RP :: Volume #32

#4: Hits ‚kite’

forest Fengchui crosses, the leaf rustle makes noise, in the quarry stone area in forest, Su Xiao single-handed according to the hilt of waist. 林风吹过,树叶沙沙作响,森林中的乱石区内,苏晓单手按在腰间的刀柄上。 Sees this, opposite armor male cold snort/hum. 看到这一幕,对面的铠甲男冷哼一声。 „The Paradise weak one, all are the day transport/fortune are doomed, powerful...... inherent.” 乐园的弱者,一切都是天运注定,强大……与生俱来。” The black flesh lump in armor male crumb hand, BlackBlood scatters, the creamy and tall and slender tentacle, drills from his armor slit, and twines on the armor. 铠甲男捏碎手中的黑色肉块,黑血四溅,滑腻且细长的触手,从他的铠甲缝隙内钻出,并缠绕在铠甲上。 A lot of black tentacles emerge and twine, shortly, the armor male will turn into a three meters high ugly monster, he overall will be the human form, on the chest has a giant one-eyed, the pupil of one-eyed will be constitutes by a worm, these worms are swaying from side to side the plump body, as if wants only to be huge in the one-eyed to drill from that. 大量黑色触手涌现、缠绕,顷刻间,铠甲男变成一个三米多高的丑陋怪物,他整体为人形,胸膛上有一只巨大的独眼,独眼的瞳孔是由一种蠕虫构成,这些蠕虫扭动着肥硕的身体,似乎想从那只巨大独眼内钻出。 This is... Ancient god!?” “这是…古神!?” Baja tone both surprised and excited. 巴哈的语气既惊讶又激动。 No, he inborn by the Strength corrosion of Ancient god, without god source.” “不,他天生被古神力量侵蚀而已,没有神源。” Su Xiao draws out the long blade of waist, and hints A' Mu to defend in the rear area, Bailey defends in the left side, Baja to sky detection, Boubo adapts to changing circumstances. 苏晓拔出腰间的长刀,并示意阿姆守在后方,贝妮守在左侧,巴哈到上空侦查情况,布布汪随机应变。 When black monster, is Arreckx thinks oneself must be besieged, some summon entire dispersing of enemy, this makes Arreckx somewhat puzzled unexpectedly. 就在黑色怪物,也就是阿雷克认为自己要被围攻时,敌人的召唤物们居然全部分散开,这让阿雷克有些不解。 Arreckx came from Meteor Fall Star, by Ancient god rule world, there, Spiritual God to high, the mortal will spy on the Spiritual God the qualifications not to have, to spy on Spiritual God continually, the physical body the disassimilation, the soul will twist, the will be inevitably crazy. 阿雷克来自陨灭星,一个被古神统治的世界,在那里,神灵既是至高,凡人连窥探神灵的资格都没有,窥探神灵者,肉体将会异化,灵魂将扭曲,意志必然疯狂。 But Arreckx, he as can with the person who the Spiritual God faces directly the conversation, throughout takes this as the honor. 而阿雷克,他作为能与神灵直面交谈的人,始终以此为荣。 Why as for does not revolt against that world Ancient god, the reason is very simple, cannot achieve, Spiritual God almost omnipotent. 至于为何不反抗那个世界古神,原因很简单,根本做不到,神灵几乎‘无所不能’。 What a pity, what Arreckx does not know, the Spiritual God that he faces is too strong, is not omnipotent, he thinks that omnipotent that Spiritual God, is only Ancient god one. 可惜,阿雷克不知道的是,他面对的神灵只是太强而已,并非无所不能,以及,他所认为无所不能的那位神灵,仅是古神们中的一员。 Meteor Fall Star is super huge world, there is almost the Ancient god den, that world person wants to resist Ancient god, basically is impossible, any possible resister, was strangled by Ancient god early in the seed. 陨灭星是个超级巨大的世界,那里几乎是古神们的老巢,那个世界的人想对抗古神们,基本是不可能,任何可能出现的反抗者,早被古神们扼杀在萌芽中。 