RP :: Volume #32

#7: Tyrants

In the M - Tyrant aiming field of vision, Su Xiao observes the situation three kilometers away initially, chose in a reputation to live the antenna, should be partial in spiritual control and Sensor combat. m·暴君的瞄准视野内,苏晓初步观察三公里外的情况,就选择了一名头上生有触角,应该是偏向于精神控制感知的参战者。 With Su Xiao's locking, on the M - Tyrant spear's/gun's body emerges the blue energy trace, these traces are very pale, will diverge momentarily. 随着苏晓的锁定,m·暴君的枪身上涌现蓝色能量纹路,这些纹路很淡,随时都会散去。 Spear/Gun 80000 Paradise Coins, this is the price of M - Tyrant great power, not only that the spear/gun after locking, must the hit enemy. 一枪80000乐园币,这是m·暴君强大威力的代价,不仅如此,锁定后的这一枪,必须命中敌人。 Su Xiao only exchanged 5 rounds of M - Tyrant bullets, if unable to trigger M - Tyrant high-energy mode, basic impossible by this ambush artillery, rumbles to become dregs more than 30 combat three kilometers away. 苏晓只兑换了五发m·暴君的子弹,如果无法触发m·暴君的高能状态,根本不可能凭借这把狙击炮,将三公里外的30多名参战者都轰成渣。 Equipment effect 3, death locking( passive): This firearms have loaded 8 ~ 65 times of auto-adapted telescopic sights, but manual / automatic control, after aiming at the target 2 seconds, will conduct lifeform locking to the goal, thus disregards over 90% obstacles , to continue to provide the target bearing for the user. 装备效果三,死亡锁定(被动):此枪械已加载8~65倍自适应瞄准镜,可手动/自动调节,瞄准目标二秒后,将对目标进行生物锁定,从而无视90%以上障碍物,为使用者持续提供目标方位。 Prompt: If successfully kills already the locking target, this firearms will enter high energy immediately mode! Through consuming user Mana or other energies, constitutes energy wind mark bullet, and fills into the magazine automatically, until the user Mana consumption to below 10%, high-energy mode finished. 提示:如成功射杀已锁定目标,此枪械将立即进入‘高能’状态!通过消耗使用者自身法力值或其他能量,构成‘能量风痕子弹’,并自动填装入弹仓内,直至使用者法力值消耗至10%以下,高能状态结束。 Prompt: During high-energy mode continues, energy wind mark bullet destructive power promotes 80%, and after penetrating enemy, causes the regional explosion damage. 提示:高能状态持续期间,‘能量风痕子弹’破坏力提升80%,且在穿透敌人后,造成范围性爆炸伤害。 ...... …… Buzz ~ 嗡~ The M - Tyrant 12 secondary fire installments start to revolve, wooden Spirit Race of Su Xiao aiming distant place. m·暴君内部的12种辅助射击装置开始运转,苏晓瞄准远处的一名木灵族 The head lives the antenna, the skin light green, and there is a crack, under the jaw the both sides have the gill line, if Su Xiao has not judged wrong, he locks, is Void Races wooden Spirit Race, lives in dense/woods of Continent sea. 头部生有触角,皮肤浅绿,且有碎纹,颚下两侧有鳃线,如果苏晓没判断错,他锁定的,就是虚空种族・木灵族,生活在海之森大陆 Su Xiao needs to aim at this wooden Spirit Race over two seconds, can conduct lifeform locking, but locks successful that moment, he can touch off the trigger. 苏晓需要瞄准这名木灵族两秒以上,才能进行生物锁定,而锁定成功的那一刻,他就可以扣动扳机。 The weed ground three kilometers away, the lakeside water vapor of distant place ascends, numerous combat is discussing anything, for example Su Xiao possible position, as well as whether other combat unities with left peninsula, first encircles jointly kills the pair, later copes with Su Xiao. 三公里外的荒草地上,远处的湖边水汽升腾,一众参战者正讨论着什么,例如苏晓可能出现的位置,以及是否与左半岛的其他参战者团结起来,先联手围杀双子,之后再对付苏晓 The atmosphere of discussion is not harmonious, after all they do not have a leader in the true sense, the war casualty moon/month is only the representative of people, is not considered as that the true leader. 谈论的氛围并不融洽,毕竟他们没有一个真正意义上的头领,殇月只是众人的代表而已,不算是真正的头领。 „Is this feeling?” “这感觉是?” The head lives wooden Spirit Race of antenna to look all around the surroundings fast, her present feeling is not wonderful, as if ice-cold eyes are staring at her, this feeling, making her whole body fine body hair set up. 头生触角的木灵族快速环顾周围,她现在的感觉非常不妙,仿佛有一只冰冷的眼睛在盯着她,这感觉,让她全身寒毛树立。 „It is not wonderful, not wonderful......” “不妙,不妙……” The fresh water lake of wooden Spirit Race sudden rearward runs, although there does not have the sea water, but can also display her race talent. 灵族突然向后方的淡水湖跑去,那里虽然没有海水,但也能发挥出她的种族天赋。 