RP :: Volume #32

#13: Insight

In the darkness, crawling of giant spider quiet in the place, after the detection, Su Xiao knew that this monster named hunts for dragon spider, other materials all are the question marks. 黑暗中,巨型蜘蛛安静的匍匐在地,经侦测,苏晓得知这怪物名为‘猎龙蛛’,其他资料全是问号。 A point that Su Xiao can determine is, do not say that now he only has Dragon Flash, other equipment were prohibited in the storage space, even equips to be well-dressed, he is not the opponent of this thing. 苏晓能确定的一点是,不要说现在他只有斩龙闪,其他装备都被封禁在储存空间内,就算装备穿戴整齐,他也不是这东西的对手。 If Su Xiao did not remember incorrectly, hunting for dragon Zhu is the lifeform of Dark Abyss deep layer, this thing likes digging the lair, then ambushes in the nest **, through head below organ, secretes the special body fluid, thus entraps the wyvern in Dark Abyss, it may be said that throws one. 如果苏晓没记错,猎龙蛛是黑渊深层的生物,这东西喜欢挖巢穴,然后埋伏在巢**,通过头部下方的器官,分泌出特殊体液,从而诱捕黑渊内的飞龙等,可谓是一扑一个准。 This lifeform orthodox name hunts for dragon Zhu, but also has the place to call his secure throat. 这种生物正统的称呼是猎龙蛛,但也有地方叫他安尤之喉。 Just now Mulder and the others left the order of room to be very interesting. 方才蒙德等人离开房间的顺序很有趣。 First is the old man who that seemingly is as deep as a well, his first leaves the room, met hunted for dragon Zhu, because the coping style was wrong, finally died a tragic death. 首先是那名看似高深莫测的老者,他第一个离开房间,遇到了猎龙蛛,因为应对方式错误,结果惨死。 What second leaves the room is Mulder, he is presents in everyone the defensive power to be strongest, finally after punches two fat, is hung, in fact, Mulder by that old man's death misleading. 第二个离开房间的是蒙德,他是在场所有人中防御力最强的,结果被胖揍两顿后吊起来,实际上,蒙德是被那名老者的死误导。 As for dying young moon/month and Nita, they just went out of the room, met hunted for dragon Zhu, and saw that had been slung Mulder, very much these two knew the limitation has not revolted, therefore without by what wound, was hung. 至于殇月与尼塔,她们刚走出房间,就遇到了猎龙蛛,并看到已经被吊起蒙德,这两人很识相的没反抗,因此没受什么伤,就被吊起来。 Female Spellcaster that fifth goes out of the room Daylin, what she walks is another side, without going out far, discovery another side is a blind alley. 第五个走出房间的女施法者狄琳,她走的是另一边,没走出多远,就发现另一边是死路。 Daylin can only the old route return, therefore also met hunted for dragon Zhu, she thinks quiet from hunting for the dragon spider passed through, has not walked several steps, tied down by the spider's silk trap, hunts for the dragon spider simply not to fall asleep, but is inducing Daylin close. 狄琳只能原路返回,因此也遇到了猎龙蛛,她原本想悄无声息的从猎龙蛛身旁走过,可没走几步,就被蛛丝陷阱缠住,猎龙蛛根本没睡着,只是在诱导狄琳靠近它而已。 This about ten meters wide wooden porch, can only lead the way straightly, the only channel hunted for the dragon spider to block. 这条近十米宽的木廊,只能笔直前行,唯一的通道被猎龙蛛挡住。 Su Xiao looks at darkness upwards, leapt the past possibility is not big, moreover hunted for the dragon spider unable obviously the strong resentment enemy. 苏晓看向上方的黑暗,跃过去的可能不大,而且猎龙蛛明显不是能强怼的敌人。 From beforehand painful queen Anna's attitude, and death room was selected as Hegemony Battle location these two points, the death room not that dead without hope of life place, here indeed crisis on top of crisis, had the decision error dead slightly, but cannot the non-solution. 