RP :: Volume #31

#49: Strongest

The snake blood splatters everywhere, Snake of the Depth raises the snake body, shouts ear-spittingly, the air wave spreads layer upon layer. 蛇血四处喷溅,渊之蛇扬起蛇身,嘶吼震耳,层层气浪扩散。 Whooshes the moment, Snake of the Depth detected that Su Xiao has not flushed, the low head, is overlooking Su Xiao, that one-eyed gradually the ominous advantage, stretches across its entire head the cutting mark to heal fast. 嘶吼片刻,渊之蛇发觉苏晓并未冲来,就低下头部,俯视着苏晓,那只独眼逐渐凶利,横跨它整个头部的斩痕快速愈合。 The black haze emerges around Snake of the Depth, but scatters quickly, this is its some ability, just now it wants to deceive Su Xiao to clash, Su Xiao by the early warning of Instinct, evaded this unknown ability. 黑色烟气在渊之蛇周围涌现,但又很快飘散,这是它的某种能力,方才它想骗苏晓冲上来,苏晓凭借直感的预警,躲过了这种未知能力。 Su Xiao activates Eye of the Apostle, the fluorescence emerges in the Snake of the Depth body surface repeatedly, the fast evaporation, the detection failure, Snake of the Depth exempted from the investigation of Eye of the Apostle. 苏晓激活使徒之眼,屡屡荧光在渊之蛇体表涌现,快速蒸发,侦测失败,渊之蛇豁免了使徒之眼的探查。 Su Xiao thinks, this should be Snake of the Depth by protection Spacetime Hub Unit, obtains item that from Death paradise. 苏晓想到,这应该是渊之蛇凭借守护‘时空枢纽装置’,从死亡乐园得到的物品 Snake of the Depth no longer hidden own strength, its snake body show/unfolds, that giant head appears before the Su Xiao body suddenly. 渊之蛇不再隐藏自身的战力,它的蛇躯一展,那巨大的头颅陡然出现在苏晓身前。 The big mouth opens, in the Snake of the Depth mouth full is the canine, high and low replenishes six rows, seeming like Anomaly is fierce. 血盆大口张开,渊之蛇口中满是尖牙,上下相加足有六排,看起来异常狰狞。 Bang! 砰! Snake of the Depth big mouth closed, makes like the plank to pounding sound, the terrifying of linking strength, even produces an air wave, blows to fly Su Xiao nearby maple leaf. 渊之蛇的大口闭合,发出如同木板对砸的声响,咬合力之恐怖,甚至生成一层气浪,吹飞苏晓附近的枫叶。 After Su Xiao, leaps the posture to fall to the ground, just fell to the ground, his to become Dunzi, the ground of under foot is fast, his whole person like one shell of chest cavity, throws to the Snake of the Depth front directly. 苏晓以后跃姿势落地,刚落地,他就成蹲姿,脚下的地面快速凹陷,他整个人如同一颗出膛的炮弹般,直接扑到渊之蛇前方。 Titter! 噗嗤! Dragon Flash submerges the head of Snake of the Depth, the Snake of the Depth big mouth opens, the shouting sound that sends out the pain, this time it is not the camouflage, was pricked the head by a Su Xiao blade, the corrosion of in addition Azure Steel Shadow energy, this feeling can be imagined. 斩龙闪没入渊之蛇的头颅,渊之蛇的大嘴张开,发出痛苦的嘶吼声,这次它不是伪装,被苏晓一刀刺入头颅,外加青钢影能量的侵蚀,这感觉可想而知。 A great strength transmits from the hilt, because of the build disparity, after Snake of the Depth raises the head, grips tightly Su Xiao of hilt also by the belt/bring, but this is he wants. 一股巨力从刀柄上传来,因体型的差距,渊之蛇扬起头颅后,紧握刀柄的苏晓也被带起,但这正是他想要的。 Places the midair, the Su Xiao right arm catches up, when with the aid of pricking the long blade of Snake of the Depth head, jumps directly, deals with the close build enemy, in the fight high jumps indeed is courting death, may cope with the huge lifeform, this is must. 