RP :: Volume #31

#60: Experience

After the restaurant of summer dines, Su Xiao directly soars the Reed forging shop. 在夏的餐厅用餐后,苏晓直奔里德的锻造铺。 Just arrived at the forging shop, Su Xiao saw before Reed is forging the stage hammering, robust Reed, was especially dedicated when the forging equipment. 刚到锻造铺,苏晓就看到里德正在锻造台前打铁,身材敦实的里德,在锻造装备时格外专注。 Not does unto other, does not do to others, Su Xiao when practicing Swordplay does not like being disturbed, therefore he has not gone to shout Reed, but in forging the shop looks to sit down the chair, quiet waiting, Reed adopted daughter cuckoo is squatting in the corner, the dirty small face crying has spent, occasionally is pulling out the nasal mucus, is also obviously reproven by Reed, the hand link that but she wears, as well as red Gem Pendant of nape of the neck place, looks is not every. 己所不欲,勿施于人,苏晓在修行刀术时不喜欢被打扰,因此他没去喊里德,只是在锻造铺内找个把椅子坐下,安静等待,里德的‘养女’喔喔正蹲在墙角,脏兮兮的小脸已经哭花,偶尔抽着鼻涕,明显是又被里德训斥,不过她戴的手环,以及脖颈处的红宝石项坠,一看就不是凡品。 Waited for nearly one hour, Reed to put in the furnace the linearity metal in hand. 等了近一小时,里德将手中的条形金属放入熔炉内。 When?” “什么时候到的?” Reed bails out two can ice beer from the Cooldown fluid, very natural throws to Su Xiao's one can. 里德冷却液内捞出两罐冰啤酒,很自然的抛给苏晓的一罐。 „Before the 59 minutes 43 seconds .” “59分43秒前。” „......” “咳咳……” Reed scratched the beer froth on beard, sits side Su Xiao. 里德擦了把胡子上的啤酒沫,坐在苏晓身旁。 Recently had the important matter to happen?” “最近是不是有大事要发生?” Is more concrete.” “具体些。” I will receive many orders in the near future, completely from void, mostly is the race that faction comes , the weapon, against has the order in aspect to be most, at least was in the past over 10 times, if you must arrive recently void, best discrete.” “我近期接到很多订单,全部来自虚空,大多都是势力居中的种族,武器、防具方面的订单最多,至少是往常的十倍以上,如果你最近要到虚空,最好谨慎点。” Reed puts down the ice beer in hand, long stretch/leisurely cold air. 里德放下手中的冰啤酒,长舒了口凉气。 Powerhouse struggles......” “强者争……” The Su Xiao words told only half stop. 苏晓话说到一半停下。 Un? You are...... this.” “嗯?你这是……这样吗。” Reed understands clearly, no longer inquired that the related matter, Su Xiao relieves most equipment, making Reed help repair. 里德了然,不再询问相关的事,苏晓将大部分装备都解除,让里德帮忙修理。 This long leather clothing against has......” Reed to shake the head , to continue saying: Makes as soon as possible newly against has, this thing are most repairs again 1-2 times, repairs the equipment of this material quality, I am not excel.” “这长皮衣防具……”里德摇了摇头,继续说道:“尽快弄新的防具吧,这东西最多再修理1-2,修理这种材质的装备,我不算擅长。” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, sees this, Reed starts to repair Black King Armguard and other equipment, as well as maintains Dragon Flash. 苏晓没说话,见此,里德开始修理黑王护臂等装备,以及保养斩龙闪 While the neutral of Reed repaired item, Su Xiao takes out together the blade from the storage space, this thing named Divine spirit bones, is Holy Spirit-level. 趁着里德修理装备的空挡,苏晓从储存空间内取出一块骨片,这东西名为神灵骨,是圣灵级 Regarding this thing, Su Xiao is too familiar, before obtaining this Divine spirit bones, Su Xiao has thought this thing is the material, after all each time it in the Soul coin exchange list appears, it does not have the concrete attribute. 对于这东西,苏晓实在太熟悉,获得这块神灵骨前,苏晓一直认为这东西是材料,毕竟每次它在灵魂钱币兑换列表上出现时,它都没有具体属性。 May after obtaining this piece of Holy Spirit-level Divine spirit bones, Su Xiao discovered that this thing does not exchange the malignant tumor in list. 可在获得这片圣灵级神灵骨后,苏晓发现这东西不是兑换列表内的毒瘤。 Divine spirit bones 神灵骨 Origin : All world that has the Spiritual God 产地:所有存在神灵的世界 Quality: Holy Spirit-level 品质:圣灵级 Type: Synthesis item 类型:合成型道具 Use effect: Collects three after Quality Divine spirit bones, may synthesize with step item Miracle of God 使用效果:凑齐三块同品质神灵骨后,可合成同品阶道具‘神灵之奇迹 Miracle of God( Holy Spirit-level) effect: May willfully the Mythical Quality equipment, Promotion to Holy Spirit-level. 