RP :: Volume #31

#56: Holy Spirit-level Gem

When Su Xiao goes out from the Equipment Enhancing Hall main entrance, GuLu still stands before that Equipment Strengthening Machine, as the Brigade Regiment member, even main weapon strong chemical exploding, GuLu not empty, puts out Auxiliary Weapon to start the resentment, looks at her facial expression, today was on that Equipment Strengthening Machine bar, between both must carry off. 苏晓装备强化大厅正门走出时,咕噜依然站在那台装备强化机前,作为旅团成员,就算主武器强化爆,咕噜也丝毫不虚,拿出副武器开始怼,看她那神情,今天是和那台装备强化机杠上了,两者间必须抬走一个。 GuLu explained + 14 weapons with her, even if 1% probabilities cause the main weapon to be stave, do not attempt to promote rashly. 咕噜用她那把的武器说明,哪怕有1%的几率导致主武器破碎,也不要去尝试冒然提升。 If Dragon Flash was shattered because of the strengthening, can be imagined to the influence that Su Xiao has, Hegemony Battle will soon start let alone. 如果斩龙闪因强化而破碎,对苏晓造成的影响可想而知,更何况强者争霸战即将开始。 Su Xiao looked for a cold drinks shop near Equipment Enhancing Hall, under the female shopkeeper's warm invitation, Su Xiao enters the single room, here expense is not low, one cup of cheapest cold drinks in 50 : 00 Paradise Coins above, regarding the daily expenses, this are luxurious. 苏晓装备强化大厅附近找了间冷饮店,在女店长的热情邀请下,苏晓走进单间,这里的消费不低,一杯最便宜的冷饮都在50点乐园币以上,对于日常开销来讲,这非常奢侈。 Su Xiao comes to here, mainly because of here intelligence service channel, the cold drink is only the accessories, some not only interesting, and valuable information, is here principal, for killing the time is very good. 苏晓来这里,主要是因为这里的情报服务渠道,冷饮只是附属品,一些既有趣,又有价值的情报,才是这里的主打,用于打发时间很不错。 In approximately more than 20 square meters big or small single rooms, Su Xiao sits on the sofa, he and other group of people. 约二十多平米大小的单间内,苏晓坐在沙发上,他在等一伙人。 The waited person has not arrived, Su Xiao loosens the waist to turn over to Dragon Flash in sheath, and takes out Stone of Broken Shadow Soul from the storage space, prepares embedding on Dragon Flash. 等的人还没到,苏晓解下腰间归鞘中的斩龙闪,并从储存空间内取出一颗断魂影之石,准备镶嵌斩龙闪上。 Dragon Flash altogether embedding 7 Gem, 3 are Stone of Broken Shadow Soul, surplus 4 are Spirit Cat( Legendary), Crazy Knight( Legendary), Moon's Magnificence( Mythical), elegy( Legendary). 斩龙闪镶嵌七颗宝石,三颗是断魂影之石,剩余四颗则是灵猫(传说级)、疯骑士(传说级)、月之风华(史诗级)、挽歌(传说级)。 In these four Gem, will soon be replaced by Stone of Broken Shadow Soul, elegy cannot replace, attribute that although it does not promote fight, when is actually the strengthened final insurance. 这四颗宝石中,有一颗即将被断魂影之石替换,挽歌决不能替换,它虽然不提升战斗方面的属性,但却是强化时的最后保险。 Moon's Magnificence cannot replace temporarily, it can promote to cut to strike the speed, slaughters, cuts to strike, even if quick point, is decides the life and death the matter. 月之风华暂时也不能替换,它能提升斩击速度,厮杀中,斩击哪怕快一分,都是决定生死的事。 Spirit Cat after cutting to strike the hit enemy, disregards the enemy 45 body defensive powers, in addition reduces has cut to strike the 20% healer effects of goal , to continue for 30 seconds. 灵猫是在斩击命中敌人后,无视敌人45点身体防御力,外加削减已斩击目标的20%治疗效果,持续30秒。 lower healing efficiency is very good, does, as Legendary Gem, Spirit Cat reduces healer Judgement rank to be not high, occasionally is unable to achieve the expectation effect. 