RP :: Volume #32

#11: Painful queen

Su Xiao waits for about 1 hour, Reincarnation Paradise Prompt appears again. 苏晓等待约一小时左右,轮回乐园提示再次出现。 Death room participants full 6 people, following for death room rule.】 【死亡屋参与人数已满六人,以下为死亡屋规则。】 Before 1. completes assigns mission, cannot the random way leave the death room, such as loses the painful queen Anna's asylum, the death room peripheral region extremely will be dangerous, the Hunter survival rate is 0.0072. 1.完成指定任务前,不可以任意方式离开死亡屋,如失去痛苦女王安娜的庇护,死亡屋周边区域将极其危险,猎杀者生存率为0.0072。 2. because of the particularity of death room, Hunter only may be authorized 2 Servant and summon, Demonic Servant wait/etc., followed Hunter to arrive in the death room together. 2.因死亡屋的特殊性,猎杀者仅可授权二名从者、召唤物、使魔等,跟随猎杀者一同抵达死亡屋。 The area of 3. death room was enormous, painful queen Anna according to the participant all-round strength, will prohibit some ultra high-risk regions. 3.死亡屋的面积极大,痛苦女王安娜将根据参与者综合实力,封禁部分超高危区域。 4. because of the death room rule, Hunter can only choose 1 ~ 2 equipment clothing, with exploration of Hunter to the death room, may gradually promote the equipment clothing number , the Hunter storage space, the team storage space and Servant storage space will be prohibited. 4.因死亡屋规则,猎杀者仅能选择1~2件装备穿戴,随着猎杀者对死亡屋的探索,可逐渐提升装备穿戴数量,且,猎杀者的储存空间、团队储存空间、从者储存空间将遭到封禁。 When the 5. pain queen Anna's owner for death room, with its negotiation, the Charm attribute may display the certain extent the effect. 5.痛苦女王安娜为死亡屋的所有者,与其交涉时,魅力属性可发挥一定程度的效果。 6. please do not attempt to attack painful queen Anna, it is extremely powerful existence, may easily kill any combat. 6.请勿尝试攻击痛苦女王安娜,其为极其强大的存在,可轻易杀死任何参战者。 ...... …… Saw the synopsis of death room, Su Xiao thinks immediately, Alice Devil's Castle, was not the poor deletion of death room, looking at it like this, Alice was not only green tea bitch, was the plagiarism dog. 看到死亡屋的简介,苏晓马上想到,爱丽丝恶魔古堡,不就是死亡屋的贫民删减般吗,这样看来,爱丽丝不仅是绿茶婊,还是个抄袭狗。 Alice had turned over, these guest escaping light that she imprisons, without the limit of Devil's Castle, several people in these guests, make Alice with trepidation sufficiently. 爱丽丝已经翻车了,她囚禁的那些客人都逃光,没有恶魔古堡的限制,那些客人中的几人,足以让爱丽丝提心吊胆。 Sha was once imprisoned in Devil's Castle, her original words are, Alice is a small spicy chicken, what is powerful is that Devil's Castle that has the life, that thing average person did not revolt. 曾被囚禁在恶魔古堡内,她的原话是,爱丽丝就是个小辣鸡,强大的是那座有生命的恶魔古堡,那东西一般人反抗不了。 From Reincarnation Paradise Prompt, obviously approved the fairness of death room, moreover rank of death room be higher than Devil's Castle. 轮回乐园提示来看,明显是认可了死亡屋的公正性,而且死亡屋的阶位要比恶魔古堡高。 As one of the Hegemony Battle locations, the death room will also receive Void Tree notarization. 作为强者争霸战的场地之一,死亡屋同样会受到虚空之树公证 Transmission will soon start, Hunter must designate this accompanying Servant or summon.】 【传送即将开始,猎杀者需选定本次随行的从者或召唤物。】 The quota only then two, Su Xiao chose Boubo and Baja, their can integrate the environment, has the space ability, as for A' Mu that anti- punches, the death room big probability was not anti- punches can deal. 名额只有两个,苏晓选择了布布汪巴哈,它们一个能融入环境,一个有空间能力,至于抗揍的阿姆,死亡屋大概率不是抗揍就能应对的。 inspection to the Hunter Charm attribute is 1 points, according to the death room rule, after entering the death room, Hunter may dress 2 equipment, please make the choice.】 检核猎杀者魅力属性为一点,根据死亡屋规则,进入死亡屋后,猎杀者可穿戴二件装备,请做出选择。】 Sees this Prompt, Su Xiao thinks when what's the matter, with painful queen Anna negotiated, the Charm attribute can play certain role, advantage were many. 