RP :: Volume #41

#25: Frenzied Growth

Su Xiao determined after the curse person has entered the sea, lifts the step to walk toward the old castle, the danger in this old castle, was basically cleaned up, in underground 3rd Layer some secret room, is unable to relieve there danger through the curse person only. 苏晓确定诅咒人已入海后,抬步向古堡走去,这座古堡内的危险,基本都被清理掉,唯独地下三层的某个密室内,无法通过诅咒人将那里的危险解除。 Some Su Xiao also many matters must do, Byrne family's family heirloom that Main Mission needs had not found, Baja the body upturns to look in Baron Byrne, had not found the too special thing. 苏晓还有不少事要做,主线任务所需的伯恩家族的传家宝还没找到,巴哈在伯恩男爵身上翻找过,没找到太特殊的东西。 Except for Byrne family's family heirloom, hidden mission that just now receives evil different thing, the request simple and crude of this mission, destroys the evil different thing in old castle, Mission Reward is Soul box of flood. 除了伯恩家族的传家宝,还有方才接到的隐藏任务・邪异之物,这任务的要求简单粗暴,破坏掉古堡内的邪异之物就可以,任务奖励为【满溢的灵魂箱】。 After entering the main entrance of old castle, Su Xiao closes Reincarnation Paradise Prompt, just now after cursing people stormed into the old castle, Prompt that he receives brushed the screen, all obtains Soul coin Prompt. 走进古堡的正门后,苏晓关闭轮回乐园提示,方才诅咒人们攻入古堡后,他接到的提示都刷屏了,全都是获得灵魂钱币提示 Through striking to kill the sending insect guard in old castle, Su Xiao total obtains 895 Soul coin, the treasure box falling aspect, temporarily disregards. 通过击杀古堡内的寄虫侍卫,苏晓总计获得895枚灵魂钱币,宝箱掉落方面,暂无视。 Su Xiao had discovered, so long as is Void Tree notarization All Release Primary world, once causes much temporary summon, after killing the enemy the treasure box falling rate/lead, will drop to the extremely touching degree. 苏晓已经发现,只要是虚空之树公证全开放原生世界,一旦弄出大量临时召唤物,杀敌后的宝箱掉落率,将下降到极为感人的程度。 Remembers that previous time summoned Insect clan in primitive Continent, and after massive development, Su Xiao by Void Tree repeatedly warning, at that time, only if he struck to kill Lord Level or the Overlord Level enemy, otherwise do not want the treasure box reward. 记得上次在原始大陆召唤来虫族,并大量发展后,苏晓虚空之树多次警告,在那时,除非他击杀领主级霸主级的敌人,否则别想有宝箱奖励。 Su Xiao suspected, even if he gets so far as enters primitive Continent key now, and oneself strength was suppressed Seventh Order temporarily, he may not enter primitive Continent. 苏晓怀疑,哪怕他现在弄到进入原始大陆的‘钥匙’,且自身实力被暂时压制到七阶,他也不一定能进入原始大陆 Insect younger sister Jeela still mixes to eat to mix in primitive Continent to drink, if Su Xiao enters that Trial by Fire nature world, opening several hundred thousand Seventh Order Insect clan, with trialist that he approves, the trauma area will be very big. 虫妹棘拉还在原始大陆混吃混喝,如果苏晓进入那个试炼性质的世界,开局几十万只七阶虫族,与他同批的试炼者们,心理阴影面积会很大。 In the dim old castle, Su Xiao walks in a corridor, on the both sides walls proliferates the bloodstain that spurts to see that just now fight has frigidly conceivable. 昏暗的古堡内,苏晓走在一条长廊中,两侧的墙壁上遍布喷见状的血迹,方才的战斗有多惨烈可以想象。 Prompt: You have eliminated sink Skeppsholmen's Byrne family.】 提示:你已肃清沉船岛的伯恩家族。】 You obtain 10. 5 World's Origin.】 【你获得10.世界之源。】 Legend increases 470 points.】 【传说度提升470点。】 ...... …… Swept Prompt, Su Xiao continued the thorough old castle, quick, he arrived in underground one of the old castle, odor spread in this. 