RP :: Volume #31

#54: Evil intention from Lilin

【The wood of Recovery 复苏之木】 Origin : abyss world 产地:深渊世界 Quality: White Mythical 品质:白色~史诗级 Type: Consumables 类型:一次消耗品 Use effect: After using this item, may restore in 50 meters all friend side HP, and within certain amount of time obtains HP to restore the effect continually. 使用效果:使用此道具后,可恢复50米内所有友方生命值,且在一定时间内获得生命值持续恢复效果。 Prompt: Charm is will decide the restoration quantity of this item, the recovery area, may restore in 50 meters high all friend side unit 2500 HP, and in the following 30 seconds, restores 43 HP every second. 提示:魅力属将决定此道具的恢复量,恢复范围等,最高可恢复50米内所有友方单位2500点生命值,且在后续的30秒内,每秒恢复43点生命值 warning: If Hunter uses this item, only may restore in 1 meter all friend side unit 2 HP, and not following restores the effect continually. 警告:如猎杀者使用此道具,仅可恢复一米内所有友方单位二点生命值,且无后续持续恢复效果。 Grading: 1 ~ 670 points 评分:1~670点 Synopsis: This is Duke Lilin the thing of heart. 简介:此为黎林公爵的心之物。 Sells Price: 310000 Paradise Coins. 出售价格:310000点乐园币 ...... …… Sees 【The wood of Recovery Is, Boubo angry face distortion, it cannot smile absolutely, cannot smile ~ 看到【复苏之木】的属,布布汪的狗脸一阵‘扭曲’,它绝对不能笑,不能笑~ Su Xiao 【The wood of Recovery Throws to Boubo, he will certainly not restore 2 HP with this thing same place, that is to the waste of resources, why does not know, he always felt that this item is malicious to him. 苏晓将【复苏之木】抛给布布汪,他当然不会用这东西原地恢复二点生命值,那是对资源的浪费,不知为何,他总感觉这道具对他恶意满满。 The opening is disadvantageous, Su Xiao takes up Holy Spirit-level treasure box that mission rewards, this is he opens Holy Spirit-level treasure box for the first time, once starts out the equipment, that is blood gain. 开局不利,苏晓拿起任务所奖励的圣灵级宝箱,这是他首次开启圣灵级宝箱,一旦开出装备,那就是血赚 You have opened Holy Spirit-level treasure box.】 【你已开启圣灵级宝箱。】 You obtain to shelter Gem 【你获得庇护宝石 Shelters Gem 【庇护宝石 Origin : Reincarnation Paradise 产地:轮回乐园 Quality: Holy Spirit-level 品质:圣灵级 Category: Special equipment 类别:特殊装备 durability: 2 / 2 耐久度:2/2 Equipment requirements: After clothing equipment, such as enters fight mode, all Active Type Skill will enter Cooldown mode immediately. 装备需求:穿戴此装备后,如进入战斗状态,所有主动类技能将立即进入冷却状态 Equipment effect 1: The asylum, this equipment may bind a friend side unit, friend side unit that binds, will become the equipment is dressing the person of asylum. 装备效果一:庇护,此装备可绑定一名友方单位,所绑定的友方单位,将成为装备穿戴着的庇护之人。 Equipment effect 2: The asylum rescue, after activating this ability, the equipment will dress will be opening together the space fissure, the person of asylum will transmit to side. 装备效果二:庇护救援,激活此能力后,装备穿戴着将开启一道空间裂痕,将庇护之人传送至旁。 Prompt: Before the person of transmission asylum, the person of asylum will be induced, and may reject this rescue. 提示:传送庇护之人前,庇护之人会受到感应,且可拒绝本次救援。 Prompt: After transmitting is successful, the person of asylum is unable to leave space fissure 2 kilometers range, and after 1 hour, the person of asylum will be transmitted originally the location by space fissure. 提示:传送成功后,庇护之人无法离开‘空间裂痕’二公里范围,且在一小时后,庇护之人将会被‘空间裂痕’传送回原本所在地点。 Prompt: The equipment wearing and asylum person of must situated in same world, be possible to activate the asylum rescue capability. 提示:装备佩戴者与庇护之人需位于同一个世界内,才可激活庇护救援能力。 Prompt: This ability no Cooldown time, the use asylum rescue, will consume this to equip 1 durability each time, this equips durability only to be possible after returning to Reincarnation Paradise restores. 提示:此能力无冷却时间,每次使用庇护救援,将消耗此装备一点耐久度,此装备耐久度仅可在返回轮回乐园后修复。 