RP :: Volume #31

#8: The death of Furious Lion

The breeze injects from the window, making the environment of inner palace more comfortable. 微风从窗口吹入,让内殿的环境更舒适。 Sageborn king is always resting, looks at the facial expression of senior duke, as if has long been used, moreover he attitude to the Sageborn king somewhat is also strange, respectful, but is not respectable. 圣裔王始终在小憩,看老公爵的神情,似乎早就习惯,而且他对圣裔王的态度也有些奇怪,恭敬但不尊敬。 The sound of footsteps transmits, an old man enters the inner palace, his looks serious, the aquiline nose coordinates that sharp vision, understood at a glance, this is a serious in speech and manner person. 脚步声传来,一名老者走进内殿,他的神情严肃,鹰钩鼻配合那犀利的目光,一看就知道,这是个不苟言笑的人。 Compares the senior duke, regardless of this old man puts on the aura, looks like a Duke empire, serious, serious in speech and manner, old-fashioned actually notarization. 相比老公爵,这名老者无论穿着还是气息,都更像一名帝国公爵,严肃,不苟言笑,古板却又公证 The old men pause before inscribing the seat of forest design, he has not taken a seat, but after carefully examines the Su Xiao moment, sits down. 老者停步在刻有森林图案的座椅前,他并未落座,而是审视苏晓片刻后,才坐下。 Ah? This is not Duke Lilin, who puts you...... not, was really old, was muddled, how can say does not have the polite words.” “啊呀?这不是黎林公爵吗,谁把你放出来……啊不,真是年纪大了,糊涂了,怎么能说出这么没礼貌的话。” The senior duke seemed like just discovered that Duke Lilin arrived, surprised at the same time, is bargaining lovely wife in the hand. 老公爵似乎是刚发现黎林公爵到场般,惊讶的同时,还盘着自己手中的娇妻。 Wild dog.” “野狗。” The Lilin sound is not high, but makes the senior duke hear sufficiently. 黎林的声音不高,但足以让老公爵听到。 Little rascal, like this with father speech is to by the scourge, to be been really regrettable, your mother pays Lenah is not alive, otherwise......” “小鬼,这样和‘父亲’说话,是要遭天谴的,真遗憾,你母亲付琳娜已经不在世,否则的话……” These words information quantity of senior duke is huge, this old thing does not know that exactly many years, god knows is mother of Duke Lilin has a leg. 老公爵的这句话信息量巨大,这老东西已经不知活了多少年,天知道是不是和黎林公爵的母亲有一腿。 A blue vein sticks out suddenly on the forehead of Duke Lilin, then, he has not spoken unexpectedly, as the matter stands, the information quantity is huger. 一条青筋在黎林公爵的额头上暴起,然后,他居然没说话,这样一来,信息量更加巨大。 This situation, silent almost on behalf of default, but the senior duke, most likely really and some birth mother scandals of Duke Lilin, the empire aristocrat encircles after all is very chaotic. 这种场合,沉默几乎代表默认,而老公爵,十之八九真的和黎林公爵的生母有些绯闻,毕竟帝国的贵族圈很乱。 „Do you two age adding together, at least 1000 years old over, lose face.” “你们两个的年龄相加,至少有一千岁出头,丢不丢人。” A beautiful woman walks leisurely, her lazy and magnificent and expensive makings, made up for the disadvantage of age completely, moreover she seems like most 30 years old over. 一名美妇人款款走来,她那种慵懒且华贵的气质,完全弥补了年龄的劣势,况且她看起来最多三十岁出头。 Duke Lunar Wolf arrived, she looked when who is smiling, although has not worn any jewelry, still honored obviously, makings thing, is really not actually able to make up through the external object sometimes. 月狼公爵・伊芙到了,她看谁时都是微笑着,虽然没佩戴任何珠宝,却依然显的尊贵,气质这东西,有时真的无法通过外物弥补。 Why does not know, almost all people said that Duke Lunar Wolf is Madame Lunar Wolf, rather than the duke, should have what secret facts. 不知为何,几乎所有人都称月狼公爵・伊芙为月狼夫人,而不是直呼公爵,其中应该有什么隐情。 