RP :: Volume #31

#7: Sage Palace

Su Xiao disregards Prompt from Revelation Paradise, even if really has Battle angel to chase down him, at the worst is irreconciliable adversaries, Su Xiao never fears has fought. 苏晓无视来自天启乐园提示,就算真的有战斗天使来追杀他,大不了就是你死我活,苏晓从未惧战过。 I want 50%, except disbursement, you 20%.” “我要50%,除去支出,你们得20%。” The Su Xiao preparation makes these miners continue to dig, seizes one group with great difficulty, how possibly to kill the chicken to get the eggs, that is the vision short shallow approach. 苏晓准备让这些矿工继续挖,好不容易逮住一伙,怎么可能杀鸡取卵,那是眼光短浅的做法。 If these miners have the opportunity to continue to mine, the underground blue ore will pick completely spatially, Su Xiao at least can obtain over 2000 basket ores, moreover each is standard unit weight. 如果这些矿工有机会继续开采,将地下的蓝矿全部采空,苏晓至少能得到2000颗以上的篮矿,而且每颗都是‘标准单位’重量。 Pure squeezing, will only play the counter-effect, but if both sides also make a profit, was very easy to accept. 单纯的压榨,只会起到反效果,可如果双方同时获利,就很容易让人接受了。 This......” “这……” Miner hat team leader veiled Quan, but he thinks for 0.1 second, complies with Su Xiao's to request, is sincere. 矿工帽队长蒙圈,但他只是思索0.1秒,就答应苏晓的要求,非常诚恳。 To the miner hat team leader, does not use in this is blood gain, the life is more precious than anything. 对矿工帽队长来讲,不用死在这就是血赚,生命比任何东西都宝贵。 Mines the mineral lode under Ramsi city to be very dangerous, we need to safeguard, estimated that you can obtain over 2000 blue ores!” “开采亚兰斯城下的矿脉很危险,我们需要保障,预估你能得到2000枚以上的蓝矿!” The miner hat team leader sinking sound opens the mouth, after he simply thinks to leave has not travelled, initially after the negotiation, he discovered, the enemy possibly is Old Fart. 矿工帽队长沉声开口,他根本没想过离开后跑路,初步交涉后他发现,敌人可能是老阴哔 In his cognition, Reincarnation Paradise Contractor is very fearful, Old Fart in Reincarnation Paradise Contractor is more fearful. 在他的认知中,轮回乐园契约者很可怕,轮回乐园契约者中的老阴哔更可怕。 Therefore, in the judgment of miner hat team leader, the probability that they can escape is minimal, Reincarnation Paradise Old Fart fearful, he has heard, but has not seen, this is actually most terrifying. 所以,在矿工帽队长的判断中,他们能逃掉的几率微乎其微,轮回乐园老阴哔有多可怕,他听说过,但没见过,这其实才是最恐怖的。 Later we contact you, so long as you did not put in order a city to dig collapse, will not have the issue.” “之后我们联络你们,只要你们不被整座城挖塌,就不会有问题。” Contact appears in the Su Xiao hand, he throws this thing to the miner hat team leader. 一个联络器出现在苏晓手中,他将这东西抛向矿工帽队长。 Completes all these, Su Xiao vanishes in same place, after 0.5 second . 做完这一切,苏晓消失在原地,0.5秒后。 Bang! 轰! round hole in he just position presently, the surrounding ground cracks together for the first time fast. 一道圆坑在他方才的位置乍现,周围的地面快速开裂。 The cold air ascends continuously, A' Mu passes through from six Contractor, in miner hat team leader and the others in Sensor, A' Mu also very safe, their Sensor were misled. 缕缕寒气升腾,阿姆从六名契约者身旁走过,在矿工帽队长等人的感知中,阿姆也很‘安全’,他们的感知又被误导。 But the pupil that A' Mu that pair of red light flashes told them, this ox head person killed without batting an eye absolutely, and lacking sentiments. 阿姆那双红光闪动的眸子告诉他们,这牛头人绝对是杀人不眨眼,而且莫得感情 I favor you, come on.” “我看好你们,加油吧。” Baja falls on the shoulder of miner hat team leader, the next quarter vanishes, the next quarter, Baja has appeared above the city wall again. 巴哈落在矿工帽队长的肩膀上,下一刻就消失,再下一刻,巴哈已经出现在城墙上方。 Baja is telling them, they cannot escape. 巴哈是在告诉他们,他们逃不掉。 „Is air, a little sweet?” “空气,有点甜?” Tall reef mountain opens the mouth , he although is seemingly strong, but he is timid, in the bear general body, the fawn gentle heart, was chosen by Revelation Paradise, is actually his Luck. 