RP :: Volume #32

#12: Neat

Except that always stands still Anna before gate, in the room altogether has six combat, in which two people Su Xiao recognizes, is on one combat war casualty moon/month, as well as recited Nita of branch. 除去始终静立在门前的安娜,房间内共有六名参战者,其中的两人苏晓认得,是上一轮的参战者殇月,以及吟语族的尼塔。 This obviously is not coincidence, unsurprisingly, double child also met the death room, but double child should use some jurisdiction, thus the circumvention continued with the Su Xiao minute/share to one group. 这明显不是巧合,不出意外,双子也会来死亡屋,不过双子应该是使用了某种权限,从而规避继续和苏晓分到一组。 Except for dying young moon/month and Nita, is that female Spellcaster, but surplus two people, is a horn are sent Demon clan by the white inch of sawing up respectively, as well as an old man. 除了殇月与尼塔,就是那名女施法者,而剩余的两人,分别是一名犄角被锯断的白色寸发恶魔族,以及一名老者。 That stubborn Ironheaded that this Demon clan, opened the mouth a moment ago, notices the Su Xiao's vision, this Demon clan raised the head to Su Xiao, the relations of Demon clan and Extinguishing Law does not need to conceal, it is well known. 这名恶魔族,就是刚才开口的那个倔强铁憨憨,留意到苏晓的目光,这名恶魔族苏晓扬了扬头,恶魔族灭法者的关系根本不用掩饰,人尽皆知。 As for the last old man, is sitting in repose with eyes closed, he came from Sanctuary Paradise Pioneer, the aura is strange, distortion, but is powerful. 至于最后一名老者,正闭目养神,他是来自圣域乐园先驱,气息诡异、扭曲,但却强大。 Su Xiao threw Shattered Soul Crystal to the mouth, slowly chewing, is seeing this, the war casualty moon/month of adjacent seat is sideways slightly. 苏晓向口中抛了颗灵魂晶碎,慢慢嘴嚼着,看到这一幕,邻座的殇月略微侧身。 On the Twilight island, was being carried of hair by Su Xiao, her lifetime is unforgettable, the matter what a pity, the destiny has not cared for her, second round with Su Xiao one group, the trauma area of war casualty moon/month gradually enlarges. 暮光岛上,被苏晓拎着头发的那一幕,她毕生难忘,可惜的事,命运并未眷顾她,第二轮又与苏晓一组,殇月的心理阴影面积逐渐放大。 As for coming from recite Nita of branch, she was one does not know the Su Xiao's appearance, because she discovered that the war casualty moon/month is also living unexpectedly, why did not know, in her heart somewhat feared, she as if discovered any extraordinary matter. 至于来自吟语族的尼塔,她则是一副不认识苏晓的模样,因为她发现殇月居然还活着,不知为何,她心中有些恐惧,她似乎发现了什么了不得的事。 Has sat in this?” “就一直坐在这?” Opening the mouth Demon clan is not others, was punched to sit Ironheaded of one month of wheelchair by own father Mulder. 开口的恶魔族不是别人,正是被自己老爹揍到坐一个月轮椅的铁憨憨蒙德 Did not say other, only from him with painful queen Anna's dialogue, can judge the degree of its iron. 不说其他,单是从他与痛苦女王・安娜的对话,就能判断出其头铁的程度。 You can also stand.” “你也可以站着。” The leg of Daylin builds on the round table, no virtuous young woman demeanor, but the nature, is not artificial. 狄琳的腿搭在圆桌上,毫无淑女风度,但却自然,不做作。 „Do you believe that our two form a partnership first to kill you.” “你信不信,我们两个合伙先杀你。” In the pupil of Mulder as if there is magma to burn, returns to the resentment directly. 蒙德的眸子内似乎有岩浆在燃烧,直接回怼。 Letter/believes.” “信啊。” Daylin almost replied without hesitation. 狄琳几乎不假思索就回答。 „, I had not been entrained the hair to beat severely by others.” “不过呢,我没被别人拽着头发痛打过。” „!” “!” The eye of Mulder stares, the cursing at people words seethe in his chest, may suppress a meeting, he discovered, the insulting expression that in oneself brain stores up is so unexpectedly deficient. 蒙德的眼睛一瞪,骂人的话在他胸中翻腾,可憋了一会,他发现,自己脑中储存的侮辱性言辞居然如此匮乏。 