Bajastartsto praise, thisfellow‚resistanceroad’comprehensionmaybe too clear, typicalfirstdamagesoneto cause the highpsychological harmto the enemy side, thenthroughpraising a way, before breakingenemyswings, as well asdisrupts the enemymentality, thuscompleteswithout the woundbrings in new blood.巴哈又开始夸,这家伙把‘对抗路’领悟的可太明白了,典型的先损一句对敌方造成高额的心理伤害,然后通过夸一句的方式,打断敌方施法前摇,以及扰乱敌方思路,从而完成无伤换血。At this moment, Sefeliatakes outto the ear plug, thismakes the Bajavisionenforce, thatlookspoke franklyon the difference: ‚Can't youplay?’
就在这时,瑟菲莉娅取出对耳塞,这让巴哈目光严肃起来,那眼神就差直说:‘你是不是玩不起?’Ear plugthing, simplyistoBajaexclusiveNoble Phantasm, whateveritcanbe verboseagain, othersear plug, worldwas pure.
耳塞这玩意,简直是对巴哈的专属宝具,任凭它再能絮叨,人家耳塞一堵,世界就清净了。Whendoes not know, the Ghostboatman of bowdisappearsquietly, onlyremains a soullamp that shows the white lighthangsin the bow, makingthisferrynavigatesafelyin the sea of darkfog, asspatial fluctuationgraduallysubsides, the peripheralscenechanges, fromturnsdarklydimly, originallycalmenvironment, but alsopresents the coldfishy smellsaltysea breeze, thiswastogreater coasting area that floated the lightisland.
The sea waterwas attackedby the abyssenergyto a darkness, in the water under ferry, roamingpassed/livedfill withmaliciousMizukage, seesthis, Su Xiaosets out, takes out a bulkto bring the meat of exotic fragrance, ontheseover a hundredjin (0.5 kg)meat, drills the Man Fasilkthick or thinblood worm, onlylooked,letspersonscalp tingles, butthisisone of ravins the darklifeformmostlikes.
海水被深渊能量侵袭到一片漆黑,渡船下的水中,游过一道道满怀恶意的水影,见此,苏晓起身,取出一大块带着异香的肉食,这上百斤的肉食上,钻满发丝粗细的红虫,单是一看,就让人头皮发麻,但这是黑暗生物最喜欢的饵食之一。Su Xiaothrows intobeyond the ravinonekilometer, as the ravinfalls in the water, Mizukage under ferrywas directed, the shipsapproach shoresmoothly.苏晓将饵食抛到一公里外,随着饵食落水,渡船下的水影都被引走,船只顺利靠岸。When the lastpersongoes downfrom the ferry, the ferrychanges into the smogto vanish, seesthis, blacktrillionboth handsgathergrasp, the eyesbecomejet blackonepiece, the blackfogperipheralappearsinhim, andsocial climbingtoSu Xiaoand the otherspart.
The knightslongpush to the frontto enterfloatin the blackfog that the lightislanddisseminates, in the blackfog seems shrieks and howls wildly, seemshasto muttertalks during sleep, the quietgreensoulhotash fireis fluttering.
骑士长一马当先走进浮光岛弥散的黑雾中,黑雾中似有鬼哭狼嚎,又好似有喃喃呓语,幽绿色魂火余烬飘动着。WhenSu Xiaoenters the blackfog, discoveredinthisdarklifeformestimate are more, is good came from the blacktrillionblackfogability of because ofthis, lets the peripheralway, butdarklifeformorGhostwait/etc., is mistaken assimilaroneself, thereforesimplyhas not paid attention.
当苏晓走进黑雾时,发现这里面的黑暗生物比预估中的更多,好在身上这来自黑兆的黑雾能力,让周边途径而过的黑暗生物或幽魂等,把自己误认为是同类,因此根本没理会。Forward running, as the blackfogis richer, the darksense of coldnessfromabyssraids, thisis very nearon behalf of the distancesealmain hall, discovers such change, Su XiaoletsBouboandBajaacts according to circumstances.