Lilin and Madame Lunar Wolf arrive, remaining Duke Furious Lion Guilbert has not actually arrived, this first-grade, waits till 9 : 00 am. 黎林月狼夫人都到场,剩下的怒狮公爵・吉伯特却迟迟未到,这一等,足足等到上午 9 点。 Guilbert is the duke is not fake, but he cannot let the Sageborn kings as well as three dukes and other hour. 吉伯特是公爵不假,但他也不能让圣裔王以及三位公爵等一个多小时。 Furious Lion had an accident.” 怒狮出事了。” Duke Lilin the sinking sound opens the mouth, nearby Madame Lunar Wolf somewhat is obviously anxious, by her status and story, the rare matter can let her so. 黎林公爵沉声开口,一旁的月狼夫人明显有些焦躁,以她的身份、阅历,罕有事情能让她如此。 Furious Lion will never be late, I said right.” 怒狮从不会迟到,我说的对吧。” Lilin transfers the line of sight, looks to the senior duke. 黎林调转视线,看向老公爵。 This time...... indeed is not I does.” “这次……的确不是我做的。” Why god knows the senior duke denied directly, perhaps, this was the misdemeanor does, once there is any accident, other dukes think immediately, this was the senior duke does. 天知道老公爵为何直接否认,或许,这就是坏事做多了,一旦有什么变故,其他公爵马上想到,这就是老公爵做的。 You are not......” “你不会是……” Madame Lunar Wolf the smile on face gradually restrains, the appearance is beautiful, is fatal. 月狼夫人脸上的笑容逐渐收敛,容貌美丽,却又致命。 The senior duke is dumbfounded suddenly, Duke Furious Lion has not come to the present, has an accident surely, but he becomes the biggest suspicion object fortunately. 老公爵一时间哑口无言,怒狮公爵到现在还没来,必定是出了事,而他‘有幸’成为最大的嫌疑对象。 Instructed by Madame Lunar Wolf, an aide half step leaves Sage Palace, most five minutes, Madame Lunar Wolf knows a matter through the information cue, Duke Furious Lion Guilbert is murdered, dies in the grape restaurant outside city. 月狼夫人的授意下,一名侍从快步离开圣廷,最多五分钟,月狼夫人就通过情报渠道得知一件事,怒狮公爵・吉伯特遇害,死在城外的葡萄酒庄内。 The duke is not the empire officials can compare, in each duke hand has the huge power, the empire over 60% military authorities, in Duke Furious Lion in the hand, empire is making war with Northern Alliance in addition at present, the death of Duke Furious Lion, was almost equal to that empire small half the sky collapses. 公爵可不是帝国的官员们能比拟,每一名公爵手中都有巨大的权力,帝国60%以上的军权,都在怒狮公爵手中,加上眼下帝国正与北方联盟开战,怒狮公爵的死,几乎等于帝国的小半边天塌下来。 Knew that this news, Duke Lilin proposed, detains the senior duke in Sage Palace. 得知这一消息,黎林公爵提议,将老公爵扣押在圣廷内。 Fart! What evidence do you have?” “放屁!你们有什么证据?” The facial skin that the senior duke air/Qi is shivering, in fact in his heart clear, Lilin, is Madame Lunar Wolf, has not suspected him, Seira empire is the Sageborn basis, destroys the power system of empire, particularly military authority, is almost equal to courting destruction. 老公爵气的脸皮都在颤动,实际上他心中清楚,无论是黎林,还是月狼夫人,都没怀疑他,塞拉帝国圣裔们的根本,破坏帝国的权力体系,尤其是军权方面,几乎等于自取灭亡。 Suspects you, does not need the evidence.” “怀疑你,不需要证据。” These words of Madame Lunar Wolf, it may be said that are touch somebody's sore spot, but she must do this at present, Duke Furious Lion Guilbert bewildered died, if the senior duke seizes the chance to make an issue, they will be badly battered. 月狼夫人的这句话,可谓是扎心至极,但她眼下必须这样做,怒狮公爵・吉伯特莫名其妙的就死了,如果老公爵趁机做文章,那他们将焦头烂额。 „Is this your decisions?” “这就是你们的决定?” Right.” “没错。” Only then you keep this, we can process the Furious Lion death.” “只有你留在这,我们才能处理怒狮的死。” Good, I keep this, before the Furious Lion cause of death verifies, I have lived in Sage Palace.” “那好,我留在这,怒狮的死因查明前,我会一直居住在圣廷。” These words of senior duke, let Lilin and Madame Lunar Wolf slightly reveal the surprise, they almost also think, is it possible that is really this old fogy does? 