RP :: Volume #32

#1: Twilight island

Has arrived void the island of twilight.】 【已抵达虚空・暮色之岛。】 When the transmission weightlessness feeling removes, Su Xiao sits on the black stone stair, the faint trace cool feeling scatters from the stair. 传送时的失重感褪去,苏晓坐在黑石台阶上,丝丝凉意从台阶上飘散。 The Su Xiao's vision looks all around the surroundings, this is an approximately thousand square meters big or small abandoned palace, has the modernity very much, stone columns stand in great numbers, on the marble slab of ground does not have the dust, obviously is some people sweeps clear frequently. 苏晓的目光环顾周围,这是一座约千平米大小的废弃殿堂,很有时代感,一根根石柱林立,地面的大理石板上没有灰尘,明显是经常有人来清扫。 Boubo, A' Mu, Baja and Bailey near Su Xiao, this can be said as transmission most centralized one time. 布布汪阿姆巴哈贝妮都在苏晓附近,这可以说是传送点最集中的一次。 Abandons in the palace naturally incessantly a Su Xiao person, the distant place is standing more than ten men and women, no, like this described that they are not appropriate, because some obviously are not human. 废弃殿堂内当然不止苏晓一人,远处共站着十几名男女,不,这样形容他们并不贴切,因为有些明显不是人类。 In these people, the whole body lives the full scale, the head looks like the lizard a native of Asia, do not think that the attire of this fellow is very primitive, he is wearing the high-tech armor, the nape of the neck and other critical part scales by the metal substitution, at this time, this native of Asia is adjusting the terminal on small arm. 这些人中,有一名全身生满鳞片,头颅酷似蜥蜴的亚人,不要认为这家伙的装束很原始,他身穿着高科技铠甲,脖颈等要害部位的鳞片被金属替代,此时,这名亚人正调节小臂上的终端。 But near this native of Asia, is the famous ear high-pitched and fine, wears the young girl of tissue long skirt, she often the small canine tooth, the finger in the front lightly, seems a little moe ominously, this is the famous dream Spirit Race young girl. 而在这名亚人附近,则是名耳朵尖细,身穿薄纱长裙的少女,她不时呲起小虎牙,手指在面前轻点,看起来有点凶萌,这是名梦灵族少女。 These more than ten people, possibly the representatives from more than ten faction, they look serious, have obviously stuck together. 这十几人,可能就是来自十几个阵营的代表,他们神情严肃,明显是已经抱团。 spatial fluctuation appears, several people arrive, they each other look at each other one, disperses, or stands or sits in various places. 空间波动出现,又有几人到场,他们彼此对视一眼,就分散开,或站或坐在各处。 Except that small group is talking in a low voice, most people are silent. 除了那个小团体在低声交谈,大多数人都沉默着。 Su Xiao sits on abandoning innermost side palace the stair, here position is high, in the situation to palace takes in everything at a glance. 苏晓坐在废弃殿堂最内侧的台阶上,这里的位置较高,对殿堂内的情况一览无余。 The Su Xiao's finger buckles on stair, tears off together the black stone, after making a fist, resists with the thumb. 苏晓的手指扣在身旁的台阶上,扯下一块黑石,握拳后用拇指抵住。 As the thumb catches up, the stone was sprung, directly soars the window direction to go. 随着拇指发力,石块被弹出,直奔窗口的方向而去。 ~ 啪啦啦~ The blue energy electrical network emerges, the stone evaporates instantaneously the gaseous state, gradually scatters in the air, obviously, cannot leave here temporarily. 蓝色的能量电网涌现,石块瞬间蒸发成气态,逐渐飘散在空气中,显然,暂时不能离开这里。 Boubo.” 布布。” woof.” “汪。” Boubo immediately the comprehension Su Xiao's meaning, finding the way to inquire the situation. 布布汪马上理解苏晓的意思,想办法去打探情况。 