RP :: Volume #41

#22: Being caught off guard

From this hidden mission, can judge that front this old castle dangerous, the fact showed, the beforehand arrangement is necessary. 从这隐藏任务,就能判断出前方这古堡有多危险,事实证明,之前的筹备很有必要。 Curse people go out from the black fog, amount to 350 curse people, pauses in the old castle front. 一名名诅咒人从黑雾内走出,总计350名诅咒人,停步在古堡前方。 Kills off inside all active things.” “杀光里面所有能动的东西。” The Su Xiao's order just issued, curse people flush away to the old castle, the ground that they pass through was been wet by the sea water cut. 苏晓的命令刚下达,一名名诅咒人就向古堡内冲去,它们所途经的地面都被海水侵湿。 Roar!” “吼!” In the old castle jet black entry, sends out just like the wild animal roaring sound, the curse person does not care about in the old castle to have anything, they were pressed in the seabed are too long, is the terrifying and savage thing, they more are willing to cut torn to pieces it, this is the pleasure that they only remain. 古堡漆黑一片的门洞内,发出宛如野兽般的咆哮声,诅咒人不在乎古堡内有什么,它们被压在海底太久,越是恐怖与凶残的东西,它们越是愿意将其砍到支离破碎,这是它们仅剩的乐趣。 Bangs, transmit from the jet black entry, after several seconds, a head detains the curse person of conch to fly upside down, its corpse separation, is seeking for own conch head blindly. 一声声巨响,从漆黑的门洞内传来,几秒后,一名头部扣着海螺的诅咒人倒飞而出,它的尸首分离,正盲目的寻找自己的海螺头。 Clatter clatter clatter......” “嗒嗒嗒……” Falls on the conch head of ground, in the mouth makes the strange sound, this is the sound of tooth collision, the headless body stride goes forward, cannot attend to installing again the head, this curse person is carrying own conch head, breaks in the jet black entry. 落在地上的海螺头,口中发出奇怪的声音,这是牙齿碰撞的声音,无头身体大步上前,顾不得重新将脑袋装上去,这诅咒人拎着自己的海螺头,又冲入漆黑的门洞内。 Sees this, where Su Xiao starts to think should from make 30000 gold coins, thus relieves the Adversity Mark double seal. 看到这一幕,苏晓开始思索应该从哪弄30000枚金币,从而解除厄运号的第二重封印。 By that time, is not only curses the number and strength rise of person, their consciousness will also sober, like the present, cannot only according to the simple order conduct. 到了那时,不仅是诅咒人的数量与实力提升,它们的意识也会清醒,不像现在,只能依照简单的命令行事。 Su Xiao will not enter in the old castle temporarily, at least needs to wait for an old castle enemy to be cleaned up cleanly, he will consider to enter. 苏晓暂不会进入古堡内,至少要等古堡一层的敌人被清理干净,他才会考虑进入其中。 Opens the mission list, hidden mission that the Su Xiao examination just triggered. 打开任务列表,苏晓查看刚触发的隐藏任务 hidden mission: Evil different it thing( only one point)】 隐藏任务:邪异之物(仅一环)】 Difficulty Level: lv.74 难度等级:lv.74 mission information : Destruction Byrne family evil different thing. 任务信息:破坏‘伯恩家族’的邪异之物。 Mission Time Limit: 6 hours. 任务期限:六小时。 Mission Reward: Soul box of flood. 任务奖励:满溢的灵魂箱。 mission penalty: True Strength, Agility, stamina and Intelligence attribute reduces 6 points permanently. 任务惩罚:真实力量敏捷体力智力属性永久降低六点。 ...... …… Mission Reward is very rich, penalty is also very high, the body attribute that once Mission Failure, reduces, is equivalent to Su Xiao to experience the physical quality that world enhances. 