老公爵的这句话,让黎林月狼夫人都略显诧异,他们几乎同时想到,莫非真的是这老家伙做的? Before then, I have a matter to announce, I once bit the god, but after that the curse of undying makes me live in the pain......” “不过在这之前,我有件事要宣布,我曾噬神,但在那之后,不死的诅咒让我活在痛苦中……” You directly soar the subject.” “你还是直奔主题吧。” Does Madame Lunar Wolf some hears, the senior duke live in the pain? Do not crack a joke, this old fogy compared with anybody live moistening, the wife married one pile, has two along. 月狼夫人有些听不下去,老公爵活在痛苦中?别开玩笑了,这老家伙比任何人活的都滋润,老婆娶了一堆,随身还带着两个。 I prepare to put down the power in hand temporarily, hands over it by my nephew, Kukulin White Night, he now is a duke.” “我准备暂时放下手中的权力,将它交由我的侄子,库库林白夜,他现在就是公爵。” Nephew? Were you insane?” “侄子?你疯了?” Lilin looks at the senior duke, on the face no expression. 黎林看着老公爵,脸上没任何表情。 Since two agreements, no, you did not agree that are not related, today I announce this matter, whether you agreed that is unimportant.” “既然两位同意,不,你们不同意也没关系,今天我只是宣布这件事而已,你们是否同意,并不重要。” The senior duke stands up, the whole person seemed to be more relaxed, looks at the appearance, is prepares in the Sage Palace rear garden to stroll. 老公爵站起身,整个人似乎都轻松了很多,看模样,是准备去圣廷后方的花园内逛一圈。 Lilin and Madame Lunar Wolf look to Su Xiao, because of beginning to end, Su Xiao did not say a word. 黎林月狼夫人都看向苏晓,因为从始至终,苏晓都是一言不发。 Two, you to my normal human, have what prejudice.” “两位,你们对我这正常人类,有什么偏见吗。” In the Su Xiao mouth is chewing Shattered Soul Crystal, each world starts, he can such as the eating together sugar bean, eat some Shattered Soul Crystal , to promote Soul Vitality by this. 苏晓口中嘴嚼着灵魂晶碎,每个世界开始,他都会如同吃糖豆般,吃一些灵魂晶碎,以此提升灵魂强度 Human is not the Sageborn descendant......” “人类不会是圣裔的后代……” Duke Lilin the words told only half, discovered Su Xiao is visiting him with smile on the face. 黎林公爵话说到一半,就发现苏晓正面带笑容的看着他。 After the moment, the facial expression of Duke Lilin restores as usual, he does not need to negotiate with Su Xiao, judges Su Xiao difficult to deal with. 片刻后,黎林公爵的神情恢复如常,他根本不需要与苏晓交涉,就判断出苏晓有多难对付。 Duke White Night, you can make that old fogy make concessions unexpectedly, really inconceivable, good, I acknowledged that you are the acting duke.” 白夜公爵,你居然能让那老家伙退让,真让人不可思议,好吧,我承认了,你是代行公爵。” Madame Lunar Wolf chuckle, not because of the death of Duke Furious Lion, and senior duke concedes the power to be surprised, in her life has experienced too many important matters, can live now, relies on that ruthlessly such as the heart of snake Sasori . 月狼夫人轻笑一声,并未因怒狮公爵的死,以及老公爵让出权力而惊讶,她的一生中经历过太多大事,能活到现在,是凭借那狠如蛇的心。 Su Xiao by sitting on seat, he can have the present position at this speed ; first, because of the cooperation of him and senior duke ; second, because his enough. 苏晓靠坐在座椅上,他能以这种速度有现在的地位,一是因为他与老公爵的合作,二是因为他足够强。 The strong strength, brought many convenience, if were not Su Xiao had to cut to kill the strength of senior duke last night, the senior duke will not compromise. 强大的实力,带来了很多便利,如果昨晚不是苏晓有斩杀老公爵的实力,老公爵根本不会妥协。 So long as the senior duke dares to say a non- character last night, that today's people do not come Sage Palace to hold the empire conference, but is goes to his manor to hold the memorial service. 