Grading: 813 points 评分:813点 Synopsis: Asked, please do not attempt to harm me, you will die, I have not cracked a joke, my person of asylum...... the temperament is not good. 简介:拜托了,请不要尝试伤害我,你会死的,我没开玩笑,我的庇护之人……脾气并不好。 Selling price: 489000 Paradise Coins 售价:489000乐园币 ...... …… Shelters Gem Very interesting, the equipment of this thing prerequisite, unexpectedly is debuff state. 【庇护宝石】的属很有趣,这东西的装备前置,居然是一种减益状态 Su Xiao felt, this thing very suitable Bailey use, it frequently full world treasure hunt, moreover locates the strategic place, the number of times of pre- danger will not be few. 苏晓感觉,这东西很适合贝妮使用,它经常满世界寻宝,而且处险地,预险的次数绝不会少。 Bailey equipment Shelters Gem After can draw up Su Xiao for its person of asylum. 贝妮装备【庇护宝石】后,可以将苏晓拟定为它的庇护之人。 As the matter stands, if Bailey meets not only cannot be victorious, the enemy who and cannot escape from, can definitely open the space crack, transmitted the past Su Xiao temporarily. 这样一来,如果贝妮遇到既打不过,又逃不脱的敌人,完全可以打开空间裂缝,将苏晓暂时传送过去。 Bailey cannot be victorious, not representative Su Xiao is not the opponent of enemy, as for Shelters Gem The debuff effect, Bailey too will not be affected actually greatly, its most abilities are the passive kinds, only then the treasure hunt ability is Active Skill. 贝妮打不过,不代表苏晓也不是敌人的对手,至于【庇护宝石】的减益效果,贝妮其实不会受到太大影响,它的大部分能力都是被动类,只有寻宝能力是主动技能 And Shelters Gem An advantage, that is its space crack transmission is the round-trip, even reinforces Bailey, Su Xiao are most is consumes for 1 hour, later will be transmitted the place that was. 而且【庇护宝石】还有个好处,那就是它的‘空间裂缝’传送是往返的,就算去增援贝妮,苏晓最多就是消耗一小时,之后就会被传送回原本所在的地点。 Su Xiao Shelters Gem Places the one side, takes up treasure box that Snake of the Depth falls, treasure box just opened, the dazzling ray presently, flashed for the first time! 苏晓将【庇护宝石】放在一旁,拿起渊之蛇所掉落的宝箱,宝箱刚开启,刺目的光芒乍现,闪了! You opened Holy Spirit-level treasure box 【你开启了圣灵级宝箱 You obtained the source.】 【你获得了源。】 Source 【源】 Origin :??? 产地:??? Quality:??? 品质:??? Category:??? 类别:??? Grading:??? 评分:??? Synopsis: All starts, with...... withering away. 简介:一切的开始,与……消亡。 Selling price:??? 售价:??? ...... …… Su Xiao rubs the forehead lightly, he obtains fully is item of question mark, previous time obtains similar item, is in Old Lion treasure box, that thing Su Xiao studied was very long, was clear about the use. 苏晓轻揉眉心,他又获得满是问号的物品,上次获得类似的物品,还是在老狮子宝箱里,那东西苏晓研究了很久,才清楚用途。 As for this time acquired source, besides that meaning unclear synopsis, is the question mark. 至于这次获得的‘源’,除了那意味不明的简介外,全都是问号。 Source Big probability with source energy related, Su Xiao almost understood the abyss world secret, the Spiritual God destruction, the Divine Country mutation, as well as rise and fall Seira, northern aggression. 【源】大概率与‘源能量’有关,苏晓几乎完全了解了深渊世界的秘密,神灵们的覆灭,神之国的异变,以及塞拉的兴衰,北部的侵略等。 The only matter, Su Xiao cannot think through from beginning to end, where is source energy from comes, why Snake of the Depth saves source energy, as well as why source energy will corrode the monster Skylong Race. 唯独一件事,苏晓从始至终都想不通,就是‘源能量’到底是从哪来的,渊之蛇又为何积蓄‘源能量’,以及‘源能量’为何会将天巴族侵蚀成怪物。 Skylong Race through drowning and seeping of source energy acquisition, making the Su Xiao impression profound, that two abilities, how saw that will not appear like Sixth Order world. 天巴族通过源能量获得的溺与沁,让苏晓印象深刻,那两种能力,怎么看都不像六阶世界会出现。 