RP :: Volume #32

#14: Gluttonous ghost

Hunts for dragon Zhu the line of sight to transfer, looks to the war casualty moon/month, the war casualty moon/month depth inspires, before arriving around wooden wall, cuts the finger, starts to outline above with the bloodstain. 猎龙蛛的视线调转,看向殇月,殇月深吸了口气,来到附近的木墙前,划破手指,开始用血迹在上面勾勒。 The memory of war casualty moon/month is very good, remembers circular Mark that Su Xiao drew a moment ago, is more than ten seconds outlines. 殇月的记忆力很不错,记住了苏晓刚才画出的圆形印记,也就是十几秒就勾勒出。 However, nothing happened, hunts for dragon Zhu already some and other exasperation. 然而,什么都没发生,猎龙蛛已经有些等的不耐烦。 Titter! 噗嗤! Hunts for dragon Zhu armor to pierce the war casualty moon/month lower abdomen fully, throws in her the wooden door, bears the war casualty moon/month without called out pitifully vanish in the darkness. 猎龙蛛的甲足刺穿殇月小腹,将她抛进木门内,忍住没惨叫的殇月消失在黑暗中。 Hunts for dragon Zhu to transfer the line of sight again, looks to Nita. 猎龙蛛再次调转视线,看向尼塔。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Female Spellcaster Daylin obviously thinks of anything, but has not been one's turn her. 施法者狄琳明显想到什么,不过还没轮到她。 Selecting Prompt feeds! I......” “给点提示啊喂!我……” Titter! 噗嗤! armor foot passes through Nita's body, blood splash. 甲足将尼塔的身体贯穿,鲜血飞溅。 Ahh! “啊! The pawl on flesh jacket foot tears, Nita called out pitifully is tossing into the wooden door, the life and death does not know. 血肉被甲足上的倒齿扯开,尼塔惨叫着被抛入木门内,生死不知。 Many thanks you.” “多谢你了。” Daylin exploded blinking to Su Xiao, before she arrives at the wooden wall, starts to outline Mark. 狄琳苏晓炸了眨眼,她来到木墙前,开始勾勒印记 In fact, the test of death room initial stage was not difficult, was mainly to the test of insight, the analysis capability and memory, naturally, but also needed some reasoning faculty. 实际上,死亡屋初始阶段的考验并不难,主要是对洞察力、分析能力、记忆力的考验,当然,还需要有些推理能力。 Hunting for the dragon spider is not an enemy, is opposite with it, its responsibility was responsible for leading the way, assists the death game participant through the wooden porch, in this segment Mulang transparent worm was quite dangerous, touched slightly, will die in that. 猎龙蛛并不是敌人,与之相反,它的职责是负责引路,协助死亡游戏参与者通过木廊,这段木廊内的透明蠕虫相当危险,稍有触碰,就会死在那。 Hunts for on the dragon spider to have Prompt, is on its armor foot lives dies two characters. 猎龙蛛身上有提示,就是它甲足上的‘生・死’两字。 When Su Xiao just arrived at the death room, sits on a metal chair, on the arm rest of seat has circular Mark together, below also has six small characters. 苏晓刚到死亡屋时,是坐在一张金属椅上,座椅的扶手上有一道圆形印记,下面还有六个小字。 Lives regretless, dies not hates.’ ‘生无悔,死无恨。’ It seems like that is feeling that somebody leaves behind, is actually Prompt, is connected hunts for on dragon Zhujia the foot lives dies two characters. 看似是某个人留下的感慨,实则是提示,关联到猎龙蛛甲足上的‘生・死’两字。 To let hunt for dragon Zhu to lead the way, needs to give road toll, but circular Mark on seat arm rest, is the road toll. 想让猎龙蛛引路,需要给‘过路费’,而座椅扶手上的圆形印记,就是过路费。 Consumes the retrievable vitality( HP), uses circular Mark as the medium, to death room purchase emerald green fruit. 消耗可恢复的生命力(生命值),以圆形印记为媒介,向死亡屋‘购买’翠绿果实。 But this fruit, hunting for dragon Zhu the reward, this fellow is a gluttonous ghost, cannot eat emerald green fruit, it that shows the way in vain, will start to give vent to indignation, after the heavy losses or strike directly killed the death game participant, them throws into dead labyrinth. 而这果实,就是给猎龙蛛的报酬,这家伙是个贪吃鬼,吃不到‘翠绿果实’,白白领路的它,会开始泄愤,重创或直接击杀死亡游戏参与者后,将他们扔进‘亡者迷宫’。 After giving emerald green fruit, hunts for dragon Zhu to hint Su Xiao first to wait. 至于给出翠绿果实后,猎龙蛛则示意苏晓先等待。 Had the Su Xiao's demonstration, Daylin thinks lived died the meanings of two characters, on the design as for seat arm rest, she swept the eye before, but this was enough. 