RP :: Volume #32

#22: Saintesses

In log cabin by the translucence of candlelight photo, but before the innermost wooden wall, a woman who wears the white women's clothing is kneeling under the wooden wall, the women's clothing that the woman wears although is somewhat obsolete, but from the sleeve cuff, neckband and other position rust of the golden decorative designs in a utensil, the work of this women's clothing is quite fine, at least also takes more than ten people of handworks to sew for a half year or over one year, may obtain this work. 木屋内被烛光照的透亮,而在最内侧的木墙前,一名身穿白色衣裙的女人正跪在木墙下,女人身穿的衣裙虽然有些陈旧,但从袖口、领口等位置锈的金色纹饰来看,这件衣裙的做工相当精细,最起码也要十几人手工缝制半年或一年以上,才有可能得到这种作品。 But puts on its person, is seems like about 20 years old, the woman of full blonde, she is kneeling on the ground at this time, both hands about grasping in the chest front, lowers the head to pray. 而穿着它的人,是名看起来二十岁左右,满头金发的女人,此时她正跪在地上,双手合握在胸前,低头祈祷着。 At first sight, five iron shackles live in the double wrist/skill and double ankle of woman, as well as nape of the neck, but if displaces some angles of view, will discover, on the back of this woman full is the black chains. 乍一看,共有五个铁镣铐住女人的双手腕、双脚腕,以及脖颈,可如果偏移一些视角,就会发现,这女人的脊背上满是黑色锁链。 These chains make the tail to refer to thickly, submerges to the body of woman back in completely, dozens tails refer to thickly, slightly has the chains of curve is connected this wooden wall of woman and rear area, seemingly brutally. 这些锁链约尾指粗,全部没入到女人脊背的皮肉内,几十根尾指粗,略有弧度的锁链将这女人与后方的木墙相连,看起来残酷至极。 Big sacrificial offering killed dozens death game participants, by iron shackles, a chains was imprisoned. 大祭祀・奴埃杀了几十名死亡游戏参与者,也只是被一个铁镣,一根锁链囚禁而已。 But this woman, except the double wrist/skill, ankle and nape of the neck place five principal chains, on the back at least pricks over 60 tails to refer to the thick black thin chain, this is must kill many people, will be imprisoned this degree by the death room. 而这女人,除去双手腕、脚腕、脖颈处五根主链,脊背上至少刺入60根以上尾指粗的黑色细链,这是要杀多少人,才会被死亡屋囚禁到这种程度。 Eye of the Apostle floats side Su Xiao, succeeds to detect one pile of question marks, as well as a name, saintess Tracy. 使徒之眼漂浮在苏晓身旁,成功侦测到一堆问号,以及一个名字,圣女・特蕾西。 The saintesses were praying at this time, in the mouth twittering anything, is not seem to detect in a low voice Su Xiao is standing in out of the door. 圣女此时正在祈祷,口中低声呢喃着什么,似乎没察觉到苏晓正站在门外。 White Fat Candle in Su Xiao hand has more than enough for several minutes to burning out, therefore he does not have the time to consume, or negotiation, leaves decisively. 苏晓手中的白脂蜡用不了几分钟就会烧尽,因此他没时间耗,或是交涉,或是果断离开。 Thump, thump and thump. 咚、咚、咚。 Su Xiao knocked wooden door, he must determine a matter, kneels in opposite saintess, can throw directly. 苏晓敲了敲身旁的木门,他要确定一件事,就是跪在对面的圣女,会不会直接扑上来。 Saintesses in Tracy mouth twittering stops suddenly, she opens the pupil slowly, after seeing Su Xiao, in her eye full is the fear. 圣女・特蕾西口中的呢喃戛然而止,她缓缓睁开眸子,在看到门外的苏晓后,她眼中满是恐惧。 Do not depend, you get out of the way, you get out of the way,” “不要靠过来,你走开,你们都走开,” Saintesses Tracy rolls up under the wooden wall, both hands hold the head, the whole body are shivering. 圣女・特蕾西蜷缩在木墙下,双手抱头,全身都在颤抖。 Sees this, the Su Xiao's corner of the eye pulls out, he has experienced numerous strategic places, generally, that type just exported on the fellow of clamoring, perhaps some strengths, but is unable to cope. 看到这一幕,苏晓的眼角一抽,他经历过众多险地,一般情况下,那种刚出口就叫嚣的家伙,或许有些实力,但并非无法对付。 In the dangerous situation what type person is most dangerous? The answer is that type is seemingly delicate and timid, but especially when detecting material, a person of big pile of question marks. 