从之前痛苦女王・安娜的态度,以及死亡屋被选定为强者争霸战的场地这两点来看,死亡屋绝不是那种有死无生的地方,这里的确危机重重,稍有决策失误就会死,但不会无解。 Su Xiao lifts the step to withdraw, the vision fixes the eyes on front hunting for dragon Zhu. 苏晓抬步退后,目光紧盯前方的猎龙蛛。 He just stepped back, hunts for dragon Zhu armor to lift fully, this great spider crawls when the place, about five meters high, 12 red compound eyes, center two biggest, the both sides compound eyes gradually reduce, the two fist sizes of most edge. 他刚退后一步,猎龙蛛的甲足就抬起,这只巨蛛匍匐在地时,都有近五米高,十二只红色复眼,中心处的两颗最大,两侧的复眼逐渐减小,最边缘的两颗只有拳头大小。 Hunts for dragon Zhu to altogether have eight feet, on the following six legs full is the steel needle hibernation of insects wool, has the violent poisonousness, close to head two is armor extremity/limb, the carapace has the metal sense of reality fully, the tip like two sickles, and attaches the pawl, to guard the prey to escape. 猎龙蛛共有八足,后面的六条腿上满是钢针般的蛰毛,有剧毒,靠近头部的两足为甲肢,甲壳有金属质感,尖端如同两把弯刀般,并附有倒齿,以防猎物逃脱。 Once hunted for dragon Zhu kills, will be the quite desperate experience, its armor deeply will submerge within the body of prey fully, but the pawl on armor foot, will then be convenient rips open the prey. 一旦被猎龙蛛扑杀,将是相当绝望的经历,它的甲足会深深没入猎物的体内,而甲足上的倒齿,则是方便将猎物撕开。 On hunting for dragon Zhu a armor foot, inscribes two small characters to live dies, is very difficult to discover, after this is Boubo approaches, observes. 在猎龙蛛的一根甲足上,刻有两个小字‘生・死’,很难发现,这是布布汪凑近后才观察到。 Knew after hunting for small character on dragon Zhujia the foot, Su Xiao determined completely, this giant spider is allied force to a certain extent, without it, the big probability is unable unable to pass this wooden porch. 得知猎龙蛛甲足上的小字后,苏晓完全确定,这巨型蜘蛛是某种程度上的友军,没有它,大概率无法通不过这条木廊。 Su Xiao lifts the right arm slowly, a mysterious appearance, hunts for dragon Zhu also to lift the right side armor foot. 苏晓缓缓抬起右臂,神奇的一幕出现,猎龙蛛也抬起右侧甲足。 Hunts for dragon Zhu to imitate the Su Xiao's movement, this feeling, looking like is too boring. 猎龙蛛在模仿苏晓的动作,这感觉,就像是实在太无聊。 According to Su Xiao's speculated, kills depending on this hunts for dragon Zhu is not realistic, but this can use, the success ratio is not too high, but can under the attempt, he judge after all the first round of test of death room was anything, that was the power of observation. 根据苏晓的推测,凭这点弄死猎龙蛛并不现实,不过这点可以利用起来,成功率不算太高,但可以尝试下,毕竟他已经判断出死亡屋的首轮考验是什么,那就是观察力。 The Su Xiao's vision shifts to female Spellcaster Daylin, and leads the way several steps. 苏晓的目光转向女施法者狄琳,并前行几步。 Almost is at the same time, hunts for dragon Zhu also to take a step to forward, arrives at behind Daylin. 几乎是同一时间,猎龙蛛也迈步向前,来到狄琳后方。 Under the Su Xiao's right arm wields, hunts for dragon Zhu the armor full thorn to Daylin, in the Daylin preparation dodges, that is similar to sickle armor to stop fully suddenly, from the head of Daylin already less than half meter away. 苏晓的右臂下挥,猎龙蛛的甲足刺向狄琳,就在狄琳准备闪避时,那如同弯刀般的甲足陡然停下,距离狄琳的头颅已不足半米远。 The cold sweat flows off following the cheeks of Daylin, but she actually smiled, she in the gambling, the gambling hunted for dragon Zhu not to kill her a moment ago. 冷汗顺着狄琳的脸颊流下,可她却笑了,她刚才在赌,赌猎龙蛛不会杀她。 