身处半空,苏晓右臂发力,借助刺入渊之蛇头颅的长刀,直接跃起,对付相近体型的敌人时,战斗中高跃起的确是在找死,可对付巨大生物,这是必须的。 The Su Xiao's figure turns over in the midair, he carries toward the sky, the surface toward below Snake of the Depth. 苏晓的身形在半空中翻转,他背朝天空,面朝下方的渊之蛇 Ding ~ 叮~ The long blade turns over to the sheath, Su Xiao to inspire slowly. 长刀归鞘,苏晓缓缓吸了口气。 Zheng, Zheng, Zheng! 铮、铮、铮! Three staggered cutting glow depart, the next quarter cuts in the head and body of Snake of the Depth. 三道交错的斩芒飞出,下一刻就斩在渊之蛇的头颅与身躯上。 Blade Aura cuts to put on Black Scale that Snake of the Depth conducts the back, the shatter scale scatters, Snake of the Depth sways from side to side the giant snake body, turn around to nip to Su Xiao. 刀芒斩穿渊之蛇背上的黑鳞,破碎的鳞片四溅,渊之蛇扭动巨大的蛇身,反身一口向苏晓咬来。 Sensor to this, Su Xiao frowns, he always has any strange ability in vigilant Snake of the Depth, may project on the present, Snake of the Depth except for hitting, bites with that big mouth, looks at the appearance, was prepares to swallow Su Xiao. 感知到这一幕,苏晓皱起眉头,他始终在警惕渊之蛇有什么诡异能力,可打到现在,渊之蛇除了撞,就是用那血盆大口咬,看模样,是准备吞了苏晓 The Su Xiao fast whereabouts, Snake of the Depth raises the head high, that huge snake mouth quick to 90 °, swallows in Su Xiao the entrance. 苏晓快速下落,渊之蛇高高扬起头颅,那巨大的蛇口都快张到90°,一口就将苏晓吞入口中。 The blade edge brittle cry, Snake of the Depth just swallowed Su Xiao, opens mouth immediately, very painful craziness flings the head. 刀锋脆鸣,渊之蛇刚吞掉苏晓,就马上张开嘴,很痛苦的狂甩头颅。 Brushes one, cuts the glow broken body, big piece Black Scale flies, each piece has the wash bowl size. 刷拉一声,斩芒破体而出,大片黑鳞飞起,每一片都有脸盆大小。 Bang! 轰隆! The entire lower jaw of Snake of the Depth falls in the place, its sore whole body scale starts to shiver. 渊之蛇的整个下颚掉落在地,它疼的全身鳞片都开始颤动。 Stains crystalline layer of snake blood to be stave in the Su Xiao body surface, he knits the brows to look at Snake of the Depth, this he sought for world big BOSS, as if...... is a little weak. 沾满蛇血的晶体层苏晓体表破碎,他皱眉看着渊之蛇,这个他寻找了一个世界的大boss,似乎……有点弱。 Right, this is Snake of the Depth felt to Su Xiao's, the opposite party is similar to the wild animal, without other abilities, but relies on that huge body fight, even, Su Xiao has not so belittled Snake of the Depth. 没错,这就是渊之蛇苏晓的感觉,对方如同野兽般,没有其他能力,只是凭借那庞大的身体战斗,就算如此,苏晓也没小觑渊之蛇 bloody aura is centered on the Su Xiao central point to well up crazily, bloody aura just proliferated, he disappears on the spot. 血气苏晓为中心点狂涌,血气刚扩散开,他就消失在原地。 A pale blue cuts the glow for the first time presently, the Snake of the Depth complete root on Su Xiao's speed, deeply may not and cutting mark of bone, appears in the Snake of the Depth body, the snake blood the peripheral maple tree will be incarnadine. 道道淡蓝色斩芒乍现,渊之蛇完全根不上苏晓的速度了,一道道深可及骨的斩痕,在渊之蛇身躯上出现,蛇血将周边的枫树染红。 Snake of the Depth starts to proceed along no particular course in the surroundings, does, cannot injure Su Xiao. 渊之蛇开始在周围乱撞,奈何,根本伤不到苏晓 The maple leaf four well up, the pupil of Snake of the Depth looks suddenly to Baja, Baja has not joined the regiment, but circles in the sky. 