RP :: Volume #32

#2: Misconception

Mr. Mouse finishes speaking, that side is floating the bird man of metal box before the half step to/clashes, directly soars in the jungle. 鼠大人话音刚落,那名身旁漂浮着金属箱的鸟人就快步前冲,直奔密林内。 Do not let that bird man run!” “别让那鸟人跑了!” The angry roaring sound transmits, but compares this angry roaring, the Su Xiao's speed is faster, plunders a blue remnant shadow directly, rushes to the bird man behind. 怒吼声传来,而相比这声怒吼,苏晓的速度更快,直接掠出一道蓝色残影,冲到鸟人身后。 Sensor arrives at behind bloody aura, in the bird person heart is startled secretly. 感知到身后的血气,鸟人心中暗惊。 Zheng! 铮! The blade edge rips the Shatter Sky air/Qi, the long blade has the brittle whining noise of sheath to transmit. 刀锋撕破空气,长刀出鞘的脆鸣声传来。 The whole body white feather, is extremely quick like the angelic bird man response, he turns around to lift the wing immediately, the feather on wing under the reflection of sunlight shows the metal sense of reality. 全身白色羽毛,如同天使般的鸟人反应极快,他马上转身抬起羽翼,羽翼上的羽毛在阳光的反射下透出金属质感。 Tittered ~ 噗嗤~ The long blade cuts into the wing, in this moment, the feather of bird man whole body stands quickly, his expression is twisting, in the hand saves an energy instantaneously, prepares to rumble to Su Xiao. 长刀斩入羽翼,在这一刻,鸟人全身的羽毛都快立起来,他的表情在扭曲,手中瞬间积蓄起一股能量,准备向苏晓轰来。 Sees this, the Su Xiao's pupil contracts slightly, he treads the previous step, foot speed extremely quick straight tramples. 看到这一幕,苏晓的瞳孔略微收缩,他踏前一步,一脚速度极快的直踹。 Bang! 砰! The air wave spreads, energy dispersing in bird man hand, and staggers to withdraw two steps, his instinct keeps off the pair of wings before the body, because of the Su Xiao foot, causing his most body to pass out, the muscles of various whole body places seems to be wailing. 气浪扩散,鸟人手中的能量散开,并踉跄退后两步,他本能将双翼挡在身前,因为苏晓刚才的这一脚,导致他大半个身体都失去知觉,全身各处的肌肉似乎都在哀嚎。 This was held the fate of flaw by Su Xiao, Su Xiao is in highly vigilant mode throughout, this after all is Hegemony Battle, may after this bird man fights, he has to plant very strange feeling, is the opposite party probably is a little weak. 这就是被苏晓抓住破绽的下场,苏晓始终处于高度警惕状态,这毕竟是强者争霸战,可与这鸟人交手后,他有种很奇怪的感觉,就是对方好像有点弱。 Brushes one, the long blade has cut, half piece of wing flies with a whole face stunned head. 刷拉一声,长刀斩过,半片翅膀与一颗满脸错愕的头颅飞起。 passes. 噗通。 The headless corpse falls to the ground, the finger of bird man shivered two, was cool. 无头尸体倒地,鸟人的手指颤动了两下,凉了。 This?” “就这?” In the Su Xiao mouth mumbled, looked at blade in the hand, looked that to is striking an attitude to clash the people. 苏晓口中嘟哝一声,看了眼手中的刀,又看向正作势冲来的众人。 Suddenly, in the open area before forest completely silent, including that female Winged Race that wears the black feather robe, she withdraws quietly several steps, in her judgment, possibly only then she participates in the Hegemony Battle elder brother together, can slaughter with the front this monster, and wins. 突然间,森林前的空地上鸦雀无声,包括那名身穿黑色羽衣的女性羽族,她悄然退后几步,在她的判断中,可能只有她一同参与到强者争霸战的兄长,才能和前方这怪物厮杀,并取胜。 