This is......” “这是……” The war casualty moon/month slightly reveals the doubts looks to run far wooden Spirit Race, immediately, she thinks of a possibility. 殇月略显疑惑的看着跑远的木灵族,马上,她想到一种可能。 Establishes the defense line same place, ground-to-air, to big might long-range weapon!” “原地建立防线,对空,对大威力远程武器!” War casualty moon/month achievement Winged Race, has received the education in this aspect since childhood, this was she at age 12, in Irwin School in the instructor mouth learned, but Irwin School, was actually the school that Winged Race established, was responsible for the systematized professor childhood Winged Race knowledge. 殇月作为羽族,从小就受到过这方面的教育,这是她在12岁时,在‘艾文艾学院’的讲师口中习得,而‘艾文艾学院’,其实就是羽族所建立的学院,负责系统化教授幼年羽族知识。 The fight accomplishment of war casualty moon/month is not low, what a pity, her side is not her same clan, but came from at least 30 race above combat. 殇月的战斗素养不低,可惜,她身旁并不是她的同族,而是来自至少30个种族以上的参战者。 Dispersing!” “散开!” „, Dispersing do not die is quicker, establishes the bunker, otherwise, when the target hits......” “千万别,散开死的更快,建立掩体,否则会被当靶子打……” Although war casualty moon/month ordinary serious in speech and manner, but actually pig teammate was mad trembled, if these people drew alone, the fight accomplishment was good, after may gather together, was in a state of disunity, had the battle efficiency, but routine operated independently. 殇月虽然平常不苟言笑,但却被身旁的‘猪队友’们气哆嗦了,这些人如果单独拉出来,战斗素养都不错,可聚集到一起后,就是一盘散沙,不是没有战斗力,而是都习惯性各自为战。 Bang! 砰! The gunshot transmits from the distant place, the arm thick white light beam, passed over gently and swiftly from the war casualty moon/month together, leaves behind the spiral-shaped wind mark in the air. 枪响从远处传来,一道手臂粗的白色光柱,从殇月上方掠过,在空气中留下螺旋状风痕。 , One big rolls Bloody Mist to blast out in the distant place, that has rushed to wooden Spirit Race of lakeside, was been broken by 1 4. 22 mm wind mark bullet bang, smashing. 啪啦一声,一大团血雾在远处炸开,那名已经冲到湖边的木灵族,被一4.22mm的风痕子弹轰碎,粉碎。 The lake water within blood incarnadine peripheral several meters, an antenna float of break on water surface. 鲜血染红周边几米内的湖水,一根断裂的触角漂浮在水面上。 Sees this, the war casualty moon/month felt that cold air spreads from the sole, the direct impact top of the head, most suffers three spears/guns, she will certainly die, certain meeting. 看到这一幕,殇月感觉到一股凉气从脚底蔓延,直冲头顶,最多挨三枪,她一定会死,一定会。 At this time and at this moment, the war casualty moon/month wants to have an ability, that can sneak in the soil, what a pity, Winged Race does not have tax of this day. 此时、此刻,殇月很想拥有一种能力,那就是能钻进泥土里,可惜,羽族没这天赋。 Bang! 轰隆! Icy Battle Hammer pounds beyond the right side hundred meters, the form that the whole body cold air ascends together, is running out from the forest of distant place. 一把寒冰战锤砸在右侧百米外,一道全身寒气升腾的身影,正从远处的森林内冲出。 Moreover, a whole body feather black blue demon eagle passed over gently and swiftly from the low altitude. 不仅如此,一只全身羽毛黑蓝的魔鹰从低空掠过。 „!” “呜嗷!” Wolf howling sound transmits, hears this sound, the war casualty moon/month determined, they had been surrounded , once when scatters in all directions escapes is constrained, that can die is quicker. ‘狼嚎声’传来,听到这声音,殇月确定,他们已经被包围了,四散逃时一旦被拖住,那会死的更快。 On the icicle three kilometers away, Su Xiao partly squats on this, because of recoil that transmits from the butt, his ice surface already reappearing close fissure. 三公里外的冰柱上,苏晓半蹲在这上面,因从枪托上传来的后坐力,他脚下的冰面已浮现细密裂痕。 Several energy silk yarn coverings on the Su Xiao's small arm, energy silk thread another end connection in M - Tyrant various spear's/gun's body places, through consuming Su Xiao's Mana, in the packing energy wind mark bullet for the magazine, M - Tyrant have entered high-energy mode. 几根能量丝线缠在苏晓的小臂上,能量丝线另一端连接在m·暴君的枪身各处,正通过消耗苏晓的法力值,为弹仓内填充能量风痕子弹,m·暴君已经进入高能状态 At this time the bullet has filled up, Su Xiao transfers the muzzle slightly, aims at one to escape from a about half kilometer enemy. 此时子弹已填满,苏晓略微调转枪口,瞄准一名已经逃出近半公里的敌人。 