RP :: Volume #32

#19: Deads

In the log cabin the candlelight drags, the black eye man sits before the innermost wooden wall, his right leg arched crookedly, builds slightly single-handed on the knee, the vision fixes the eyes on Su Xiao outside door. 木屋内烛光摇曳,黑眼男人坐在最内侧的木墙前,他的右腿略微弓曲,单手搭在膝盖上,目光紧盯房门外的苏晓 But in the Su Xiao front, besides together the wooden door of normal size, nearby the wooden door is black fog, this wooden door like embedding in black fog. 而在苏晓前方,除了一道正常大小的木门外,木门附近是一片黑雾,这木门如同镶嵌在黑雾中。 This chains does not cut off.” “这根锁链斩不断。” The black eye man pulls taut chains, a chains end connection on the iron shackles of his nape of the neck, another end submerges in the wall, imprisons him in this. 黑眼男人扯住身旁的锁链,锁链一端连接在他脖颈的铁镣上,另一端没入墙壁内,将他囚禁在此。 Judged from the length of chains, the black eye man can only move in nearby three meters regions, the surroundings have not seen the life trace, in other words, he was imprisoned in this does not eat and drink is very long. 从锁链的长度判断,黑眼男人只能在附近三米区域内活动,周围没看到有生活痕迹,也就是说,他被囚禁在这不吃不喝很久了。 Does not attempt, how to know that doesn't cut off?” “不尝试,怎么知道斩不断?” Su Xiao strikes an attitude to lead the way, in fact, he will not enter this log cabin, at least before the black eye man dies, he will not go. 苏晓作势前行,实际上,他根本不会进入这木屋,至少在黑眼男人死前,他不会进去。 Is reasonable, gives a try.” “有道理,试试看吧。” The black eye man stands up, and pulled the chains in reins, hinting Su Xiao can cut. 黑眼男人站起身,并的扯了扯手中的锁链,示意苏晓可以斩了。 Close.” “靠近些。” No need.” “不必。” What to do cuts me!” “斩到我怎么办!” Cannot.” “不会。” „......” “等……” The words of black eye man just exported, the Su Xiao's aura is sharp. 黑眼男人的话刚出口,苏晓的气息就锋利起来。 Blade of Blades Azure Fiend.’ 刃道刀青鬼。’ Zheng! 铮! Cuts to strike the brittle cry, the blue color cuts the glow to take off/escape the blade, sees this, the black eye man hurrying side throws dodges. 斩击脆鸣,青蓝色斩芒脱刃而出,见此,黑眼男人赶紧侧扑闪避。 Tittered ~ 噗嗤~ The blood splashes, Azure Fiend has cut from the chest of black eye man, he passes one to hit on behind wooden wall. 鲜血溅起,青鬼从黑眼男人的胸膛斩过,他噗通一声撞在身后的木墙上。 After falling to the ground, the face distortion of black eye man, the wound of his single-handed holding down chest, a that about 40 centimeters wound, deeply has been possible and bone, the blood gushes out. 落地后,黑眼男人的脸一阵扭曲,他单手按住胸膛的伤口,那近四十公分长的伤口,已深可及骨,鲜血汩汩涌出。 Do not hide randomly, stands in same place.” “别乱躲,站在原地。” During the Su Xiao speeches, has prepared to cut the second blade. 苏晓说话间,已经准备斩出第二刀。 You......” “你……” Black eye man is at a loss for words, that say/way cut the glow a moment ago, if he does not hide, indeed cuts on the iron chain, that feeling looks like, he plunged that say/way to cut the glow on own initiative. 黑眼男人一阵语塞,刚才那道斩芒,如果他不躲,的确是斩在铁链上,那感觉就像是,他主动扑向了那道斩芒。 At this time in the black eye man heart Anomaly intertwines, he can only move in the peripheral 3 meters range, gets angry with Su Xiao directly, obviously is not the wise action. 此时黑眼男人心中异常纠结,他只能在周边三米范围内活动,直接与苏晓翻脸,明显不是明智之举。 Can stand motionless? Do not crack a joke, he has detected, the opposite party wants to take his life, if were not stranded in this log cabin, he has gotten angry. 可站着不动?别开玩笑了,他已经察觉到,对方想取他性命,如果不是被困在这木屋内,他早就翻脸。 Close, helping me cut off the chains, I can tell you to forget the dominoes in......” “靠近些,帮我斩断锁链,我可以告诉你遗忘骨牌在……” The words of black eye man have not said, the Su Xiao's second blade has cut. 黑眼男人的话还没说完,苏晓的第二刀已经斩出。 Blade of Blades Azure Fiend.’ 刃道刀青鬼。’ Still is that familiar blue color cuts the glow, but the black eye man has not come the anxious avoidance, cuts the glow to cut from his side. 依然是那熟悉的青蓝色斩芒,可黑眼男人还没来得急躲避,斩芒已经从他身旁斩过。 pā tà, an arm falls to the ground, a small beach bloodstain gradually spreads on the ground. 啪嗒一声,一条手臂落地,一小滩血迹在地上逐渐蔓延。 This time, you, how, explanation.” “这次,你,怎么,解释。” The face of black eye man is trembling, he is intertwining to get angry immediately, immediately gets angry is quicker, the comparison that can die but at least dies has the dignity. 