RP :: Volume #32

#21: Direction

The candlelight drags, after entering the black fog, the flame on White Fat Candle emits the misty white light, when scatters nearby black fog, makes the person state of mind peaceful. 烛火摇曳,进入黑雾后,白脂蜡上的火苗放出蒙蒙白光,驱散附近的黑雾时,也让人心绪安宁。 The function of White Fat Candle has two ; first, to scatter black fog ; second, the stable state of mind, second effect Su Xiao has not basically felt, Swordplay cultivated the mind, his Willpower attribute is very in addition high, the two add together, disregards the White Fat Candle second effect directly. 白脂蜡的作用有二,一是驱散黑雾,二是稳定心绪,第二种效果苏晓基本没感觉到,刀术本就修心,外加他的意志力属性很高,二者相加,直接无视掉白脂蜡的第二种效果。 Su Xiao walks in the black fog channel, channel that White Fat Candle opens only then two meters high, one meter width, narrows very much, if there is a claustrophobia, at this time needs to pinch in the person to rescue. 苏晓走在黑雾通道内,白脂蜡开辟出的通道只有两米高,一米宽,很逼仄,如果有幽闭恐惧症,此时都需要掐人中抢救。 The black fog channel not only narrows, but also quiet , if quiet has been good, after Su Xiao leads the way, in the both sides black fog spreads the talking during sleep sound, this broken sound in broken bits, cannot listen to express anything. 黑雾通道不仅逼仄,而且安静,如果一直安静还好,苏晓前行一段后,两侧的黑雾内传出呓语声,这细碎碎的声音,根本听不出在表达什么。 White Fat Candle can only burn for 20 minutes in the black fog, if in 20 minutes Su Xiao is unable to go out of the black fog, or found a log cabin, he by dire straits in this, will die of the corrosion of black fog finally. 白脂蜡在黑雾内只能燃烧20分钟,如果20分钟内苏晓无法走出黑雾,或是找到一间木屋,那他就会被困死在这,最终死于黑雾的侵蚀。 Does, now wants , the candlelight to scatter the speed of black fog to be somewhat slow quickly quickly, can only walk at the normal speed. 奈何,现在想快也快不了,烛光驱散黑雾的速度有些慢,只能以正常速度步行。 The wax oil falls from the Su Xiao finger/refers, without leaving any trace drops in the place, looks back, trace that one skewer of wax oil drop along the way, but also is flashing the shining white colored light glow. 蜡油从苏晓指上滑落,没留下任何痕迹就滴落在地,向后看去,沿途有一串蜡油滴落的痕迹,还闪动着莹白色光芒。 After leading the way for 3 minutes, the Su Xiao's footsteps stop, and lifts the right arm, in the Su Xiao squad, this hand signal representative bans the sound. 前行三分钟后,苏晓的脚步停下,并抬起右臂,在苏晓小队内,这个手势代表禁声。 The slight sound of footsteps in the front transmits, an oil lamp appears in the front, very big black fog city was scattered by this oil lamp. 轻微的脚步声在前方传来,一盏油灯出现在前方,很大一片黑雾都被这盏油灯驱散。 A camel old hag of back is walking, she is raising the oil lamp, wears the obsolete gray clothes robe, at the back of similarly obsolete side wooden crate, she white-haired disorderly, and furcation, but her mouth, had died by the complete seam. 一名驼着背的老太婆走来,她提着油灯,身穿陈旧灰色衣袍,背着个同样陈旧的方木箱,她满头白发杂乱且分叉,而她的嘴,已经被完全缝死。 Thump and thump ~ 咚、咚~ Bone tool of old hag in hand knocked the oil lamp, silk thread that her lip sutures like having life, pulls out from her lip leaves, like a black thin insect, sways from side to side by her mouth. 老太婆用手中的骨棒敲了敲油灯,将她嘴唇缝合的丝线如同有生命般,从她的嘴唇内抽离,如同一根黑色细虫,在她嘴旁扭动。 Young people, must buy the candle.” “年轻人,要买蜡烛吗。” The old hag sound does to be mute and difficult, what is strange, will not make the will of the people become fed up bothersomely. 老太婆的声音干哑、艰涩,奇怪的是,并不会让人心生厌烦。 What Price.” “什么价格。” After Su Xiao sees this old hag, although wants to obtain the oil lamp of opposite party, but can hit is an issue, no, after is provokes, the opportunity that even strategic retreats does not have. 苏晓看到这老太婆后,虽然想得到对方的油灯,但能不能打过是个问题,不,是招惹之后,连战略性撤退的机会都没有。 Shadow Stone, White Fat Candle.” “一颗暗影石,一根白脂蜡。” Humpbacked old hag loosens behind wooden crate, after opening, inside is placing dozens White Fat Candle neatly, very local tyrant. 驼背老太婆解下身后的木箱,打开后,里面整齐摆放着几十根白脂蜡,很土豪。 