RP :: Volume #31

#57: Deep blue

In the single room in cold drinks shop. 冷饮店的单间内。 „Is Nilles, what you making in that pestle? This is the seller, White Night.” “尼耶,你在那杵着做什么?这就是卖家,白夜。” Yinluo full building has doubts looks at own teammate. 银洛满楼疑惑的看着自己的队友。 Hello, I am Nilles.” “你好,我是尼耶。” Mage Nilles walks with smile on the face, as if just now has never happened. 法爷・尼耶面带笑容的走来,似乎方才的一幕从未发生过。 Everyone takes a seat, however discussed that the price has not started, how the atmosphere saw that is not right. 所有人都落座,然而谈价并未开始,气氛怎么看都不对。 Haha.” “哈哈。” Yinluo smiles is slightly awkward, she trampled a Nilles foot under the table, hinted Nilles to hurry to say anything. 银洛笑的略显尴尬,她在桌下踹了尼耶一脚,示意尼耶赶紧说点什么。 Nilles also is actually very awkward, through the narration of Yinluo, he basically can determine, this transaction, certainly black, moreover as black as suspicion life. 尼耶其实也很为难,通过银洛的叙述,他基本可以确定,这次的交易,绝度会被黑,而且是被黑到怀疑人生。 Price aspect......” 价格方面……” Nilles has not disparaged magic power fission With Electricity line These two item, they only happen by happy circumstance after all. 尼耶没贬低【魔力裂变】与【电行】这两件物品,毕竟它们可遇不可求。 82......” “82……” Su Xiao tone gentle opens the mouth. 苏晓语气平缓的开口。 Yeah?” “哎?” Yinluo has doubts very much, what meaning she has not guessed correctly 82 that Su Xiao said is, 82 ten thousand Paradise Coins? That is having a dream. 银洛很疑惑,她没猜出苏晓说的82是什么意思,82万乐园币?那是在做梦。 82 complete soul stones.” “82颗完整灵魂石。” Cannot stir up, says goodbye.” “惹不起,告辞。” Yinluo sets out to walk, a hand according to above her, her according to returning to seat. 银洛起身就要走,一只手按在她头上,将她按回到座位上。 By thing changed/easy thing, if with Paradise Coins or the Soul Crystal transaction, I can only regret.” “以物易物吧,如果是用乐园币灵魂结晶交易,那我只能惋惜。” Nilles still maintains the smile, but how to see him to smile somewhat reluctantly. 尼耶依然保持微笑,不过怎么看他笑的都有些勉强。 Ok.” “可以。” friend are you... the Close Combat department?” 朋友你是…近战系?” Nilles detected certainly that Su Xiao is the Close Combat department, asked that totally is the politeness. 尼耶当然察觉到苏晓近战系,这么问完全是出于礼貌。 Yes.” “是。” That is good, I have a very good long-range weapon.” “那就好,我这有把很不错的远程武器。” Bang! 砰! Nilles's words have not said, nearby Yinluo on a fist thump above him, can see from the speech and behavior of Yinluo, Nilles, demoness, Adventure Group that they are, belongs both powerful and happy type, this Adventure Group population will not be many, wins is uniting, in Reincarnation Paradise, this Adventure Group is rare. 尼耶的话还没说完,一旁的银洛就一拳捶在他头上,从银洛、尼耶、女鬼的言谈举止能看出,他们所在的冒险团,属于既强大又欢乐的类型,这种冒险团的人数不会多,胜在团结,在轮回乐园内,这种冒险团非常罕见。 Cracks a joke, since is the transaction, we will also show the sincerity.” “开玩笑而已,既然是交易,那我们也会拿出诚意。” Nilles places on four item the table, a weapon, a Holy Spirit-level occupation inherits item, in addition two Skill Scroll, are completely Active Type. 尼耶将四件物品放在桌上,一把武器,一件圣灵级的职业传承物品,外加两张技能卷轴,全部是主动类 The occupation inherits item Su Xiao not to need, as for Active Type Skill Scroll, he also has no demand, but weapon, this is fighting the hammer. 职业传承物品苏晓不需要,至于主动类技能卷轴,他也没什么需求,而武器,这是把战锤。 This thing has the Grandmaster Level foundation class Skill prerequisite demand, moreover needs 143 Strength to be workable, A' Mu obviously has more than enough. 这东西有宗师级的基础类技能前置需求,而且足足需要143点力量可使用,阿姆明显用不了。 