There does not have Laurent, Daybreak and Goose this resister, because that world person had been broken both legs, the Spiritual God supreme this concept, had been carved in their bones. 那里没有劳伦特曙光、古斯这种反抗者,因为那个世界的人早就被打断‘双腿’,神灵至高无上这个概念,已经被刻进他们的骨子里。 Ancient god powerful is not fearful, may completely lose the resistance the thought that that is doomed to be enslaved, forever will not have the day of turning over. 古神强大不可怕,可完全失去反抗的念头,那就注定被奴役,永无翻身之日。 A sorrowful reality is, people do not fear the misery, what feared is only then suffer the misery, if everyone in the misery, that did not have misery concept. 一个悲哀的现实是,人们不怕苦难,怕的是只有自己一个人遭受苦难,如果所有人都在苦难中,那就没有苦难这个概念了。 When enters the darkness together sparklingly, illuminates the dirtiness in darkness, that this light will be considered guilty, the darkness will erase it, making all return to the darkness. 当一道光映入黑暗,照亮黑暗中的肮脏,那这道光就会被认为有罪,黑暗会抹除掉它,让一切重归黑暗。 Laurent, Daybreak and Goose like three light, they lit the fire of Sacred Silver with oneself, roasts roasted the darkness, after they burnt through, darkness by blade Slaughter. 劳伦特曙光、古斯三人就像三道光,他们用自身点燃圣银之火,去炙烤黑暗,在他们燃尽后,黑暗被刀刃屠戮 The resistance and may not succeed, but does not revolt has no chance, without Laurent, Daybreak and Goose assistance, Su Xiao really may not smooth slaughter light/only that world Ancient god. 反抗并不一定会成功,但不反抗就没有希望,如果没有劳伦特曙光、古斯三人的协助,苏晓真不一定能顺利屠光那个世界古神 Person who Arreckx has totally given up, even if he is World's Child, he still gave up similarly. 阿雷克则是已经彻底放弃的人,就算他是世界之子,他也同样放弃了。 Bang! 轰! Arreckx ground is hollow, he disappears in suddenly same place, plunges Su Xiao. 阿雷克脚下的地面凹陷,他陡然消失在原地,扑向苏晓 Blade of Blades Azure Fiend.’ 刃道刀青鬼。’ The blade edge light cry, blue Blade Aura cuts, the speed to Arreckx can only quickly the both arms horizontally before the body. 刀锋轻鸣,青蓝色刀芒斩出,速度快到阿雷克只能将双臂横在身前。 Rips one, the big piece finger thick black tentacle cut off, reveals below gauntlet. 撕拉一声,大片手指粗的黑色触手被斩断,露出下方的臂铠 Roar!” “吼!” Arreckx opens the big mouth, is roaring to Su Xiao, the voice is combining an energy diffusion layer upon layer. 阿雷克张开血盆大口,对着苏晓咆哮,层层声浪混杂着一股能量扩散。 The voice passed over gently and swiftly from Su Xiao, this makes his whole body skin feel the cool feeling stabbing pain. 声浪从苏晓身上掠过,这让他全身皮肤都感觉到略带凉意的刺痛。 Prompt: You have received roaring of soul influence, in Judgement......】 提示:你已受到‘魂之咆哮’的影响,判定中……】 You receive 130 spiritual injury( will lose 130 HP).】 【你受到130点灵魂伤害(将损失130点生命值)。】 【The Soul Vitality steamroll enemy side, has exempted from the control effect.】 【己方灵魂强度碾压敌方,已豁免控制效果。】 ...... …… Su Xiao routine swept fight Prompt, bends down the body lowly, is sideways slightly at the same time, the single arm in the head front, receives the control effect influence appearance horizontally. 苏晓习惯性扫了眼战斗提示,就低俯身体,略微侧身的同时,单臂横在头部前方,一副受到控制效果影响的模样。 In the ground the soil splash, Arreckx's heel submerges the soil, his slam on the brakes stop, and vertical leaps immediately continuously backward, very direct-viewing foreknowledge appears in his brain, will die! Now rushes the attack certainly dead! 