RP :: Volume #32

#10: Death room

The air pressure gate closure, and deadlocks, Su Xiao looks all around the situation in room, this is within hundred square meters big or small room, inside living facility has it all. 气压门关闭,并锁死,苏晓环顾房间内的情况,这是间百平米大小的房间,里面的生活设施一应俱全。 Just entered the lounge, before A' Mu arrived at that about three meters high double opening the door refrigerator, after the bio-identification passes, it opened the refrigerator door immediately, finally disappointed it, inside all was the analgesia class and healer class injection medicine. 刚进休息室,阿姆就来到那近三米高的双开门冰箱前,生物识别通过后,它马上打开冰箱门,结果让它失望,里面全是镇痛类、治疗类的注射型药物。 Prompt: Hunter has arrived in No. 1005 lounge.】 提示:猎杀者已抵达1005号休息室。】 coordinates draws up......】 【坐标拟定中……】 Draws up to complete, before Hegemony Battle conclusion, Hunter completes round Promotion every time, may rest 1 ~ 2 day in this.】 【拟定完成,强者争霸战结束前,猎杀者每完成一轮晋升,均可在此休息1~2个自然日。】 Prompt: Some combat have started second round of being promoted.】 提示:部分参战者已开始第二轮晋级。】 Hunter 『Yes』『No』 starts second round of being promoted immediately, the Hegemony Battle five rounds, finally one round is ten Hegemony Battle.】 猎杀者是/否立即开始第二轮晋级,强者争霸战共五轮,最终一轮为十强者争霸战。】 ...... …… Su Xiao closes Prompt, sits on the leather chair in room, in the meantime, a robot of plump stops before his foot, the translucent blue total information photo portrait springs. 苏晓关闭提示,坐在房间内的皮椅上,就在此时,一只圆滚滚的机器人停在他脚前,半透明蓝色全息图影弹出。 This is the steward robot, the major function has the cooking, cleaning, if bored, but can also relieve its mute pattern, this little thing can also chat to find relief. 这是台管家机器人,主要功能有烹饪、清扫等,如果无聊的话,还可以解除它的静音模式,这小东西还能聊天解闷。 The total information image before Su Xiao change body, making the steward robot steep one cup of weak tea. 苏晓翻动身前的全息影像,让管家机器人去沏一杯淡茶。 Su Xiao just issued this instruction, dozens lines of writing spring, this is various void kind of languages, the content is redundant, is: Mute pattern soon will relieve for 15 seconds, invited the combat understanding. 苏晓刚下达这指令,几十行文字弹出,这是虚空的各类语言,内容都是重复的,为:‘静音模式即将解除15秒,请参战者谅解’。 After these dozens lines of writing find out, the electronic sound appears. 这几十行文字探出后,电子音出现。 This product special is provided by Bain Dwarf Tribe, by Void Tree notarization, having asked fellow combat to feel relieved the use, combat only may enjoy the first-level jurisdiction service, such as wants the unlocking second-level jurisdiction, please pay Soul Crystal, if must order this product, please relate...... ’ “本产品由巴纳小人族特约提供,已由虚空之树公证,请各位参战者可放心使用,参战者只可享受一级权限服务,如要解锁二级权限,请支付一颗灵魂结晶・中,如需订购此产品,请联系……’ Heard this electronic sound, Su Xiao obviously gawked instantaneously, did this seem like...... the emergency broadcast an advertisement to support? Bain Dwarf Tribe? 听到这电子音,苏晓明显愣了瞬间,这好像是……插播了一条广告赞助?还是巴纳小人族的? To come is also, Hegemony Battle will not convene for the first time, but some irrelevant being promoted inspections item, so long as after Void Tree notarization, is absolutely possible to appear in combat at present, not combat service. 想来也是,强者争霸战绝不会是首次召开,而其中一些无关晋级考核的物品,只要经过虚空之树公证,完全有可能出现在参战者眼前,并未参战者服务。 Void Tree as the Hegemony Battle notarization side, and may not provide all resources. 虚空之树作为强者争霸战公证方,并不一定会提供所有资源。 Moreover Su Xiao felt, are too really many from void combat, this big probability is because was void faction to provide the commodity to Hegemony Battle, they should obtain more quotas. 而且苏晓感觉,来自虚空的参战者实在太多,这大概率是因为虚空内的势力向‘强者争霸战’提供了物资,他们理应获得更多名额。 World Tree notarization, making Hegemony Battle have the credibility, Void Tree will provide the location that Hegemony Battle needs, as well as most resources. 世界之树公证,让强者争霸战具有公信力,并且,虚空之树会提供强者争霸战所需的场地,以及大部分资源等。 Su Xiao felt that Void Tree will not put out these resources for no reason, can obtain anything as for Void Tree through Hegemony Battle, this is not Su Xiao of present stage can know. 