RP :: Volume #41

#23: Messengers

Outside the old castle, Su Xiao stands in black fog intermediate grade treats, two 3rd Layer of old castle have emptied, in four has few enemies still to pledge to fight to the death the resistance. 古堡外,苏晓站在黑雾中等待,古堡的一二三层已清空,四层内有少量敌人还在誓死反抗。 Old castle underground 2nd Layer also cleans up cleanly, 3rd Layer is being cleaned up, temporarily has not discovered the enemy in that. 古堡地下的一二层也清理干净,三层正在清理中,暂时没在那发现敌人。 Su Xiao was not worried that has the enemy to escape, compares the fight, the black incantation Crow detection ability is stronger, they are responsible for cleaning up the slave merchants on island and others, all and pirate concerned villain. 苏晓不担心有敌人逃脱,相比战斗,黑咒乌鸦们的侦查能力更强,它们正负责清理岛上的奴隶商人等,一切与海盗有关的凶徒。 Entire sinks Skeppsholmen to be blocked all round, the enemy will escape also indifferently, the island peripheral is the sea, amounts to 10 curse people, in the incarnation sea the shadow, has done an inspection in the peripheral sea area. 整个沉船岛被团团封锁,敌人会遁地也无所谓,岛周边是大海,总计十名诅咒人,已化身海中黑影,在周边海域巡查。 Adversity Mark also in marine, in the bow bottom warehouse, the curse person hidden the bow artillery in hull in the control, so long as there is an enemy ship to be close, immediately bombards. 厄运号也在海上,船首的底仓内,有一名诅咒人在操控隐藏在船体内的船首炮,只要有敌船接近,马上一炮轰过去。 Su Xiao looks to old castle four, two Contractor are hiding in inside, these two specific details are not clear temporarily. 苏晓看向古堡四层,有两名契约者正隐藏在里面,这两人的具体资料暂不清楚。 Waits for about several minutes, hid Contractor in old castle cannot endure finally, sends the insect guard to kill off quickly, once sent the insect guard to kill off, they were discovered was only the time issue, at the appointed time must be cursed people to besiege. 等待几分钟左右,隐藏在古堡内的契约者终于耐不住,寄虫侍卫快被杀光了,一旦寄虫侍卫被杀光,他们被发现只是时间问题,届时就要被诅咒人们围攻。 Of bang, the old castle four windows were broken, two forms run out, high directly soars Su Xiao to come, short escapes to the distant place. 轰的一声,古堡四层的窗口被破开,两道身影冲出,高一些的直奔苏晓而来,矮一些的向远处逃去。 Armance, I must live.” “阿芒斯,我要活的。” The Su Xiao opens the mouth, situated in his behind black fog , a curse person selected, compares other curse people, Armance Murray's consciousness is more sober, can carry out not the too complex order, can only say, worthily is the ancestor of Brigadier-General Murray. 苏晓开口,位于他身后的黑雾内,一名诅咒人点了下头,相比其他诅咒人,阿芒斯・默里的意识要清醒些,能执行不算太复杂的命令,只能说,不愧是默里准将的祖先。 Armance leads five curse people to disappear in the black fog, that diminutive form that chases, everywhere is black incantation Crow, Baja that just returned to also mixes to be one of them, this situation is most desperate, uses the space class item unable to escape. 阿芒斯带着五名诅咒人消失在黑雾中,去追逃走的那名矮小身影,漫天都是黑咒乌鸦,刚返回的巴哈也混在其中,这种情况才是最绝望的,使用空间类道具都逃不掉。 Female Contractor that wears white robe, stands in the Su Xiao front, she wears the hood, has a pair of golden pupil. 一名身穿白色长袍的女契约者,站在苏晓前方,她戴着兜帽,有双金色的瞳孔。 This pupil makes Su Xiao somewhat familiar, he has seen similar person, and cuts to kill the opposite party. 这瞳孔让苏晓有些熟悉,他见过类似的人,并将对方斩杀。 A vague fluctuation, in the female Contractor peripheral spread, Sensor to this fluctuation, Su Xiao is quite surprised, this fluctuation is...... Spellcaster. 