Actuallyblacktrillionwithoutdying, hewas certainly strongasassassinPromotion, obtained a verystrongability, washecancome back to lifetwice, saidaccurately,was in a year of deadline, hisgrand totalhadthreelives, so long asdid not diein one year one after anotherthreetimes, hecancome back to lifedepending on the remnantbody, so long as the remnantbodywere bigger than the fist, enoughheldhisspiritSpirit Sourcenature, thatwould have no issue.
其实黑兆没死,他作为暗杀者晋升绝强,获得了一种很强的能力,就是他能复生两次,更准确的说,是一年期限内,他总计有三条命,只要在一年内不是接连死三次,他就能凭残躯复生,只要残躯比拳头大,足够容纳他的灵魂源质,那就没问题。Right, thisiscertainly the method of powerhouserank, the knightis long, althoughdoes not havethismethod, buthereallycanresist.
没错,这就是绝强者级别的手段,骑士长虽没这手段,但他真的非常能抗。Thundersfrom the main halltransmitsby the front, darknessexplodedscattering in all directions, vanishedSefelia that has a meetingcomes, the complexionis somewhat pale, onmagic robecansee the abyssProliferating Lifeformblackbloodstain, injust now, herdrew to a heavy Area abyssal corrosion, if notsheisSpace System, basicimpossibleis so quick.
一声轰鸣从大殿靠前方传来,黑暗被炸的四散,消失了有一会的瑟菲莉娅重新现身,脸色有几分苍白,法袍上能看到深渊滋生物的黑色血迹,就在方才,她被拖入到一处重度深渊侵蚀,若非她是空间系,根本没可能这么快回来。Sefeliajustcame back, saw that was passed throughby a sword, thenbydarkenergybanginwall, uniform distribution above priest.瑟菲莉娅刚回来,就看到被一剑贯穿,然后被黑暗能量轰在墙壁,均匀分布在上面的神父。
The knightslongwelcomed the wolfgodagain, the 「thunderfall」andabyssClaymoreone after anothertocutting, the bellowwas lingering on faintly, lets the main hall, has the wall surface of sealArteaddition, presented the closefissure.
The Splitting Elementlight beamfallsagain, the figure of wolfgodsinks, HPby0.8speedfalls every second, thinks that the injury of Sefeliadoes scrape the skin? It is not, the Splitting Elementinjury, is not the mage systeminjury, inthisfight, Sefeliahas not usedownAotechniqueis the ability, the reasonis, Lunar Wolfis the Extinguishing Lawally, the mage systemresistanceis not low.黎元素光柱再一次落下,狼神的身形一沉,生命值以每秒0.8的速度滑落,认为瑟菲莉娅的伤害刮痧?并不是,黎元素伤害,并非法系伤害,这场战斗中,瑟菲莉娅都没使用自己的奥术系能力,原因是,月狼是灭法的盟友,法系抗性也不低。
After the goldenlight beamcontinues for severalsecondsthins, finallyis thinsuch assends the silkdissipation, the grand totalmakes the wolfgodfall6.2HP, is equivalent todozensblacktrilliontotal outputs.
The wolfgodexudes the roaringsound, fromjust nowstarts, the reason of wolfgod, because of the attack of abyss, butbecomeschaotic, the displaydegreesharp decline of techniqueability, thismakesseveralpeopleon the scenefeel that alsosomehit, if the wolfgodconsistentlymaintains the sword techniqueGrandmasterLv.89level, thatseveralpeopleon the scenefind the wayto withdrawas soon as possible, iswiseelecting.
The blackcutsto strike a chainto raid, before Sefeliafairdelicate fingersrefers, oneraids the weapon of Splitting Elementconstitution, after severalthunder, cutsto strike a chainto dissipate.
黑色斩击匹链袭来,瑟菲莉娅白皙的纤指前指,一把把黎元素构成的武器袭出,几声轰鸣后,斩击匹链消散。Breathed heavilyseveraltonesknightsto welcomewhilethisneutrallongagaingoes forward, blocks the wolfgod, letitsnot have the opportunityclose todriftingSefeliainmidair.
The blacktrillion of successfullycoming back to life, just about tobyShadowis the abilitymid-rangeattackwolfgod, in the wolfgodhandabyssClaymoreaims athim, bombardsat the abyssenergy, will just come back to life, blacktrillionbang that has not thoroughly restoredtowall.
