RP :: Volume #31

#55: Small issue

item that Su Xiao this time must make a move are many, White Goat Staff This Holy Spirit-level healer magical staff, he must sell out as soon as possible. 苏晓这次要出手的物品很多,【白山羊之母】这根圣灵级治疗法杖,他也要尽快卖掉。 Hegemony Battle, Su Xiao must enhance the strength as far as possible, thus seizes first three in Hegemony Battle. 强者争霸战将至,苏晓要尽可能的提升实力,从而在强者争霸战中夺下前三名。 26 Soul Crystal in Su Xiao examination storage space, he promotes Swordplay Grandmaster now, each level needs 15 Soul Crystal, in addition 50 ten thousand Paradise Coins. 苏晓查看储存空间内的26颗灵魂结晶,现在他提升刀术宗师,每级需15颗灵魂结晶,外加50万乐园币 In other words, Su Xiao are most can promote 1 level of Swordplay Grandmaster, but compares the promotion 1 level of Swordplay Grandmaster, he also has means to strengthen cutting of long blade to strike the strength. 也就是说,苏晓最多能提升一级刀术宗师,而相比提升的一级刀术宗师,他还有种办法增强长刀的斩击力。 Right, is to strengthen Dragon Flash, after Dragon Flash Promotion to Holy Spirit-level, Su Xiao went to Equipment Enhancing Hall, does, strengthens the Dragon Flash expense to be very high, making him temporarily give up. 没错,就是去强化斩龙闪,斩龙闪晋升圣灵级后,苏晓就去过装备强化大厅,奈何,强化斩龙闪的费用很高,让他暂时放弃。 Strengthens Holy Spirit-level Dragon Flash, does not need Paradise Coins, but consumes Soul Crystal, this makes Su Xiao feel, regardless to several steps, Soul Crystal were never sufficient. 强化圣灵级斩龙闪,无需乐园币,而是消耗灵魂结晶,这让苏晓感觉,无论到了几阶,灵魂结晶始终不够用。 Leaves private room, Su Xiao directly soars the strengthened hall to go, his time has other methods to promote Swordplay Grandmaster, therefore decides this obtained Soul Crystal, is used to strengthen Dragon Flash. 离开专属房间,苏晓直奔强化大厅而去,他这次有其他方法提升刀术宗师,因此决定将这次所得的灵魂结晶,都用于强化斩龙闪 When each time Promotion Dragon Flash, strengthens the rank to reset, but the strengthening effect will actually not vanish, therefore strengthens can Promotion Dragon Flash, is not easy to another permanent promotion of Dragon Flash. 虽说每次晋升斩龙闪时,强化等级都会清零,但强化效果却不会消失,因此强化能晋升斩龙闪,无易于对斩龙闪的另一种永久提升。 Also this reason, which grade regardless of Dragon Flash Promotion, Su Xiao will raise the strengthened rank of Dragon Flash with every effort. 也正是这个原因,无论斩龙闪晋升到哪种品级,苏晓都会尽力提升斩龙闪的强化等级。 Less than a half hour, before Su Xiao arrived at the Equipment Enhancing Hall gate, looks before , on the flagstone leaves a message, his footsteps, comes Equipment Enhancing Hall each time, he has the different experience, does not know that this time is Luck, is as black as the limit. 半小时不到,苏晓就到了装备强化大厅门前,看着门前石板上留言,他的脚步一顿,每次来装备强化大厅,他都有不同的体验,不知这次是幸运,还是黑到极限。 Across the main entrance crowd, after entering Equipment Enhancing Hall, the marvelous atmosphere appears, somewhat stands the Contractor facial features before Equipment Strengthening Machine ties tight, this looks is rookie Contractor. 穿过正门的人群,进入装备强化大厅后,奇妙的氛围出现,有些站在装备强化机前的契约者面容紧绷,这一看就是新人契约者 But some, is the god nature, these adapted to Reincarnation Paradise Contractor, these people, fired Lunatic's Paradise given name, they rank high same Paradise Contractor, the feared thing are not many. 而有些,则是神自然,这些都是适应了轮回乐园契约者们,也正是这些人,打响了‘疯子乐园’的名号,他们除了比自己阶位高的同乐园契约者外,怕的东西不多。 One of World Snatching War recognition regulations: Reincarnation Paradise and Death paradise internal energy lives high rank Contractor, is not affable. 世界争夺战公认条例之一:轮回乐园死亡乐园内能活到高阶的契约者,都不好惹。 Second World Snatching War recognition regulations: After Reincarnation Paradise side Contractor bi) to hopeless situation, best leave his distant point, this lunatic big probability will use from exploding a kind of item or the ability. 世界争夺战公认条例之二:将轮回乐园契约者bi)到绝境后,最好离他远点,这疯子大概率会使用自爆类道具或能力。 Third World Snatching War recognition regulations: Revelation Paradise Contractor is very rich. 世界争夺战公认条例之三:天启乐园契约者很富。 