RP :: Volume #31

#58: Does not hit no bullet

The commodity that needs to sell has sold, Su Xiao Shelters Gem Throws to Bailey, the Bailey examination Shelters Gem After the attribute, it decisive draws up Su Xiao for its person of asylum. 需要出售的物资都已经卖出去,苏晓将【庇护宝石】抛给贝妮,贝妮查看【庇护宝石】的属性后,它果断将苏晓拟定为它的庇护之人。 When Bailey treasure hunt suffers to bully, is not twice, but its choice has not antagonized people rashly, is unable in the stamp out the source of trouble situation, the Bailey choice circumvention, as to request reinforcements to Su Xiao, it has never such done, looks like in it, that will seriously affect the Main Mission progress. 贝妮寻宝时挨欺负,已经不是一次两次,但它并未选择冒然树敌,无法斩草除根的情况下,贝妮选择规避,至于向苏晓求援,它从未那样做过,在它看来,那会严重影响主线任务的进度。 But had Shelters Gem After Bailey will be bullied on next time again to the end, it will not choose to endure, it also has the temperament, but does not want to antagonize people to the squad, either does not antagonize people, either kills cleanly. 但有了【庇护宝石】后,贝妮下次再被人欺负到头上,它绝不会选择忍着,它也是有脾气的,只是不想给小队树敌而已,要么就不树敌,要么杀干净。 Su Xiao draws in the table the bolt of ambush artillery, determined this had not been used the ambush artillery. 苏晓拉动桌上狙击炮的枪栓,确定了这把狙击炮还没被用过。 Metal tyrant 【metal・暴君】 Origin : Death paradise Seventh Order War World 产地:死亡乐园七阶战争世界 Quality: Holy Spirit-level 品质:圣灵级 Category: Heavy ambush artillery 类别:重型狙击炮 Caliber: 1 4. 22 mm( special privilege tendency mark ammunition) 口径:一4.22mm(特殊风痕弹药) bullet capacity: 5 rounds 容弹量:五发 durability: 170 / 170 耐久度:170/170 Attack Power: 370 ~ 419 攻击力:370~419 Equipment requirements: True Strength 135 points, real stamina 129 points, above firearms Master Skill lv.48. 装备需求:真实力量135点,真实体力129点,枪械大师技能lv.48以上。 Equipment effect 1, metal art( passive): Because of the unique rifling structure, the bullet flying speed promotes 600%, the armor piercing + 135 points, the penetrating power + 60 points, the bullet Tenesmuss 2. 8%( because of wind mark ammunition characteristics, in 2600 meters almost does not have bullet to fall). 装备效果一,金属艺术(被动):因独特的膛线结构,子弹飞行速度提升600%,破甲点,穿透力点,子弹下坠-2.8%(因风痕弹药特性,2600米内几乎无子弹下坠)。 Equipment effect 2, can sufficiently( initiative): This firearms may conduct the sufficient energy, after completing can sufficiently, the follow-up fire, the bullet might promotes 115%. 装备效果二,充能(主动):此枪械可进行充能,完成充能后,后续一次射击,子弹威力提升115%。 Prompt: Sufficient can probably consume 700 Mana or other energies, portable fission performance gage block for this reason firearms sufficient energy, after can sufficiently the furniture internal high temperature, takes the Cooldown 12 hours to be possible again the sufficient energy. 提示:充能需消耗700点法力值或其他能量,可携带‘裂变性能量块’为此枪械充能,因充能后枪体内部的高温,需冷却12小时才可再次充能。 Prompt: If forces the sufficient energy, will consume 30 durability immediately. 提示:如强制充能,将立即消耗30点耐久度 Equipment effect 3, death locking( passive): This firearms have loaded 8 ~ 65 times of auto-adapted telescopic sights, but manual / automatic control, after aiming at the target 2 seconds, will conduct lifeform locking to the goal, thus disregards over 90% obstacles , to continue to provide the target bearing for the user. 