RP :: Volume #32

#15: Stops up the gate

Painful queen Anna just appeared, before hunting for dragon Zhu wants to rush welcome, but Anna looked at its one, this gluttonous ghost was honest , to continue to defend before yellow golden gate. 痛苦女王・安娜刚出现,猎龙蛛就想冲上前欢迎,可安娜只是看了它一眼,这贪吃鬼就老实了,继续守在黄金门前。 Ms. Anna, don't we as first, have the extraneous income?” “安娜女士,我们作为第一个到的,没有额外收益?” Baja falls on the feast table, hints does not have the starter now. 巴哈落在宴桌上,示意现在连餐点都没有。 „Very regrettable.” “很遗憾。” Anna's voice rubs lightly, she lifts the step to sit in the feast table first place, starts to wait. 安娜的声音轻揉,她抬步坐在宴桌的首位,开始等待。 To continue the death game next round, must wait for other combat to arrive in full, or the section death, did not say others, Mulder is not certainly easy dead. 想继续死亡游戏下一轮,明显是要等其他参战者到齐,或是部死亡,不说其他人,蒙德绝没那么容易死。 Su Xiao pulled out the death gold coin from the bosom, after this equipped Anna's ability in addition held, the attribute has the change. 苏晓从怀中掏出死亡金币,这装备被安娜的能力加持后,属性出现变化。 Curse gold coin 诅咒金币 Origin : Void death room 产地:虚空・死亡屋 Type: Special equipment 类型:特殊装备 Prompt: This equipment had been lifted the limit, after Hunter left the death room burnt through. 提示:此装备已被解除限制,将会在猎杀者离开死亡屋后燃尽。 Equipment effect: Destiny echo( initiative), jettison this gold coin, after such as falls, is the upfront, will obtain the buff effect, such as reverse side, is the debuff effect, this process disregards the Luck attribute. 装备效果:命运回响(主动),抛投此金币,如落下后为正面,将获得增益效果,如反面,为减益效果,此过程无视幸运属性。 buff effect( random): 增益效果(随机): 1. promotes 1 Luck attribute permanently( most may trigger three times). 1.永久提升一点幸运属性(最多可触发三次)。 2. restores 50 HP every second, the effect continues for 30 minutes( no triggering limit). 2.每秒恢复50点生命值,效果持续30分钟(无触发次数限制)。 3. Shadow Stone( Shadow Stone only may use in death room, after leaving death room, is taken back, no triggering limit). 3.暗影石(暗影石仅可在死亡屋内使用,离开死亡屋后将被收回,无触发次数限制)。 debuff effect( random): 减益效果(随机): 1. reduces 15 Luck attributes temporarily, the effect continues for 1 hour, this effect may superimpose. 1.临时降低15点幸运属性,效果持续一小时,此效果可叠加。 2. encounters ‚the Gluttony beast to chase down for 1 hour( e.g. multiple triggers, will only be chased down by many Gluttony beasts, and duration may overlay). 2.遭到‘暴食兽’追杀一小时(如多次触发,将被多只暴食兽追杀,且持续时间可叠加)。 Prompt: The destiny echo( initiative) does not have the consumption. 提示:命运回响(主动)无消耗。 Prompt: The destiny echo( initiative) the Cooldown time is 30 minutes. 提示:命运回响(主动)冷却时间为30分钟。 Synopsis: Before it burns through thoroughly, makes good use of it. 简介:在它彻底燃尽前,善用它。 Sells Price: It is not able to sell. 出售价格:无法出售。 ...... …… Cursed the change of gold coin to be very big, it is burning through, after Su Xiao left the death room, it will vanish. 诅咒金币的变化很大,它正在燃尽,当苏晓离开死亡屋后,它就会消失。 This is worth very much, Su Xiao can promote the Luck attribute through the curse gold coin, moreover is most increases 3 points permanently. 这很值得,苏晓又能通过诅咒金币提升幸运属性,而且是最多永久提升三点。 As for second buff mode, HP resumes the speed increase, has little change, but the duration lengthens, can accumulate repeatedly. 