一路向前行进,随着黑雾更加浓郁,来自深渊的暗冷感袭来,这代表距离封印大殿已经很近,发现此等变化,苏晓让布布汪与巴哈见机行事。Su Xiaodid not plan that letsBouboandBajaenters the sealmain hall, is extremely dangerous, althoughBajahasto reach as high as19pointsabyssresistances, Boubohas17abyssresistances, butthey have othermatters to do.苏晓不打算让布布汪与巴哈进入封印大殿,太过危险,虽说巴哈有高达19点的深渊抗性,布布汪有17点深渊抗性,但它们还有其他事要做。Bajafalls back onoutside the blackfogquietly, andis separated from the blacktrillionblackfogcamouflage, itspreads the wingsto fly, hoversunder the dimsky, toguard an accident, for examplesomepeoplesurroundto floatup the islandquietly, so long asdetected that is not right, itwill first report the newsin the teamchannel, thenimmediatelyretreatsby the spaceability.巴哈悄然退到黑雾外,并脱离黑兆的黑雾伪装,它展翅飞起,翱翔在昏暗的天空下,以防有所变故,例如有人悄然包围浮光岛,只要察觉到不对,它会先在队伍频道内发消息,然后立即以空间能力退走。As forBoubo, itjustentered the blackfog, is separated from the blacktrillionblackfogcamouflage, andintegratesin the environment, Boubothistimemissionis, penetratesintofloatinginnermost the lightisland, having a look at that sideexactlyto haveanything.
至于布布汪,它刚进黑雾,就脱离黑兆的黑雾伪装,并融入到环境中,布布汪这次的任务为,深入到浮光岛最里侧,看看那边到底发生了什么。In the blackfog, Su Xiaofollows the frontknightto march forwardlong, before his timecomes, alreadyahead of time the way that preparesto retreat, BouboandBajadoes not needto be worried, the survivabilityis one by one strong, moreoverdoes not use and wolfgodfights, butSu Xiaoafterenteringsealmain hall, so long asreceives the Bajaearly warningnews, will use the maintaining lifeitem of Morleyfreesupportimmediately【Drifting Lure】, Is separated fromthisplace.
The darksense of coldness that as the fronttransmitsis even more intense, in the blackfog, Su Xiaosees the sealmain hallpalace gate that opens, the ancientstarting out from opposite directions foliometalgreatgateopened wideoneleaf, the faint tracecoldfoggushed outfrominside.
The frontknightlongpauses, after silentturns on the spear/gunchest, extractstwosections of awlspears/gunsfrominside, joins togetherinittogether, thisawlspear/gunapproximatelythreemeters, contrasts the knightlongheightbuild, this weaponwhile convenient, the sealemblemfromawlspear/gunlooked atvery much,thisstems from the hand of Devil Blacksmithunexpectedly.
前方的骑士长停步,无声打开枪匣后,从里面抽出两截的锥枪,将其拼合在一起,这锥枪约三米长,对比骑士长的身高体型,这把武器很趁手,从锥枪上的印徽看,这竟是出自恶魔铁匠之手。Thisweaponnamed「thunderend」, withfighting the sword「deep poolfalls」withfor one of the voidfinalthreeweapons, compares the 「deep poolto fall the 」darkness, 「thunderend」likeheavily, if the extremely heavythunder, oneflashes the goldenelectric arc that passesfromabove, one of the knightlongabilitiesshouldbe the thunder.
此武器名为「雷末」,和战剑「渊陨」同为虚空最终的三把武器之一,相比「渊陨」的黑暗,「雷末」如同重若万钧之雷,从上面一闪而逝的金色电弧,骑士长的能力之一应该是界雷。Sowantsto come, to deal with the method of wolfgodto be many type, directs the thunder, but, according tocontract, may not the woundandteammateaspect, mustwait till the situationcrisis, mustadoptsomedangerousways, whenturning defeat into victory, Su Xiaocandirect the thunder.
The knightlongboundedthunderability of friendside, is definitely all rightfacing the thunder that Su Xiaodirects, priestthisfellowdiedwas also all right, but can also live, as for the blacktrillion, the darkdepartmentcomparedto be good atdodgingthiskindfast the attack of powerful, butCaster SageSefelia, asSpellcaster, Thunder Resistanceshouldbe very high.
Before entering the door leaf of sealmain hall, Su Xiaoopens the mouthto ask: „Sefelia, laterIwill use the thunderto be the ability, yourThunder Resistancehow? Ifaffectsyou, will affectyourbattle efficiency, Inot......”
