RP :: Volume #31

#51: Carefree dripping

Of bang, Iron Feathered King foot treads, attacks the point proliferation centered on him, just completed space penetration Su Xiao, was drawn back to the hit on top of the tank by this, wants to pierce the Iron Feathered King long blade, can only empty cut a blade, cuts together Blade Aura. 轰的一声,铁羽王一脚踏下去,冲击以他为中心点扩散,刚完成穿透空间苏晓,被这股冲击顶退,原本想刺穿铁羽王的长刀,只能虚斩一刀,斩出一道刀芒 sharp cry of metal clashing, the hook-bladed long spear/gun will cut the smashing that the glow sweeps, the next quarter, Iron Feathered King withdraws one step, his both hands hold a gun, that pair of pupil fixes the eyes on Su Xiao, before the hook-bladed long spear/gun in hand suddenly, punctures. 金铁脆鸣,钩刃长枪将斩芒扫的粉碎,下一刻,铁羽王后撤一步,他双手持枪,那双眸子紧盯苏晓,手中的钩刃长枪陡然前刺。 This Tyrant Li imposing manner, making Su Xiao fine hair set upright, he cannot draw back at this time, draws back...... will die! 这霸利的气势,让苏晓身上的汗毛都竖起来,他此时决不能退,退了……就会死! The hook-bladed long spear pierces air vent snaps, in stuffy thunder Gengxiang compared with sky. 钩刃长枪刺出气爆声,比天空中的闷雷更响。 Blade by Blade - Time.’ 刃道刀·时。’ Thump! 咚! The surrounding all were slow, Su Xiao uses Blade by Blade - Time at this time, has not needed to prick the ground the long blade, that will have very big flaw, in the self-torture of Land of All Lives, he currently uses Blade by Blade - Time, only need the long blade horizontally before the body then. 周围的一切都慢了下来,苏晓此时使用‘刃道刀·时’,已经无需将长刀刺入地面,那会有很大破绽,经过在众生之地的苦修,他现在使用‘刃道刀·时’,只需将长刀横在身前即可。 hook-bladed long spear/gun that punctures high-speed, after entering ‚’ affect domain, is suddenly slow, detected that this, Iron Feathered King receives the spear/gun immediately, what a pity, slow 0.01 second, this, is the flaw. 高速刺来的钩刃长枪,在进入‘时’的波及领域后,陡然慢下来,察觉到这一幕,铁羽王马上收枪,可惜,慢了0.01秒,这,就是破绽。 Before Su Xiao, to/clashes two steps, only remains two meters away from Iron Feathered King, although the hook-bladed long spear/gun is long, but does not cut the spear/gun glow, affects the range actually also to only have about 3 ~ 4 meters. 苏晓前冲两步,距离铁羽王只剩两米远,钩刃长枪虽长,但不斩出枪芒,波及范围其实也只有3~4米左右。 Blade of Blades extremely.’ 刃道刀・极。’ Under the long blade chops, Iron Feathered King but, can only pull out the spear/gun standard to keep off. 长刀下劈,铁羽王无奈之下,只能抽枪格挡。 When! 当! sparks/Mars splashes old tall, Iron Feathered King stuffy snort/hum, ‚’ is not extremely good to resist. 火星溅起老高,铁羽王闷哼一声,‘极’可不是那么好抗的。 Was cut to draw back half neutral while Iron Feathered King, the long blade turns over to the sheath, Su Xiao to start the short gathering strength, if processing of Iron Feathered King is improper, in the Su Xiao following more than ten blades, the 7 th blade or the 8 th blade, have the opportunity to cut the head of Iron Feathered King. 趁着铁羽王被斩退半步的空挡,长刀归鞘,苏晓开始短暂的蓄力,如果铁羽王的处理不当,苏晓后续的十几刀中,第七刀或第八刀,就有机会斩下铁羽王的头颅。 The long blade comes out of the sheath, the blue color cuts the glow to depart, Su Xiao cuts three Azure Fiend impressively simultaneously. 长刀出鞘,青蓝色斩芒飞出,苏晓赫然同时斩出三道青鬼 Sharp, whole body bloody aura, this is Su Xiao to the feeling of Iron Feathered King, just now that carefree dripping technique competition, is to make Iron Feathered King already desolate cold the blood, burns. 