RP :: Volume #32

#5: All along with reason Spellcaster

Dragon Flash draws out from Arreckx's head, through this war, the promotion of Su Xiao to own strength, has very explicit cognition. 斩龙闪从阿雷克的头颅内拔出,通过这一战,苏晓对自身实力的提升,已经有了很明确的认知。 Swordplay Grandmaster lv.40 Ultimate Skill is seemingly not much, has not enhanced the Su Xiao's physical quality directly, has not presented anything to entrain crazily dazzles the cool Swordplay technique, but Su Xiao can determine, this will be he will fight from now on one of the most commonly used abilities. 刀术宗师lv.40的终极能力看似不怎么样,既没直接提升苏晓的身体素质,也没出现什么狂拽炫酷的刀术技法,可苏晓能确定,这是他今后战斗中最常用的能力之一。 Attacks the effect after enemy flaw too to be really strong, on the by fight, Su Xiao only pounded with a move of hilt, eradicated Arreckx's most Ultimate, if that ability the bang to Su Xiao on, by his vitality, said that direct instant kill indeed was exaggerating, but will also be rumbled to the severe wound at least. 攻击敌人破绽后的效果实在太强,就以刚才的战斗来讲,苏晓只用一招刀柄下砸,就破除阿雷克的最大招,那种能力要是轰到苏晓身上,以他的生命力,说直接秒杀的确是夸张了,但最起码也会被轰到重伤。 Is this tyrannical Ultimate, by Su Xiao through the Heart Spirit Blade ability, nearly does not have the way of price to eradicate, but also is spatial after the enemy Ultimate bang the mistake, cuts to kill the enemy at the scene. 就是这强横的大招,却被苏晓通过心·魂·刃能力,以近乎没有代价的方式破除,还趁着敌人大招轰空后的失误,将敌人当场斩杀。 This is the powerful and allure of technique, this reason, the price of improvement foundation class ability is very high. 这就是技法的强大与迷人之处,也正是这个原因,提升基础类能力的代价很高。 The sparse applause transmits, is not the sound that palm strikes against mutually, but is the applause that the metal bumps into. 稀疏的鼓掌声传来,不是那种手掌互相拍击的声音,而是金属相撞的鼓掌声。 Can massacre my associated incarnation, your strength is worth approving.” “能杀掉我的伴生化身,你的实力值得认可。” Wears Arreckx of whole body armor to go out from the trees, the footsteps are unflustered. 身穿全身铠甲的‘阿雷克’从树木间走出,脚步从容不迫。 Sees this Arreckx, Su Xiao lifts the step to arrive at together Baiyanqian, sits above. 看到这‘阿雷克’,苏晓抬步来到一块白岩前,坐在上面。 „, The Paradise fellow, is so how intelligent.” “切,乐园的家伙,怎么都这么聪明。” The figure of Arreckx starts to change, first is turns into the female Winged Race war casualty moon/month the appearance, then switches over dream Spirit Race moe the young girl ominously, finally, she turns into an appearance ordinary short hair young girl, but on her face, is interlocking several scabs in any case, she originally not beautiful face destruction. ‘阿雷克’的身形开始变化,先是变成女性羽族殇月的模样,转而又切换成梦灵族的凶萌少女,最终,她变成一名容貌普通的短发少女,而在她脸上,横竖交错着几道伤疤,将她原本就不美丽的脸破坏。 Right, this ugly appearance is I, my true appearance,” Nita smiles, takes out a metal box after behind backpack , to continue saying: “没错,这幅丑样子就是我,我真正的模样,”尼塔笑了笑,从身后的背包内取出一枚金属箱,继续说道: Brings this thing, I live am about three days, it in tracking I.” “带着这东西,我活不过三天,它在追踪我吧。” Nita looks to Boubo, then throws to Su Xiao the metal box in hand, Su Xiao lifts the hand to catch. 尼塔看向布布汪,转而将手中的金属箱抛给苏晓,苏晓抬手接住。 Like my combat, has not thought can in First Order section Promotion, be able the security to be eliminated, wins comfort prize, even completed the request in clan.” “像我这种参战者,从没想过能在第一阶晋升,能安全被淘汰掉,获得‘安慰奖’,就算完成族中的要求了。” Nita sighed, she as recites branch to be able in void to live now, always adheres to an objective, before the strength was the certain extent, do not attempt to obtain itself not to have the thing that the qualifications obtained, after layer upon layer dangerous, finally Luck obtained valuable rarities matter, the probability was too low, her life only then one time, will not be used to bet that 0.01 probability. 尼塔叹息一声,她作为‘吟语族’能在虚空中活到现在,始终遵循一个宗旨,在实力达到一定程度前,不要妄图获得自己没资格获得的东西,历经层层危险,最终幸运获得稀世珍宝这种事,概率实在太低,她的生命只有一次,不会用来赌那0.01的概率。 Naturally, if the success ratio over 20%, Nita dares to wrestle , she has the present strength, Nita dares to put out the life to spell, will thus obtain the powerful and glorious future, but this will not represent her not to treasure own life. 