisgreatstrengthletsinhisbrainbuzz, somepresentthingdouble images.深渊能量以狼神为中心喷发,原本用「雷陨」锥枪刺穿狼神,以此压制其行动的骑士长,顷刻被掀飞,这股巨力让他脑中嗡的一声,眼前的事物都有些重影。
The blacktrillion of assassinationdepartmentis more miserable, was pattedon the walldirectly, priestchanges into the shatterfleshinstantaneously, Sefeliastillfluttersin the midair, butSplitting Elementmethodshieldburstsandstrips a layer upon layerfast, butjust nowSu Xiaobeforepalace gate, takes advantage of opportunitywith the elbowarrivesin the gate, mayattack the darkness that comes, stillmakes the skin that herevealsfeel the stabbing pain.
暗杀系的黑兆更惨,直接被拍墙上,神父瞬间化为破碎的血肉,瑟菲莉娅依然飘飞在半空中,只不过一层层黎元素法盾快速破裂、剥离,而方才就在殿门前的苏晓,顺势用手肘抵在门上,可冲击而来的黑暗,依然让他露出的皮肤感到刺痛。Defeated the wolfgoda moment ago? Naturallyno, was massacreda moment ago, is attached tomostouter layerinextinguishable propertyabyssProliferating Lifeform, just nowbythisbodyfight, isthisabyssProliferating Lifeformwill, how the wolfgodwas possibly being pressedhitting.
刚才战胜了狼神?当然不,刚才被杀掉的,是附在最外层的不灭特性・深渊滋生物,方才以这躯体战斗的,也是这深渊滋生物的意志,狼神怎么可能被压着打。At this timewolfgodwhereabouts, likeopeningKong of -likedarkness, massivedarknesstoperipheraleruption, but the wolfgod, itappeared the unwieldybody, after the disturbance of abyssProliferating Lifeform, fastconcise, even ifthere is a blocking of hair, musclelinestillhighlightsseveralpoints, heightaboutfourmetersit, allinjuriesrestoreat the visiblespeed, the silver-grayhairis longer, the heroicstack-upis hanging looseinbehind.
此时狼神所在之处,就像开启了一道黑暗之孔般,大量黑暗向周边喷发,而狼神本身,它原本显得笨重的身躯,在没有深渊滋生物的干扰后,快速凝练,就算有毛发的遮挡,身上的肌肉线条也凸显出几分,身高近四米的它,身上的所有伤势以肉眼可见的速度恢复,银灰色头发更长,豪迈的层叠着披散在背后。Moreover, inwolfShentoualsogives birth to the horn of lignification, somewhatlooks like the shape of antler, is only the shapeis irregular, itsmuddy, a azurepupil, turned into the azureblackto set upright the pupil, is arrogantandsharp, the constrictionis full.
The handclaw and claw, turned intoboth hands and solesthoroughly, the black that silverhairshowsis profounder.
手爪与脚爪,彻底变成了双手与脚掌,身上的银色毛发透出的黑色更深邃。Buteruptionin the darkness, a about50centimeterssword hiltappears, the wolfgodgraspsthisjet blacksword hilt, is wide the palm of the hand, 2meters5longabyssClaymore, extractfrom the darkness, abyssClaymoreis not widelikeDark MoonClaymore, but the sword bladeis more vigorous, the cutting edgeis extremely sharp, moreoveroverallcuttingstrikesStrength, mustbe higher thanDark MoonClaymoreto be many.
The darkness in main hallstopserupting, the peoplelookto the wolfgod, at this moment, the fightactuallyjuststarted.
The wolfgodlookstoSefelia, althoughitdoes not rememberoncepassing, butseesthisto flutterafter the rival in midair, the subconsciousnessregardsfirstto execute the objecthim.
The darksmogscattersfrom the wolfgod, the constitutiontogetherwith the wolfgodbuildsameblack smokeform, that shouted, thisshadowraidedtoSefelia, althoughalong the waywas rumbledto explodeseveraltimes, butthisblack smokeformas ifcanexempt from the physics and energyattack.
黑暗烟雾从狼神身上飘散出,构成一道与狼神体型相同的黑烟身影,呼的一声,这黑影袭向瑟菲莉娅,沿途虽被轰爆几次,可这黑烟身影似乎能豁免物理与能量攻击。Temporarily after divertingSefelia, before abyssClaymore in wolfgodhandcuts, welcomes the knight who chargesto raidto be long.
The deafeningloud soundspreads, Claymore and awlspear/gunclashesonce again, the knightlongsomewhatsurpriseddiscovery, cutting of wolfgodstruck the Strengthanalogyto be unexpectedly weak.
震耳欲聋的巨响传开,大剑与锥枪又一次对撞,骑士长有几分惊讶的发现,狼神的斩击力量竟比方才弱了。Drills the momentum of spear/gunto pressClaymoreimmediately, who knows, in the wolfgodhandClaymoresuddenlyJolting Cry , the knightlongonlyfelt that the whole bodyjust like the charging, fromboth armsparalysistoboth feet, althoughis only the flash, but also is also fatal.