锋利、满身血气,这就是苏晓铁羽王的感觉,方才那畅快淋漓的技法比拼,更是让铁羽王已经‘寞冷’的鲜血,重新燃烧起来。 The blood is burning, in the Iron Feathered King pupil emerges red glow, Iron Feathered King is not the gentle old man, he is tyrant in battlefield, he has killed the person, does not have several hundred thousand, there are hundreds of thousands. 血在燃,铁羽王瞳孔内涌现一丝红芒,铁羽王可不是慈蔼老者,他是战场上的霸者,他所杀过的人,没有几十万,也有十几万了。 Ha!” “哈!” Iron Feathered King shouted at one, the hook-bladed long spear/gun in hand swept away. 铁羽王断喝一声,手中的钩刃长枪横扫。 The ring-like spear/gun glow spreads suddenly, passed over gently and swiftly from the Su Xiao top of the head, at this time the Su Xiao left leg throat, according to the ground,... that was close, slow will be swept the upper part single-handed a moment ago. 环形枪芒陡然扩散,从苏晓头顶掠过,此时苏晓左脚前探,单手按在地面上,刚才…好险,慢一丝就会被扫下上半身。 Blood, boiled, White Night!” “血液,沸腾了,白夜!” Iron Feathered King shouted loudly one, simultaneously leapt lowly, he turned over one after the midair, completes to gather the strength, his both hands are grasping the hook-bladed long spear/gun, nearly arbitrary below divided. 铁羽王高喊一声,同时低跃而起,他在半空中翻转一圈后,就完成蓄力,他双手握着钩刃长枪,近乎蛮横的下劈而来。 Thump! 咚! The soil blasts out from Su Xiao, he is in the side to leap, the soil that flies, hits on his face pains. 泥土从苏晓身旁炸开,他正处于侧跃中,那飞来的泥土,打在他脸上隐隐作痛。 Su Xiao just fell to the ground, the hook-bladed long spear/gun front surface punctures, directly soars his head. 苏晓刚落地,钩刃长枪迎面刺来,直奔他的头颅。 The Su Xiao leaning head, evades the hook-bladed long spear/gun slightly, who knows a stock spin in Iron Feathered King hand, pulls backward, spear/gun blade below hook-bladed, directly soars the Su Xiao's nape to come, to puncture with the hook, has divided the long spear/gun when Iron Feathered King plans. 苏晓略微侧头,躲过钩刃长枪,可谁知铁羽王手中的枪柄一旋,向后一扯,枪刃下方的钩刃,直奔苏晓的后颈而来,刺与钩,早就在铁羽王下劈长枪时计划好。 The empty gate that at this time when dodges impossible obviously, Su Xiao has punctured a spear/gun causes while Iron Feathered King to open greatly, before taking advantage of opportunity, throws. 此时闪避明显已经不可能,苏晓趁着铁羽王刺出一枪时导致的空门大开,顺势前扑。 Facing aura fierce and brutal Su Xiao, Iron Feathered King gives up dragging to entrain the long spear/gun, the stock in hand instead selects, the stock terminal pounds to Su Xiao. 面对气息凶暴的苏晓,铁羽王放弃拖拽长枪,手中的枪柄反挑,枪柄末端向苏晓砸来。 one, the long blade pastes the stock terminal to cut, in the long blade and stock the separation instance, Su Xiao will soon grasp the hand sudden thrust augmentation of blade. 滋啦一声,长刀贴着枪柄末端斩过,就在长刀与枪柄即将分离的瞬间,苏晓握刀的手突然加力。 The macroseism feeling spreads following the metal stock to the Iron Feathered King hand, there is a flash that the hook-bladed long spear/gun in his hand nearly lets go. 强震感顺着金属枪柄蔓延到铁羽王手中,有那么一瞬间,他手中的钩刃长枪险些脱手而出。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ The spear/gun blade vibrates, Iron Feathered King loosens the long spear/gun simply, lifts the hand to pat the stock full power, simultaneously bends over. 枪刃震动,铁羽王索性松开长枪,抬手全力一拍枪柄,同时弯腰低头。 That shouted, the hook-bladed long spear/gun revolved, the spear/gun blade has swept from the Iron Feathered King top of the head, directly soared Su Xiao to cut. 呼的一声,钩刃长枪旋转,枪刃从铁羽王头顶扫过,直奔苏晓斩来。 Before Su Xiao hand long blade full power cuts, tang, the hook-bladed long spear/gun was cut on to fly. 