RP :: Volume #32

#8: Masterstroke feigns death?

The wind mark bullet howls to fly, hits thunders to make noise on the conductive sea of trench, the metal fragment splashes everywhere. 风痕子弹呼啸着飞来,打在战壕的金属层上轰鸣作响,金属残片四处飞溅。 Bang! 轰! After the bullet was shattered the blue flame surges, gradually dissipates in the air. 子弹破碎后的蓝焰涌起,逐渐在空气中消散。 Who can suppress him, this way, we must die.” “谁能压制他,这样下去,我们都要死。” I can.” “我能。” You make a move actually!” “那你倒是出手啊!” „Do under you poke head to give me to demonstrate?” “你探出头给我示范下?” I......” “我……” The dream Spirit Race young girl who the voice interrogated was at a loss for words, she does not dare to appear, she does not want to be hit to explode the head by a spear/gun. 发声质问的梦灵族少女语塞,她是绝不敢露头的,她不想被一枪打爆头颅。 Hang there, Brother, do not die, hey!” “坚持住,老哥,你别死啊,喂!” Nita's voice conveys, she cannot determine that now Su Xiao can come a spear/gun to her, therefore can only hide in the trench. 尼塔的声音传来,她现在根本不能确定苏晓会不会给她来一枪,所以只能躲在战壕内。 I possibly... could not insist, was too long.” “我可能…坚持不了,太久。” Off and on and weak sound conveys, one height about three meters, the whole body skin assumes the Dark Purple man, is depending to sit in the trench, but on his chest, there is a bucket thick crack together, the crack edge has the green light social climbing, this is also the reason that he has not died. 断断续续且又虚弱的声音传来,一名身高近三米,全身皮肤呈暗紫色的男人,正靠坐在战壕内,而在他的胸膛上,有一道水桶粗的破洞,破洞边缘有绿光攀附,这也是他还没死的原因。 This is name Clan, but this metal trench, is he uses the ability to open, once he died, these metallization soils will restore, the then situation can be imagined. 这是名‘维坦族’,而这金属战壕,就是他用能力开辟出,一旦他死了,那些金属化的泥土就会恢复,届时的情况可想而知。 Sees this situation, the war casualty moon/month goes forward, puts out green Gem from the feather robe, pastes green Gem on the skin of Clan. 看到这种情况,殇月上前,从羽衣内拿出一颗绿宝石,将绿宝石贴在维坦族的皮肤上。 Green Gem is fast, the life symptom of this Clan is stabler, sees this, nearby lizard person and in the dream Spirit Race young girl heart also relaxes. 绿宝石快速灰白,这名维坦族的生命体征稳定很多,见此,一旁的蜥蜴人与梦灵族少女心中同时松了口气。 Bang! 轰! The explosive sound appears from extremely near distance, that Clan transmits the impact feeling behind. 爆炸声从极近的距离出现,那名维坦族身后传来冲击感。 Bullets raid, after the third round of bullet explosion, Clan in the trench presents together the crack behind, the crack of semicircle, but this Clan, is lying before the crack, exposes in the Su Xiao's fire angle. 一颗颗子弹袭来,当第三发子弹爆炸后,维坦族身后战壕上出现一道破口,半圆形的破口,而这名维坦族,正趴在破口前,暴露在苏晓的射击角度内。 Do not let him die......” “别让他死……” The words of war casualty moon/month have not said, an impulse front surface raids, the warm liquid splashes to her face on, when because of the bullet explodes is away from her is too near, lets in her ear buzz the cry. 殇月的话还没说完,一股冲击力迎面袭来,温热的液体溅到她脸上,因子弹爆炸时距离她太近,让她耳中一阵嗡鸣。 Bang! 砰! The kinetic energy clashes, in the war casualty moon/month brain buzz, the big piece black feather flies, her feather robe is completely nearly stave, but still tenacious being connected in the same place, this feather robe helped her block a spear/gun, but could not block the second spear/gun absolutely. 动能对撞,殇月脑中嗡的一声,大片黑色羽毛飞起,她身上的羽衣近乎完全破碎,可依然顽强的相连在一起,这羽衣帮她挡住了一枪,但绝对挡不住第二枪。 