装备效果三,死亡锁定(被动):此枪械已加载8~65倍自适应瞄准镜,可手动/自动调节,瞄准目标二秒后,将对目标进行生物锁定,从而无视90%以上障碍物,为使用者持续提供目标方位。 Prompt: If successfully kills already the locking target, this firearms will enter high energy immediately mode! Through consuming user Mana or other energies, constitutes energy wind mark bullet, and fills into the magazine automatically, until the user Mana consumption value below 10%, high-energy mode finished. 提示:如成功射杀已锁定目标,此枪械将立即进入‘高能’状态!通过消耗使用者自身法力值或其他能量,构成‘能量风痕子弹’,并自动填装入弹仓内,直至使用者法力值消耗值10%以下,高能状态结束。 Prompt: During high-energy mode continues, energy wind mark bullet destructive power promotes 80%, and after penetrating enemy, causes the regional explosion damage. 提示:高能状态持续期间,‘能量风痕子弹’破坏力提升80%,且在穿透敌人后,造成范围性爆炸伤害。 Grading: 1000 points( Holy Spirit-level equips Grading is 700 ~ 1000 points) 评分:1000点(圣灵级装备评分为700~1000点) Synopsis: Lesslie Montgomery finally work, people said that he was insane, will manufacture such terrifying weapon, the interesting matter, Lesslie Montgomery dies of this spear/gun under. 简介:莱斯利・蒙哥马利的最终之作,人们都说他疯了,才会制造出这么恐怖的武器,有趣的事,莱斯利・蒙哥马利就是死于这把枪下。 Price: 630000 Paradise Coins 价格:630000点乐园币 ...... …… Sees Metal tyrant This name, as well as Lesslie Montgomery this name, Su Xiao thinks immediately, this is the and D - Assassin A weapon of series. 看到【metal・暴君】这个称呼,以及莱斯利・蒙哥马利这个名字,苏晓马上想到,这是和【d·暗杀】一个系列的武器。 Stated differently, Destroy - Assassin Is Lesslie's earlier work, but Metal tyrant, Then finally is the work. 不同的是,【destroy·暗杀】是莱斯利的前期作品,而【metal・暴君】,则是最终之作。 Lesslie's work should have many, but M - Tyrant, Is peak, it has no gaudy ability, but concentrates on the bullet flying speed, bullet might, as well as in locking of goal. 莱斯利的作品应该还有不少,而【m·暴君】,就是其中的巅峰,它没有任何花哨的能力,而是专注于子弹飞行速度,子弹威力,以及目标的锁定上。 So long as aims at the goal over 2 seconds, how regardless of the goal escapes, will be locked, only if escapes M - Tyrant Firing distance, what is more astonishing, once kills, so long as Su Xiao's Mana is enough, not only that was worried that the bullet was insufficient, can rumble the enemy to the suspicion life, but Su Xiao, there are 12176 Mana...... 只要瞄准目标二秒以上,无论目标怎么逃,都会被锁定,除非逃出【m·暴君】的射程,更惊人的是,一旦杀起来,只要苏晓的法力值足够,那就不但担心子弹不够了,能将敌人轰到怀疑人生,而苏晓,有12176点法力值…… Hits is hitting, the enemy will feel that they were being exploded by a firepower crazy bang of group randomly, in fact is only a person, a spear/gun. 打着打着,敌人就会感觉他们正被一个团的火力狂轰乱炸,实际上只是一个人,一把枪而已。 M - Tyrant Which aspect is very outstanding, the only shortcoming is, the bullet is too expensive, a spear/gun, 8 ten thousand Paradise Coins did not have, only fills up its magazine, must spend 40 ten thousand Paradise Coins. m·暴君】哪方面都很优秀,唯一的缺点是,子弹太贵,一枪,八万乐园币没了,单是填满它的弹仓,就要花费40万乐园币 However the Su Xiao preparation only fills a round of bullet in the magazine, hit had not said again, the premise was can hit in no situation. 不过苏晓准备只在弹仓内填充一发子弹,打没再说,前提是的能打没的情况下。 Receives M - Tyrant, Su Xiao leaves the cold drinks shop, after dozen minutes, he returns to private room, Boubo lies down on the rug rests is just fragrant. 