地面上泥土飞溅,阿雷克的脚跟没入泥土,他一个急刹车停下,并马上连续向后纵跃,很直观的预知出现在他脑中,会死!现在冲上去攻击一定会死! Sensor like sharp needles, making Arreckx whole body present ‚the Sensor stabbing pain. 感知如同一根根尖针,让阿雷克全身都出现‘感知刺痛’。 ~ “呼~” In Arreckx mouth puts out the black air/Qi, the instantaneous confrontation, he had judged a moment ago the enemy is excels at technique the type, the powerful place of this enemy is, once were seized the opportunity by the opposite party, the possibility that he simply has not stood up from failure, will be suppressed till dying. 阿雷克口中吐出黑气,刚才瞬间的交锋,他已经判断出敌人是擅长技法的类型,这种敌人的强大之处在于,一旦被对方抓住机会,他根本没有翻身的可能,会被压制到死为止。 secret cast.” “秘铸。” Arreckx single-handed empty grasps, the black fog of winding around gathers to his hand, only waits for Su Xiao to clash. 阿雷克单手虚握,缭绕的黑雾向他手中汇聚,只等苏晓冲上来。 Those who surprise Arreckx is, before Su Xiao has not rushed, in this doubts just appeared, he felt that the ground of under foot starts to inflate, a great strength withstand/top from his. 让阿雷克意外的是,苏晓并未冲上前,就在这疑惑刚出现时,他感觉到脚下的地面开始膨胀,一股巨力从他脚下顶来。 Bang! 轰! Magnetic Hunter Explosive, because of being the Boubo detonation, the 50% magnetic force explosion injury transformation of magnetic storm hunter is True Damage. 磁暴猎手爆炸,因是布布汪引爆,磁暴猎手的50%磁力爆炸伤害转化为真实伤害 Light blue plasma splashes everywhere, Arreckx not by control was exploded the midair. 浅蓝色电浆四处飞溅,阿雷克不受控制的被炸到半空。 Arreckx was just cut to fly, Su Xiao vanishes in same place, before he is high-speed, to/clashes several steps, jumps to jump. 阿雷克刚被斩飞,苏晓就消失在原地,他高速前冲几步,纵身跃起。 In the midair, the black tentacle of Arreckx body surface surges, he of clothing armor, was separated unexpectedly by the outer covering of black tentacle constitution, restores the original build. 半空中,阿雷克体表的黑色触手涌动,穿戴铠甲的他,居然脱离了由黑色触手构成的外壳,恢复原本的体型。 Su Xiao has jumped at this time, the long blade pricks in the black tentacle, with his fight experience, should not jump in the fight high is so right, but he did this. 苏晓此时已经跃起,长刀刺入黑色触手内,以他的战斗经验,不应该在战斗中跃起这么高才对,可他就是这样做了。 Tittered ~ 噗嗤~ The long blade pricks in the tentacle outer covering, these wind when the same place tentacle are quite tenacious, may face Holy Spirit-level + 12 Dragon Flash, collapsing at the first blow obviously. 长刀刺入触手外壳内,这些盘结在一起的触手相当强韧,可面对圣灵级斩龙闪时,显的不堪一击。 In the midair in not far away, Arreckx is in the whereabouts, he on single-handed holds, with his movement, by Su Xiao with the tentacle outer covering that the long blade pierces, suddenly entangles to Su Xiao. 不远处的半空中,阿雷克正处于下落中,他单手上托,随着他这动作,被苏晓用长刀刺穿的触手外壳,突然向苏晓缠来。 Dies... perishes.” “死…亡。” Arreckx's fist gets hold, not far away, tentacle outer covering the Su Xiao package. 阿雷克的拳头握紧,不远处,触手外壳将苏晓包裹在内。 When! 当! Cuts resounding that strikes, transmits from Arreckx's back, Su Xiao penetrates mode to be separated from the space, by instance that the tentacle outer covering wraps, he used Shadow Blink to withdraw, this was also the reason that he just dares to jump. 