RP :: Volume #32

#23: Silent hymn

Sees Shadow Stone in Su Xiao hand, on saintess face reappearing smile, smiled is very pure. 看到苏晓手中的暗影石,圣女脸上浮现笑容,笑的很纯净。 What do you want? My all, can be used to exchange freedom.” “您想要得到什么?我的一切,都可以用来交换‘自由’。” The saintesses put down the arm, because she knows, Su Xiao will not approach her. 圣女放下手臂,因为她知道,苏晓不会靠近她。 „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, is only the squatting lower part of the body, horizontally views with the saintess. 苏晓没说话,只是蹲下身,与圣女平视。 „After please do not let I see the hope, then gives me to despair, asks you.” “请不要让我看到希望后,再给我绝望,求您了。” The saintesses kneel on the ground, both hands gather grasp, make the pray posture. 圣女跪在地上,双手合握,做出祈祷姿势。 „......” “……” Su Xiao still has not spoken, he is observing saintess's facial expression change, so long as does not have slightly right, he will draw a sword, can hit is a matter, dares to hit is a different matter, now does not have the escape route, no White Fat Candle cannot forward, is unable to obtain the dominoes. 苏晓依然没说话,他在观察圣女的神情变化,只要稍有不对,他就会拔刀,能不能打过是一码事,敢不敢打是另一码事,现在已经没有退路,没有白脂蜡就不能向前,也就无法获得骨牌。 After observation moment, Su Xiao arrives at Shadow Stone in hand in the ground, the index finger catches up, Shadow Stone sends out kā bā a resounding. 观察片刻后,苏晓将手中的暗影石抵在地面,食指发力,暗影石发出咔吧一声脆响。 A quiet azure energy diffusion, the chains that the saintess fetters complete shatter, she knocks down accordingly. 一股幽青的能量扩散,将圣女束缚的锁链啪啦一声全部破碎,她应声扑倒在地。 Also is several seconds, the saintess crawls to set out slowly. 也就是几秒钟,圣女就缓缓爬起身。 Please let me, knows your name.” “请让我,知道您的名字。” White Night.” 白夜。” Sir White Night, thank you.” 白夜大人,谢谢您。” The saintesses pass through from Su Xiao, before she arrives at the log cabin gate, looks at black fog, some memories emerge in the brain. 圣女从苏晓身旁走过,她来到木屋门前,看着门外的黑雾,一些记忆在脑中涌现。 The seal room, the bloodstained household utensils, wear the master of Crow mask, as well as... by the parents and younger brother who burn livingly. 密封的房间,染血的器皿,戴着乌鸦面具的术士,以及…被活生生烧死的父母与弟弟。 Was imprisoned was stranded before the death room, the saintess is the World Destroyer Grade terrifying exists, after she was transformed this appearance initially, direct out-of-control, the masters transformed her brain, cut open her soul, the so extreme transformation, caused a more extreme monster. 被囚困到死亡屋前,圣女是灭世级的恐怖存在,她当初被改造成这幅模样后,直接失控,术士们改造了她的大脑,割开了她的灵魂,如此极端的改造,弄出了更极端的怪物。 Saintesses after slaughtering half world life, entered the death room because of chance coincidence, at first when she was sober, therefore carved the handwriting and design on the wooden wall, in order to avoid after the hysterical/frenzy, wound to entering visiting in log cabin. 圣女在屠杀了半个世界的生灵后,才因机缘巧合进入死亡屋,最初时她还清醒,所以在木墙上刻出字迹与图案,以免狂乱后伤到进入木屋的拜访者。 Until one day, a somewhat natural dull young girl shoves open the wooden door, the saintess does not know what reason, she becomes the good friend with the opposite party, so long as there is an opposite party in the side, she will feel very relieved. 直到某一天,一名有些天然呆的少女推开木门,圣女也不知道什么原因,她就和对方成为好友,只要有对方在身旁,她就会感觉很安心。 Two people agree, the young girl in this companion saintess 3 days, the young girl will have to want the matter of achievement, cannot delay in this too for a long time. 两人约定,少女会在这陪伴圣女三天,那少女有想要成就之事,不能在这耽搁太久。 3 days later, the saintess collapsed, on that day she just woke up from the sleep, in the feeling mouth has the rust taste, but by her foot, there is bloodstained cotton material, the bite mark of fracture place is clearly discernible. 三天后,圣女崩溃了,那天她刚从睡梦中醒来,就感觉口中有股铁锈味,而在她脚旁,有一片染血的布料,断口处的咬痕清晰可见。 