一种隐晦的波动,在女契约者周边蔓延,感知到这波动,苏晓颇感意外,这波动是……施法者 Spellcaster entered Primary world unexpectedly, even if Void Tree notarization All Release Primary world, Spellcaster is not basically able to enter, only if Hegemony Battle that kind of peculiar circumstance. 施法者居然进入了原生世界,哪怕是虚空之树公证全开放原生世界,施法者也基本上无法进入,除非是强者争霸战那类特殊情况。 Also or, was Contractor obtained the inheritance of Spellcaster? This matter is not impossible, is only very rare, the ability inheritance of Spellcaster, the key lies in Arcane Eternal Star, as well as Plunder natural elemental energy. 又或者,是契约者获得了施法者的传承?这种事并非不可能,只是很罕见而已,施法者的能力传承,关键在于奥术永恒星,以及掠夺自然元素 Su Xiao looks at female Contractor more than ten meters away, in his heart has to plant very strong feeling, this is Spellcaster, Spellcaster from Arcane Eternal Star, this is he feeling as Shadow of Extinguishing Law, the Azure Steel Shadow energy of his within the body enlivened several points. 苏晓看着十几米外的女契约者,他心中有种很强烈的感觉,这就是施法者,来自奥术永恒星施法者,这是他身为灭法之影的感觉,他体内的青钢影能量都活跃了几分。 All Release how Spellcaster enters Primary world? Gains to enter qualifications, first was removed by Su Xiao, the opposite party has some Paradise imprint, this is not wrong, each Paradise imprint fluctuates is too obvious, two Contractor meet by chance, preliminary Sensor, can judge that which Paradise the opposite party came from, this is because the fluctuation between imprint is different. 施法者如何进入的全开放原生世界?获取进入资格这点,首先被苏晓排除,对方有某个乐园烙印,这不是错,各个乐园烙印波动太明显,两名契约者偶遇,初步的感知,就能判断出对方来自哪个乐园,这就是因为烙印间的波动不同。 Has Paradise imprint, and Spellcaster from Arcane Eternal Star, this combination, making Su Xiao think of a person, Grey gentleman. 一名有乐园烙印,且来自奥术永恒星施法者,这种组合,让苏晓想到了一个人,灰绅士 Grey gentleman can control puppet many, Illusion Master that also through other special way control Contractor, met in primitive Continent initially, by puppet that’ Grey gentleman partly gives up. 灰绅士能操控很多‘人偶’,也就是通过特殊方式控制其他契约者,当初在原始大陆遇到的幻术师,就是被灰绅士半放弃的‘人偶’。 It seems like that this is the Grey gentleman strongest ability, ability that otherwise actually, Grey gentleman most goes against heaven's will, is this fellow can in certain way, imprint of peeling being defeated, several imprint in Crazy Doctor hand, are the Grey gentleman gifts. 看似这是灰绅士最强的能力,实则不然,灰绅士最逆天的能力,是这家伙能通过某种方式,剥离落败者的烙印,疯医生手中的几枚烙印,就是灰绅士赠予。 If imprint that Grey gentleman will seize, gift Caster Sage Sefelia, two worlds achieved some cooperation, finally that imprint, was implanted arrives on front female Spellcaster. 如果是灰绅士将夺来的一枚烙印,赠予法师贤者瑟菲莉娅,两人间达成了某种合作,最终那枚烙印,被植入到前方的女施法者身上。 A bolder suspicion is, this ambush, actually with Caster Sage Sefelia irrelevant, is this female Spellcaster plans at present, passing that in this case, many things explained. 更大胆一些的猜想是,这次的伏击,其实和法师贤者瑟菲莉娅无关,是眼前这名女施法者所策划,这样的话,很多事都解释的通。 Caster Sage Sefelia before , twice bends down to kill, although gave for nothing, but the specific goal, sends out one time with assassin that mage system has nothing to do with, another is one time to let the disciple tests Splitting Element, whether to hit evenly matched with Extinguishing Law. 法师贤者瑟菲莉娅的前两次伏杀虽都白给了,但目的明确,一次是派出与法系无关的暗杀者,另一次则是让弟子测试黎元素,能否与灭法者打个势均力敌。 Although gives for nothing, but has the sense of purpose twice, making Sefelia harvest many information. 虽白给,但两次都是有目的性的,让瑟菲莉娅收获了不少情报。 This time different, Su Xiao cannot think that this time bending down kills, can Caster Sage Sefelia brings what income, even if must give for nothing, cannot give for nothing. 