斩击的脆响,从阿雷克的脊背上传来,苏晓从空间穿透状态脱离,被触手外壳包裹的瞬间,他使用了龙影闪脱身,这也是他方才敢跃起的原因。 sparks/Mars scatters, Arreckx's armor is extremely powerful, unexpectedly blocked Su Xiao's to cut to strike, after all, this will be high rank Ancient god grants Arreckx, Quality will certainly not lower. 火星四溅,阿雷克的铠甲相当强悍,居然挡住了苏晓的斩击,毕竟,这是高阶古神赐予阿雷克,品质当然不会低。 Places the midair was cut a blade, Arreckx not by control again to soaring, his arm flings, dozens finger thick black tentacles gush out from the armor slit, deeply submerges the ground, and winds in the soil to the tree root. 身处半空被斩一刀,阿雷克不受控制的再次向高飞,他的手臂一甩,几十根手指粗的黑色触手从铠甲缝隙内涌出,深深没入地面,并向树根般在泥土内盘结。 The land upheaval big piece of Su Xiao under foot, but punctures the tentacle that from Arreckx arm armor, break several. 苏晓脚下的地面隆起一大片,而从阿雷克臂甲内刺出的触手,噼里啪啦的断裂几根。 Arreckx's figure stops, in the meantime, Icy Battle Hammer revolves to fly. 阿雷克的身形停止,就在此时,一把寒冰战锤旋转着飞来。 Bang! 砰! The ice sludge scatters, Arreckx is similar to the kite, was being pulled by the tentacle, flies to the side, 碎冰四溅,阿雷克如同风筝般,被触手扯着,向侧面飞, Sees this, in the Su Xiao eye the blue glow flashes, Exiler breaks through all at once the wave, when lang on a back that sews in Arreckx. 见此,苏晓眼中蓝芒闪动,放逐冲破一股气浪,当啷一声钉在阿雷克的脊背上。 Boubo also discovered joy, it takes out the magnetic storm hunter, after the activation, ejects. 布布汪也发现其中的快乐,它取出颗磁暴猎手,激活后抛出。 Bang, Arreckx by the light blue plasma package, this time, he was fallen to under finally. 轰隆一声,阿雷克被浅蓝色电浆包裹,这次,他终于向下方落。 Death... domain.” “死亡…领域。” Arreckx's pupil turns into the dark gray interaction, a fluctuation spreads. 阿雷克的眸子变成灰黑相间,一股波动扩散。 When! 当! Blade Aura cuts in Arreckx's arm armor, just blocked this to cut the glow, the dense and numerous blue color cut the glow to raid. 刀芒斩在阿雷克的臂甲上,刚挡住这道斩芒,密密麻麻的蓝色斩芒就袭来。 The death domain was interrupted, Arreckx's arm arched crookedly, he refuted is cutting the glow, oneself will pull back the ground forcefully. 死亡领域被中断,不过阿雷克的手臂弓曲,他硬顶着斩芒,将自己强行拉回地面。 Bang, Arreckx foot steps in the spot, but before Su Xiao has rushed to his body, on pulls up together cuts. 砰的一声,阿雷克脚踩实地,而苏晓已冲到他身前,一道上撩斩。 The tentacle drills from Arreckx's armor, climbs on his both arms, standard of his left arm before the body keeps off, right arm arched crookedly makes a fist, the dark attribute energy gathers in his right fist, might that this strikes, absolutely is quite exaggerating, as one of the Hegemony Battle dark horses, Arreckx is ordinary except for IQ, the strength is regarded as positive. 触手从阿雷克的铠甲内钻出,攀在他的双臂上,他左臂在身前格挡,右臂弓曲握拳,暗属性的能量在他右拳汇聚,这一击的威力,绝对是相当夸张,作为这次强者争霸战的黑马之一,阿雷克除了智商一般,实力还是值得肯定的。 When ~ 当~ Feels cutting on left arm to strike the feeling, the corners of the mouth under Arreckx surface armor turns upwards, has completed to gather the right arm of potential to rumble. 感觉到左臂上的斩击感,阿雷克面甲下的嘴角翘起,已经完成蓄势的右臂轰出。 When rumbles this fist Arreckx saw, the big piece blue color crystal fragment splashes to the surroundings. 