苏晓感觉虚空之树不会平白无故拿出这些资源,至于虚空之树能通过强者争霸战得到什么,这就不是现阶段的苏晓能得知。 A point without a doubt is, which side regardless of regarding, Hegemony Battle is a grand occasion, this sends out from all parties enters the war to represent can see. 毋庸置疑的一点是,无论对于哪一方,强者争霸战都是一场盛事,这点从各方派出的参战代表就能看出。 Su Xiao participates in the Hegemony Battle goal being very simple, infiltrates first three, thus obtains a jurisdiction, at the appointed time, Su Xiao can awaken Azure Shadow King. 苏晓参与强者争霸战的目的很简单,就是打入前三名,从而获得一种权限,届时,苏晓就能觉醒青影王 No meeting, the steward robot drives slowly, above is also conducting the back Boubo, a more interesting matter, Boubo turned on the platinum jurisdiction this steward robot, was the maximum jurisdiction, unlocking more than 300 auxiliary functions, moreover 16 payment functions, turned into the free function. 没一会,管家机器人缓缓驶来,上面还驮着布布汪,更有趣的事,布布汪将这管家机器人开启到了白金权限,也就是最高权限,解锁了300多种辅助功能,而且其中16种付费功能,都变成免费功能。 When this steward robot was just revised the jurisdiction, that side Bain Dwarf Tribe detects, they have not only prevented, instead changes the name to this steward robot as Friendship little arrange/cloth, And to Boubo transfer jurisdiction. 这台管家机器人刚被修改权限时,巴纳小人族那边就察觉到,他们不仅没阻止,反而将这台管家机器人更名为【友谊小布号】,并向布布汪转让权限。 The Boubo choice turns down, without Reincarnation Paradise notarization item, the basic belt/bring does not return to Reincarnation Paradise. 布布汪选择婉拒,未经轮回乐园公证物品,根本带不回轮回乐园 Boubo rides friendship little arrange/cloth to scurry about in the room, played delight. 布布骑着‘友谊小布号’在房间内四处乱窜,玩的不亦乐乎。 Bang! 砰! A dull thumping sound, as well as ding the bell after lang item falling sound, the head withstood/top Boubo of package to be honest. 一声闷响,以及叮铃当啷的物品掉落声后,头上顶着个包的布布老实了。 Hegemony Battle second round can start momentarily, but before then, Su Xiao must first 【The box of sealing Opening. 强者争霸战第二轮随时可以开始,不过在这之前,苏晓要先将【封之箱】开启。 Su Xiao takes out from the backpack on table 【The box of sealing, Opens this thing not to need to add holds Luck Emperor mode, inside reward for constant. 苏晓从桌上的背包内取出【封之箱】,开启这东西无需加持欧皇状态,里面的奖励为恒定。 Su Xiao opens the box of sealing, Prompt appears. 苏晓打开封之箱,提示出现。 You obtain Soul Crystal (Perfect) x50.】 【你获得灵魂结晶(完整)x50。】 You obtain mechanical structure drawing fluid flushing type high-pressured rammer.】 【你获得机械结构图‘液冲式・高压撞锤’。】 You obtain mechanical structure drawing cu thorn praying mantis 949 granule naval gun.】 【你获得机械结构图‘cu・刺螳式・949・粒子舰炮’。】 You obtain the Alchemy formula Tree of Life.】 【你获得炼金学配方‘树之生命’。】 You obtain the large-scale tall Zhengang mineral lode certificate( permanent effective).】 【你获得大型高震钢矿脉凭证(永久有效)。】 ...... …… Su Xiao is reading the two mechanical structure drawings in hand, he somewhat suspected, Bain Dwarf Tribe is the void weapon producer, moreover well-known that. 苏晓看着手中的两张机械结构图,他有些怀疑,巴纳小人族就是虚空中的武器生产商,而且还是家喻户晓的那种。 At first, Su Xiao thinks that Bain Dwarf Tribe is one by mining to maintain livelihood the medium race, afterward he discovered, mining is only the Bain Dwarf Tribe hobby, produces high-tech machinery item, is their principal work. 最初时,苏晓认为巴纳小人族是一个靠挖矿维持生计的中型种族,后来他发现,挖矿只是巴纳小人族的爱好,生产高科技机械物品,才是他们的主业。 These two mechanical structure drawings, actually have no value to Su Xiao, after all the technique industry studies, this above content he basically cannot understand, can consider that finds the opportunity to sell out. 这两张机械结构图,对苏晓其实没什么价值,毕竟术业有专攻,这上面的内容他基本看不懂,可以考虑找机会卖掉。 The large-scale tall Zhengang mineral lode certificate can also consider to sell out, Demon clan will not reject this thing. 大型高震钢矿脉凭证也可以考虑卖掉,恶魔族不会拒绝这东西。 Soul Crystal (Perfect) naturally must stay behind, this thing is better and better, after Swordplay Grandmaster promotes to lv.41, every time raises 1 level, must consume 30 Soul Crystal (Perfect). 