削减治疗效果很不错,奈何,作为传说级宝石,灵猫的减治疗判定阶位不算高,偶尔无法达到预期效果。 As for Crazy Knight, its effect simple and crude, disregarding physical body defensive power injury of supplementary real Agility attribute x0.9( 128 points). 至于疯骑士,它的效果简单粗暴,附带真实敏捷属性x0.9的无视肉体防御力伤害(128点)。 Must replace, naturally chooses between Spirit Cat and Crazy Knight, compares the disregarding physical body defensive power injury of Crazy Knight supplementary, Su Xiao favors reduces the physical body defensive power of enemy directly. 要替换,当然是在灵猫疯骑士间选择,相比疯骑士附带的无视肉体防御力伤害,苏晓更看好直接削减敌人的肉体防御力。 Sometimes can create to cut off limb and break the neck, can reduce enemy many physical body defensive powers to be very important, once in cutting the strategic point, that Spirit Cat effect ends the windage knight. 有时能否造成断肢、断颈,能削减敌人多少肉体防御力很重要,一旦斩中要害,那灵猫的效果完爆风骑士。 Cuts the critical instance, Spirit Cat to reduction that the enemy creates, the injury intensity and Dragon Flash high quota sharpness, creates can be imagined. 斩中要害的瞬间,灵猫对敌人造成的削减,以及斩龙闪的高额锋利度,所造成的伤害强度可想而知。 Does not cut in the critical situation, is the Crazy Knight effect is stronger, therefore, the Su Xiao direct selection gives up Crazy Knight, when he and enemy fights, the blade blade directly soars the strategic point, therefore Spirit Cat is bigger than Crazy Knight. 斩不中要害的情况下,则是疯骑士的效果更强,因此,苏晓直接选择放弃疯骑士,他与敌人战斗时,刀刀直奔要害,因此灵猫大于疯骑士 『Yes』『No』 conducts this Gem to replace, such as replaces, Crazy Knight( Legendary) has 8 7. 5% probabilities to be stave.】 是/否进行本次宝石替换,如进行替换,疯骑士(传说级)有八7.5%几率破碎。】 This Gem replaces, must consume 40000 Paradise Coins.】 【本次宝石替换,需消耗40000点乐园币。】 The Su Xiao choice replace, Stone of Broken Shadow Soul in his hand flies, the volume reduces fast, finally changes into the grain of rice size, but Crazy Knight Gem of hilt terminal, starts to strip. 苏晓选择替换,他手中的断魂影之石飞起,体积快速缩小,最终化为米粒大小,而刀柄末端的疯骑士宝石,也开始剥离。 Ka, Crazy Knight was shattered, thorough abandonment. 咔吧一声,疯骑士破碎,彻底报废。 Reduces to Stone of Broken Shadow Soul embedding of grain of rice size to the circular slot , the ray is gradually hidden, fourth Stone of Broken Shadow Soul embedding succeeds. 缩小到米粒大小的断魂影之石镶嵌到圆槽内,光芒逐渐隐没,第四颗断魂影之石镶嵌成功。 When Su Xiao obtains five Stone of Broken Shadow Soul, when embedding to Dragon Flash on, five Stone of Broken Shadow Soul will synthesize, the Broken Soul Shadow ability inheritance stone that at the appointed time, synthesizes, will strip from Dragon Flash. 苏晓获得五颗断魂影之石,并都镶嵌斩龙闪上时,五颗断魂影之石会进行合成,届时,所合成的断魂影能力传承石,会从斩龙闪上剥离。 By that time, Su Xiao will consider embedding Holy Spirit-level Gem on Dragon Flash, because of the Holy Spirit-level Gem characteristics, regardless in the equipment has many embedding positions, will be allocated by three Holy Spirit-level Gem. 到了那时,苏晓就会考虑在斩龙闪镶嵌圣灵级宝石,不过因圣灵级宝石的特性,无论装备上有多少镶嵌位,都会被三颗圣灵级宝石平摊。 For example, equips to altogether have 9 embedding positions, that is three Holy Spirit-level Gem deconstruction opens, occupies three embedding positions respectively, will not make the embedding position have the vacancy, relates to the equipment carrying capacity the issue, moreover among some Holy Spirit-level Gem still has the mutual repellency problem. 