RP :: Volume #31

#61: Revelation of trembling

After five hours, Su Xiao appears in Trial Field suddenly, the body is also inserting two long swords, short battle pike, broken halberd spear/gun. 五小时后,苏晓陡然出现在试炼场内,身上还插着两把长剑,一把短战矛,还有把已断裂的戟枪。 Su Xiao's suddenly appears, peripheral Contractor will be startled really heavily, as tired is the perspiration is very normal as the whole body in Trial Field, but the whole body blood, was rare. 苏晓的突然出现,着实将周边的契约者们惊得不轻,在试炼场内累到满身是汗很正常,但全身鲜血,就非常罕见了。 The Su Xiao's aura is especially sharp, his Swordplay Grandmaster broke through a big checkpoint. 苏晓的气息格外锋利,他的刀术宗师冲破了一个大关卡。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… Su Xiao blood starts to freeze, this is extremely the blood of winter battlefield soldier. 苏晓身上的鲜血开始冻结,这是极冬战场士兵的鲜血。 The blood just froze, gradually evaporates the gaseous state, Su Xiao sits on the ground, in the mouth is breathing heavily, in the beforehand five hours, he had forgotten oneself cut many enemies, the fact showed that so long as the average strength of soldier were enough, human wave attack to high rank similarly fearful, the person many actually was also one manifestation of strength. 鲜血刚冻结,就逐渐蒸发成气态,苏晓坐在地上,口中喘着粗气,之前的五个小时中,他已经忘记自己斩了多少敌人,事实证明,只要士兵的平均实力足够,人海战术到了高阶同样可怕,人多其实也是实力的一种体现。 Rested for several minutes, Su Xiao stands up from the ground, flings waved the arms about on bloodstain, powerful sounded very imposing, but needs to pay the sweat and blood powerful, as well as...... might lose the life. 休息几分钟,苏晓才从地上站起身,甩了甩手上的血迹,强大听起来很威风,但强大需要付出汗水与鲜血,以及……有可能搭上性命。 After returning to private room, Su Xiao consumes Paradise Coins to restore the injury, may with a winter battlefield soldier tangled warfare five hours of fatigue, unable with regaining the function extremely erases, needs through the rest restoration. 返回专属房间后,苏晓消耗乐园币恢复伤势,可与极冬战场士兵混战五个小时的疲劳感,无法用恢复功能抹除,需要通过休息恢复。 The preliminary calculation resident time, Su Xiao felt that his time could not hit Arena, he needed the good rest, later went to Land of All Lives to practice Swordplay. 初步计算停留时间,苏晓感觉他这次打不了竞技场,他需要良好的休息,之后去众生之地修行刀术 Su Xiao lies on the bed | On, opens the Skill list, examines the Swordplay Grandmaster ability, the use Bloodbath Trial by Fire After his Swordplay Grandmaster has promoted to lv.41. 苏晓躺在床|上,打开技能列表,查看刀术宗师能力,使用【浴血之试炼】后,他的刀术宗师已提升至lv.41。 Swordplay Grandmaster: lv.41( Passive Skill)】 刀术宗师:lv.41(被动技能)】 Skill Effects: Promotion blade class weapon Attack Power 599%( promote 28%), mental reaction speed + 185%( promote 16%), immunity spirit class control, the immunity mind is misleads, induces. 技能效果:提升刀类武器攻击力599%(提升28%),神经反射速度(提升16%),免疫精神类控制,免疫心灵系蛊惑、诱导等。 initial attaches the ability: Transient Rhythm x + + +( breakthrough upper limit three rank). 初始附加能力:万物律动x+++(突破上限三个阶位)。 lv.10 Ultimate Skill: Absolute Shadow Flash( indenpendently develops......) lv.10终极能力:绝影闪(自行开发中……) lv.20 Ultimate Skill: Blade of Soul( passive) lv.20终极能力:灵魂之刃(被动) lv.30 Ultimate Skill: Edge of Extremity( passive / initiative) lv.30终极能力:刃之极(被动/主动) lv.40 Ultimate Skill: Soul blade( passive): When with the enemy side battles, Hunter may rely on ‚the eye of heart to lock the enemy possible flaw, such as the success attack enemy flaw, the enemy side will force to fall into the extremely short time is unable to defend / is unable to resist / is unable to move mode, Hunter during this period cutting strikes, will create cuts to strike intensity 3 ~ 5 times of disregarding normally ** defensive power injury. lv.40终极能力:心魂刃(被动):与敌方交战时,猎杀者可凭借‘心之眼’锁定敌人可能出现的破绽,如成功攻击敌方破绽,敌方将强制陷入极短时间的无法防御/无法招架/无法移动状态,猎杀者在此期间的斩击,将造成正常斩击强度3~5倍的无视**防御力伤害。 