spatial fluctuation will appear occasionally, is about a half hour, no longer has spatial fluctuation to appear, the person arrived in full. 空间波动偶尔就会出现,也就是半小时左右,不再有空间波动出现,人到齐了。 Abandons in the palace about hundred people, the No. 7 striving for hegemony area altogether has 56 faction, in other words, about each faction on average two people. 废弃殿堂内约有百人左右,第七争霸区共有56个阵营,也就是说,每个阵营平均两人左右。 Su Xiao looks all around in the palace, in hundred people, four people of aura are strongest, wears the black feather robe, is spreading the blue eye shadow woman, the Winged Race age is not good to judge, the appearance seems like between 20 ~ 30. 苏晓环顾殿内,百人中,有四人的气息最强,一名身穿黑色羽衣,涂着蓝色眼影的女人,羽族的年龄不好判断,容貌看起来像是20~30岁之间。 Except that this Winged Race, two appearance completely same youngster, their Soru bald, the head full is the linearity code, but in their forehead, then has grey £ shape design, this is Death paradise Mark. 除了这名羽族,还有两名容貌完全相同的少年,他们都着光头,头上满是条形编码,而在他们眉心处,则是有灰色的‘£’形图案,这是死亡乐园印记 But last person, then wears the whole body armor, the armor seems like not unwieldy, the head of this person by the first package, could not be seen is male is female, through the elimination method, Su Xiao judged that this should be Unique Primary World Meteor Fall Star representative. 而最后一人,则是身穿全身铠甲,铠甲看起来并不笨重,此人的头部也被头甲包裹,看不出是男是女,通过排除法,苏晓判断出这应该是超脱·原生世界陨灭星的代表。 But besides these four people, the aura of others , although wants to plan weakly. 而除这四人外,其他人的气息虽然要弱一筹。 Everyone, welcome to participate in Hegemony Battle, I am the Void Tree notarization receiving and instructing person, Wagg Mo.” “各位,欢迎参与强者争霸战,我是虚空之树公证的接引人,瓦戈・莫。” The vigorous and rich female sound conveyed, attracted nearly everyone's attention. 浑厚而富有雌性的声音传来,吸引了近乎所有人的视线。 This round of Hegemony Battle, adopts the elimination series.” “本轮强者争霸战,采取淘汰制。” Said man who Wagg single-handed according to chest front, be with smile on the face, he wears the small circle sunglasses, looks like the attire of coattails, makes the tail to refer to the thick hair gripping. 自称瓦戈的男人单手按在胸前,面带笑容,他戴着小圆墨镜,酷似燕尾服的衣着,约尾指粗的头发扎起。 Devil Clan?” 魔鬼族?” By the stone column, both hands holds the female Winged Race opens the mouth of chest, she clearly is the serious in speech and manner type. 靠在石柱上,双手抱胸的女性羽族开口,她明显属于不苟言笑的类型。 Right, Winged Race friend, I become this time notarization side fortunately, if there is anything to question, please propose to Void Tree.” “没错,羽族朋友,鄙人有幸成为这次的公证方,如果有什么质疑,请向虚空之树提出。” Wagg lifted the hand to push the small circle sunglasses on bridge of the nose, under the sunglasses that pair of blood red pupil narrowed the eyes. 瓦戈抬手推了推鼻梁上的小圆墨镜,墨镜下那双血红的眸子眯起。 Eliminates mechanism everyone soon to know, during this process, if some people contrary...... were sorry, the slip in speech, the elimination series had no rule, the powerhouse lived, the weak one... died.” “淘汰机制各位即将知晓,在此过程中,如果有人违规……抱歉,口误了,淘汰制没任何规则,强者生,弱者…死。” Wagg exudes the laughter that Devil Clan is in sole possession, said no that on is gloomy, but sounds makes people not quite comfortable. 瓦戈发出魔鬼族独有的笑声,说不上是阴森,但听起来让人不太舒服。 Doesn't have the rule? In other words, can we slaughter now mutually?” “没有规则?