RP :: Volume #32

#17: 20 hours

The war casualty moon/month just entered the feast hall, hunts for dragon Zhu to go forward, sees this, the war casualty moon/month puts out together withered Bark. 殇月刚进入宴厅,猎龙蛛就上前,见此,殇月拿出一块干枯的树皮 Hunts for dragon Zhu armor to wield fully, after having seized withered Bark, throws arrives in port, somewhat is obviously discontented, but also calculates the war casualty moon/month through the first round of test. 猎龙蛛的甲足一挥,夺过干枯树皮后抛到口中,明显有些不满,但也算殇月通过首轮考验。 Dies young moon/month and Nita to sit at the feast table, Mulder stands fountain pond within/inner near wall, is cleaning bloodstain. 殇月、尼塔都坐在宴桌旁,蒙德则站在墙边的喷泉池内,正清洗身上的血迹。 In the meantime, spatial fluctuation emerges, Daylin appears in the midair suddenly, falls falls on the place. 就在此时,一股空间波动涌现,狄琳陡然出现在半空中,摔落在地。 At this time Daylin red magic robe is tattered, her pupil becomes jet black, the whole body skin covers entirely the bloodstain. 此时狄琳身上的红色法袍已破破烂烂,她一只眸子变得漆黑,全身皮肤布满血痕。 The arm that she shivers lifts, delivers to the mouth , before a small bottle. 她颤抖的手臂抬起,将一个小瓶送到嘴前。 Hiss ~ 嘶~ After Daylin long attracts gas in metal bottle, the distortion darkness strips from her within the body. 狄琳长吸一口金属瓶内的气体后,扭曲的黑暗从她体内剥离。 Ha, haha, wants to do me, has a dream, dead.” “哈,哈哈,想搞死我,做梦,亡者而已。” By arriving basin that Daylin blindly follows suit, lies down directly in the water, the blood by clear water dilution, Daylin had the slight cleanliness/mysophobia, when this is the childhood experience causes. 狄琳亦步亦趋的来到水池旁,直接躺倒在水里,血液被清水稀释,狄琳有轻微的洁癖,这是童年时的经历所导致。 After all is only the first round of test, if even this cannot insist, that does not have the qualifications from Hegemony Battle First Order section Promotion, but Nita is an accident/surprise, she can live now, because and the war casualty moon/month cooperation. 毕竟只是首轮考验,如果连这都坚持不住,那也没资格从强者争霸战的第一阶晋升,不过尼塔是个意外,她能活到现在,是因为与殇月的合作。 To direct of axe Elder Brother from Nita, she is the sincerity and war casualty moon/month cooperates. 从尼塔想引走斧哥的那一幕来看,她是真心与殇月合作。 All combat arrive in full, Anna's pupil opens, in her slender finger light point the feast table, the shining white colored light glow appears on all combat. 所有参战者都到齐,安娜的眸子睁开,她纤细的手指轻点上宴桌,莹白色光芒出现在所有参战者身上。 Su Xiao looks at the white fluorescence on arm, this energy has strong healer effect, but on him has not injured. 苏晓看着手臂上的白色荧光,这能量有很强的治疗效果,不过他身上没伤。 Su Xiao stands up from the sofa, sits before the feast table, he just sat down, the heavy sound of footsteps from transmits on the yellow golden gate direction. 苏晓从沙发上站起身,也坐到宴桌前,他刚坐下,沉重的脚步声从就黄金门方向传来。 14 axe elder brothers walk to Su Xiao, finally, they stand after the Su Xiao's seat completely, boiling killing intent does not conceal, but here is the feast hall, if not combat arrives in full, they are not even able to enter here, at present is not obviously able to attack Su Xiao. 14名斧哥向苏晓走来,最终,它们全部站在苏晓的座椅后,沸腾的杀意毫不掩饰,但这里是宴厅,如果不是参战者都到齐,它们甚至无法进入这里,眼下明显无法攻击苏晓 Daylin of Su Xiao adjacent seat is silent standing up, steps before the far seat, sitting down of saying a word. 苏晓邻座的狄琳沉默着站起身,移步到较远的座位前,一言不发的坐下。 Anna sits in first, Su Xiao sits opposite of her, two worlds are the circular feast tables, but in Su Xiao behind, is standing 14 covetous axe elder brothers. 安娜坐在首位,苏晓坐在她对面,两人间是圆形宴桌,而在苏晓身后,则站着14名虎视眈眈的斧哥。 Even if the axe elder brother does not have the head, the height is still four meters fully, their stains the large size of blood stain to pick out the bone big axe every, imposing manner, it can be imagined. 斧哥就算没有头颅,身高也足有四米,它们人手一柄沾满血污的大号剔骨大斧,气势之强,可想而知。 Painful queen by Anna, sits Mulder respectively, the war casualty moon/month, Nita, Daylin, the atmosphere falls into the somewhat strange silence. 痛苦女王・安娜两侧,分别坐着蒙德,殇月,尼塔,狄琳,气氛陷入有些诡异的沉默。 At first sight, is standing group axe elder brother's Su Xiao, president who probably death game. 