RP :: Volume #31

#50: Derivation Ability expedition

The maple leaf flutters, in the sky the dark cloud surges. 枫叶飘飞,天空中乌云涌动。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The stuffy thunder crack, a lightning chops to fall , the sturdy maple tree blasts out, snagged remnant leaf splash, flame tree trunk cauterization flip-flop makes noise. 闷雷炸响,一道闪电劈落而下,粗壮的枫树炸开,断枝残叶飞溅,火焰将树干烧灼的噼啪作响。 Lightning like the anger of nature, but confronting Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King, the eyelid has not actually even shaken, instantaneous losing concentration, that is beyond redemption. 闪电如同自然之怒,可正在对峙的苏晓铁羽王,却连眼皮都没抖一下,瞬间的分神,那就是万劫不复。 Eye of the Apostle floats in the sky, data transmission that will detect to Su Xiao. 使徒之眼漂浮在上空,将所侦测的资料传输给苏晓 【The ratio to the both sides Intelligence attribute...... the ratio to completing, because of interference of Snake of the Depth, only obtains the enemy 92% materials.】 【正在比对双方智力属性……比对完成,因渊之蛇的干涉,仅获得敌方92%资料。】 Name: Iron Feathered King 名称:铁羽王 Category: Human 类别:人类 HP: 100% 生命值:100% Fights the strength of soul: 15300 / 15300 points 战魂之力:15300/15300点 Source energy: 76000 / 76000( had been prohibited by Iron Feathered King) 源能量:76000/76000(已被铁羽王自行封禁) Strength: 145( True Attribute) 力量:145(真实属性) Agility: 139( True Attribute) 敏捷:139(真实属性) stamina: 150( True Attribute) 体力:150(真实属性) Intelligence: 107 智力:107 Charm: 119( True Attribute) 魅力:119(真实属性) Skill 1, war king( passive, lv.72): The HP + 29000 points, disregard all Seventh Order or the Seventh Order following control effect. 技能一,战王(被动,lv.72):生命值点,无视所有七阶七阶以下控制效果。 Skill 2, Spear Grandmaster( foundation class Skill, lv.43): Promotes long spear/gun class weapon Attack Power 615%, mental reaction speed + 103%, dynamic vision + 117%, the attack supplements the strong broken against effect. 技能二,枪术宗师(基础类技能,lv.43):提升长枪类武器攻击力615%,神经反射速度,动态视觉,攻击附带强破防效果。 Skill 3, Spear Grandmaster lv.10 Derivation Ability tyrant: when Strength Judgement, when promotes 16 revision effects additionally, the weapon penetrates the enemy, will create large True Damage. 技能三,枪术宗师lv.10衍生能力霸者:力量判定时,额外提升16点修正效果,武器穿透敌人时,将造成大额真实伤害 Skill 4, Spear Grandmaster lv.20 Derivation Ability undying: If Iron Feathered King falls into near-death mode, he will disregard debuff that near-death mode creates, and long spear/gun lethality promotes two times, the effect continues for 27 seconds. 技能四,枪术宗师lv.20衍生能力不死:如铁羽王陷入濒死状态,他将无视濒死状态所造成的减益,且长枪杀伤力提升两倍,效果持续27秒。 Skill 5, Spear Grandmaster lv.30 Derivation Ability spear/gun unites: Every time strikes to kill an enemy unit, may restore 1 ~ 650 HP. 技能五,枪术宗师lv.30衍生能力・枪戮:每击杀一个敌方单位,可恢复1~650点生命值 Skill 6, Spear Grandmaster lv.40 Derivation Ability expedition: If Iron Feathered King places the battlefield, every time strikes to kill 10 enemy units , to promote 1 Strength attribute temporarily, 1 Agility attribute, 1 stamina attribute. 技能六,枪术宗师lv.40衍生能力・征战:如铁羽王身处战场,每击杀十名敌方单位,将临时提升一点力量属性,一点敏捷属性,一点体力属性。 Prompt: the True Strength attribute is highest may increase 35 points additionally. 提示:真实力量属性最高可额外提升35点。 Prompt: The real Agility attribute is highest may increase 21 points additionally. 提示:真实敏捷属性最高可额外提升21点。 Prompt: The real stamina attribute is highest may increase 27 points additionally. 