当然,如果成功率在20%以上,尼塔就敢去搏一搏,也正是如此,她才有现在的实力,尼塔敢拿出性命去拼,从而获得强大与美好的未来,但这不代表她不珍惜自己的性命。 You and pair child simply strong is like the monster, to be honest, I want to look for a pair of child cooperation, but that side is lying down that dying was also very miserable, this is the fate of pair of child cooperation, therefore I take the risk that possibly can die, appears before you.” “你和双子简直强的和怪物一样,说实话,我原本想去找双子合作,不过那边躺着那位,死的也忒惨了,这就是和双子合作的下场啊,所以我冒着可能会死的风险,出现在你面前。” Nita spoke these words, long expiration, Twilight island originally not big, at present child is divided into two with the pair by Su Xiao, the surplus existing space are also smaller. 尼塔说完这句话,长长的吐了口气,暮光岛原本就没多大,眼下又被苏晓与双子一分为二,剩余的生存空间也就更小。 In Nita opinion, this is not survival class screening, but especially the fleeing survivor kind, two groups of bastards divide into two this island, will soon start to clear. 在尼塔看来,这不是生存类筛选,而是特么的逃生类,两伙混蛋将这座岛一分为二,即将开始清场。 In order to dodge the Old Fart pair, Nita chooses to look for Su Xiao. 为了规避老阴哔双子,尼塔选择找上苏晓 Said?” “说完了?” Su Xiao throws begins the metal box. 苏晓抛动手中的金属箱。 „!” “!” In the Nita heart one shiver, said this words after generally, must prepare to eliminate a potential informant. 尼塔心中一凛,一般说出这种话后,就要准备灭口了。 Cooperates with me, will have very big risk, naturally, my pair child will not such plan you likely, I am only good at fighting, plan the aspect, is not my special skill.” “和我合作,会有很大风险,当然,我不会像双子那样算计你,我只擅长战斗,算计方面,不是我的特长。” Yes, right.” “是,是吗。” Why does not know, the Nita instinct felt that this saying to be very incredible, in the meantime, Su Xiao ejects in the hand 【The box of sealing, This thing takes three days later can open, the three days later ownership, is the key is. 不知为何,尼塔本能感觉这话很不可信,就在此时,苏晓抛出手中的【封之箱】,这东西要三天后才能开启,三天后的归属权,才是关键所在。 Nita looks at the metal box that flies, in the heart anxious even more intense, but she still draws support. 尼塔看着飞来的金属箱,心中的不安越发强烈,但她依然借助。 „Hasn't Arcane Eternal Star made you kill me? Recited the branch.” 奥术永恒星没让你来杀我?吟语族。” The Su Xiao's words, making Nita beckon with the hand again and again, she is not and Extinguishing Law is hostile, even if the Extinguishing Law time has passed by, but remaining prestige still. 苏晓的话,让尼塔连连摆手,她可不是和灭法者敌对,纵使灭法时代已过去,可余威犹在。 How possibly! Thanked you to think highly of us to recite the branch, but we were only Arcane Eternal Star ‚one of the second-rate resources sources , my ancestor, wants to hold the thigh of your Extinguishing Law, but...... could not find the method, therefore can only turn to Arcane Eternal Star along with the reason, initially moor battlefield on the star of our race housing, did not only hold a thigh, we recited the branch already destroy completely by some Extinguishing Law or Spellcaster conveniently, that time, once projected on the main house gate, must give the attitude.” “怎么可能!非常感谢你这么看得起我们吟语族,可我们只是奥术永恒星的‘次等资源来源之一’,还有,原本我的祖先,想抱你们灭法者的大腿,可……根本找不到门路,所以就只能随缘投靠奥术永恒星了,当初‘沼光战场’就在我们种族居住的星球上,不抱个大腿,我们吟语族已经被某位灭法者施法者顺手灭掉,那种时代,一旦被打到家门,必须要给出态度。” Nita's mood is very bitter and astringent, actual situation also indeed, reciting branch, although is ancient, but they are always the middle-and-small races, if not the battlefield on the star that they occupy, which side they will not choose to turn, that is goes looking for trouble. 尼塔的心情很苦涩,实际情况也的确如此,吟语族虽然古老,可他们始终是中小型种族,如果不是战场就在他们居住的星球上,他们绝不会选择投靠哪一方,那是自找麻烦。 Because turns to Arcane Eternal Star to seek the self-preservation, until now, recites the branch still to offer the resources every year, this is the price, is the survival present situation of middle-and-small race in void, any place absolute fair, let alone has not been the void this powerhouse numerous places. 