RP :: Volume #32

#16: One group of axe elder brothers

You obtain Shadow Stone x1.】 【你获得暗影石x1。】 A Pure Black color crystal stone appears in the Su Xiao hand, the above black is profound, to race pure feeling, the shape and cobblestone are close. 一颗纯黑色晶石出现在苏晓手中,上面的黑色既深邃,也给人种纯净感,形状与鹅卵石相近。 Shadow Stone 暗影石 Origin : Death room 产地:死亡屋 Effect 1: May use Shadow Stone and in the death room deads transaction. 效果一:可使用暗影石与死亡屋内的‘亡者们’交易。 Effect 2: After oneself use, may by Shadow be sheltered, Shadow shelters under mode, may negotiate with deads who’ in the death room is unable to negotiate, transaction. 效果二:对自身使用后,可受到暗影的庇护,暗影庇护状态下,可与死亡屋内无法交涉的‘亡者们’进行交涉,交易等。 Synopsis: Anna, you could not escape the fetter of mission, the death room need some people of guards, or you, I. 简介:安娜,你逃不过使命的束缚,死亡屋需要有人看守,或是你,或是我。 ...... …… The function of Shadow Stone are many, first, this thing is similar to the currency, can be used for and deads in death room trades, as for the dead is anything, temporarily is also unknown. 暗影石的作用不少,首先,这东西类似于货币,能用来和死亡屋内的亡者们交易,至于亡者是什么,暂时还不得而知。 As for effect 2, this is very interesting, in the death room some deads were very dangerous, do not mediate them to trade, even negotiated, will bring the unknown risk, at this time, Su Xiao can use Shadow Stone to oneself, entered Shadow to shelter mode, and attempted to negotiate or trade with these deads. 至于效果二,这有很有趣,死亡屋内有些亡者很危险,不要说和他们交易,就算是交涉,都会带来未知风险,在这时,苏晓就可以对自身使用暗影石,进入暗影庇护状态,并尝试与这些亡者交涉或交易。 The deads have any good thing, at present also unknown, but can become the death room based in people, on these deads good things to be many. 亡者们有什么好东西,眼下还未知,不过能成为死亡屋的常驻民,那些亡者身上的好东西应该不少。 The synopsis of Shadow Stone is also very interesting, meaning that this synopsis expressed that clearly was Anna not becomes the master in death room voluntarily, but was here must some people of guards. 暗影石的简介也很有趣,这简介所表达的意思,分明是安娜并非自愿成为死亡屋的主人,而是这里必须有人看守。 Death room needed some people of guards, or you, I.’ ‘死亡屋需要有人看守,或是你,或是我。’ I am very thought-provoking, that feeling looks like, besides Anna, a person had the qualifications to become the master in death room, but finally, those who became the death homeowner person was some sickness tender Anna, another person disappeared without a trace. 这其中的‘我’很耐人寻味,那感觉就像是,除了安娜外,还有一个人有资格成为死亡屋的主人,可最终,成为死亡屋主人的是有些病娇的安娜,另一个人不知去向。 Shift Anna of Su Xiao vision, at this time painful queen Anna is sitting in the feast table first place, is shutting the pupil. 苏晓目光的转向安娜,此时痛苦女王・安娜正坐在宴桌的首位,闭着眸子。 At present the death game is unable to continue, must wait for other combat to arrive in the feast hall, or dies completely. 眼下死亡游戏无法继续,要等其他参战者抵达宴厅,或全部死光。 Su Xiao is all right to do, starts average a half hour one time, throws a curse gold coin, can throw every hour twice. 苏晓没什么事可做,开始平均半小时一次,抛起一次诅咒金币,每小时能抛两次。 Enough three hours pass by, Su Xiao's throws the result are as follows. 足足三小时过去,苏晓的投掷结果如下。 You will be chased down by Gluttony beast x5, the time limit is 6 hours 29 minutes.】 【你将被暴食兽x5追杀,时限为6小时29分。】 Your Luck Attribute -15 points, the effect continues for 1 hour.】 【你的幸运属性-15点,效果持续一小时。】 You will be chased down by Gluttony beast x6, time limit is 7 hours 12 minutes......】 【你将被暴食兽x6追杀,时限为7小时12分……】 You obtain Shadow Stone x1.】 【你获得暗影石x1。】 Your Luck attribute increases 1 points permanently.】 【你的幸运属性永久提升一点。】 You will be chased down by Gluttony beast x7, time limit is 8 hours 51 minutes......】 【你将被暴食兽x7追杀,时限为8小时51分……】 ...... …… The axe elder brother's chasing down time limit is not constant, after the quantity were many, the computing mode changes is very tedious, the present situation is, seven axe elder brothers are eying covetously in out of the door, in the later nearly 9 hours, they will not leave. 