Consciousness murkily, the war casualty moon/month hears some people as if in shouting indistinctly why must betray us, the sound is listening to that dream Spirit Race young girl. 意识昏昏沉沉中,殇月隐约听到有人似乎在喊‘为什么要背叛我们’,声音听着向那名梦灵族少女。 When the war casualty moon/month consciousness restores some, her lower half body nearly was buried by the soil, ground within peripheral one kilometer is bumpy, like cuns (2.5 cm) had been bombed by Kuwait style shell. 当殇月的意识恢复一些时,她下半截身体近乎被泥土掩埋,周边一公里内的地面坑坑洼洼,如同被‘科式炮弹’一寸寸轰炸过。 The war casualty moon/month attempt crawls to set out, are defeated several times, she was affected by the explosion of wind mark bullet repeatedly, the equilibrium sense is unable to restore in a short time, the most body was numb. 殇月尝试爬起身,几次都失败,她多次被风痕子弹的爆炸波及,平衡感在短时间内无法恢复,大半个身体都麻木了。 The half corpse lies down near the war casualty moon/month, is that lizard person. 半截尸体躺在殇月附近,是那名蜥蜴人。 Baja, sweeps clear the battlefield, Boubo, vigilant peripheral, double child will not be honest, you, this is your reward.” 巴哈,清扫战场,布布,警惕周边,双子不会太老实,还有你,这是你的报酬。” No, leaves this, my clansman will ask you to retaliate, you, you, reciting the branch damn, you get what one deserves, when the slave auctions......” “别,别这样,我族人会找你们报复,你,你们,吟语族都该死,你们活该被当奴隶拍卖……” The sharp weapon enters the human voice to spread to the war casualty moon/month ear, her pupil was gloomier, she does not want dead, what a pity, she was unable to fight, the body that at least in several minutes, she nearly is scarred, does not allow her to continue to fight. 利器入肉声传入殇月耳中,她的眸子暗淡了一些,她不想死,可惜,她已经无法战斗,至少在十几分钟内,她近乎伤痕累累的身体,不允许她继续战斗。 ‚, This, really the hope...... to return to the Sakura wind forest.’ ‘啊,就这样了吗,真希望……能回到风林。’ The appearance in war casualty moon/month eye is completely gloomy, the heart stops, this is her elder brother teaches to give her maintaining life unique skill, as a last resort , the maintaining life unique skill in battlefield, feigns death. 殇月眼中的神采完全暗淡,心脏停止,这是她兄长教授给她的保命绝技,万不得已时,在战场上的保命绝技,装死。 Bang and bang ~ 轰、轰~ The heavy item pounds the place the sound to transmit one after another, this makes the war casualty moon/month thorough, the enemy is preventing some people to feign death. 重物砸地的声音陆续传来,这让殇月彻底绝望,敌人正在防止有人装死。 Dies!” “去死!” The desperate shout transmits, after a short sharp blade cuts the engine knock, the fight ended. 绝望的喊声传来,一阵短暂的利刃斩击声后,战斗结束。 Hateful.’ ‘可恶啊。’ The war casualty moon/month felt that own eye in moist, before then, she attitude toward the death despised, death, she as Winged Race, fearless death, was for this reason, she was serious in speech and manner. 殇月感觉到自己的眼睛在湿润,在这之前,她对死亡的态度是蔑视,死亡而已,她身为羽族,无惧死亡,也是因为这个原因,她才不苟言笑。 When died gradually arrives, the war casualty moon/month found, she has not imagined is so strong, she is afraid, she was thinking of delicious dessert that the family chefs make, her tears soon not by control wells up, but she bore, she is Winged Race, one of the void big races. 可当死亡逐渐降临时,殇月发现,她没有想象中那样坚强,她在害怕,她在想念家族厨师制作的美味甜点,她的眼泪快要不受控制的涌出来,可她忍住了,她是羽族,虚空中的大种族之一。 Death war casualty moon/month imagination was more fearful, in the meantime, the heavy sound of footsteps was close, the cold air spread to her, ice-cold and brutal, no pitied, the death was nearer. 死亡比殇月想象中的更可怕,就在此时,沉重的脚步声接近,寒气向她身上蔓延,冰冷、残酷,没有一丝怜悯,死亡更近了。 A' Mu.” 