Terminates the train of thought to this, the saintess has turned around, stands looks at Su Xiao in the entrance. 思绪到此终止,圣女转过身,站在门口看着苏晓 In,...... is not eaten by me.” “已经不在了啊,被我……吃掉了。” The saintesses lift the both arms, the lip open and close, she is reciting the hymn, what a pity, in the slaughter light/only half world life, and after bites the Spiritual God half arm, she loses this ability. 圣女抬起双臂,嘴唇开合,她是在吟唱圣歌,可惜,在屠光半个世界的生灵,并一口咬下神灵半条手臂后,她就失去这种能力。 In silent hymn, saintess Tracy reverses to behind black fog supinely. 无声的圣歌中,圣女・特蕾西仰倒向身后的黑雾。 Hiss hissing...... 嘶嘶嘶…… The body of black fog rapid erosion saintess, the purple black liquid of twinkle star appears on her cheeks, is gradually reduced to ashes her. 黑雾快速侵蚀圣女的身体,星星点点的紫黑色液体出现在她脸颊上,将她逐渐化为灰烬。 In this moment, she was free, fled the interrogation of oneself innermost feelings. 在这一刻,她自由了,也逃离了自己内心的质问。 The saintesses are not pitiful, she is not the disassociation of personality, she once very Holy Purity right, when Slaughter half world life, her consciousness is very sober, the close relative has died, that time she, is giving vent to indignation, to vision institute and all lives give vent to indignation. 圣女并不可怜,她不是人格分裂,她曾经很圣洁没错,但屠戮半个世界的生灵时,她的意识很清醒,至亲已死,那时的她,是在泄愤,对目光所及的一切生灵泄愤。 In the black fog, the pair of pupil is gazing at all these. 黑雾中,有一双眸子在注视这一切。 Hopes that you can sleep soundly.” “希望你能安眠。” The old sound gradually dissipates, in black fog, old hag that is raising the oil lamp walks away, the surrounding black fog gathers, like that old hag from the future. 苍老的声音逐渐消散,黑雾中,一名提着油灯的老太婆走远,周围的黑雾聚拢,就像那老太婆从未来过。 In the log cabin, Su Xiao threw Shattered Soul Crystal to the mouth, matter accidental/surprised smooth, 木屋内,苏晓向口中抛了颗灵魂晶碎,事情意外的顺利, Boss, is this saintess insane?” 老大,这圣女是已经疯了?” Insane half.” “疯了一半。” Before Su Xiao arrives at the wooden table, the scratch heaves in sight together. 苏晓来到木桌前,一道刻痕映入眼帘。 Death and making reparations coward Tracy.’ ‘死亡与赎罪胆小鬼・特蕾西。’ After Su Xiao swept a handwriting, no longer pays attention, the custom that he has not minded others'business, he pays Shadow Stone, thus obtains an ultra-large number White Fat Candle, as well as shortsword, in addition Gem, this is very fair. 苏晓扫了眼字迹后,就不再理会,他没有多管闲事的习惯,他付出一颗暗影石,从而获得一根超大号・白脂蜡,以及一把短刀,外加一颗宝石,这很公平。 Su Xiao takes up White Fat Candle on table, Prompt appears. 苏晓拿起桌上的白脂蜡,提示出现。 You obtain White Fat Candle( may be used to scatter black fog 4 hours).】 【你获得白脂蜡(可用于驱散黑雾四小时)。】 You obtain Hidden Traces Gem( Holy Spirit-level Gem).】 【你获得秘迹宝石(圣灵级宝石)。】 You obtain the execution it blade( special weapon).】 【你获得处决之刃(特殊武器)。】 Hidden Traces Gem 秘迹宝石 Origin : Watcher Paradise 产地:守望乐园 Quality: Holy Spirit-level 品质:圣灵级 Type: Gem / item( rare) 类型:宝石/道具(稀有) Effect 1: after embedding to weapon, the weapon sharpness + 85 points, attack the enemy each time, will reduce the enemy 8% defensive powers( this effect may accumulate, most may reduce enemy 30% defensive powers, effect continues for 30 minutes). 效果一:镶嵌至武器后,武器锋利度点,每次攻击敌人,将削减敌人8%的防御力(此效果可累计,最多可削减敌人30%防御力,效果持续30分钟)。 Effect 2: After using this Gem, but promotes 3 point real Agility attributes permanently. 效果二:使用此宝石后,可永久提升三点真实敏捷属性。 Grading: 990 points( Holy Spirit-level item Grading is 700 ~ 1000 points). 评分:990点(圣灵级物品评分为700~1000点)。 Synopsis: This is the Spiritual God treasure. 简介:此为神灵的宝物。 Price: 600000 Paradise Coins 价格:600000点乐园币 ...... …… 【The blade of execution 【处决之刃】 Origin : Void death room 产地:虚空・死亡屋 Equipment requirements: Willpower 75 points above. 装备需求:意志力75点以上。 Equipment effect: This is the special weapon, may be used to strike to kill somebody. 装备效果:此为特殊武器,可用于击杀‘某个人’。 