The Su Xiao'swordshave not said,Sefeliasaid: „You, saidanything.”苏晓的话还没说完,瑟菲莉娅就说道:“你在,说什么。”During the speeches, severalwisps of silverelectric arcsappearon the Sefeliaear pendant, coordinate her pupilwith a smile, seemed saying: ‚On your thunderis the cymomotive force of ability, affectsme?’
说话间,几缕银色电弧在瑟菲莉娅耳坠上浮现,配合她那含笑的眸子,似乎在说:‘就你那雷系能力的波动强度,波及到我?’In fact, the judgment of Sefeliaalsoright, Su Xiaobecause ofhighThunder Resistance, cancontrol the thunderdepending ononeselfslightlyis the ability, but, heuses the thunderto be the ability, is notconverges, butdirects the thunderfrom the naturedirectly.
The knightslongtake the lead, the groupenter the sealmain hall, being the lastSu Xiaotakes out the crystalfragment, arrives atitin the door leafleans, then, sealArte in main hallby the temporary repair, canmaintain2 ~ 3hoursprobably, the palace gateis closedloudly.
骑士长打头阵,一行人走进封印大殿,走在最后的苏晓取出块晶体碎片,将其抵在门扇里侧,转而,大殿内的封印术式被临时修复,大概能维持2~3个小时,殿门轰然关闭。Alsobecause ofhavingexistence of thissealArte, Su Xiaohadbyownelementaffinity, directs the idea of thunderinUnique Primary World, after is struck by lightningnext, must first rumbleto break to pieces the topseal, thencanfallto the main hall, naturally, thiswill besoonwill be being defeatedininLangshen the situation, the method that canuse, canhitnormally the words, Su Xiaowill not direct the thunder.
The faint tracecoldfogscattersin the main hall, leanssituated inthisancientmain hall, Claymoreinsertsin the ground, butin the rear area, is the wolfgods of half -and-a-half people of wolves, the height of wolfgod over fourmeters, in the whole bodywoolblanchpassesblack, pair of eyesmuddy, anothersets upright the pupilfor the azure, is black at easeitshairascension.
丝丝寒雾在大殿内飘散,位于这古旧的大殿里侧,一把大剑插在地上,而在后方,是半人半狼的狼神,狼神的身高在四米以上,全身毛发白中透黑,双眼一只浑浊,另一只为青色竖瞳,黑气顺着它的毛发升腾。In the standing tall and erectstoneplace, the wolfgodlowers the headto sitin that the black liquor, is lowfollowing the wolfclaw of itsfingertip, the darkfluid that the chestscabsplacesurges, representsitwithinextinguishable propertyabyssProliferating Lifeformhas fusedthoroughly, saidaccurately,was the wolfgodswallowedandabsorbedthisabyssProliferating Lifeform.
The blackwaterdropfalls to the ground, the handclaw of wolfgodmovedslightly, butunderflickers.
铮!!InvadedmoonlightClaymore, no, shouldbeDark MoonClaymorepulls outto the rockswordbase, graspswhen the hand, Lunar Wolfareso, fight the strengthfeelingis full, open and aboveboardroutingopponent.
被侵染的月光大剑,不,应该是暗月大剑抽离岩石剑基,握在手中,月狼们就是如此,战斗时力感十足,堂堂正正的击溃对手。At this moment after seeinghand-heldDark MoonClaymoreLunar Wolf, the invisibleconstrictioncomes, the shoulderbecause ofthisconstriction, has the seriousandsorefeeling, is only faces directlythisto exist, the soulas ifstartsto tremble.
The mysteriouseyedriftsinSu Xiaobehind, startsto detect the material of wolfgod.