The goodnewsis, because of the priestreductionability, various kind of resistances of wolfgodis getting more and more low, the bad newsis, under the powerfuloutput of Sefelia, HP of wolfgod, will soon fallto below 45.
好消息是,因神父的削减能力,狼神的各类抗性越来越低,坏消息是,在瑟菲莉娅的强力输出下,狼神的生命值,即将滑落至45以下。Buzz, the glowbeamhas swept, the wolfgodhair was firedtoburnt, butitssuddenarmwields, holds the Splitting Elementsharp sword that punctures, itbare-handedis graspingsword blade, graspska kato make noisethisweapon, butthisweapon is actually not ableto cut intotoitsflesh is too deep.
嗡的一声,辉光射线扫过,狼神身上的毛发被灼烧到焦糊了些,可它突然手臂一挥,抓住刺来的黎元素利剑,它徒手握着剑锋,把这武器握到咔咔作响,可这武器却无法切入到它血肉中太深。「Skill19, wolfsworddoes not extinguish the will( Profound Levelpassive, X): WhenHP of wolfgodreducesto45 : 00, according toitsTrue Strength, realAgility, realstaminaandTrue Intelligenceattribute, 「great quantity」promotionbodydefensive power...... 」「技能19,狼剑・不灭意志(奥义级・被动,X):当狼神的生命值降低至45时,将根据它的真实力量、真实敏捷、真实体力、真实智力属性,「巨量」提升身体防御力……」
The wolfgoddisregards one of the raiding the Splitting Elementweapon, in the handonabyssClaymoreignites the soulfire, after itsfigurebends downlowly for severalpoints, wolf headsoulflamescatter in all directions, thesewolf headsoulflamechange into the one after anothersoulwolf, tears and biteson the knightlength, there aremuchgoestowardSefelia.
狼神无视袭来的一把把黎元素武器,手中深渊大剑上燃起魂火,它的身形低俯几分后,一颗颗狼头魂焰四散而出,这些狼头魂焰化为一只只魂狼,撕咬在骑士长身上,有不少向着瑟菲莉娅而去。Severalsoulwolvessneak the space, causingpriestto come, andtears and bitesonhim, the priestindifferentfearfulness, tears and bites the soulwolf that swallows the fleshfromhim, nextoneflickersblasts out, changes into the bigpieceblackdistortiontentacle.
几只魂狼潜入空间,导致神父现身,并撕咬在他身上,神父淡然的可怕,从他身上撕咬吞下血肉的魂狼,下一瞬就炸开,化为大片黑色的扭曲触手。Comparespriestwaitsto be swallowedcalm, the blacktrillionsimplywith a soulwolfassimilation, after all is certainly a powerhouse, whenfacingwolfgoddoes not outputhigh, butsomesignsurface.
相比神父的淡定等着被吞噬,黑兆干脆与一只魂狼同化,毕竟是绝强者,哪怕面对狼神时输出不高,但还是有些牌面的。Soulwolfcontinuously, not only that hole of situated inwolfgodbehind the abyssalsohas the trace of expansion, abyssProliferating Lifeform that just like the blackiron sandto composesqueezes outfrominside, looks at the appearance, will soon havemassiveabyssProliferating Lifeform, mustclashfromthisinside, whatawfullyis, theseabyssProliferating Lifeformtake the wolfgodas the leaderfaintly, situated initbehind.
魂狼源源不断,不仅如此,位于狼神身后的深渊之孔还有扩大的痕迹,一只犹如黑色铁砂组成的深渊滋生物从里面挤出,看模样,即将有大量的深渊滋生物,要从这里面冲出来,更要命的是,这些深渊滋生物隐隐以狼神为领袖,都位于它身后。Sees those images and scenes, the knightis longandSefeliaknows,today can only remove, copes with the wolfgodto have no odds of success, at present many abyssProliferating Lifeform, thishas not soon resulted inhits, butthistimealsohas the harvest, at leasteliminatedinextinguishable property of wolfgod.
见到此情此景,骑士长与瑟菲莉娅都知道,今天只能撤了,对付狼神已经没什么胜算,眼下即将有很多深渊滋生物袭来,这已经没得打,不过这次也不是没收获,至少消除了狼神的不灭特性。At this moment, Sefeliasuddenlyhas the palpitationfeeling, shelookstoSu Xiao in blackfog, the sinkingsound said: „Extinguishing Law, turns on the seal of main hall.”