Besieges him.” “围攻他。” The shout transmits together, in abandoning the palace shouted approval that sound, the covert ability of this fellow was quite strong, shouted twice, where Su Xiao has not discovered him / her to be. 一道喊声传来,正是之前在废弃殿堂内喊‘赞同’的那声音,这家伙的隐蔽能力相当强,喊了两次,苏晓都没找出他/她在哪。 The cold ice blasts out suddenly, to spreads in all directions, Su Xiao picks up the ground the metal box, just wants to receive in the storage space, presents Prompt, this thing is unable to store in the storage space. 寒冰陡然炸开,向四面八方蔓延,苏晓捡起地上的金属箱,刚想收入储存空间内,就出现提示,这东西无法存入储存空间内。 With the aid of the shield of A' Mu, before the Su Xiao half step rushes to the forest, a moment ago he wants to probe, who knows, the strength of bird man, in phase difference from estimate, therefore he decided first to take the metal box, this was safer, the Alchemy high-level formula only happened by happy circumstance. 借助阿姆的掩护,苏晓快步冲到森林前,刚才他只是想试探,可谁知道,那鸟人的实力,和预想中的相差很多,因此他决定先将金属箱拿了,这样更稳妥,炼金学高级配方可遇不可求。 In Su Xiao will soon break to the forest , the metal box in his hand vanished suddenly. 就在苏晓即将冲入到森林内时,他手中的金属箱突然消失了。 A' Mu.” 阿姆。” Su Xiao finishes speaking, the surrounding cold ice becomes the ice crystal suddenly shatter, the form drops together in the place, she wears the tissue long skirt, the ear high-pitched and fine, is that dream Spirit Race young girl. 苏晓话音刚落,周围的寒冰陡然破碎成冰晶,一道身影跌落在地,她身穿薄纱长裙,耳朵尖细,是那名梦灵族少女。 The big piece ice fragments scatters, other combat bang broken cold ice, the vision looks to that dream Spirit Race young girl. 大片冰屑四溅,其余参战者轰碎寒冰,目光都看向那名梦灵族少女。 That is not I!” “那不是我!” The shout transmits, but the person who exudes the shout, wears the tissue long skirt similarly, the ear high-pitched and fine, she is true dream Spirit Race, but seizes the metal box, camouflages dream Spirit Race Wagg. 喊声传来,而发出喊声的人,同样身穿薄纱长裙,耳朵尖细,她才是真正的梦灵族,而夺走金属箱的,是伪装成梦灵族的瓦戈。 Hey ~ “嘿~” Wagg jumps, the figure rapid change, turns into a falcon after the midair, leaves behind a wisp of electric arc to vanish. 瓦戈跃起,身形快速变化,在半空中变成一只猎鹰后,留下一缕电弧消失。 Wagg vanishes at the same time, Su Xiao, A' Mu and Baja also vanish in the forest, as for Boubo, it sits on the mechanical chariot, tilts the head looks at Mr. Mouse. 瓦戈消失的同时,苏晓阿姆巴哈也消失在森林内,至于布布汪,它则是坐在机械战车上,歪头看着鼠大人 Gives up, my time is not representative Reincarnation Paradise.” “放弃吧,我这次不是代表轮回乐园。” Mr. Mouse raising hand claw, on its back of the hand, because the hair covers, can see tree imprint indistinctly. 鼠大人扬了扬手爪,在它的手背上,因毛发遮挡,隐约能看到树形烙印 woof ~ “汪~” Boubo facial expression some low, it takes out one bottle of liquor from the storage space, but since receives immediately. 布布汪的神情有些‘低落’,它从储存空间内取出一瓶酒,但又马上收起。 One Piece World is in sole possession of Margaux Jaga?” 海贼世界独有的‘玛歌亚加’?” Mr. Mouse swallowed under the saliva, stares to stare at Boubo. 