神秘之眼在苏晓身后飘浮而起,开始侦测狼神的资料。【The ratioto the both sidesIntelligenceattribute...... because of the environment, is succeedingto detect the enemy15materials.】
【正在比对双方智力属性……因所处环境,成功侦测到敌方15资料。】Name: WolfgodShinn.名称:狼神・希恩。HP: 100生命值:100
The strength of moonlight: 28650 / 92000points
The strength of abyss: 150000 / 150000points.深渊之力:150000/150000点。Strength:???力量:???Agility:???敏捷:???stamina:???体力:???Intelligence:???智力:???Charm: 298( True Attribute, because ofdeath, had been reducedbyhigh quota)魅力:298(真实属性,因死亡,已受到高额削减)Skill1, elementDevourer( abysspassive, x): Canswallowfournatural elemental energy......???技能一,元素吞噬者(深渊・被动,x):可吞噬四种自然元素……???Skill2, wolfbloodbattle song( passive, lv.89): HP + 156000, disregardsallcontroleffects, Willpowerincreases150points.技能二,狼血・战歌(被动,lv.89):生命值,无视所有控制效果,意志力提升150点。Skill3, moonlight( passive, lv.89): The HP + 72000 points, the bodydefensive powerincreases280points, the physicalinjuryto reduce24, the energyinjuryreduces27.技能三,月光(被动,lv.89):生命值点,身体防御力提升280点,物理伤害减免24,能量伤害减免27。Skill4, elementattachment( passive, x): Elementaffinity + 920 points.??????技能四,元素・眷恋(被动,x):元素亲和力点。??????Skill8, sword techniqueGrandmaster( techniquepassive, lv.89):???技能八,剑术宗师(技法・被动,lv.89):???Skill9, the wild naturegoes into hiding( passively, when lv.86), maintainsauragentlemode, mayhideownstrengthintensity and auraintensity, thusmakes the enemy sidepresent the miscarriage of justice.???技能九,野性隐匿(被动,lv.86),保持气息平缓状态时,可隐藏自身的战力强度与气息强度,从而让敌方出现误判。???Skill17, wolfswordglowitmoon/month( Profound Levelpassive, x): When attack, supplements the enemybiggestHP8.5 + 6700pointsmoonlightinjuries, andcauses the enemyfollowingto reduce10bodydefensive powers every second , to continue for 5seconds.技能17,狼剑・辉光之月(奥义级・被动,x):攻击时,附带敌人最大生命值8.5+6700点的月光伤害,并导致敌人后续每秒降低十点身体防御力,持续五秒。Prompt: The defensereduceswill continueto exist for 1 ~ 3hours, according tophysiqueJudgement.提示:防御削减将持续存在1~3小时,根据体质判定。Skill18, wolfswordlunar shadowking( Profound Levelpassive, x): The swordclassweaponinjuresrank + 8, createsto injure30isTrue Damage.技能18,狼剑・月影王(奥义级・被动,x):剑类武器伤害阶位,所造成伤害30为真实伤害。Skill19, wolfsworddoes not extinguish the will( Profound Levelpassive, x): WhenHP of wolfgodreducesto45 : 00, according toitsTrue Strength, realAgility, realstamina and True Intelligenceattribute, the 「great quantity」promotionbodydefensive power( the improvementscopewill be: True Strength+realAgility+realstamina+True Intelligence, obtainedsum total0.45).技能19,狼剑・不灭意志(奥义级・被动,x):当狼神的生命值降低至45时,将根据它的真实力量、真实敏捷、真实体力、真实智力属性,「巨量」提升身体防御力(提升幅度为:真实力量+真实敏捷+真实体力+真实智力,所得总和0.45)。
……Sees such material, the strength of Su Xiaotocertainlypowerhouse, had the newcognition, butis quick, hediscovers a veryserious concern, is the knightis longandSefelialooks at the vision of wolfgod, as ifalsoto the strength of powerhouse, had the newcognitioncertainly, oristocertainly the strengthupper limit of powerhouse, had the newcognition.
看到此等资料,苏晓对绝强者的实力,有了新的认知,但很快,他发现一个非常严重的问题,就是骑士长与瑟菲莉娅看狼神的目光,似乎也对绝强者的实力,有了新认知,或者说,是对绝强者的实力上限,有了新的认知。Everyone'svisionlooksto the blacktrillion, beforewashecomesthisdetection, andinformed, the strength of wolfgodin the powerhouseupstreamto the topechelons, the blacktrillion was also actually unjustcertainly, satin the wolfgodatthat time, indeedwascertainly the powerhouseupstreamto the auraintensity of topechelon.
所有人的目光都看向黑兆,之前就是他来此侦测,并告知,狼神的实力在绝强者上游到顶尖梯队之间,其实黑兆也冤枉,在狼神还坐在那时,的确是绝强者上游到顶尖梯队的气息强度。At this moment, asnewpromote the blacktrillion of powerhouse, the visionseems likesomenot to dareto believecertainly, if not care about the morale of squad, perhapshehas askedone: ‚Can the powerhouse, reallybe in such odddegreecertainly?’
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