任务奖励很丰厚,惩罚也很高,一旦任务失败,所降低的身体属性,相当于苏晓经历一个世界所提升的身体素质。 Prompt: Your crew has struck to kill sends insect guard, you obtain 4 Soul coin.】 提示:你的船员已击杀‘寄虫侍卫’,你获得四枚灵魂钱币。】 Sending the insect guard should be taking advantage of Baron Byrne, but contrast curse person, the quantity or the individual strength, send the insect guards insufficiently to look. 寄虫侍卫应该就是伯恩男爵的依仗,但对比诅咒人,无论是数量还是个体战力,寄虫侍卫都不够看。 Su Xiao not only relieved the Adversity Mark single layer seal, but also almost will vanish light/only the general store of island to empty, and is refuting the curse of Demon Sea, the quantity promotion of black incantation Crow to 85000, to let the curse person receives the Warlord addition. 苏晓不仅解除了厄运号的第一重封印,还几乎将泯光岛的杂货铺清空,并硬顶着魔海的诅咒,将黑咒乌鸦的数量提升至85000只,就为了让诅咒人受到战争领主的加成。 Made so many preparations, if tidies up Baron Byrne to be strenuous, after that Su Xiao, does not need to think with four big pirates, as well as empire faction confrontation . Moreover, in this world also some massive Contractor, Scaled Dragon Ya undergoes to subdue|grams, poisonous milk light washes, no is good to cope. 做了这么多准备,如果收拾个伯恩男爵都费力,那苏晓之后就不用想着与四位大海盗,以及帝国势力交锋,况且,这个世界内还有大量契约者,鳞龙·亚历克,毒奶・光沐等,没有一个是好对付的。 Truly difficult to deal with, is not Baron Byrne, but is Caster Sage powerful enemy who Sefelia hires. 真正难对付的,并非是伯恩男爵,而是法师贤者瑟菲莉娅雇来的强敌。 Caster Sage before Sefelia, twice retaliations give for nothing, but this does not represent the opposite party to be stupid, is worth Caster Sage Sefelia large sum of money employment assassin, absolutely is Contractor of Eighth Order top echelon. 法师贤者瑟菲莉娅前两次的报复都白给,但这不代表对方蠢,值得法师贤者瑟菲莉娅重金雇佣的暗杀者,绝对是八阶顶尖梯队的契约者 At this time in underground 2nd Layer of old castle, Baron Byrne is sitting on the wooden chair, both hands finger overlapping, the thumb arrives in the same place, his complexion is very ugly, why cannot think through the curse person to mount the land. 此时古堡的地下二层内,伯恩男爵正坐在木椅上,双手手指交叉,拇指抵在一起,他的面色很难看,想不通诅咒人为何能登上陆地。 Baron Byrne compares several big pirates to understand the curse person, at least he himself thinks that like this, through report, he knew the Adversity Mark approximate appearance. 伯恩男爵比几位大海盗更了解诅咒人,至少他自己是这样认为的,通过手下的汇报,他得知了厄运号的大致模样。 This makes Baron Byrne judge, the Adversity Mark seal has not relieved too, the curse person has not restored the intelligence, although this mode curse person is difficult to kill, has not been the unmatchable degree. 这让伯恩男爵判断出,厄运号的封印没解除太多,诅咒人还没恢复神智,这种状态的诅咒人虽难杀,并没达到无法对抗的程度。 Byrne family's sending insect guard, is to cursing the imitation of person, the achievement how, Baron Byrne is unable to estimate specifically, but he felt, at least is facing to fight with the curse person does not have the issue. 伯恩家族的寄虫侍卫,就是对诅咒人的模仿,成果如何,伯恩男爵无法具体估测,但他感觉,最起码与诅咒人正面对战是没问题的。 How possibly to mount the land, who this generation of captains are.” “怎么可能登上陆地,这一代的船长到底是谁。” Baron Byrne in the heart has too the doubts, his plan is, first hides in the old castle, awaits calmly duke that side reinforcement, later collaborates from outside with the inside, attacks and sinks Adversity Mark. 