RP :: Volume #41

#24: Blood Mark

In the garden before old castle, the bellow continues, golden Splitting Element shoots up to the sky, big piece black incantation Crow was shattered, changes into the fragment to fall. 古堡前的庭院内,轰鸣声不止,金色的黎元素冲天而起,大片黑咒乌鸦破碎,化为残片落下。 Several golden Array Chart appear in the sky, these circular Array Chart that on is constituted by Splitting Element swings the aliquation level ripple, about two meters golden arrow arrows project from Array Chart. 几道金色阵图在上空出现,这些由黎元素构成的圆形阵图上荡起层层波纹,一根根近两米长的金色箭矢从阵图内射出。 Ding, ding and ding...... 叮、叮、叮…… Golden energy arrow arrow nail everywhere is, including the old castle above, peripheral about one kilometer region will affect. 金色能量箭矢钉的遍地都是,包括古堡上方,将周边近一公里的区域都波及。 These golden energy arrow arrow nails are backward, arrow reappearing trace, all energy arrow arrows blast out, the fragment delimits the Shatter Sky air/Qi, emits to infiltrate the sobbing sound of person. 这些金色能量箭矢钉落后,箭身上浮现纹路,所有能量箭矢炸开,残片划破空气,放出渗人的呜咽声。 Female Spellcaster Eva partly squats in the place, in the hand the thorn sword that is constituted by Splitting Element inserts in the ground, she is grasping the sword hilt single-handed, the big mouth is panting for breath, the blood has been contaminated her white robe. 施法者・艾娃半蹲在地,手中由黎元素构成的刺剑插在地面,她单手握着剑柄,大口喘息着,鲜血已将她身上的白色长袍浸染。 The peripheral curse people majority are wounded, some were destroyed, the consciousness dissipates at the same time, the shatter remnant body starts decayed, only leaves behind the broken bone. 周边的诅咒人们大多数都带伤,有些更是被打碎,意识消散的同时,破碎的残躯开始腐朽,只留下碎骨。 Female Spellcaster Eva observes the situation peripheral, she just now attempted more than ten times, cannot break through a tight encirclement, instead is seriously injured, the most fatal injury, is her throat is pierced. 施法者・艾娃环视周边,她方才尝试了十几次,都没能杀出重围,反而身受重伤,最致命的一处伤势,是她的喉咙被刺穿。 Just is one crowd...... the half dead monster, continue!” “只不过是一群……半死的怪物而已,继续!” Female Spellcaster the pair of thorn sword in Eva hand arrives in the same place, sword blade touches and goes, expresses a brittle cry. 施法者・艾娃手中的双刺剑抵在一起,剑锋擦过,发出一声脆鸣。 Captain, order, you, death.” “船长,命令,你,死亡。” Cursed people from raid in all directions, plunged female Spellcaster Eva, Eva began slightly supinely, the long depth inspires, she looked to the sky, has not seen her to imagine the scene, the sky by the Crow group blocking. 诅咒人们从四面八方袭来,扑向女施法者・艾娃,艾娃略微仰起头,长长的深吸了口气,她看向天空,没看到她想象中的情景,天空被乌鸦群遮挡。 Tittered and titters...... 噗嗤、噗嗤…… The sharp blade passes through Eva's body, her hand starts to be incapable, two puncture the sword to fall in the place, the golden pupil in her eye is gradually gloomy. 利刃贯穿艾娃的身体,她的手开始无力,两把刺剑掉落在地,她眼中的金色瞳孔逐渐暗淡。 Where is...... has problems.” “到底是……哪里出了问题。” Lethal, female Spellcaster Eva do not want to understand where has problems, her plan is watertight obviously, two people from beginning to end, she as well as she hire have not exposed, why is the enemy prepared early? 致死,女施法者・艾娃都没想明白,到底是哪里出了问题,她的计划明明滴水不漏,从始至终,她本人以及她雇佣的两人都没暴露,为何敌人早有准备? In fact, this was lucky the one close behind the other snakestone board, as well as Revelation Paradise side Contractor gold/metal chasing down. 