斧哥的追杀时限并非恒定,数量多了之后,计算方式变的很繁琐,不过眼下的情况是,七名斧哥正在门外虎视眈眈,之后的近九小时内,它们不会离开。 Axe elder brother very warm, the famous axe elder brother has pulled apart chains, big mouth on torso splits, roared to continue to the feast hall. 斧哥很‘热情’,有名斧哥已经扯断身上的锁链,躯干上的大嘴裂开,对宴厅内咆哮不止。 Does not know is the misconception, Su Xiao felt that sits is smiling in feast table first Anna. 不知是不是错觉,苏晓感觉坐在宴桌首位的安娜在笑。 As for hunting for dragon Zhu, before it, with four axe elder brother peaceful coexistence, but after the axe elder brother achieves seven, looked that hunts for dragon Zhu the vision not to start friendly, for this reason, is called secure throat hunting for dragon Zhu, at this time has entered in the feast hall. 至于猎龙蛛,它之前还与四名斧哥和平共处,但斧哥达到七名后,看猎龙蛛的目光开始不友善,正因如此,被称为安尤之喉的猎龙蛛,此时已经进入宴厅内。 Su Xiao throws curses the goal of gold coin to be very simple, obtains Shadow Stone, as well as promotes the Luck attribute permanently. 苏晓投掷诅咒金币的目的很简单,就是获得更多暗影石,以及永久提升幸运属性。 Also is six hours passes, Su Xiao sits cross-legged on the sofa, is looking at 3 Shadow Stone in hand, obtains the probability of this thing to be very low, he threw more than 20 curse gold coins, obtains 3 Shadow Stone. 又是六小时过去,苏晓盘坐在沙发上,看着手中的三颗暗影石,获得这东西的几率很低,他投掷了二十多次诅咒金币,才获得三颗暗影石 As for the Luck attribute, this be lower than the Shadow Stone probability, Su Xiao with promoting 2 Luck attributes, his Luck attribute from 12 points , to promote to 14 points, if can reach the unwrapped 20 points, can obtain the Luck attribute 20 points rewards, as for is what ability, temporarily is unknown. 至于幸运属性,这要比暗影石的几率更低,苏晓同提升二点幸运属性,他的幸运属性从12点,提升到14点,如果能达到裸装20点,就能获得幸运属性20点的奖励,至于是什么能力,暂时不得而知。 After more than 20 throwing, Su Xiao discovered times, projects the reverse probability, projecting the positive/direct probability is higher. 经二十多次的投掷,苏晓发现,投出反面的几率,要比投出正面的几率高。 But effect that the reverse side triggers, 90% probabilities are to attract the axe elder brother, very low probability can reduce the Luck attribute temporarily. 而反面所触发的效果,90%几率都是引来斧哥,很低几率会临时降低幸运属性。 At this time in the feast hall entrance, 14 axe elder brothers is stopping up in this, the quick door have died of suffocation...... 此时在宴厅门口,14名斧哥正堵在这,它们已经快把门堵死了…… The axe elder brother's chasing down time limit has achieved terrifying 20 hours 44 minutes, Su Xiao is not worried about this, because before three hours, is integrating the environment, mixes in Boubo of axe Colombia , China, saw combat arrives in the wooden porch in yellow golden gate. 斧哥的追杀时限已经达到恐怖的20小时44分,苏晓丝毫不担心这点,因为就在三小时前,正融入环境,混在斧哥中的布布汪,看到了一名参战者抵达黄金门的木廊。 Coming the person is Ironheaded Mulder, he has rushed out the labyrinth, just before arriving in yellow golden gate, he stops, and hides in the corner of wooden porch. 来人是铁憨憨蒙德,他已经闯出迷宫,刚到黄金门前,他就停下,并藏身在木廊的转角处。 Mulder can determine, once were carried the headless monster of big axe to besiege by these, he will die absolutely. 蒙德能确定一点,一旦被那些拎着大斧的无头怪物围攻,他绝对会死。 Mulder was stopped up by the axe elder brother, in fact, the axe elder brother's goal is not Mulder, had the death room foreword, so long as the Mulder non- active offense axe elder brother, the axe buddy will not manage him. 蒙德被斧哥堵住了,实际上,斧哥的目标不是蒙德,有死亡屋维序,只要蒙德不主动攻击斧哥,斧哥们根本不会理他。 The point is that who dares to push from 14 axe Elder Brother? Anybody will not crack a joke with own life, Mulder indeed Ironheaded, but this does not represent him to be stupid. 可问题是,谁敢从14名斧哥间挤过来?任何人都不会用自己的生命开玩笑,蒙德的确铁憨憨,可这不代表他蠢。 In the feast hall, Su Xiao has received the curse gold coin, cannot continue to throw, after the axe elder brother's number is over 10, basically cannot throw buff mode, almost one time is throws to attract an axe elder brother. 