轰出这一拳时阿雷克看到,大片蓝色晶体残片向周围飞溅。 In fact, Su Xiao simply had not cut Arreckx's arm a moment ago, but is controls the Exiler thorn to Arreckx's arm, he has stopped the blade. 实际上,苏晓刚才根本没斩阿雷克的手臂,而是操控放逐刺向阿雷克的手臂,他本人早就停止出刀。 Arreckx as if can rumble to break to pieces all right fists to rumble, but Su Xiao, before his body. 阿雷克似乎能轰碎一切的右拳轰出,而苏晓,就在他身前。 The wind pressure moves the Su Xiao's black hair, he grasps the right arm of blade to raise, the central point of pupil presents the pale pale red glow. 风压吹动苏晓的黑发,他握刀的右臂扬起,瞳孔的中心点出现淡淡红芒。 Flaw. 破绽。 Su Xiao wields under the arm to pound, the hilt terminal directly soars Arreckx's right arm. 苏晓挥臂下砸,刀柄末端直奔阿雷克的右臂。 Thump! 咚! The Dragon Flash hilt, pounds ruthlessly in Arreckx's wrist/skill, a Arreckx this rudely fist has rumbled from Su Xiao, moreover starts the downward displacement, Ultimate bang place. 斩龙闪的刀柄,狠砸在阿雷克的手腕上,阿雷克这势大力沉的一拳从苏晓身旁轰过,而且开始向下偏移,大招轰地。 Su Xiao and Arreckx ground blasts out, the soil mixes the bits of grass to soar to the heavens to fly. 苏晓与阿雷克脚下的地面炸开,泥土混合着草屑冲天飞起。 Su Xiao suddenly appears in the Arreckx front, the cold glow enlarges together in Arreckx's eyes, he judges immediately, this is a knife point, is not the enemy punctures, but is he in initiative hits in oneself upwardly, he fought with the fists a moment ago spatially, moreover why does not know, the whole body is numb. 苏晓突然出现在阿雷克前方,一道寒芒在阿雷克眼中放大,他马上判断出,这是刀尖,不是敌人刺来,而是他在自己在主动向上撞,他刚才一拳打空,而且不知为何,全身都麻木。 The time as if slowed down, Arreckx can only look oneself cuns (2.5 cm) hit to the knife point, but gushes out the tentacle that from his armor slit, ties down that blade radically without enough time. 时间似乎被放慢,阿雷克只能看着自己一寸寸撞向刀尖,而从他铠甲缝隙内涌出的触手,根本来不及缠住那把刀。 Titter! 噗嗤! The long blade pricks Arreckx's eye socket, grasps Su Xiao of blade to feel that a great strength transmits from the blade, this is the set forward force that Arreckx Ultimate bang vacuole causes. 长刀刺入阿雷克的眼窝,握刀的苏晓感觉到一股巨力从刀上传来,这是阿雷克大招轰空所导致的前冲力。 The surrounding soil four well up, Su Xiao with the aid of Arreckx's set forward force, both hands grasps the blade, drives the Arreckx's the stroke big half-way circular after oneself, Su Xiao's both hands change to instead grasp the long blade, below puncture. 周围泥土四涌间,苏晓借助阿雷克的前冲力,双手握刀,带动阿雷克在自己上方划出大半道圆形后,苏晓的双手改为反握长刀,下刺。 Ka collapses one, the knife point pierces the first of Arreckx back of the head place, submerges the ground, Arreckx falls face up on the ground, under the body is hollow immediately the earth pit. 咔崩一声,刀尖刺穿阿雷克后脑处的头甲,没入地面,阿雷克仰面摔在地上,身下立即凹陷出土坑。 The soil falls from the surroundings like the raindrop, lies down Arreckx in earth pit lifts the right arm, grips the Dragon Flash knife. 泥土如雨点般从周围落下,躺在土坑内的阿雷克抬起右臂,握住斩龙闪的刀身。 You are...... Reincarnation Paradise, same stage, strongest.” “你是……轮回乐园,同阶段,最强的吗。” Arreckx's monster not totally, he is still retaining the human body structure, why he himself does not know, in the heart never wants by oneself thorough spiritualization. 