Su Xiao somewhat hesitates, White Fat Candle is too expensive/noble, regarding the dead, Shadow Stone is equal to freedom to a certain extent, even if cannot be separated from the death room, is still insufficient to be imprisoned in a 30-40 square meters big or small log cabin, for this freedom, the deads is willing to pay anything can be imagined. 苏晓有些犹豫,白脂蜡实在太贵,对于亡者来讲,一颗暗影石就等于一定程度上的自由,就算不能脱离死亡屋,也不至于被囚禁在一间30-40平米大小的木屋内,为了这自由,亡者们愿意付出什么可想而知。 But this humpbacked old hag, opens the mouth is Shadow Stone trades White Fat Candle, the traded words somewhat owe, words that does not trade, when White Fat Candle in hand burns through, that all finished, keeps three Shadow Stone, enters the opportunity of coffin not to have. 而这驼背老太婆,一开口就是一颗暗影石换一根白脂蜡,换的话有些亏,不换的话,当手中的白脂蜡燃尽,那一切就结束,留着的三颗暗影石,连带进棺材的机会都没有。 Su Xiao's luck uneven performance, good time, when making Luck Emperor clench jaws, flows off the tears that envies, the luck difference, the black earthly branch happily to smiling to make noise. 苏晓的运气时好时坏,好的时候,让欧皇都咬牙切齿,流下羡慕的泪水,运气差时,黑酋都会欣慰到笑出声。 Therefore, he did not determine before White Fat Candle burns through, can find the log cabin in the black fog. 因此,他不确定在一根白脂蜡燃尽前,能在黑雾内找到木屋。 Trades one.” “换一根。” So hopes, young people.” “如此所愿,年轻人。” Humpbacked old hag takes out White Fat Candle, hands over to Su Xiao, Su Xiao takes out Shadow Stone similarly. 驼背老太婆取出一根白脂蜡,递向苏晓,苏晓同样取出一颗暗影石 The transaction was just closed, humpbacked old hag holds the Su Xiao's wrist/skill suddenly. 交易刚完成,驼背老太婆突然抓住苏晓的手腕。 Royal robes start!” “衮开!” The humpbacked old hag sound is not high, but her eye stares in a big way, the head gray hair flies upwards calmly, her aura, the axe elder brother, hunts for dragon Zhu and compared with her, simply is the lovable small creature. 驼背老太婆声音不高,可她的眼睛瞪大,头上花白的头发无风飞扬,她的气息之强,斧哥、猎龙蛛与她相比,简直就是可爱的小动物。 Such strong old hag, Su Xiao had once seen another, that is Demon clan old hag, it is said that is the Demon clan monster, even with other race wars, will not request that the opposite party assists. 这么强的老太婆,苏晓曾见过另一位,那是名恶魔族老太婆,据说那是恶魔族的怪物,就算与其他种族战争,都不会请求对方协助的那种。 The hair of humpbacked old hag lets fall slowly, in the peripheral black fog spreads the rapid running away sound. 驼背老太婆的头发缓缓垂落,周边黑雾内传出急促的逃窜声。 Humpbacked old hag loosens the Su Xiao's wrist/skill, and patted under the Su Xiao's arm. 驼背老太婆松开苏晓的手腕,并轻拍了下苏晓的手臂。 They will bring by the candlelight, is more careful, in your heart has the fear, they you will swallow completely.” “它们会被烛火引来,小心些,在你心中有恐惧时,它们就会把你吞食殆尽。” „.” “哦。” Don't worry, before the candlelight burns through, they do not dare to come again, walks to that direction, that will make you have harvests, two White Fat Candle, enough you arrive......” “不用担心,烛火燃尽前,它们不敢再来了,向那个方向走,那会让你有更多收获,两根白脂蜡,足够你走到……” The humpbacked old hag words have not said, by her mouth black silk thread from the hole on her lip alternates, dies her mouth seam. 驼背老太婆的话还没说完,她嘴旁的黑色丝线就从她嘴唇上的孔洞内穿插而过,将她的嘴缝死。 Silence, should not give Prompt, but once purchases White Fat Candle from her, she will carry the pain of soul suturing hardly, gives the buyer Prompt, because of White Fat Candle, is unworthy Shadow Stone, this is as silence she, compensation that gives. 无声者,本不应该给出提示,可一旦向她购买白脂蜡,她就会硬扛着灵魂缝合之痛,给予购买者提示,因为一根白脂蜡,不值一颗暗影石,这是身为无声者的她,所给出的补偿。 Above the humpbacked old hag back the wooden crate, raises the oil lamp to walk away, she just walked, the surroundings scattered black fog gathers immediately, the channel restores is two meters high, one meter width. 驼背老太婆背上方木箱,提着油灯走远,她刚走,周围被驱散的黑雾马上聚拢回来,通道又恢复为两米高,一米宽。 