身材高大的礁山开口,他虽然看起来强壮,可他胆儿小,熊一般的身躯内,有一颗小鹿般温柔的心,被天启乐园选上,其实是他的幸运 Naturally sweet, we have possibly been poisoned, but...... the Reincarnation Paradise person is is not completely unreasonable, gave back to us to keep 20% incomes.” “当然甜,我们可能已经中毒,不过……轮回乐园的人也不是完全不讲道理嘛,还给我们留了20%收益。” Does?” “搞不搞?” Our some elect.” “我们有的选吗。” Then big piece of blue mineral lode, even be only 20% net incomes, can gain one similarly greatly, does!” “那么大一片蓝矿脉,就算只有20%净收益,同样能大赚一笔,搞!” The miner hat team leader is pressing the chest single-handed, by the present, his heartbeat speed is still quick. 矿工帽队长单手按着胸膛,到现在,他的心跳速度依然很快。 ...... …… In the Ramsi city, is 3 : 30 am, midsummer the season to this time, the weather started the dawn. 亚兰斯城内,已是凌晨 3 点半,盛夏季到了这时间,天色开始蒙蒙亮。 Su Xiao looked for the family/home hotel in the city, knocked met the gate some people to open the door. 苏晓在城内找了家旅馆,敲了一会门才有人开门。 Opened a room, Su Xiao sat on the hard wooden bed, looks two deep blue ores that the fingertip clamped, this thing can sell the good price, but Su Xiao did not prepare to sell out, had him to use. 开了间房,苏晓坐在硬木床上,看着指尖夹的两颗蔚蓝矿石,这东西能卖出不错的价钱,但苏晓不准备卖掉,另有他用。 The tonight's matter, making Su Xiao discover opportunities, that looks for one group of miners, ‚after friendly discussion, making the revelation miner mine the resources, later was divided in proportion. 今晚的事,让苏晓发现了一条生财之道,那就是找一伙矿工,‘友好洽谈’后,让天启矿工去开采资源,之后按比例分成。 If strikes to kill that 6 miners, can obtain 2 scarlet cards to be the luck bursting, but if chooses sustainable development way, is the continuous income. 如果击杀那六名矿工,能获得二枚猩红卡都属于运气爆棚,但如果选择‘可持续发展’的方式,就是源源不断的收益。 Wins over the train of thought that Su Xiao now is acting of senior duke, naturally, this so-called acting, is the senior duke must preserve the face, in fact, so long as the senior duke does not relieve the cooperation, Su Xiao is the interim duke. 收揽思绪,苏晓现在已经是老公爵的代行,当然,这所谓的代行,是老公爵要保住脸面,实际上,只要老公爵不解除合作,苏晓就是临时的公爵。 As for some people questioned that his power what to do, that also with asking, at that time was makes A' Mu project on the clothing/taking the opposite party, even made to Sage Palace, was still Su Xiao occupies the principle. 至于有人质疑他的权力怎么办,那还用问吗,当时是让阿姆将对方打到服,就算闹到圣廷,也是苏晓这边占理。 Receives the blue ore in hand, Su Xiao starts to contemplate daily. 收起手中的蓝矿,苏晓开始日常冥想。 Contemplates quick that the time passes, unknowingly, Sun shines on him. 冥想中时间过的很快,不知不觉,太阳映照在他身上。 The Su Xiao's pupil opens, the present is the morning seven points, before 5 minutes, the carriage of senior duke has entered the Ramsi city from the city gate. 苏晓的眸子睁开,现在是早七点,五分钟前,老公爵的马车已从城门进入亚兰斯城。 Sends back the room in hotel, Su Xiao takes Baja and A' Mu, directly soars the silver thorn flower street to go. 退掉旅馆的房间,苏晓带上巴哈阿姆,直奔银棘花街而去。 After dozen minutes, Su Xiao stands before a fruit stall, in the hand takes an apple, bites a next big mouth, the fruit pulp is crisp, the sour and sweet juice moistens the taste bud. 十几分钟后,苏晓站在一处水果摊前,手中拿着颗苹果,咔嚓咬下一大口,果肉脆软,酸甜的汁水滋润味蕾。 In the meantime, the carriage of senior duke drives slowly from the street, the badge of carriage is a snake, the whole body black scale, the snake of end furcation, according to this world fairytale, this is deep Snake of the Depth, represents the power and dignity. 就在此时,老公爵的马车从街道东侧缓缓驶来,马车的徽章是一条蛇,全身黑色鳞片,尾部分叉的蛇,根据这个世界的神话故事,这是深渊之蛇,代表权力与威严。 The carriage stops, the vehicle door was shoved open from the inside, Su Xiao and Baja just boarded, A' Mu does not have the bi number very much pushes. 马车停下,车门被从内侧推开,苏晓巴哈刚上车,阿姆就很没哔数的挤上来。 