乍一看,身后站着群斧哥的苏晓,才像是死亡游戏的主持者。 „Are these...... your summon?!” “这些……都是你的召唤物?!” Mulder is raising head slightly, looks at Su Xiao behind that famous axe elder brother. 蒙德略微仰着头,看着苏晓身后那一名名斧哥。 Can such comprehension.” “可以这么理解。” How I felt, they do want to divide you?” “那我怎么感觉,它们想劈了你?” Mulder rubs their head by the horn of sawing up. 蒙德摸了摸头上被锯断的犄角。 Perhaps this is loyal.” “或许这就是忠诚。” „?” “啊?” Mulder thorough compels ignorant. 蒙德彻底懵逼。 On looked outwardly, Mulder indeed is a face compels ignorant, but he just inquired in the vague way whether Su Xiao needs to aid, Su Xiao turns down. 明面上看,蒙德的确是一脸懵逼,可他方才以隐晦的方式询问,苏晓是否需要援助,苏晓则是婉拒。 Copes with the axe elder brother, can only choose the circumvention, this is the price, obtains 3 Shadow Stone , to promote 2 Luck attribute prices permanently, will never have the space to fall the pie the good deed, Su Xiao yields the large revenue at the same time, needs to take the corresponding risk. 对付斧哥,只能选择规避,这是代价,获得三颗暗影石,永久提升二点幸运属性的代价,从不会有天上掉馅饼的好事,苏晓获得巨大收益的同时,也需要承担相应的风险。 Can enter the feast hall, has represented you to continue to participate in the qualifications of death game, in the later test, you only needed to find forgets dominoes, can complete the death game, accepts the test of Hegemony Battle Third Order section.” “能进入宴厅,已经代表你们有继续参与死亡游戏的资格,在之后的考验中,你们只需要找到‘遗忘骨牌’,就能完成死亡游戏,去接受强者争霸战三阶段的考验。” Speaking of this, painful queen Anna's words. 说到这,痛苦女王・安娜的话一顿。 Completed the reward of death game as you, you can in finally choose any holding that you needed.” “作为你们完成死亡游戏的奖励,你们可以在‘最终之所’选择你们需要的任何藏品。” Anna's finishing speaking, innermost a feast hall piece of wall changes into the fog, obviously, after entering this fog, will start the follow-up test. 安娜的话音刚落,宴厅最里侧的一片墙壁化为灰雾,显然,进入这片灰雾后,就会开始后续的考验。 The fog proliferation on wall, looked that the trend will flood the feast hall quickly, the time are not much, Su Xiao is unable to wait for the axe elder brother chases down mode to relieve. 墙上的灰雾扩散,看趋势很快就会将宴厅充斥,时间不多,苏晓无法等斧哥的追杀状态解除。 Su Xiao lifts the step to move toward the fog, his behind 14 axe elder brother strides follow. 苏晓抬步走向灰雾,他身后的14名斧哥大步跟上。 Just before arriving at the fog, Su Xiao's pressed down the hilt of waist, he just wants to draw a sword, various whole body places had the heavy pressure feeling, in the feast hall forbid to act, is unable to be fettered while the axe elder brother, cleaned up them. 刚来到灰雾前,苏晓的手就按上腰间的刀柄,他刚想拔刀,全身各处出现重压感,宴厅内禁止出手,也就是无法趁着斧哥被束缚,清理掉它们。 Su Xiao hints Boubo first to entering the fog, under he must probe the chasing down priority of axe buddy. 苏晓示意布布汪先向进入灰雾内,他要试探下斧哥们的追杀优先级。 Boubo breaks in the fog, stands has not moved in the Su Xiao behind 14 axe elder brothers, this on behalf, Su Xiao's chases down the priority to be highest. 布布汪冲入灰雾内,站在苏晓身后的14名斧哥没动,这代表,苏晓的追杀优先级最高。 Baja also enters the fog, after Su Xiao waited for more than ten seconds, breaks in the fog. 巴哈也进入灰雾,苏晓等了十几秒后,冲入灰雾。 Bang! 轰! The bellow in the feast hall crack, that fog distortions, 14 axe elder brothers all breaks in the fog. 轰鸣声在宴厅内炸响,那片灰雾一阵扭曲,14名斧哥全部冲入灰雾内。 In the dim fog, Su Xiao just ran out of more than ten meters, the surrounding fog dissipates, log cabins appear in the front. 朦胧的灰雾内,苏晓刚冲出十几米,周围的灰雾就消散,一座座木屋出现在前方。 The howling sound raids behind from Su Xiao, a big axe has flown from his side, chops into the front log cabin directly, the sawdust scatters, this big axe direct penetration house, vanishes in the darkness of distant place. 呼啸声从苏晓身后袭来,一把大斧从他身旁飞过,直接劈入前方的木屋内,木屑四溅,这大斧直接穿透房屋,消失在远处的黑暗中。 Su Xiao has not stopped, flushes away directly forward, although the front all are unknown, but the axe buddy is pursuing in behind. 苏晓一步未停,径直向前冲去,虽然前方的一切都是未知,但斧哥们正在后面追。 Before Su Xiao, discovered, the axe elder brother's speed is not too fast, naturally, this is only to the axe elder brother's overall strength. 