扫了眼提示,苏晓继续深入古堡,很快,他抵达了古堡的地下一层,一股恶臭在此蔓延。 Before peripheral wall, full is the wooden frame, above places several big row of specimen bottles, in the bottle is overbrimming the yellowish brown liquid, indistinct can also see inside is soaking anything. 周边的墙壁前满是木架,上面摆放着几大排标本瓶,瓶内注满棕黄色液体,隐约还能看到里面浸泡着什么。 Desperate, depressing and bloody, this is underground one of the Byrne family old castle, sees iron cage that these moisten the motley bloodstain, wail that as if can also hear the victim. 绝望、压抑、血腥,这就是伯恩家族古堡的地下一层,看到那些沾有斑驳血迹的铁笼,似乎还能听到受害者的哭嚎。 Su Xiao moves toward underground 2nd Layer following the stone platform step, the headless body of Baron Byrne is lying down on the ground, does not pay attention to this corpse, Su Xiao never the stair of distant place continues downward. 苏晓顺着石台阶走向地下二层,伯恩男爵的无头尸体正躺在地上,不理会这尸体,苏晓从不远处的台阶继续向下。 Following on the heels Wenny stops the footsteps, when A' Mu and Baja also go down the staircase, Wenny is studying the Baja appearance, is comparing the middle finger to Baron Byrne, just now in the underground strata time, she almost spits, at this time her the depression in heart dissipated, slightly runs to go to the staircase. 跟在后面的温妮停下脚步,等阿姆巴哈也走下楼梯时,温妮学着巴哈的模样,对着伯恩男爵比出中指,方才在地下一层时,她差点吐出来,此时她心中的压抑感消散了很多,向楼梯小跑而去。 In underground 3rd Layer of old castle, here just like labyrinth, the calibration line on wall, like crawling full one after another the thin insect that wriggles. 古堡的地下三层内,这里宛如迷宫般,墙壁上的刻纹,就像爬满一只只正在蠕动的细虫。 Su Xiao enters in the labyrinth, cursed people to eradicate the method of this labyrinth to be very simple, the wall was too hard, that relied on the population win, more than 100 curse people entered the labyrinth, a chaotic exploration, in addition after wall cut randomly, found another side secret room. 苏晓走进迷宫内,诅咒人们破除这迷宫的方法很简单,墙壁太坚硬,那就凭借人数取胜,一百多名诅咒人进入迷宫,一番混乱探索,外加对墙壁的乱砍后,找到另一边的密室。 Each a corner, Su Xiao has been able to see a curse person, with the aid of the direction of curse person, opened access all the way, arrives in the labyrinth to lean. 每过一个转角,苏晓都能看到一名诅咒人,借助诅咒人的指引,一路上畅通无阻,抵达了迷宫里侧。 This is a picture full distortion trace wall, a leaf of secret door is ajar, there is an energy to flutter from the secret door. 这是一面画满扭曲纹路的墙壁,一扇暗门半开着,有能量从暗门内飘出。 So long as enters this secret door, HP of curse person by 10 speeds will fall every second, withstands Judgement every second time, once the Judgement failure, will withstand named ‚the mutation of insect permanent debuff effect. 只要进入这暗门,诅咒人的生命值会以每秒十的速度滑落,每秒承受一次判定,一旦判定失败,将会承受一种名为‘虫之异变’的永久性减益效果。 Su Xiao's, searches into to the energy in the secret door fluttering, the pricking transmits on the skin, the racing wells up of Azure Steel Shadow energy in his hand, the pricking retreats. 苏晓的手,探入到暗门中飘出的能量内,刺痛感在皮肤上传来,青钢影能量在他手上奔涌,刺痛感退去。 Is assigned away from the capital the Azure Steel Shadow energy, the Su Xiao whole body social climbing Azure Steel Shadow energy, this mode will consume 500 Azure Steel Shadow energies every second, can maintain for about 1 minute. 青钢影能量外放,苏晓全身都攀附青钢影能量,这种状态每秒会消耗500点青钢影能量,也就是能维持一分钟左右。 