神灵之奇迹(圣灵级)效果:可将任意史诗级品质装备,晋升圣灵级 Grading: 850( Holy Spirit-level item Grading is 700 ~ 1000 points) 评分:850(圣灵级物品评分为700~1000点) Synopsis: Miracle in you at present. 简介:奇迹就在你眼前。 Sells Price: 390000 Paradise Coins 出售价格:390000点乐园币 ...... …… Divine spirit bones synthesizes Miracle of God, Su Xiao has obtained, but that time obtains Miracle of God Is Legendary. 神灵骨所合成的【神灵之奇迹】,苏晓获得过,不过那次获得的【神灵之奇迹】是传说级 With Legendary Miracle of God, Su Xiao promotes Legendary Destiny Controller. 就是用传说级的【神灵之奇迹】,苏晓才将命运主宰提升到传说级 Thus it can be seen, Divine spirit bones It is not the malignant tumor, even if missed, Su Xiao does not feel a pity, after all compares beforehand has Mythical Divine spirit bones that the opportunity obtains, White Goat Staff, Natural source Waits for item, the obvious value is higher. 由此可见,【神灵骨】并非是毒瘤,不过就算错过了,苏晓也不感觉可惜,毕竟相比之前有机会获得的史诗级神灵骨,【白山羊之母】、【自然源泉】等物品,明显价值更高。 Divine spirit bones missed, from now on will have the opportunity to obtain, but Natural source When item missed, that misses forever. 神灵骨错过了,今后还有机会获得,可【自然源泉】等物品错过了,那就是永远错过。 Su Xiao expected that from now on will meet some Ancient god, after all meets Ancient god to harvest each time many. 苏晓期望今后多遇到些古神,毕竟每次遇到古神都收获颇丰。 Waited for nearly three hours, the Su Xiao's equipment to complete the repair and maintenance, this repaired item, mainly to prevent the equipment damaged in the later fight, but before participating in Hegemony Battle, Su Xiao must make Reed help repair an equipment. 等了近三个小时,苏晓的装备都完成修理与保养,这次修理装备,主要是为了防止有装备在之后的战斗中破损,而在参与强者争霸战前,苏晓还需让里德帮忙修理一次装备。 Su Xiao leaves from the forging shop, directly soars Trial Field. 苏晓从锻造铺离开,直奔试炼场 Compares other infrastructures, the Trial Field person is few, Su Xiao this time, does not lead a pious life to Land of All Lives, but is uses Trial Field Actual Combat Mode. 相比其他基础设施,试炼场的人很少,苏晓这次来,并非是到众生之地修行,而是来使用试炼场实战模式 This pattern, he has only used when First Order, later useless, as for the mirror pattern, he does not need, to have the effect, but is practicing of Land of All Lives is more effective. 这种模式,他仅在一阶时使用过,之后就没用过,至于镜像模式,他早就不用,不是没效果,而是众生之地的修行更有效。 Only then few hundred people do not arrive in Trial Field, seeming like the rookies, Su Xiao arrives in one transmission, starts to choose the pattern. 只有寥寥百人不到在试炼场内,看起来都是新人,苏晓来到一处传送阵上,开始选择模式。 Welcome Hunter to use Trial Field, please select a mode.】 【欢迎猎杀者使用试炼场,请选择模式。】 Auxiliary Mode / Actual Combat Mode 辅助模式/实战模式 Hunter has chosen Actual Combat Mode, intensity draws up......】 猎杀者已选择实战模式,强度拟定中……】 Draws up to complete, please choose the enemy intensity and quantity.】 【拟定完成,请选择敌人强度与数量。】 Has chosen the enemy intensity: Auto-adapted intensity increasing.】 【已选择敌人强度:自适应・强度递增。】 Enemy number: Endless.】 【敌人数量:无尽。】 Hunter tries to close the life protection measure, please determine again.】 猎杀者试图关闭生命保障措施,请再次确定。】 Has closed the life protection measure.】 【已关闭生命保障措施。】 Actual Combat Mode will soon start.】 实战模式即将开始。】 Scene: Rin is cold.】 【场景:寒。】 Hunter will soon be transmitted to because of Gomille( extremely winter battlefield simulation)’.】 猎杀者即将被传送至‘因格米勒(极冬战场・模拟)’。】 Situated in this scene, must consume 100000 Paradise Coins every hour.】 【位于此场景内,每小时需消耗100000点乐园币。】 Transmission has started.】 【传送已开始。】 ...... …… After short transmission feeling, Su Xiao arrives on frozen earth, the strong wind and heavy snow, white passes the black ground to be very hard, several weapon that is hanging the ice corner inserts in the nearby. 短暂的传送感后,苏晓抵达一片冻土上,狂风暴雪,白中透黑的地面很坚硬,几把挂着冰棱的武器插在附近。 