至于第二种增益状态,生命值恢复速度提升,没太大变化,只是持续时间延长,能多次累积。 Final Shadow Stone, has not known temporarily is anything, the role should be very big, can only use in the death room. 最后的暗影石,暂时还不知道是什么,作用应该很大,仅能在死亡屋内使用。 debuff state has reduced, Luck attribute Temporary -15 the point effect, reduces from 48 hours to one hour. 减益状态有所削减,幸运属性临时-15点的效果,从48小时缩减到一小时。 Second debuff state was chased down by ‚the Gluttony beast, Su Xiao is located in the feast hall, was not too worried that ‚the Gluttony beast pursues this. 第二种减益状态则是被‘暴食兽’追杀,苏晓正位于宴厅内,不太担心‘暴食兽’追到这。 Ding ~ 叮~ Su Xiao throws the curse gold coin, the curse gold coin rotates in the midair slowly, finally stops from ground one meter place, the thorn flower is upward, reverse side. 苏晓抛起诅咒金币,诅咒金币在半空中缓缓转动,最终停在距离地面一米处,荆棘花向上,反面。 Prompt: Hunter will soon receive ‚the Gluttony beast chasing down. 提示:猎杀者即将受到‘暴食兽’的追杀。 Su Xiao starts to wait, he must determine that in feast hall, can be chased down by the monster of that named Gluttony beast. 苏晓开始等待,他要确定在宴厅内,会不会被那名为暴食兽的怪物追杀。 Also is several minutes, Su Xiao hears the heavy sound of footsteps, finally, that heavy sound of footsteps stops before yellow golden gate. 也就是几分钟,苏晓就听到沉重的脚步声,最终,那沉重的脚步声停在黄金门前。 Su Xiao looks to yellow golden gate, the door leaf that starts out from opposite directions folio opens greatly, but in out of the door, the standing renowned body best pupil is having four meters human form lifeform, its belly plump, the body is entangling the iron chain, some iron chains submerge the flesh, lets on it covered with blood. 苏晓向黄金门看去,对开的门扇大敞,而在门外,正站着名身高足有四米的人形生物,它的肚子圆滚滚,身上缠着铁链,部分铁链没入血肉,让它身上血肉模糊。 The Gluttony beast does not have the head, has the strong torso center in it obese, has opening together, several irregular canines go against from the opening. 暴食兽没有头颅,在它既肥胖有强壮的躯干中心处,有一道裂口,几根参差不齐的尖牙从裂口顶出。 But in the Gluttony beast hand, is carrying fully is being the wide blade big axe of blood stain, the blood stain is dry. 而在暴食兽手中,正拎着把满是血污的宽刃大斧,血污早就干涸。 With it is said that its Gluttony beast, calling it the axe elder brother to be actually more appropriate, its aura only hunting for dragon Zhu was weaker, was good is not quick because of its speed, is that type is not caught up by it is all right, once were caught up, how that must consider dead is serene. 与其称它暴食兽,叫它斧哥其实更贴切,它的气息只比猎龙蛛弱一些,好在它的速度不快,属于那种不被它追上没事,一旦被追上,那就要考虑怎么死才更安详。 The axe elder brother of whole body blood stain paces in out of the door, its goal obviously is Su Xiao, but it cannot enter the feast hall. 满身血污的斧哥在门外踱步,它的目标明显是苏晓,可它不能进入宴厅。 Sees this, the Su Xiao preparation continues, throws curse gold coin every half hour a time, he does not believe other combat to arrive in the feast hall in a short time. 看到这一幕,苏晓准备继续,每半小时就抛一次诅咒金币,他不信其他参战者能在短时间内抵达宴厅。 Meanwhile, dead labyrinth. 与此同时,亡者迷宫。 The fog covers above the dead labyrinth, in the labyrinth spreads rapid sound of footsteps. 灰雾笼罩在亡者迷宫上方,迷宫内传出一阵急促的脚步声。 