Mulder seek help looks to Su Xiao, Su Xiao has not spoken, this aspect he does not excel, is the strong point of Baja. 蒙德求助般看向苏晓,苏晓没说话,这方面他不擅长,是巴哈的强项。 Several, please allow me to introduce the game rule.” “几位,请允许我介绍游戏规则。” Painful queen Anna opens the mouth, at least until now, Anna have the feeling extremely strong observer, she useless the status as death homeowner person showed the position, was absolutely powerful, but notarization observer. 痛苦女王・安娜开口,至少到现在为止,安娜都是存在感极强的旁观者,她没用自己身为死亡屋主人的身份去彰显自身地位,绝对强大,但又公证的旁观者。 Rule is very simple, after the plate of destiny decided your game sequences, you can arrive in feast hall with any method ‚’, to there, the death game is the real start, everyone did not enter the death room voluntarily, therefore treated as the test this experience, in your life, only possibly came here one time.” “规则很简单,在命运之盘决定你们的游戏序列后,你们可以用任何方法抵达‘宴厅’,到了那里,死亡游戏才是真正的开始,各位不是自愿进入死亡屋,所以就把这次经历当做考验吧,你们一生中,只可能来这里一次。” Painful queen Anna's finishing speaking, the round table center on the bulge, appears has the disc of arrow together. 痛苦女王・安娜的话音刚落,圆桌中心处就凸起,出现一道有箭头的圆盘。 Ka dá dá...... 咔哒哒…… The disc rotation, the speed is getting more and more fast, finally, the above indicator points at that old man. 圆盘转动,速度越来越快,最终,上面的指针指向那名老者。 The old men did not say a word, after setting out, from painful queen side Anna passed through, shoves open the wooden door to go out of the room. 老者一言不发,起身后从痛苦女王・安娜身旁走过,推开木门走出房间。 When the disc on table rotates again, a loud sound from the room transmits, the entire room shakes. 就在桌上的圆盘再次转动时,一身巨响从房间外传来,整个房间都是一震。 Thump! 咚! The half body flies from out of the door, after the ground royal robes several, lay on the ground, the blood spreads under this half corpse. 半截身体从门外飞进来,在地上衮了几圈后,趴在地上,鲜血在这半截尸体下蔓延开。 Coughs and coughs ~ “咳、咳~” In the old man mouth coughs the bloodstain of twinkle star, first crooked, was cool. 老者口中咳出星星点点的血迹,头一歪,凉了。 This, this and this......” “这、这、这……” Nita did not say the words agily, the incarnation reread machine, she can feel, the strength of this old man, single-handed can kill her. 尼塔连话都说不利索,化身复读机,她能感觉到,就这名老者的实力,单手都能弄死她。 Nita's idea in first round was eliminated, but she is actually promoted smoothly, because of first round about hundred combat, dying only remains five people, she is forces to be promoted, she did not think the death room, but not means. 尼塔的想法是在第一轮就被淘汰掉,可她却顺利晋级,因为第一轮近百名参战者,死的只剩五人,她是强制晋级的,她不想来死亡屋,可莫得办法。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ The indicator aims at Mulder, Mulder very calm standing up, said that completely unhurried that is false, but he represented Demon clan, even in the heart is a little disturbed, cannot display. 指针对准蒙德,蒙德很淡定的站起身,说完全不慌那是假的,但他代表了恶魔族,就算心中有点忐忑,也不能表现出来。 Mulder just went out of log cabin several seconds, outside is one thunders. 蒙德刚走出木屋几秒,外面就又是一阵轰鸣。 Bang! 砰! Mulder flies from the door, hits after opposite wooden wall, drops in the place. 蒙德从房门飞进来,撞在对面的木墙上后,跌落在地。 „It is sore.” “还挺疼。” Mulder wiped the bloodstain on face, walks toward the room, after thunders, the sound subsides. 蒙德抹了把脸上的血迹,又向房间外走去,一阵轰鸣后,声音平息。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ Like stops in the disc of urgently pressing, what this time aiming is the war casualty moon/month, war casualty moon/month very calm standing up, walks toward out similarly, may just go out of the room, her body trembles. 