The Su Xiao's breath is very steady, present Cross Style fore or front sight nearly static. 苏晓的呼吸很平稳,眼前的十字准星近乎静止。 Bang! 砰! On the radiation hole of energy smog spouts from M - Tyrant barrel, the wind mark bullet has the chest cavity, leaves behind the spiral tornado mark that its is in sole possession of together in the air. 能量烟雾从m·暴君枪管上的散热孔内喷出,风痕子弹出膛,在空气中留下一道其独有的螺旋风痕。 In telescopic sights, before a half step to/clashes, the enemy who occasionally walks the position knocks down the kinetic energy that the lower half body was supplemented by the bullet directly to/clashes broken. 瞄准镜内,一名正快步前冲,偶尔走位的敌人扑倒在地,下半截身体直接被子弹所附带的动能冲碎。 After the energy wind mark bullet submerges the ground, the explosion, causes the energy explosion damage to the peripheral ten meters range in loudly. 当能量风痕子弹没入地面后,轰然爆炸,对周边十米范围内造成能量爆炸伤害。 Su Xiao transfers the muzzle again, the goal of this aiming, is the famous stone person, the whole body granite, is seemingly unwieldy, actually speed quick stone person. 苏晓再次调转枪口,这次瞄准的目标,是名石头人,全身花岗岩,看似笨重,实则速度很快的石头人。 Bang, bang and bang! 砰、砰、砰! The Su Xiao consecutively three spears/guns, three energy wind mark bullets depart from the muzzle in turn, after temporary delay, 3. that stone person 71 km away blasts out, rumbled to become Dapian crushed stone. 苏晓连续三枪,三颗能量风痕子弹依次从枪口内飞出,很短暂的延迟后,3.71公里外的那名石头人炸开,被轰成大片碎石。 Su Xiao starts to explode to combat crazy bang three kilometers away randomly, the primary goal / target is these is running away to the distant place. 苏晓开始对三公里外的参战者们狂轰乱炸,优先目标是那些正向远处逃的。 The explosion when Su Xiao besides the opening fire gunshot, actually the bullet hits after the enemy as well as submerges ground presents, the sound is not loud. 苏晓这边除了开枪时的枪响外,其实子弹打在敌人身上以及没入地面后所出现的爆炸,声音都不大。 Reviews the lakeside open land three kilometers away, here is the sound of gunfire is not big, but the bullet penetrates the body, and bullet flies the obsolete howling sound, listens is very clear, what is most exaggerating is the bullet submerges the explosive sound after ground, deafening. 反观三公里外的湖边荒地,这边是枪声不大,可子弹穿透身体,以及子弹飞过时的呼啸声,都听的很清楚,最夸张的是子弹没入地面后的爆炸声,震耳欲聋。 In a about four meters deep Tugou, the war casualty moon/month is squatting in inside, this Tugou had been reinforced by 11 abilities, the war casualty moon/month depending on ditch wall, seems like the rock, by some ability metallization, here had become the trench actually. 一道近四米深的土沟内,殇月正蹲在里面,这条土沟被11种能力加固过,殇月靠着的沟壁,看起来像岩石,实则已经被某种能力金属化,这里已然成为战壕。 Really saved a life.” “真是救命了。” Nita squats to sit in the trench, on the face can also see the bloodstain that spurts to see that. 尼塔蹲坐在战壕内,脸上还能看到喷见状的血迹。 Bang, bang and bang...... 轰、轰、轰…… Front conductive seas of the bullet bang on trench, although this is with the ability temporary transformation, but this conductive sea is quite firm, can resist 1 ~ 2 bullets, will be rumbled the broken piece. 一颗颗子弹轰在战壕前侧的金属层上,虽然这是用能力临时转化而成,可这金属层极为坚固,能抗住1~2颗子弹,才会被轰碎一片。 Takes a broad view to look, in a about 20 meters trench, almost squatting full combat, did not say trembles, is very desperate, who dares to appear, who dies. 放眼看去,近二十米长的战壕内,几乎蹲满参战者,不说是瑟瑟发抖,也是非常绝望,谁敢露头,谁死。 As for at first these scatter in all directions combat who flees, after they escape from certain distance, Baja will look for them, Baja does not need to kill the enemy, it can constrain these person of several seconds to be enough. 至于最初时那些四散奔逃的参战者,他们逃出一定距离后,巴哈就会找上他们,巴哈无需杀敌,它能拖住这些人几秒就足够了。 Lizard person, dream Spirit Race moe the young girl ominously, the war casualty moon/month, Nita and the others, at this time takes the trench as the bunker, hides in this. 蜥蜴人,梦灵族的凶萌少女,殇月,尼塔等人,此时都以战壕为掩体,藏身在此。 At first, they felt that can only a sniper in long-distance kill them, may after several minutes, they feel that has one group of snipers to explode to their crazy bang randomly. 最初时,他们感觉只能一名狙击手在远程狙杀他们,可在几分钟后,他们感觉有一群狙击手正对他们狂轰乱炸。
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