RP :: Volume #31

#59: Awkward appeared

Has extracted the SS Rank team Skill 1 type, the S Rank team Skill 2 types.】 【已抽取到ss级团队技能一种,s级团队技能二种。】 1. transports/fortunes( passive lv.40) secretly, when kills the enemy, treasure box falling rate/lead increase 6%, scarlet card falling rate/lead increase 5. 7%. 1.窃运(被动lv.40),杀敌时,宝箱掉落率提升6%,猩红卡掉落率提升5.7%。 Prompt ; This is S Rank team Skill. 提示;此为s级团队技能 2. Radiant Team( passive lv.40), in Adventure Group all member HP + 1500 points, Mana + 1000 points. 2.光辉团队(被动lv.40),冒险团内所有成员生命值点,法力值点。 Prompt: This is S Rank team Skill. 提示:此为s级团队技能 3. Hunter's Society( passive x), such as Hunter and Adventure Group battle, and strikes to kill the enemy team members more than half, will force to swallow enemy respective Adventure Group. 3.猎团(被动x),如猎杀者冒险团交战,且击杀敌方团队成员半数以上,将强制吞噬敌方所属冒险团 Prompt: If successfully swallows enemy Adventure Group, will gain the enemy side team storage space in 20% commodities( immediately extraction). 提示:如成功吞噬敌方冒险团,将获取敌方‘团队储存空间’内20%物资(随即抽取)。 Prompt: If successfully swallows enemy Adventure Group, will obtain the team empirical value, such as the empirical value is full, Breaking Dawn Adventure Group may not need to conduct the team Promotion inspection, Promotion to the SSS Rank team. 提示:如成功吞噬敌方冒险团,将获得团队经验值,如经验值已满,破晓冒险团可无需进行团队晋升考核,晋升sss级团队。 Prompt: This ability cannot swallow in Reincarnation Paradise Adventure Group. 提示:此能力不可吞噬轮回乐园冒险团 Prompt: This ability only has single pattern Adventure Group to be winnable, this is SS Rank team Skill. 提示:此能力仅有单人模式冒险团可获得,此为ss级团队技能 Existing team empirical value: 0 / 50000. 现有团队经验值:0/50000。 Prompt: The team empirical value may be used in Promotion Adventure Group rank, may be used to raise the existing team Skill rank, 1000 teams experience, may transform is 1 team Skill point. 提示:团队经验值可用于晋升冒险团阶位,也可用于提升现有团队技能等级,1000点团队经验,可转化为一点团队技能点。 ...... …… Three team Skill are very interesting, the first type promotes the treasure box falling rate/lead, and scarlet card falling rate/lead, which Adventure Group regardless of regarding, this is the ability of only happening by happy circumstance. 三种团队技能都很有趣,第一种提升宝箱掉落率,以及猩红卡掉落率,无论对于哪种冒险团,这都是可遇不可求的能力。 As for the second type, is very practical, all members promote 1500 HP, 1000 Mana, this is very strong buff, Boubo, Baja and Bailey needs HP buff, but Su Xiao needs Mana buff. 至于第二种,则是很实用,所有团员提升1500点生命值,1000点法力值,这是很强的增益,布布汪巴哈贝妮都需要生命值增益,而苏晓则需要法力值增益 The third team ability Hunter's Society, this is a quite savage ability, usually does not have the income, but after the team battles of other Paradise, so long as massacres enemy team half of people, enemy Adventure Group dismisses directly, was swallowed by Breaking Dawn Adventure Group. 第三种团队能力‘猎团’,这是种相当凶残的能力,平常没有收益,但与其他乐园的团队交战后,只要杀掉敌方团队一半的人,敌方冒险团直接解散,被破晓冒险团吞噬。 After swallowing is successful, can obtain in the enemy team storage space 20% commodities, the team storage space is different from the single storage space, in the team storage space will have many good things. 吞噬成功后,能获得敌方团队储存空间内20%的物资,团队储存空间可是和单人的储存空间不同,团队储存空间内会有很多好东西。 Having the leader can Captain, will place in the team obtained precious commodity the team storage space, and sets the jurisdiction, only then several team high levels can take out these commodities. 有领导才能的团长,会将团队所得的珍贵物资放在团队储存空间内,并设置权限,只有几个团队高层才能取出这些物资。 So long as has Captain of brain, will not place in the asset of team own storage space, that to members one type, Captain will have sole possession of the misconception of all advantage. 只要是有脑子的团长,就不会将团队的资产放在自己的储存空间内,那会给团员们一种,团长独吞了所有好处的错觉。 Has Captain of leadership, will place in the precious commodity the team storage space, making all members see, but cannot take out, and sets up the reward mechanism, letting the members to contribute through the team, exchanges these commodities. 有领导能力的团长,会将珍贵物资放在团队储存空间内,让所有团员都看到,但取不出,并设立奖励机制,让团员们能通过团队贡献,去兑换这些物资。 