提示:真实体力属性最高可额外提升27点。 Prompt: This effect continues for 10 minutes ~ 12 hours( according to killing the enemy situation decides) 提示:此效果持续十分钟小时(根据杀敌情况而定) Prompt: This Spear Grandmaster Derivation Ability, is Iron Feathered King is in sole possession. 提示:此枪术宗师衍生能力,为铁羽王独有。 Skill 7, fights soul vertical( Ultimate Skill, lv.37):??? 技能七,战魂・纵(终极能力,lv.37):??? Skill 8, indenpendently develops blade spear/gun ability ( 27 types ), this kind of ability is unable to detect the detail, 18 passive kinds, 9 Active Type. 技能八,自行开发刃枪能力(共27种),此类能力无法侦测详细资料,18种被动类,九种主动类 ...... …… Su Xiao knows now why Northern Alliance dreads Iron Feathered King, has not been in Iron Feathered King in battlefield, is this world most powerhouse, lv.43 Spear Grandmaster, the in addition 27 indenpendently developed abilities, indicate his strength completely sufficiently. 苏晓现在知道,北部联盟为何那么畏惧铁羽王,未处于战场上的铁羽王,原本就是这个世界的最强者,lv.43的枪术宗师,外加27种自行开发的能力,完全足以表明他的战力。 Let alone, fights the king ability exempts the control effect, with Spear Grandmaster lv.30 Derivation Ability spear/gun unites, being doomed to besiege to Iron Feathered King is invalid. 更何况,战王能力的免控制效果,与枪术宗师lv.30的衍生能力・枪戮,注定围攻对铁羽王无效。 If only these, Northern Alliance will not have dreaded, but Iron Feathered King Spear Grandmaster lv.40 Derivation Ability expedition, letting him to display the extremely terrifying strength in the battlefield. 如果只是这些,北部联盟还不会畏惧,但铁羽王枪术宗师lv.40所衍生能力・征战,让他在战场上能发挥出极其恐怖的战力。 As kills the enemy the increase of quantity, Iron Feathered King True Strength will reach 180 points, real Agility 170 points, real stamina 177 points. 随着杀敌数量的提升,铁羽王真实力量会达到180点,真实敏捷170点,真实体力177点。 What concept is this? Said that spear/gun of Iron Feathered King in the battlefield sweeps but actually a big piece, is not completely exaggerating, spear/gun blade style that in addition he develops, he in battlefield terrifying, is completely conceivable. 这是什么概念?说铁羽王在战场上一枪扫下去倒一大片,完全不夸张,外加他所开发的枪刃招式,他在战场上有多恐怖,完全可以想象。 Good here is not the battlefield, Iron Feathered King expedition ability is unable to kill, otherwise, Su Xiao has not resulted in completely hits, Strength, Agility and stamina attribute plenary session by steamroll. 好在这里不是战场,铁羽王的‘征战’能力无法杀起来,否则的话,苏晓完全没得打,力量敏捷体力属性全会被碾压。 Even but if has not killed expedition Iron Feathered King of effect, is still powerful, the lv.43 Grandmaster ability is not the ornaments, the good news is, the Iron Feathered King Grandmaster ability favors the battlefield, but Su Xiao, then copes with the powerful individual frequently, both sides have the advantage respectively. 可就算没杀出‘征战’效果的铁羽王,也同样强大,lv.43的宗师能力不是摆设,好消息是,铁羽王宗师能力更倾向于战场,而苏晓,则是经常对付强大个体,双方各有优势。 The been struck by lightning maple tree flaming combustion, wisp of black smoke hikes up, flutters slantingly to the sky. 被雷击的枫树熊熊燃烧,一缕黑烟飘起,斜斜飘向上空。 A large share sparks/Mars was blown by the wind, floats to Su Xiao, in these sparks/Mars will soon touch him, before the long blade in his hand, cuts. 一大股火星被风吹起,向苏晓飘来,就在这些火星即将触碰到他时,他手中的长刀前斩。 Blade of Blades Azure Fiend.’ 刃道刀青鬼。’ Zheng! 