例如,一件装备上共有九个镶嵌位,那就是三颗圣灵级宝石分解开,各占三个镶嵌位,不会让镶嵌位有空缺,这其中关系到装备承受力的问题,而且有些圣灵级宝石间还存在相互排斥性的问题。 Generally, the main weapon are most may withstand three Holy Spirit-level Gem, how as to match these three Gem, must decide according to the situation of user, but at the Holy Spirit-level Gem rare degree, only if Contractor of special local tyrant, otherwise is far from matching, inlays one. 一般情况下,主武器最多可承受三颗圣灵级宝石,至于怎么搭配这三颗宝石,就要根据使用者的情况而定,不过以圣灵级宝石的稀有程度,除非是特别土豪的契约者,否则根本谈不上搭配,有一颗就镶一颗。 As for other equipment, best only embedding Holy Spirit-level Gem, in order to avoid conflicts when the fight, according to the Su Xiao information, in order to the insurance, in all equipment of Contractor, altogether embedding 5 ~ 7 Holy Spirit-level Gem is the limit. 至于其他装备,最好只镶嵌一颗圣灵级宝石,以免在战斗时出现冲突,根据苏晓所得情报,保险起见,一名契约者的所有装备上,共镶嵌5~7颗圣灵级宝石就是极限。 Before Su Xiao discovered that Holy Spirit-level Gem was very special, he obtained Destiny Stone( Holy Spirit-level)】, Not can only be used in embedding , to promote 5 Luck attributes, but can also choose directly to use, thus helps Su Xiao promote 2 Luck attributes permanently. 之前苏晓就发现圣灵级宝石很特殊,他获得的【命运石(圣灵级)】,不仅能用于镶嵌,提升五点幸运属性,还可以选择直接使用掉,从而帮苏晓永久提升二点幸运属性。 But also embedding, may be regarded as the permanent buff item, this is the Holy Spirit-level Gem unique element. 既可镶嵌,也可当做是永久性增益道具,这就是圣灵级宝石的特殊之处。 In other words, if Contractor obtains enough many Holy Spirit-level Gem, can through using these Gem, enhances own various abilities rapidly. 也就是说,如果契约者获得足够多的圣灵级宝石,就能通过使用这些宝石,快速提升自身的各类能力。 Although this method is accepted, but richest Revelation Paradise Contractor, cannot undertake even, compares permanent buff, buff after embedding Holy Spirit-level Gem is higher, the promotion of embedding, probably is 1. about 5 times of direct use. 这方法虽然行得通,可就算是最富的天启乐园契约者,也承担不起,相比永久增益,镶嵌圣灵级宝石后的增益更高,镶嵌的提升,大概是直接使用的1.五倍左右。 Gem is also the permanent buff crystal stone, conceivable Holy Spirit-level Gem Price, as well as it scarce. 既是宝石也是永久性增益晶石,可以想象圣灵级宝石价格,以及它会有多稀少。 Su Xiao carries the lemonade on table, after tossing down, is chewing the ice piece in mouth, the bitter ice lemonade, after drinking next, passes the heart cool comfort. 苏晓端起桌上的柠檬水,一饮而尽后,嘴嚼着口中的冰块,酸涩的冰柠檬水,喝下后透心凉的舒爽。 Su Xiao that group of people have not arrived, just completed the strengthening and embedding because of Dragon Flash, he starts to examine the Dragon Flash attribute. 苏晓等的那伙人还没到,因斩龙闪刚完成强化与镶嵌,他开始查看斩龙闪的属性。 Dragon Flash + 12( Sharpness Point 0%) 斩龙闪(锋刃值0%) Origin : Shadow of Extinguishing Law 产地:灭法之影 Quality: Holy Spirit-level 品质:圣灵级 Category: Long blade 类别:长刀 durability: 230 / 230( increases 20 points) 耐久度:230/230(提升20点) Attack Power: 339 ~ 430( increases 27 ~ 35 points) 攻击力:339~430(提升27~35点) Equipment requirements: Shadow of Extinguishing Law Inheritor 装备需求:灭法之影传承者 Ultimate Blade effect 1: Sharpness + 10 5. 至尊锋刃效果一:锋利度5. Ultimate Blade effect 2: This weapon in addition holds the Azure Steel Shadow energy, consumes Mana to reduce 92%, the Azure Steel Shadow energy causes True Damage to promote 22%( promotes 2%). 