伯恩男爵心中有太多疑惑,原本他的打算是,先藏身在古堡内,静候公爵那边的增援,之后里应外合,将厄运号击沉。 Right, Adversity Mark can attack and sink, although in less than dozens years, this ominous ship will gradually recover in the seabed, but that was the dozens years later matters. 没错,厄运号是可以击沉的,虽说用不了几十年,这艘凶船就会在海底逐渐复原,但那是几十年后的事了。 Most quarters, the fleet of duke, should... no issue.” “最多一刻钟,公爵的船队就会到,应该…没什么问题。” Baron Byrne opens the mouth in a low voice, his finishing speaking, on the metal door of underground room has a loud sound. 伯恩男爵低声开口,他的话音刚落,地下房间的金属门上就发出一声巨响。 Bang! 嘭! On the metal door presents the human form bulge, a knife that proliferates the black rusty stain penetrates the metal door, blood that above contaminates, likely tiny insect creeping motion. 金属门上呈现人形凸起,一把遍布黑色锈迹的刀子穿透金属门,上面沾染的鲜血,像细小的虫子般蠕动。 This was pulled out the clasp knife slowly, after out of the door quiet several seconds . 这把水手刀被慢慢抽出,门外安静了几秒后。 Bang! 嘭! As if had anything to hit the gate, the metal door the bulge, after consecutive several times of hit, out of the door quiet got down again. 仿佛有什么东西在撞门,金属门内部又凸起了一些,连续几次的撞击后,门外再次安静下来。 Baron Byrne still the prestige sits, is seemingly calm, but he is actually abutting behind chairback, grabs the right hand of seat arm rest to turn green because of overstrain. 伯恩男爵依然威坐,看似淡定,可他却紧靠着身后的椅背,抓着座椅扶手的右手因过度用力而发青。 Bang, the metal door was hit, the metal door of distortion falls on Baron Byrne the front, defends lifts the step to go forward in his behind three guards. 轰隆一声,金属门被撞开,扭曲的金属门落在伯恩男爵前方,守在他身后的三名侍卫抬步上前。 The whole bodies of these three guards as if coated with completely the black japan, some spots of suppuration are entangling the dirty cloth strip, sent out the odor. 这三名侍卫的全身仿佛涂满了黑漆,有些化脓的部位缠着肮脏的布条,散发出恶臭。 Three send the insect guard vs two curse people, existence of both trouble-maker, just met, charges into the opposite party. 三名寄虫侍卫vs两名诅咒人,双方都是非人的存在,刚见面,就冲向对方。 Sending insect guard who in a reputation entangles the full cloth strip, several steps before rushing, the flesh on his right arm surges, changes into a sharp thorn, directly soars the head of curse person to puncture. 一名头上缠满布条的寄虫侍卫,几步就冲上前,他右臂上的血肉涌动,化为一根尖刺,直奔诅咒人的头颅刺来。 The flesh sharp thorn has punctured from the face of curse person, sees only the body of this curse person one, in the hand on single Renda the axe brandishes. 血肉尖刺从诅咒人的脸旁刺过,只见这名诅咒人的身体一偏,手中单刃大斧上抡。 , The big axe from sending the chin of insect guard chops into, breaks out its head front, the divided tooth scatters. 啪啦一声,大斧从寄虫侍卫的下巴劈入,将它的头部前方劈开,劈的牙齿四溅。 Suffered this axe, sends the insect guard to withdraw again and again, it extracts one to aggravate the long sword, both hands grasps the sword, a sword brandishes horizontally, as if must cut open the air. 挨了这一斧,寄虫侍卫连连退后,它抽出一把加重长剑,双手握剑,一剑横抡,似乎都要将空气切开。 