RP :: Volume #32

#20: Without the escape route

Puts down big sacrificial offering note, in the Su Xiao eye looking pensive, according to his guess, Lu Yang Continent should be some Primary world, but big sacrificial offering, from there. 放下大祭祀・奴埃的笔记,苏晓眼中若有所思,根据他的猜测,卢阳大陆应该是某个原生世界,而大祭祀・奴埃,就是来自那里。 The game participant who the death room chose, not just the void this place, as for blasphemes death that’ in the note mentioned, the clue were too few, is unable to obtain the answer. 死亡屋所选择的游戏参与者,并非只有虚空这一个地方,至于笔记中提及的‘亵渎死亡’,线索太少,无法得出答案。 Big sacrificial offering was the dead in death room, the dead is not a deceased person, they are living similarly. 大祭祀・奴埃就是死亡屋内的亡者,亡者并非是死人,他们同样活着。 This log cabin, had come many visitors, at first, big sacrificial offering also friendly negotiated with these people, exchanged the knowledge, the person even became his good friend, that person before leaving death room, taking the enormous risk to return to here, visited big sacrificial offering last time. 这件木屋,曾经来过很多访客,最初时,大祭祀・奴埃还与这些人友善交涉,互换知识等,有一人甚至成为他的好友,那个人在离开死亡屋前,冒着巨大风险返回这里,拜访大祭祀・奴埃最后一次。 How long what a pity the friendly negotiation has not maintained, knew obtained Shadow Stone to leave this log cabin, big sacrificial offering starts to bury alive visiting. 可惜友好交涉没维持多久,得知获得暗影石就能离开这木屋,大祭祀・奴埃开始坑杀拜访者。 Just killed the first person, big sacrificial offering on the iron shackles by wooden wall lived in the nape of the neck, at that time, the iron chain was very long, he can act on free will in the room. 刚杀第一人,大祭祀・奴埃就被木墙上的铁镣铐住脖颈,在那时,铁链还很长,他能在房间内自由行动。 As big sacrificial offering visiting who kills are getting more and more, that imprisons his chains is also getting more and more short, comes when until Su Xiao, this chains only remains three meters. 随着大祭祀・奴埃杀的拜访者越来越多,那根囚禁他的锁链也越来越短,直到苏晓来时,这锁链只剩三米长。 Kills visiting, not only will cause the chains to reduce, what is more terrifying falls the wisdom, by mid and late part, big sacrificial offering had forgotten who oneself are, what is strange, he still remembers that the knowledge in brain, as well as really degenerated. 杀拜访者不仅会导致锁链缩短,更恐怖的是降智,到了中后期,大祭祀・奴埃已经忘记自己是谁,奇怪的是,他依然记得脑中的知识,以及一句‘真是堕落了’。 Before Su Xiao, strange, big sacrificial offering why so stupid, his switch gate strategy has many loopholes, but big sacrificial offering bug BOSS was the same like the card, after closing, suppresses the ability, after opening the door, saves. 苏晓之前还奇怪,大祭祀・奴埃为何那么蠢,他的开关门战略有很多漏洞,可大祭祀・奴埃却如同卡了bug的boss一样,关门后就将能力憋回去,开门后重新积蓄。 Big sacrificial offering ability is similar to the dead souls master, his most abilities need to save the energy, is the popular name read strip. 大祭祀・奴埃的能力类似与死灵术士,他大部分能力都需要积蓄能量,也就是俗称的‘读条’。 What is funny, Boubo closes, this fellow stops reading strip, opens the door, read strip again, caused, Su Xiao after massacring him, once thinks that he is feigning death. 搞笑的是,布布汪一关门,这家伙就停止‘读条’,一开门,就重新‘读条’,导致了,苏晓在杀掉他后,一度认为他是在装死。 The fetter sphere of action despaired enough, falling the wisdom is more terrifying. 束缚行动范围本就够绝望,降智就更恐怖。 But what terrifying is, this dead named, he is poor, under this fellow record the knowledge in brain, but the books on bookshelf, is biography one kind, no value. 而更‘恐怖’的是,这名叫奴埃的亡者,他非常穷,这家伙并未纪录下脑中的知识,而书架上的书籍,也都是传记一类,没什么价值。 The candlelight drags, the Su Xiao's line of sight looks to the candlestick, the above candle is burning the small flame, before arriving at the candlestick, he uses the index finger to touch this candle. 烛光摇曳,苏晓的视线看向烛台,上面的蜡烛燃着小火苗,来到烛台前,他用食指触碰这根蜡烛。 You obtain White Fat Candle.】 【你获得‘白脂蜡’。】 Prompt: White Fat Candle may be used to illuminate for over 90 years, such as scatters dark fog with it, will accelerate the combustion initiation melt speed, the time limit is 20 minutes.】 提示:白脂蜡可用于照明90年以上,如用其驱散‘暗雾’,将加速起燃熔速度,时限为20分钟。】 