收起【m·暴君】,苏晓离开冷饮店,十几分钟后,他返回专属房间,布布汪躺在地毯上睡的正香。 Su Xiao obtained 19 diamond Medal Of Honour in abyss world, is counted beforehand other 1, just 20, before he arrives at Honor Store, examines item in Honor Store whether renews. 苏晓深渊世界内获得了19枚钻石荣誉勋章,算上之前剩余的一枚,刚好20枚,他来到荣誉商店前,查看荣誉商店内的物品是否更新。 Welcome Hunter to use Honor Store.】 【欢迎猎杀者使用荣誉商店。】 diamond Medal Of Honour has the quantity: 20 钻石荣誉勋章持有数量:20枚】 Honor Recovery Medicine( Sixth Order)】 荣誉复苏药剂(六阶)】 Effect: After the use, immediately restores 100% HP with 100% Mana, and rapidly restores the physical body injury, such as the internal organs damage, some brain tissue damages, to pass through the wound seriously seriously. 效果:使用后立即恢复100%生命值与100%法力值,并快速恢复肉体伤势,如脏器严重破损、少部分脑组织损伤、严重贯穿伤等。 Selling price: 3 diamond Medal Of Honour 售价:三枚钻石荣誉勋章 Stock: 1 库存:一 ...... …… Bloodthirsty Howl( Overlord Level equipment)】 嗜血狂笑(霸主级装备)】 Category: The fight growth class, initial Grading is 730 points, can grow to high??? Grading( this is rare characteristics). 类别:战斗成长类,初始评分为730点,最高可成长至???评分(此为稀有特性)。 Selling price: 109 diamond Medal Of Honour. 售价:109枚钻石荣誉勋章 Stock: 1( is in sole possession of) 库存:一(独有) ...... …… Honor Strengthening Medicine( Sixth Order)】 荣誉强化药剂(六阶)】 Effect: After drinking, but the permanent promotes 2 True Strength attributes, 2 point real stamina attribute, Reincarnation Imprint Level + 1. 效果:饮用后,可永久性提升二点真实力量属性,二点真实体力属性,轮回烙印等级 Selling price: 17 diamond Medal Of Honour 售价:17枚钻石荣誉勋章 Stock: 1 库存:一 ...... …… In Honor Store only has three item, Bloodthirsty Howl Still, looks at the appearance, latter several Honor Store renewals, it will not be renovated does not have, to leave the Su Xiao time to save diamond Medal Of Honour. 荣誉商店内只有三件物品,【嗜血狂笑】依然在,看模样,后几次的荣誉商店更新,它都不会被刷新没,留给苏晓时间积攒钻石荣誉勋章 But Honor Strengthening Medicine( Sixth Order)】, Makes Su Xiao unable to keep Paradise Coins, this thing promotes Strength and stamina attribute directly, how this type the thing can miss. 可【荣誉强化药剂(六阶)】,却让苏晓存不住乐园币,这东西直接提升力量体力属性,这种好东西怎么能错过。 The only shortcoming is, after using this thing, Su Xiao's Reincarnation Imprint Level from the lv.58 promotion to lv.59, will have gains and losses. 唯一的缺点是,使用这东西后,苏晓的轮回烙印等级会从lv.58提升至lv.59,有得有失。 Su Xiao each world progress will raise 3 ~ 4 levels, lv.58 and lv.59 has not basically distinguished, only needs world to settle accounts time, the card to lv.60, will achieve Promotion rank prerequisite. 苏晓每个世界进度都会提升3~4级,lv.58与lv.59基本没区别,只需一次世界结算,就会卡到lv.60,达到晋升阶位的前置。 You obtain Honor Strengthening Medicine( Sixth Order)】 【你获得荣誉强化药剂(六阶)】 Crystal Bottle appears in the Su Xiao hand, he opens to drink directly, no strange flavor, but after drinking in the next, chest cavity slightly cool. 一个水晶瓶出现在苏晓手中,他直接打开饮下,没什么奇怪的味道,只是喝下后胸腔内有些微凉。 Prompt: Your Reincarnation Imprint Level has achieved lv.59.】 提示:你的轮回烙印等级已达到lv.59。】 The Honor Strengthening Medicine lifting time is very slow, takes 1 ~ 2 days, can achieve the effect completely. 荣誉强化药剂的提升时间很慢,需要1~2天,才能完全发挥出效果。 