阿姆。” Moo?” “哞?” „Can this is you have the dinner the issue.” “这是你能不能吃上晚饭的问题。” Moo!” “哞!” Gravity that A' Mu realizes the matter, therefore it looked at the war casualty moon/month, got out of the way. 阿姆意识到事情的严重性,所以它看了眼殇月,走开了。 Hears this short conversation, the war casualty moon/month somewhat has doubts, but in the meantime, there is a sound of footsteps to approach, with it together, is light bloody aura. 听到这短暂的交谈,殇月有些疑惑,可就在此时,又有脚步声靠近,与之一同的,是淡淡的血气 A hand holds the long hair of war casualty moon/month, carries some of her, the war casualty moon/month is feigning death at this time, the present line of sight is somewhat fuzzy, but she saw vaguely, squats the man before her body to pull out a limestone from the bosom, and pastes this limestone on her cheeks, most 3 seconds, she through the touch of cheeks, feels the light heat. 一只手抓住殇月的长发,将她拎起一些,殇月此时正在装死,眼前的视线有些模糊,不过她依稀看到,蹲在她身前的男人从怀中掏出一颗灰石,并将这块灰石贴在她脸颊上,最多三秒,她就通过脸颊的触感,感觉到淡淡的热量。 The war casualty moon/month felt that grabbed the hand of long hair to loosen, quick, she smelled the flavor that the tobacco was in sole possession. 殇月感觉到抓着自己长发的手松开了,很快,她闻到烟草独有的味道。 But no meeting, the war casualty moon/month felt that man grasps her wisp of hair, and cuts off, the war casualty moon/month knows, this is the enemy must before killing her, keeps some souvenirs. 但没一会,殇月又感觉到那个男人抓起她一缕头发,并割断,殇月知道,这是敌人要在杀她前,留一些纪念品。 Boss, died, double child also calculated a lecture of custom, has not arrived around this.” 老大,都死光了,双子还算讲规矩,没到这附近。” Un.” “嗯。” After the war casualty moon/month hears this short conversation sound, the sound of footsteps starts to go far away, why has heard the sound of footsteps as for her, the reason is her face is pasting to be well-grounded, purity that naturally listens. 殇月听到这短暂的交谈声后,脚步声开始远去,至于她为何一直听到脚步声,原因是她的脸正贴着地,当然听的一清二楚。 Detected that the enemy has left, the war casualty month's heartbeat does not start by the acceleration of control, she succeeded, feigns death successfully! Her really success, elder brother's life story was really richly richer. 察觉到敌人已经离开,殇月的心跳开始不受控制的加速,她成功了,装死成功!她真的成功了,兄长的人生阅历果然更富丰富。 In this moment, war casualty moon/month that serious in speech and manner character was cured, because living, is too happy. 在这一刻,殇月那不苟言笑的性格被治愈,因为活着,实在太美好。 As if has anything card in the throat of war casualty moon/month, she somewhat sobbed unexpectedly, she discovered, originally lived is being so happy, moreover feigned death simply is the god skill. 似乎有什么东西卡在殇月的喉咙中,她居然有些哽咽,她发现,原来活着是如此美好,而且装死简直是神技巧。 Lived, the war casualty moon/month pledged, enemy of this meeting, is she has run into enemy fiercest most and brutal, most decisive enemy. 活下来了,殇月发誓,这次遇到的敌人,是她所遇到过的敌人中最凶暴,最果断的敌人。 In fact, feigning death of war casualty moon/month, cannot deceive Su Xiao, the war casualty moon/month can live, this is the asylum from her race, the asylum of Winged Race + Demon clan, does not have these two, only Winged Race this status, she must die today without doubt. 实际上,殇月的装死,根本骗不过苏晓,殇月能活下来,这是来自她种族的庇护,羽族+恶魔族的庇护,没这两者,单是羽族这个身份,她今天都必死无疑。 Demon clan and Winged Race next big chess, but Su Xiao, is one side chessing, to guard against him some board game piece on the checkerboard to break, as one of the chess players ‚the old Fiend goat, transmitted the news through the secret channel before. 