“……”Su Xiaohas not spoken, actuallysaw that hasabyssProliferating Lifeformto enter the stadium, hehasthisidea, butactivatesheresealtemporarily, withopeningis not a concept, hecanopen, butis absolutely impossibleto have the fightin the main hall, attacksin the unceasingsituation, turns on the seal of thisplace.苏晓没说话,其实看到有深渊滋生物入场,他就有这想法,但临时激活这里的封印,和打开不是一个概念,他能打开,但绝无可能在大殿内有战斗,冲击不断的情况下,将此地的封印打开。Such being the case, thatchanges a wayto eradicate the seal, for exampledirects the world of mortalsthunder.
轰隆~!In the skysuddenly resounds a stuffythunder, in the main hall the wolfgodandknightare long, the Sefeliaandblacktrilliontangled warfare of stopsuddenly, theylookas if by prior agreementupwards, heavenly prestige that will soon lower, letsin the powerhouseheartcertainlyon the sceneto terrify.
天空中突然响起一声闷雷,大殿内狼神、骑士长、瑟菲莉娅、黑兆的混战突然停止,他们不约而同的看向上方,那即将降下的天威,让在场的绝强者都心中瘆得慌。At this momentinfloating the greater coasting area of lightisland, Bajais conducting the back the Boubohypervelocity flight, untilwithfloating the lightislandtodozenskilometers, Bajastops, itlooksto the sky, sky overfloatinglightisland, is rotatingwith the bigvortex of thunderconstitutionby the dark cloudtogether.
此刻在浮光岛的近海区域,巴哈正驮着布布汪超高速飞行,直到与浮光岛相距几十公里,巴哈才停下,它看向上空,在浮光岛上空,一道由乌云与界雷构成的大旋涡正在转动。Resemblingferments the critical point, thisdiameterover a hundredkilometersbigvortexstatic, the thundergathered the centersilently, dividedto fallloudlyunder.
咔嚓!!entirewill float the lightislandto cover the goldenthundercolumnto fall in torrents, at this moment, situated inBajadozenskilometers away, could not have seento floatup the island, can only seethatgoldenthunderpillar, orthisgoldenthunderpillar, floating the diameter of lightislandalsowantsto be thicker.
将整个浮光岛都笼罩在内的金色雷柱倾泄而下,这一刻,位于几十公里外的巴哈,已经看不到浮光岛,只能看到那金色雷柱,或者说,这金色雷柱,比浮光岛的直径还要粗些。Steel and ironbattleshipsanchorinBajaslantingly, manybeastclan and seaclanhigh level, witnessesthis, evenbigChief CommanderKainthisgrade of old fox, was shockedby a presentinstitute.
滋啦~Following the sea waterspreadstothisplacethunder, causing the electronic components on more than tensteelbattleshipsto discard, manylightsget downgloomily.
顺着海水蔓延到此地的界雷,导致十几艘钢铁战舰上的电子元件都报废,不少灯光暗淡下去。Mixesin the crew, the preparationfloatedlight/only the fight of islandto conduct the superheating, thuscompetesto striketo kill the rewardContractor, at this momentyouhave a look atme, Ihave a look atyou, cancelledthis thought that someput out the spaceequipmentsimply, returnsis listedto sleep, had no interestinthisturbid waterthoroughly, orthatdropped from the clouds the thunderwas too terrifying.
一些混在船员中,准备等浮光岛的战斗进行到白热化,从而争夺击杀奖励的契约者们,此刻你看看我,我看看你,都打消了这念头,有些干脆就是拿出空间装备,回暂居所去睡觉,对这趟浑水彻底没兴趣了,或者说,那从天而降的界雷太恐怖。At this momentin the sealmain hall, all in main hallis vibrating, the aboveceilingisemanationlets the person of toothacidquack the sound, the fighthas completely stopped, comingthis'stwoabyssProliferating Lifeformto fall intodifficult, they of abyssoriginhaveoneselfdignity, after the appearance, runsdirectly, loses face, butthesedarklifeformmaynot havethisidea, rushing to be firstdrillsto the hole of abyss.
After a dull thumping sound, the ceilingcannot shoulderagain, is loudly stave, thunderBenyongarrives in the main hall, shortlywill fill the main hall, the blacktrilliondiedsimplyonetime, priest was almost reduced to ashes.