黑眼男人的脸都在哆嗦,他在纠结要不要立即翻脸,立即翻脸会死的更快,但至少死的比较有尊严。 Cut leaning, the next blade cannot.” “斩偏了,下一刀不会偏。” Su Xiao still stands in out of the door, striking an attitude to cut the third blade. 苏晓依然站在门外,作势要斩第三刀。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” The black eye man does not camouflage, he kicks out full power forward, imprisons stretches straight in his chains, the rear wall surface sends out a dull thumping sound. 黑眼男人再也不伪装,他全力向前扑出,囚禁在他的锁链绷直,后方墙面发出哐的一声闷响。 The surrounding ray starts to twist, the wail sound appears, the black eye male human form same evil spirit, the skin of whole body is fast. 周围的光线开始扭曲,哭嚎声出现,黑眼男人形同厉鬼,全身的皮肤快速干枯。 In the black eye man prepares to counter-attack, door bang a closure. 就在黑眼男人准备反击时,房门砰的一声关闭。 The black eye man fails to explode immediately, his fist grasps ka ka to make noise, in he is in an uncontrollable rage, the door was opened, several spreading across cutting glow fly, at all not to the space that he dodges. 黑眼男人立即哑火,他的拳头握到咔咔作响,就在他怒不可遏时,房门又被打开,几道纵横交错的斩芒飞进来,根本不给他闪避的空间。 The black eye man keeps off the both arms before the body, Six Paths cuts the glow, cuts the staggered wound on him. 黑眼男人将双臂挡在身前,共六道斩芒,在他身上斩出交错的伤口。 Bang ~ 砰~ The wooden door is closed again, the black eye man who just prepared to counter-attack was suppressed, Su Xiao attacks this log cabin to be all right, but black eye man as imprisoned dead , he if tries to destroy this log cabin, will have the considerable frigid result. 木门再次关闭,刚准备反击的黑眼男人被憋回去,苏晓攻击这木屋没事,而黑眼男人作为被囚禁的‘亡者’,他如果试图破坏这木屋,将会有相当惨烈的结果。 Black eye man spiritual penetration ability was just suppressed, the wooden door was opened, is still that familiar flow, Blade Aura that but this time cuts are more. 黑眼男人的‘精神穿透’能力刚被憋回去,木门又被打开,依然是那熟悉的流程,只是这次斩来的刀芒更多。 Out of the door, Su Xiao stands in the wooden door first three meters place, nearby Boubo is responsible for the switch gate, but Su Xiao is responsible for cutting Blade Aura. 门外,苏晓站在木门前三米处,一旁的布布汪负责开关门,而苏晓则负责斩刀芒 Has saying that the black eye man in log cabin quite anti- cut, suffered Su Xiao more than ten Blade Aura, not only has not died, instead scolded was louder. 不得不说,木屋内的黑眼男人相当耐砍,挨了苏晓十几道刀芒,不仅没死,反而骂的更大声。 If only Su Xiao and Boubo, can only choose to disregard cursing angrily of black eye man, but don't forget, Baja also. 如果只是苏晓布布汪,只能选择无视黑眼男人的怒骂,但别忘了,巴哈也在。 Division of labor Anomaly of squad is clear, Su Xiao is responsible for cutting Blade Aura, the Boubo switch gate, Baja is the black eye man to spurting. 小队的分工异常明确,苏晓负责斩刀芒,布布汪开关门,巴哈则是和黑眼男人对喷。 The black eye man in log cabin was about to be wild with rage, hit? Cannot hit, scolded? Scolded but, he can only by cutting + is scolded, perhaps he had not been hacked to death by Su Xiao, was irritated by oneself. 木屋内的黑眼男人快气疯了,打?打不着,骂?骂不过,他只能挨砍+挨骂,或许他还没被苏晓砍死,就被自己气死了。 Ahh!! ” “啊!!” After angrily roars, Blade Aura has cut the nape of the neck of black eye man, he successfully gets rid on the nape of the neck the fetter of iron shackles, after all had been cut the head. 一声怒吼后,刀芒斩过黑眼男人的脖颈,他成功摆脱脖颈上铁镣的束缚,毕竟已经被斩下头颅。 The black eye man walks is not serene, the eye stares to be very big, successfully demonstrated dying with injustice unredressed. 黑眼男人走的不算安详,眼睛瞪到很大,成功演示了死不瞑目。 Died thoroughly.” “死透了吧。” Un.” “嗯。” The long blade in Su Xiao hand turns over to the sheath, lifts the step to enter in the log cabin. 苏晓手中的长刀归鞘,抬步走进木屋内。 The arrangement of log cabin is very simple, a wooden bed, side has the devil wood cabinet, above suspends the candlestick, the candle on candlestick is burning the flame. 木屋的陈设很简单,一张木床,旁边有个小木柜,上面摆着烛台,烛台上的蜡烛燃着火苗。 Except for these, corner has a tattered desk, the above has three rows of bookshelves, is placing more than ten various books, after reading initially, Su Xiao discovered, this respectively came from more than ten civilized books. 