Under, A' Mu you......” “等下,阿姆你……” The Baja words have not said, was pushed to Su Xiao on, after opposite senior duke also as far as possible, supine body, that full is the wrinkle is shameless is twitching. 巴哈的话还没说完,就被挤到苏晓身上,对面的老公爵也尽量后仰身体,那张满是皱纹的老脸在抽动。 Ka ~ 咔吧~ The carriage sends out a resounding very no use, three rhinocero horses of pulling a cart calls out in grief several, is stepping the heavy step vanguard. 马车发出一声脆响,拉车的三匹犀马很无助的悲鸣几声,才迈着沉重的步子前行。 Lies Boubo in vehicle shed breathes a sigh of relief, it has the foreknowledge. 趴在车棚上的布布汪舒了口气,还是它有先见之明。 The carriage marches forward on the street, the round axis of wheel sends out the intermittent moan, the passer-by looks askance all, the carriage of this duke, was blocked to question by the militiaman early. 马车行进在街道上,车轮的圆轴发出阵阵呻吟,路人无不侧目,这要不是公爵的马车,早被民兵拦下盘查。 Nearly one hour, the carriage stops, somewhat innocent A' Mu first drills the carriage, dozens sharp vision throw, that is wears the armor, grasps the empire soldier of long weapon. 近一小时,马车才停,有些无辜的阿姆最先钻出马车,几十道犀利的目光投来,那是一名名身穿铠甲,手持长武器的帝国士兵。 After Su Xiao got down the carriage, the discovery has arrived on a paved pathway in big garden, the paved pathway both sides have the basin, the surroundings are planting the trees, but in the end of paved pathway, is a very grand construction. 苏晓下了马车后,发现已经抵达一处大庭院的甬路上,甬路两侧有水池,周围栽种着树木,而在甬路的尽头,则是一座很宏伟的建筑。 How long has not come to here.” “已经多久没来这里了。” The senior duke moves the somewhat sore back, looks at that grand construction, this is Sage Palace, the Seira empire power center. 老公爵活动有些酸痛的背,看着那栋宏伟建筑,这就是圣廷,塞拉帝国的权力中心。 Following the paved pathway, before Su Xiao arrives in the Sage Palace main entrance . 顺着甬路,苏晓抵达圣廷正门前。 Halts.” “止步。” Two long weapons intersect in the Su Xiao front, the senior duke beckons with the hand, the both sides soldiers set upright the weapon, looks serious. 两把长武器交叉在苏晓前方,老公爵摆了摆手,两侧的士兵竖回兵器,神情严肃。 Makes their two keep this, we go.” “让它们两个留在这,我们进去。” The senior duke moves toward the Sage Palace main entrance, before Su Xiao lets A' Mu and Baja keep, integrates Boubo accompanying of environment. 老公爵走向圣廷的正门,苏晓则让阿姆巴哈留在门前,融入环境的布布汪随行。 After entering Sage Palace, the place of seeing is a main hall, Sage Palace only one, divides the inside and outside two parts, outside the palace is Sageborn king summons the place of empire middle and upper level official, the inner palace is five dukes and Old Saint King makes the final policy-making the place. 进入圣廷后,入目之处是一处大殿,圣廷仅有一层,分内外两部分,外殿是圣裔王召见帝国中上层官员的地方,内殿则是五名公爵与老圣王作最后决策的地方。 Outside in the palace has a very long discussing table, Su Xiao suspected, if sits in first Sageborn king speaks insufficiently loudly, sits in discussing the official of table by outside position, could not hear clearly the Sageborn king to say anything, can only guess depending on the shape of the mouth. 外殿内有一张很长的议桌,苏晓怀疑,如果坐在首位的圣裔王说话不够大声,坐在议桌靠外位置的官员,根本听不清圣裔王在说什么,只能凭口型猜。 The Ramsi city is so, the powerful official is numerous, multitude of people long here, including is not. 亚兰斯城就是如此,权贵众多,千夫长在这里,连个屁都算不上。 Su Xiao passes through from the throne, after entering a short porch, arrives in the inner palace, here is more splendid, a metal round table situated in the center, the seat only has six. 苏晓从王座旁走过,进入一条短廊后,抵达内殿,这里更加富丽堂皇,一张金属圆桌位于中心处,座椅只有六张。 On the first throne seat back cushion, the royal crown scribing, five scribing of other seats are: Fenwei snake, Furious Lion, forest, Lunar Wolf and one-eyed vertical pupil. 首位的王座靠背上,有一副王冠刻图,其余五张座椅的刻图则是:分尾蛇、怒狮、森林、月狼、独眼竖瞳。 Came early.” “来早了。” The senior duke sits on the seat of Fenwei snake scribing, he referred to nearby one-eyed vertical pupil seat, hints Su Xiao not to use politely. 