Su Xiao enters in the secret room, this Rio 30 square meters sizes, on the side wall have a bulge of flagstone appearance, above is suspending half statue, this statue about 20 centimeters high, the upper half was shattered, lower half that only remains, the appearance is very abstract, a worm plump short-tail, is impressive. 苏晓走进密室内,这里约有30平米大小,里侧的墙壁上有一处石板模样的凸起,上面摆着半个雕像,这雕像约有20公分高,上半部分破碎,只剩的下半截,模样很抽象,一条蠕虫般肥硕的短尾,让人印象深刻。 This statue, should be the evil different thing that hidden mission needs to destroy. 这雕像,应该就是隐藏任务所需要摧毁的邪异之物。 Su Xiao draws out Dragon Flash of waist, a blade cuts, when the blade edge from the statue also misses 1 centimeter away stops, his Sensor is forewarning, the whole body presents the Sensor stabbing pain. 苏晓拔出腰间的斩龙闪,一刀斩出,刀锋距离雕像还差一公分远时停下,他的感知在预警,全身都出现感知刺痛。 Su Xiao frowns, destroys this evil different thing in the violent means that is not impossible, but the price is very big, this statue seems like one living creature. 苏晓皱起眉头,以暴力手段摧毁这邪异之物,并非不可能,但代价很大,这雕像很像是一种活物。 The long blade turns over to the sheath, Su Xiao to look at the front statue, copes with this kind of thing, he is very experienced, he hunts and kills Ancient god after all frequently, as well as fights with various Offender. 长刀归鞘,苏晓看着前方的雕像,对付这类东西,他很有经验,毕竟他经常猎杀古神,以及和各类违规者战斗。 To tidy up the present evil different thing, with was treacherous, different and more wicked thing to be OK evilly, this kind of thing, in the Su Xiao's storage space had. 想收拾眼前的邪异之物,用更诡谲、更邪异、更恶的东西就可以了,这类东西,苏晓的储存空间内有。 Seeks for the moment in the storage space, Su Xiao is wrinkling brow stretch/leisurely launches, he takes out a section of translucent whisker, throws it to the statue. 在储存空间内寻找片刻,苏晓皱着的眉头舒展开,他取出一截半透明的触须,将其抛向雕像。 The translucent whisker just touched the statue, in the statue drills thin insects, these thin insects are swaying from side to side the body, has a mouth that proliferates the canine, will gnaw to eat shortly the translucent whisker most, finally swallows. 半透明触须刚触碰到雕像,雕像内就钻出一根根细虫,这些细虫扭动着身躯,都有一张遍布尖牙的嘴,顷刻间就将半透明触须啃食掉大半,最终吞食一空。 Mortal, I forgives you to my disrespecting, kneels down, I will grant you Strength.” “凡人,我宽恕你对我的不敬,跪下,我将赐予你力量。” The profound sound, spreads from the statue, Su Xiao withdraws several steps, the thinking moment, felt after this distance is still not the security , before falling back on the gate of secret room, the situation is not right, immediately removes, danger not from that statue, but soon brought in thing. 幽深的声音,从雕像内传出,苏晓退后几步,思索片刻,感觉这个距离依然不算安全后,又退到密室的门前,情况不对,马上撤,危险不是来自那雕像,而是即将被引来的东西。 Translucent whisker that Su Xiao just now ejects, named squirming tentacle, When is he in some time with the Book of Gates transaction, met one not to obey the custom void different existed. 苏晓方才抛出的半透明触须,名为【蠕动的触须】,是他在某次用门之书交易时,遇到了一个不守规矩的‘虚空异存在’。 That void different exists is 376 years ago appears, named Degenerate Apostles, regarding other void different exists, Degenerate Apostles simply is the baby rank, no, should be the fertilized egg rank. 那‘虚空异存在’是376年前出现,名为堕落使徒,对于其他虚空异存在而言,堕落使徒简直是婴儿级别,不,应该是受精卵级别。 These powerful void different exists, having the time must according to ten thousand years be the unit of measurement, they float in the space crevice, the attempt listens respectfully to their sounds, is very dangerous matter, the knowledge quantities of these sounds are huge and chaotic, is not the life can withstand, only if to very strong degree. 