如同在催命的圆盘停止,这次对准的是殇月,殇月同样很淡定的站起身,向门外走去,可刚走出房间,她的身体就一颤。 This time, out of the door is quiet. 这次,门外悄无声息。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ Disc's fourth stop, aimed Nita who recited the branch, after her deep breath several times, before arriving at the door gradually, the probe head waited and saw a meeting, on the half step running nightfall in secret, still did not have the sound. 圆盘第四次停止,对准了吟语族的尼塔,她深呼吸几次后,缓步来到房门前,探头观望一会,就快步跑入黑暗中,依然没有声响。 At this time in room Promotion Su Xiao and female Spellcaster Daylin, but Daylin that the arrow on disc, aims at finally. 此时房间内晋升苏晓与女施法者狄琳,而圆盘上的箭头,最终对准的狄琳 Luck is good.” “运气不错。” After Daylin stretches oneself, sets out to walk toward the room, still has not presented the sound, Su Xiao suspected, thing, was directed by that Demon clan. 狄琳伸了个懒腰后,就起身向房间外走去,依然没出现声响,苏晓怀疑,门外的东西,被那名恶魔族引走了。 The disc on table has not continued to rotate, but retracts to the round table. 桌上的圆盘并未继续转动,而是缩回到圆桌内。 This is not Su Xiao Luck, an equipment that but dresses because of him, the equipment, commodity were many enough, similarly is also the one performance of strength. 这并非是苏晓幸运,而是因他所穿戴的一件装备,装备、物资等够多,同样也是实力的一种表现。 Curse gold coin 【诅咒金币】 Origin : Void death room 产地:虚空・死亡屋 Type: Special equipment 类型:特殊装备 Equipment effect: Birth and death( initiative), jettison this gold coin, after such as falls, is the upfront, will obtain the buff effect, such as reverse side, is the debuff effect, this process disregards the Luck attribute. 装备效果:生与死(主动),抛投此金币,如落下后为正面,将获得增益效果,如反面,为减益效果,此过程无视幸运属性。 buff effect( random, only may trigger one type simultaneously): 增益效果(随机,仅可同时触发一种): 1. promotes 1 Luck attribute permanently( most may trigger one time, already triggering). 1.永久提升一点幸运属性(最多可触发一次,已触发)。 2. restores 50 HP every second, the effect continues for 10 minutes( no triggering limit). 2.每秒恢复50点生命值,效果持续十分钟(无触发次数限制)。 3. Strength, Agility and stamina attribute increases 10 points, the effect on continue for 25 minutes( no triggering limit, may high the True Attribute promotion to 150 points). 3.力量敏捷体力属性提升十点,效果持续25分钟(无触发次数限制,最高可将真实属性提升至150点)。 debuff effect( random): Temporarily reduces 15 Luck attributes, the effect continues for 48 hours, this effect may superimpose. 减益效果(随机):临时降低15点幸运属性,效果持续48小时,此效果可叠加。 Prompt: The life and death( initiative) do not have the consumption. 提示:生与死(主动)无消耗。 Prompt: The life and death( initiative) the Cooldown time are 47 hours. 提示:生与死(主动)冷却时间为47小时。 Synopsis: To go out of the death room, it is your only hope, even if becomes through it powerful, revolting against these thing is still the stupid choice, was sure to remember, it makes quicker, that is all painful queen that you escape Anna. 简介:想走出死亡屋,它是你唯一的希望,即使通过它变得强大,反抗那些‘东西’也是愚蠢的选择,切记,它只是让你逃的更快,仅此而已痛苦女王・安娜。 Sells Price: It is not able to sell, is unable to strengthen, is unable embedding Gem, to cast, is discardable, may destroy. 出售价格:无法出售,无法强化,无法镶嵌宝石,可熔铸,可丢弃,可销毁。 ...... …… Su Xiao pulls out in the bosom Curse gold coin, Places on this gold coin the table. 苏晓掏出怀中的【诅咒金币】,将这枚金币放在桌上。 This is here thing.” “这是属于这里的东西。” Un.” “嗯。” Painful queen Anna arrives at the near, said: You must burning out it.” 痛苦女王・安娜来到近前,说道:“你要烧尽它吗。” Naturally.” “当然。” Such as you hope.” “如你所愿。” Anna's fair finger in Curse gold coin, The entire gold coin ignites the golden flame. 安娜白皙的手指点在【诅咒金币】,整枚金币都燃起金色火焰。 Ka dá dá...... 