Every the hour 10 ten thousand Paradise Coins, Su Xiao is not tests certainly the limit, the opportunity of fight has in mission world, his time comes Trial Field, is to through an auxiliary kind of scroll, to promote Swordplay. 每小时十万乐园币,苏晓当然不是来测试自身极限的,战斗的机会在任务世界中有很多,他这次来试炼场,是要通过一张辅助类卷轴,提升自身刀术 Bloodbath Trial by Fire 浴血之试炼 Quality: Holy Spirit-level 品质:圣灵级 Type: Auxiliary kind of scroll( extremely rare) 类型:辅助类卷轴(极其稀有) Surplus may use the number of times: 1 / 2. 剩余可使用次数:1/2。 Use effect: After the use, may assist to promote foundation class Skill. 使用效果:使用后,可辅助提升基础类技能 Prompt: Bloodbath Trial by Fire the duration is auto-adapted. 提示:‘浴血之试炼’的持续时间为自适应。 Prompt: After use Bloodbath Trial by Fire, the user must conduct the high-intensity fight, may raise the foundation class Skill rank, the improvement scope to decide according to the usage-style. 提示:使用‘浴血之试炼’后,使用者需进行高强度战斗,才可提升基础类技能等级,提升幅度根据使用方式而定。 Grading: 998 points 评分:998点 Synopsis: Did not dare to face directly the death, how can also sublimate. 简介:不敢于直面死亡,又怎能升华。 ...... …… The rookie who if has not experienced, after obtaining this kind of item, will use in mission world absolutely, thus enhances the foundation class technique ability. 如果是没有经验的新人,获得这类物品后,绝对会在任务世界内使用,从而提升基础类技法能力。 Su Xiao has not done this, he had a lot of opportunities before, when for example battles with the Northern Alliance soldier, uses Bloodbath Trial by Fire Opportunity. 苏晓没这样做,他之前有很多机会,例如与北部联盟的士兵交战时,就是使用【浴血之试炼】的机会。 The accident in actual combat are too many, Su Xiao was not clear that what enemy he will run into, unavoidable unexpected occurrence, he is not omniscient and omnipotent, similarly has existence of weakness. 实战中的变故太多,苏晓不清楚他会遇到什么样的敌人,也无法避免意外的发生,他并非全知全能,同样有弱点的存在。 Therefore, Su Xiao choice in controllable fight, use Bloodbath Trial by Fire, To promote Bloodbath Trial by Fire The effect, he closed the Trial Field protection mechanism, to avoid unexpected occurrence, the enemy who he must deal with, only has several types side winter battlefield soldiers. 因此,苏晓选择在可控的战斗中,使用【浴血之试炼】,为了提升【浴血之试炼】的效果,他关闭了试炼场的保护机制,而为了避免意外的发生,他所需对付的敌人,只有几个种类的极冬战场士兵。 The inexhaustible side winter battlefield soldier, this can dodge the unknown, can display to the full Bloodbath Trial by Fire Effect. 无穷无尽的极冬战场士兵,这既能规避未知事件,也能最大限度发挥出【浴血之试炼】的效果。 Saa, heating power fish!” “巴古撒,卡卡呜鱼!” The angry roaring sound transmits from the distant place, Su Xiao draws out the long blade of waist, and in crumb left hand Bloodbath Trial by Fire. 怒吼声从远处传来,苏晓拔出腰间的长刀,并捏碎左手中的【浴血之试炼】。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The land starts to shiver, the whole body is incorruptible, the eye pupil gloomily blue side winter battlefield soldier from to/clashes in all directions, like overlooks from the sky, will see that these winter battlefield soldier is extremely inexhaustible, like tide that from wells up in all directions, to/clashes to Su Xiao, the scene is quite magnificent. 大地开始颤动,满身冰霜,眼瞳幽蓝的极冬战场士兵从四面八方冲来,如同从上空俯视,会看到这些极冬战场士兵无穷无尽,如同从四面八方涌来的浪潮,向苏晓冲来,场面极为壮观。 The Su Xiao clear feeling, surroundings world becomes different, Bloodbath Trial by Fire The effect somewhat is obviously exaggerating, but is quick he to think that what's the matter, he carries along Stone of Origin, Large scale enhancement Bloodbath Trial by Fire Effect. 苏晓清楚的感觉到,周围世界变得不同,【浴血之试炼】的效果明显有些夸张,但很快他就想到是怎么回事,他随身携带的【起源石】,大幅度增强了【浴血之试炼】的效果。 Blade of Blades ultra Link Break.’ 刃道刀・超・环断。’ Cuts to strike the brittle cry, is centered on the Su Xiao central point, peripheral side winter battlefield soldier instantaneously but actually a big piece. 斩击脆鸣,以苏晓为中心点,周边的极冬战场士兵瞬间倒了一大片。
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