枫叶四涌间,渊之蛇的眸子突然看向巴哈,巴哈并未加入战团,而是在上空盘旋。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ A fluctuation spreads, the one-eyed of Snake of the Depth starts deep blue, that only sets upright the pupil to fix the eyes on above Baja. 一股波动扩散,渊之蛇的独眼开始蔚蓝,那只竖瞳紧盯上方的巴哈 Sees this, Su Xiao several steps go forward, on a blade pulls up cuts. 见此,苏晓几步上前,一刀上撩斩。 Cuts the glow to cut open the Snake of the Depth body, cuts its giant head, this giant head bang pounds to fall on the place. 斩芒切开渊之蛇的身躯,将它巨大的头颅斩下,这巨大的头颅轰隆一声砸落在地。 Boss, my is not a little right, it thinks control I!” 老大,我这有点不对,它想控制我!” The Baja shout transmits, deep blue that at this time its both eyes change, the color in eye pupil with Snake of the Depth is just now same. 巴哈的喊声传来,此时它双目变的蔚蓝,与渊之蛇方才眼瞳内的颜色相同。 Baja flies to the distant place, it each several seconds, will have received Judgement now time, for the first time Judgement very Luck, is the Agility attribute. 巴哈向远处飞去,它现在每过几秒,就会受到一次判定,首次判定幸运,是敏捷属性。 After departing a distance, Baja dives from the sky, hits ruthlessly on the mountain peak of distant place, its Judgement failure, soon by Snake of the Depth control, therefore it was lost the action by oneself temporarily. 飞出一段距离后,巴哈从上空俯冲而下,狠狠撞在远处的山峰上,它的判定失败,即将被渊之蛇控制,因此它让自己暂时失去行动力。 In the mountain peak stone quarry, the body of Baja twitches two. 山峰的石坑内,巴哈的身体抽动两下。 Has the skill , to continue to control the father.” “有本事,继续操控老子。” Heavy that Baja hits, but was cut Snake of the Depth of head to respond is bigger, its headless snake body non-stop tumbling, head mouth big that was cut. 巴哈撞的不轻,而被斩下头颅的渊之蛇反应更大,它的无头蛇躯不停翻滚,那颗被斩下的头颅嘴巴大张。 You are I have seen, one of the strongest two humanities.” “你是我见过,最强的两个人类之一。” The Snake of the Depth headless body no longer struggles, the blood of fracture place stops, the granulation surges fast, a new head gives birth, but it is still the one-eyed, that was only cut the blind eye by the long weapon, obviously cannot through the regeneration restoration. 渊之蛇的无头身躯不再挣扎,断口处的鲜血止住,肉芽快速涌动,一颗新的头颅生出,不过它依然是独眼,那只被长武器斩瞎的眼睛,明显不能通过再生恢复。 The head of Snake of the Depth rises, the body fast plate gets up, like a hill, from the vitality, Snake of the Depth is quite only intrepid, absolutely is the Sixth Order top echelon. 渊之蛇的头颅上扬,身躯快速盘起,如同一座小山般,单从生命力来讲,渊之蛇相当强悍,绝对是六阶顶尖梯队。 Bang and bang...... 轰、轰…… Snake of the Depth within the body sends out dull thumping sounds, sees this, after Su Xiao one after another leaps, he felt that Snake of the Depth possibly explodes at any time. 渊之蛇体内发出一声声闷响,见此,苏晓接连后跃,他感觉渊之蛇随时都可能爆炸。 A sarcoma rear area gives birth under the head of Snake of the Depth, the bloody water scatters, the sarcoma was shattered, an upper part of human appears, his appearance is delicate and pretty, on the back grows pair of flesh wings, the head has an alone corner/horn, but his pupil is the snake pupil. 