这次则不同,苏晓想不到这次的伏杀,能给法师贤者瑟菲莉娅带来什么收益,就算是要白给,也不能这么白给。 Put simply is, this matter possibly with Caster Sage Sefelia irrelevant, but present female Spellcaster plans. 简单来讲就是,这件事可能与法师贤者瑟菲莉娅无关,而是眼前的女施法者所谋划。 The opposite party and Grey gentleman are acquainted, after paying certain chip, Grey gentleman helped the opposite party implant imprint, letting the opposite party can enter All Release in Primary world, but will not have any income, not only that but also had by Hunter, Battle angel and other discovery of anytime the risks. 对方与灰绅士相识,在付出一定筹码后,灰绅士帮对方植入了一枚烙印,让对方能进入全开放原生世界内,但不会有任何收益,不仅如此,还随时有被猎杀者战斗天使等发现的风险。 This female Spellcaster are the Eighth Order strength, only if she is very high in the Arcane Eternal Star position, may putting out let the reward of Eighth Order Contractor heart movement. 这女施法者自身是八阶战力,除非她在奥术永恒星的地位很高,才有可能拿出让八阶契约者心动的酬劳。 Also or, the opposite party camouflaged Caster Sage Sefelia, promised anything to this being employed Contractor, for example Arcane Eternal Star mage system item, or promised output of Black Maple Tree. 又或者,对方伪装成了法师贤者瑟菲莉娅,向这次受雇的契约者许诺了什么,例如奥术永恒星法系物品,又或是许诺了黑枫树的产出。 Caster Sage Sefelia is very high in the Arcane Eternal Star position, situated in the first echelon, again above was Supreme One. 法师贤者瑟菲莉娅奥术永恒星的地位很高,位于第一梯队,再之上就是至高之人了。 This time bending down kills, is this woman plans at present, Grey gentleman assists, moreover looks at the meaning of Grey gentleman, the fellow supplies ideas, has not directly been involved. 这次的伏杀,是眼前这女人所策划,灰绅士从中协助,而且看灰绅士的意思,那家伙只是出谋划策,没直接参与到其中。 If Caster Sage Sefelia that generation of Spellcaster, Su Xiao dreaded very much, kills as for Spellcaster of new generation, he is not dreaded. 如果是法师贤者瑟菲莉娅那一辈的施法者,苏晓很忌惮,至于新一代的施法者来袭杀,他并不算忌惮。 It can be said that the thing that Spellcaster of Su Xiao and younger generation, experiences is completely different. 可以说,苏晓与年轻一代的施法者们,所经历的东西完全不同。 Su Xiao slaughters in each world, Old Lion and Sovereign Harold, Iron Feathered King, Variation King, Source Guardian wait/etc., in these people, some are super Old Fart, some strengths are tyrannical, a hook-bladed spear/gun sweeps away all, but also somewhat for a commitment, protects one thing millenniums. 苏晓是在各个世界内厮杀,老狮子君主哈罗德铁羽王异王守源人等,这些人中,有些是超级老阴哔,有些战力强横,一把钩刃枪横扫一切,还有些为了一个承诺,守护一物千年。 Except that the powerhouses in these Primary world, each Paradise Contractor, Su Xiao have also encountered. 除了这些原生世界内的强者,各个乐园契约者,苏晓也交锋过很多。 Reviews Spellcaster of new generation, basically in void informed and experienced, Dark Abyss was the place of danger, in addition, was other void big races new generation displays their wisdom and bravery mutually, winning is the eminent, loses the probability that the body died is not high. 反观新一代的施法者,基本是在虚空内历练,黑渊就是危险之地了,除此之外,就是和其他虚空大种族的新一代互相斗智斗勇,赢了就是翘楚,输了身死的概率也不高。 At present, key information has four: 眼下,关键信息有四: 1. Spellcaster of Arcane Eternal Star from the element aura that is in sole possession. 1.来自奥术永恒星施法者那独有的元素气息。 2. opposite party that unusual imprint fluctuation, this imprint fluctuates, camouflages the feeling of Revelation Paradise side Contractor to look like with Crazy Doctor very much, the fluctuation similarity achieves over 95. 2.对方那奇特的烙印波动,这烙印波动,与疯医生伪装成天启乐园契约者的感觉很像,波动相似度达到95以上。 