RP :: Volume #31

#48: Snake of the Depth

Three equipment start, Su Xiao directly Sky Traveller In the equipment, hangs in the waist, Sky Traveller The volume is very small, is a black rope, above is tying up light cyan Gem, azure Gem is the main body, this thing can make the ear pendant, can hang in the sleeve cuff, waist. 三件装备入手,苏晓直接将【天行】装备上,挂在腰间,【天行】的体积很小,就是一根黑绳,上面绑着颗淡青色宝石,青色宝石才是主体,这东西可以做成耳坠,也可以挂在袖口,腰间等。 Su Xiao has not worn the custom of ear ornament, when some time he with Revelation Paradise masculine Contractor slaughters, the opposite party has the one-sided earring, was pulled directly by Su Xiao, later a blade cuts the head. 苏晓没有佩戴耳饰的习惯,某次他与一名天启乐园的男性契约者厮杀时,对方就戴着单侧耳环,直接被苏晓扯下来,之后一刀斩下头颅。 As for Godcleave, This is a ring, unadorned ring. 至于【神裁】,这是一枚指环,朴实无华的指环。 Godcleave 神裁 Origin : Reincarnation Paradise 产地:轮回乐园 Quality: Legendary( Growth Class Equipment) 品质:传说级(成长类装备) Category: Ring 类别:指环 durability: 30 / 30 耐久度:30/30 Equipment requirements: Does not have 装备需求:无 Equipment effect 1: The soul lives( passively), clothing selects Soul Vitality every time, will promote 80 HP, 0.5% mental reaction speed. 装备效果一:魂之生(被动),穿戴者每点灵魂强度,将提升80点生命值,0.5%神经反射速度 Existing Soul Vitality: 150 points. 现有灵魂强度:150点。 Has promoted HP: 12000 points. 已提升生命值:12000点。 Has promoted mental reaction speed: 75% mental reaction speed. 已提升神经反射速度:75%神经反射速度 Conditions for growth: After striking kills the extremely wicked Spiritual God, this equipment may absorb the Spiritual God energy to grow, the growth scope will act according to strike to kill the god of disasters rank decision( extremely wicked Spiritual God are Ancient god) 成长条件:击杀极恶神灵后,此装备可吸收神灵能量成长,成长幅度将根据所击杀恶神阶位决定(极恶神灵多为古神) Grading: 530 points( Legendary Quality equips Grading is 400 ~ 530 points). 评分:530点(传说级品质装备评分为400~530点)。 Synopsis: Goes on living, making the gods of disasters realize the desperate flavor. 简介:活下去,让恶神们体会绝望的味道。 Price: After the clothing, is unable to sell. 价格:穿戴后无法出售。 ...... …… Sees Godcleave Attribute, Su Xiao Demon Hunter King By abstaining from shape, transforms as the firearms shape, treats as Auxiliary Weapon to wear, that is Demon Hunter King The characteristics, it can transform in the firearms shapes, the abstention shapes and Pendant shapes. 看到【神裁】的属性,苏晓将【猎魔之王】由戒形态,转化为枪械形态,当做副武器佩戴,这就是【猎魔之王】的特性,它能在枪械形态、戒形态、项坠形态间转换。 Su Xiao Godcleave Wears in the hand, is only instantaneous, he felt that the change of body, the vitality in within the body is increased rapidly, surrounding world also slow, this is the mental reaction speed promotion causes. 苏晓将【神裁】戴在手上,只是瞬间,他就感觉到身体的变化,体内的生命力快速提升,周围的世界也慢了下来,这是神经反射速度提升所导致。 But quick, surrounding world gradually returns to normal, Su Xiao promotes mental reaction speed is not twice, has adapted to this feeling. 但很快,周围的世界就逐渐恢复正常,苏晓提升神经反射速度不是一次两次,早就适应这种感觉。 Godcleave The effect is quite powerful, no, should be its very suitable Su Xiao, Su Xiao has 150 points Soul Vitality , to promote through Talent (Ability) Devourer. 神裁】的效果相当强大,不,应该是它非常适合苏晓,苏晓有150点的灵魂强度,是通过天赋能力噬灵者所提升。 Without such high Soul Vitality, Godcleave Only can be good , before eating up Soul Fruit, Su Xiao's Soul Vitality is 8 points, at that time he already Fourth Order. 如果没有这么高的灵魂强度,【神裁】只能算是不错而已,要知道,在吃下灵魂果实前,苏晓的灵魂强度为八点,在那时他已经四阶 As Fourth Order Hunter, Su Xiao initially also only 8 Soul Vitality, without eating Soul Fruit, and 2nd Awakening Devourer talent, his present Soul Vitality, most is also more than ten points over. 作为四阶猎杀者,苏晓当初也仅有八点灵魂强度而已,如果没吃灵魂果实,以及二次觉醒噬灵者天赋,他现在的灵魂强度,最多也就是十几点出头。 