Look, that we benefit in team storage space, this is not individual, but is everyone altogether has, makes the contributor for the team, can enjoy these resources momentarily. 看,我们得到的好处都在团队储存空间内,这不是个人的,而是所有人共有,为团队做出贡献者,随时可以享用这些资源。 This is the approach of leader, even draws the pie, at least must greedily to mouth-watering. 这才是领导者的做法,就算是画大饼,至少也要将人馋到流口水。 Associates to these, the Su Xiao choice ability replaces Glorious Foreword with Hunter's Society, Glorious Foreword: When settles accounts the Derivative World reward, Comprehensive Evaluation promotes 1 level( unable the Comprehensive Evaluation promotion to s +).’ 联想到这些,苏晓选择用‘猎团’能力替换掉荣耀序章,‘荣耀序章:结算衍生世界奖励时,综合评价提升一级(无法将综合评价提升至s+)。’ The Hunter's Society ability also has an advantage, can extinguish other Adventure Group through the group, gradually raises the rank of team, naturally, has the shortcoming, when is the Adventure Group battle in Reincarnation Paradise, this ability is invalid. 猎团能力还有个好处,就是能通过团灭其他冒险团,逐渐提升己方团队的等级,当然,也不是没有缺点,就是与轮回乐园内的冒险团交战时,此能力无效。 This actually has minimal impact on Su Xiao's, he for sometime has not seen Contractor in mission world, let alone is the Adventure Group member of huddling together, other Paradise teams are one after another. 这其实对苏晓的影响不大,他有段时间没在任务世界内看到己方契约者了,更别说是扎堆的冒险团成员,其他乐园的团队则是一堆一堆的。 Before Su Xiao suspected, Reincarnation Paradise to high rank did not have the team, may pass through Boubo to investigate the discovery in Reincarnation Paradise, high rank Adventure Group had. 之前苏晓都怀疑,轮回乐园到了高阶是不是就没有团队了,可经过布布汪轮回乐园内调查发现,高阶的冒险团还是有很多的。 Naturally, Su Xiao can also transform the team experience as the team Skill point, the promotion present team Skill rank. 当然,苏晓也可以将团队经验转化为团队技能点,提升现在的团队技能等级。 The other two abilities transport/fortune andRadiant Team secretly ’, making Su Xiao somewhat hesitant, both are good, but from the team income, Radiant Team is more practical. 剩余的两种能力‘窃运’与‘光辉团队’,让苏晓有些犹豫,两者都不错,不过从团队收益上来讲,‘光辉团队’更实用。 Moreover, because of Hunter's Society the characteristics of ability, Su Xiao can also gradually promote Radiant Team the rank, thus increases HP and Mana improvement quantity. 不仅如此,因‘猎团’能力的特性,苏晓还可以逐渐提升‘光辉团队’的等级,从而增加生命值法力值的提升数量。 Thinks of this, Su Xiao ‚the elite team will replace decisively with Radiant Team, elite team: Before entering Derivative World, but supplements optional Derivative World additionally.’ 想到这点,苏晓果断用‘光辉团队’将‘精英团队’替换掉,‘精英团队:进入衍生世界前,可额外追加一个可选衍生世界。’ Adventure Group Name: Breaking Dawn 冒险团名称:破晓 Adventure Group rank: SS Rank 冒险团阶位:ss级 Captain: Su Xiao 团长:苏晓 Vice-Captain: Bubotney and A' Mu 副团长:布布特尼阿姆 Core Member: Baja and Bailey 核心成员:巴哈贝妮 Adventure Group pattern: Single( is unable to recruit member outward). 冒险团模式:单人(无法对外招收成员)。 Team space: Available. 团队空间:可用。 Team Skill 1: Radiant Team( passive lv.40), in Adventure Group all member HP + 1500 points, Mana + 1000 points. 团队技能一:光辉团队(被动lv.40),冒险团内所有成员生命值点,法力值点。 Team Skill 2: Hunter's Society( passive x), such as Hunter and Adventure Group battle, and strikes to kill the enemy team members more than half, will force to swallow enemy respective Adventure Group. 团队技能二:猎团(被动x),如猎杀者冒险团交战,且击杀敌方团队成员半数以上,将强制吞噬敌方所属冒险团 Team empirical value: 0 / 50000 points. 团队经验值:0/50000点。 Team Skill point: 0 points( 1000 teams experience, may transform is 1 team Skill point). 团队技能点:0点(1000点团队经验,可转化为一点团队技能点)。 ...... …… Su Xiao just promoted the team, felt that own change, the vitality of his within the body is increased few, but Mana, then promotes to 13176 points. 苏晓刚提升完团队,就感觉到自身的变化,他体内的生命力少量提升,而法力值,则提升到13176点。 Now seems like, two team Skill obviously were pretty, at least in which can use throughout, but surplus that so long as with, were a ratio very exaggerating income. 现在看上去,两个团队技能明显眉清目秀了很多,至少其中的一个始终能用到,而剩余那个,只要用到,就是一比很夸张的收益。 In a Sixth Order Adventure Group storage space, how many do 20% commodities have? Answer temporarily unknown, but Su Xiao anticipates to participate in World Snatching War very much again, particularly in the opponent has in the Revelation Paradise situation, Revelation Paradise Contractor is very rich, the team is blindingly rich. 