苏晓手中长刀全力前斩,哐嘡一声,钩刃长枪被斩到上飞。 Bang! 轰! The Su Xiao abdomen transmits the severe pain, and flies upside down backward. 苏晓腹部传来剧痛,并向后倒飞而出。 Iron Feathered King jumps high, who knows, he just grasped the hook-bladed long spear/gun, Exiler punctures suddenly. 铁羽王高高跃起,可谁知,他刚握上钩刃长枪,放逐陡然刺来。 Two people fight each time, conceals the murderous intention everywhere, Su Xiao so, Iron Feathered King similarly so. 两人每次交手,处处都暗藏杀机,苏晓如此,铁羽王同样如此。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 Exiler submerges the chest of Iron Feathered King, immediately splits, directly soars the heart and lung of Iron Feathered King goes. 放逐没入铁羽王的胸膛,马上分裂,直奔铁羽王的心脏与肺脏而去。 Places the midair, the Iron Feathered King left hand holds the hook-bladed long spear/gun, the right hand lifts, pats full power on own chest. 身处半空,铁羽王左手持钩刃长枪,右手抬起,全力拍在自己的胸膛上。 Bang a dull thumping sound, the chest of Iron Feathered King gets down hollowly a bulk, fragmented blade form Exiler punctures the back of Iron Feathered King, was patted completely departs the body of Iron Feathered King. 砰的一声闷响,铁羽王的胸膛凹陷下去一大块,碎刃形态放逐刺破铁羽王的脊背,全部被拍飞出铁羽王的身体。 Iron Feathered King falls to the ground, the blood gradually soaks on him the loose clothing, loosened the hook-bladed long spear/gun from him a moment ago, as well as pats the spear/gun, flies Su Xiao to final trampling, it may be said that not to stop, not only that when Su Xiao falls to the ground, Iron Feathered King also has its homicide to incur is waiting for Su Xiao, but had been broken by Exiler. 铁羽王落地,鲜血就逐渐浸透他身上的宽松衣物,从刚才他松开钩刃长枪,以及拍枪,到最后的踹飞苏晓,可谓一刻不停,不仅如此,当苏晓落地时,铁羽王还有其他杀招在等着苏晓,不过已经被放逐打断。 Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King are wounded in the body, but by two people vitalities, this degree of injury is not anything. 苏晓铁羽王都负伤在身,但以两人的生命力,这种程度的伤势不算什么。 Su Xiao partly squats beyond dozens meters, the blood drops following his chin, he was more vigilant, the competition of this technique, a impossible war gets for several days, several hours, the quickest possible dozens seconds, or in a half hour can decide the victory and defeat. 苏晓半蹲在几十米外,鲜血顺着他的下巴滴落,他更加警惕了,这种技法的比拼,不可能一战打上几天,几小时,最快可能几十秒,或是半小时内就能决出胜负。 Dragon Flash turns over to the sheath, the Su Xiao right hand to grasp the hilt, the left hand is grasping the scabbard, Dragon Flash in the front, the Azure Steel Shadow energy will turn over to the sheath horizontally the Dragon Flash package, puts in order changes into the black blue color Dragon Flash, the Su Xiao's aura is even more sharp, this is Absolute Shadow Flash gesture. 斩龙闪归鞘,苏晓右手握着刀柄,左手握着刀鞘,将斩龙闪横在面前,青钢影能量将归鞘中斩龙闪包裹,整把斩龙闪化为黑蓝色,苏晓的气息越发锋利,这是绝影闪的起手式。 Absolute Shadow......” 绝影……” Su Xiao vanishes in suddenly same place, the next quarter, he appears before the Iron Feathered King body. 苏晓陡然消失在原地,下一刻,他出现在铁羽王身前。 When lang, Dragon Flash was opened by the long spear/gun, Absolute Shadow Flash was interrupted, but this is also Su Xiao wants to see that he has never thought and Iron Feathered King Ultimate to putting together, Iron Feathered King will not do that, Su Xiao, he will not use Absolute Shadow Flash, but to show flaw, because the Shadow Blink ability has restored, he can space penetration. 