RP :: Volume #32

#6: Ironheaded Mulder

No. 7 19 striving for hegemony areas, old tree temple. 第七十九争霸区,古树圣殿。 In the giant old tree temple, the bellow continues to continue. 巨大的古树圣殿内,轰鸣声持续不止。 Do not run! Copes with him jointly!” “别跑!联手对付他!” How to hit, so long as were massacred by that woman, corpse by her control, and has before death all abilities.” “怎么打,只要被那女人杀掉,尸体就会被她控制,而且拥有生前的所有能力。” Here we go again! Runs!” “又来了!跑!” The shout transmits from the old tree temple, in a corridor, wears the Purple long skirt, wears the woman of apex sorceress hat to lead the way gradually, the step is graceful. 喊声从古树圣殿内传来,一条长廊内,一名身穿紫色长裙,头戴尖顶女巫帽的女人正缓步前行,步伐优雅。 Really can run, the hyenas, are quicker.” “真能跑,鬣狗们,快些。” Wears the woman of sorceress hat to finish speaking, several shadows have fled from her side, some even climb wall racing Pa, in a meeting, another side of the corridor spreads the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 戴着女巫帽的女人话音刚落,几道黑影就从她身旁窜过,有些甚至攀墙奔爬,没过一会,长廊另一侧就传出阵阵凄厉的惨叫声。 This woman from some Unique Primary World, world that but she is, was ruled by their night being puzzled sorceress, there repel void with Paradise, so long as is discovered the person who these two sides, all night of being puzzled sorceresses rally togethers to attack. 这女人是来自某个超脱·原生世界,不过她所在的世界,是被她们夜惑女巫所统治,那里排斥虚空与乐园,只要是发现这两方的人,所有夜惑女巫都群起而攻之。 and . ...... 哒、哒。哒…… The sound of footsteps transmits from the front, the night being puzzled sorceress wrinkle in corridor fine eyebrow, but is quick, her brow launches on stretch/leisurely. 脚步声从前方传来,长廊内的夜惑女巫皱起纤眉,但很快,她的眉头就舒展开。 This... night being puzzled sorceress? Has the interest and my merchant does compared with the transaction?” “这位…夜惑女巫?有兴趣和我这商人做比交易吗?” Comes the person to wear the suit, the head is a skeleton head, above inlays the full grain of rice size black Gem, in the skeleton eye hole has the profound pupil flame, this is a Devil Clan branch ethnic group, the strength is extremely strong, is the strength representative in Devil Clan. 来人身穿西装,头部是一颗骷髅头,上面镶满米粒大小的黑宝石,骷髅眼洞内有深邃的瞳焰,这是魔鬼族的一个分支族群,战力极强,属于魔鬼族中的战力代表。 Transaction? With your head that inlays full Gem?” “交易?用你那颗镶满宝石的脑袋吗?” Night being puzzled sorceress that slim blue lip turns upwards. 夜惑女巫那纤薄的蓝唇翘起。 Naturally..., Madame.” “当然…可以,女士。” Devil Clan according to own skull, kā bā, picks single-handed own head, sees this, the smile on night being puzzled sorceress face one stiff, does not crack a joke with the Devil Clan transaction. 魔鬼族单手按在自己的头骨上,咔吧一声,将自己的脑袋摘下来,看到这一幕,夜惑女巫脸上的笑容一僵,与魔鬼族交易可不是开玩笑的。 contract... signing.” 契约…签订。” The coarse laughter spreads, after the moment, in the corridor spreads the deafening fight sound. 难听的笑声传开,片刻后,长廊内传出震耳欲聋的战斗声。 ...... …… The 195 th striving for hegemony area, quiet frozen ruins. 第一百九十五争霸区,幽冻废墟。 Several corpses lie down in the ruins, in a reputation the double horn was sawn up, Soru Demon clan of white hair inch sending is standing in the corpses, his body is ascending the flame of Fiend, in the pupil is similar to has the magma to burn. 十几具尸体躺在废墟内,一名头上双犄角被锯断,着白发寸发的恶魔族正站在尸体间,他身上升腾着恶魔之焰,瞳孔内如同有岩浆在燃烧。 As for why the sawing up head horn, this involves this Demon clan black history, because of being too headstrong, he in rushes to behind the enemy with the Winged Race war , the result...... met previous generation of Winged Race. 