But the promotion of Reincarnation Imprint Level, making Su Xiao remember a matter, is he can promote Adventure Group rank, from S Rank Adventure Group , to promote to SS Rank. 轮回烙印等级的提升,让苏晓想起一件事,就是他能将冒险团阶位提升一下,从s级冒险团,提升至ss级 Adventure Group Name: Breaking Dawn 冒险团名称:破晓 Adventure Group rank: S Rank 冒险团阶位:s级 Captain: Su Xiao 团长:苏晓 Vice-Captain: Bubotney and A' Mu 副团长:布布特尼阿姆 Core Member: Baja and Bailey 核心成员:巴哈贝妮 Adventure Group pattern: Single( is unable to recruit member outward). 冒险团模式:单人(无法对外招收成员)。 Team space: Available 团队空间:可用 Team Skill 1: when Glorious Foreword( passive lv.30), settles accounts the Derivative World reward, Comprehensive Evaluation raises 1 level( is unable the Comprehensive Evaluation promotion to s +). 团队技能一:荣耀序章(被动lv.30),结算衍生世界奖励时,综合评价提升一级(无法将综合评价提升至s+)。 Team Skill 2: the elite team( passive lv.30), before entering Derivative World, but supplements optional Derivative World additionally. 团队技能二:精英团队(被动lv.30),进入衍生世界前,可额外追加一个可选衍生世界 ...... …… Sees these two team Skill, in the Su Xiao heart said no that on is anything felt, said these two team Skill are spicy **, if places the ordinary team, this is the masterstroke/divine skill. 看到这两个团队技能,苏晓心中说不上是什么感觉,说这两个团队技能辣**,如果放在普通团队,这就是神技。 May say that this is the masterstroke/divine skill, Su Xiao cannot use these two Adventure Group Skill completely, Derivative World that happily fishes the gold/metal place, Su Xiao was very long has not gone, he did not go to War World, was other invade/ Incursio Paradise, either was tidies up Ancient god, again or destroyed other Paradise Spacetime Hub Unit. 可说这是神技吧,苏晓完全用不上这两个冒险团技能,衍生世界那么美好的捞金地,苏晓很久没去过了,他不是去战争世界,就是入侵其他乐园,要么就是去收拾古神,再或是去破坏其他乐园时空枢纽装置 Not long, Old Fart in Derivative World is rare, these plot roles, Aizen that type, Su Xiao can still plan even, because he before entering Derivative World, can understand these plot character. 曾几何时,衍生世界内的老阴哔多么罕见,那些剧情角色,就算是蓝染那种,苏晓也能算计,因为他在进入衍生世界前,能了解那些剧情人物 Looks at Primary world again, Old Lion, Harold, Sefin, these carry one casually, places in Derivative World, god knows will have anything, what is more fearful, these three does not have any bottom lines, they can reach wildness looks intentionally, sacrificed all, including...... them. 再看原生世界,老狮子,哈罗德,斯芬克,这些随便拎出一个,放在衍生世界内,天知道会发生什么,更可怕的是,这三位没有任何底线,他们可以为了达成心中的野望,牺牲掉所有,包括……他们自己。 Under Su Xiao preparation promotion Adventure Group rank, attempt whether to obtain other team Skill, after all team Skill is very special. 苏晓准备提升下冒险团等级,尝试能否获得其他团队技能,毕竟团队技能很特殊。 You have used the Adventure Group rank Promotion certificate.】 【你已使用冒险团阶位晋升凭证。】 Breaking Dawn Adventure Group has promoted to: SS Rank.】 破晓冒险团已提升至:ss级。】 Many world progress has not triggered team Skill Effects inspection to Hunter, Hunter may choose in following team Skill, replaces existing team Skill.】 检核猎杀者已多个世界进度未触发团队技能效果,猎杀者可在以下团队技能中选择,替换现有团队技能。】 In team Skill random extraction......】 【团队技能随机抽取中……】 Has extracted the SS Rank team Skill 1 type, the S Rank team Skill 2 types.】 【已抽取到ss级团队技能一种,s级团队技能二种。】
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