Su Xiao tears off White Fat Candle on candlestick, and blows out, is only instantaneous, in the log cabin goes black, pitch-dark darkness. 苏晓拔下烛台上的白脂蜡,并吹灭,只是瞬间,木屋内就陷入黑暗,伸手不见五指的黑暗。 „!” “呜嗷嗷!” Boubo miserable howling. 布布汪惨嚎一声。 You not blind.” “你没瞎。” woof?” “汪?” In the vision of Boubo doubts, White Fat Candle in Su Xiao ignition hand, the darkness was scattered fast. 布布汪疑惑的目光中,苏晓点燃手中的白脂蜡,黑暗被快速驱散。 Su Xiao goes out from the log cabin, he just went out, door slowly closed, exudes the difficult fricative. 苏晓从木屋内走出,他刚出门,房门就缓缓闭合,发出艰涩的摩擦声。 The black fog wall surges, the above wooden door was gradually swallowed, finally vanishes thoroughly. 黑雾墙涌动,上面的木门逐渐被吞噬,最终彻底消失。 Su Xiao stands before the black fog wall, in his front not far away, spatial fluctuation emerges, a log cabin appears, is that he just is. 苏晓站在黑雾墙前,在他前方不远处,空间波动涌现,一间木屋出现,就是他方才所在的那间。 In this log cabin is scattering the light black fog, this is it and other log cabin only differences. 这间木屋上飘散着淡淡的黑雾,这是它与其他木屋唯一的区别。 Looking into the distance, in the front open area, at least several hundred log cabins, this on behalf of anything, has not needed to talk too much. 放眼望去,前方的空地上,至少有几百间木屋,这代表什么,已无需多言。 Now the dead in death room should not be many, the time that but the death room had was too long, in this period does not know many deads died in this place, the log cabin that they lived, will appear in this stretch of open area, under accumulated over a long period of time so many. 现在死亡屋内的亡者应该不会太多,但死亡屋存在的时间太久,期间不知有多少名亡者死在此地,他们生前居住的木屋,都会出现在这片空地上,日积月累下才这么多。 Before Su Xiao through the Shadow Stone material, knew information, the dead has two types, may negotiate, cannot negotiate. 之前苏晓就通过暗影石的资料,得知一个信息,亡者有两种,可交涉,不可交涉。 Dead who may negotiate, should be on the nape of the neck does not have the iron chain, without killing the dead of death game participant, but on the nape of the neck has the iron shackles, then has killed the death game participant, the chains was shorter, has killed the person are more. 可交涉的亡者,应该就是脖颈上没有铁链,没杀过死亡游戏参与者的亡者,而脖颈上有铁镣的,则是杀过死亡游戏参与者,锁链越短,杀过的人就越多。 But the dead who this type cannot be negotiated, was all fallen the wisdom, this is unknown, big sacrificial offering once strength can only calculate, even had not been fettered by the chains, Su Xiao can deal similarly. 而这种不可交涉的亡者,是不是被全部降智,这就不得而知,大祭祀・奴埃曾经的实力只能算还可以,就算没被锁链束缚,苏晓同样能应对。 The front log cabin is not worth exploring, these log cabins were plundered many by other participants of death game early, searches for in this is the waste time. 前方的一间间木屋不值得探索,这些木屋早被死亡游戏的其他参与者搜刮很多遍,在此搜寻是浪费时间。 Su Xiao looked at White Fat Candle in hand, the thinking moment, approaches the black fog wall White Fat Candle. 苏晓看了眼手中的白脂蜡,思索片刻,就将白脂蜡凑近黑雾墙。 White Fat Candle just approached the black fog wall, the black fog was scattered a flake, manifestation together two meters high, one meter width, less than half meter deep channel. 白脂蜡刚靠近黑雾墙,黑雾就被驱散一小片,形成一道两米高,一米宽,不到半米深的通道。 Drop of wax oil drips from White Fat Candle, the White Fat Candle burning melt speed was sped up. 一滴蜡油从白脂蜡上淌下,白脂蜡的燃熔速度被加快。 To continue to explore forward, White Fat Candle is the essential item, the Su Xiao's guess is, in the black fog should have other log cabins, he needs to scatter the black fog, seeks to the black fog. 想继续向前探索,白脂蜡是必需品,苏晓的猜测是,黑雾内应该还有其他木屋,他需要驱散黑雾,到黑雾内寻找。 Su Xiao blows out White Fat Candle in hand, the black fog wall of this region altogether has three, first, left and right is the black fog wall, but in rear area, is the fog wall. 苏晓吹灭手中的白脂蜡,这片区域的黑雾墙共有三面,前、左、右都是黑雾墙,而在后方,则是灰雾墙。 Su Xiao does not prepare the deep nightfall fog temporarily, under he must seek, looked that can find the wooden door from the black fog wall again, thus obtains second White Fat Candle. 