RP :: Volume #31

#47: Circumvention

The Tannei of jet black piece source, the wind sound/rumor howls by the Su Xiao ear, he is crashing to below darkness. 源之潭内漆黑一片,风声在苏晓耳旁呼啸而过,他正向下方的黑暗中坠落。 Without falling a meeting, Su Xiao package crystalline layer in the hand, the right hand pricks in the dike. 没下坠一会,苏晓就在手上包裹晶体层,右手刺入岩壁内。 ...... 啪啦啦…… The crushed stone splash, the Su Xiao's speed slows down suddenly, gradually stops. 碎石飞溅,苏晓的速度陡然减缓,逐渐停下。 Roar ~ “呀吼~” Baja passed over gently and swiftly from Su Xiao, discovered that Su Xiao has stopped, it stirs up the wing immediately, slows down the speed. 巴哈苏晓身旁掠过,发现苏晓已经停止,它马上煽动翅膀,减缓速度。 woof!” “汪!” Boubo also falls from the above, a Baja show/unfolds wing, holds Boubo, starts to fall with Boubo together, without falling far, Baja on instigation wing deceleration. 布布汪也从上方落下,巴哈一展羽翼,抓住布布汪,开始与布布汪一同下坠,没下坠多远,巴哈就煽动羽翼减速。 The Su Xiao's five fingers prick in the dike, closes eyes the Sensor above situation, Skylong Race has not pursued, this makes him slightly feel disappointedly, when this type of terrain, there is Baja to assist to fight, Skylong Race comes many to die many, the diameter of deep pool of source only then about five meters, in addition Baja will fly, can drag the Su Xiao flight, the fight has completely the advantage. 苏晓的五指刺入岩壁内,闭目感知上方的情况,天巴族并未追来,这让他略感失望,在这种地形下,有巴哈协助战斗,天巴族来多少就要死多少,源之潭的直径只有五米左右,外加巴哈会飞,能拖着苏晓飞行,战斗时可谓占尽优势。 The after sealing course of deep pool of source was destroyed, is similar to the natural manifestation shaft, is too deep to see the bottom, this makes Su Xiao suspect, Snake of the Depth lives in underground. 源之潭的封层被破坏后,就如同天然形成的竖井,深不见底,这让苏晓怀疑,渊之蛇是不是居住在地下。 The Baja flight advantage manifests in this time, Su Xiao holds a claw of Baja, Boubo lies in Baja conducts the back, Baja starts by not the slow speed whereabouts. 巴哈的飞行优势在此时体现,苏晓抓住巴哈的一只爪子,布布汪则是趴在巴哈背上,巴哈开始以不慢的速度下落。 Approximately falls about several hundred meters, deep pool well no longer straight downward, but starts to present the gradient. 约下落几百米左右,潭井不再笔直向下,而是开始出现坡度。 After several minutes, Su Xiao arrives in the deep pool of true bottom source, the water of deep blue source submerges here, dives the water of source, Su Xiao arrives in the bottom quickly, but in the slanting front, presents to the above cave entrance. 几分钟后,苏晓抵达源之潭真正的底部,蔚蓝的源之水将这里淹没,潜进源之水,苏晓很快抵达底部,而在斜前方,出现通往上方的洞口。 Crash-bang, Su Xiao dives from the water of source, deep blue pond water drops following his chin. 哗啦一声,苏晓从源之水内潜出,蔚蓝的潭水顺着他下巴滴落。 Looks upwards, Su Xiao judges, synthesised structure of deep pool of source should becomes the u shape, the end of u shape in the Snake of the Depth Residence back side of the mountain, another end does not know to where. 看向上方,苏晓判断出,源之潭的整体结构应该是成u形,u形的一端在渊蛇邸后山,另一端不知通往哪里。 Baja starts to tow the Su Xiao upward flight, this time was quicker, after for approximately dozen minutes, the bright in the above appears, as Baja departs the rock cave thoroughly, several wisps of white cotton fibers float, this is the seed of some plant, is fluttering with the wind. 巴哈开始拖着苏晓向上飞行,这次快了很多,约十几分钟后,亮光在上方出现,随着巴哈彻底飞出岩洞,几缕白色棉絮飘来,这是某种植物的种子,正随风飘动。 The sky haze, among the gray dark clouds shows the white light, the bird has flown in the sky in groups. 天空阴霾,灰色乌云间透出白光,飞鸟在天空中成群结队飞过。 The sound of water transmits, on the mountain wall of distant place emerald green piece, waterfall flying class/flow under. 水声传来,远处的山壁上翠绿一片,瀑布飞流而下。 