宴厅内,苏晓已经收起诅咒金币,不能继续投掷,斧哥的数量超过十名后,基本就投不出增益状态,几乎是投一次就引来一名斧哥。 Now 14 axe elder brothers are paying attention to Su Xiao's every action and every movement, he lights a cigarette even, roaring that 14 axe elder brothers can be mad quite a while, temperament Anomaly is hot tempered. 现在14名斧哥都在关注苏晓的一举一动,他就算点支烟,那14名斧哥都会气的咆哮半天,脾气异常暴躁。 In corridor, died young moon/month and Nita arrived, the situation of war casualty moon/month was good, was only very weak, as for Nita, her right arm has vanished into thin air, the lower abdomen place also lacked one, looked at the trace, was nipped by some lifeform one. 门外的长廊内,殇月和尼塔都到了,殇月的情况还好,只是很虚弱,至于尼塔,她的右臂已不翼而飞,小腹处还缺了一块,看痕迹,是被某种生物一口咬下。 Winged Race, I should be, is not good, the heartbeat speed... has started to reduce speed.” 羽族,我应该是,不行了,心跳速度…已经开始减慢。” Nita spoke nearly cannot bear cough, but she covered oneself mouth, the blood spouted from her referring to seam. 尼塔说话间险些忍不住干咳,可她捂住自己的嘴,鲜血从她的指缝内喷出。 You will not die.” “你不会死。” Many thanks, I lead away... these monsters, you, seize the chance, to near feast hall.” “多谢,我引开…那些怪物,你,趁机,冲近宴厅。” Do not one-sided wish.” “别一厢情愿。” The war casualty moon/month holds Nita's latter collar. 殇月抓住尼塔的后衣领。 „, The big race is not that arrogant, I could not live, something... were more fearful than my injury......” “呵,原来大种族也不是那么高傲,我活不了的,有些事…比我的伤势更可怕……” Nita full is the hand of blood holds the arm of war casualty moon/month , to continue saying: Remembers, do not go to provoke that monster.” 尼塔满是鲜血的手抓住殇月的手臂,继续说道:“记得,别去招惹那个怪物。” Demon clan.” 恶魔族而已。” The war casualty moon/month looks to corridor corner another side darkness, Mulder hides in this darkness, that pair like having magma in pupil of internal ignition, is especially conspicuous in the darkness. 殇月看向长廊转角另一侧的黑暗中,蒙德就藏身在这黑暗中,那双如同有岩浆在内部燃烧的眸子,在黑暗中格外显眼。 „It is not... Demon clan,... is more terrifying.” “不是…恶魔族,还有个…更恐怖的。” Nita's alone arm rest on the wall, she of whole body bloodstain stands up, gradually goes out of the corner. 尼塔的独臂撑在墙上,全身血迹的她站起,缓步走出转角。 Hey! Your these Choujia partners.” “喂!你们这些丑家伙。” Nita shouts one, then grinned to smile, the neat tooth somewhat blushed. 尼塔大喊一声,转而就咧嘴笑了,整齐的牙齿有些发红。 14 axe elder brothers transfer the body, locks Nita completely, after the moment, the axe buddy no longer pays attention to Nita. 14名斧哥都调转身体,全部锁定尼塔,片刻后,斧哥们不再理会尼塔。 Quilt, was disregarded......” “被,被无视了……” Nita gawked the moment, then she deeply inspires, lifts the step to move toward the axe buddy, making her unexpected matter happen, the axe buddy simply has not managed her. 尼塔愣了片刻,转而她深吸了口气,抬步走向斧哥们,让她意想不到的事情发生,斧哥们根本没理她。 Nita's petite body squeezes through from axe Elder Brother, she anything has not feared now. 尼塔娇小的身体从斧哥间挤过,她现在已经什么都不怕。 Roar ~ “吼~” big mouth on an axe elder brother chest splits, but has not attacked Nita, quick, Nita squeezed through from axe Elder Brother, entered the feast hall, she felt that she was collapsed quickly, the most body was numb. 一名斧哥胸膛上的大嘴裂开,但没攻击尼塔,很快,尼塔从斧哥间挤过,进入了宴厅,她感觉自己快被挤扁了,大半个身体都麻木。 Does not have the issue, comes, war casualty moon/month.” “没问题的,过来吧,殇月。” The shout that hears Nita, is hiding war casualty moon/month of small mouth slightly after corridor corner. 听到尼塔的喊声,正躲在长廊转角后的殇月小嘴微张。 So that's how it is, before entering the feast hall, needs to test the guts.” “原来如此,进入宴厅前,需要考验胆量。” In the war casualty moon/month heart understands clearly, thinks that this group of axe elder brothers were the tests of death room, she just went out of the corner, opposite Mulder has moved toward the axe buddy, no meeting, these two entered the feast hall. 殇月心中了然,认为这群斧哥是死亡屋的考验,她刚走出转角,对面的蒙德已经率先走向斧哥们,没一会,这两人都进入宴厅。
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