Prompt: This ability does not have the consumption, does not have Cooldown, but long-term usage. 提示:此能力无消耗,无冷却,可连续使用。 Prompt: This ability is Hunter is in sole possession. 提示:此能力为猎杀者独有。 ...... …… Sees the soul blade( passively) effect, Su Xiao is satisfied, this ability, is not the energy crazy bang, does not brandish a sword one to cut randomly, but tests his Swordplay and ability of fight experience very much. 看到心魂刃(被动)的效果,苏晓非常满意,这种能力,不是能量狂轰,也不是挥刀一顿乱斩,而是很考验他的刀术与战斗经验的能力。 Once succeeds the flaw that in the fight catches the enemy, and while this attack, the enemy cannot move in the following side in a short time completely, although the time is short, but was enough regarding Su Xiao. 一旦在战斗中成功捕捉到敌人的破绽,并趁此攻击,敌人在后续的极短时间内就完全动弹不得,时间虽短,但对于苏晓来讲足够了。 Catching the enemy small flaw is actually not difficult, when Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King battle, at least the success catches the opposite party three small flaws, including one time, Iron Feathered King nearly was trampled by Su Xiao falls to the ground, but Su Xiao is unable to take the lead while this opportunity, that is the small flaw that Iron Feathered King sells intentionally, he went forward on, once Su Xiao dares to go forward, Iron Feathered King is a spear/gun of squally shower sweeps immediately. 捕捉敌人小破绽其实并不难,苏晓铁羽王交战时,至少成功捕捉到对方三次小破绽,其中有一次,铁羽王‘险些’被苏晓一脚踹倒地,但苏晓也无法趁这种机会占据主动,那是铁羽王故意卖的小破绽,就等他上前呢,一旦苏晓敢上前,铁羽王马上就是一顿狂风骤雨的枪扫。 This small flaw, Iron Feathered King will expose on own initiative, Su Xiao will also do this, sometimes sells a small flaw on own initiative, so long as the aftermath is appropriate, defeats the opportunity of enemy, after all to Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King this rank, presented possible minimal of mistake, will make the mistake certainly dead, as for selling a small flaw, conventional operation, this was the trap in fight, was not the mistake. 这种小破绽,铁羽王会主动暴露,苏晓也会这样做,有时主动卖个小破绽,只要后续处理得当,就是战胜敌人的机会,毕竟到了苏晓铁羽王这种级别,出现失误的可能微乎其微,出现失误才一定会死,至于卖个小破绽,常规操作而已,这是战斗中的陷阱,并非是失误。 Therefore regarding Su Xiao, catches the small flaw of enemy, at matter that in the fight must do, matter that also most often does, but after obtaining the soul blade( passively) this ability, once were held the flaw by Su Xiao, the enemy can consider that coffin with what model, is the gate or renovation. 因此对于苏晓来讲,捕捉敌人的小破绽,在战斗中是必须做的事,也是最常做的事,而获得心魂刃(被动)这种能力后,一旦被苏晓抓住破绽,那敌人就可以考虑棺材用什么型号的,是滑盖还是翻盖。 With same of Su Xiao guess, the Grandmaster Level ability of everyone, Ultimate Skill that derives has the difference, if Swordplay Grandmaster, lv.10 or lv.20 Ultimate Skill, may be the same, after may arrive at lv.30 or lv.40, has the individual style ability. 苏晓猜测的相同,每个人的宗师级能力,所衍生的终极能力都有区别,如果都是刀术宗师,lv.10或lv.20的终极能力,或许会相同,可到了lv.30或lv.40后,就都是拥有个人风格的能力。 