Su Xiao waited for dozen minutes, finally Equipment Strengthening Machine is idle, he just activated this Equipment Strengthening Machine, the small shadow half step walks together. 苏晓等了十几分钟,终于有一台装备强化机空闲,他刚激活这台装备强化机,一道小的影快步走来。 Both eyes looking at each other, comes in the population kā bā, bites the candy in mouth. 双目对视,来人口中咔吧一声,咬碎口中的糖果。 Is you.” “是你啊。” Puts on GuLu of red one-piece dress lowly snort/hum, had not said that provokes kind of words, after all was tidied up several times by Su Xiao. 穿红色连衣裙的咕噜低哼一声,并未说挑衅一类的话,毕竟被苏晓收拾了好几次。 Welcome uses No. 1270 Equipment Strengthening Machine, has Paradise Coins: 224800 points.】 【欢迎使用1270号装备强化机,持有乐园币:224800点。】 As Su Xiao's āo) does, in Equipment Strengthening Machine spouts white steam, the metal tray springs. 随着苏晓的āo)作,装备强化机内喷出一股白色蒸汽,金属托盘弹出。 Strengthened failure, failure, failure......” “强化失败,失败,失败……” Read to transmit after Su Xiao broken, Su Xiao is grasping Dragon Flash hand, side head slightly. 碎碎念声从苏晓后传来,苏晓握着斩龙闪的手一顿,略微的侧头。 What matter?” “什么事?” In the GuLu mouth holds the sugar, on the face with a smile. 咕噜口中含着糖,脸上笑吟吟。 Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Looks noisily, always does not take on the concern to be big.” “看闹嘛,总是不担心事大。” GuLu shrugs, is still grinning. 咕噜耸了耸肩,依然笑嘻嘻。 Su Xiao does not pay attention to GuLu, GuLu starts to read broken. 苏晓不理会咕噜,咕噜又开始碎碎念。 Dragon Flash has the sheath, Su Xiao places on the metal tray Dragon Flash, the metal tray takes back to Equipment Strengthening Machine. 斩龙闪出鞘,苏晓斩龙闪放在金属托盘上,金属托盘收回到装备强化机内。 Equips in inspection...... inspection to complete, Dragon Flash no strengthening rank, if must strengthen this equipment, strengthens each time must consume Soul Crystal x1.】 【装备检核中……检核完成,斩龙闪无强化等级,如需强化此装备,每次强化需消耗灵魂结晶x1。】 Soul Crystal, Su Xiao altogether has opportunities the 26 times, can promote Dragon Flash to what degree, temporarily unknown. 一次一颗灵魂结晶,苏晓共有26次机会,能将斩龙闪提升到何种程度,暂时未知。 Su Xiao starts Equipment Strengthening Machine, Equipment Strengthening Machine revolves, thunders to make noise, often the electric light jumps out from the slit, the momentum is astonishing. 苏晓启动装备强化机,装备强化机运转起来,轰鸣作响,不时还有电光从缝隙内窜出,声势惊人。 The first strengthening, is quicker than the imagination. 首次的强化,比想象中更快。 Tittered ~ 噗嗤~ Some steam of roasting spew out, strengthen Prompt to appear. 有些炙的蒸汽喷涌而出,强化提示出现。 Dragon Flash + 1 defeat.】 斩龙闪失败。】 Sees this Prompt, Su Xiao obviously has not gotten back one's composure instantaneously, in his heart is thinking deeply about an issue, is that strengthens + 1 also to be defeated unexpectedly? 看到这提示,苏晓明显有瞬间没回过神,他心中在思索一个问题,那就是强化居然也能失败? You also leave care, strengthened failure, weapon not shatter, can defeat my person, this matter is not even able to accept.” “你也别太在意,强化失败而已,武器又没破碎,能打败我的人,不会连这种事都无法接受吧。” GuLu approaches in the mouth a sugar. 咕噜又向口中颗糖。 So long as does not present + 1 to be defeated this unlucky matter, other are the small issues.” “只要不出现失败这种倒霉事,其他都是小问题。” „......” “……” Discovered that Su Xiao has not spoken, a GuLu eye of reveal has doubts, then thinks of anything, her small mouth slightly, tilts the head looks at Su Xiao. 发现苏晓没说话,咕噜目露疑惑,转而想到什么,她的小嘴微张,歪头看着苏晓 To be honest, White Night, your was Luck is lost/carrying?” “说实话,白夜,你幸运属是不是负了?” „......” “……” Ha, I do not rush to time suddenly, accompanies you to strengthen in this, this to you, is only the small issue, White Night.” “哈哈哈,我突然不赶时间了,就在这陪你强化,这对你来讲,只是小问题,白夜。” GuLu smiles to make noise, this is only small issue, touches somebody's sore spot especially. 咕噜笑出声,她这句‘只是小问题’,格外扎心。 Does not pay attention to GuLu, Su Xiao puts out ten Soul Crystal, the choice strengthens Dragon Flash continuously, he does not believe + 1 unable to come up continually. 不理会咕噜,苏晓拿出十颗灵魂结晶,选择连续强化斩龙闪,他不信连都上不去。 