一声闷响后,天棚再也扛不住,轰然破碎,界雷奔涌到大殿内,顷刻把大殿充满,黑兆干脆又死了一次,神父几乎化为灰烬。After the sealpreventedsomemightthunder , the knightlongdifficultstridevanguard, is too strongbecause of the thunder, hispartsurfacearmorcollapseopen/start, heis refuting the thunder, in the 「thunderwithhandfalls the 」awlspear/gun, a spear/gunfuriouslythornto the chest of wolfgod.
The wolfgodslowwithdrawsin the thunderbackward, at this moment, Bloody Shadowpassed over gently and swiftlytogether, appearsbehindit, the both armsare wrappingcrystalline layer, tobeheadTaiwan style, restrainshisthroatneckstubbornly, andmakeshimknee down.
狼神在界雷中缓慢向后退避,就在这时,一道血影掠过,出现在它背后,双臂包裹着的晶体层,以断头台方式,死死勒住其喉颈,并让其单膝跪地。At this moment, the knightlongsawbehindwolfgodthateye that passes the hemorrhageglow, and meaning in opposite partyeyes, knightlongwhole bodysurplusbodily energy, instill intoto the 「thunderfalls」, in additionplacesin the thunderdomain, drillson the spear/gunthundersocial climbingintensity, when the knightis longer than mostpeak, but alsowantsto be strongmore than tentimes.
这一刻,骑士长看到了狼神后方那双透出血芒的眼睛,以及对方眼中的含义,骑士长全身剩余的身体能量,都灌输到「雷陨」,外加身处界雷领域内,锥枪上的界雷攀附强度,比骑士长最巅峰时,还要强出十几倍。Drillsspear/gunShatter Sky, a spear piercesto the head of wolfgod.
噗嗤~Drills the spear/gunnot onlyto pass through the chest of wolfgod, but alsopierceslocks the Su Xiao'sabdomenbehind the wolfgod.
The darkeruption, was meltedby the thunderin a flash, evenso, Su Xiaostillbyflying upside down of backwardthisstrengthbang, justfell to the ground, hisbodyis numb, laterpasses out.
Before the attackfaint of thunder, Su Xiaodiscovers a matter, washereceivesmagnanimousstrikingto killPrompt, the reasonwas, thisthunder that hedirected, emptied the darklifeform on island, what a pitywas, even the thunder, stillrumbleddoes not disperse the spread of abyssenergy.
The impactfeelingtransmitsfrom the bodyside, Su Xiao'sboth eyeslaunchsuddenly, placein the midairto adjustbalanced, thusfallsbyhalfsquattingposture.
冲击感从身侧传来,苏晓的双目陡然展开,身处半空中调整平衡,从而以半蹲姿势落下。Helooksto the origin of impact,is fighting with all mightwith the wolfgodin the same placeknightis long, butSefeliamore than tenmeters away has been incapable offluttering, palestandingin that the Splitting Elementweapon that shegathersbehind, does not have the beforehandmetalsense of reality, changedtranslucence.
An ice-coldcorpselies downon the scorched earth, the blacktrilliononlyremains the halfbody, fromscar, was cutto killby the wolfgodprobably.
一具冰冷的尸体躺在焦土上,黑兆只剩上半截身躯,从身上的伤痕来看,像是被狼神所斩杀。Exactlysaid,chops into pieces the main hallinSu Xiaoby the thunder, after having the escape route, the blacktrillionfeelingimpossiblehas defeated the wolfgod, preparesfirstto retreat, finallystaredby the wolfgod, was cutto kill.
确切的说,是在苏晓以界雷劈碎大殿,有了退路后,黑兆感觉已经没可能战胜狼神,就准备先退走,结果被狼神盯上,惨遭斩杀。Su Xiaolooks atto the fieldstillwith the wolfgodtospelling the knightis long, thisteammatemaygo against, fromcommencing of action, continuouslyanti-to the present.苏晓看向场上还在与狼神对拼的骑士长,这队友可太顶了,从战斗开始,一直抗到现在。Knightlongmode is very bad, is the spent force, Sefeliais also hardto gatherSplitting Element, the wolfgodalready71.9HP that loses, except foris struck by lightningto fallwith the knightlongthatspear/gun, otherbasicallyaresheinjure, said that is the outputsignsurface of thispowerhouseteam, is not exaggerating.