3. female Spellcaster that pair of golden pupil, in that pair of pupil, as if contains massive magic Array Chart, Su Xiao has been killing female Spellcaster that has this pupil, that is when Hegemony Battle, the opposite party named Daylin, is Caster Sage the Sefelia disciple, Daylin is mastering the Splitting Element ability, Splitting Element will be the type will synthesize and specifically be used in fight the strength of element the day after tomorrow, will be Sefelia develops, to restrain the Azure Steel Shadow energy, result failure. 3.施法者那双金色的瞳孔,那双眸子内,似乎蕴藏着大量魔法阵图,苏晓杀过一名有这种瞳孔的女施法者,那是在强者争霸战时,对方名叫狄琳,是法师贤者瑟菲莉娅的弟子,狄琳掌握着黎元素能力,黎元素是种后天合成、专门用于战斗的元素之力,是瑟菲莉娅所开发,为了克制青钢影能量,结果失败。 4. entire bent down to kill the plan is too rough, that feeling looked like...... these volt killing, knew the characteristics of Adversity Mark curse, was clear that after Eighth Order, will come Demon Sea surely, therefore has been kept waiting in this, before after sinking Skeppsholmen met by chance, just like gruff, started to sink Skeppsholmen to wait painstakingly, Su Xiao felt, Sefelia really could not make such stupid matter, how saying that that also in finally fought a decisive battle powerful Spellcaster that lived. 4.整个伏杀计划太粗糙了,那感觉就像是……这些伏杀者,知晓厄运号诅咒的特性,清楚自己在八阶后,必定会来魔海,所以一直在这傻等,之前在沉船岛偶遇后,宛如憨憨般,又开始在沉船岛苦等,苏晓感觉,瑟菲莉娅真的做不出这么蠢的事,怎么说,那也是在‘最终决战’中活下来的强大施法者 The so straightforward enemy, Su Xiao meets are not many. 如此耿直的敌人,苏晓遇到的不多。 Thunder that Grey gentleman buries.” 灰绅士埋的雷吗。” Su Xiao mumbled in a low voice, to him, Grey gentleman was one of the archenemies, were more than priest danger. 苏晓低声嘟哝,对于他来讲,灰绅士是大敌之一,比神父危险很多。 It seems like that Su Xiao and priest to become enemies, but priest that person, so long as the situation need, priest will come to cooperate with Su Xiao on own initiative. 看似苏晓神父交恶,但神父那种人,只要局势需要,神父会主动来与苏晓合作。 Grey gentleman is another degree of hazard, this fellow does not know that with what method, can strip Contractor imprint unexpectedly, imprint that even if strips has no function, situated in prohibits mode completely, but also enough danger. 灰绅士则是另一个危险程度,这家伙不知用什么方法,居然能剥离契约者烙印,哪怕剥离来的烙印没有任何功能,处于完全封禁状态,但也足够危险。 Once Grey gentleman and Arcane Eternal Star cooperate, that Su Xiao will face continuous same step strongest killing. 一旦灰绅士奥术永恒星合作,那苏晓将面临源源不断的同阶最强袭杀者。 The good news is, Grey gentleman knows risk, before several world progress, the opposite party buried a thunder, is present female Spellcaster, this seems like the probe. 好消息是,灰绅士知晓其中的风险,在几个世界进度前,对方埋了颗雷,也就是眼前的女施法者,这像是试探。 Between Su Xiao and Grey gentleman, are more like do not provoke temporarily mutually, so long as meets by chance, the enemy who the opposite party will put in the deathtrap, once Grey gentleman and Arcane Eternal Star will cooperate, that Su Xiao will choose anything not to do, will chase down Grey gentleman specially. 苏晓灰绅士之间,更像是暂不互相招惹,只要偶遇,就会将对方置于死地的敌人,一旦灰绅士奥术永恒星合作,那苏晓会选择什么事都不做,专门追杀灰绅士 Grey gentleman also knows this, therefore he looks for one to prove itself eagerly, and Spellcaster that the big probability can act presumptuously, the build of Grey gentleman, seems like plants the deterrent, must with Su Xiao temporary well water not interfering with river water. 灰绅士也知道这点,所以他才找一名急于证明自己,且大概率会擅自行动的施法者,灰绅士的布设,很像是种威慑,要与苏晓暂时井水不犯河水。 