有了苏晓的示范,狄琳想到了‘生・死’两字的含义,至于座椅扶手上的图案,她之前只是扫了眼,但这就足够了。 Quick, triangle Mark was outlined together with the blood by Daylin, may not have the branches and leaves to appear on the wooden wall, the wooden wall actually splits, in the jet black slit, can see that sets upright the pupil, the vertical pupil is staring at Daylin. 很快,一道三角形印记狄琳用鲜血勾勒出,可没有枝叶在木墙上出现,木墙却裂开,漆黑的缝隙内,能看到一只竖瞳,竖瞳正盯着狄琳 Un, had the place to make a mistake.” “嗯,有地方出错了。” Daylin looked at the eye to hunt for dragon Zhu with peripheral vision, hunted for dragon Zhu the response, making her keel on the back grows cold. 狄琳余光看了眼猎龙蛛,猎龙蛛的反应,让她脊背生寒。 Hunts for dragon Zhu not to throw, it is abutting opposite wooden wall, as far as possible far away from Daylin. 猎龙蛛并未扑来,它正紧靠对面的木墙,尽可能远离狄琳 Where has problems?” “到底哪里出了问题?” Daylin looks to Su Xiao, wants to make Su Xiao taunt her, and told her while convenient, where has problems, but Su Xiao not this custom. 狄琳看向苏晓,想让苏晓嘲讽她一下,并顺便告诉她,到底是哪里出了问题,但苏晓没这种习惯。 Now Daylin besides the head and nape of the neck, the whole body passes out. 现在狄琳除了头部与脖颈外,全身都失去知觉。 A jet black small hand finds out from the wooden wall crack, holds Daylin, the next quarter, at least over a hundred jet black small hands hold her, drags to the crack her. 一只漆黑的小手从木墙裂缝内探出,抓住狄琳,下一刻,至少有上百只漆黑小手抓住她,将她向裂缝内拖。 Hateful!” “可恶啊!” Daylin was drawn in the wooden wall forcefully. 狄琳被硬生生拖进木墙内。 Circular Mark that just now Su Xiao outlined dissipated slowly, this thing must the picture, draw the representative to live, pours is drawing the representative dead. 方才苏晓所勾勒的圆形印记缓缓消散,这东西要倒着画,正画代表生,倒着画代表死。 When outlined Array Chart must consume retrievable vitality, was 30% HP that Su Xiao consumed a moment ago. 勾勒阵图时需消耗‘可恢复的生命力’,也就是苏晓刚才消耗的30%生命值 The vitality is lives attribute, Mark must represent dead attribute, is but actually the picture, this also agrees with hunted for on dragon Zhu the leg lives dies two characters, this is not only Prompt , the representative lives the attribute + the dead attribute, can trade with the death room. 生命力就是‘生属性’,印记则要代表‘死属性’,也就是倒着画,这也契合了猎龙蛛腿上的‘生・死’两个字,这既是提示,也代表生属性+死属性,才能与死亡屋交易。 But Daylin, then caused two to live attribute, this is unable to trade with the death room, and brought in lodged some in death room to exist. 狄琳,则是弄出了两个‘生属性’,这无法与死亡屋交易,并引来了寄宿在死亡屋内的某个存在。 „Very simple.” “很简单嘛。” Baja falls on the Su Xiao shoulder, it takes Su Xiao's Servant with Boubo, in the principle does not need to obtain the emerald green fruit, but under the Su Xiao preparation makes them attempt. 巴哈落在苏晓肩上,它与布布汪作为苏晓的从者,原理上无需获得翠绿果实,但苏晓准备让它们尝试下。 Just now dies young moon/month with the Su Xiao's circular Mark experiment, the result failure, because on the seat of everyone, has different Mark, for example Su Xiao's is the circular, but Daylin is the triangle. 方才殇月用苏晓的圆形印记实验,结果失败,因为每个人的座椅上,都有不同的印记,例如苏晓的是圆形,而狄琳的则是三角形。 Quick, Boubo and Baja outlined Mark with the blood, with same of Su Xiao guess, as his Servant, Boubo and Baja can share circular Mark. 很快,布布汪巴哈都用鲜血勾勒出印记,与苏晓猜测的相同,作为他的从者,布布巴哈都能共享圆形印记 The branches and leaves give birth from the wooden wall, finally has two apple sizes the emerald green fruits, in Su Xiao both hands takes one respectively. 枝叶从木墙上生出,最终结出两颗苹果大小的翠绿果实,苏晓双手中各拿着一颗。 Hunts for dragon Zhuzhi straight looks at Su Xiao, Su Xiao disregards it. 猎龙蛛直直的看着苏晓,苏晓无视之。 As if detected that Su Xiao the emerald green fruit to oneself, will not hunt for dragon Zhu the body to turn, eight spider feet toward on, twitched two, was motionless. 似乎察觉到苏晓不会将翠绿果实给自己,猎龙蛛的身体一翻,八根蛛足朝上,抽动了两下,不动了。 This gluttonous ghost, unexpectedly to eat the emerald green fruit, feigns death to the Su Xiao performance. 这贪吃鬼,居然为了吃到翠绿果实,给苏晓表演装死。 