Iron Feathered King expedition life, therefore his Spear Grandmaster lv.40 Ultimate Skill, very suitable battlefield, but Su Xiao, is good at one to one slaughtering with the powerhouse, therefore his lv.40 Ultimate Skill, favors this aspect. 铁羽王征战一生,因此他枪术宗师的lv.40终极能力,很适合战场,而苏晓,则更擅长与强者一对一厮杀,因此他的lv.40终极能力,也是倾向于这方面。 Whose is weak as for, if in the battlefield, Su Xiao will be struck to kill by Iron Feathered King in a short time, but if is one-to-one, after Swordplay Grandmaster achieves lv.40, that is Su Xiao is stronger, he can occupy the situation in the competition of technique, naturally, the technique competition has many variables, this is also the dangerous and carefree place that among the technique powerhouses slaughters. 至于孰强孰弱,如果是在战场,苏晓会被铁羽王在短时间内击杀,可如果是一对一,刀术宗师达到lv.40后,那就是苏晓更强,他能在技法的比拼中占据先机,当然,技法比拼有很多变数,这也是技法强者间厮杀的危险与畅快之处。 Su Xiao on heavy goes off quickly, this sleep/felt rests is very happy, after all obtained advantage in abyss world, fundamentally has transformed as the strength. 苏晓很快就沉沉睡去,这一觉睡的很舒畅,毕竟在深渊世界内所得的好处,基本都已转化为实力。 When Su Xiao awakes, the stay time limit also remains for 10 hours, after he gets out of bed , the first matter is mixture permanent boost medicine, and makes Bailey take away to sell. 苏晓睡醒时,停留时限还剩十小时,他起床后第一件事就是调配永久性增益药剂,并让贝妮拿去售卖。 After several hours, the permanent buff medicament material uses up, succeeds 11 bottles, if sells completely, net profit in 160 ten thousand Paradise Coins about. 几小时后,永久增益药剂的材料用光,共成功11瓶,如果全部售卖掉,净利润在160万乐园币左右。 Su Xiao has not waited for Bailey to sell the medicament, leaves private room, first after that side Sha help/gang Sha recuperates the secret disease, directly soars Land of All Lives, goes to self-torture Swordplay, this is the matter that he must do each time, in all weather, only has indenpendently developed Swordplay, can play the limit the Swordplay Grandmaster might. 苏晓没等贝妮将药剂售卖完,就离开专属房间,先到那边帮调理隐疾后,就直奔众生之地,去苦修刀术,这是他每次必做的事,风雨无阻,唯有自行开发的刀术,才能将刀术宗师的威力发挥到极限。 After self-torture, nearly takes off/escapes the strength Su Xiao, receives Reincarnation Paradise Prompt. 苦修一番后,近乎脱力的苏晓,接到轮回乐园提示 Prompt: The resident time has reached the time limit, Hunter will soon return to Real World.】 提示:停留时间已达到时限,猎杀者即将返回现实世界。】 Real World, Accessory shop, 2nd Layer. 现实世界,饰品店,二层 Su Xiao is dragging the weary body, after going downstairs , after opening the door, lies down by the sofa, he a finger does not want to move now, just now self-torture in Land of All Lives is too ruthless, is mainly improvement Blade of Blades Absolute Hell, was swept the broken move by a Iron Feathered King spear/gun, explained that this move is imperfect. 苏晓拖着疲劳的身体,下楼后打开店门后,就躺靠在沙发上,他现在连一根手指都不想动,方才在众生之地内苦修的太狠,主要是完善‘刃道刀绝幽’,被铁羽王一枪扫破招,说明这招不够完善。 Naturally, this is also too strong with Iron Feathered King related, that flings forcefully Azure Fiend with the hook-bladed long spear/gun, Boubo that initially observed sees that secretly, it hoodwinked the circle, the delay was very long. 当然,这也与铁羽王太强有关,那位用钩刃长枪硬生生将青鬼甩回来,当初观战的布布汪看到那一幕后,它都蒙圈了,呆滞了很久。 The real life is very tranquil, Su Xiao's mode gradually adjusts in the best, item that short time can sell, was transformed by him as the strength, as for whether to capture Hegemony Battle first three, he is not clear, after all outside the person has the person. 