These?” “就这些?” Naturally...... is not.” “当然……不是。” Nilles starts to take item from the storage space, he dark under had decided that even if today shears the meat, must make the deal, naturally, the pricetag that if pays is too odd, he can only give up. 尼耶开始从储存空间内取物品,他已经暗下决定,今天就算是割肉,也要达成交易,当然,如果付出的价码太离谱,他只能放弃。 No meeting, on the table chocks up item, Yinluo is not cruel enough to look, this is losing everything simply. 没一会,桌上就摆满物品,银洛已经不忍心看,这简直是在砸锅卖铁。 These?” “就这些?” „...... These.” “就……这些了。” The smile on Nilles face is stiff, he wants to beat Yinluo now, the Yinluo beforehand decision error, causes this situation emergence. 尼耶脸上的笑容早就僵硬,他现在很想将银洛捶一顿,银洛之前的决策失误,才导致这种情况出现。 Also, these.” “还有,这些。” Continuously silent demoness puts out a weapon from the storage space, as well as several items. 一直沉默的‘女鬼’从储存空间内拿出一把武器,以及几件道具。 Examines all item on table, Su Xiao lights cigarette. 查看完桌上的所有物品,苏晓点燃一支烟。 Next group of buyers drew near, first talk about this.” “下一批买家快到了,就先谈到这。” Su Xiao slightly feels disappointedly to item that Nilles puts out, but this is also indifferent, Bailey made 12 groups of buyers, later meets batches of appearances. 苏晓对尼耶拿出的物品略感失望,不过这也无所谓,贝妮约了12伙买家,之后会一批批的到场。 Since this, that did not have the means.” “既然这样,那就没办法了。” Pitifully.” “可惜。” Nilles receives item on table, three people set out to walk outward. 尼耶收起桌上的物品,三人都起身向外走去。 But three people have not walked several steps, Nilles stops the footsteps. 可三人没走几步,尼耶就停下脚步。 ~ “法克~” Nilles looks to Yinluo, the cheeks of Yinluo pull out, start talk through the team channel and Nilles. 尼耶看向银洛,银洛的脸颊一抽,开始通过团队频道与尼耶对话。 Determination? If acts that thing, the Rin elder sister can hang to pull out our two?” “确定吗?如果出手那东西,姐会不会把咱们两个吊起来抽?” Who is the Rin elder sister? Do we have to know this person?” 姐是谁?我们有认识这个人吗?” Nilles doubts looks at Yinluo, such Yinluo smile gradually collapses, she can imagine, after selling that thing, her some teammate that genial smile. 尼耶‘疑惑’的看着银洛,这样银洛的笑容逐渐崩坏,她能想象,在卖了那东西后,她的某名队友那‘和善’的笑容。 „It is not far from World Snatching War, moreover necklace rare, did not need me saying that what the opposite party put out was necklace, necklace traded necklace, I later three world soul crystal stone shares, will give Ms. Rin.” “距离世界争夺战不远了,况且挂饰有多罕见,不用我多说,对方拿出的是挂饰,挂饰挂饰,我之后三个世界的灵魂晶石份额,会让给女士。” Trades!” “换!” Yinluo pats Nilles's back, will pat as Mage Nilles to coughing suo several. 银洛一拍尼耶的后背,将作为法爷的尼耶拍到咳嗦几声。 We continue to discuss.” “我们继续谈。” Nilles sits returns to the seat, and takes out a Accessory kind of equipment from the storage space. 尼耶坐回到座位上,并从储存空间内取出一件饰品类装备。 Azure Will( Holy Spirit-level necklace)】 湛蓝意志(圣灵级挂饰)】 durability: 90 / 90 耐久度:90/90 Equipment prerequisite: Grandmaster Level lv.30 above Close Combat basic capability( necklace equips many may wear one.) 装备前置:宗师级lv.30以上近战基础能力(挂饰装备最多可佩戴一件。) Equipment effect( only): All Close Combat kind of abilities, the overall injury intensity promotes 20%. 装备效果(唯一):所有近战类能力,总体伤害强度提升20%。 Grading: 995 points( the Holy Spirit-level equipment is the Grading 700 ~ 1000 points) 评分:995点(圣灵级装备为评分700~1000点) Synopsis: This is...... the deep blue will, only has the technique powerhouse, has the qualifications to wear. 简介:这是……湛蓝的意志,唯有技法强者,才有资格佩戴。 Sells Price: Soul Crystal (Perfect) x15. 出售价格:灵魂结晶(完整)x15。 ...... …… Azure Will The ability is quite simple, but is this simple ability, actually promotes Anomaly to be huge to Su Xiao's. 湛蓝意志】的能力相当简单,而就是这简单的能力,却对苏晓的提升异常巨大。 Azure Will Can promote 20% Close Combat always to hurt the intensity, seems like that was makes the Su Xiao's strength promote 1/5, actually at all was not such matter. 湛蓝意志】能提升20%的近战总伤害强度,看似是让苏晓的实力提升了五分之一,实则根本不是这么回事。 Do not say that the overall promotes 20%, even 2%, in fight that in the life and death flickers, may be defeats the key of enemy. 不要说总体提升20%,就算是2%,在生死一瞬的战斗中,都有可能是击败敌人的关键。 Two trade one.” “二换一。” Nilles Azure Will Places on the table, the meaning equips with this, exchange magic power fission With Electricity line. 尼耶将【湛蓝意志】放在桌上,意思是用这装备,交换【魔力裂变】与【电行】。 Trades one.” “一换一。” impossible, deep blue compared with the electricity line high about 100 Grading, the electricity line only promoted thunder system, deep blue raises all Close Combat attack intensities, moreover is the overall intensity.” 不可能,湛蓝比电行高了近100评分,电行只提升雷系,湛蓝是提升所有近战攻击强度,而且是总体强度。” Nilles's attitude is very firm, actually indeed is this, Electricity line The increased ability is very unitary, but Azure Will Then is suits all Close Combat to use. 尼耶的态度很坚决,实则的确是这样,【电行】增加的能力很单一,而【湛蓝意志】则是适合所有近战使用。 That considers as finished, this thing you first retain , to promote Grandmaster Level in my Close Combat ability, and 30 levels, I will contact you.” “那算了,这东西你们先保留,在我的近战能力提升到宗师级,并到了30级,我会联络你们。” Eh......” “额……” Su Xiao is only a few words, Nilles jammed immediately, Azure Will What is good, is the equipment prerequisite arrives at the anomaly high, when sees this equipment for the first time, Nilles's idea is, this special is the equipment that the person uses? Can Sixth Order Grandmaster Level Close Combat ability continuously raise lv.30? 苏晓只是一句话,尼耶马上卡壳了,【湛蓝意志】什么都好,就是装备前置高到变态,首次看到这装备时,尼耶的想法是,这特么是人用的装备?六阶能把宗师级近战能力怼到lv.30? Or, what do you add again?” “要不,你再添点什么?” „......” “……” Su Xiao no longer spoke, he wanted to obtain very much Azure Will It is not false, but will not easily regress. 苏晓不再说话,他很希望获得【湛蓝意志】不假,但不会轻易退步。 Deal.” “成交。” Deal.” “成交。” Su Xiao takes out Electricity line, Places on the table, the transaction is very smooth achieves. 苏晓取出【电行】,放在桌上,交易很顺利就达成。 After the Yinluo three people leave, Su Xiao selected. the cold drink , to continue to wait, that several groups of buyers of Bailey contact will draw near the cup 银洛三人离开后,苏晓又点了杯冷饮,继续等待,贝妮联络的那几伙买家快到了。 No meeting, Bailey brings one group of buyers, item that this group of five people, Su Xiao must make a move has three, White Goat Staff( Holy Spirit-level)】, magic power fission( Skill Scroll)】, Confuses absurd all living things( Mythical).】 没一会,贝妮就带来一伙买家,这伙共五人,苏晓所要出手的物品有三件,【白山羊之母(圣灵级)】、【魔力裂变(技能卷轴)】、【迷妄众生(史诗级)。】 This time does not need Su Xiao to discuss the price, Bailey arranges perfectly clear the buyer, the explosive tables of various prices, looked at this group of buyers ignorant. 这次根本不用苏晓谈价,贝妮就将买家安排到明明白白,各类物价的爆表,把这伙买家都看懵了。 After several minutes, the first group of buyers leave, these five people of some same feelings, do not walk, they possibly buy that three item at the spitting blood price. 