Hunts for dragon Zhu to crawl to Su Xiao, Su Xiao lifts the left arm, he does not want to be hung upside down. 猎龙蛛向苏晓爬来,苏晓抬起左臂,他不想被倒吊着。 After 30 seconds, Su Xiao was being entangled the left arm by the spider's silk, hangs in the midair, but in his next door, was being hung upside down Mulder. 三十秒后,苏晓被蛛丝缠着左臂,吊在半空中,而在他隔壁,就是被倒吊着的蒙德 I also think that you have the means.” “我还认为你有办法。” You want.” “你想多了。” Su Xiao said like this, is completely because Mulder neglected the beforehand clue, at this time the Prompt opposite party significance was not big. 苏晓这样说,完全是因为蒙德忽略了之前的线索,这时提示对方意义不大。 You seem like me are more intelligent.” “你看起来比我聪明。” Your misconception.” “你的错觉。” During the Su Xiao speeches looks at darkness upwards, if he has not guessed wrong, hunting for the dragon spider is not an enemy, otherwise, Mulder and other people, basic impossible lives now, but that dead old man, died of the inertia thought completely, when facing hunting for dragon spider, cannot escape, that will arouse the wild nature of this abyss lifeform, thus induced the opposite party to hunt. 苏晓说话间看向上方的黑暗,如果他没猜错,猎龙蛛并不是敌人,否则的话,蒙德等四人,根本不可能活到现在,而那名死去的老者,完全是死于惯性思维,面对猎龙蛛时,千万不能逃,那会激起这深渊生物的野性,从而诱发对方捕猎。 Was being hung upside down together the form swings in the Su Xiao front, is Daylin, she was also hung. 一道被倒吊着的身影在苏晓前方摆动,是狄琳,她也被吊起来。 Su Xiao starts to wait, no meeting, is integrating Boubo in environment, appears under Su Xiao. 苏晓开始等待,没一会,正融入环境中的布布汪,就出现在苏晓下方。 Boubo jumps to leap, bites in the midair a dangling spider's silk, will hang on own initiative. 布布汪纵身一跃,咬住半空中一根垂下的蛛丝,主动将自己吊起来。 Hunts for dragon Zhu to raise head to look to Boubo, in the eye seems like some doubts, but has not attacked Boubo. 猎龙蛛仰头看向布布汪,眼中似乎有些疑惑,但并未攻击布布汪 After waiting for approximately a half hour, hunts for the dragon spider to start to the corridor deep place to crawl, but is entangling the spider's silk of Su Xiao arm, moves to the corridor deep place together, in the above darkness spreads the rapid crawling sound, Su Xiao has not guessed that wrong words, above has only the small-sized spider, is pasting the ceiling to crawl. 等待约半小时后,猎龙蛛开始向长廊深处爬去,而缠着苏晓手臂的蛛丝,也一同向长廊深处移动,上方的黑暗中传出急促的爬行声,苏晓没猜错的话,上面有只小号蜘蛛,正贴着天棚爬行。 The sound of xi xi su su conveys from the surroundings, carefully will observe the surrounding wall and ground will discover, above full will be the transparent worm. 窸窸窣窣的声音从周围传来,仔细观察周围的墙壁与地面会发现,上面满是透明蠕虫。 Baja has the space ability, therefore Su Xiao has not made it be slung by the spider's silk, is the single layer insurance. 巴哈有空间能力,因此苏晓没让它被蛛丝吊起,算是一重保险。 Hunts for dragon Zhupa one to stop a meeting, the transparent worm on wall has not obviously threatened to it, may see these wriggle Insect Queen, war casualty moon/month is pale, she from infancy to maturity, most fears this crowded software lifeform. 猎龙蛛趴一会停一会,墙上的透明蠕虫明显对它没威胁,可看到这些蠕虫后,殇月的脸色发青,她从小到大,最怕这种密集的软体生物。 Approximately after ten minutes, the wooden porch to the end, the front presented a about four meters high wooden door. 约十分钟后,木廊到了尽头,前方出现一道近四米高的木门。 , Ties up the spider's silk break of Mulder, Mulder is falling to the ground. 