也就是说,我们现在就可以互相杀戮了?” The twin brothers from Death paradise stand up, as winning big popular, their two brothers' words, stir up the vigilance of people. 来自死亡乐园的双生兄弟站起身,作为夺冠的大热门,他们两兄弟的话,惹起众人的警惕。 This saying I have not said.” “这话我从没说过。” The curve that the Wagg both sides corners of the mouth turn upwards is bigger, has obviously tacitly approved. 瓦戈两侧嘴角翘起的弧度更大,明显是已经默认。 Like this, the words, that starts, first is...... the Reincarnation Paradise person.” “这样,的话,那就开始吧,先做掉……轮回乐园的人。” Armor male opens the mouth from Meteor Fall Star, after he opens the mouth, the people judge his sex. 来自陨灭星的铠甲男开口,在他开口后,众人才判断出他的性别。 Approval.” “赞同。” The sound spreads from the crowd together, has about 30 people of groups from that they basically are the void middle-and-small races, as the weak side, they chooses unites temporarily. 一道声音从人群内传出,是从那个已经有近三十人的团体内,他们基本都是虚空的中小型种族,作为弱势方,他们选择暂时团结在一起。 As for is the approval that who said that completely no one discovered, can only judge this person in that group. 至于是谁说的这句赞同,完全没人发现,仅能判断出此人在那个团体中。 Bang, the wave spreads all at once, the twin brothers kick out, their goals, come from Devil Clan Wagg impressively. 砰的一声,一股气浪扩散,双生兄弟扑出,他们的目标,赫然是来自魔鬼族的瓦戈。 When! 当! The slender arm blade was blocked by an invisible barrier, Wagg's corner of the eye obviously trembles. 纤长的臂刃被一层无形屏障挡住,瓦戈的眼角明显一颤。 We, seeming like, is very stupid.” “我们,看起来,很蠢吗。” The twin brothers said these words in turn, their two people, as if did not divide your me, even when speech can link up mutually. 双生兄弟依次说出这段话,他们两个人,似乎不分你我,连说话时都能互相衔接。 The slender arm blade starts to dissolve, finally the social climbing returns to the twin brothers. 纤长的臂刃开始溶解,最终攀附回双生兄弟身上。 „Before each other slaughters the entertainment link, does not use such earnestly.” “彼此厮杀前的娱乐环节而已,不用这么认真。” Wagg spoke, clothing surged, was only instantaneous, she turned into that Winged Race appearance. 瓦戈说话间,身上的衣物涌动,只是瞬间,她就变成那名羽族的模样。 Two little brothers, are calmer.” “两位小兄弟,冷静些。” Wagg winked the winking left eye, in the meantime, a pair of ice-cold pupil looks like, is that female Winged Race, the black feather flutters around her, that sharp black blue fingertip, the next quarter will as if shout Wagg. 瓦戈眨了眨左眼,就在此时,一双冰冷的眸子看来,是那名女性羽族,黑色羽毛在她周围飘动,那尖利的黑蓝色指尖,似乎下一刻就会扯开瓦戈的喉咙。 Obviously, Wagg at all is not the Void Tree notarization receiving and instructing person, but is the Hegemony Battle participant, perfect score that this hatred draws, she can change anybody's appearance, even can camouflage the aura, moreover Wagg this name is really false, only then she knows, therefore she dares pulling hostility, after all she participates in Hegemony Battle, to not get high position, but to seek a higher position, making void some great person notice her. 显然,瓦戈根本不是虚空之树公证的接引人,而是强者争霸战的参与者,她这手仇恨拉的满分,她能变化成任何人的模样,甚至能伪装气息等,而且瓦戈这个名字是真是假,也只有她自己知道,所以她敢拉仇恨,毕竟她参与强者争霸战,并非是为了打上高名次,而是为了谋求更高的地位,让虚空中的某个大人物注意到她。 Also this reason, Wagg chooses now on exposed oneself ability. 也正是这个原因,瓦戈才选择现在就暴露自己的能力。 