骑士长的状态很差,已是强弩之末,瑟菲莉娅也难以汇聚黎元素,狼神已损失的七1.九生命值,除了界雷劈落与骑士长那枪,其余基本都是她所伤,说是本次强者队的输出牌面,一点也不夸张。Has nothingpossiblywins, butunderdividing the thunder, to the darkcharacteristicsintensewolfgod, createdinjuredvery muchhigh, thisletwinpossiblypresentedseveralpoints, but the timedisappeared, was not clear, whether the wolfgodhad the resilience.
The timehas arrived, Su XiaoplundersBloody Shadowto directly soar the wolfgodtogether, detected that this situation, the knightlongtransfers the finalphysical strength, diverts the wolfgodto the fulllong, the knightnaturallyknows, is also notcertainlystrongSu Xiao, maybe struckto cutby the wolfgodto kill, toraidingto comeat such disparity, what kind ofguts needs.
时机已到,苏晓掠出一道血影直奔狼神,察觉到此种情况,骑士长调动最后的气力,最大程度牵制狼神,骑士长自然知道,还不是绝强的苏晓,有可能被狼神一击斩杀,以此等差距冲袭而来,需要有怎样的胆量。What a pity, knightlongmode is too bad, after a wolfgodswordstrengthcuts, backhands a swordto selectto cut, the arm that is grasping the awlspear/gun, was cut together with the soul, thishas not calculated, the wolfgodgrasps the knightlongthroat , the darknessgathersinitshand......
可惜,骑士长的状态太差,狼神一剑力斩后,反手一剑挑斩,一条握着锥枪的手臂,连同灵魂一同被斩下来,这还不算完,狼神一把握住骑士长的喉咙,黑暗在它手中汇聚……‚Blade of Bladesextremely.’
铮!Cuts the glowto delimit, on the arm of wolfgod, was cut a wound, triggered「wolfsworddoes not extinguish the will」wolfgod, the physical bodyintensityis too fearful, Dragon Flashcanbrokenguard, reallybecauseuntil nowvigorouslyto build, generalMax Grade the Originationlevelweapon, cannot breakguarding of thisstagewolfgod.
斩芒划过,狼神的手臂上,被斩出一道伤口,触发了「狼剑・不灭意志」的狼神,肉体强度太可怕,斩龙闪能破防,真的还是因为一直以来的倾力打造,一般的满评分・起源级武器,根本破不了这阶段狼神的防。Knightslongwhilethisneutral, by the alonearmbangdraws back the wolfgod, after the difficulty-relief, the knightlongknees down, the blood that in the mouthemits, dripsfollowingsurfacearmor, hecannot supportagain, drops downloudly.
铮~!abyssClaymorehas cutfrom the ear, Su Xiao of leaningbodyavoidancefeels, the death insurancedangertouched and went, was struck by lightningmodeafterhim, onlyneeded a sword, the wolfgodcanlosehislife.深渊大剑从耳旁斩过,偏身躲避的苏晓感觉到,死亡险险擦过,以他被界雷劈后的状态,只需一剑,狼神就能夺他性命。Resemblesknows, opportunityonly thenthistime, whathas hiddenin the hidden placeispriestcomes.
似是知道,机会只有这一次,一直隐藏在暗处的是神父现身。priestlifts the hand, the fingertip that hetakesstartsto collapsefor the initial station, changes into the residual, butbeyonddozensmeters, the aura of wolfgodsuddenlyis weak a bigtruncation, normally, the wolfgodcanexempt fromthisability, butbyitspresentinjury, could not have achievedexemptscompletely, althoughitis strong, but the knightis longandSefeliais not also weak, two peoplespellto be on the verge of deathoremptybluemode, the wolfgodnaturallydo not feel better.神父抬手,他以的指尖为起始点开始崩溃,化为残渣,而在几十米外,狼神的气息骤然虚弱一大截,正常情况下,狼神能豁免这能力,但以它现在的伤势,已达不到完全豁免,它虽强,但骑士长与瑟菲莉娅同样也不弱,两人都拼到濒死或空蓝状态,狼神自然也不好受。
The vision of wolfgodlookstopriest, inthisflash, priestfelt the unprecedentedsense of crisis.
After crack, priestwas embezzledby the suddendarkvortex.
一声炸响后,神父被突然出现的黑暗旋涡吞没。Goldenshiningcomessparklingly, driftsSefeliainmidair, asherboth handsstretchto the both sides, gatheredSplitting Element and spaceenergy, and natural elemental energyspiralenergyspear/gunappears, isherProfound Levelability「glowtries」.