苏晓之前就发现,斧哥的速度不算太快,当然,这只是对斧哥的总体战力而言。 With axe elder brother Close Combat, is completely the impossible matter, even Seventh Order Contractor, will still be chopped by the axe elder brother. 与斧哥近战,完全是不可能的事,就算是七阶契约者,也会被斧哥剁了。 The wind sound/rumor howls by the ear, first jumps to Su Xiao suddenly, the next quarter, a big axe revolves to raid, passed over gently and swiftly from his. 风声在耳旁呼啸,前冲中的苏晓突然跃起,下一刻,一把大斧旋转着袭来,从他脚下掠过。 Bang! 轰! The heavy item pounds to fall in front of Su Xiao, is an axe elder brother, it was thrown by other axe elder brothers. 重物在苏晓面前砸落,是一名斧哥,它是被其他斧哥抛过来的。 This axe elder brother just fell to the ground, its iron chain cuns (2.5 cm) crack, big mouth on torso opens, bites directly to Su Xiao, this bites, the speed quickly to the leeway that has almost not fended. 这斧哥刚落地,它身上的铁链就寸寸崩裂,躯干上的大嘴张开,直接向苏晓咬来,这一咬,速度快到几乎没有闪避的余地。 Bang! 砰! After frightened linking sound, the axe elder brother bit spatial, Su Xiao penetrated mode to be separated from the space, he stood on the axe elder brother's back, both legs arched crookedly, the shell of chest cavity leapt like one. 惊悚的咬合声后,斧哥咬了个空,苏晓从空间穿透状态脱离,他站在斧哥的脊背上,双腿弓曲,如同一颗出膛的炮弹般跃出。 Su Xiao just leapt several meters, a big axe chops directly. 苏晓刚跃出几米,一把大斧迎头劈来。 Su Xiao forces to enter the space to penetrate mode, the big axe that the front surface chops penetrates his head and torso, finally chops slantingly from his waist, is good is in the space to penetrate mode because of Su Xiao, can dodge nearly all physical attack methods. 苏晓强制进入空间穿透状态,迎面劈来的大斧穿透他的头颅、躯干,最终从他腰间斜斜劈出,好在苏晓正处于空间穿透状态,能规避近乎所有物理攻击手段。 The big axe chops into the ground, like in dividing a bomb, the surrounding soil was rumbled by the impulse. 大斧劈入地面,如同劈中一颗炸弹,周围的泥土被冲击力轰起。 Su Xiao with an axe elder brother face-to-face, the crystalline layer fast package on his right arm, his right arm arched crookedly, the fist is gripping tightly at this time, a fist bang to axe elder brother's side waist. 苏晓此时正与一名斧哥面对面,晶体层快速包裹在他的右臂上,他的右臂弓曲,拳头紧握,一拳轰向斧哥的侧腰。 As for the dozen of side waists, the height disparity is quite why big, the axe elder brother has four meters high fully. 至于为何打侧腰,身高差距比较大,斧哥足有四米高。 Bang, the air wave spreads, crystalline layer on Su Xiao right arm blasts out, but the axe elder brother, after is only the body, was more supine, that is all. 砰的一声,气浪扩散,苏晓右臂上的晶体层炸开,而斧哥,只是身体后仰了一些,仅此而已。 While this opportunity, Su Xiao flushes away to the distant place. 趁此机会,苏晓向远处冲去。 Just ran out of dozens meters, the big axes revolved to fly, Su Xiao was sideways to avoid, a wisp of blood splashed on his shoulder. 刚冲出几十米,就又有一把大斧旋转着飞来,苏晓侧身躲避,一缕鲜血在他肩膀上溅起。 passes one, Su Xiao falls falls on the place, the soil flavor enters the nasal cavity, his pupil reduces fast, because his present whole body is numb, this is not the energy or the spiritual control effect, but was his whole body is shaken the hemp by Strength. 噗通一声,苏晓摔落在地,泥土的味道进入鼻腔,他的瞳孔快速紧缩,因为他现在全身麻木,这不是能量或精神控制效果,而是他全身被一股力量震麻了。 A shadow depresses from the above, lies down the blue glow flashes in the Su Xiao eye of ground, his no indication translates several meters to the side, probably was driven by anything. 一道黑影从上方压下,躺在地上的苏晓眼中蓝芒闪动,他毫无征兆的向侧面平移几米,像是被什么拖动。 The big axe chops to fall, the soil hits on the Su Xiao face, the stabbing pain transmits from the cheeks, since he narrows the eye. 大斧劈落,泥土打在苏晓脸上,刺痛从脸颊传来,他眯起眼。 Su Xiao was flown by the impulse top, places in the midair, the numbness of his whole body removes fast, while this opportunity, his right hand makes a fist. 苏晓被冲击力顶飞,身处半空中,他全身的麻木感快速褪去,趁这机会,他右手握拳。 The Exiler peelings of social climbing in various Su Xiao body places, returns on the sleeve cuff, only almost withdrew a moment ago. 攀附在苏晓身体各处的放逐剥离,重新回到袖口上,刚才只差一点就脱身。
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