看到这提示,苏晓想到是怎么回事,与痛苦女王安娜交涉时,魅力属性能起到一定作用,这其中的好处不少。 Not everyone by Charm attribute fight, therefore the rule of death room was, the Charm attribute was higher, the equipment that the initial stage can dress were less. 并非所有人都是凭借魅力属性战斗,所以死亡屋的规则是,魅力属性越高,初始阶段能穿戴的装备就越少。 Su Xiao first chooses Dragon Flash, without the blade, his battle efficiency will drop many, as for second, this must give careful consideration, although later can gradually the unlocking equipment, but two equipment of initial will decide opening whether smoothly. 苏晓先是选择斩龙闪,没有刀,他的战斗力会下降很多,至于第二件,这就要慎重考虑,虽说之后能逐渐解锁装备,但初始的两件装备将决定开局是否顺利。 In the Su Xiao's equipment, is impractical, the thinking moment, he decides to wear a special equipment, is not Destiny Controller, Rather Curse gold coin. 苏晓的装备中,就没有不实用的,思索片刻,他决定佩戴一件特殊装备,不是【命运主宰】,而是【诅咒金币】。 Hunter has completed the equipment choice, the transmission starts.】 猎杀者已完成装备选择,传送开始。】 The transmission feeling appears, dark gray piece that Su Xiao at present suddenly changes, after more than ten seconds, present dark gray diverges like the fog, he is sitting on a metal chair, looks to the hand arm rest, is very magnificent, above has circular Mark together, under is also carving several small characters. 传送感出现,苏晓眼前陡然变的灰黑一片,十几秒后,眼前的灰黑如同云雾般散去,他正坐在一张金属椅上,看向手旁的扶手,很华丽,上面有一道圆形印记,下方还刻着几个小字。 Lives regretless, dies not hates.’ ‘生无悔,死无恨。’ The handwriting is somewhat illegible, in the scratch also has the light bloodstain. 字迹有些潦草,刻痕内还有淡淡的血印。 The place that Su Xiao is, before a round table, on other five metal chairs, sits together the form respectively, because of the blocking of fog, cannot see clearly their appearances and physique. 苏晓所在的地方,是在一张圆桌前,其余的五把金属椅上,各坐着一道身影,因灰雾的遮挡,看不清他们的容貌与体态。 This room is not big, about 50 square meters, the wall with black plank build, the above has the hanging lamp a piece by piece, on the wall hangs various type memorials, including, attracted the Su Xiao's attention, this is a ring, the above vitality is strong, but was actually imprisoned the blockade layer upon layer, in order to avoid this ring was corroded by the years, has the memorial of this treatment, on the wall is only hanging four, but is also carving on ring below wall: 这处房间不大,约50平米左右,墙壁是用一片片黑色木板搭建,上方有吊灯,墙上挂有各式纪念物,其中有一件,吸引了苏晓的视线,这是一枚指环,上面的生命力非常强,但却被层层禁锢封锁,以免这枚指环被岁月侵蚀,有这种待遇的纪念物,墙上只挂着四件,而在指环下方的墙壁上还刻着: Delivers the good friend Anna, wish you to be late dead of illness Eleen Gillian.’ ‘送挚友安娜,祝你晚点病死格林吉莉安。’ This is the regards from Extinguishing Law, that likes shutting in female Extinguishing Law of basket the enemy. 这是来自灭法者的问候,那名喜欢将敌人关进笼子的女灭法者 The disparity manifests in this time, that female Extinguishing Law shuts in Alice the basket, the pet raised several days later, prepares to hang Alice. 差距在此时体现,那名女灭法爱丽丝关进笼子里,当宠物养了几天后,准备吊死爱丽丝 But to Anna, that female Extinguishing Law is obviously friendlier, delivered a ring, is only the greetings is somewhat crude, wished you to be late dead of illness. 而对安娜,那名女灭法者明显友善很多,送了枚指环,只是问候语有些粗暴,‘祝你晚点病死’。 Six combat, I was the master in death room, Anna.” “六位参战者,我是死亡屋的主人,安娜。” The gentle sound conveys, Su Xiao looks to the acoustic source, saw wears the black long skirt, the pale woman, the woman stands before the door, she finishes speaking, is leaning the head, covers the mouth to cough single-handed. 轻柔的声音传来,苏晓向声源看去,看到一名身穿黑色长裙,脸色苍白的女人,女人站在房门前,她话音刚落,就侧着头,单手掩嘴干咳。 Woman, you were about dead of illness.” “女人,你快病死了。” The loud and clear sound, attracts to present together everyone's attention, including painful queen Anna, but she smiles. 