当啷一声,斩龙闪被长枪挑开,绝影闪被中断,但这也是苏晓想看到的,他从未想过与铁羽王大招对拼,铁羽王不会那样做,苏晓也不会,他使用绝影闪,只是为了露出‘破绽’,因为龙影闪能力已恢复,他又能穿透空间 Su Xiao is staggering withdrawing, the long blade not by raising of control, the empty gate opens greatly. 苏晓踉跄着退后,长刀不受控制的扬起,空门大开。 Bang, after Iron Feathered King leaps, if the common enemy, when already while the Su Xiao empty gate opened greatly, a spear pierces, but Iron Feathered King did not have, this was Spear Grandmaster. 砰的一声,铁羽王后跃,如果是寻常敌人,早就趁着苏晓空门大开时,一枪刺上来,可铁羽王没有,这就是枪术宗师 „.” “呵。” On the Su Xiao face the reappearing smile, pretended carelessness is seen through, after all the opponent was Spear Grandmaster. 苏晓脸上浮现笑容,卖破绽被看穿了,毕竟对手是枪术宗师 Iron Feathered King just fell to the ground, he starts to gather the potential, after Sensor to the Iron Feathered King even more dangerous aura, Su Xiao vanishes in again same place, cannot make Iron Feathered King use to gather potential the style, cannot. 铁羽王刚落地,他就开始蓄势,感知铁羽王越发危险的气息后,苏晓再次消失在原地,绝不能让铁羽王用出正在蓄势的招式,绝不能。 Crisis moment, before Su Xiao, leaps the thorn, in he is away from Iron Feathered King also remains three meters, the Iron Feathered King interrupt is gathering strength the style, in the hand the long spear/gun flings. 危机关头,苏晓前跃刺,就在他距离铁羽王还剩三米时,铁羽王中断正在蓄力的招式,手中长枪一甩。 When! 当! The spear/gun blade and blade edge to cutting, after Su Xiao takes advantage of opportunity fly, but Iron Feathered King has grasped on the spear/gun to sweep. 枪刃与刀锋对斩,苏晓顺势后飞,可铁羽王已握枪上扫。 When! 当! Su Xiao loses the equilibrium sense, before is just now that blade, leaps mistake that’ punctures, making him situated in absolute disadvantage. 苏晓失去平衡感,就是方才那一刀前跃刺的‘失误’,让他处于绝对的‘劣势’中。 Iron Feathered King like insane, various spearplay styles are uneven, a oath must before Su Xiao falls to the ground, sweeps a smashing Su Xiao the momentum. 铁羽王如同疯了般,各类枪术招式齐出,一副誓要在苏晓落地前,将苏晓扫个粉碎的势头。 The spear/gun blade and blade edge continue to cutting, after blocking more than ten spears/guns, the Su Xiao's right arm starts to tingle with numbness. 枪刃与刀锋持续对斩,挡住十几枪后,苏晓的右臂都开始发麻。 Fights soul vertical.’ ‘战魂・纵。’ Iron Feathered King bends down the body lowly, a very ordinary long spear/gun sweeps away, but after this spear/gun sweeps, on the hook-bladed long spear/gun ignites the blood flame. 铁羽王低俯身体,一记很普通的长枪横扫,但这枪扫出后,钩刃长枪上燃起血焰。 ! 呼! All maple trees within peripheral hundred meters break, the maple leaf of ground also changes into powdery. 周边百米内的所有枫树都破碎,地面的枫叶也化为粉末状。 Iron Feathered King the move is very terrifying, but cannot do to the space penetrates mode Su Xiao. 铁羽王的这招很恐怖,但奈何不了处于空间穿透状态苏晓 Su Xiao appears behind Iron Feathered King suddenly, the long blade illness/quick cuts. 苏晓陡然出现在铁羽王背后,长刀疾斩。 tang. 哐嘡。 The long blade was blocked by the metal stock, in the Iron Feathered King preparation turn around sweeps away, Su Xiao suddenly appears before him, Shadow Blink after breaking through three upper limits, can force to use, but the Cooldown time meets some time the large scale promotion. 长刀被金属枪柄挡住,就在铁羽王准备反身横扫时,苏晓突然出现在他面前,龙影闪在突破三次上限后,是可以强制使用的,只是冷却时间会在一段时间内大幅度提升。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 The long blade has cut the throat of Iron Feathered King, Iron Feathered King is actually not similar to injured, hook-bladed long spear pierces to the Su Xiao's head. 