现实生活很平静,苏晓的状态逐渐调整到最佳,短时间内能出售的物品,都被他转化为实力,至于能否夺得强者争霸战的前三名,他还不清楚,毕竟人外有人。 The time disappears, is wallowing Su Xiao of game, receives recruiting of Reincarnation Paradise. 时间转瞬即逝,正在沉迷游戏的苏晓,接到轮回乐园的征召。 The transmission feeling raids, when the Su Xiao's line of sight restores, has placed in private room. 传送感袭来,当苏晓的视线恢复时,已身处专属房间内。 Hunter will soon participate in Hegemony Battle.】 猎杀者即将参与强者争霸战。】 This participation Hegemony Battle Paradise: Reincarnation Paradise, Revelation Paradise, Sanctuary Paradise, Death paradise, Holy Light Paradise and Watcher Paradise......】 【本次参与‘强者争霸战乐园:轮回乐园天启乐园圣域乐园死亡乐园圣光乐园守望乐园……】 This participation Hegemony Battle Void Races: Winged Race, Demon clan, Arcane Eternal Star, Devil Clan and Star Race......】 【本次参与‘强者争霸战虚空种族:羽族恶魔族奥术永恒星魔鬼族星族……】 This participation Hegemony Battle unique Primary world representative: Meteor Fall Star and wind sea Continent and night being puzzled sorceress association......】 【本次参与‘强者争霸战’超脱原生世界代表:陨灭星、风海大陆、夜惑女巫公会……】 Reincarnation Paradise quota: 3 / 3( Hunter already in this quota).】 轮回乐园名额:3/3(猎杀者已在此名额内)。】 Prompt: If the meeting by chance one's own side personnel, Hunter please with its do not clash.】 提示:如偶遇己方人员,猎杀者请勿与其发生冲突。】 Transmission will soon start, the first stand: The island of void twilight.】 【传送即将开始,第一站:虚空暮色之岛。】 【The island of twilight is the No. 7 striving for hegemony area, faction altogether has with striving for hegemony area: Revelation Paradise and Winged Race( void), dream Spirit Race( void), perishes to offer a sacrifice to the clan( void), Guns Clan( void), Death paradise, Reincarnation Paradise and Meteor Fall Star( unique Primary world)......】 【暮色之岛为第七争霸区,同‘争霸区’阵营共有:天启乐园羽族(虚空)、梦灵族(虚空)、亡祭族(虚空)、巴京斯族(虚空)、死亡乐园轮回乐园陨灭星(超脱原生世界)……】 Prompt: Island of 56 faction situated in No. 7 striving for hegemony area twilight.】 提示:共56个阵营位于第七争霸区暮色之岛。】 Su Xiao looks at present Prompt, there is no facial expression to change, but if is understood the Hegemony Battle person, after seeing the situation in No. 7 striving for hegemony area, will be absolutely scared. 苏晓看着眼前的提示,没什么神情变化,可如果是了解强者争霸战的人,看到第七争霸区的情况后,绝对会傻眼。 Reincarnation Paradise, Death paradise, Winged Race and Meteor Fall Star, most ruthless several, 2/3 in this, as for Revelation Paradise or dream Spirit Race wait/etc., did not say that hides trembles in the corner, where also very to goes. 轮回乐园死亡乐园羽族陨灭星,最狠的几个,三分之二都在这了,至于天启乐园或梦灵族等,不说躲在角落瑟瑟发抖,也好不到哪去。 Hegemony Battle just started, may be called Nightmare Level No. 7 striving for hegemony area appearance. 强者争霸战刚开始,堪称噩梦级的‘第七争霸区’出现。 The transmission just about to starts, Su Xiao receives Reincarnation Paradise Prompt. 传送刚要开始,苏晓又接到轮回乐园提示 Prompt: the No. 7 striving for hegemony area has the faction forfeit.】 提示:第七争霸区已有阵营弃权。】 Guns Clan( void) has forfeited, gives up participating in this Hegemony Battle.】 【巴京斯族(虚空)已弃权,放弃参与本次强者争霸战。】 Perishes to offer a sacrifice to the clan( void) to forfeit, gives up participating in this Hegemony Battle.】 【亡祭族(虚空)已弃权,放弃参与本次强者争霸战。】 Prompt: Only has the present stage, may give up participating in the qualifications.】 提示:仅有现阶段,可放弃参与资格。】
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