试问,险境中什么类型的人最危险?答案是那种看起来柔弱、胆小,可特么在侦测资料时,一大堆问号的人。 Saintesses Tracy is this type, she rolls up at this time under the wooden wall, in the eye full is the tears of frightened, big drop big drop has slid from her cheeks. 圣女・特蕾西就是这种类型,她此时蜷缩在木墙下,眼中满是恐惧,大滴大滴的泪水从她脸颊滑过。 I do not want to kill people again, do not approach me, asked you, asked you......” “我不想再杀人,不要靠近我,求你了,求你……” The saintesses bring the weeping voice opens the mouth, the black chains that she conducts the back starts to shiver. 圣女带着哭腔开口,她背上的黑色锁链开始颤动。 Su Xiao loosens the backpack that Boubo conducts the back, takes out together the dried meat from inside, first tries the drop test food, looks whether to achieve the preliminary negotiation. 苏晓解下布布汪背上的背包,从里面取出一块肉干,先试试投食,看能否达成初步交涉。 Ejects the dried meat, the dried meat has drawn an arc, falls on the plank before saintess body. 抛出肉干,肉干划过一道弧线,落在圣女身前的木板上。 Ahh!! ” “啊!!” The saintesses were obviously stimulated, her head golden long hair changes into the grey instantaneously, not only that her fair cheeks collapse open/start, a very exaggerating big mouth opens, the canine is densely covered. 圣女明显受到刺激,她头上的金色长发瞬间化为灰色,不仅如此,她白皙的脸颊噼里啪啦的崩开,一张很夸张的大嘴张开,尖牙密布。 The under mouth of saintess to two cocks the ears, kā bā, her bites the piece of plank of ground. 圣女的嘴咧到两侧耳下,咔吧一声,她一口将地上的一片木板咬碎。 Throwing the food is successful, but also enraged the saintess. 投食成功,不过也激怒了圣女。 Why, why wants me to kill people, why is I!” “为什么,为什么要我去杀人,凭什么是我!” The chains bang tightens, the saintess leaps on the ground lightly, climbs like a gecko on the wall, the sharp nail pricks in the wall surface, the pupil of that pair of sea urchin shape , indicating sufficiently her spiritual mode has many are unstable. 锁链砰的一声绷紧,圣女在地上轻跃,如同一只壁虎般攀在墙上,锋利的指甲刺入墙面内,那双海胆形状的瞳孔,足以表明她的精神状态有多不稳定。 Damn, the pharisees damn, anything to protect more people, only then I should turn into the monster.” “该死,伪善者都该死,什么为了保护更多人,只有我应该变成怪物吗。” The saintesses obviously have her own story, moreover she once indeed was a saintess, at present is also, but the saintess situated in crazy edge, the belief, faith and will almost twisted. 圣女明显有她自己的故事,而且她曾经的确是圣女,眼下也是,不过是处于疯狂边缘的圣女,信仰、信念、意志几乎完全扭曲。 Su Xiao looked at White Fat Candle in hand, looks to climbing the saintess on wooden wall, he suspected seriously, even if consumes Shadow Stone, enters Shadow to shelter mode, is unable to negotiate with the opposite party. 苏晓看了眼手中的白脂蜡,又看向攀在木墙上的圣女,他严重怀疑,就算消耗一颗暗影石,进入暗影庇护状态,也无法与对方交涉。 Negotiated as for the military force, was not unrecommendable, but White Fat Candle will soon burn through, the time was not enough. 至于武力交涉,并非不可取,但白脂蜡即将燃尽,时间不够了。 Boubo hides in Su Xiao behind, integrates the environment quietly, and enters in the room, starts to seek. 布布汪躲在苏晓身后,悄然融入环境,并进入房间内,开始寻找。 The saintesses are staring at Su Xiao stubbornly, if no chains fetter, she has thrown. 圣女死死盯着苏晓,如果不是有锁链束缚,她早就扑上来。 No meeting, Boubo appears side Su Xiao, and narrated it information that collected in the room through the team channel. 没一会,布布汪苏晓身旁出现,并通过团队频道叙述它在房间内搜集到的信息 Sees these information, Su Xiao knows that this time has not come white/in vain, the saintess before thorough falls insanely, on the wall of log cabin carved many writing and designs. 看到这些信息,苏晓知道这次没白来,圣女在彻底疯掉前,在木屋的墙壁上刻了很多文字与图案。 The saintesses will be insane , because she was transformed the war weapon, at that time before theocracy empire perished, erupts final crazy. 