那些强大的虚空异存在,存在时间要按万年为计算单位,它们浮游于空间的夹缝中,尝试聆听它们的声音,都是很危险的事,这些声音的知识量过于巨大与混乱,不是生灵能承受的,除非到了很强的程度。 In fact, void different exists with the Ancient god risk factor is coordinated, but the former compares the Buddha department, after meeting void different exists, so long as the non- active offense they, they are also disinclined the life that pays attention to meet by chance. 实际上,虚空异存在与古神的危险度对等,只是前者比较佛系,遇到虚空异存在后,只要不主动攻击它们,它们也懒得理会偶遇到的生灵。 But a little, if putting out makes void different have the satisfied thing, they will pay the Price coordinated knowledge, at least most void different exists is so, but if eats their similar...... 但有一点,如果拿出让虚空异存在满意的东西,它们会付出价格对等的知识,至少大多数虚空异存在是如此,可如果吃掉它们的同类…… Su Xiao looks at the front statue, he can feel, peripheral all have sign that must wither, this time bringing in void different exists, is too a little strong, that exists, Su Xiao has contacted one time, the opposite party and he has traded, that different exists is called: 苏晓看着前方的雕像,他能感觉到,周边的一切都有要枯萎的迹象,这次引来的虚空异存在,有点太强,那个存在,苏晓接触过一次,对方与他交易过,那个异存在被称为: Frenzied Growth! 茂生之狂乱 Ka collapses a resounding, transmits from the rear area of statue, in the air presents together the fissure, just like the glass to split open, the Eighth Order world space split, this world is repelling anything, but that exists is still arriving. 咔崩一声脆响,从雕像的后方传来,空气中出现一道裂痕,宛如玻璃开裂般,八阶世界的空间裂开了,这个世界在排斥着什么,但那个存在依然在到来。 Ka collapses! Ka collapses! 咔崩!咔崩! The statue peripheral presents space fissures, after having a premonition the danger, in this statue drills the thin insect, is swaying from side to side. 雕像周边出现一道道空间裂痕,预感到危险后,这雕像内又钻出细虫,不停的扭动着。 Several tree roots find out from the space crack, in which touches on the statue, merely is very slight touching. 几根树根从空间裂缝内探出,其中的一根触碰到雕像上,仅仅是很轻微的触碰而已。 Chirp!!” “叽!!” Grating wails to spread, is only by Frenzied Growth slight touching, the statue is revealed one's true colors, massive thin insects constitute a human form, this human form only has the upper part, it is raising head, the mouth opens to a big way, the pale-yellow saliva flows out following the corners of the mouth, more than ten eyeballs on face stare to explode quickly, this thing is expressing an especially strong mood, frightened, is unable with the fear that the spoken language expressed. 刺耳的哀嚎传开,只是被茂生之狂乱轻微的触碰,雕像就原形毕露,大量细虫构成一具人形,这人形只有上半身,它仰着头,嘴张到最大,浅黄色涎水顺着嘴角流出,脸上的十几颗眼球都快瞪爆,这东西在表达一种格外强烈的情绪,恐惧,无法用言语表达的恐惧。 The evil different thing like by the wind has blown the sandy soil, changes into the dust scraps/condescend, seeming like quite satisfied with this meal, the tree root of Frenzied Growth flings, a small section of tree root falls off, flies to Su Xiao. 邪异之物就像被风吹过的沙土一样,化为尘屑,似乎是对这一餐比较满意,茂生之狂乱的树根一甩,一小截树根脱落,向苏晓飞来。 The sound appears in the Su Xiao ear together, this is more like an independent note fragment, the meaning of therefore expressing was few, probably for do not touch, cannot contact, do not touch. 一道声音在苏晓耳中出现,这更像是一种单独的音符碎片,所以表达的意思很少,大概为‘不要触碰、不可接触、勿要直触等’。 