Su Xiao dreaded that Grey gentleman and Arcane Eternal Star cooperate, Grey gentleman dreaded Su Xiao anything does not do, chases down wholeheartedly as Offender he, this made relations of both sides reach balanced, can have no consideration for face, but did not have this necessity temporarily, really injured. 苏晓忌惮灰绅士奥术永恒星合作,灰绅士则忌惮苏晓什么都不做,一心追杀身为违规者的他,这让双方的关系达成了一种平衡,都能撕破脸,但暂时还没这种必要,实在是太伤了。 To come, Grey gentleman for this probe and deterrent, the paid price is big, at present is restoring in the hidden place. 想来,灰绅士为了这次的试探与威慑,付出的代价不小,眼下正在暗处恢复。 Su Xiao estimated that first few words that at present this female Spellcaster speaks, is related with Splitting Element with Daylin. 苏晓估测,眼前这女施法者所说的第一句话,就和狄琳黎元素有关。 In the meantime, front female Spellcaster says: 就在此时,前方的女施法者开口说道: Daylin that waste cannot massacre you, the teacher is very disappointed about Splitting Element, therefore... I stand before you.” 狄琳那个废物没能杀掉你,导师对黎元素很失望,所以…我站在你面前。” Hears the words of opposite party, Su Xiao estimated, second of opposite party is still related with Splitting Element, initially he used social climbing Azure Steel Shadow energy the long blade, after a blade pierces the defense of Splitting Element, the Daylin world view must crash, but the heart of woman is very tenacious, the thing that believes was broken, has not collapsed. 听闻对方的话,苏晓估测,对方的第二句依然与黎元素有关,当初他用攀附这青钢影能量的长刀,一刀刺穿黎元素的防御后,狄琳世界观都要崩塌,但那女人的心很坚韧,所坚信的东西被破,并未崩溃。 At present this person, may be the first group of Splitting Element accommodators who Sefelia trains, Sefelia after Splitting Element thorough is disappointed, present female Spellcaster from heaven to hell. 眼前这人,有可能是瑟菲莉娅培养出的第一批黎元素适应者,瑟菲莉娅黎元素彻底失望后,眼前的女施法者可谓是从天堂到了地狱。 Believes that thing avalanche, in the opposite party heart presented obsession, yes proved Splitting Element that oneself believe. 所坚信之物崩塌,对方心中出现了一种执念,就是证明自己所坚信的黎元素 Initially Sefelia had multi- regarding as important to this female Spellcaster, some multi- loves, obsession in that present this female Spellcaster heart deep. 当初瑟菲莉娅对这女施法者有多看重,有多疼爱,那现在这女施法者心中的执念就有多深。 I will beat you with... Splitting Element, takes to the teacher your head.” “我会用…黎元素击败你,把你的头颅带给导师。” Female Spellcaster lowers the head, golden mage system Array Chart appears in her behind, this is constitutes by Splitting Element. 施法者低下头,金色法系阵图在她身后出现,这是由黎元素所构成。 What present is the enemy? Reluctantly is, compares this female Spellcaster, the person who the opposite party hires is possibly harder to deal with. 眼前的是敌人?勉强算是,相比这女施法者,对方雇来的人可能更难缠。 This female Spellcaster is more like messenger , helping Grey gentleman transmitted well water not interfering with river water information messenger. 这女施法者更像是‘信使’,帮灰绅士传达了井水不犯河水这信息的‘信使’。 Bang! 嘭! Female Spellcaster plunders together the remnant shadow, the golden energy long spear/gun in hand, directly soars the Su Xiao's surface gate. 施法者掠出一道残影,手中的金色能量长枪,直奔苏晓的面门而来。 , Su Xiao lights cigarette with Destiny Controller, after a dull thumping sound, punctures to his front energy long spear/gun, was resisted by several clasp knives, does not get the little advance slightest. 啪的一声,苏晓命运主宰点燃一支烟,一声闷响后,刺到他前方的能量长枪,被几把水手刀抵住,不得寸进分毫。 Su Xiao sits by the one after another black incantation Crow manifestation seat on, in the mouth puts out the light smoke, in him peripheral is eight curse people. 苏晓坐在由一只只黑咒乌鸦形成的座椅上,口中吐出青烟,在他周边是八名诅咒人。 