The wolfgodsuddenlyleaning the head, justavoidsBlood Smoking Cannon that rumbles, simultaneously the Claymorehandleterminallifts, tangkeeps offshortsword that fliesto raid, the impactcauses the spacedeafening sound.
狼神忽然偏头,刚好躲开轰来的血烟炮,同时大剑的握柄末端一抬,哐嘡一声挡飞袭来的短刀,冲击导致空间震响。Does not wait foroppositeknightlongbodyto regain the consciousness, the wolfgodis a foottramples, longtramplesto knee down the knight, but the knightlongis not a weak one, reaches behind the back a spear/gun, directly soars the lower jaw of wolfgodto puncture, ifthisspear/gunhits, pierces the crown of the headfrom the lower jawdirectly.
The body of wolfgodblurred, tolet the person unable the comprehensionspeed, the leaningheadavoidsthisspear/gun, in the handabyssClaymoretakes advantage of opportunitydelivers, Claymorepricksfrom the knightlongshoulder, the waistspotpunctures, the bigpiecebloodsprinkles.
The wolfgodloosens the sword hilt, on the rightfistconstitutescrystalline layer, a fistbangin the knightlongchest and bellyplace, the impactscatters in all directions, knightlongstuffy, on the first blowhole of oral areagushes out the bloodstain, bends the waistwhilehim, the wolfgodextractsonhisshoulderis puncturingClaymore, in the handClaymoreturns over, insteadgraspssingle-handed, with the sword hiltterminal, poundsvigorouslyto the first of knightlongback of the headplace.
On the way of kacollapsesone, the firsthollowgetting downsame place, the knightlongfalls downdownward, the crystalline layersocial climbingin the calfplace of wolfgod, kicks.
The knightslonginlayon the wall of distant place, the blooddropsfollowing the arm of dangling, actually the knightlonghasmanypowerfulabilities, butmeetsTechnical Mode, although the wolfgoddoes not have the passingmemory, but the thoughtis clear, somereasonremain, sword techniqueGrandmasterLv.89, in the terrifyingcompared withimaginationare too many, Su Xiaois so longin the Reincarnation Paradisedevelopment, hisSwordplayGrandmasterisLv.74.
The knightssteadilyare notweak, hasability that presses the bottom, butwas beatenwhatability unable to use, why to the later period, Technical Modeby the reason that the personhated, thesehad noearth-shakingUltimategenerally, butthey can also beat the enemycould not usethiskind of Ultimate.
After witnessing the knightlongpitiful condition, the blacktrillionaura of obstructs, just about togoes into hidingto look for the opportunity, finallywas actually coveredby the sense of crisissuddenlyis one of them, whendoes not know, the wolfgodhas appearedbehind the blacktrillion, abyssClaymorechops.
The bellowtransmits, knightlongbykneeing downposture, graspsto grasp the awlspear/gunonly, turned away from the wolfgodto blockthisstruck, injust nowinstantly, the knightlongandblacktrillionexchanged the position.
When the knightslongsupportabyssClaymore that depressesby strenuous efforts, Blood Spear, a wolfgodfootsidekicks, after the sidekicks the knightlength, whending-dongseveralswordscutBlood Spear that fliesto raid, bang, severalBlood Spearexplodeinitbehind, the wolf of hanging loosesendsto fly upwards.
The knightlongpressuregoes forwardagain, falls the 」awlspear/gunto divideto poundby the 「thunderheavily, whyas fordoes not puncturestrikes, is notdoes not think, butdoes not dare, a moment ago after wolfGod Cultnurturedone, the knightlongsaw clearly, facingthissword techniquebigGrandmaster, dividedto poundquitesafely, even ifwere avoided, impact that followinghad, canavoidbeing beatenby the opposite party.
骑士长再度压上前,以「雷陨」锥枪沉重劈砸,至于为何不刺击,不是不想,而是不敢,刚才被狼神教育一顿后,骑士长是看清楚了,面对这位剑术大宗师,还是劈砸比较稳妥,哪怕被躲避开,后续所造成的冲击,也能避免被对方捶一顿。Space that onthunderYunzaabyssClaymore, peripheraljustrestored , of bangblasts openfullyis the fissure.
A shadowpassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the knightlongside, is the blacktrillion, hejust likeblackGhostto appearbehind the wolfgod, sharpshortswordbackstab, is indistinct, but can also see that the blacktrillionhadbehindtogetheron behalf ofdeathvirtual reflection, asassassinationdepartmentcertainlypowerhouse, blacktrillion every struck, had highInstant Deathprobability.
一道黑影从骑士长身旁掠过,是黑兆,他犹如黑色幽魂般出现在狼神背后,一把锋锐的短刀背刺而下,隐约间,还能看到黑兆身后有一道代表死亡的虚影,作为暗杀系绝强者,黑兆的每一击,都有很高的即死概率。shortswordpricks the wolfgodback, penetration of resultnoimpediment, not only that the knightlongalsofelt that on the weapon the strength, falls」to arrivewithit「thunderinsame placeabyssClaymore, probablyemptymelted.短刀刺入狼神脊背,结果毫无阻隔的穿透,不仅如此,骑士长也感到武器上力道一空,与之「雷陨」抵在一起的深渊大剑,像是虚化了般。Then, causedin the blacktrillionhand the sharp bladeto puncturespatial, the knightlongawlspear/gun of poundedto the blacktrillion, was good the goldenthunderonawlspear/gundissipates, swept the obsolete, blacktrillionfrom the blacktrillionchanges into the smog.