Because the information quantity is disorderly, Su Xiao preliminary comprehension this note fragment after the meaning, no longer goes to comprehension, but takes out the coal box, this is he Bark burning down that Black Maple Tree falls off, with charcoal that comes, the block that press fits, specifically is used to deposit the dangerous material. 信息量杂乱,苏晓初步理解这‘音符碎片’的意思后,就不再去理解,而是取出个炭盒,这是他将黑枫树脱落的树皮焚烧,用得来的木炭,压合成的小盒,专门用来存放危险品。 A small section of tree root falls in the coal box , Su Xiao covers securely the coal box, this thing has what function unclear, if can discover its function, will be one compared with the large revenue. 一小截树根落在炭盒内,啪的一声,苏晓将炭盒盖严,这东西有何作用还不清楚,如果能发现其作用,将会是一比巨大收益。 If could not discover that its function, can consider like today, gives being predestined friends person this small section of tree root, lets Frenzied Growth and opposite party greeting. 如果发现不了其作用,可以考虑像今天一样,把这一小截树根送给‘有缘人’,让茂生之狂乱和对方‘打个招呼’。 Prompt: You have completed hidden mission evil different thing.】 提示:你已完成隐藏任务・邪异之物。】 You obtain the soul box of flood.】 【你获得满溢的灵魂箱。】 Su Xiao looks Frenzied Growth that the front has not left, this is most ancient that void different exists, attracts the opposite party, did not inquire that anything was a pity very much, although has a big risk, but this meet is actually very rare. 苏晓看着前方还未离开的茂生之狂乱,这是最古老的那种虚空异存在,将对方引来,不询问点什么很可惜,虽说其中有不小的风险,但这次相遇其实很难得。 Long ago, Su Xiao and opposite party have traded, obtained Alchemy Secret Scroll, both sides reluctantly were old friend, otherwise, the opposite party will not deliver a small section tree root. 很久之前,苏晓与对方交易过,得到了炼金秘典,双方勉强算是老朋友了,否则的话,对方不会送一小截‘树根’。 Mao health/life, has an issue to ask you.” “茂生,有个问题想问你。” During the Su Xiao speeches, takes out one Spiritual God energy solidified substance, This thing he has 4, in Origin - Divine Township obtained. 苏晓说话间,取出一颗【神灵能量凝结体】,这东西他有四颗,是在源·神乡所得。 Su Xiao ejects Spiritual God energy solidified substance, The tree root of Frenzied Growth ties down it, but has not absorbed immediately, this is also the reason that the Su Xiao choice and Frenzied Growth negotiated, this void different existed, although powerful, was actually the good trading object. 苏晓抛出【神灵能量凝结体】,茂生之狂乱的树根将其缠住,但并未马上吸收掉,这也是苏晓选择与茂生之狂乱交涉的原因,这位虚空异存在虽强大,却是不错的交易对象。 „ The phalanx of First Generation Extinguishing Law has anything to affect, how I should use it. „ 初代灭法的指骨有什么作用,或者说,我应该怎样使用它。“ Hears the Su Xiao's words, the tree root of Frenzied Growth Spiritual God energy solidified substance Absorbs, on the tree root emerges one group of black energies, this energy congeals fast lithical, is separated, static in midair. 听闻苏晓的话,茂生之狂乱的树根将【神灵能量凝结体】吸收掉,树根上涌现一团黑色能量,这能量快速凝结成石质,然后脱离,静止在半空中。 The black ball of this crystal babit has about the marble size, Su Xiao lifts the step to go forward, after hesitant moment, holds this small ball. 这颗晶体形态的黑球约有弹珠大小,苏晓抬步上前,犹豫片刻后,抓住这颗小球。 You obtain Frenzied Growth presenting, this presents the embodiment to contain massive information and knowledge, some information, are the application methods of First Generation Shadow of Extinguishing Law remains.】 【你获得‘茂生之狂乱’的馈赠,此馈赠内蕴含大量信息与知识,其中部分信息,为初代灭法之影遗骨的使用方法。】
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