圣女之所以会疯掉,是因为她被改造成了战争武器,那时一个神权帝国灭亡前,所爆发的最后疯狂。 Jade red soul, gives the emblem, the sacrifice leads the leg, shears the lance, the seal song, the pair, to high.” “翡红魂,缴徽,祭导腿,割矛,封印歌,双,至高。” Su Xiao finishes speaking, in the saintess mouth exudes the sharp calling out sound, the next quarter, her hair turns into the black red, on the face covers entirely the fissure. 苏晓话音刚落,圣女口中发出尖利的嚎叫声,下一刻,她的头发变成黑红色,脸上布满裂痕。 Boss, she was probably fiercer, did you add buff to him?” 老大,她好像更猛了,你这是给他加了buff?” Un, read instead.” “嗯,念反了。” „?” “啊?” To high, pair, seal song......” “至高,双,封印歌……” As the Su Xiao's sound gradually enhances, the pupil contraction of saintess that sea urchin, turns into the emerald green normal round pupil, her hair also restores the golden color, the split cheeks heal fast. 随着苏晓的声音逐渐提高,圣女那海胆形的瞳孔收缩,变成翠绿的正常圆瞳,她的头发也恢复成金色,裂开的脸颊快速愈合。 passes one, the saintess falls falls on the place, she somewhat seems to be vacant, but after seeing Su Xiao, immediately relieving body, by wooden wall. 噗通一声,圣女摔落在地,她似乎有些茫然,但在看到苏晓后,马上后缩身体,靠在木墙上。 Please do not want... to harm me.” “请不要…伤害我。” The present saintess, seeming like small and weakly, despairs and no use. 现在的圣女,看起来‘弱小’、绝望、无助。 Boss, is this woman a little schizophrenia?” 老大,这女人是不是有点精神分裂?” „If such, fortunately.” “如果是那样,还好。” „Is that?” “那是?” Soul shears to leave.” “灵魂割离。” The soul that Su Xiao said shears to leave, does not refer to the soul of saintess being sheared two parts, if such, the degree of hazard of saintess will significantly reduce. 苏晓所说的灵魂割离,并非指圣女的灵魂被割成两部分,如果是那样,圣女的危险程度将大幅度降低。 These people who god knows transform the saintess how achieve, they break out the soul of saintess, moreover is only cuts open the upper half soul, making the lower half soul of saintess be also linked to each other. 天知道改造圣女的那些人是怎么做到的,他们将圣女的灵魂劈开,而且是只将上半部分灵魂割开,让圣女的下半部分灵魂还连在一起。 Soul broken out left side, for maintaining reason, the right side specifically is used in the fight, the advantage that does this is, can control the saintess with some way, in order to avoid she cannot distinguish friend and foe. 灵魂被劈开的左侧,用于保持理智,右侧则是专门用于战斗,这样做的好处是,可以用某种方式操控圣女,以免她敌我不分。 Su Xiao lifts the step to enter in the log cabin, sees this, the body of saintess rolls up, both hands are holding the leg, like Hedgehog that encounters the danger. 苏晓抬步走进木屋内,见此,圣女的身体蜷缩,双手抱着腿,如同一只遭遇危险的刺猬 Su Xiao pauses in the saintess front five meters places, he just stopped the footsteps, the saintess bites on one on own arm, this is through hurting own way, threatens the enemy. 苏晓停步在圣女前方五米处,他刚停下脚步,圣女就一口咬在自己的手臂上,她这是在通过伤害自己的方式,威胁敌人。 Jade the destruction, the war had also ended.” “翡廷早就覆灭,战争也早就结束。” Destruction, ended......” “覆灭,结束……” The saintesses muttered, the blood flowed off following her corners of the mouth. 圣女喃喃自语,鲜血顺着她的嘴角流下。 Here was the death room.” “这里是死亡屋。” During the Su Xiao speeches hit a sound to refer, this was attracting the attention of saintess. 苏晓说话间打了个响指,这是在吸引圣女的注意力。 Originally... is this.” “原来…是这样。” In the saintess eyes gradually restores the appearance, she lifts an arm slowly, obviously, wants to make Su Xiao grip her hand. 圣女眼中逐渐恢复神采,她缓缓抬起一条手臂,显然,是想让苏晓握住她的手。 Su Xiao has not gone to grip the hand of saintess, because he did not determine whether the opposite party will go crazy again. 苏晓并未去握住圣女的手,因为他不确定对方是否会再次发狂。 Shadow Stone appears in the Su Xiao hand, the risk and income are coordinated, is not risky, wants to yield the income to be very difficult. 一颗暗影石出现在苏晓手中,风险与收益对等,不冒险,想获得收益很难。
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