一颗肉瘤在渊之蛇的头颅下后方生出,血水四溅,肉瘤破碎,一名人类的上半身出现,他的长相俊美,背生一对肉翅,头上有根独角,可他的眸子是蛇瞳。 After I seal up the deep pool hole, you can still find this, praiseworthy.” “在我封闭渊洞后,你依然能找到这,值得称赞。” Lives the alone corner/horn the man opens the mouth, without a doubt, this is Snake of the Depth controls. 生有独角的男人开口,毋庸置疑,这是渊之蛇所操控。 Does not want to alarm his death, may hit like this, I will die.” “原本不想惊扰他永眠,可这样打下去,我会死。” Zheng! 铮! Blade Aura, cuts on the alone corner/horn man, will cut two sections him directly, Su Xiao will not listen to the Snake of the Depth idle talk. 刀芒袭来,斩在独角男人身上,直接将他斩成两截,苏晓可不会听渊之蛇废话。 Can defeat already death him, you won.” “能战胜已经永眠的他,你就胜了。” The alone corner/horn man falls slowly, the fracture place of his body emerges sparks/Mars, takes these sparks/Mars as the beginning, he is reduced to ashes. 独角男人缓缓下落,他身体的断口处涌现火星,以这些火星为起点,他化为灰烬。 The plate was motionless in together Snake of the Depth, Black Scale of its whole body starts to turn white, the build reduces fast, finally, manifestation human form. 盘在一起的渊之蛇不动了,它全身的黑鳞开始发白,体型快速缩小,最终,形成人形。 spatial fluctuation emerges, Array Chart appears in the above together, dozens various weapons fall from Array Chart. 空间波动涌现,一道阵图出现在上方,几十把各类武器从阵图内掉落。 Ding ~ 叮~ A long spear/gun sews on the ground, the long spear/gun whole about three meters, state-of-art spear/gun blade is more than half meter to be long, under the spear/gun blade is crosswise hook-bladed, the whole seems like, this is very ordinary the hook-bladed long spear/gun, is in the battlefield the most common weapon. 一把长枪钉在地上,长枪整体近三米长,尖端的枪刃有半米多长,枪刃下方是横向的钩刃,整体看上去,这把钩刃长枪很普通,是战场上最常见的武器。 White Night.” 白夜。” The somewhat old sound conveys, the form stands in the maple trees together, his full is the black scale, in the hand is carrying the clothing. 有些苍老的声音传来,一道身影站在枫树间,他身上满是黑色鳞片,手中拎着衣物。 Snake of the Depth, no, the Su Xiao present opponent is not completely Snake of the Depth. 渊之蛇,不,苏晓现在的对手已经不完全是渊之蛇 All with Snake of the Depth has fought the person, few words that stays behind are very strange, because of their opponents, at all is not Snake of the Depth, the Snake of the Depth strongest ability is not the vitality, is not that huge body, but is it can with the powerhouse who oneself go to to reflect to summon deceased to go. 所有与渊之蛇战斗过的人,所留下的只言片语都很奇怪,因为他们的对手,根本不是渊之蛇,渊之蛇最强的能力不是生命力,也不是那庞大的身躯,而是它能用自身去‘映召’已故去的强者。 When Ivier and Snake of the Depth fight, the opponent is Ancient Dragon's Palace that Snake of the Depth reflects to summon to come Ross, therefore Ivier is willing dead in that fight, what a pity, she cannot result in recompenses to hope. 伊威尔渊之蛇战斗时,对手是渊之蛇‘映召’来的古龙之子・洛斯,所以伊威尔愿意死在那场战斗中,可惜,她没能得偿所愿。 When Iron Feathered King and Snake of the Depth fight, the opponent is the First Generation Sageborn king, finally Iron Feathered King wins, because of the Divine Country situation, Iron Feathered King has not killed Snake of the Depth, but agrees with the opposite party, Skylong and Seira mutual non-aggression. 