Ka and ka ~ 咔哒、咔哒~ The sound of footsteps transmits, abandons the main entrance of palace to start loudly, the form stands in out of the door together, its aura can only describe with the terrifying, a mouse person, the hand claw is sharp, drags the strip to beset with by the long-tail of spiral metal mark, the waist place hangs looking primitively, actually very advanced energy shotgun. 脚步声传来,废弃殿堂的正门轰然开启,一道身影站在门外,它的气息只能用恐怖来形容,鼠头人身,手爪尖利,身后拖着条镶有螺旋金属纹的长尾,后腰处挂着把看着原始,实则很先进的能量霰弹枪。 This is the true receiving and instructing person, because of No. 7 striving for hegemony area the situation, Mr. Mouse receives recruiting of Void Tree, is responsible for holding the post to receive and instruct the person. 这才是真正的接引人,因‘第七争霸区’的情况,鼠大人接到虚空之树的征召,负责担任接引人。 All combat, follow in me behind, who dares is not dishonest hits to explode his skull.” “所有参战者,跟在我身后,谁敢不老实就打爆他的脑壳。” Mr. Mouse leaves behind these words, walks outward. 鼠大人留下这句话,就向外走去。 Abandons in the palace the quiet moment, Wagg first lifts the step to walk outward, on the way of the vanguard, she turns into a spotted panther, her goal has achieved half. 废弃殿堂内安静片刻,瓦戈最先抬步向外走去,前行途中,她变成一只花豹,她的目的已经达成一半。 Quick, abandons combat in palace basically to leave, Su Xiao receives the tablet PC in hand, sets out to walk outward. 很快,废弃殿堂内的参战者基本都离开,苏晓收起手中的平板电脑,也起身向外走去。 Goes out abandons the palace, before Su Xiao arrives in a stretch of open area situated in forest, about hundred combat in, but Mr. Mouse, it is turning in a mechanical chariot looks for anything. 走出废弃殿堂,苏晓抵达一片位于森林前的空地,近百名参战者都在附近,而鼠大人,它正在一辆机械战车内翻找什么。 Kid LaBelle, originally you in this.” “小宝贝儿,原来你在这。” Mr. Mouse pulls off the metal box from the mechanical chariot, leaps to the mechanical chariot above lightly. 鼠大人从机械战车内拖出个金属箱,轻跃到机械战车上方。 „The rule of No. 7 striving for hegemony area is very simple, is......” 第七争霸区的规则很简单,就是……” Under attention of all combat, Mr. Mouse jammed, he pulls out a wrinkled paper from the bosom, after reading earnestly reads the moment, clears throat to continue saying: 在所有参战者的瞩目下,鼠大人卡壳了,他从怀中掏出张皱巴巴的纸张,认真读阅片刻后,才清了清嗓子继续说道: This Hegemony Battle participant is numerous, therefore is divided into five stages, the First Order section is the elimination series, you in later in three day, will pass on this island, kills one person, 1 overall, three days later, the overall first 5 are promoted, after first 5 these also living Luck, congratulates you, you propose the comfort prize happily, after being eliminated returns to one's old home, the premise is you can obtain 1 overall, otherwise, you eliminated qualifications do not have, can only...... bang!” “本次强者争霸战的参与方众多,所以共分五个阶段,第一阶段为淘汰制,你们在之后的三天内,会在这座岛上度过,杀一人,一积分,三天后,积分前五晋级,至于前五名以后那些还活着的幸运儿,恭喜你们,你们喜提安慰奖,被淘汰后回老家,前提是你们能获得一积分,否则的话,你们连被淘汰的资格都没有,只会被……砰!” The hand claw of Mr. Mouse opens, such remarks, most combat look the worried look, Hegemony Battle compared with brutality that they imagine, at all is not the arena system in estimate, but escapes to kill the system, moreover this is also only the first round. 鼠大人的手爪张开,此言一出,大部分参战者都面露忧色,强者争霸战比他们想象的更残酷,根本不是预想中的擂台制,而是逃杀制,况且这还只是第一轮。 As for the Second Order section, that process is quite long, but Third Order section, very interesting......” “至于第二阶段,那个过程比较长,而第三阶段,很有趣……” Mr. Mouse has not introduced the Second Order section and Third Order section in detail. 