Sees this, female Spellcaster the anger in Eva heart was unable to contain, she cannot think through, not being able to think through is she first arrives in this world for He Mingming, at this time actually falls into such position? Where has problems, the plan thoroughly is very right, had united this world powerhouse. 看到这一幕,女施法者・艾娃心中的怒火已经无法遏制,她想不通,想不通为何明明是她先抵达这个世界,此时却身陷此等境地?到底是哪里出了问题,计划已经很周密才对,已经联合了这个世界的强者。 The spear/gun blade of energy long spear/gun, is rubbing with the knife edges of several clasp knives, exudes ka ka the sound, from stabbing Su Xiao also misses half meter away, but these half meter is a day of wall. 能量长枪的枪刃,与几把水手刀的刀刃摩擦着,发出咔咔的响声,距离刺中苏晓还差半米远,可这半米就是天壁。 The anchor brandishes from the sky, bang pounds in female Spellcaster place that Eva is , a manifestation giant earth pit, female Spellcaster after Eva full power leaps, just fell to the ground, she discovered that peripheral has stood the curse person, surrounds to be one of them her. 船锚从上空抡下,轰隆一声砸在女施法者・艾娃所在的地方,形成一道巨大的土坑,女施法者・艾娃全力后跃,刚落地,她就发现周边已站满诅咒人,将她包围在其中。 Suddenly, female Spellcaster Eva remembers her teacher in some day to a few words that she speaks, those words are: Eva, I know that you are thinking anything, but that person is not you can resist, my generation of will find the way to remove him, present you, perhaps strength compared with that person, but do not find that person, he cannot cope as you of new generation.’ 恍然间,女施法者・艾娃想起她导师在某天对她说的一句话,那句话是:‘艾娃,我知道你在想什么,但那个人已经不是你能对抗的,我这一代人会想办法除掉他,现在的你,或许实力比那个人强,但不要去找那个人,他不是作为新一代的你能对付的。’ …… 嘎、嘎、嘎。 Crow everywhere, female Spellcaster Eva deeply inspires, she in battlefield informed and experienced, but also went to the bottom of Dark Abyss, even distant has looked into Blade Demon, she is in a new generation strongest, she does not believe that has experienced hell of tempering, very today's bad risk. 乌鸦漫天,女施法者・艾娃深吸了口气,她在战场上历练过,还去过黑渊之底,甚至远远的眺望过刀魔,她是新一代中的最强,她不信,经历过‘地狱’般磨炼的自己,会挺不过今天的凶险。 Extinguishing Law!” 灭法者!” Female Spellcaster Eva throws to Su Xiao, what a pity, between she and Su Xiao is away from about hundred curse people. 施法者・艾娃向苏晓扑来,可惜,她与苏晓之间隔着近百名诅咒人。 Before the peripheral curse person all rushes, troop black incantation Crow in sky dives, nearly a manifestation black wave, female Spellcaster Eva submerges, can only see the golden ray for the first time presently. 周边的诅咒人全部冲上前,天空中的大群黑咒乌鸦俯冲而下,近乎形成一股黑色浪潮,将女施法者・艾娃淹没在内,只能看到金色光芒乍现。 Female Spellcaster Eva is so miserable , because, Su Xiao estimated that most dangerous result, is Caster Sage Sefelia prohibits Eighth Order the strength, entered this world in the special method. 施法者・艾娃之所以这么惨,是因为,苏晓预估最危险的结果,是法师贤者瑟菲莉娅将实力封禁到八阶,以特殊方法进入了这个世界 Except that curse person and outside black incantation Crow, Su Xiao also prepared other subsequent hands, now looks like, these prepared not to use. 除去诅咒人、黑咒乌鸦外,苏晓还准备了其他后手,现在看来,这些准备都用不上了。 Having matter Su Xiao is very curious, is Spellcaster to implant the imprint way to enter this world temporarily, the opposite party became Contractor by notarization, is half plot character? If the latter, strikes to kill the opposite party to fall treasure box? Spellcaster treasure box , he but has not obtained. 有件事苏晓很好奇,就是施法者以临时植入烙印的方式进入这个世界,对方到底是被公证契约者,还是半个剧情人物?如果是后者,击杀对方会不会掉落宝箱施法者宝箱,他可是没获得过。
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