啪啦一声,绑着蒙德的蛛丝断裂,蒙德落地。 Hunts for dragon Zhu 12 compound eyes to stare at Mulder, Mulder looks all around the surroundings, finally, this goods take off shoes, before throwing to hunt for dragon Zhushen . 猎龙蛛的十二只复眼盯着蒙德,蒙德环顾周围,最终,这货脱下自己一只鞋,抛到猎龙蛛身前。 Bang! 砰! Hunts for dragon Zhu armor to dig fully to Mulder, Mulder withstands with both hands, the plank of under foot makes noise. 猎龙蛛的甲足刨向蒙德,蒙德用双手顶住,脚下的木板吱嘎作响。 Sees only hunts for dragon Zhu another armor foot hook, after that leaf of wooden door hook starts, Mulder throws. 只见猎龙蛛的另一只甲足一钩,将那扇木门钩开后,就把蒙德抛进去。 Mulder stuffy snort/hum, vanishes in the darkness, if trades to do is Nita, being intimate these at least is also the severe wound, even possibly directly by second. 蒙德闷哼一声,消失在黑暗中,如果换做是尼塔,挨上这一下最起码也是重伤,甚至可能直接被秒。 And...... 啪啦、啪啦…… All spider's silks break, Su Xiao falls to the ground steadily, he partly squats in the place, and delimits together circular Mark with the finger in the ground, but Boubo, just squats side him, blocked his hand. 所有蛛丝都断裂,苏晓平稳落地,他半蹲在地,并用手指在地面上划出一道圆形印记,而布布汪,刚好蹲在他身旁,挡住了他的手。 Circular Mark completes, hunting for the dragon spider was unresponsive, sees this, Su Xiao knocked the plank of ground. 圆形印记完成,猎龙蛛毫无反应,见此,苏晓敲了敲地面的木板。 Bang ~ 砰~ Hunts for dragon Zhu armor to knock fully on the wooden wall, Su Xiao nod of looking pensive, arrives hunts for in front of the wall that dragon Zhu raps. 猎龙蛛的甲足敲在木质墙壁上,苏晓若有所思的点了点头,来到猎龙蛛所敲击的墙面前。 Piece of Exiler cuts the Su Xiao's index finger, the blood leaching, he uses the index finger to outline circular Mark on the wooden wall. 一片放逐划破苏晓的食指,鲜血浸出,他用食指在木墙上勾勒出圆形印记 This circular Mark, is not the Su Xiao baseless imagination, but before is him, on that metal seat arm rest who sits, circular Mark that carves, this is Prompt, very easily neglected Prompt. 这圆形印记,并非是苏晓凭空想象,而是他之前所坐的那张金属椅扶手上,所刻的圆形印记,这是提示,很容易被忽略的提示 As Su Xiao outlined circular Mark on the wooden wall, his HP fast consumption, after consumed 30%, outlined completes. 随着苏晓在木墙上勾勒出圆形印记,他的生命值快速消耗,共消耗30%后,勾勒完成。 Su Xiao just drew circular Mark, the wooden wall surface that Mark is at gives birth to the branches and leaves, the emerald green leaf blade winds in the same place, finally, a translucent green fruit gives birth. 苏晓刚画出圆形印记,印记所在的木质墙面就生出枝叶,翠绿的叶片盘结在一起,最终,一颗半透明的绿色果实生出。 Hunts for dragon Zhupa before the Su Xiao body, Su Xiao takes off the fruit on wall, throws to hunt for dragon Zhu. 猎龙蛛爬到苏晓身前,苏晓摘下墙上的果实,抛给猎龙蛛。 Hunts for dragon Zhu first raises, full is big mouth of canine opens, swallows the emerald green fruit, and knocked nearby ground with armor fully, hints Su Xiao first in this. 猎龙蛛的头一扬,满是尖牙的大嘴张开,一口吞下翠绿果实,并用甲足敲了敲附近的地面,示意苏晓先在这等。 Under asking that...... can take the liberty, how you achieve.” “那个……能冒昧的问下,你是怎么做到的。” Nita eyeful earnestly seeking looks at Su Xiao. 尼塔满眼渴求的看着苏晓 Uses your imagination.” “发挥你的想象力。” Su Xiao by the wooden wall, lights cigarette. 苏晓靠在木墙上,点燃一支烟。 I, I cannot imagine.” “我,我想象不出来。” Nita feels desperate, she now besides ignorant compelling, without other feelings. 尼塔倍感绝望,她现在除了懵逼外,没其他感觉。
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