RP :: Volume #32

#3: Clearout

In the Su Xiao right hand is grasping Apollo, in the left hand is Mark flare gun, He prepares to attract the attention of enemy with the signal flare, thus promotes Apollo to explode to the probability of person, Mark flare gun The ammunition has five rounds, using one is not wastes. 苏晓右手中握着颗阿波罗,左手中是【印记信号枪】,他准备用信号弹吸引敌人的注意力,从而提升阿波罗炸到人的概率,【印记信号枪】的弹药有五发,使用一颗并不算浪费。 Su Xiao deducts the trigger. 苏晓扣下扳机。 Bang! 砰! A red signal flare lifts off, after arriving in the upper air, explodes loudly, ф shape huge Mark appears, this thing will continue for 3 hours. 一颗红色信号弹升空,抵达高空后轰然爆开,ф形巨大印记出现,这东西会足足持续三小时。 Apollo activates in the Su Xiao hand, detonates Apollo to take 25 seconds, as for letting Baja throws from the sky, if Baja flies is too low, by enemy Sensor, too will be been high, may be seen by the enemy directly, thus dodges the explosion of Apollo. 阿波罗苏晓手中激活,引爆阿波罗需25秒,至于让巴哈从上空抛,如果巴哈飞的太低,会被敌人感知,太高的话,有可能被敌人直接看到,从而规避阿波罗的爆炸。 After Apollo activates for 10 seconds, Su Xiao makes the jettison posture, ejects Apollo. 阿波罗激活十秒后,苏晓做出抛投姿势,将阿波罗抛出。 Apollo whiz vanishes in the Su Xiao's line of sight, he starts to time. 阿波罗嗖的一声就消失在苏晓的视线中,他开始计时。 Meanwhile, in the forest three kilometers away, camouflages dream Spirit Race Wagg to stop the footsteps, her emerald green pupil reduces fast, immediately raises head to look upwards. 与此同时,三公里外的森林内,伪装成梦灵族的瓦戈停下脚步,她翠绿的瞳孔快速紧缩,马上仰头看向上方。 Rapidness that the sense of crisis presents, disappearance is also quick, that the orange remnant shadow searches for together has flown from her sky. 危机感出现的快,消失的也同样快,一道橙色残影搜的一声就从她上空飞过。 Quick, Wagg felt that the ground of under foot shakes. 很快,瓦戈感觉到脚下的地面一震。 Thump! 咚! The incandescent color fireball emerges in the distant place, only sees this thing, Wagg can feel its high temperature and destructive power. 白炽色火球在远处涌现,单是看到这东西,瓦戈就能感觉到它的高温与破坏力。 With same of Su Xiao guess, Wagg Mo indeed is the fictitious name, this recited branch named Nita, because of the reason of ability, she remembered incorrectly own sex frequently, frequently by the pure appearance, made to dig out the movement of foot guy. 苏晓猜测的相同,瓦戈・莫的确是假名,这名‘吟语族’名叫尼塔,因能力的原因,她经常记错自己的性别,经常以纯真的外貌,做出抠脚大汉的动作。 The race that Nita is at named recited branch, they were similar Druid, lived in the forest, Sensor nature, but can also the mimicry become various animals, what a pity was, they can simulate other human races similarly the appearance, build, aura, even after wearing the special clothing, even the clothes can the instantaneous mimicry. 尼塔所在的种族名为‘吟语族’,他们原本类似德鲁伊,生活在森林内,感知自然,还能拟态成各类动物,可惜的是,他们同样能模拟其他人类种族的样貌、体型、气息等,甚至在穿着特殊的衣物后,连衣着打扮都能瞬间拟态。 This race talent was hated very much, in addition on recited the branch is precious commodity, has been forbidding to buy and sell and seize void, after all wanted what appearance, so long as let recite the branch to look at one, immediately can obtain, this can satisfy many powerful official that bold idea. 这种族天赋很遭人恨,外加上吟语族是‘珍贵商品’,现已在虚空禁止买卖、抓捕,毕竟想要什么模样,只要让吟语族看一眼,马上就能获得,这可以满足很多权贵那大胆的想法。 If not the millenniums ago recited the branch choice to stand in Arcane Eternal Star faction, recited the branch to exterminate. 如果不是千年前吟语族选择站在奥术永恒星阵营,吟语族早就灭绝。 Prepares to find a place to hide when Nita, and camouflages the Winged Race appearance, she receives region Announcement from Void Tree. 就在尼塔准备找个地方躲起来,并伪装成羽族的模样时,她接到一条来自虚空之树的区域公告 Region Announcement: Has combat to obtain 3 points above to slaughter the overall, the No. 7 striving for hegemony area ranking has activated.】 【区域公告:已有参战者获得三点以上杀戮积分,第七争霸区排行榜已激活。】 