苏晓暂时不准备深入黑雾,他要寻找下,看能不能从黑雾墙上再找到木门,从而获得第二根白脂蜡 Marches forward in the log cabins, Su Xiao speed full, all the way without encountering the danger, before arrives in left side of the squatter area black fog wall . 行进在木屋间,苏晓速度全开,一路上没遇到危险,就抵达木屋区左侧的黑雾墙前。 Lights White Fat Candle, the strange matter happens, the black fog had not been scattered, White Fat Candle just approached the black fog wall, extinguishes. 点燃白脂蜡,奇怪的事发生,黑雾并未被驱散,白脂蜡刚靠近黑雾墙,就熄灭。 Sees this, Su Xiao directly soars right side the squatter area black fog wall, although this somewhat wastes the time, but he is last sets out to the black fog, does not miss this time. 见此,苏晓直奔木屋区右侧的黑雾墙,虽然这有些浪费时间,但他已经是最后一名向黑雾内进发,不差这点时间。 After an experiment, Su Xiao discovered, the black fog wall of left side and right side is unable to scatter with White Fat Candle, as for returning to the fog wall of feast hall, had been prohibited at this time. 经一番实验,苏晓发现,左侧与右侧的黑雾墙无法用白脂蜡驱散,至于返回宴厅的灰雾墙,此时已经被封禁。 The above black fog cannot scatter similarly, can be scattered, only then that black fog wall of squatter area front. 上空的黑雾同样不能驱散,能被驱散的,只有木屋区前方的那面黑雾墙。 Returns to nearby the front black fog wall, Su Xiao starts to do an inspection along the black fog wall, quick, he found three still to scatter the black fog the log cabin. 返回前方的黑雾墙附近,苏晓开始沿着黑雾墙巡查,很快,他找到三间还在飘散黑雾的木屋。 Boubo started the tracking smell, aura, footprint, quick found Mulder, Nita and the others to enter the black fog wall respectively the position, Daylin was quite discrete, covered via the trace that it place left. 布布汪开始追踪气味、气息、脚印等,很快就找到蒙德、尼塔等人各自进入黑雾墙的方位,狄琳则是比较谨慎,掩盖了途经之处留下的痕迹。 Su Xiao does not prepare other tracking combat, he chooses the black fog wall that a no one entered, lights White Fat Candle, the front black fog was scattered, the channel appears. 苏晓不准备追踪其他参战者,他选了一段无人进入的黑雾墙,点燃白脂蜡,前方的黑雾被驱散,通道出现。 Su Xiao lifts White Fat Candle before the body, moves forward, Boubo follows in him behind, Baja is stepping the thief the step walks in the rear, it flies and walks, is completely two extremes, flying is the sky overlord, when runs, like the vulture that just stole the bird's egg, that step, wants the multi- show air/Qi to have the multi- show air/Qi. 苏晓白脂蜡举在身前,开始前行,布布汪跟在他身后,巴哈则是迈着贼兮兮的步伐走在最后面,它飞行与步行,完全是两个极端,飞起来就是天空霸主,跑起来时,就像一只刚偷到鸟蛋的秃鹫,那步伐,要多骚气有多骚气。 White Fat Candle of front black fog by Su Xiao hand was scattered, because of scattering the speed of black fog is not quick, Su Xiao can only walk, once accelerates, will immediately hit in the nightfall fog. 前方的黑雾被苏晓手中的白脂蜡驱散,因驱散黑雾的速度不快,苏晓只能步行,一旦加速,马上会撞入黑雾中。 In the Su Xiao hand takes a plank, this is he dismantles from a log cabin, this type of plank is quite tenacious, has is not lower than the degree of hardness of metal, but also is retaining the toughness of lumber. 苏晓手中拿着一块木板,这是他从一间木屋上拆下,这种木板相当强韧,有不低于金属的硬度,还保留着木材的韧性。 Tosses into the plank black fog. 将木板抛入身旁的黑雾内。 Hiss...... 嘶…… The plank cracks fast, a black Purple liquid appears above, finally corrodes the dregs the plank, dissipates. 木板快速开裂,一种黑紫色液体出现在上面,最终将木板侵蚀成渣,消散开来。 Sees this, Su Xiao continues, but he just led the way more than ten meters, the rear black fog gathers slowly in the same place, seals up the rear area. 见此,苏晓继续前行,可他刚前行十几米,后方的黑雾就缓缓聚拢在一起,将后方封闭。 The deep nightfall fog, may be called comes but not return, can only forward, the retreat can waste White Fat Candle, without White Fat Candle leads the way, Su Xiao will halt in the Hegemony Battle second round. 深入黑雾,堪称有来无回,只能向前,后退会浪费白脂蜡,没有白脂蜡开路,苏晓会止步于强者争霸战第二轮。 But if has forwarded, when White Fat Candle burns through, Su Xiao will be corroded by the black fog, the probability that at the appointed time, he can survive is minimal. 可如果一直向前,当白脂蜡燃尽时,苏晓就会被黑雾侵蚀,届时,他能存活的概率微乎其微。
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