长刀斩过铁羽王的喉咙,铁羽王却如同没受伤般,钩刃长枪刺向苏晓的头颅。 The spear/gun blade is close fast, Su Xiao does not dodge does not evade, the backhand is a blade, cuts to the head of Iron Feathered King. 枪刃快速接近,苏晓也不闪不避,反手就是一刀,斩向铁羽王的头颅。 Titter! 噗嗤! The spear/gun blade has punctured by the Su Xiao's nape of the neck, has delimited a wound on his side neck, the wound is very deep, Dragon Flash has also cut from the Iron Feathered King surface gate, but no wound to brains. 枪刃在苏晓的脖颈旁刺过,在他的侧颈上划过一道伤口,伤口很深,斩龙闪也从铁羽王的面门斩过,但没伤到脑髓。 This time trades the wound by the wound, how see, is the Su Xiao wounds is heavier, but regarding Su Xiao, this is worth very much, this is the key of determining the final outcome, is in this war the most essential blade. 这次以伤换伤,怎么看,都是苏晓伤的更重,但对于苏晓来讲,这很值得,这是决胜的关键,也是此战中最关键的一刀。 Fights soul Scarlet Iron.’ ‘战魂・赤铁。’ Blade of Blades extremely.’ 刃道刀・极。’ The long blade and blade spear/gun clashes, the air wave wells up crazily, blood splattering, Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King step back simultaneously. 长刀与刃枪对撞,气浪狂涌,鲜血喷溅,苏晓铁羽王同时退后一步。 Iron Feathered King just withdrew this step, in the brain hears buzz the whining noise, in a moment ago, Su Xiao micro mode Exiler, social climbing on knife point, thus has cut the head of Iron Feathered King. 铁羽王刚退出这一步,脑中就传来嗡鸣声,就在刚才,苏晓将超微状态放逐,攀附在刀尖上,从而斩过铁羽王的头颅。 Is Iron Feathered King this short absent-minded, Su Xiao lifts a hand blade to cut to the Iron Feathered King nape of the neck. 就是铁羽王这短暂的失神,苏晓抬手一刀斩向铁羽王的脖颈。 When! 当! The blade edge stays behind on the metal stock cuts the mark together, Iron Feathered King in absent-minded mode, unexpectedly the instinct keeps off with the stock standard, the fight consciousness of what kind of terrifying. 刀锋在金属枪柄上留下一道斩痕,铁羽王在失神状态中,居然本能用枪柄格挡,何等恐怖的战斗意识。 On the Dragon Flash knife point the red glow flashes, a blade pierces the chest of Iron Feathered King, passes through the heart directly. 斩龙闪的刀尖上红芒闪动,一刀就刺穿铁羽王的胸膛,直接贯穿心脏。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ On hook-bladed long spear/gun suddenly reappearing fissure, then loudly shatter, several metal fragments submerge Su Xiao within the body. 钩刃长枪上突然浮现裂痕,转而就轰然破碎,几块金属残片没入苏晓体内。 Su Xiao withdraws several steps, Dragon Flash pulls out from the chest of Iron Feathered King leaves, Su Xiao just about to continues to brandish a sword cuts continually, the pricking transmits from the chest cavity, this makes his body one stiff. 苏晓后撤几步,斩龙闪铁羽王的胸膛内抽离,苏晓刚要继续挥刀连斩,刺痛感就从胸腔内传来,这让他的身体一僵。 Iron Feathered King grasps on half of spear/gun, hook-bladed on long spear/gun has broken, only remains the state-of-art spear/gun blade. 铁羽王手持断枪的上半截,长枪上的钩刃已破碎,仅剩尖端的枪刃。 Blade of Blades Azure Fiend.’ 刃道刀青鬼。’ Azure blue Blade Aura cuts anxiously, passed over gently and swiftly the head of Iron Feathered King, cuts a skull of Iron Feathered King, received this injury, Iron Feathered King had not dropped down, the half long spear/gun in his hand cut horizontally, the blood-color spear/gun glow departed. 青蓝色刀芒急斩而出,掠过铁羽王的头颅,将铁羽王的一块头骨斩下,受了这种伤势,铁羽王并未倒下,他手中的半截长枪横斩,血色枪芒飞出。 