鼠大人吞了下口水,直勾勾盯着布布汪 Margaux Jaga, Mythical, no buff effect, it can achieve Mythical, refutes Mythical by liquor completely, if after drinking next, will have buff, Margaux Jaga's liquor will instead sell at a discount greatly. 玛歌亚加,史诗级,无任何增益效果,它能达到史诗级,完全是凭借酒品硬顶到史诗级,如果饮下后有增益,玛歌亚加的酒品反而会大打折扣。 Margaux Jaga's synopsis is very interesting, regarding being addicted to alcohol such as the person of life, Margaux Jaga is entire world, but Mr. Mouse, is addicted to alcohol like the life. 玛歌亚加的简介很有趣,‘对于嗜酒如命的人来讲,玛歌亚加就是全世界’,而鼠大人,就嗜酒如命。 woof ~ “汪~” Boubo jumps down the mechanical chariot, sees this, Mr. Mouse also leaps. 布布汪跳下机械战车,见此,鼠大人也跃下。 We chatted, Boubo.” “我们谈谈,布布。” Occurring together of Mr. Mouse and Boubo, but must recall Su Xiao when void Battle Arena, that Mr. Mouse receives the request of Reincarnation Paradise, goes to void Battle Arena to assume personal command, hard resentment Arcane Eternal Star Caster Sage Sefelia, helping Su Xiao block this Caster Sage. 鼠大人布布汪的交集,还要回溯到苏晓在虚空角斗场时,那次鼠大人接到轮回乐园的委托,去虚空角斗场坐镇,硬怼奥术永恒星法师贤者瑟菲莉娅,帮苏晓挡住这名法师贤者 At that time, Mr. Mouse and Boubo knew, but basically has no friendship. 就是在那时,鼠大人布布汪认识,但基本没什么交情。 woof!” “汪!” Thirsty, this ghost weather is too hot, if can arrive at sea mid-level one......” “口渴的要命,这鬼天气太热,如果能到海中游一圈……” Mr. Mouse pulls the collar, the words that says are meaningful. 鼠大人扯动衣领,所说的话意味深长。 Sneeze ~ “啊嚏~” Boubo sneezes, Margaux Jaga departs from its storage space. 布布汪打了个喷嚏,玛歌亚加从它的储存空间内飞出。 Completes all these, Boubo runs in the forest, Mr. Mouse picks up Margaux Jaga from the ground, after pulling out the decap stopper, raises head to drink the next several big mouths. 做完这一切,布布汪屁颠屁颠跑进森林内,鼠大人从地上捡起玛歌亚加,拔开瓶塞后,仰头饮下几大口。 Ha ~, crisp!” “哈~,爽!” A Mr. Mouse finger mechanical chariot, the chariot rapid change appearance, turns into a basketball size finally the metal ball. 鼠大人的手指一点机械战车,战车快速变化模样,最终变成一颗篮球大小的金属球。 ...... …… In the forest, Su Xiao pauses before a circular lake, metal box that he seized a moment ago, named 【The box of sealing, Must after first round strove for hegemony to end can open. 森林内,苏晓停步在一片圆形湖泊前,他刚才夺下的金属箱,名为【封之箱】,要在第一轮争霸结束后才能打开。 What a pity, now 【The box of sealing Was hidden by Wagg, moreover Su Xiao suspected, Wagg is the fictitious name. 可惜,现在【封之箱】被瓦戈躲走,而且苏晓怀疑,瓦戈是假名。 As for the Hegemony Battle first round of rule, kills one person 1 overall, first five Promotion, but do not think that has hidden can be eliminated, thus obtains Void Tree comfort prize. 至于强者争霸战第一轮的规则,杀一人得一积分,前五晋升,但不要认为一直躲着就能被淘汰,从而获得虚空之树的‘安慰奖’。 The island of Twilight said that was big, says slightly big, 1/2 regions were the forests. 暮光之岛说大不大,说小不小,二分之一的区域是森林。 All combat, must obtain 1 overall in three days, this has the eliminated qualifications, once three days later is 0 overalls, will be executed by Void Tree. 所有参战者,必须在三天内获得一积分,这样才有被淘汰的资格,一旦三天后还是0积分,就会被虚空之树处决掉。 In other words, about hundred combat, most peaceful result, must be killed half, Hegemony Battle does not contend in martial arts or the arena war, participating in Hegemony Battle must sacrifice the life to slaughter. 