至于为何锯断头上的犄角,这涉及到这名恶魔族的黑历史,因太莽,他在和羽族的战争中冲到敌军后方,结果……遇到了上一辈的羽族 This was called Mulder Demon clan, not only the long corners of two retroversions, the full white long hair, hangs loose to waist that type. 原本这名叫蒙德恶魔族,不仅有两根向后弯曲的长犄角,还有满头白色长发,披散到腰间那种。 May when Mulder rushes to the Winged Race rear area, the horn that he is proud, actually brings the black history to him. 可在蒙德冲到羽族的后方时,他引以为傲的犄角,却给他带来黑历史。 That Winged Race that Mulder encounters, compared with him a big truncation, in addition this boorish fellow speak the provocation, finally was being entrained the horn and white long hair by that Winged Race one beats mercilessly, that called miserable, but was punched by previous generation of Winged Race, actually also had nothing disgraced. 蒙德所遭遇的那名羽族,要比他强出一大截,再加上这莽夫出言挑衅,结果被那名羽族拽着犄角与白色长发一顿毒打,那叫一个惨,不过被上一辈的羽族揍,其实也没什么丢人的。 Also Mulder anti- punches luckily, changes into other of the same generation Demon clan, was intimate that old Winged Race several dead thoroughly, but Mulder was beaten mercilessly for enough four hours! That old Winged Race tired whole body is the perspiration, even is a little helpless. 也幸亏蒙德抗揍,换成其他同辈恶魔族,挨上那老羽族几下就死透了,可蒙德被毒打了足足四个小时!将那老羽族累的全身是汗,甚至都有点无奈。 This was being entrained the experience that the hair and horn beat mercilessly, Mulder saws up own horn, and cut is very suitable his boorish fellow personality the inch to send. 正是这被拽着头发与犄角毒打的经历,蒙德才锯断自己的犄角,并剪了个很适合他莽夫性格的寸发。 Knows this matter, Lilimu smiled miserably, finally next day, Mulder found the opportunity to punch Lilimu, he did not understand anything is shows tender affection, moreover because of making a move suddenly, in addition will be the same clan, the Mulder under extreme methods, Lilimu will not use her these to create the ability of permanent damage, finally Close Combat general Lilimu, by heavy of Mulder thump. 得知此事,莉莉姆笑惨了,结果第二天,蒙德就找机会揍了莉莉姆一顿,他可不懂什么是怜香惜玉,而且因出手突然,外加都是同族,蒙德不会下死手,莉莉姆也不会使用她那些造成永久损伤的能力,结果近战一般的莉莉姆,被蒙德捶的不轻。 Lilimu is what kind of person, she indeed hammers Mulder in the narrow house, but she can complain, looks Mulder his father. 莉莉姆乃何许人也,她在狭窄房屋内的确锤不过蒙德,但她可以告状啊,去找蒙德他爹。 The circulation starts, knew that Lilimu was punched by own son, straight trembling that Mulder his father air/Qi, then punches Mulder on the pain, 循环就此开始,得知莉莉姆被自己的儿子揍了,蒙德他爹气的直哆嗦,然后就痛揍蒙德一顿, But third day, Mulder finds opportunity sneak attack Lilimu, one hammers, then Lilimu continues to complain, repeat in cycles , the arm has a few days later gotten the gypsum the Lilimu clothing/taking, as for Mulder of Anomaly iron, he sits in the later half a month on the wheelchair, most speechless is actually Mulder his father, he hits the son to project on the arm bone split, but wears a cast embarrassedly. 可第三天,蒙德就又找机会‘偷袭’莉莉姆,一顿锤,然后莉莉姆继续告状,循环往复,几天后,胳膊已经打上石膏的莉莉姆服了,至于异常头铁的蒙德,他在之后的半个月都坐在轮椅上,最无语的其实是蒙德他爹,他打儿子打到手臂骨裂,只是没好意思去打石膏。 !” “呼!” In the nostril of Mulder spouts the high temperature air, adopts the beforehand fight, he discovered that in this striving for hegemony area including one to hit does not have. 蒙德的鼻孔内喷出高温气体,通过之前的战斗,他发现这个争霸区内连一个能打的都没有。 Present Mulder, is not most mode, he more takes a beating is stronger, in being on the verge of death beforehand Mulder, is most terrifying. 现在的蒙德,并不是最状态,他是越挨揍越强,在濒死之前的蒙德,才是最恐怖的。 ...... …… No. 7 striving for hegemony area, the island of Twilight. 第七争霸区,暮光之岛。 Su Xiao stands under a lofty tree, plans unable to keep up with the change, bends down to kill the plan not to start, has been defeated. 苏晓站在一棵参天大树下,正所谓计划赶不上变化,伏杀计划还没开始,就已经失败。 Why as for has this situation, because of that escaping female Winged Race, she heard Su Xiao and a pair of child conversation. 至于为何出现这种情况,是因为那名逃掉的女性羽族,她听到了苏晓与双子的交谈。 Moreover, that female Winged Race to protect oneself, but also the feather on use feather robe, disseminates this news. 不仅如此,那名女性羽族为了自保,还使用羽衣上的羽毛,将这个消息散播开。 If only this, that also has no, but the island left area pair child has started Slaughter that side combat. 如果只是这样,那还没什么,可岛左区的双子已经开始屠戮那边的参战者。 Takes female Winged Race dead young moon/month for the leader, right side the island participants, basically unite, although they are mutually vigilant, but also agreement, before removing Su Xiao, they will not act mutually. 以女性羽族殇月为头领,岛右侧的参赛者们,基本都团结在一起,他们虽然互相警惕,但也约定,在除掉苏晓之前,他们不会互相出手。 If only 12 individuals, that also has no, but if one group of people gather, that is beyond control other combat not to believe. 如果只是一两个人,那还没什么,可如果一群人聚集在一起,那就由不得其他参战者不信了。 As for Nita, after bending down to kill the plan dies without a sickness, driving returning that she very much knows the limitation 【The box of sealing, Proposed, she will infiltrate the enemy. 至于尼塔,伏杀计划无疾而终后,她很识相的主动交还【封之箱】,并提出,她会打入敌人内部。 Regarding this, Su Xiao has no opinion, is prepares to be the person with no mind of his own as for Nita, will complete the agreement, this must act according to her later action to judge, she is lives dies, must look at how she chooses. 对此,苏晓没什么意见,至于尼塔是准备做墙头草,还是会完成约定,这要根据她之后的行动判断,她是生是死,也要看她自己怎么抉择。 Su Xiao must do now, only then, waited for these people to gather together completely, this is better to tidy up, after all in every day, he can only use that thing one time. 苏晓现在要做的,只有等,等那些人全部聚在一起,这样更好收拾,毕竟每天中,他只能使用‘那东西’一次。 Sinister Sun is gradually temperate, after Su Xiao waited for nearly 7 hours . 毒辣的太阳逐渐温和,苏晓等了近七个小时后。 Hiss, hiss ~ 嘶,嘶~ In communication transmits the static, hears this sound, Su Xiao receives communication. 通讯器内传来杂音,听到这声音,苏晓收起通讯器。 A' Mu.” 阿姆。” Moo.” “哞。” Both hands of A' Mu raise, the racket pounds in the ground. 阿姆的双手扬起,拍砸在地面上。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… The diameter has 20 meters thick cold icicle to spread to the high place fully, is hundred meters high to stop. 直径足有二十米粗的寒冰柱向高处蔓延,达到百米高才停止。 A' Mu bows, Su Xiao steps in its small arm, with a A' Mu waving the arms about arm, Su Xiao flies to the cold icicle, finally falls on the above steadily. 阿姆躬身,苏晓踩在它的小臂上,随着阿姆一甩手臂,苏晓向寒冰柱上方飞去,最终平稳落在上方。 Su Xiao stands on hundred meters high cold icicle, here field of vision quite, naturally, the discovered probability is not low, but quick does not need to be worried about this. 苏晓站在百米高的寒冰柱上,这里的视野相当好,当然,被发现的几率也不低,但很快就不用担心这点。 Hey, hey, Boss, can hear.” “喂,喂,老大,能听到吗。” Ok.” “可以。” woof.” “汪。” Hears the Boubo cry, Su Xiao opens the team channel, starts coordinates that surveys Boubo to provide. 听到布布汪的叫声,苏晓打开团队频道,开始测算布布汪提供的坐标。 Su Xiao receives Dragon Flash of waist, partly squats on the ice surface, M - Tyrant Appears in his hands, this about three meters ambush artillery, after loading the support, partly squats to use is more appropriate. 