Su Xiao ejects the emerald green fruit in left hand, hunts for the dragon spider directly from the ground ball, places the midair, swallows the emerald green fruit. 苏晓抛出左手中的翠绿果实,猎龙蛛直接从地上弹起,身处半空,一口吞下翠绿果实。 Its also decline place, Su Xiao ejects second, hunts for instance that the dragon spider falls to the ground, appears on the left side wooden wall directly, big mouth opens, the emerald green fruit flies in its mouth. 它还没落地,苏晓就抛出第二颗,猎龙蛛落地的瞬间,直接出现在左侧的木墙上,大嘴张开,翠绿果实飞到它口中。 Eats three emerald green fruits continually, hunts for dragon Zhu to look somewhat lazily, the hibernation of insects wool on its leg retracts, before arriving at the Su Xiao body, sees this, Su Xiao leaps to hunting for dragon Zhu conducts the back, Boubo and Baja also similarly so. 连吃三颗翠绿果实,猎龙蛛看起有些懒洋洋,它腿上的蛰毛缩回,来到苏晓身前,见此,苏晓跃到猎龙蛛背上,布布汪巴哈也同样如此。 Hunts for dragon Zhu to arrive by the wooden wall, inscribes lives dies the armor feet of two characters, enters from the concave trenching of wooden wall. 猎龙蛛来到木墙旁,刻有‘生・死’二字的甲足,从木墙的凹槽探入。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ The mechanism/organization revolves, the ground opens the same place slowly, reveals together slanting to below channel. 机关运转,地面缓缓打开一块,露出一道斜斜通往下方的通道。 Hunts for the dragon spider to vanish in suddenly same place, its speed is too fast, conducts the back Su Xiao, Boubo and Baja to break in the channel. 猎龙蛛陡然消失在原地,它的速度实在太快,驮着苏晓布布汪巴哈就冲入通道内。 Su Xiao stands is hunting for dragon Zhu to conduct the back, although front a darkness, but he actually hears the running away sound in a panic, without hunting for dragon Zhu escorting, these lifeform in darkness, must cope by him personally. 苏晓站在猎龙蛛背上,前方虽一片黑暗,但他却听到仓皇的逃窜声,没有猎龙蛛的护送,黑暗中的这些生物,就要由他亲手对付。 Hunting for dragon Zhu rushes to the good speed to be extremely quick, compared with after the Su Xiao speed full also wants on quickly many, is this, its racing Hangjin 20 minutes, the channel arrives at the end. 猎龙蛛奔行速度极快,比苏晓速度全开后还要快上很多,就是这样,它奔行近二十分钟,通道才到尽头。 Crossed the channel, is a wooden porch, but inside the wooden porch, there is together a yellow golden gate, yellow golden gate approximately more than 5 meters high, is to start out from opposite directions folio. 过了通道,又是一条木廊,而在木廊内侧,有一道黄金门,黄金门约五米多高,为对开。 Hunts for dragon Zhutuo Su Xiao to go forward, shoves open yellow golden gate with two armor fully, enters in a splendid feast hall, painful queen feast hall that the premise of Anna passes. 猎龙蛛驮着苏晓上前,用两根甲足推开黄金门,进入一间富丽堂皇的宴厅内,痛苦女王・安娜之前提过的宴厅到了。 Su Xiao from hunting for dragon Zhu conducts the back to leap, feast hall about over a thousand square meters, the center has a giant circular feast table, above is empty. 苏晓从猎龙蛛背上跃下,宴厅约有上千平米,中心处有一张巨大的圆形宴桌,上面空无一物。 Su Xiao sits on the sofa before wall, as for hunting for dragon Zhu, this fellow defending that is bored to death before yellow golden gate, other death game participants did not lose the qualifications, regardless of they took that road, before arriving in yellow golden gate, after hunting for dragon Zhu the second test, can enter the feast hall. 苏晓坐在墙壁前的沙发上,至于猎龙蛛,这家伙正百无聊赖的守在黄金门前,其他死亡游戏参与者并不是失去资格,他们无论走那条路,都会抵达黄金门前,通过猎龙蛛的二次考验后,才能进入宴厅。 Su Xiao just prepared by sitting takes a break on the sofa, spatial fluctuation appears, painful queen Anna comes. 苏晓刚准备靠坐在沙发上休息片刻,空间波动出现,痛苦女王・安娜现身。 Anna just came, on the face has the obvious astonishment, although is only instantaneous, she handled something a moment ago, the original plan is, she in feast hall and other combat, however, Su Xiao was about than to arrive in the feast hall her, but also hunting for the dragon spider brought. 安娜刚现身,脸上就出现明显的惊异,虽然只是瞬间,她刚才去处理了一些事,原计划是,她在宴厅内等参战者们,然而,苏晓比她更快抵达了宴厅,还把猎龙蛛带来。
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