只要老公爵昨晚敢说一个不字,那今天众人就不是来圣廷召开帝国会议,而是去他的庄园内开追悼会。 Naturally, these have a very important point, is the death of this morning Duke Furious Lion, if the senior duke does not know secret facts, Su Xiao does not believe absolutely. 当然,这其中也有很重要的一点,就是今早怒狮公爵的死,如果说老公爵不知道其中的隐情,苏晓是绝对不信的。 Old fogy, since compromises to Su Xiao's, must hide oneself, old fox. 那老家伙,既是对苏晓的妥协,也是要将自身隐藏起来,老狐狸一个。 After the initial contact, Su Xiao has roughly understood three dukes, the senior duke is stirs the excrement stick, the thing that he schemes is very big, to him needs to be hostile with all dukes, conceals own goal by this. 经初步接触,苏晓已经大致了解三名公爵,老公爵就是个搅屎棍,他图谋的东西很大,大到他需要与所有公爵敌对,以此掩饰自己的目的。 Duke Lilin is a man of great integrity, he is not initial one generation of Sageborn, or his no choice, since birth is Sageborn, moreover hereditary the position of duke. 黎林公爵则是个正直的人,他不是最初一代的圣裔,或者说,他没的选择,生来就是圣裔,而且还世袭了公爵之位。 If Seira empire does not have Duke Lilin, possibly was punctured by Northern Alliance early. 塞拉帝国如果没有黎林公爵,可能早被北方联盟打穿。 As for Madame Lunar Wolf, she is the extremely selfish type, without threatening her, she will not take risk. 至于月狼夫人,她属于极度自私的类型,只要没威胁到她本身,她就不会去冒险。 Since you are acting of that old fogy, comes together, Sageborn is also only a mortal.” “既然你是那老家伙的代行,就一同来吧,圣裔也只是凡人而已。” Duke Lilin leaves behind these words, sets out to walk toward the lanai, Madame Lunar Wolf thinks deeply about the moment , the choice follows. 黎林公爵留下这句话,起身向外廊走去,月狼夫人思索片刻,也选择跟上。 Old fox.” “老狐狸。” Su Xiao looked that to the senior duke who the window admires the scenery. 苏晓看向正在窗口欣赏风景的老公爵。 Do not have the politeness, but you now duke. „ “别这么没礼貌,你现在可是公爵。“ Senior duke is obviously happy. 老公爵的心情明显不错。 First dying should be you, last night, you will predecease compared with Furious Lion, moreover Lilin will not send people to kill you.” “第一个死的应该是你,就在昨晚,你会比怒狮先死,而且黎林不会派人去杀你。” Su Xiao finishes speaking, Reincarnation Paradise Prompt suddenly appears. 苏晓话音刚落,轮回乐园提示突然出现。 Hunter has triggered hidden mission:???】 猎杀者已触发隐藏任务:???】 Carries out Main Mission because of the Hunter choice in the high risk way, this hidden mission, to reward mission.】 【因猎杀者选择以高风险方式执行主线任务,此隐藏任务,为奖励任务。】 Su Xiao closes Prompt, now looks like, his Main Mission opening way is absolutely correct, although high risk, but also returns high. 苏晓关闭提示,现在看来,他主线任务的打开方式完全正确,虽然高风险,但也高回报。 He has not guessed that the wrong words, something is breeding in secret, but Reincarnation Paradise transmits his time, is agrees with that matter, this will not be coincidence. 他没猜错的话,某件事正在暗中孕育,而轮回乐园传送他的时机,则是契合那件事,这不会是巧合 Su Xiao can choose not to participate in that matter, completes Main Mission with the normal channel, but now, he chose to participate in some event , without the strong strength to be the foundation, participating in this unknown possibly lived is about a day. 苏晓可以选择不参与到那件事中,就是以正常渠道完成主线任务,而现在,他选择了参与到某个事件中,没有强大的实力为基础,参与到这未知事件内可能都活不过一天。 „Won't Lilin send people to kill me? Perhaps, he was too honest.” 黎林不会派人杀我?或许吧,他太正直了。” The senior duke always turns away from Su Xiao, but Sageborn king, then has been dozing off, did not care to anything, including Duke Furious Lion death. 老公爵始终背对苏晓,而圣裔王,则是一直打着瞌睡,对任何事都不关心,包括怒狮公爵的死。
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