实际上,这多亏了衔尾蛇石板,以及天启乐园契约者・金克的追杀。 The one close behind the other snakestone board, helping Su Xiao indicate that the danger, will not provide the dangerous concrete information, but the information that gold/metal provides, making Su Xiao know some people to aim at him. 衔尾蛇石板,帮苏晓预示到了危险,并不会提供危险的具体信息,而金克提供的情报,让苏晓知晓有人在针对他。 This was very good to speculate, fought with all might Eighth Order from First Order, Su Xiao's opposing enemy were not many, the reason was, his not only stamp out the source of trouble, that place of company commander grass dug, had a look at the omission. 这就很好推测了,从一阶拼杀到八阶,苏晓的仇人不多,原因是,他不仅斩草除根,连长草的那块地都刨开,看看有没有遗漏。 This causes, is very presently limited with Su Xiao hostile faction, through elimination method, in he sees female Spellcaster when Eva, basically knows what's the matter. 这就导致,现与苏晓敌对的势力很有限,通过排除法就可以,在他见到女施法者・艾娃时,基本就知道是怎么回事。 Female Spellcaster Eva is defeated, is the inevitable result, the meeting the approaching enemy strength of Su Xiao build, according to coping with Caster Sage the Sefelia scale prepares. 施法者・艾娃落败,是必然的结果,苏晓布设的迎击战力,是按照对付法师贤者瑟菲莉娅的规模所准备。 If Sefelia enters this world, regardless of the opposite party is strong, that is also the Eighth Order strength, this is the limit of world, Demon Sea world Difficulty middle and upper reaches of Eighth Order, this causes, this world impossible has to surpass the Eighth Order strength. 如果瑟菲莉娅进入这个世界,无论对方多强,那也是八阶实力,这是世界的限制,魔海世界难度八阶中上游,这就导致,这个世界不可能有超出八阶的战力。 If Eighth Order top echelon Difficulty world, that world strength upper limit may surpass Eighth Order some, but Demon Sea is not that world. 如果是八阶顶尖梯队难度世界,那个世界的实力上限是有可能超出八阶一些的,但魔海不是那种世界 Therefore, even if was Sefelia oneself came, Su Xiao can also spell with the opposite party hardly, the price of but paying will be very big, does not do well, must empty trump card that in the storage space accumulated. 因此,哪怕是瑟菲莉娅本人来了,苏晓也能与对方硬拼,只是付出的代价会很大,弄不好,都要清空储存空间内累积的杀手锏。 Sefelia oneself come, Su Xiao not empty, let alone is the disciple of opposite party, let alone a Eva, even if comes 34 Eva again, has Adversity Mark, Su Xiao can still deal with, the price of but paying is different. 瑟菲莉娅本人来,苏晓都不虚,更何况是对方的弟子,别说一个艾娃,就算再来三四个艾娃,有厄运号在,苏晓也能应付,只是付出的代价不同而已。 One pulls out from Eva within the body the clasp knife leaves, she passes one to knock down, loses the sound. 一把把水手刀从艾娃体内抽离,她噗通一声扑倒在地,失去声息。 Prompt: You obtain the law it box( treasure box kind of item).】 提示:你获得法之箱(宝箱物品)。】 Does not have World's Origin and Soul coin reward, actually fell treasure box, Su Xiao lifted the step to go forward, picks up the ground treasure box. 没有世界之源灵魂钱币奖励,却掉落了宝箱,苏晓抬步上前,捡起地上的宝箱 【The box of law Is the golden color all over the body, above proliferates the blue mark, a vague fluctuation ferments in inside. 【法之箱】通体呈金色,上面遍布蓝纹,一股隐晦的波动在里面酝酿。 So rare treasure box, Su Xiao does not prepare to open immediately, waits for treasure box to accumulate to enough many opens again, present Destiny Controller has characteristics, can through opening the treasure box promotes Luck attribute. 如此稀有的宝箱,苏晓不准备马上开启,等宝箱累积到足够多再开,现在的命运主宰有个特性,能通过开启宝箱暂时提升幸运属性。 