除了这些,角落处有一个破破烂烂的书桌,上方有三排书架,摆放着十几本各类书籍,初步翻看后苏晓发现,这分别是来自十几个文明的书籍。 Su Xiao looks to the desk, above is placing a feather pen, one bottle of dry ink, already several turning yellow paper. 苏晓看向书桌,上面摆放着一支羽毛笔,一瓶干涸的墨水,已经几张发黄的纸张。 The paper folds in the same place, the crystalline layer social climbing on Su Xiao's both hands, he takes up the paper examination, the content is as follows: 纸张叠在一起,晶体层攀附在苏晓的双手上,他拿起纸张查看,内容如下: Here death room, blasphemed the prisoner's cage of dead, the informed and experienced place of brave, I was big sacrificial offering, from Lu Yang Continent, was roasted by Sun roasts to the crazy damned place.’ ‘这里的死亡屋,亵渎死亡者的囚笼,勇敢者的历练之地,我是大祭祀・奴埃,来自卢阳大陆,一个被太阳炙烤到疯狂的鬼地方。’ Was stranded for 177 days, had the participant of death game to visit, we carried out the transaction in knowledge, after all in addition, I did not have a thing in the world, he seemed like from named void place, what a pity, he also had the important matter, can only accompany me to chat half quarter to leave, what a pity. „ ‘被困177天,有死亡游戏的参与者光临,我们进行了知识方面的交易,毕竟除此之外,我一无所有,他似乎是来自一个叫虚空的地方,可惜,他还有要事,只能陪我闲聊半刻钟就离开,可惜。“ Was stranded for 228 days, second visiting arrived, is really the irony of fate, she also came from Lu Yang Continent, and respects about me very much, now is not the nitpicking time, she accompanied me to pass for 1/3 months to carve( in January to carve the = 34 day), what a pity, she also left finally, whirled away my most knowledge, really degenerated, unexpectedly will be deceived by this woman, but ok.’ ‘被困228天,第二名拜访者到了,真是奇缘,她同样来自卢阳大陆,并对我很敬仰,现在已经不是挑剔的时候,她陪我度过了三分之一个月刻(1月刻天),可惜,她最终也离开,卷走了我大部分知识,真是堕落了,居然会被这种女人骗,不过算了。’ Was stranded for 341 days, third visiting ascends a height to get a broad view, what Luck is, is still a female, moreover beautiful, unfortunately, she was too strong, was extorted a knowledge, but also was almost killed, unlucky.’ ‘被困341天,第三名拜访者登临,幸运的是,依然是女性,而且美艳至极,不幸的是,她太强了,被勒索了一次知识,还差点被杀,倒霉。’ Was stranded for 415 days, fourth visiting ascends a height to get a broad view, the male, I felt that oneself looked his vision some are not right, he also discovered this, after the knowledge trades, he leaves hurriedly, as the big priest, I wants to explain, but thinks, is ok, degenerated.’ ‘被困415天,第四名拜访者登临,男性,我感觉自己看他的目光有些不对,他也发现了这点,所以在知识交易后,他匆忙离开,作为大祭司,我本想解释一下,但想了想,还是算了,堕落了啊。’ ...... …… ...... …… Was stranded for 1077 days, 18 th visiting ascends a height to get a broad view, according to the convention, we carried out the knowledge transaction, she will be very as if accidental, is accidental/surprised I so to be friendly, will be I of big priest, even if first half of life basically passed with the corpse together, but I similarly will beVon empire the etiquette teacher, from and her conversation, I knew, so long as there is Shadow Stone, I can leave damn this, should be fired the ashes the log cabin. ’ ‘被困1077天,第十八名拜访者登临,按照惯例,我们进行了知识交易,她似乎很意外,意外我会这么友好,身为大祭司的我,就算前半生基本与尸体一同度过,但我同样是‘冯克帝国’的礼仪教师,从和她的交谈中,我得知,只要有了暗影石,我就能离开这该死的,应该被烧成灰烬的木屋。’ 18 th visiting died, has not discovered Shadow Stone on her . Moreover the iron shackles that was given birth to by the wall on live in the nape of the neck, the chains is luckily long enough, can let me the free activity in the room, lucky. ” ‘第十八名拜访者死了,没在她身上发现暗影石,而且还被墙上生出的铁镣铐住脖颈,幸好锁链足够长,能让我在房间内自由活动,万幸。” Was stranded for 2201 days, this should be the last time record, every time killed visiting, the chains will reduce, the death room has wanted to redeem me, died cannot be deceived, but I have been blaspheming it, an issue, who was I...? When cuts off the throat of 30 th visiting, probably forgot who oneself are, was really... degenerates.’ ‘被困2201天,这应该是最后一次纪录,每杀一名拜访者,锁链就会缩短一些,原来死亡屋一直想要救赎我,死亡不容亵渎,而我却一直在亵渎它,还有个问题,我…到底是谁?掐断第三十名拜访者的喉咙时,好像就忘记自己是谁,真是…堕落了。’
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