恶魔族羽族正在下一盘大棋,而苏晓,则是一旁的‘观棋者’,为了以防他将棋盘上某个棋子砸碎,作为棋手之一的‘老恶魔山羊’,之前通过隐秘渠道传达了消息。 Within two chess players consumes the board game piece not to have the issue mutually, but as Su Xiao of chessing, if raises the checkerboard, the three parties actually do not feel better, after all, two chess players to the chessing promise advantage, are not the fight of public occasions, Su Xiao will not pound the board game piece, that is no good. 两位棋手间互相消耗棋子没问题,不过作为观棋者的苏晓如果掀棋盘,那三方其实都不好受,毕竟,两位棋手已经给观棋者许诺好处,不是公开场合的战斗,苏晓就不会砸棋子,那没什么好处。 Therefore, Su Xiao first sends Nita, avoided the opposite party seeing him to let off one small board game piece. 为此,苏晓将尼塔先打发走,避免对方看到他放过了一颗‘小棋子’。 Demon clan and Winged Race two old fogies are ruthless enough, two clan wars, the person of dying will not be few, even if eventually the goal achieves, two clans will not become reconciled immediately, some time, turning point will at least return to in good because of some type again hostilely. 恶魔族羽族的两个老家伙够狠,两族战争,死的人不会少,就算最终目的达成,两族也不会马上握手言和,至少再敌对一段时间,才会因某种‘契机’重归于好。 Even, this chessgame, only then a few people have the qualifications to know, this is not that two old fogies is selfish, all that they make, for the respective race. 甚至于,这盘棋局,只有少数几人有资格知道,这并非是那两个老家伙自私,他们所做的一切,也是为了各自的种族。 The void this place, the smooth development is too long is dreaded, others don’t provoke me, I don’t provoke others good deed, after the Extinguishing Law time ended, basically did not have. 虚空这种地方,平稳发展太久就会遭人忌惮,人不犯我,我不犯人这种好事,早在灭法时代结束后,基本就没有了。 In the jungle, Su Xiao puts in a wisp of long hair in hand test tube, this thing can ‚the old Fiend goat that trade the commodity in some, doesn't give as for the opposite party? Basic impossible. 密林内,苏晓将手中的一缕长发放入试管内,这东西能在某位‘老恶魔山羊’那换物资,至于对方不给?根本不可能 Su Xiao is not worried about the retaliation from that female Winged Race, because of that almost impossible, only if two old fogies make the mistake in decision, even really has that situation, still before that female Winged Race looks for Su Xiao, she dies in some war zone. 苏晓毫不担心来自那名女性羽族的报复,因为那几乎不可能,除非两个老家伙出现决策上的失误,就算真的出现那种情况,也是在那名女性羽族找上苏晓前,她就死在某个战区。 Su Xiao can become a side that chesses, for three reasons. 苏晓能成为观棋的一方,原因有三。 1. he is Extinguishing Law. 1.他是灭法者 2. he and Demon clan has traded the Black Maple Tree trunk and branches, but that trunk and branches, is that ‚the old Fiend goat is used to continue the life the thing, from now on that old fogy can also need the Black Maple Tree trunk and branches. 2.他与恶魔族交易过黑枫树枝干,而那块枝干,就是那位‘老恶魔山羊’用来续命的东西,今后那老家伙还会需要黑枫树枝干。 3. in some sense, he represented Reincarnation Paradise in this chessgame. 3.某种意义上来讲,他在这盘棋局中代表了轮回乐园 If not this, that two lived the millennium above old fogies, will not make an appearance on own initiative. 如果不是这样,那两个活了千年以上的老家伙,根本不会主动露面。 Arcane Eternal Star, Demon clan and Winged Race, among the three parties the undercurrent surges, likes doing business Devil Clan bothers frequently, Star Race is their Boss, the attitude of day second child, rampant, but also is low-key, which can see them, they will not actually provoke either one. 奥术永恒星恶魔族羽族,三方间暗流涌动,喜欢‘做生意’的魔鬼族经常来搅局,星族则是一副他们老大,天老二的态度,嚣张,但却又低调,哪都能看到他们,他们却又不会招惹到任何一方。
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