苏晓收起腰间的斩龙闪,半蹲在冰面上,【m·暴君】出现在他手中,这近三米长的狙击炮,加载支架后,半蹲使用更合适。 According to the uniting efforts detection of Boubo and Baja, knew that Nita has directed the enemy to the designated area three kilometers away, weed place. 根据布布汪巴哈的协力侦查,得知尼塔已经将敌人引到三公里外的指定区域,一片荒草地。 Beyond three kilometers, here weed comes up in great numbers and from all sides, not far away has a fresh water lake. 三公里外,这里荒草横生,不远处就有一片淡水湖。 In the disorderly sound of footsteps, approximately more than 30 combat arrive in this weed ground, although they in mutually vigilant, but has obviously achieved the preliminary cooperation. 杂乱的脚步声中,约三十多名参战者抵达这处荒草地上,他们虽然在互相警惕,但明显已经达成初步合作。 Recited the branch, was the person who you said where at?” “吟语族,你说的人在哪?” The lizard person who wears the kinetic energy armor opens the mouth, but nearby him, but also stands wears dream Spirit Race of tissue skirt famous, they frequently also appear, obviously, they originally on acquaintance, and has achieved the cooperation. 一名身穿动能装甲的蜥蜴人开口,而在他附近,还站着名身穿薄纱裙的梦灵族,他们经常同时出现,显然,他们两人原本就相识,而且已经达成合作关系。 He nearby this, how I dares to track that monster.” “原本他就在这附近,我怎么敢跟踪那种怪物。” Nita shrugs, hears her words, the female Winged Race war casualty moon/month frowns, she as if smells the plot the flavor. 尼塔耸了耸肩,听到她的话,女性羽族殇月皱起眉头,她似乎闻到阴谋的味道。 Meanwhile, beyond three kilometers, Su Xiao partly squats above hundred meters high cold icicle, passes M - Tyrant The telescopic sights observe the situation three kilometers away , activates Sky Traveller. 与此同时,三公里外,苏晓半蹲在百米高的寒冰柱上方,通过【m·暴君】的瞄准镜观察三公里外的情况,同时激活【天行】。 Prompt: If must activate Sky Traveller, must consume Soul Crystal (Large) x2.】 提示:如需激活天行,需消耗灵魂结晶(大)x2。】 Has activated Sky Traveller, your firearms class basic capability has been increased to firearms Grandmaster lv.10, this effect sustainable 30 minutes.】 【已激活天行,你的枪械类基础能力已提升至‘枪械宗师lv.10’,此效果可持续30分钟。】 Su Xiao draws the bolt, the bullet palate, he twists the M - Tyrant telescopic sights above metal round of new/button, sends out slight and clear ka ka sound, only hears this sound, can imagine the M - Tyrant producuction process precisely. 苏晓拉动枪栓,子弹上膛,他拧动m·暴君瞄准镜上方的金属轮纽,发出细微且清脆的咔咔声,单是听这声音,就能想象m·暴君的制作过程有多精密。 As Holy Spirit-level the Max Grade ambush artillery, the M - Tyrant might can be imagined . Moreover the Su Xiao present firearms foundation class ability is firearms Grandmaster lv.10, the accurate degree can be imagined. 作为圣灵级满评分的狙击炮,m·暴君的威力可想而知,况且苏晓现在的枪械基础类能力为‘枪械宗师lv.10’,精准程度可想而知。 Because Devouring Destruction Was eliminated very for a long time, Su Xiao has many world useless long-range weapon to kill the enemy, when wants to kill Ant King initially, that experience, he has a vivid memory by the present. 因【噬灭】被淘汰很久,苏晓已经有多个世界没用远程武器狙杀敌人,想当初狙杀蚁王时,那体验,到现在他都记忆犹新。 Su Xiao observes beyond three kilometers through the telescopic sights, the present Cross Style fore or front sight reciprocated with his breath small scope, his finger builds on the trigger, the breath has not stopped, but the heartbeat speed slows down, at present the Cross Style fore or front sight gradually stabilizes, hunting and killing of ambush artillery, starts. 苏晓通过瞄准镜观察三公里外,眼前的十字准星随着他的呼吸小幅度上下移动,他的手指搭在扳机上,呼吸未停,可心跳速度减缓,眼前十字准星逐渐稳定下来,狙击炮的猎杀,开始。
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