The pupil of Iron Feathered King seems to be shining, he seizes the opportunity, only need suppress Su Xiao to draw back again three steps, that is he wins. 铁羽王的眸子似乎在放光,他已经抓住机会,只需再压制苏晓退三步,那就是他胜。 Brushes one, the blood splashes on the Su Xiao's chest, but he one grasps the blood that splashes to the midair. 刷拉一声,鲜血在苏晓的胸膛上溅起,可他一把抓向半空中溅起的鲜血。 The blood in use hand, manifestation of Beast of Blood of fist size in the Su Xiao hand, he ejects miniature Beast of Blood in hand directly. 利用手中的鲜血,一只拳头大小的血之兽苏晓手中形成,他直接抛出手中的微型血之兽 Roar!” “吼!” Although Beast of Blood is small, but its imposing manner is astonishing, dashes to the Iron Feathered King surface gate. 血之兽虽小,可它的气势惊人,直扑铁羽王的面门。 Of bang, bloody aura blasts out, after Iron Feathered King, is raising head. 轰的一声,血气炸开,铁羽王后仰着头。 The Su Xiao stride goes forward, the black blue haze ascends on Dragon Flash. 苏晓跨步上前,黑蓝色烟气在斩龙闪上升腾。 Blade of Blades Devil's Blade!’ 刃道刀魔刃!’ The long blade leaves behind a black blue chain in the midair, finally has cut from the chest of Iron Feathered King. 长刀在半空中留下一道黑蓝色匹链,最终从铁羽王的胸膛斩过。 Iron Feathered King stands is freezing, the broken blade spear/gun falls from his hand, when lang falls in the place. 铁羽王站在原地不动,已断的刃枪从他手中滑落,当啷一声掉落在地。 Really, carefree.” “真是,畅快。” Leaves behind these words, Iron Feathered King falls to the ground, the maple leaf splashes. 留下这句话,铁羽王倒地,枫叶溅起。 In the Su Xiao mouth is breathing heavily, his HP only remains 1 6. 8%, he can win, is, in the upfront spells hardly, he Exiler social climbing of micro shape on long blade, thus with the aid of cutting to strike, making Exiler invade the head of Iron Feathered King. 苏晓口中喘着粗气,他的生命值仅剩一6.8%,他能胜,是因为在正面硬拼时,他将超微形态的放逐攀附在长刀上,从而借助斩击,让放逐侵入铁羽王的头颅。 Without this opportunity , to continue to spell, what most likely (80%) probabilities die is Su Xiao, the Iron Feathered King hook-bladed long spear/gun is too difficult to keep off, kills Iron Feathered King as for the style that using the miraculous glow flashes, for example with arched crookedly double refers to clamping the blade, extends cutting of long blade to strike the range, do not crack a joke, that style, bullies the rare effect, copes with Iron Feathered King, must fight steadily. 如果没这机会,继续拼下去的话,八成概率死的是苏晓,铁羽王钩刃长枪实在太难挡,至于用灵光一闪的招式杀铁羽王,例如用弓曲的双指夹刀,延长刀的斩击范围,别开玩笑了,那种招式,欺负希有奇效,对付铁羽王,必须稳扎稳打。 Su Xiao's each blade before having blade, must consider that follow-up changing, how as well as Iron Feathered King will deal with this blade wait/etc, is the Grandmaster Level technique abilities, style that if Su Xiao dares to flash with that miraculous glow, under Iron Feathered King sweeping unrestrained/no trace of politeness Su Xiao's head. 苏晓的每一刀在出刀前,都要考虑后续的变招,以及铁羽王会如何应对这一刀等等,都是宗师级的技法能力,如果苏晓敢用那种灵光一闪的招式,铁羽王会毫不客气的扫下苏晓的头颅。 In the maplewood, after Su Xiao flings the bloodstain on blade, the long blade turns over to the sheath, cold wind has blown, air-dries the close hot perspiration of Su Xiao body surface, on him exudes cold intent slightly, making him long breathe a sigh of relief, can slaughter with Iron Feathered King, he feels similarly carefree. 枫林内,苏晓一甩刀上的血迹后,长刀归鞘,一股冷风吹过,将苏晓体表的细密热汗吹干,他身上略微泛起冷意,让他长舒了口气,能与铁羽王厮杀,他同样感觉畅快。 Iron Feathered King, has cut to kill! 铁羽王,已斩杀!
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