因投靠奥术永恒星谋求自保,时至今日,吟语族依然要每年奉上资源,这就是代价,也是中小型种族在虚空中的生存现状,任何地方都没有绝对的公平,更何况是虚空这种强者众多的地方。 Su Xiao has not spoken, he does not prepare to recite the branch to achieve the friendly cooperation with this, but is the preparation regards the bait the opposite party. 苏晓没说话,他不准备与这名吟语族达成友好合作,而是准备将对方当成诱饵。 Nita is looking at the metal box in hand, immediately thinks the meaning of representative. 尼塔看着手中的金属箱,马上想到其中代表的含义。 Bait, without issue, so long as does not hold behind me a blade , there would be no issue, I only think safe was eliminated, right, my name was Nita.” “诱饵吗,没问题,只要不在我背后捅一刀,就没问题,我只想安全的被淘汰掉,对了,我叫尼塔。” „......” “……” Su Xiao stands up, he prepares to make this recitation branch named Nita work as the bait, the concrete plan is as follows. 苏晓站起身,他准备让这名叫尼塔的吟语族去当诱饵,具体计划如下。 First, Su Xiao must choose an ambush point, A' Mu, Baja and Bailey hidden in the , he is located in the ambush center. 首先,苏晓要选择一个伏击点,阿姆巴哈贝妮都隐藏在附近,他则是位于伏击点的中心处。 As for Nita, she must camouflage weak combat, the whole body blood, in the hand also takes 【The box of sealing, This tempting | Being puzzled strength, it can be imagined. 至于尼塔,她要伪装成一名较弱的参战者,满身鲜血,手中还拿着【封之箱】,这种诱|惑力,可想而知。 Boubo is integrates in the environment, the entire journey secret tracks Nita, in order to avoid Nita takes 【The box of sealing Travels, or has other thoughts. 布布汪则是融入环境中,全程秘密跟踪尼塔,以免尼塔带上【封之箱】跑路,或是有其他心思。 ...... …… The second striving for hegemony area, jeered the skull barrier. 第二争霸区,嘲颅壁垒。 The black flame ascends, shows indistinctly dark red, jeered the wall of skull barrier like the candle dissolution, finally changed into the most initial earth element. 黑色火焰升腾,其中隐约透出暗红,嘲颅壁垒的墙体如同蜡烛般溶解,最终化为最初始的土元素。 „The spirit of element, you are very weary, after becoming the stone, was piled in this.” “元素之灵,你们很疲劳吧,成为石头后还被堆在这。” The male voice transmits from the black flame together, when the flame is put out completely, wears among the coal appearances magic robe, the facial expression lazy young people, is depending to sit before a stone column. 一道男声从黑焰内传来,当火焰完全熄灭时,一名身穿黑金色相间法袍,神情慵懒的年轻人,正靠坐在一根石柱前。 Yeah ~ kills what Shadow of Extinguishing Law, over a thousand years of matter, these old undying were really stubborn, I also did not have the enmity with that Shadow of Extinguishing Law, even the gate has not seen, moreover... their ideas were correct, did not maintain Elemental Balance, will meet void sooner or later......” “哎~杀什么灭法之影,上千年的事了,那些老不死真是固执,我和那灭法之影又没仇,连门都没见过,况且…他们的理念是正确的,不维持元素平衡,虚空早晚会……” The hand of young Spellcaster puts in the hood, flexure scratched the head, listened from his sluggish tone, obvious some were not self-confident, at this time combat who however, he has killed off all second striving for hegemony areas, this was the Spellcaster powerful place, the affect range of their ability was broad, sometimes dealt with an enemy, with dealing with one group of enemies differed not in a big way . Moreover the combat zone of second striving for hegemony area, too be slightly more than No. 7 striving for hegemony area. 年轻施法者的手伸进兜帽内,挠了挠头,从他那懒散的语气听,明显有些不自信,然而,他此时已经杀光所有第二争霸区的参战者,这就是施法者的强大之处,他们能力的波及范围非常广,有时对付一名敌人,与对付一群敌人相差不大,而且第二争霸区的战斗区域,要比第七争霸区小太多。 These stubborn old undying, moreover can I really hit Extinguishing Law? If by some chance that Extinguishing Law has awakened Azure Steel Shadow the Second Order section, that also hits, ok, when meets said again, along with reason, does not know other two weakness | Can wisdom aim at Extinguishing Law, the millennium ago gratitude and grudges, with the relations that you two have, minds others' business, antagonizes people randomly.” “那些固执的老不死,况且我真的能打过灭法者?万一那个灭法者已经觉醒‘青钢影二阶段,那还打个屁,算了,遇到时再说吧,随缘,也不知道其他两个弱|智会不会去针对灭法者,千年前的恩怨,和你们两个有个屁的关系,多管闲事,乱树敌。” Young Spellcaster closes the pupil, no meeting, fell asleep. 年轻施法者闭上眸子,没一会,睡着了。
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