Synopsis: Before finding that person, please do not fight with it, you will die, on the blade has not cursed, the fight too intense words, it may break. 简介:找到那个人前,请不要用它战斗,你会死,刀上并没有诅咒等,战斗太激烈的话,它可能会断。 Price: May trade, may abandon. 价格:可交易,可遗弃。 ...... …… Su Xiao obtains three item, White Fat Candle does not need to talk too much, this is the essential item that in the black fog marches forward, can burn for 4 hours, is equivalent to 12 ordinary White Fat Candle. 苏晓共获得三件物品,白脂蜡无需多言,这是黑雾内行进的必需品,足足能燃烧四小时,相当于12根普通白脂蜡 Hidden Traces Gem Then is quite strong, not only raises 85 weapon sharpness, but can also reduce all defensive powers of enemy, four blades get down, reduces the enemy 30% defensive powers directly. 秘迹宝石】则是相当强,不仅提升85点武器锋利度,还能削减敌人的所有防御力,四刀下去,直接削减敌人30%防御力。 Although reduces defensive power the type not to label specifically, but this situation on representative, what reduced is auto-adapted defensive power. 虽然削减防御力的类型没具体标注,但这种情况就代表,削减的是‘自适应’防御力。 For example when Su Xiao and enemy fight, the enemy keeps off with the shield standard, that reduces the defensive power of shield, if keeps off with the armor, that reduces the armor defensive power. 例如苏晓与敌人战斗时,敌人用盾牌格挡,那就是削减盾牌的防御力,如果是用铠甲挡,那就减铠甲防御力。 As for cuts directly on the enemy, then reduces the physical body defensive power, a blade 8% are not too indeed obvious, but four blades get down, most enemies cannot shoulder. 至于直接斩在敌人身上,则是削减肉体防御力,一刀8%的确不算太明显,可四刀下去,大部分敌人就扛不住。 Has the shield broken shield, without the shield armor piercing, does not have as for anything, that reduces the physical body defensive power directly. 有盾破盾,没盾破甲,至于什么都没有,那就直接削减肉体防御力。 Su Xiao wants Hidden Traces Gem embedding on Dragon Flash, does to by the Holy Spirit-level Gem characteristics, now obvious embedding, Dragon Flash had 4 Stone of Broken Shadow Soul, as well as Spirit Cat, elegy and Moon's Magnificence. 苏晓很想将【秘迹宝石镶嵌斩龙闪上,奈何以圣灵级宝石的特性,现在明显镶嵌不了,斩龙闪有四颗断魂影之石,以及灵猫挽歌月之风华 Final shortsword, this thing is very special, even when Quality does not have, deals with somebody to have the effect, in common fight, this thing very pit, even might break. 最后的短刀,这东西很特殊,连品质都没有,对付‘某个人’时有奇效,寻常的战斗中,这东西很坑,甚至有可能会断。 After searching one, Su Xiao had not found other item in the log cabin, but these three item origins, Su Xiao speculated that should be the saintess the person who kills from her found. 查找一番后,苏晓没在木屋内找到其他物品,而这三件物品的由来,苏晓推测应该是圣女从她所杀的人身上找到。 Takes up ultra-large type White Fat Candle, Su Xiao takes Boubo and Baja to walk toward the log cabin, at present had this thing, he did not believe in the black fog could not find other log cabins, thus obtained the dominoes. 拿起超大型・白脂蜡,苏晓带上布布汪巴哈向木屋外走去,眼下有了这东西,他不信在黑雾内找不到其他木屋,从而获得骨牌。 After going out of the log cabin, Su Xiao has been pondering an issue, is he, if throws the curse gold coin in the black fog, how that can? 走出木屋后,苏晓一直在思考一个问题,就是他如果在黑雾内投掷诅咒金币,那会怎么样? First, his present Luck attribute is 14 points, even if throws the Luck -15 debuff effects, he can still very this hour of debuff duration. 首先,他现在的幸运属性为14点,就算投掷出幸运减益效果,他也能挺过这一小时的减益持续时间。 What Su Xiao true worry makes the axe elder brother, as well as can the axe elder brother act in the black fog. 苏晓真正担心的是弄来斧哥,以及斧哥能不能在黑雾内行动。 If cannot, Su Xiao be able to obtain Shadow Stone, but if the axe elder brother can act in the black fog, that did not have the means of livelihood. 如果不能,苏晓就能获得更多暗影石,可如果斧哥能在黑雾内行动,那就没活路了。 Considers, by an axe elder brother who is raising the oil lamp chases down, that will be what kind of non-solution situation. 试想一下,被一名提着油灯的斧哥追杀,那将是何等无解的情况。
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