阿雷克并不是彻底的怪物,他依然保留着人类身体结构,他自己也不知道为什么,心中始终不想让自己彻底‘神灵化’。 If Daybreak sees this, will tell Arreckx, this is he as human, as the World's Child final obstinance, obstinance from instinct. 如果曙光看到这一幕,会告诉阿雷克,这是他身为人类,身为世界之子最后的不屈,来自本能的不屈。 Su Xiao had not replied that Arreckx's issue, his left hand makes a fist slowly, Exiler starts the crazy destruction in Arreckx's chest cavity, before the enemy died in battle, the fight was not ended. 苏晓没回答阿雷克的问题,他的左手缓缓握拳,放逐开始在阿雷克的胸腔内疯狂破坏,敌人战死前,战斗就不算结束。 Prompt: You have struck to kill Meteor Fall Star World's Child Arreckx.】 提示:你已击杀陨灭星世界之子・阿雷克。】 Has not been in Meteor Fall Star because of Arreckx, strikes to kill the World's Child income to reduce.】 【因阿雷克未处于陨灭星,击杀世界之子收益将有所降低。】 Has not been in Meteor Fall Star because of Arreckx, Hunter will not receive the world repel, backlash.】 【因阿雷克未处于陨灭星,猎杀者将不会受到世界排斥、反噬等。】 You obtain ‚the chest of Arreckx( World's Child exclusive treasure box)’.】 【你获得‘阿雷克之匣(世界之子专属宝箱)’。】 Achievement mission: Seizing Heaven Startling Water completion + 13%( may promote 27% mission completions, because of Arreckx to be in Meteor Fall Star, is unable to receive the respective world in addition to hold, strikes to kill the reward to reduce.】 【成就任务:掠天惊澜完成度(原可提升27%任务完成度,因阿雷克为处于陨灭星内,无法受到所属世界加持,击杀奖励降低.】 Achievement mission: Seizing Heaven Startling Water( has completed 96%)】 【成就任务:掠天惊澜(已完成96%)】 Difficulty Level: lv.4 ~ lv.? 难度等级:lv.4~lv.? Mission Details: Every time kills plot main character, will obtain mission completion of corresponding quantity. 任务简介:每杀死一位剧情主角,将获得相应数量的任务完成度。 mission information : main character? Merely mediocre, becomes under my blade the ghost, the powerhouse lives, the weak one dies. 任务信息:主角?不过尔尔,成为我的刀下亡魂吧,强者生,弱者死。 Mission Time Limit: Does not have. 任务期限:无。 Mission Reward: By finally completion computation. 任务奖励:根据最终完成度计算。 Prompt: This mission may complete immediately, has not achieved 100% because of mission completion, this is chain achievement mission, such as submits according to existing completion, the gross revenue will drop 30%. 提示:此任务可立即完成,因任务完成度未达到100%,此为连锁成就任务,如按照现有完成度提交,总收益将下降30%。 ...... …… A choice is placed in front of Su Xiao, completes Seizing Heaven Startling Water immediately , to continue to accumulate, finds the opportunity to obtain other 4% mission completions. 一个选择摆在苏晓面前,是立即完成掠天惊澜,还是继续累积,找机会获得剩余的4%任务完成度。 If before knowing Unique Primary World this place, Su Xiao may choose to sacrifice some rewards, immediately completes Seizing Heaven Startling Water. 如果是在得知超脱·原生世界这种地方之前,苏晓可能会选择牺牲一些奖励,立即完成掠天惊澜 This time Unique Primary World that participates in Hegemony Battle are many, Su Xiao does not believe him unable to meet second World's Child, after all this mission has accumulated is very long, from his First Order, to the present. 这次参与强者争霸战超脱·原生世界不少,苏晓不信他遇不到第二名世界之子,毕竟这个任务已经累计很久,从他一阶时,累计到现在。
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