铮! Azure blue Blade Aura Shatter Sky, before raids the Iron Feathered King body supervelocity, trades to be the common enemy, facing speed such quick Azure Fiend, dodges absolutely, even if flashes, but, will still avoid the strategic point that first thinks as far as possible. 青蓝色刀芒破空,以超高速袭到铁羽王身前,换做寻常敌人,面对速度如此之快的青鬼,第一时间想的绝对是闪避,就算闪不过,也会尽量避开要害。 The momentum that but Iron Feathered King has not dodged slightly, the hook-bladed long spear/gun in his hand turns over, the metal stock builds on his shoulder. 铁羽王丝毫没有闪避的势头,他手中的钩刃长枪翻转,金属枪柄搭在他肩上。 one, the horizontal blade on long spear/gun flutters Azure Fiend, directly changes the Azure Fiend flight trajectory. 滋啦一声,长枪上的横刃勾住青鬼,直接改变青鬼的飞行轨迹。 Iron Feathered King both hands grasp the spear/gun, the hook-bladed spear/gun fling, flings directly Azure Fiend. 铁羽王双手握枪,钩刃枪一甩,直接将青鬼甩回来。 Su Xiao that the half step is flushing is sideways, avoids Azure Fiend at the same time, in the hand on the long blade pulls up cuts. 正快步冲来的苏晓一侧身,躲开青鬼的同时,手中长刀上撩斩。 Su Xiao just about to has the blade, before front Iron Feathered King already, cross one step, this makes the Su Xiao's pupil contract slightly, the early warning of Instinct reaches the limit, now his position is dangerous! 苏晓刚要出刀,前方的铁羽王已前跨一步,这让苏晓的瞳孔略微收缩,直感的预警达到极限,现在他所处的位置非常危险! Iron Feathered King with the aid of selecting to fly the spear/gun potential of Azure Fiend, that before the hand the hook-bladed long spear/gun shouted divided, acts grand opening grand closing, this was his fight style. 铁羽王借助挑飞青鬼的枪势,手中钩刃长枪呼的一声前劈,动作大开大合,这就是他的战斗风格。 Blade of Blades Bloodedge.’ 刃道刀血刃。’ The blood-color feather emerges around Su Xiao, he disappears suddenly on the spot. 血色羽毛在苏晓周围涌现,他陡然消失在原地。 Bang! 轰! The hook-bladed long spear/gun chops to fall, the maple leaf of ground four well up, ground big piece to split open that the spear/gun blade submerges. 钩刃长枪劈落,地上的枫叶四涌,枪刃所没入的地面大片开裂。 Although a spear/gun chops spatially, but Iron Feathered King is not flurried, a hook-bladed long spear/gun in his reins, both hands loosen the stock immediately, making the stock paste his palm to slide, when his both hands get hold, holds the center-section of stock. 虽一枪劈空,可铁羽王毫不慌乱,他一扯手中的钩刃长枪,双手马上松开枪柄,让枪柄贴着他的掌心下滑,当他的双手握紧时,已抓住枪柄的中段。 When! 当! sparks/Mars splashes, the long blade cuts on the stock of hook-bladed long spear/gun terminal, Iron Feathered King pushes the stock, Su Xiao felt immediately a great strength transmits from the blade. 火星溅起,长刀斩在钩刃长枪末端的枪柄上,铁羽王一推枪柄,苏晓马上感觉到一股巨力从刀上传来。 After Su Xiao's body slightly supine, Strength that on the blade raids submerges his within the body, his back clothing sticks out, several cracks rip open on the long leather clothing. 苏晓的身体略微后仰,刀上袭来的力量没入他体内,他背后的衣物隆起,几道破口在长皮衣上撕开。 Bang, Su Xiao presents together the endocrater behind, the governing strength is successful. 轰隆一声,苏晓身后出现一道巨坑,御力成功。 The endocrater just blasted out, before Su Xiao single foot tramples, directly soars the Iron Feathered King abdomen. 巨坑刚炸开,苏晓单脚前踹,直奔铁羽王的腹部。 Bang! 砰! Iron Feathered King staggers to withdraw several steps, bends down the body slightly lowly, he keeps off before the body single-handed, hand that another is grasping the hook-bladed long spear/gun, instead after behind, 铁羽王踉跄退后几步,略微低俯身体,他单手挡在身前,另一只握着钩刃长枪的手,反而是在身后, While this opportunity, Su Xiao cuts three blades fast. 趁此机会,苏晓快速斩出三刀。 