金色耀光映来,是飘浮在半空中的瑟菲莉娅,随着她双手向两侧拉伸,一根汇聚了黎元素、空间能量,以及自然元素的螺旋能量枪出现,是她的奥义级能力「辉光审判」。With the Sefeliadirectionwolfgod, spiralenergyspear/gunbangraids, tosimplydoes not have the flight trajectoryquickly, butisthisspeedtounreasonablestrikesquickly, was actually shuntedby the wolfgod, the reasonis, ithas brokenbefore that insertsingroundDark MoonClaymore, exchanged the position.
随着瑟菲莉娅指向狼神,螺旋能量枪轰的一声袭出,快到根本没有飞行轨迹,可就是这速度快到不讲道理的一击,却被狼神躲开,原因是,它与之前那把已经断裂,插在地上的暗月大剑,互换了位置。Seesthissecretly, the spoutoldblood of almostSefeliaair/Qi, in the heart the onlyideais, hatefulExtinguishing Law, howwhatabilityteaches the ally!
看到这一幕后,瑟菲莉娅气的差点吐出口老血,心中唯一的想法是,可恶的灭法,怎么什么能力都教给盟友!Su Xiao'salsohasto cutto kill the abilityfirmly, but the wolfgodhas not arrivedcutsto kill the line, moreoverhewill not be proud, thinksoneselfcan by has been struck by lightningmode, in the situation of nodiversion, cutsto massacre the wolfgod, heis the Ninth Ordertopechelon, the wolfgodiscertainly the strongtopechelon, the soliddifferenceare too many, as forcritical momentExplosive Type, becomes the audiencefocus, thatimpossible, without the opportunitycutsto kill the words of enemy, finding the wayto save the teammateis the key.苏晓的确还有斩杀能力,可狼神还未到斩杀线,而且他不会自傲到,认为自己能以被界雷劈过的状态,在无牵制的情况下,斩杀掉狼神,他是九阶顶尖梯队,狼神是绝强的顶尖梯队,实在差太多,至于关键时刻爆种,成为全场焦点,那更不可能,没有机会斩杀敌人的话,想办法救队友才是关键。
The blacktrillionhas died, priestsituationunknown, Sefeliais spatial, is doomedalready the time that has not cutto kill, ifalsowantsto form the powerhouseteamagain, comesthiswith the wolfgoddyingwar, mustsave the knightto be long.
黑兆已死,神父的情况未知,瑟菲莉娅空大,注定已经没有斩杀的时机,如果还想再次组建强者队,来此与狼神死战,必须救走骑士长。Su Xiaopreparesto emit the demonspirit, the attractionwolfgodsaves the knightto be long, even ifthistimecould not win, cannotmake the knightlongdieinthis, suchcrediblein additioncan the anti-teammate, thisworld unable to discoversecond.苏晓准备放出魔灵,吸引狼神救走骑士长,就算这次赢不了,也不能让骑士长死在这,这么靠谱加能抗的队友,本世界找不出第二名了。Su Xiaokeeps offbetween the wolfgod and knightlengthsfaintly, preparesto pay the actionwhenhim, betweenusing「Devil's Bladecutsto kill」and「timeemitsdemonspirit5minutes of 」to choose the latter, points out frankly the wind sound/rumorto raid.苏晓隐隐挡在狼神与骑士长之间,就在他准备付之行动,在使用一次「魔刃斩杀」与「放出魔灵五分钟」间选择后者时,一道破风声袭来。
A bill hookspear/gun, from the skypuncturesslantinglywith the irresistiblestance, thisstrikes, has gone beyond the category that the powerhousecanachievecertainlythoroughly, but why does not know, lostwas hardto resist the potentialtopowerhousethattype.
一把钩镰枪,以势不可挡的姿态从上空斜斜刺下,这一击,已经彻底超出绝强者所能达到的范畴,但不知为何,又失去了至强者那种难以抵挡之势。Evenso, thisbill hookspear/gunstill the thornexplodeslayer upon layer the spaceripples, when the distancewolfgodalsohundredmeters away, suddenly the acceleration.
The chest and bellyplace of bill hookspear/gunpenetrationwolfgod, sewsin the rearground, deeplysubmerges the bottom.