In that case, Godcleave Only can promote more than 1000 points of HP, mental reaction speed that as well as 10% do not arrive. 那样的话,【神裁】只能提升1000多点生命值,以及10%不到的神经反射速度 But now, Godcleave Promotes Anomaly to be huge to Su Xiao's, not only that his Soul Vitality continually will also promote, each world stabilizes 30 points. 而现在,【神裁】对苏晓的提升异常巨大,不仅如此,他的灵魂强度还会不断提升,每个世界稳定30点。 Godcleave As Growth Class Equipment, after its Quality promotion, the buff effect will be only getting stronger and stronger. 况且【神裁】作为成长类装备,当它的品质提升后,增益效果只会越来越强。 Su Xiao as Close Combat, faces the danger in the fight frequently, HP and vitality links up, has stronger vitality, Su Xiao has the coping style when Close Combat. 苏晓作为近战,在战斗中时刻面临危险,生命值与生命力挂钩,拥有更强的生命力,苏晓近战时就有更多应对方式。 For example the position that the enemy attacks is not fatal, Su Xiao can definitely resist hardly, occupies the situation while this, presses the enemy to hit, finally wins. 例如敌人攻击的位置不致命,苏晓完全可以硬抗,趁此占据先机,压着敌人打,最终取胜。 Reincarnation Paradise Lone Wolf have is reasonable, even/including Tan the survivability that very much words saying does not have, that also acts alone, hurries to look for Adventure Group. 轮回乐园独狼们有句话说的很有道理,连坦的生存力都没有,那还独行个屁,赶紧去找个冒险团 Last equipment in hand Electricity line Receives, Su Xiao goes out of half open-air cave, he only delayed for dozen minutes, the surplus time 6 hours, Spacetime Hub Unit, Death paradise will also transmit Retribution Knight before then unable to destroy, at the appointed time troubled. 将手中的最后一件装备【电行】收起,苏晓走出半露天山洞,前后他只耽搁了十几分钟,剩余时间还有六个多小时,在这之前无法破坏时空枢纽装置,死亡乐园就会传送来惩戒骑士,届时就麻烦了。 Bridges over lives the mountain peak of full vegetation, a big maplewood heaves in sight, the red maple leaf flutters, is also doping the plant seed of flocculence. 跨过生满植被的山峰,一大片枫林映入眼帘,红色枫叶飘飞,其中还掺杂着棉絮状的植物种子。 ~ 呼~ The breeze has blown the maplewood, here does not have the birds, this is the domain of some powerful lifeform, the common lifeform does not dare to approach here. 微风吹过枫林,这里没有鸟兽,这是某个强大生物的地盘,寻常生物不敢靠近这里。 Su Xiao following the mountain peak gentle slope vanguard, enters in the maplewood quickly, the maple tree grows is not crowded, frequently can see one piece by piece air-to-surface, the maple leaf overspreads the ground. 苏晓顺着山峰的缓坡前行,很快进入枫林内,枫树生长的不密集,经常能看到一片片空地,枫叶将地面铺满。 The scenery is very beautiful, but also the hidden murderous intention, just entered the maplewood, Su Xiao sees white bones. 景色很美,但也暗藏杀机,刚进入枫林,苏晓就看到一具白骨。 This white bones by sitting on maple tree, the body left side rib cut off completely, on the head has two staggered cutting marks. 这具白骨靠坐在枫树上,身体左侧的肋骨完全被斩断,头颅上有两道交错的斩痕。 From the surrounding trace, this skeleton in this over hundred years, has not made decent, explained the strength before its body to be very strong. 从周围的痕迹来看,这具骸骨已在此百年以上,并未风化,说明它身前的实力很强。 Continues vanguard more than ten meters, another skeleton appears, this skeleton partly buries in the soil, the skeleton of right side body completely vanishes. 继续前行十几米,又一具骸骨出现,这具骸骨半掩埋在泥土内,右侧身体的骨骼完全消失。 The preliminary observation, Su Xiao judged that this was died by explosion by the energy, before death strength was not absolutely weak. 初步观察,苏晓判断出这是被能量轰死,生前的实力绝对也不弱。 A giant flagstone oblique cutting on the ground, above can also see several lines of handwriting, obviously is not a person remains. 一块巨大的石板斜插在地上,上面还能看到几行字迹,明显不是一个人所留。 Can fight with her, although the death, not regrets Ike Nowell.’ ‘能与她一战,虽死,无憾伊克・诺埃尔。’ Ross, sorry, cannot die in your hands Ivier.’ ‘洛斯,抱歉,没能死在你手中伊威尔。’ Snake of the Depth, the snake of source, hateful, but satisfies my lifetime to hope Duke Lunar Wolf Rickholm.’ 渊之蛇,源之蛇,可憎,但又满足我毕生之愿月狼公爵・狄克霍。’ ...... …… Sees these handwriting, Su Xiao frowns, he continues the thorough maplewood, probably each vanguard more than ten meters away, can see a skeleton. 看到这些字迹,苏晓皱起眉头,他继续深入枫林,大概每前行十几米远,就能看到一具骸骨。 What is strange, mortal wound that these people receive, not from same type of weapon, or same ability, only the weapons category, Su Xiao judges more than ten types. 奇怪的是,这些人所受的致命伤,都不是来自于同一种武器,或同一种能力,单是武器种类,苏晓就判断出十几种。 Assuming that these people are Snake of the Depth kill, that Snake of the Depth at least appropriates more than ten types of weapons, the abilities of various characteristics, have dozens types fully. 假设这些人都是渊之蛇所杀,那渊之蛇至少擅用十几种武器,各类特性的能力,足有几十种之多。 Ivier also has numerous abilities, but all her abilities, are each other related. 伊威尔同样有众多能力,但她的所有能力,都是彼此相关。 After the Su Xiao observation, if these skeletons died of the hand of Snake of the Depth, that Snake of the Depth ability was disorderly, is disorderly, it is unable to defeat these powerhouses. 苏晓观察,如果这些骨骸生前都是死于渊之蛇之手,那渊之蛇的能力非常杂乱,杂乱到,它根本无法战胜这些强者。 The ability the more better, for example Su Xiao, he specializes in Swordplay, other abilities are to assist the Swordplay fight. 能力不是越多越好,就比如苏晓,他专修刀术,其余能力都是辅助刀术战斗。 If Snake of the Depth is Summon System, could convince reluctantly, may still have the uncoordinated place. 如果说渊之蛇召唤系,勉强还说得通,可依然有很多不协调的地方。 In the Su Xiao thorough maplewood two kilometers at the appointed time, the ophidia unique crawling sound does not transmit, only hears the sound, knows that the one who is big fellow. 就在苏晓深入枫林两公里不到时,蛇类特有的爬行声传来,单是听声音,就知道来的是个大家伙。 The scale friction maple leaf, hears this sound, Su Xiao lifts the hand according to the hilt of waist. 鳞片摩擦枫叶,听到这声音,苏晓抬手按在腰间的刀柄上。 The big piece branch was pushed to send out ka ka the resounding, one more than three meters thick, how long black great snake cannot see clearly, crawls from the maple trees, its eye was cut blindly, can see from that fierce scar, this is injured by the long weapon. 大片树枝被挤断发出咔咔脆响,一条三米多粗,根本看不清有多长的黑色巨蛇,从枫树间爬来,它的一只眼睛被斩瞎,从那狰狞的疤痕能看出,这是被长武器所伤。 Hiss ~ “嘶~” The Black Scale great snake stops beyond dozens meters, its one-eyed looks at Su Xiao, in that vision does not have ophidia gloomy and cold, does not know is the misconception, in that pupil, unexpectedly to race traces left by time, this does not know that experienced many humans affairs, can have the traces left by time that. 黑鳞巨蛇停在几十米外,它的独眼看着苏晓,那目光中没有蛇类的阴冷,不知是不是错觉,那眸子中,居然给人种沧桑感,这是不知经历了多少世事,才会有的沧桑感。 This is Snake of the Depth, causes instigator who the Spiritual God exterminates, many unfortunate outset. 这就是渊之蛇,导致神灵灭绝的始作俑者,很多不幸的起始。 Su Xiao is not crusades against Snake of the Depth, both sides do not have the enmity, is only the standpoint is different, if the opposite party said that he is a wicked side, he is also disinclined to argue anything. 苏晓不是来讨伐渊之蛇,双方并没仇怨,只是立场不同而已,如果对方说他是恶的一方,他也懒得去辩解什么。 Roar!” “吼!” Snake of the Depth shouts one, directly to/clashes to Su Xiao. 渊之蛇嘶吼一声,直接向苏晓冲来。 Zheng! 铮! Cuts the glow presently, cuts for the first time directly on the head of Snake of the Depth. 斩芒乍现,直接斩在渊之蛇的头颅上。 The snake blood anger stirs up, a body distortion of Snake of the Depth, crushes the big piece maple tree, the sawdust and shatter Bark splashes everywhere. 蛇血怒激而起,渊之蛇的身躯一阵扭曲,压倒大片枫树,木屑与破碎的树皮四处飞溅。 Before Su Xiao , the footsteps that to/clashes sharply stop, Instinct is forewarning, now cannot approach Snake of the Depth, close to the opposite party, will have very serious consequence rashly. 苏晓前冲的脚步急停,直感在预警,现在绝不能靠近渊之蛇,冒然靠近对方,会有很严重的后果。
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