Moreover reflects to summon deceased dead ability, the involved domain are too many, when Iron Feathered King and Su Xiao fight, before he has all memories, and clear self-awareness, all these, at all are not Sixth Order ** oss Snake of the Depth can achieve. 而且‘映召’已故亡者这种能力,涉及的领域太多,铁羽王苏晓战斗时,他有死前的所有记忆,以及清晰的自我意识,这一切,根本不是一个六阶**oss渊之蛇能做到的。 Source.” “源。” Su Xiao is looking at the deep blue stone in hand, this stone translucent, the whole makes the walnut size, the position of most core has a Little Black point. 苏晓看着手中的蔚蓝石块,这石块半透明,整体约核桃大小,最核心的位置有一颗小黑点。 The been able to think through matter does not think temporarily, from now on has the time to study again, even cannot study anything, can still be regarded as the collection this thing. 想不通的事就暂时不想,今后有时间再研究,就算研究不出什么,也可以将这东西当做是收藏品。 Three treasure box open, only remained scarlet treasure box that hope that Su Xiao just opened scarlet treasure box, Prompt appears. 三枚宝箱都开启,只剩希的猩红宝箱,苏晓刚开启猩红宝箱,提示出现。 Hunter may conduct the following three choices.】 猎杀者可进行以下三种选择。】 1. no numbers in the storage space of Contractor hope to obtain ten item. 1.从无编号契约者希的储存空间内获得十件物品 2. obtains no numbers one of the Contractor hope grasped random Skill. 2.获得无编号契约者希已掌握的任意技能之一。 3. obtains no numbers Contractor to hope one of the clothing equipment 3.获得无编号契约者希穿戴的装备之一 ...... …… Three choices, how maximize the income, but must look at the custom of hoping, as well as her fight style. 三种选择,如何将收益最大化,还要看希的习惯,以及她的战斗风格。 Su Xiao removes the first extraction way directly, he does not lack the thing. 苏晓直接排除第一种抽取方式,他一点也不缺用品。 Under most situations, extracts item from the Contractor storage space, is the reward of pit, is not the shampoo, is the coffee bean, either is strange item. 大多数况下,从契约者的储存空间内抽取物品,都是很坑的奖励,不是洗发水,就是咖啡豆,要么是稀奇古怪的物品 10 extraction opportunities seem like the person, in the storage space that in fact hopes has many item, only then she knows. 十次抽取机会看似人,实际上希的储存空间内有多少物品,只有她自己知道。 The thinking moment, Su Xiao decides to extract Skill, this is quite safe, once pulls out to Greek āo) controls the crystal the ability, then on blood gain. 思索片刻,苏晓决定抽取技能,这样比较稳妥,一旦抽到希āo)控水晶的能力,那就血赚 In random extraction......】 【随机抽取中……】 You obtain the crystal to be able the fission.】 【你获得晶能裂变。】 Prompt ; This is no numbers Contractor to hope the basis occupation to change Skill especially, in the Skill recollection......】 提示;此为无编号契约者希根据职业特所变更技能,技能回溯中……】 Skill Scroll recalls to complete especially, already this scroll recollection to initial mode.】 技能卷轴特回溯完成,已经将此卷轴回溯至初始状态。】 You obtain the magic power fission.】 【你获得魔力裂变。】 magic power fission 魔力裂变】 Type: Skill Scroll mage system is passive 类型:技能卷轴法系被动 Pretage need: True Intelligence 110 points, 前置需要:真实智力110点, Skill Effects: When release mage system Skill, there are 3. 1% probabilities to trigger this effect, the manifestation spirit is exciting, thus Mana that restores this time to consume. 技能效果:释放法系技能时,有3.1%几率触发此效果,形成精神刺激,从而恢复本次施法所消耗的法力值 warning: Hunter is unable to master this ability. 警告:猎杀者无法掌握此能力。 ...... …… The luck is not bad, Su Xiao preparation magic power fission Reel, with Holy Spirit-level necklace Electricity line Together sell, but seller, is considered that known Mage, the dust, the opposite party is Mage, the thunder and lightning is contains to be one of them. 运气不算差,苏晓准备将【魔力裂变】卷轴,与圣灵级挂饰【电行】一同出售,而卖家,则是考虑已结识的法爷,尘,对方是全系法爷,雷电系包含在其中。 Su Xiao contacts the dust, starts the temporary text messaging, the content is as follows: 苏晓联络上尘,开始临时文字通讯,内容如下: White Night: In?” 