Su Xiao looked at White Fat Candle in hand, starts direction vanguard that follows humpbacked old hag to refer, is not he believes the opposite party, but the direction that even if the opposite party refers to has the danger, still compared with bursts in the black fog credibly. 苏晓看了眼手中的白脂蜡,开始顺着驼背老太婆所指的方向前行,并非是他相信对方,而是就算对方所指的方向有危险,也比在黑雾内乱闯靠谱。 Su Xiao fearless danger, what he most is worried was anything could not find in the black fog, finally was corroded dead by the black fog, that was most uncomfortable. 苏晓无惧危险,他最担心的是在黑雾内什么都找不到,最终被黑雾侵蚀而死,那才是最难受的。 However he also worried that another situation emergence, after is he arrives in the direction that humpbacked old hag refers , the opposite party in that this she, is coming one: ‚Do young people, want to come White Fat Candle?’ 不过他也担心另一种情况出现,就是他抵达驼背老太婆所指的方向后,对方正在那等这她,来一句:‘年轻人,要不要在来一根白脂蜡?’ By the ear talking during sleep sound will appear occasionally, but after meeting humpbacked old hag, the frequency that the talking during sleep sound presents markedly reduces, moreover is short, only continues for 2-3 seconds to vanish each time. 耳旁的呓语声偶尔会出现,但在遇见驼背老太婆后,呓语声出现的频率明显降低,而且短暂,每次只持续2-3秒就消失。 After leading the way for nearly 16 minutes, first White Fat Candle in Su Xiao hand burns through, he lights second, the time only remains for 20 minutes. 前行近16分钟后,苏晓手中的第一根白脂蜡燃尽,他点燃第二根,时间只剩20分钟。 Young people, walked leaning.” “年轻人,走偏了。” The humpbacked old hag sound spreads from the black fog, hears this sound, Su Xiao stops the footsteps. 驼背老太婆的声音从黑雾内传出,听到这声音,苏晓停下脚步。 Comes White Fat Candle again.” “再来一根白脂蜡。” Su Xiao exploratory opens the mouth, so long as humpbacked old hag answered, he can judge at least the opposite party is the friend is an enemy. 苏晓试探性开口,只要驼背老太婆答复,他最起码能判断出对方是友是敌。 Do not waste Shadow Stone, it was too precious.” “不要浪费暗影石,它太珍贵了。” The humpbacked old hag sound vanishes. 驼背老太婆的声音消失。 The thinking in Su Xiao brain has not stopped, he considers the moment, said: You have not become the master in death room, isn't regrettable?” 苏晓脑中的思索一刻都没停过,他斟酌片刻,说道:“你没成为死亡屋的主人,不遗憾?” „......” “……” Humpbacked old hag seems to have walked away, sees this, Su Xiao continues before humpbacked old hag the direction that refers to walks. 驼背老太婆似乎已经走远,见此,苏晓继续向驼背老太婆之前所指的方向走去。 Naturally... regretted, bon voyage, young people.” “当然…遗憾,一路平安,年轻人。” The ray of oil lamp gradually goes far away. 油灯的光芒逐渐远去。 After Su Xiao again leading the way 14 minutes 22 seconds, he stops the footsteps, because in his front two meters places, presented a railroad tie wall. 苏晓再次前行14分22秒后,他停下脚步,因为在他前方两米处,出现了一道木墙。 As Su Xiao is close to this railroad tie wall, he discovered that this is actually a log cabin. 随着苏晓接近这道木墙,他发现这其实是一间木屋。 Along the wall of log cabin, Su Xiao soon found the gate of log cabin, his hand according to the wooden door, shoves open slowly. 沿着木屋的墙壁,苏晓很快找到木屋的门,他的手按在木门上,缓缓推开。 Creaks ~ 嘎吱~ The wooden door was shoved open, the candlelight shines slowly in the room. 木门被推开,烛光缓缓在房间内亮起。 After Su Xiao shoves open the wooden door completely, he noticed that nape of the neck, the double wrist/skill and double ankle by the woman who the iron shackles live. 苏晓完全推开木门后,他看到一名脖颈、双手腕、双脚腕都被铁镣铐住的女人。 But on this woman wooden table, is suspending an arm is so thick, about one meter White Fat Candle, Baja looked, it felt that this played cannot call it the candle. 而在这女人身旁的木桌上,正摆着一根手臂那么粗,近一米长的白脂蜡,巴哈都看愣了,它感觉这玩楞已经不能称之为蜡烛。 Moreover, in this ultra-large number by White Fat Candle, but also is suspending shortsword, as well as Gem, the range estimate, this at least is Holy Spirit-level Quality Gem. 不仅如此,在这根超大号・白脂蜡旁,还摆着一把短刀,以及一颗宝石,目测,这至少是圣灵级品质宝石 ps:( Pushes a friend book, book title, life exchange game). ps:(推朋友的一本书,书名,人生交换游戏)。
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