Sees only opposite curse person also to brandish the big axe, an axe welcomed to the long sword. 只见对面的诅咒人也抡起大斧,一斧迎向长剑。 When! 当! sparks/Mars scatters, the impact spreads, is grasping the sending insect guard who thickens the long sword drew back two steps, this has not calculated, after the curse person repels the enemy, the big axe turns over in his hands, it changes to the double hand-held axe, the big axe strength chops under. 火星四溅,冲击扩散开,握着加厚长剑的寄虫侍卫退了两步,这还不算完,诅咒人一击退敌后,大斧在他手中翻转,它改为双手持斧,大斧力劈而下。 When! When! When! 当!当!当! After ear-spitting gold/metal irons clash, sent the insect guard to kneel on the ground, its is grasping the sword hilt, holds the sword blade single-handedly, resisted several axes of curse person reluctantly, the Strength complete steamroll. 一声声震耳的金铁对撞后,寄虫侍卫跪在了地上,它一手握着剑柄,一手托着剑身,勉强抗住诅咒人的几斧,力量完全碾压了。 The curse person several steps charge into the side wall, it after on the wall trod several, the right hand brandishes the big axe, the body in the midair turns over, an axe chops, this axe not only rudely, and several clone after natural and smoothness that hundred fight. 诅咒人几步冲向侧面的墙壁,它在墙壁上踏了几步后,右手抡起大斧,身体在半空中翻转一圈,一斧劈下,这斧既势大力沉,又有几分身经百战的潇洒与顺畅。 , The long sword was shattered, a curse person axe will send the insect guard to hew two sections, the blood plasma scatters, will curse the person to affect. 啪啦一声,长剑破碎,诅咒人一斧将寄虫侍卫从中砍成两截,血浆四溅开来,将诅咒人波及在内。 The balanus and shellfish ball of curse person whole body fly, the big piece blood that will splash keeps off, while this opportunity, the curse person is sideways, evades the blood plasma that the splash comes. 诅咒人全身的藤壶与贝类弹飞,将溅来的大片鲜血挡下,趁这机会,诅咒人一侧身,躲过飞溅而来的血浆。 Baron Byrne the entire journey witnessed this, his eye stares in a big way, the lip opens and closes, as to say anything, the card could not say in the throat, his family tried to find out many years, do not know killed many slaves, created to send the insect guard. 伯恩男爵全程目睹了这一幕,他的眼睛瞪大,嘴唇开合,似乎想说什么,却卡在喉咙中说不出来,他的家族摸索了多年,不知弄死了多少奴隶,才创造出寄虫侍卫。 Byrne family prepared to rely on to send the insect guard, becomes one on Demon Sea big faction, the present scene, routs the cognition of Baron Byrne, after on curse person, sends the insect guard to collapse at the first blow simply. 伯恩家族原本准备凭借寄虫侍卫,成为魔海上的大势力之一,眼下的情景,将伯恩男爵的认知击溃,对上诅咒人后,寄虫侍卫简直是不堪一击。 On Adversity Mark, is all crew will really be stranded to vanish up the island, was enslaved by Adversity Mark? The answer is, is not such, insufficiently great strength, including does not have by the qualifications that Adversity Mark enslaved. 厄运号上,真的是所有船员都会被困在泯光岛,被厄运号奴役吗?答案是,并非如此,生前不够强大者,连被厄运号奴役的资格都没有。 Blood splattering, another two send the insect guard also to be solved, in the underground room only remains Baron Byrne and two curse people. 鲜血喷溅,另外两名寄虫侍卫也被解决掉,地下房间内只剩伯恩男爵与两名诅咒人。 Baron Byrne raises the Flintlock in hand suddenly, aims at a head of curse person, deducts the trigger. 伯恩男爵陡然扬起手中的燧发枪,对准一名诅咒人的头颅,扣下扳机。 