如此一来,就造成黑兆手中利刃刺了个空,骑士长的锥枪砸向黑兆,好在锥枪上的金色雷霆消散,从黑兆身上扫过时,黑兆化为烟雾。At this moment, cuts the sharpsound that strikesto raid, blue colorcuts the markto flashto pass, has cut the throatneck of wolfgod, the one wholets the knightlongandblacktrillionis accidental/surprised, thisbladewas unexpectedly effective, the wound of althoughcuttingis not deep.
就在这时,斩击的锋锐声袭来,一道蓝色斩痕一闪而逝,斩过狼神的喉颈,更让骑士长和黑兆意外的是,这一刀竟奏效了,虽说斩开的伤口不算深。Whycancut the wolfgodas forSu Xiaothisblade, the principleis very simple, the ability that the wolfmarvelous methodusesalthoughis notShadow Blink, but the characteristicsandShadow Blinkhave90%similar, thereforeSu XiaobyShadow Blinkabilityspace penetration, placesin the spacegap a bladeto cut, naturallycancutalsoto place the wolfgod in thisposition.
After Su Xiaocutsthisblade, immediatelyretreats, toblackfog that inmain hallcornerdisseminated, thistimefacing the powerhouse, hebesides the necessaryprobe, will not go forwardcertainlyrashly, althoughdoes not needto be worried dead of the peeling of wide scopeattack, but if directbeing intimatewolfgodtwo, hemustdiewithout doubt, even ifhenow840,000HP, but the bodyattribute, is the abilityintensity, by the suppression in entireaspect.苏晓斩出这刀后,当即退走,到了大殿角落处弥散的黑雾中,这次是面对绝强者,他除了必要的试探外,不会贸然上前,虽说不用担心死于大范围攻击的剥离,可如果直接挨上狼神两下,他必死无疑,哪怕他现在有84万的生命值,但无论是身体属性,还是能力强度,都被全方面的压制。Looks that dies the knightlongandblacktrillion of the wolfgodfighting, Su Xiaodoes not prepareto go forwardagain, the reasonis, hemustsuppressDemon Spirit Blade in Dragon Flashfull power, makingitnot swallowjustto absorbinextinguishable propertyabyssProliferating Lifeformsourceability, onceDemon Spirit Bladestartedto swallowthissourceenergy, will inevitably cause the Devil's Bladeabilityto be in the Cooldownstage.
看着与狼神死战的骑士长与黑兆,苏晓不准备再上前,原因是,他要全力压制斩龙闪内的刃之魔灵,让其不吞噬刚吸收来不灭特性・深渊滋生物的本源能力,一旦刃之魔灵开始吞噬这本源能量,势必导致魔刃能力进入冷却阶段。「Devil's Blade」and「Demon Spirit Awakening」, althoughis the ability that Demon Spirit Bladederives, but the twoCooldowntimeis not related, in other words, so long asSu Xiaosuppresses the demonspirittemporarily, makingitfirstnot swallowthesesourceabilities, that「Devil's Blade」thiscutsto kill the ability, canuse.「魔刃」与「魔灵唤醒」虽都是刃之魔灵所衍生的能力,但二者冷却时间并不相关,也就是说,只要苏晓暂时压制魔灵,让其先别吞噬那些本源能力,那「魔刃」这斩杀能力,就还能用。Thistimecopes with the wolfgod, cuttingto kill the abilityto be very essential, thisfight, Su Xiaowill only face directlywolfgodonetime, had confidence when cutsto kill the wolfgod.
轰!abyssClaymoreinsertsin the ground, the impact of biting coldscatters in all directions, the darkash fireflutters about, the knightlongboth feetplowwithdraws, whenhestops, on the cloakhas presentedsparks/Mars of twinkle star.深渊大剑插在地面,凛冽的冲击四散,黑暗余烬纷飞间,骑士长双脚犁地退后,当他停下时,披风上已出现星星点点的火星。Thistimetofightingwolfgod, luckilywhatcomesis the knightis long, thisrewiringsoldiernot onlywithstand/topvery much, butdoes not havehiswords, the qualifications that nowcontinually and wolfgodfightsdo not have.
The blooddropsfollowing the blacktrillionchin, at this momenthewas pinched the headto carrysingle-handedby the wolfgod, followsin the wolfgodhandto catch up, onhisfaceappearsseveralpoints of pain.
鲜血顺着黑兆的下巴滴落,此刻他被狼神单手捏着头颅拎起,伴随狼神手中发力,他脸上浮现几分痛苦。Chirp, likepinchingto explode a watermelon, the wolfgodpinchesto explode the blacktrillionhead, thisassassinationdepartment the headlessbody of newpromotepowerhousefellcertainlyfallson the place, was motionless.
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