几分钟后,第一伙买家离开,这五人都有同一种感觉,就是再不走,他们可能以吐血价买下那三件物品 Meow ~ “喵~” Bailey is obviously unsatisfied, starts to contact the second group of buyers, starts from this, the average five minutes come one group of buyers, this is the sale channel of Bailey operation, so long as in this period had item that Su Xiao favored, Bailey had the absolute confidence to make the deal. 贝妮明显不满意,开始联络第二伙买家,从这开始,平均五分钟就来一伙买家,这是贝妮经营的售卖渠道,期间只要有苏晓看好的物品,贝妮有绝对的信心达成交易。 When the 10 th group of buyers come, Su Xiao informs Bailey through the team channel, facilitates this transaction as far as possible. 当第十伙买家来时,苏晓通过团队频道告知贝妮,尽量促成这幢交易。 After Bailey returns did not have issue, starts with the table opposite buyer to discuss, this is a quiet man, is very dreary, throughout coldly looks at Bailey. 贝妮回了个‘没问题’后,开始与桌对面的买家谈,这是名沉默寡言的男人,很阴郁,始终冷冷的看着贝妮 After the negotiation of Bailey nearly squeezing, the gloomy man leaves, seems like somewhat inwardly angry. 贝妮近乎压榨的交涉后,阴郁男人离开,看起来有些愠怒。 Bailey is completely unhurried, starts to wait , less than ten minutes, the gloomy man shoves open the door. 贝妮完全不慌,开始等待,十分钟不到,阴郁男人又推开房门。 Transaction.” “交易吧。” When said this saying, the cheeks slightly not obvious twitch of gloomy man. 说出这话时,阴郁男人的脸颊微不可见的抽动。 Meow ~ “喵~” Side Bailey presents one skewer of blue small characters: Is old friend, reduces 5 ten thousand Paradise Coins.’ 贝妮身旁出现一串蓝色小字:‘都是老朋友,减五万乐园币吧。’ Sees this skewer of blue small characters, the complexion of gloomy man relaxes, he puts out 7 Soul Crystal (Perfect), Paradise Coins debit card of 1.95 million currency value, as well as a Holy Spirit-level weapon, this is about three meters ambush artillery. 看到这串蓝色小字,阴郁男人的面色缓和很多,他拿出七颗灵魂结晶(完整),一张195万面额的乐园币储蓄卡,以及一把圣灵级武器,这是把近三米长的狙击炮。 After completing the transaction, the gloomy man half step leaves, item that since he puts out, his back has the Adventure Group support. 完成交易后,阴郁男人快步离开,从他拿出的物品来看,他背后有冒险团的支撑。 Bailey uses White Goat Staff( Holy Spirit-level, 860 Grading)】 + magic power fission + Confuses absurd all living things( Mythical)】, Changed a Holy Spirit-level Max Grade ambush artillery, in addition 7 Soul Crystal, as well as 195 ten thousand Paradise Coins, how regardless to see, was blood gain. 贝妮用【白山羊之母(圣灵级,860评分)】+【魔力裂变】+【迷妄众生(史诗级)】,换来了一把圣灵级满评分的狙击炮,外加七颗灵魂结晶,以及195万乐园币,无论怎么看,都是血赚 Su Xiao according to the ambush artillery on table, obtains single-handed Sky Traveller After he has prepared to change the long-distance kind of weapon, Devouring Destruction Enemy who the might, was unable to cope with the present stage, before Bailey on has been seeking for the long-range weapon, but now obtained this might of ambush artillery, is quite terrifying, but the ammunition expense is also very astonishing, spear/gun 80000 Paradise Coins! 苏晓单手按在桌上的狙击炮上,获得【天行】后,他就已经准备换远程类武器,【噬灭】的威力,已经无法对付现阶段的敌人,之前贝妮就一直在寻找远程武器,而现在所得这把狙击炮的威力,相当恐怖,不过弹药费用也很惊人,一枪80000乐园币 Right, this about three meters, barrel front branch the sniper's rifles of six rows of radiation holes, bullet value 80000 Paradise Coins, this spear/gun on, five heavy recoil buffer mechanism, otherwise, the recoil of this weapon, is shaking to fly sufficiently the user. 没错,这把近三米长,枪管前端分部着六排散热孔的狙击枪,一颗子弹价值80000乐园币,这把枪上,共有五重后坐力缓冲装置,否则的话,这武器的后坐力,足以将使用者震飞出去。 Moreover, even the heat dissipating arrangement on independent disassemblage barrel, can treat as Holy Spirit-level item to sell out. 不仅如此,就算单独拆卸枪管上的散热装置,都能当做圣灵级物品卖掉。
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