First: Reincarnation Paradise( 5 overalls) 第一名:轮回乐园(五积分) Second: Death paradise( 1 overall) 第二名:死亡乐园(一积分) Third: Temporarily does not have 第三名:暂无 ...... …… Sees this Announcement, Nita looks to the metal box in own hand, she felt suddenly, this thing is hot. 看到这公告,尼塔看向自己手中的金属箱,她突然感觉,这东西非常烫手。 But beyond five kilometers, female Winged Race looks at the front giant fiery pit, inside ground the vitrification, female Winged Race named the war casualty moon/month, is not the Winged Race younger generation, youngest that generation of Winged Race, simply do not have the qualifications to participate in Hegemony Battle. 而在五公里外,女性羽族看着前方的巨型火坑,里面的地面已经玻璃化,女性羽族名叫殇月,并非是羽族的年轻一代,最年轻的那代羽族,根本没资格来参与强者争霸战 This is...... the Reincarnation Paradise attitude, Lunatic's Paradise.” “这就是……轮回乐园的作风吗,疯子乐园。” In the war casualty moon/month mouth muttered, but in her not far away, the man of standing renowned clothing whole body armor. 殇月口中喃喃,而在她不远处,站着名穿戴全身铠甲的男人。 What's wrong? Do you think to fight with me now? World's Child from Meteor Fall Star.” “怎么?你想现在就和我交手?来自陨灭星世界之子。” War casualty moon/month slightly leaning head, that spreads the blue eye shadow pupil to narrow the eyes. 殇月略微侧头,那涂着蓝色眼影的眸子眯起。 Union...... the pair, first, removes, Reincarnation Paradise , lunatic.” “联合……双子,先,除掉,轮回乐园,的,疯子。” The armor male sound is hoarse, in the two air vents in surface armor flutters the light black air/Qi. 铠甲男声音沙哑,面甲上的两排气孔内飘出淡淡黑气。 When abandoning the palace sees the armor male, Su Xiao judges, this fellow came from world that has Ancient god, the opposite party armor of attaches Ancient god Strength. 在废弃殿堂内见到铠甲男时,苏晓一眼就判断出,这家伙来自一个有古神世界,对方身上的铠甲附有古神力量 „When you spoke left one word at a time, here was void, no one will think highly of you.” “你说话时别一字一顿,这里是虚空,没人会恭维你。” In war casualty moon/month eye some obvious dislike. 殇月眼中明显有些厌恶。 Good.” “好。” Although in the armor male heart is inwardly angry, but before Su Xiao, that two blades, are startled to him. 铠甲男心中虽愠怒,可苏晓之前那两刀,着实惊到他。 If a pair of child agreement from Death paradise, I do not have the opinion.” “如果来自死亡乐园的双子同意,我没意见。” The war casualty moon/month finishes speaking, two same sounds also convey. 殇月话音刚落,两道相同的声音同时传来。 We agreed.” “我们同意。” The twin brothers appear by the fiery pit, they look at solar flame in giant fiery pit, in the eye looking pensive. 双生兄弟出现在火坑旁,他们看着巨型火坑内的太阳焰,眼中若有所思。 Immediately leaves this, according to us the rule, after killing the enemy, that person can examine.” “立即离开这,根据‘我们’的规则,杀敌后,那个人会来查看。” The twin brothers turn around to walk, the armor male is silent following, the war casualty moon/month hesitant moment, follows after these three people. 双生兄弟转身就走,铠甲男沉默着跟上,殇月犹豫片刻,也跟在这三人身后。 After the moment, Su Xiao goes out from the forest, he pauses before the giant fiery pit, has not seen inside has treasure box kind of item. 片刻后,苏晓从森林内走出,他停步在巨型火坑前,没看到里面有宝箱一类的物品 woof!” “汪!” Boubo called the sound suddenly. 布布汪突然叫了声。 Nearby this? Can Boss, pursue? Winged Race, Death paradise and Meteor Fall Star are completely enemies.” “就在这附近?老大,要不要追上去?羽族死亡乐园陨灭星都是尽敌。” Pursues.” “追。” Su Xiao thinks a possibility, as well as possibly with some opportunity of side cooperation, this nearby some people leaves behind the trail one time after all intentionally, to Boubo tracking . 苏晓想到了一种可能,以及一次可能与某方合作的机会,毕竟这附近有人故意留下踪迹,给布布汪追踪 According to Boubo tracking , after a half hour, Su Xiao stops the footsteps in a stretch of quarry stone area, four forms or the stations or sit in the quarry stone area, an armor male sits in together Baishi, in the hand takes the black flesh lump, the black air/Qi that on the flesh lump hikes up, by armor male's in blowhole inspiration through armor. 