Su Xiao lifts the step to walk toward the old castle, in this time, the sound of footsteps is transmitting from slanting, is curses person Armance, it leads two curse people to return, in the hand is also carrying together the diminutive form, this is Contractor. 苏晓抬步向古堡走去,正在此时,脚步声从斜后方传来,是诅咒人・阿芒斯,它带着两名诅咒人返回,手中还拎着一道矮小的身影,这是名契约者 This Contractor whole body is the glimmer green liquid, the lower half body and left arm vanishes, the wound place is irregular, looks at the appearance, probably was been broken by the impact bang of big might. 契约者全身都是荧绿色液体,下半截身体与左臂消失,伤口处参差不齐,看模样,像是被大威力的冲击轰碎。 Not is only he, on Armance also stains the glimmer green liquid, the right arm and profile are stave, the curse person does not fear the severe wound, after they return to Adversity Mark, can gradually restore the shatter body. 不仅是他,阿芒斯身上也沾满荧绿色液体,右臂与半边脸破碎,诅咒人不怕重伤,它们返回厄运号后,能逐渐恢复破碎的身体。 In Armance's loses hand Contractor on the ground, this is called the glow Contractor to be young, but Anomaly is vicious, before being captured alive, attempts to perish together with several curse people, was prevented by Armance. 阿芒斯将手中的契约者丢在地上,这名叫萤火的契约者年龄不大,但异常凶狠,被生擒前尝试与几名诅咒人同归于尽,被阿芒斯阻止。 passes one, the glow falls falls on the place, he was unable to move at this time, but his eye is staring at Su Xiao stubbornly. 噗通一声,萤火摔落在地,他此时已经无法动弹,可他的眼睛死死盯着苏晓 You can call my glow, you have massacred that woman, we make a transaction, if I die in this, will have a person to ask you to retaliate, if will put me to leave, we can give you to compensate.” “你可以称我萤火,你已经杀掉那女人了吗,我们做个交易吧,如果我死在这,有个人会找你报复,如果放我离开,我们可以给你补偿。” The vision of glow is tranquil, from the build, he seems to be young, but his mental age and semblance are incompatible. 萤火的目光平静,从体型来看,他似乎年龄不大,但他的心理年龄与外表不符。 „......” “……” Su Xiao contacts Boubo, making Boubo keep Wenny in wharf to look, at this time needed Wenny that ability that glanced through the memory, 苏晓联络布布汪,让布布汪将留在码头上的温妮找来,这时候需要温妮那种翻阅记忆的能力、 Except that female Spellcaster outside Eva, two enemies, respectively are the glow and another unnamed Contractor. 除去女施法者・艾娃外,还有两名敌人,分别是萤火与另一名姓名未知的契约者 In three people, two have solved, the last person disappears without a trace, opposite party in not sinking in Skeppsholmen, although Su Xiao has emitted black incantation Crow, in sinking in Skeppsholmen is staring, but sinks the area of Skeppsholmen to be big, moreover puts too black incantation Crow, was detected by the enemy easily, therefore he only emits two. 三人中,有两人已解决,最后一人不知去向,对方没在沉船岛上,虽说苏晓早就放出黑咒乌鸦,在沉船岛上盯着,但沉船岛的面积不小,况且放太多黑咒乌鸦,容易被敌人察觉,因此他只放出两只。 No meeting, Wenny Vendat catches up, this time Wenny appearance big change, she wears the similar white shirt clothing, on the sleeve cuff has near the broken flowers, on both hands wears the black arrange/cloth glove, the golden hair that hung loose, had tied by her. 没一会,温妮・旺达就赶来,此时的温妮模样大变,她穿着类似白色衬衫般的衣物,袖口上有碎花边,双手上戴着黑色布手套,原本披散的金发,已被她束起。 Is he.” “就是他吗。” Wenny pauses before the firefly barrel, as new promote villain, the corners of the mouth of Wenny turned upwards, reveals thinks conformed to villain very much style, actually a little funny smile. 温妮停步在萤火身前,作为新晋‘恶徒’,温妮的嘴角翘起,露出自认为很符合‘恶徒’风格,实则有点滑稽的笑容。 After fermentation mood, Wenny said: Really pitiful, you have what last words......” 