Such opportunity, Su Xiaowill certainly not miss, comparingto save the knightto be long, cuttingto kill the wolfgodsolvesallkeys, hebyShadow Blinkabilityspace penetration, towolfgodfront.
“吼!”Beast of Blood that the Bloody Spiritin additionholdskicks out, the hitwolfgod of bang, after the wolfgodexplodedfigureslightlyhas the institute, supineslightest.血魂加持下的血之兽扑出,轰的一声命中狼神,狼神被炸的身形略有所后仰分毫。Thisis not the key of determining the final outcome, Su Xiaohas been in the full speedadvanceat this time, holdsinsuchspeedin addition, onhisrightcalfpackagecrystalline layer, in the handis graspingglass tubealreadycrumb, insidegoldensolution, underhispsychic forcecontrol, the social climbingtohiscalf and footon, andconstitutes the Solarmark, right, thisisliquidSun's FuryApollo.
这并不是决胜的关键,苏晓此时已处于全速突进中,在此等速度加持下,他右小腿上包裹晶体层,手中握着的玻璃管已捏碎,里面的金色溶液,在他的精神力控制下,攀附到他小腿与脚上,并构成太阳纹,没错,这正是液态的烈阳之怒・阿波罗。Su Xiaohas not restoredfromjust nowattackwhile the wolfgod, footSolartramples, the abdomen of hitwolfgod.苏晓趁狼神还没从方才的攻击中恢复过来,一脚太阳直踹,命中狼神的腹部。Thump~!!
咚~!!Sefeliaeardrumthorn a hundredmeters away hurts, simultaneouslyin the heartpledgedsecretly, even iffrom now onwere cutExtinguishing Lawwith the long bladeby that cannotbe trampledby the opposite party.
百米外的瑟菲莉娅耳膜一阵刺疼,同时心中暗暗发誓,今后就算被那把灭法用长刀斩中,也不能被对方踹到。solar flameassumeshour glassto erupt, andis the hour glass of keep flat, but the wolfgod, is inthishour glass the middlethinnestplace, rearsolar flame, passesto pass throughthrough the strength that tramples.太阳焰呈沙漏型爆发,并且是平放的沙漏,而狼神,就处于这沙漏形的中间最细处,后方的太阳焰,是通过直踹的力透贯穿过去的。Instantaneously, in the chest cavity of wolfgodsomewhatblazing the redfeeling, itknees downimmediately, in the mouthsprinkles the twinkle starto have the blackbloodstain of sparks/Mars.
只是瞬间,狼神的胸腔内就有几分炽红感,它当即单膝跪地,口中洒落出星星点点带着火星的黑色血迹。Kaka ka~
The crystalconstituted the Su Xiaorightcalf and right foot, after being conscientious, inSu Xiaohandlong bladealreadyascensionblackblue colorhaze.
The long bladerips the Shatter Skyair/Qi, cutsto strike the body of slantingcrosswisecrosswolfgod, thisbladegets down, peripheralallare slow, graspsSu Xiao of long blade, standsin the wolfgodfront, behindhimis the full moon that hangs, the azuremoonlightsprinkles, cutsto kill, succeeds!
长刀撕破空气,斩击斜斜横跨狼神的身躯,这一刀下去,周边的一切都慢下来,手持长刀的苏晓,立在狼神前方,他后方是高悬的圆月,青色月光洒落而下,斩杀,成功!Even ifwere cutto kill, the wolfgodis still gripping tightlyabyssClaymore in hand, untilitsarmchanges into the blackashesto scatterunder.
即使被斩杀,狼神依然紧握着手中的深渊大剑,直至它的手臂化为黑色灰烬散落而下。At point of death, the wolfgodas ifrestored the shortsobriety, after heseesoppositeSu Xiao, had doubtsthat the flash, butthenfeels relaxed, acceptedthisresult, nomeeting, the wolfdeifiesfor the blackashesdissipates.
弥留之际,狼神似乎恢复了短暂的清醒,他看到对面的苏晓后,疑惑了那么一瞬间,但转而又释然,接受了这一结局,没一会,狼神化为黑色灰烬消散。Sees the wolfgodto dissipate, Su Xiaoflings the blackbloodstain on throwing knife, the long bladeturns over to the sheath.
The wolfgod, has cutto kill.
狼神,已斩杀。PS:( Recommends a friendbook, book title«Fairy maidenDo not be noisy».)
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