根据布布汪追踪,半小时后,苏晓在一片乱石区停下脚步,四道身影或站或坐在乱石区内,其中一名铠甲男坐在一块白石上,手中拿着黑色肉块,肉块上飘起的黑气,被铠甲男通过面甲上的气孔吸入。 But in the one side, stands wears the woman of black feather robe famous, looks at her is Winged Race, Winged Race appearance, like gracious gift of ascending the sky, the female beauty varies, the male is delicate and pretty, perhaps Ancient god and Winged Race are mortal enemies, after all a beautiful new thing altitude, an ugly new thing lower limit. 而在一旁,站着名身穿黑色羽衣的女人,一看她就是羽族,羽族的容貌,如同上天的恩赐,女性姿色各异,男性俊美,或许古神羽族是死敌,毕竟一个美出新高度,一个丑出新下限。 You were very long.” “等你很久了。” The twin brothers open the mouth, after Boubo sees the crowded bar codes of their head, wants to sweep with the cell phone, looks to sweep to release factory one kind. 双生兄弟开口,布布汪看到他们头上的密集条码后,很想用手机去扫一下,看能不能扫到出厂厂家一类的。 Fights out in this?” “就在这决胜负?” Su Xiao exchanges through the team channel and Baja and A' Mu, A' Mu is responsible for the armor male, Baja constrains female Winged Race, as for the pair, he copes personally, double child is very strong, moreover now child fights with the pair, later will not do well will be very troublesome. 苏晓通过团队频道与巴哈阿姆交流,阿姆负责铠甲男,巴哈拖住女性羽族,至于双子,他亲自对付,双子很强,而且现在与双子交手,之后弄不好会很麻烦。 We, do not need to decide the victory and defeat in this, latter several rounds see, left side of the Twilight island turns over to you, the right side we come, that box depending on the skill, cleared respectively quickly finished the first round.” “我们双方,没必要在这决出胜负,后几轮见吧,暮光岛左侧归你,右侧我们来,那箱子各凭本事,清场尽快结束第一轮。” The twin brothers look to the armor male. 双生兄弟看向铠甲男。 This only World's Child, is regarded as the gift on first meeting, as for Winged Race, likes as you like, if not fear the Winged Race retaliation.” “这只世界之子,当做是见面礼,至于羽族,随你喜欢,如果不怕羽族报复的话。” Twin brothers' surrounding air starts to twist, as winning big popular one, their strengths cannot certainly be underestimated, after all is in Death paradise Sixth Order most powerhouse, Sixth Order Paradise Arena third. 双生兄弟周围的空气开始扭曲,作为夺冠的大热门之一,他们的实力当然不容小觑,毕竟是死亡乐园六阶的最强者,六阶乐园竞技场第三位。 Hears twin brothers' words, the armor male sets out immediately. 听到双生兄弟的话,铠甲男马上起身。 Bang! 轰! Air/Qi the wall to pound to fall from the upper air together, blocks the armor male way. 一道气墙从高空砸落,挡住铠甲男的去路。 But in another side, the war casualty moon/month has vanished in the jungle quickly, she can determine now, this met three Old Fart. 而在另一边,殇月已经快消失在密林内,她现在能确定,这是遇到了三个老阴哔 Ran, is not a pity.” “跑了,不可惜吗。” The twin brothers look at Su Xiao with smile on the face. 双生兄弟面带笑容的看着苏晓 Left side of island turns over to you, the box depends on the skill.” “岛左侧归你们,箱子更凭本事。” Spoke your words on, we slaughter in this, only other cheap people.” “就等会你这句话,我们在这厮杀,只会便宜其他人。” Double child walks toward the left side, they lift the hand simultaneously, the air wall vanishes layer upon layer. 双子向左侧走去,他们两人同时抬手,层层空气墙消失。 By the present, the armor male knows certainly oneself were planned, Su Xiao with the strength that pair child world kills, but armor male, he as Meteor Fall Star World's Child, in Meteor Fall Star smooth, it can be imagined. 到现在,铠甲男当然知道自己被算计了,苏晓与双子是一个个世界杀出的实力,而铠甲男,他作为陨灭星世界之子,在陨灭星内有多顺风顺水,可想而知。 Su Xiao agreed a pair of child proposition, has a very important reason, is the armor male indeed is World's Child, but he has named Seizing Heaven Startling Water mission, the completion continuously card in 83%. 苏晓之所以同意双子的提议,有个很重要的原因,就是铠甲男的确是世界之子,而他有个名为掠天惊澜任务,完成度一直卡在83%。 If after striking kills the armor male, can complete Seizing Heaven Startling Water this big mission, that gained in a big way. 如果击杀铠甲男后,能完成掠天惊澜这个大任务,那就赚大了。
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