Equipment Strengthening Machine revolves again, every several minutes, will have Prompt to appear. 装备强化机再次运转起来,每隔十几分钟,都会有提示出现。 Dragon Flash + 1 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 2 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 【The Dragon Flash + 3 failure, have fallen to + 1.】 斩龙闪失败,已滑落至。】 【The Dragon Flash + 2 failure, strengthen the rank to reset.】 斩龙闪失败,强化等级已清零。】 Dragon Flash + 1 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 2 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 3 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 4 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 5 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 6 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Ten Soul Crystal consume, Su Xiao put in ten again, the luck had come, the strengthening continued. 十颗灵魂结晶消耗一空,苏晓再次放入十颗,运气已经来了,强化继续。 Dragon Flash + 7 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 8 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 9 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 10 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Strengthened the rank to + 10, Su Xiao optional stop, continue strengthen may cause the weapon to be stave, was good has elegy Gem on Dragon Flash, even strengthened over + 10 to be defeated, elegy Gem can still through the sacrifice from, avoid the Dragon Flash breakage. 强化等级到了,苏晓选择停止,继续强化就有可能导致武器破碎,好在斩龙闪上有挽歌宝石,就算强化以上失败,挽歌宝石也能通过牺牲自,避免斩龙闪破损。 Su Xiao deeply inspires, the choice continues. 苏晓深吸了口气,选择继续。 After dozen minutes . 十几分钟后。 Dragon Flash + 11 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Dragon Flash + 12 successes.】 斩龙闪成功。】 Su Xiao understands a truth, that quits when you're ahead, can strengthen to + 12, is the luck bursting, Holy Spirit-level + 12 Dragon Flash sharp, this lets some Su Xiao anticipations. 苏晓懂得一个道理,那就是见好就收,能强化至,已是运气爆棚,圣灵级斩龙闪会有多锋利,这让苏晓有些期待。 Su Xiao just took out Dragon Flash from Equipment Strengthening Machine, GuLu goes forward, she takes out one pile of crystal stones from the storage space, feeds the fish to throw to Equipment Strengthening Machine. 苏晓刚从装备强化机内取出斩龙闪,咕噜就上前,她从储存空间内取出一堆晶石,喂鱼般向装备强化机内抛。 GuLu threw at least more than ten assorted crystal stones, her single foot steps in Equipment Strengthening Machine, draws out to tie up the dagger on thigh. 咕噜抛了至少十几颗各色晶石,她单脚踩在装备强化机上,拔出绑在大腿上的匕首。 GuLu deeply inspires, in her crazy standard so, obviously this the strengthened rank of dagger high. 咕噜深吸了口气,以她那疯狂的格都如此,可见她这把匕首的强化等级有多高。 10% failure rates, small issue.” “10%的失败率而已,小问题。” The GuLu single-handed racket on Equipment Strengthening Machine, the strengthening starts. 咕噜单手拍在装备强化机上,强化开始。 Bang! 砰! A loud sound transmits from Equipment Strengthening Machine, since the steam spout, blows GuLu beautiful hair, sends the silk to flutter, the pupil of GuLu as if turns into the pure white. 一声巨响从装备强化机内传来,蒸汽喷涌,吹起咕噜的秀发,发丝飘动,咕噜的眸子似乎都变成纯白色。 What is the second explodes? This and that's the end. 什么叫秒爆?这就是了。 I strengthen + 14 Mythical daggers! Your also I!” “我强化的史诗级匕首!你还我!” GuLu is also fierce, direct one bites on Equipment Strengthening Machine, sends out ka collapses one. 咕噜也是凶恶,直接一口咬在装备强化机上,发出咔崩一声。 Is only the small issue.” “只是小问题。” Hears Su Xiao these words, the body of GuLu one stiffly, this saying she is listening familiar-soundingly, is familiar-sounding, probably...... she had spoken this saying a moment ago. 听到苏晓这句话,咕噜的体一僵,这话她听着耳熟,非常耳熟,好像……她刚才说过这话。 Runs into you, I do not have the good deed!” “遇到你,我就没好事!” GuLu comprehends a matter in this time this place, that is, Su Xiao may be called her difficult adversary. 咕噜在此时此地领悟到一件事,那就是,苏晓堪称她的克星。
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