When lang, the lead ball hits on the big axe, this keeps off the big axe before the curse person, to reduce stress surface, this makes corrections greatly is inclining slightly, the lead ball stays behind after the axe surface is together hollow, is shot to fly away, submerges in nearby wall, rumbles diameter about one meter large cave/hole. 当啷一声,铅弹打在大斧上,这把大斧挡在诅咒人面前,为了减少受力面,这把大斧正略微倾斜着,铅弹在斧面上留下一道凹陷后,被弹飞开,没入附近的墙壁内,轰出直径近一米的大洞。 Baron Byrne this in hand is very uncommon the Flintlock, conservative estimation, Quality in Holy Spirit-level Immortal Grade. 伯恩男爵手中的这把燧发枪很不凡,保守估测,品质圣灵级~不朽级之间。 Baron Byrne, your ability, to attack and occupy to sink Skeppsholmen, we prepared to be very long, did not need to camouflage, put out the real skill.” “伯恩男爵,你就这点能耐吗,为了攻占沉船岛,我们准备了很久,不用伪装了,拿出真本事吧。” The Baja sound conveys, the A' Mu stride enters in the underground room, Baja stands on its shoulder. 巴哈的声音传来,阿姆大步走进地下房间内,巴哈则站在它肩头上。 Can start BOSS games, your opponent is our two, like your small BOSS, but also does not have the qualifications and we fights most, hurries, do not install, coming an insect to change body one kind.” “可以开始boss了,你的对手是我们两个,像你这种小boss,还没资格和我方的最强交手,赶紧的,别装了,来个虫变身一类的。” Baja is eager to try, before entering this world, its strength promoted a big truncation, at present finally is one's turn it to act. 巴哈跃跃欲试,进入这个世界前,它的实力提升了一大截,眼下终于轮到它出手。 „......” “……” Baron Byrne sets out from the wooden chair slowly, sees this, a Baja eye of reveal is vigilant, must come. 伯恩男爵从木椅上缓缓起身,看到这一幕,巴哈目露警惕,要来了。 You, impossible defeat me forever.” “你们,永远也不可能战胜我。” Under the skin of Baron Byrne starts to wriggle, as if presented ten million/countless only the small insect, he gets hold of the Flintlock in hand, looks at Baja and in the A' Mu vision, somewhat disdains unexpectedly. 伯恩男爵的皮肤下开始蠕动,仿佛出现了千万只小虫子,他握紧手中的燧发枪,看巴哈阿姆的目光中,竟有些不屑。 Big brother you calm......” “大哥你冷静……” Bang! 砰! The sound of gunfire reverberates in the room, the right wing of Baja lifts, that expression, just like eating two jin (0.5 kg) flew in circles, shows some veiled Quangan indistinctly. 枪声在房间内回荡,巴哈的右翅膀抬起,那表情,宛如吃了二斤翔般,隐约还透出些蒙圈感。 The shatter skull and blood scatter, the head was rumbled broken Baron Byrne to fall to the ground, in the hand also braves the light smoke the Flintlock also to fall in the place. 破碎的颅骨与鲜血四溅,头颅被轰碎的伯恩男爵倒地,手中还冒着青烟的燧发枪也掉落在地。 Baja misjudged, it considers everything, without calculating this thing is launches in salvos unexpectedly, fired the first spear/gun, does not need to fill in the ball, can fire the second spear/gun. 巴哈失算了,它千算万算,没算到这玩意居然是连发的,开了第一枪,都不用填弹,就能开第二枪。 Misjudges, is Baron Byrne this invincible forms of combat , so long as he died, the enemy is unable to defeat him, may be called the non-solution. 更失算的,是伯恩男爵这‘无敌’的战斗方式,正所谓,只要他死了,敌人就无法战胜他,堪称无解。 Baron Byrne gave himself a head spear/gun, is rotten own head bang, this operation, being true makes Baja be a little caught off guard. 伯恩男爵给了自己脑袋一枪,将自己的脑袋轰烂,这操作,属实让巴哈有点措手不及。
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