Blade of Blades Absolute Hell.’ 刃道刀绝幽。’ Surrounding world becomes jet black one piece suddenly, in the Iron Feathered King eye only remains three to cut the mark, the cutting mark that the front surface raids. 周围的世界陡然变得漆黑一片,铁羽王眼中只剩三道斩痕,迎面袭来的斩痕。 The space as if twists, the three blue color in Iron Feathered King eye cut the mark to split suddenly, turns into one big piece to cut to strike. 空间似乎都扭曲,铁羽王眼中的三道蓝色斩痕陡然分裂开来,变成一大片斩击。 The big piece cuts to strike to raid, Iron Feathered King grasps the blade spear/gun only, the hook-bladed long spear/gun sweeps away, just swept half, his another hand also grasps the stock, making the momentum of hook-bladed long spear/gun rise suddenly. 大片斩击袭来,铁羽王单手持刃枪,钩刃长枪横扫,刚扫到一半,他的另一只手也握上枪柄,让钩刃长枪的势头暴涨。 Of bang! All cuts to strike the swept smashing, the hook-bladed long spear/gun has delimited from the Su Xiao's chest, the Mythical long leather clothing broken guards instantaneously, stretches across the wound of his chest to appear together, is good is not deep because of the wound. 轰的一声!所有斩击都被扫的粉碎,钩刃长枪从苏晓的胸膛划过,史诗级长皮衣瞬间破防,一道横跨他胸膛的伤口出现,好在伤口并不深。 The Swordplay style was broken, injury is the matter of being unavoidable, if not the Su Xiao's fight experience is rich, a spear/gun blade, has swept his head, 刀术招式被破,受伤是在所难免的事,如果不是苏晓的战斗经验只有丰富,刚才的一枪刃,已然扫下他的头颅, One inch is one inchs is not unreasonable, but if Su Xiao breaks through sweeping away of hook-bladed long spear/gun, that is Su Xiao has the advantage, after all the hook-bladed long spear/gun is the long weapon, in the situation of short distance, more keeps off with the stock standard. 一寸长一寸强并非没有道理,可如果苏晓冲破钩刃长枪的横扫,那就是苏晓更有优势,毕竟钩刃长枪是长武器,近距离的情况下,更多是用枪柄格挡。 Su Xiao was just swept a spear/gun, the pupil of Iron Feathered King stares, does not get angry from the prestige, in the hand the hook-bladed long spear/gun first sweeps away, then along dividing, squally shower to Su Xiao. 苏晓刚被扫中一枪,铁羽王的眸子微瞪,不怒自威,手中钩刃长枪先是横扫,转而顺劈,狂风骤雨般向苏晓袭来。 The hook-bladed long spear/gun has swept from the Su Xiao's nape of the neck, Su Xiao actually returns safe and sound, he is in the space to penetrate mode. 钩刃长枪从苏晓的脖颈扫过,苏晓却毫发无伤,他正处于空间穿透状态 Sees this, the Iron Feathered King right foot lifts, treads directly in the ground, an impact spreads, but he judges instantaneously, Su Xiao used the space ability, soon must leave behind him. 看到这一幕,铁羽王右脚抬起,直接踏在地面上,一股冲击扩散,只是瞬间他就判断出,苏晓使用了空间能力,即将要出在他背后。 The fight between technique powerhouses is so, only instantaneous, can judge that the enemy wants to make anything, when the flaw using enemy style interrupt, will strike to take the enemy life. 技法强者间的战斗就是如此,只需瞬间,就能判断出敌人想要做什么,甚至会利用敌人招式中断时的破绽,一击取敌性命。 The short battle, Su Xiao has 5 times the head that tries to cut Iron Feathered King, what a pity, was seen through by Iron Feathered King, but Iron Feathered King, then try to sweep two sections with the hook-bladed long spear/gun Su Xiao 4 times, but was also decoded by Su Xiao. 短暂的交战而已,苏晓就有五次试图斩下铁羽王的头颅,可惜,都被铁羽王识破,而铁羽王,则有四次试图用钩刃长枪将苏晓扫成两截,但也都被苏晓破解。 In the dazzling technique competition, the murderous intention is hidden, the victory and defeat is really only the instantaneous matter. 让人眼花缭乱的技法比拼中,杀机暗藏,胜负真的只是瞬间的事。
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