老公爵坐在分尾蛇刻图的座椅上,他指了指一旁的独眼竖瞳座椅,示意苏晓不用客气。 Duke White Dragon not?” “白龙公爵不会到?” Millen will not come, 300-year-old person, unexpectedly also infatuated woman.” “克米伦不会来,300岁的人了,居然还痴迷女人。” Senior duke cold snort/hum, obviously with Duke White Dragon Millen has the long standing grudge. 老公爵冷哼一声,显然与白龙公爵・克米伦有旧怨。 Su Xiao just sat down, a middle-aged person enters the inner palace, he has adult male lazy Charm very much, wears the loose white clothing, seems like this world pajamas. 苏晓刚落坐,一名中年人就走进内殿,他很有成年男性的慵懒魅力,身穿宽松的白色衣物,看起来像是这个世界的睡衣。 King, you came.” “王,您来了。” The senior duke lowers the head, comes the person impressively is the Sageborn king, he does not have strong air/Qi field, like has not awaked, but also hit to breathe out, the silver-gray hair was very smooth. 老公爵低下头,来人赫然就是圣裔王,他没有很强的气场,如同没睡醒般,还打了个哈气,银灰色的头发很光润。 The Sageborn king has not paid attention to the senior duke, after he sits the first place, the single arm arrives on the arm rest, makes a fist to support the side jaw, most is also a half minute, fell asleep. 圣裔王没理会老公爵,他坐上首位后,单臂抵在扶手上,握拳撑着侧颚,最多也就是半分钟,睡着了。 Mission Objective beyond several meters, this situation, Su Xiao will certainly not act. 任务目标就在几米外,这种情况,苏晓当然不会出手。 Determined that the Sageborn king has fallen asleep, the senior duke starts to chat with Su Xiao in a low voice. 确定圣裔王已经睡着,老公爵开始低声与苏晓闲谈。 Kukulin, this morning I listened to the following person saying that the city south city wall collapsed.” 库库林,今早我听下面的人说,城南的城墙塌了一段。” „? Right.” “哦?是吗。” Lilin that fellow falsely accuses me with this matter, after you sit my position, must first solve this matter, otherwise Lilin will die to nip does not put.” 黎林那家伙用这件事诬陷我,你坐上我的位置后,最先就要解决这件事,否则黎林会死咬不放。” The complexion of senior duke is somewhat disgruntled, why will collapse as for the city wall, Su Xiao knows certainly that is the miner digs. 老公爵的面色有些不悦,至于城墙为何会塌,苏晓当然知道,那是矿工挖的。 In other four dukes, who is your ally?” “其他四名公爵中,谁是你的盟友?” This...... our relations, are good.” “这……我们的关系,都还算不错。” The senior duke is awkward, and does not lose the demeanor smiled, his implication is, except for is not hostile with the Sageborn king, other four dukes are the enemies. 老公爵尴尬且不失风度的笑了,他的言外之意是,除了与圣裔王不敌对,其他四个公爵都是敌人。 They will not join up......” “他们不会联合起来……” Su Xiao frowns slightly, in the heart the dark feeling is not wonderful. 苏晓略微皱起眉头,心中暗感不妙。 Don't worry, they have joined up for more than 50 years, but I still sit in this, later gave you.” “不用担心,他们已经联合起来50多年,但我依然坐在这,之后就交给你了。” Senior duke face is in full bloom like the chrysanthemum, Su Xiao side looks to him, this old fogy, the high-level hierarch excluding Sageborn king, offended completely. 老公爵的老脸如同菊花般盛开,苏晓侧头看向他,这老家伙,把除圣裔王以外的高层掌权者,全部得罪了。 What did you make?” “你做了什么?” The Su Xiao's words, as if stimulate to the senior duke, he slightly obviously anger. 苏晓的话,似乎刺激到老公爵,他略显‘愤怒’。 That four bastards, I cross the outstanding heir marry them, shouted that I a grandfather, is so difficult!” “那四个混蛋,我只是把优秀的子嗣过嫁给他们,喊我一声祖父,有那么难吗!” Senior duke this did not make other dukes shout his grandfather, but a more ruthless grandfather, he according to had not been ganged up to surround and beaten up on the ground by other four dukes, possibly was because other four dukes compared the gentleman's manner. 老公爵这都不是让其他公爵喊他爷爷了,而是更狠的祖父,他没被其他四名公爵按在地上围殴,可能是因为其他四名公爵比较有绅士风度。 Although sounds funny, but the scheme of this old fogy is big. 虽然听起来搞笑,但这老家伙的图谋不小。 „......” “……” Su Xiao no longer spoke, the senior duke smiled, hand central disk own two wife. 苏晓不再说话,老公爵则满脸笑容,手中盘着自己的两位妻子。
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