灵魂结晶(完整)当然要留下,这东西多多益善,刀术宗师提升到lv.41后,每提升一级,需消耗30颗灵魂结晶(完整) As for final Tree of Life the Alchemy formula, the Su Xiao direct use, the formula is in his hands stave, a disorderly knowledge swamps into his brain, is too big because of the information quantity, lets his forehead some stabbing pain. 至于最后的‘树之生命炼金配方,苏晓直接使用,配方在他手中破碎,一股杂乱的知识涌入他脑中,因信息量太大,让他的眉心有些刺痛。 Has made for dozen minutes, the pricking in brain completely vanishes, he basically understood Tree of Life nature and function. 约过了十几分钟,脑中的刺痛感完全消失,他基本了解了‘树之生命’的性质与作用。 You already unlocking new formula: Tree of Life.】 【你已解锁新配方:树之生命。】 Tree of Life: The manufacture needs 1300 Mana each time, needs the consumable material: Confuses the fire wooden nuclear, Soul Crystal (Small) x1, the wood is the life essence, Water of Resurrection, Crystal Bottle.】 树之生命:每次制造需1300点法力值,需消耗材料:迷火木核,灵魂结晶(小)x1,木系生命精华,复苏之水,水晶瓶。】 Effect: After drinking / injection , to promote 3 point real stamina attributes permanently,( below this medicament 150 True Attribute becomes effective, reusable invalid).】 【效果:饮用/注射后,永久提升三点真实体力属性,(此药剂150点真实属性以下生效,重复使用无效)。】 ...... …… The Tree of Life formula of newly obtaining, the buff effect is very simple, stamina permanent + 3 points, but is this simple and crude buff, is most popular. 新获得的树之生命配方,增益效果很简单,体力永久点,但就是这种简单粗暴的增益,也是最受欢迎的。 Without a doubt, if Su Xiao makes the Tree of Life success ratio to be higher than 50%, that obtained income, must be higher than absolutely Glorious Medicine. 毋庸置疑,如果苏晓制造树之生命的成功率高于50%,那所得收益,绝对要高出【光辉药剂】。 What Glorious Medicine promotion is 8% mental reaction speed with 8% dynamic vision, the effect is very good, but not all Contractor need. 光辉药剂提升的是‘8%神经反射速度与8%动态视力’,效果很不错,可并非所有契约者都需要。 The Tree of Life medicament is different, without Contractor will refuse to promote the stamina attribute, in many situations, the stamina attribute high, possibly becomes key whether to survive. 树之生命药剂则不同,没有契约者会拒绝提升体力属性,有很多情况下,体力属性高一点,就可能成为能否存活的关键。 What a pity is, Su Xiao does not have the mixture instrument and material now, otherwise he mixture several bottles, oneself will drink one bottle immediately, Boubo, A' Mu, Baja and Bailey respectively one bottle. 可惜的是,苏晓现在没有调配器械与材料,否则他会马上调配几瓶,自己喝一瓶,布布汪阿姆巴哈贝妮各一瓶。 Su Xiao by the leather chair, starts to think deeply about Hegemony Battle following, first, first round can only be appetizer, sieves strength irregular combat, surplus is not weak. 苏晓靠在皮椅上,开始思索强者争霸战的后续,首先,第一轮只能算是‘开胃菜’,将实力参差不齐的参战者筛下去,剩余的都不弱。 In other words, the opponent who second in round, meets will start thornily . Moreover the second round of situation is also unknown. 也就是说,第二轮中,所遇到的对手将开始棘手,而且第二轮的情况也不得而知。 The fourth round is the Battle Arena pattern, in other words, the second round with the third round, not too possible is the close pattern. 第四轮是角斗场模式,也就是说,第二轮与第三轮,不太可能是相近的模式。 The thinking moment, Su Xiao starts to rest, he does not plan to rest for 2 days, but after is rests for several hours, starts the second round. 思索片刻,苏晓开始小憩,他不打算休息二天,而是休息几小时后,就开始第二轮。 After three hours, Su Xiao ate the steward robot cooking meal, the flavor, but he always felt short of anything. 三小时后,苏晓吃了顿管家机器人烹饪的餐食,味道还可以,不过他总感觉其中少了些什么。 Hunter has chosen to participate in second round of being promoted.】 猎杀者已选择参与第二轮晋级。】 Second round is promoted in place random extraction......】 【第二轮晋级地点随机抽取中……】 Has extracted: Death room.】 【已抽取到:死亡屋。】 Death room existing participants: 3( Hunter contains).】 【死亡屋现有参与人数:三(猎杀者已包含在内)。】 Hunter must wait for 1 ~ 3 hours, until population full 6 people.】 猎杀者需等待1~3小时,直至人数满六人。】 ...... …… Su Xiao sees this Prompt, the brow gradually wrinkles, he felt that death room this name somewhat looked familiar, where he in has seen absolutely. 苏晓看到这提示,眉头逐渐皱起,他感觉‘死亡屋’这个称呼有些眼熟,他绝对在哪见过。
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