也就是说,近百名参战者中,最和平的结果,也要丧命半数,强者争霸战可不是比武或擂台战,参与强者争霸战要豁出性命厮杀。 Moreover Su Xiao also discovered oneself misunderstood a matter, is the Hegemony Battle participant, not necessarily is close to his strength, void that side combat quota has. 而且苏晓还发现自己误解了一件事,就是强者争霸战的参与者,并不一定都和他实力相近,虚空那边的参战名额有很多。 Void besides big race, some middle-and-small races have not imagined are good at fighting like that some obviously come to fish to guarantee a minimum the reward for oneself race. 虚空中除了大种族外,一些中小型种族并没有想象中那般擅长战斗,有些明显是来为自己的种族捞保底奖励的。 Thinks through these, the mentality in Su Xiao brain is clearer, at least the present stage, he does not need to plan with Old Fart mutually, only need clearout as far as possible, dangerous very possible is the Second Order section and Third Order section, as well as Fourth Order section, as for the Fifth Order section, is ten Hegemony Battle, that is the most dangerous link, this without a doubt. 想通这些,苏晓脑中的思路清晰很多,至少现阶段,他不用和老阴哔们互相算计,只需尽可能的清场就可以,危险的很可能是第二阶段、第三阶段,以及第四阶段,至于第五阶段,也就是十强者争霸战,那是最危险的环节,这点毋庸置疑。 Su Xiao is looking at seven color cotton materials in hand, this is he cuts from Wagg. 苏晓看着手中的一块七彩布料,这是他从瓦戈身上斩下来。 After waiting for several minutes, Boubo returns, conveyed the Mr. Mouse those words to Su Xiao. 等待几分钟后,布布汪返回,向苏晓转达了鼠大人的那句话。 Thirsty? Is the weather too hot? Sea?” “口渴?天气太热?海?” Su Xiao neglects directly front thirsty, thinking deeply about weather was too hot expressed anything with Sea', with the Cruel Rat style, was insufficient to deceive the liquor to drink. 苏晓直接忽略掉前面的‘口渴’,思索‘天气太热’与‘海’表达了什么,以暴鼠的行事风格,不至于骗酒喝。 The thinking moment, Su Xiao felt that weather is too hot conceals, following Sea' is the key point. 思索片刻,苏晓感觉‘天气太热’只是掩饰,后面的‘海’才是重点。 The Su Xiao reorganization train of thought that roughly understood that the meaning of Cruel Rat, this information cannot use temporarily, he must do now, recaptures 【The box of sealing. 苏晓整理思绪,大致了解暴鼠的意思,这条情报暂时用不上,他现在要做的,是夺回【封之箱】。 Before seven color cotton materials in hand hand the tip of the nose of Boubo, Boubo starts to search for the smell and aura on cotton material. 将手中的七彩布料递到布布汪的鼻头前,布布汪开始搜寻布料上的气味与气息。 Eye of the Apostle falls from the above, the detection is completed, the diameter of entire island is about 40 kilometers probably. 使徒之眼从上方落下,侦测完成,整座岛的直径大概有40公里左右。 Su Xiao starts even the probability, after the moment, he takes out Apollo from the storage space, throws Apollo from here, 2 km in diameter explosion range, can explode to the probability of person, 1/20, first consume Apollo absolutely incessantly, coming the drawing type to guarantee a minimum very well. 苏晓开始就算概率,片刻后,他从储存空间内取出一颗阿波罗,从这里抛阿波罗,直径2公里的爆炸范围,能炸到人的几率,绝对不止20分之一,先消耗一颗阿波罗,来个抽奖式保底很不错。 The Apollo in Su Xiao hand, only explodes being predestined friends person. 苏晓手中的这颗阿波罗,只炸有缘人。
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