咔哒哒…… The disc on table finds out, and directly aims at Su Xiao. 桌上的圆盘探出,并直接指向苏晓 Su Xiao takes up on the table Curse gold coin, Takes Boubo and Baja, lifts the step to walk toward the room. 苏晓拿起桌上的【诅咒金币】,带上布布汪巴哈,抬步向房间外走去。 Just had/left the door, a treaty ten meters wide wooden porch appeared, above this wooden porch jet black piece, could not see the top, the left and right similarly were dark. 刚出房门,一条约十米宽的木廊出现,这木廊上方漆黑一片,看不到顶,左右两侧同样是漆黑一片。 In the plank ground has giant claw marks, but these claw marks are healing slowly. 木板地面上有一道道巨大的爪痕,不过这些爪痕正缓慢愈合。 Su Xiao throws begins Curse gold coin, This equipment has had a big change. 苏晓抛动手中的【诅咒金币】,这件装备已经出现不小的变化。 He just about to examines Curse gold coin The attribute after change, in the front darkness spreads the slight armor extremity/limb collision sound. 他刚要查看【诅咒金币】变更后的属性,前方黑暗中就传出轻微的甲肢碰撞声。 When facing danger, immediately turns around to run, is very unwise choice, moreover Su Xiao was not clear that another direction has anything, the death room will suppress the Sensor strength, moreover is somewhat dark because of here, the visual range is limited. 面对危险时,马上转身就跑,是很不明智的选择,况且苏晓不清楚另一个方向有什么,死亡屋会压制感知力,而且因这里有些黑暗,可视距离有限。 Su Xiao leads the way gradually, the aura restrains the pinnacle, after going out of more than ten steps, he sees clearly the front situation. 苏晓缓步前行,气息收敛到极致,走出十几步后,他看清前方的情况。 A giant spider crawls in the darkness, but female Spellcaster Daylin, is standing in the giant spider front, a spider's silk sticks on her leg, so long as she dares to move, that giant spider will discover her. 一只巨型蜘蛛匍匐在黑暗中,而女施法者狄琳,正站在巨型蜘蛛前方,一根蛛丝粘在她腿上,她只要敢动一下,那巨型蜘蛛就会发现她。 The mechanical eye float in Su Xiao behind, he successfully detects big pile of question marks. 机械眼漂浮在苏晓身后,他成功侦测到一大堆问号。 Sees Su Xiao, the cheeks of Daylin pulls out. 看到苏晓,狄琳的脸颊一抽。 Giant spider strong, Su Xiao is unable to be clear about Sensor, but Ironheaded Mulder, was being hung by the spider's silk in the midair at this time, the whole body is tying up spider's silk Mulder, is winking to Su Xiao, hints Su Xiao first to remove, he cannot die. 巨型蜘蛛有多强,苏晓无法明确感知,不过铁憨憨蒙德,此时正被蛛丝挂在半空中,全身绑着蛛丝的蒙德,正对苏晓挤眉弄眼,示意苏晓先撤,他死不了。 Nearby Mulder also one skewer, female Winged Race war casualty moon/month, as well as recited branch Nita, arrived in this. 蒙德附近还有一串,女性羽族・殇月,以及吟语族・尼塔,都在这到了。 That old man who six combat, seemingly are as deep as a well, just went out by the giant spider second. 六名参战者,看起来高深莫测的那名老者,刚出门就被巨型蜘蛛秒了。 At present besides Su Xiao, other four people neat, three are hanging in the midair, was stuck to by the spider's silk. 眼下除苏晓外,其余四人可谓整整齐齐,三个在半空中挂着,一个被蛛丝粘住。 That mosquito said 那一只蚊子说 Shares the amusing thing to fellow reader masters, today waste mosquito 6 : 00 pm goes to the restroom the large size, but in the restroom has the mosquito, the waste mosquito got a sudden inspiration at that time, spurted some anti-mosquito medicines to the restroom, when several minutes, arranges the wind , after opening the door windproof, the waste mosquito starts to squat, the result was the mosquito indeed died, the waste mosquito was smoked by the anti-mosquito medicine spat, self-inflicted injury 99, injured enemy 999. 给各位读者老爷分享件趣事,今天废蚊晚上6点去厕所上大号,不过厕所里有蚊子,废蚊当时灵机一动,向厕所里喷了一些灭蚊药,等了几分钟,又排风,又开门防风后,废蚊开始蹲,结果是蚊子的确死了,废蚊被灭蚊药熏吐了,自伤99,伤敌999。
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