白夜:“在?” After 2 minutes,...... 二分钟后…… Dust: You first said anything, I decide again.” 尘:“你先说什么事,我再决定在不在。” White Night: magic power fission, Electricity line.” 白夜:“【魔力裂变】、【电行】。” Dust: In, but, cannot afford, acts alone magic power fission Without issue, if prepares to pack to act, that does not waste the White Night brother time, in brief many thanks thinks of me.” 尘:“在,但是,买不起,单独出手【魔力裂变】没问题,如果准备打包出手,那就不浪费白夜兄时间,总之多谢想到我。” ...... …… The reply of dust is very simple, the Su Xiao choice contacts Yinluo, Yinluo takes Sixth Order Contractor, the back has Adventure Group. 尘的回复很干脆,苏晓选择联络银洛,银洛作为六阶契约者,背后有一个冒险团 Less than several minutes, Yinluo gives the reply, makes Su Xiao to see the face-to-face talk. 没过几分钟,银洛就给出回复,约苏晓见面谈。 Sees the reply of Yinluo, Su Xiao prepares first to tow for several hours, the reply of Yinluo is too succinct, this big probability showed, in Adventure Group of opposite party has Sixth Order Mage, dragging one to help increase price. 看到银洛的回复,苏晓准备先拖几小时,银洛的回复太简洁,这大概率说明,对方的冒险团内有六阶法爷,拖一会有利于加价。 Yinluo that in a Reincarnation Paradise bookstore, the server dresses up slightly is waiting for anxiously, her appearance originally, in addition from hardware, if not look at her appearance, is very difficult to judge that she is a younger sister. 轮回乐园的一间书店内,服务生打扮的银洛略显焦躁的等待着,她的打扮原本就中,外加自的硬件,如果不去看她的容貌,很难判断出她是妹子。 Was detected, Nilles, but let alone my pit you, you must shear.” “被察觉到了吗,尼耶,可别说我坑你,你要割了。” Yinluo long breathes a sigh of relief, puts out communication, Mage in calm contact group. 银洛长舒了口气,拿出通讯器,语气平静的联络团内的法爷 ...... …… Meanwhile, Su Xiao in private room is considering a matter, Confuses absurd all living things With Adventure Group rank Promotion certificate Sold to God Sovereign Adventure Group. 与此同时,专属房间内的苏晓正考虑一件事,就是将【迷妄众生】与【冒险团阶位晋升凭证】卖给神皇冒险团 A short time ago, Su Xiao just fat sheep on sheared a blade in this, only crossed a world progress, God Sovereign Adventure Group has not likely restored, the team fund wailed to continue. 前不久,苏晓刚在这‘肥羊’上割一刀,只过了一个世界的进度而已,神皇冒险团很可能还没恢复过来,团队资金哀嚎不止。 Thinks of this, Su Xiao decided, next time will have the opportunity to sell the thing again to God Sovereign Adventure Group, cannot have what commodity to the God Sovereign that side resentment, he has seen, God Sovereign to maintain transaction of both sides, will eat up item that he sells frequently hardly, can see from this, God Sovereign is very good trader. 想到这点,苏晓决定,下次有机会再卖东西给神皇冒险团,不能有什么物资都向神皇那边怼,他早就看出,神皇为了维系双方的交易,经常会硬吃下他出售的物品,从这点能看出,神皇是很不错的交易方。 both sides strove for needing respectively, God Sovereign wanted to bind the transaction relations, because of Su Xiao sell item, most trash was also the high-quality goods, this was the God Sovereign Adventure Group few high Quality equipment originates, no, was the most important high grade equipment originates, does not have one, moreover Price was just, previous time saw White Goat Staff Is, the God Sovereign then innermost feelings idea was, WTF, such abnormal equipment?! 双方各求所需,神皇希望维系交易关系,是因为苏晓出售的物品,最最垃圾的也是精品,这是神皇冒险团为数不多的高品质装备来源,不,是最重要的高品级装备来源,没有之一,而且价格公道,上次看到【白山羊之母】的属,神皇当时的内心想法是,卧槽,还有这么变态的装备?! But Su Xiao, then has a liking for the God Sovereign Adventure Group efficiency, as well as enough has the prestige, said that three hours arrange the good fund, will not tow for three hours 1 minute. 苏晓,则是看上神皇冒险团的效率,以及足够有信誉,说三小时筹备好资金,绝不会拖到三小时1分。
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