一道洪亮的声音,吸引在场所有人的注意力,包括痛苦女王安娜,不过她只是笑了笑。 Please relieved, I will not die of illness.” “请安心,我不会病死。” Anna is still maintaining the polite smile, she treats all combat, will maintain maximum fair, absolute is fair she unable to achieve, but she will maintain with every effort fairly, this is her responsibility, her mission, was the mission of death homeowner person, thus it can be seen, Anna was actually not dangerous, what was dangerous was the death room. 安娜依然保持着礼貌的笑容,她对待所有参战者,都会保持最大限度的公平,绝对的公平她做不到,但她会尽力维系公平,这是她的责任,她的使命,身为死亡屋主人的使命,由此可见,安娜其实并不危险,危险的是死亡屋。 No, you will die of illness.” “不,你会病死。” The loud and clear sound appears again, has saying that he is only two words, shakes more than 50% combat, this is the fellow who does not fear death very much. 洪亮声音再次出现,不得不说,他只是两句话,就将一半以上参战者震住,这是个很不怕死的家伙。 I... cannot.” “我…不会。” Anna's tone is still gentle, how but regardless of to listen, has such a helplessness. 安娜的语气依然轻柔,可无论怎么听,都有那么一丝无奈。 Your meeting!” “你会!” The loud and clear sound is very gruff. 洪亮声音很倔。 „......” “……” Anna had nothing to say in reply suddenly, after she became the master in death room, indeed ran into for the first time such interesting participant. 安娜一时间无言以对,她成为死亡屋的主人后,的确是首次遇到这么‘有趣’的参与者。 Greatly, Big brother, you can let alone the words, ask you, that is painful queen Anna!” “大,大哥,你能别说话吗,求你了,那可是痛苦女王安娜啊!” Under the blocking of fog, making the Su Xiao somewhat familiar-sounding female voice transmit. 灰雾的遮挡下,让苏晓有些耳熟的女声传来。 Many thanks your good intention, Demon clan soldier.” “多谢你的好意,恶魔族的战士。” Anna's handling gently lifts, including Su Xiao, six combat fog of diverges. 安娜的手轻抬,包括苏晓在内,六名参战者身上的灰雾都散去。 „... Such skillful matter?” “还有…这么巧的事?” Wears the red magic robe short hair woman opens the mouth together, she blinks to Su Xiao, the golden element fluctuates around her emerges, very sharp at the same time, the sense of reality of metal. 一道身穿红色法袍的短发女人开口,她对苏晓眨了眨眼,金色元素波动在她周围涌现,很锋利的同时,还有金属的质感。 This short hair woman, is the Caster Sage Sefelia disciple, Daylin. 这名短发女人,正是法师贤者瑟菲莉娅的弟子,狄琳 On the Daylin ear wears full metal ear-stud, in addition her short hair, has the neutral aesthetic sense, at this time her the tooth bites ka ka to make noise, that hatred does not conceal. 狄琳耳上戴满金属耳钉,外加她的短发,颇有中性美感,此时她的牙齿咬到咔咔作响,那种恨意毫不掩饰。 Daylin does not certainly hate Su Xiao, what she hates is own teacher, as well as Shadow of Extinguishing Law, in view of Su Xiao, mainly because of the Su Xiao Extinguishing Law status. 狄琳当然不是恨苏晓,她恨的是自己的导师,以及灭法之影,针对苏晓,主要是因为苏晓灭法者的身份。 In the Daylin childhood, biggest unfortunately becomes Spellcaster, and teachers named Sefelia, her teacher has the shadow to Shadow of Extinguishing Law in addition, these condition adding together, making her childhood almost pass in the hell. 狄琳的童年,最大的不幸就是成为施法者,并有一名叫瑟菲莉娅的导师,外加她的导师对灭法之影有阴影,这些条件相加,让她的童年几乎是在地狱中度过。 Stared at a Su Xiao meeting, Daylin calmed down, in her heart clear, she and Su Xiao did not have the enmity without the injustice, hostile mainly because of the difference of standpoint. 盯了苏晓一会,狄琳冷静下来,她心中清楚,她与苏晓无冤无仇,敌对主要是因为立场的不同。 Daylin had once accepted severe training, no, that is not training, but is hitting for her good given name, maltreatment that thus exerts. 狄琳曾接受过严厉的培养,不,那不是培养,而是打着为了她好的名号,从而施加的虐待。 Great strength that kills, respectable, what a pity we are the enemies, what a pity.” “杀出来的强大,可敬,可惜我们是敌人,可惜。” Daylin spoke these words, starts to take a look at other combat. 狄琳说完这句话,就开始打量其他参战者。
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