酝酿情绪后,温妮说道:“真可怜,你还有什么遗言……” Rubbish, hurries.” “别废话,赶紧的。” Baja stared Wenny one, Wenny shrank necking, she took off the glove on right hand, hand according to the forehead of glow. 巴哈瞪了温妮一眼,温妮缩了缩头,她摘下右手上的手套,将手按在萤火的额头上。 His memory...... is very strange, has me unable to see.” “他的记忆……很奇怪,有很多我都看不到。” Wenny starts to glance through the memory of glow, in fact, in the glow brain these are unable glancing through the memory, with the Paradise related memory, these memories, is Wenny is absolutely impossible the traffic capacity to know. 温妮开始翻阅萤火的记忆,实际上,萤火脑中那些无法‘翻阅’的记忆,是与乐园有关的记忆,这些记忆,是温妮绝无可能通过能力知晓的。 He has a partner, puts on the whole body armor, was the name called...... to have a greedy appetite? Several hours went to see the duke.” “他有个同伙,穿着全身铠甲,名字叫……贪食?几小时前去见公爵了。” Wenny frowns, she can feel, has a greedy appetite this name more like a representative, the concrete memory about this person, changes because of the unknown reason is very fuzzy. 温妮皱起眉头,她能感觉到,贪食这个名字更像是一种代表,关于此人的具体记忆,因未知原因变的很模糊。 The information are not many, regarding Su Xiao, these is enough, his hopeless Wenny can know too. 所得情报不多,对于苏晓来讲,这些已经足够了,他没指望温妮能知晓太多。 Told you a secret, I was the weak glow, the raging fire that therefore my Envy set the prairie afire, I represented Envy.” “告诉你们个秘密,我是微弱的萤火,所以我嫉妒燎原的烈火,我代表了嫉妒啊。” Speaking of this, glow somewhat difficult turning the head. 说到这,萤火有些艰难的转过头。 „After killing me, having a greedy appetite to look for you, since the standpoint is hostile, turns into individual gratitude and grudges, you really...... prepared, you can die was very miserable, hehe.” “杀了我之后,贪食会来找你,从立场敌对,变成个人恩怨,你真的……准备好了吗,你会死的很惨,呵呵。” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, a foot kicks the faint the glow, he felt, this is called the glow Contractor to enrage itself intentionally, making him kill the opposite party personally. 苏晓没说话,一脚将萤火踢到昏厥,他感觉,这名叫萤火的契约者在故意激怒自己,让他亲手杀对方。 No one meets to die, Su Xiao thinks of a possibility, the ability that after is the glow has death, triggers, but that ability, meets tracking to kill his person, or creates the Instant Death effect, latter possibly is very low. 没人会想死,苏晓想到一种可能,就是萤火有死亡后触发的能力,而那种能力,会追踪杀死他的人,又或者造成即死效果等,后者的可能很低。 Let the curse person massacre the glow directly, seems like that is the good choice, otherwise actually, Su Xiao also needs the time evolution, at present is the opportunity. 让诅咒人直接杀掉萤火,看似是不错的选择,实则不然,苏晓还需要时间发展,眼下就是机会。 After Su Xiao finds a curse person, he takes out First Ancient Mask, First Ancient Mask Wears on this curse face, crumb Soul Crystal (Perfect) at the same time, but also cuts own palm with the Exiler fragment, is stained with the blood in First Ancient Mask On. 苏晓找来一名诅咒人后,他取出【先古面具】,将【先古面具】戴在这名诅咒人脸上,捏碎一颗灵魂结晶(完整)的同时,还用放逐残片划破自己的掌心,将血沾在【先古面具】上。 First Ancient Mask Effect triggering, wears First Ancient Mask The curse person, was camouflaged the Su Xiao's appearance, the clasp knife of waist, was camouflaged the Dragon Flash appearance. 先古面具】的效果触发,戴着【先古面具】的诅咒人,被伪装成苏晓的模样,腰间的水手刀,也被伪装成斩龙闪的模样。 