试问,一个六阶冒险团的储存空间内,20%的物资有多少?答案暂时未知,不过苏晓很期待再次参与世界争夺战,尤其是对手中有天启乐园的情况下,天启乐园契约者很富,团队更是富得流油。 Su Xiao sits cross-legged on the bed, takes out 15 Soul Crystal (Perfect) from the storage space, just now trades obtained adds on surplus of strengthening again, his Soul Crystal (Perfect) altogether has 16, in addition Paradise Coins is sufficient, can promote first-level Swordplay Grandmaster. 苏晓盘坐在床上,从储存空间内取出15棵灵魂结晶(完整),方才交易所得再加上强化的剩余,他的灵魂结晶(完整)共有16颗,外加乐园币充足,能提升一级刀术宗师 Soul Crystal in the Su Xiao hand shatter, he Dragon Flash keep flat on the both legs, the whole person immerses in the promotion of Swordplay, this feeling is very marvelous. 灵魂结晶苏晓手中破碎,他将斩龙闪平放在双腿上,整个人沉浸在刀术的提升中,这种感觉很奇妙。 After a half hour, Su Xiao is separated from this marvelous mode, because of being only promotion first-level Swordplay, he has not seen in the past such marvelous sight , to promote that but Swordplay has fought steadily. 半小时后,苏晓从这种奇妙的状态脱离,因只是提升一级刀术,他并未看到以往那样的奇景,但刀术已稳扎稳打的提升。 Swordplay Grandmaster has promoted to lv.39.】 刀术宗师已提升至lv.39。】 From the lv.40 qualitative change, the bad one pace, Su Xiao does not only have Soul Crystal (Perfect), is good because of him can also through other ways promote Swordplay, the opportunity to only have one time. 距离lv.40的质变,只差一步之遥,苏晓已经没有灵魂结晶(完整),好在他还能通过其他方式提升刀术,机会只有一次。 Bustling about was so long, Su Xiao has been big and hungry, just, Baja and A' Mu return at this time, takes Boubo again, Su Xiao directly soars the summer the restaurant. 忙碌了这么久,苏晓早就饥肠辘辘,刚好,巴哈阿姆此时返回,再带上布布汪,苏晓直奔夏的餐厅。 In the restaurant of summer. 夏的餐厅内。 The beautiful female cook summer goes out from the restaurant bedroom, the business of restaurant is still chilly, but she has long been used. 美厨娘夏从餐厅后方的卧室内走出,餐厅的生意依然清冷,不过她早就习惯。 Because stayed up late to develop the new cookbook last night, the summer at this time just taking a bath, seeming like somewhat is still ignorant. 因昨晚熬夜开发新菜谱,此时刚洗了个澡的夏,看起来依然有些懵。 ~ 啪~ Both hands of summer pat on the cheeks, helping oneself spunk up, in the meantime, she sees a canine on bar, this is carry-over of some monster, the breaking tooth of Sixth Order big BOSS, the fracture place smooth like the mirror, obviously cut off by the sharp weapon. 夏的双手拍在脸颊上,帮自己打起精神,就在此时,她看到吧台上的一颗尖牙,这是某个怪物的遗留,六阶boss的断牙,断口处平滑如镜,明显是被利器所斩断。 Saw that this breaks the tooth, the summer is somewhat choked up with emotions, how said, she has experienced Sixth Order world Worker. 看到这根断牙,夏有些心潮澎湃,怎么说,她都是经历过六阶世界职工者 Darkness Source Azathoth, accepts the sanction.” 暗之源阿撒托斯,接受制裁吧。” Before the summer is single-handed extends, sends the silk to fall following her ear on, the fact showed, most young people, regardless of the men and women, will release for flight when no one occasionally. 夏单手前伸,发丝顺着她耳上滑落,事实证明,大多数年轻人,无论男女,都会在没人时偶尔放飞自我。 Good embarrassed ~ “好尬~” The summer was smiled by own embarrassed, but in restaurant only then she, she has not cared. 夏被自己尬笑了,不过餐厅内只有她一个人,她也没在意。 „The recipes of which series today should develop, if through dining, can the permanent promotion physical quality, even micro, is still very practical ability.” “今天应该开发哪个系列的食谱呢,如果通过用餐,能永久性提升身体素质,就算是微量,也是很实用的能力。” In summer Kou twittering, the vision has been fluttering the slanting front mirror, in this moment, her body stiffens suddenly. 夏口中呢喃着,目光无意间飘过斜前方的镜子,在这一刻,她的身体陡然僵住。 By this mirror, the summer looks to arrive in glass Su Xiao, Boubo, A' Mu and Baja, the summer broke tooth to Azathoth a moment ago declaring war that getting a panoramic view, the atmosphere awkward to letting the summer despairs. 透过这面镜子,夏看到了站在玻璃门外的苏晓布布汪阿姆巴哈,刚才夏对阿撒托斯断牙‘宣战’那一幕,尽收眼底,气氛尴尬到让夏绝望。 But in the Boubo hand, but also takes the black utensil, this thing named camera, saw this thing, the summer...... the petrification. 而在布布汪手中,还拿着个黑色器物,这东西名为摄像机,看到这东西,夏……石化了。
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