鼠大人并未详细介绍第二阶段与第三阶段。 Arrived the Fourth Order section, held Battle Arena of 300,000 audience to prepare sufficiently, relax, observing is the powerhouse the participant that struggles to wrest away, the miscellaneous personnel does not have the observing qualifications.” “到了第四阶段,足以容纳三十万观众的角斗场已经准备好,放心,观战的都是强者争霸占的参与方,闲杂人等没有观战资格。” Speaking of this, a Mr. Mouse thread of conversation revolution. 说到这,鼠大人的话锋一转。 However Fifth Order section, is the final stage, only then in fourth round gets first ten, has the qualifications participation, finally the stage...... is peak the place of decisive battle, finally obtained of winner, enough changes anybody's destiny, that thing even I, or old undying in your race, will still be jealous similarly, therefore you die is more splendid.” “而第五阶段,也就是最终阶段,只有在第四轮打上前十者,才有资格参与,最终阶段……是巅峰的决战之地,最终胜者的所得,足够改变任何人的命运,那东西就算是我,或是你们种族内的老不死们,也同样会眼红,所以你们就死的精彩些吧。” Said these, Mr. Mouse unruly is laughing wildly, may discover that others have not smiled, as soon as it treads the metal box. 说完这些,鼠大人桀骜的狂笑着,可发现其他人都没笑,它一踏自己脚下的金属箱。 In this 50 complete soul stones, a Alchemy high-level formula, two Bain Dwarf Tribe unique mechanical structure drawings, is located in the void tall shakes steel large-scale mineral lode certificate, who will care for by Luck, obtains these things.” “这里面共有50颗完整灵魂石,一张炼金学高级配方,两张巴纳小人族特有的机械结构图,一处位于虚空的高震钢大型矿脉凭证,谁会被幸运眷顾,得到这些东西呢。” Mr. Mouse such remarks, nearly everyone's line of sight, centralized in the metal box of its under foot. 鼠大人此言一出,近乎所有人的视线,都集中在它脚下的金属箱上。 Soul Crystal (Perfect) in void is the quite scarce resources, is not void does not produce Soul Crystal, but needs to use its place is too many, the demand over delivers, the time is longer, Soul Crystal will be scarcer, eventually causes Price to rise suddenly, thus is scarcer. 灵魂结晶(完整)在虚空是相当稀缺的资源,并非是虚空不产灵魂结晶,而是需要用到它的地方太多,需求超过产出,时间越久,灵魂结晶就会越稀缺,最终导致价格暴涨,从而更加稀少。 Alchemy high-level formula, is the thing that Su Xiao wants, as for ‚the Bain Dwarf Tribe unique mechanical structure drawing, this thing Su Xiao interest is not big, by Boubo and relations of Bain Dwarf Tribe, cannot use this thing, if necessary, looks for the Bain Dwarf Tribe custom make. 炼金学高级配方,则是苏晓想要的东西,至于‘巴纳小人族特有的机械结构图’,这东西苏晓兴趣不大,以布布汪巴纳小人族的关系,根本用不上这东西,如果有需要,找巴纳小人族定做就可以。 But tall Zhengang large-scale mineral lode certificate, this thing is the void in precious minerals, Price can be imagined. 而‘高震钢大型矿脉凭证’,这东西是虚空内的贵重矿产,价格可想而知。 The Mr. Mouse vision looks all around the surroundings, finally, his vision locked a bird man, the bird man of on the back grows pair of wings. 鼠大人的目光环顾周围,最终,他的目光锁定了一名鸟人,背生双翼的鸟人。 Boy, turned over to you.” “小子,归你了。” Mr. Mouse kicks the metal box, the volume of metal box reduces fast, finally floats when bird man side, only remains the fist size. 鼠大人一脚踢飞金属箱,金属箱的体积快速缩小,最终漂浮在鸟人身旁时,只剩拳头大小。 Forgets to tell you, this thing can only open three days later, therefore takes it to escape, Hegemony Battle, the No. 7 striving for hegemony area, the First Order section...... starts!” “忘记告诉你,这东西只能在三天后打开,所以带上它逃吧,强者争霸战,第七争霸区,第一阶段……开始!”
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