First Ancient Mask The camouflage does not have the flaw, is Bailey obtains in some vestige, belongs far surpasses that world rank rare treasure, until now, First Ancient Mask The origin, Bailey has not clarified, 先古面具】的伪装毫无破绽,是贝妮在某个遗迹内获得,属于远超那个世界阶位的秘宝,迄今为止,【先古面具】的由来,贝妮也没弄清楚, First Ancient Mask The camouflage is very strong, the price is also high, Soul Crystal (Perfect), besides this equipment, Su Xiao never sees each time has been able 100 to camouflage the aura the ability and item. 先古面具】的伪装很强,代价也高,每次一颗灵魂结晶(完整),除这件装备外,苏晓从未见过能100伪装气息的能力与道具。 Su Xiao enters in the black fog, as the matter stands, is the curse person who camouflages his appearance, stands side the glow alone. 苏晓走进黑雾中,这样一来,就是伪装成他模样的诅咒人,独自站在萤火身旁。 The long blade wields, cuts off the throat of glow, the blood scatters, these blood will condense suddenly in the same place, a manifestation blood eye, is staring at camouflaged curse person. 长刀挥下,斩断萤火的喉咙,鲜血四溅开,这些鲜血陡然将凝聚在一起,形成一只血眼,盯着被伪装的诅咒人。 The blood eye changes into the blood, directly soars the curse person to come, the speed dodges to basic impossible quickly, this was tracking kind of Mark, after the checker death, triggered. 血眼重新化为鲜血,直奔诅咒人而来,速度快到根本没可能闪避,这是追踪印记,寄存者死亡后触发。 Rips one, just like the heat iron according to the body, Blood Mark, irons on the chest of curse person, can smell the body scorched flavor indistinctly. 撕拉一声,宛如烧红的烙铁按在皮肉上,一枚鲜血印记,烙在诅咒人的胸膛上,隐约能闻到皮肉被烧焦的味道。 In the black fog of distant place, Su Xiao examines the material of this curse person, Strength and stamina of attribute this curse person reduces 10 points, HP also reduces 35 temporarily, this debuff effect, continued 15 day. 远处的黑雾中,苏晓查看这名诅咒人的资料,这诅咒人的力量体力属性都降低了十点,生命值也临时降低35,这减益效果,足足持续15个自然日 Moreover, Blood Mark also supplements the tracking effect, is extremely difficult to relieve. 不仅如此,鲜血印记还附带追踪效果,极难解除。 Su Xiao goes out from the black fog, takes off on the curse face First Ancient Mask, The appearance of this curse person restores for the original appearance. 苏晓从黑雾内走出,摘下诅咒人脸上的【先古面具】,这名诅咒人的样貌恢复为原来的模样。 You obtain the scarlet card().】 【你获得猩红卡()。】 Realm Cutting Thread pulls, the scarlet card of ground to the Su Xiao hand , the Eighth Order Contractor scarlet card value was very high. 界断线一扯,地上的猩红卡到了苏晓手中,八阶契约者的猩红卡价值很高。 Su Xiao issues an order to curse person, making the opposite party directly soar the sea to go, after entering the sea, to north, after having arrived assigns the sea area, then comes a shallowturn. 苏晓对身旁的诅咒人下达一道命令,让对方直奔大海而去,入海后一直向北,抵达指定海域后,再来个大转弯。 Which sea area danger goes, in the sea, in the strongest that several seas the giant beast, will not easily provoke the curse person even, the aura of curse person is extremely unlucky. 哪片海域危险就去哪,在海中,就算是最强的那几只海中巨兽,也不会轻易招惹诅咒人,诅咒人的气息太过不祥。 If some people of tracking this blood imprint, is tracking this curse person, two days, will suspect the life absolutely, only if the opposite party uses four mast steamships that the duke pirate rolls Plunder. 如果有人追踪这鲜血烙印,也就是追踪这名诅咒人,不出两天,绝对会怀疑人生,除非对方动用公爵海盗团的四桅杆大船・掠夺号。 Otherwise, even if the opposite party steers a performance outstanding Three Masts pole ship, most three days of sunken wrecks, will start the journey of marine drifting. 否则的话,哪怕对方驾驶一艘性能优秀的三桅杆船,最多三天就会沉船,开始海上漂泊之旅。
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