至尊锋刃效果二:此武器加持青钢影能量,所消耗法力值降低92%,青钢影能量所造成真实伤害提升22%(提升2%)。 Ultimate Blade effect 3: Devil's Blade( initiative), when attacks the HP below 25% enemy side units, may be assigned away from the capital Demon Spirit Blade in Dragon Flash, Demon Spirit Blade will draw support from the Azure Steel Shadow energy to invade enemy within the body, creates to disregard the resistance to the enemy, disregards the exemption, disregards cutting of defense to kill the effect( this Instant Death effect no Judgement process). 至尊锋刃效果三:魔刃(主动),攻击生命值25%以下敌方单位时,可外放出斩龙闪内的刃之魔灵,刃之魔灵将借助青钢影能量侵入敌人体内,对敌人造成无视抗性,无视豁免,无视防御的斩杀效果(此即死效果无判定过程)。 Strengthening effect: 强化效果: + 5 attach the effect: The weapon sharpness increases 10 points permanently. 附加效果:武器锋利度永久提升十点。 + 8 attach the effect: Weapon tenacious intensity permanent + 21 points. 附加效果:武器坚韧强度永久点。 + 10 attach the effect: armor piercing nature promotion 35 points. 附加效果:透甲性提升35点。 + 12 attach the effect: The penetrating power promotes 17% permanently. 附加效果:穿透力永久提升17%。 Additional Effects: 7 镶嵌效果:七颗 Spirit Cat( Legendary Gem) 灵猫(传说级宝石) Stone of Broken Shadow Soul shattered( legend Gem): Sharpness + 28 断魂影之石残缺(传说宝石):锋利度 Stone of Broken Shadow Soul shattered( legend Gem): Sharpness + 29 断魂影之石残缺(传说宝石):锋利度 Stone of Broken Shadow Soul shattered( legend Gem): Sharpness + 28 断魂影之石残缺(传说宝石):锋利度 Stone of Broken Shadow Soul shattered( legend Gem): Sharpness + 28 断魂影之石残缺(传说宝石):锋利度 elegy( Legendary Gem): If the strengthening causes the weapon to be stave, elegy will replace the embedding weapon to be stave. 挽歌(传说级宝石):如强化导致武器破碎,挽歌将替代所镶嵌武器破碎。 Moon's Magnificence( Mythical Gem): After cutting to strike each time,...... 月之风华(史诗级宝石):每次斩击后…… Grading: 1000 +( Holy Spirit-level equips Grading is 700 ~ 1000 points) 评分:1000+(圣灵级装备评分为700~1000点) Synopsis: Loses, meet, with war, new student/life, growth, legend, awakening, the demon spirits. 简介:失去,相遇,同战,新生,成长,传说,觉醒,魔灵。 Price: It is not able to sell. 价格:无法出售。 ...... …… Some Dragon Flash in the hand, transform this obtained reward as the strength in addition, Su Xiao has the confidence to stand the strongest echelon in Sixth Order. 斩龙闪在手中,外加将这次所得的奖励都转化为实力,苏晓有信心站上六阶中的最强梯队。 In the meantime, the door was shoved open, the person who Su Xiao must wait for arrived, is Yinluo that the server dresses up, but in her behind, but also following a man and a woman. 就在此时,房门被推开,苏晓要等的人到了,是服务生打扮的银洛,而在她身后,还跟着一男一女。 These two makings are not ordinary, in which woman full long hair hangs in the front, the attire and manner are similar to the demoness, is adding on her is flutters, is that type of racket horror film not the type that uses to put on make-up. 这两人的气质都不普通,其中的女人满头长发垂在面前,衣着与举止都如同女鬼般,在加上她是飘进来,属于那种拍恐怖片都不用化妆的类型。 But in which male, is about 30 years old, the chin place has the small beard, on the face is also maintaining the smile. 而其中的男性,则是三十岁左右,下巴处留着小胡子,脸上还保持着笑容。 But this man just entered the door, the smile on face stiffens suddenly, he stands in the entrance, one step does not forward, both eyes are fixing the eyes on Su Xiao. 可这男人刚走进房门,脸上的笑容陡然僵住,他站在门口,一步都不向前,双目紧盯着苏晓
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