Where exit|to speak is at!!” “出口在哪!!” The angry roaring sound spreads far away, Mulder is running in the labyrinth with stride, but in him behind, one crowd of body skins is jet black, four claw racing line/traverse monsters are pursuing, the conservative estimate has several hundred. 怒吼声传出老远,蒙德正在迷宫内大步奔跑,而在他身后,一群身皮肤漆黑,四爪奔行的怪物正追击,保守估计有几百。 Mulder has circled oneself quickly ignorant, after he was thrown the labyrinth, various methods have used, for example makes the symbol, remembers the peripheral subtle change depending on the memory. 蒙德已经快把自己绕懵了,他被抛进迷宫后,各类方法都用过,例如做记号,凭记忆力记住周边的细微变化等。 What a pity, these have no egg to use, he has not gone out of the labyrinth not saying that instead brings in one crowd of black skin monsters, what makes his uncomfortable is, these monsters kill undying radically, makes into two sections to split two, after pounding is flat, amitosis one crowd. 可惜,这些都没任何卵用,他没走出迷宫不说,反而引来一群黑皮怪物,更让他难受的是,这些怪物根本杀不死,打成两截就分裂成两个,砸扁后直接分裂成一群。 Mulder has a group of fission to blame in the labyrinth to dash about wildly, he just passed through a corner, sees two people in the front labyrinth. 蒙德带着一大群分裂怪在迷宫内狂奔,他刚途经一处转角,就在前方的迷宫内看到两人。 „......” “们……” „......” “……” Three people just met, mutually vigilant, Mulder meets is not others, is dies young moon/month and Nita, Nita's looking deathly pale, the body also has the light smell of blood. 三人刚碰面,就互相警惕,蒙德遇到的不是其他人,是殇月与尼塔两人,其中尼塔的脸色惨白,身上还有淡淡的血腥味。 After short confrontation, Mulder flushes away to two people. 很短暂的对峙后,蒙德就向两人冲去。 Winged Race, he is the enemy is a friend.” 羽族,他是敌是友。” Enemy.” “敌。” War casualty moon/month naturally impossible and Demon clan cooperation, two clans are fighting, the present situation can hostilely very not be good. 殇月当然不可能恶魔族合作,两族正在大战,眼下的情况能不敌对已经很好。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The ground starts to vibrate, in the Mulder behind corner, a group of fission runs out strangely. 地面开始震动,在蒙德身后的转角处,一大群分裂怪冲出。 Do not come!” “别过来啊!” Nita shouted the variant pronunciation directly, nearby war casualty moon/month turned around to escape, Nita turned into a spotted panther immediately, started to escape. 尼塔直接喊破音,一旁的殇月转身就逃,尼塔马上变成一只花豹,开始逃。 A mysterious appearance, dies young moon/month and Nita runs in front, Mulder pursues in behind, behind is the dense and numerous fissions is stranger. 神奇的一幕出现,殇月与尼塔在前面跑,蒙德在后面追,更后面是密密麻麻的分裂怪。 A feather delimits the Shatter Sky air/Qi, raids to the head of Mulder. 一根羽毛划破空气,袭向蒙德的头颅。 Bang! 砰! Mulder raises head, the step of first flushing simply has not stopped. 蒙德一仰头,前冲的步伐根本没停。 After this feather ball flies, the front half step racing line/traverse war casualty moon/month and Nita starts to use various abilities, attempts to draw back the Mulder bang. 这根羽毛弹飞后,前方快步奔行的殇月与尼塔开始使用各类能力,尝试将蒙德轰退。 After thundering intermittently, Mulder has not counterattacked, but also one step non-stop. 阵阵轰鸣后,蒙德没还击,但也一步不停。 Let die young moon/month and Nita's desperate matter happened, Mulder even by their ability crazy bang, running is still quicker than them. 让殇月与尼塔绝望的事发生了,蒙德就算被她们的能力狂轰,跑的依然比她们快。 Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈……” After wild laughter, the Mulder stride over dies young moon/month and Nita. 猖狂的笑声后,蒙德大步超过殇月与尼塔。 But, Mulder felt in the meantime the right foot has stepped on submergence of ground, this steps on the mechanism/organization! 可就在此时,蒙德感觉右脚踩过的地面下沉了一些,这是踩上机关! A metal stick springs from cave entrance on wall suddenly, directly is in front of Mulder. 一根金属棍陡然从墙上的洞口内弹出,直接横在蒙德面前。 When! 当! The impact noise is resounding, even there is an air wave to proliferate, Mulder because of flushing is too quick, as well as Strength is too strong, his entire body turns over directly several, passes one to fall on the ground. 撞击声非常响亮,甚至有气浪扩散,蒙德因冲的太快,以及自身力量太强,他整个身体直接翻转几圈,噗通一声摔在地上。 Died young moon/month and Nita broke through from Mulder, the next quarter, the one after another body jet black fission blamed to submerge Mulder. 殇月与尼塔从蒙德身旁冲过,下一刻,一只只身漆黑的分裂怪将蒙德淹没在内。 Nita restores is the human shape, long breathes a sigh of relief. 尼塔恢复为人类形态,长舒了口气。 Continues to run.” “继续跑。” The war casualty full moon is the helpless sound transmits, Nita then looked at one, almost startled being frightened out of one's wits. 殇月满是无奈的声音传来,尼塔只是回头看了一眼,就差点惊的魂飞魄散。 Behind, the body hangs more than ten to split strange Mulder, the stride to/clashes to two people. 后方,身挂着十几只分裂怪的蒙德,正大步向两人冲来。 Before dying young moon/month and Nita continues to/clashes, but is quick, a terrifying appearance. 殇月与尼塔继续前冲,但很快,恐怖的一幕出现。 Bang! 砰! A black ball has flown from two people, that is one is rolled to become ball the fission to be strange by Mulder impressively. 一颗黑球从两人身旁飞过,那赫然是一只被蒙德团成球的分裂怪。 I want to go home.” “我想回家。” Nita's voice takes the weeping voice, she felt that in this labyrinth, that Demon clan is the most fearful monster. 尼塔的声音都带上哭腔,她感觉在这个迷宫内,那名恶魔族才是最可怕的怪物。 ...... …… Feast hall. 宴厅。 Su Xiao throws begins the curse gold coin, the view hangs down, he has used this thing four times, anything has not obtained, actually attracts four axe elder brothers to stop up the gate. 苏晓抛动手中的诅咒金币,眼帘低垂,他已经使用这东西四次,什么都没获得,却引来四名斧哥堵门。 Four axe elder brothers are wandering in out of the door, look at the appearance, here feast hall, they have flushed, axe elder brothers cannot the hard resentment, be four collaborate let alone. 四名斧哥正在门外徘徊,看模样,这里要不是宴厅,他们早就冲进来,一名斧哥都不能硬怼,更何况是四个联手。 Boubo stealthy before arriving at yellow golden gate, four axe elder brothers lock it simultaneously. 布布汪鬼鬼祟祟的来到黄金门前,四名斧哥同时锁定它。 Pit-a-pat...... 突突突…… „!( Not by father)” “呜嗷!(莫挨老子)” Half dead that Boubo frightens, hurries to run, but trembles because of the hind leg is too ruthless, its leg and foot is not obviously agile. 布布汪吓的半死,赶紧跑回来,不过因后腿哆嗦的太狠,它的腿脚明显不利索。 After Su Xiao waits for five minutes, cursed the Cooldown conclusion of gold coin, he did not believe to make the fifth axe elder brother. 苏晓等待五分钟后,诅咒金币的冷却结束,他不信能弄来第五名斧哥。 Ding ~ 叮~ The curse gold coin flies, falls quickly, Sun toward on, upfront. 诅咒金币飞起,很快落下,太阳朝上,正面。 Obtains Shadow Stone x1. 获得暗影石x1。
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