铁羽王渊之蛇战斗时,对手是初代圣裔王,最终铁羽王了,但因神之国的情况,铁羽王没杀渊之蛇,而是与对方约定,天巴塞拉互不侵犯。 Because of this ability, in just now fight, being unable to withstand that like that Snake of the Depth displays. 正因这种能力,方才的战斗中,渊之蛇才表现的那般不堪。 But now, Snake of the Depth reflects most powerhouse who summons deceased to go, Iron Feathered King. 而现在,渊之蛇‘映召’出已故去的最强者,铁羽王 Iron Feathered King leads the way gradually, at this time he has worn the loose clothing that Snake of the Depth helps him prepare, has not fought armor, making him slightly feel regrettably. 铁羽王缓步前行,此时他已穿上渊之蛇帮他准备的宽松衣物,没有战甲,让他略感遗憾。 „The words that reptile, wants to win, receive your despicable ability.” “爬虫,想胜的话,收起你这卑劣的能力。” Iron Feathered King grasps the stock of hook-bladed long spear/gun, he finishes speaking, black snake scale is hidden fast, vertical pupil in eye, changes into the pupil of human. 铁羽王握上钩刃长枪的枪柄,他话音刚落,身上的黑色蛇鳞就快速隐没,眼中的竖瞳,也化为人类的瞳孔。 Iron Feathered King fully restores before death appearance, in this moment, his aura rises suddenly a big truncation, although he white-haired, but gradually is not old, Iron Feathered King in the peak, is the present appearance. 铁羽王完全恢复成生前的模样,在这一刻,他气息暴涨一大截,虽然他满头白发,但并不垂垂老矣,铁羽王在巅峰时期,就是现在的模样。 Is the spear/gun blade is stronger, is the blade even better.” “是枪刃更强,还是刀刃更胜一筹。” Iron Feathered King opens the mouth in a low voice, he waves the hook-bladed spear/gun, the ground big maple leaf surges, he stands in that gives people extremely strong constriction, the spear/gun blade institute and place, is the life forbidden area. 铁羽王低声开口,他一挥手中的钩刃枪,地上大片枫叶涌起,他只是站在那,就给人极强的压迫感,枪刃所及之处,均为生灵禁区。 Su Xiao leads the way gradually, from Iron Feathered King more than ten meters, stops the footsteps, in his hand the long blade refers to the ground slantingly, warming up, making his present mode very good, the forthcoming fight will be the victory is the defeat, he could not judge, but this was unimportant, but also without starting was afraid, that was the thorough defeat. 苏晓缓步前行,距离铁羽王十几米时,就停下脚步,他手中长刀斜指地面,刚才的热身,让他现在的状态非常好,即将开始的战斗是胜是败,他判断不出,但这不重要,还没开打就心生畏惧,那才是彻底败了。 To more than ten meters, Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King looking at each other, strong winds have blown in the maplewood, blows the big maple leaf. 相距十几米,苏晓铁羽王对视,一股狂风在枫林内吹过,吹起大片枫叶。 Come, fights, White Night.” “来,战一场,白夜。” Among the maple leaves of fluttering, Iron Feathered King holds the blade spear/gun to stand. 飘飞的枫叶间,铁羽王持刃枪而立。 Good.” “好。” Su Xiao very rare in pre-war opens the mouth, but he and Iron Feathered King conversation is brief, adding together does not have ten characters, once in the log cabin in Ramsi city, two people can silent day. 苏晓很罕见的在战前开口,不过他和铁羽王的交谈非常简短,相加都没有十个字,曾经在亚兰斯城的木屋内,两人能沉默一天。 The fight of Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King, is the competition between techniques, instantaneous losing concentration, will defeat. 苏晓铁羽王的战斗,是技法间的比拼,瞬间的分神,就会败。
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