Su Xiao loosens the claw of Baja, starts to fall, he just stepped in the weed of ground, the water splash splashes, the nearby region was submerged by the shallow water, since the above looks, like a big very shallow lake, various aquatic plants grows in this. 苏晓松开巴哈的爪子,开始下落,他刚踩在地面的荒草上,水花溅起,附近区域都被浅水淹没,从上方看,就像一大片很浅的湖泊,各类水生植物在此生长。 Main Mission the sixth point source it end( has completed).】 主线任务・第六环・源之尽头(已完成)。】 Hunter may choose is rewarded immediately, or accumulates, when completes Main Mission the No. 7 link( final link), the sixth point will also provide with No. 7 link Mission Reward, and promotes 15% additionally.】 猎杀者可选择立即获得奖励,或进行累积,当完成主线任务第七环(最终环节),第六环与第七任务奖励将同时发放,并额外提升15%。】 Main Mission: Space and time hub( No. 7 link finally link).】 主线任务:时空枢纽(第七环・最终环节)。】 Difficulty Level: lv.59 难度等级:lv.59 mission information : Destroys Death paradise situated in this world in Spacetime Hub Unit. 任务信息:破坏死亡乐园位于本世界内的‘时空枢纽装置’。 Prompt: The holographic map has constructed, Hunter may examine Spacetime Hub Unit at any time in the position. 提示:全息地图已构建,猎杀者可随时查看‘时空枢纽装置’所在位置。 Mission Time Limit: 7 hours ~ 24 hours. 任务期限:七小时小时。 warning: after 7 hours, the blockade of this region will relieve, Death paradise will transmit Retribution Knight to the nearby region. 警告:七小时后,本区域的封锁将解除,死亡乐园将向附近区域传送惩戒骑士 Mission Reward: According to mission completion decides. 任务奖励:根据任务完成度而定。 mission penalty: Force Execution. 任务惩罚:强制处决 ...... …… Closes the mission list, Su Xiao walks on the wetland, he looks for a world thing, finally found, so long as the success destroys Spacetime Hub Unit, his mission completes. 关闭任务列表,苏晓走在湿地上,他寻找一个世界的东西,终于找到,只要成功破坏时空枢纽装置,他的任务就完成。 Takes a broad view to look, the front is a big stretch of wetland, Su Xiao has not led the way far, is startled one crowd to perch in this's migratory bird. 放眼看去,前方是一大片湿地,苏晓没前行多远,就惊起一群栖息在此的候鸟。 According to the coordinates that on the holographic map labels, Su Xiao sees, Spacetime Hub Unit beyond dead ahead several kilometers. 根据全息地图上标注的坐标,苏晓看到,时空枢纽装置就在正前方的几公里外。 Across the wetland, Su Xiao arrives in a hillside, crossed this mountain, in leading the way about two kilometers, can arrive in the position that Spacetime Hub Unit is. 穿过湿地,苏晓抵达一处山坡,翻过这座山,在前行两公里左右,就能抵达时空枢纽装置所在的位置。 On the hillside lived the full vegetation, Su Xiao looked for the place half open-air cave, after arriving in the Spacetime Hub Unit, he is not clear will have anything, therefore before then, turned on all soul purses, and exchanged Godcleave, Is the safest choice, as for whether to exchange Sky Traveller, temporarily returns the position. 山坡上生满植被,苏晓找了处半露天的山洞,抵达时空枢纽装置附近后,他不清楚会发生什么,因此在此之前,将所有灵魂钱袋都开启,并兑换【神裁】,才是最稳妥的选择,至于能否兑换到天行,暂时还位置。 Lights cigarette, Luck Emperor mode adds the body, Su Xiao takes out the soul purses from the storage space, 61, if unlucky, his possibly even/including Godcleave It is not able to exchange. 点燃一支烟,欧皇状态加身,苏晓从储存空间内取出一个个灵魂钱袋,共61枚,如果非常倒霉的话,他可能连【神裁】都无法兑换。 Considers the moment, Su Xiao decides to turn on 10 soul purses simultaneously, did this enhanced the efficiency, can the losses that avoided the luck causing unsatisfactory. 斟酌片刻,苏晓决定同时开启十个灵魂钱袋,这样做既提升了效率,也能避免运气不佳造成的损失。 You opened soul purse x10.】 【你开启了灵魂钱袋x10。】 You obtain 43 Soul coin( Seventh Order).】 【你获得43枚灵魂钱币(七阶)。】 In the luck , the Su Xiao choice continues. 运气中下,苏晓选择继续。 You opened soul purse x11.】 【你开启了灵魂钱袋x11。】 You obtain 85 Soul coin( Seventh Order).】 【你获得85枚灵魂钱币(七阶)。】 The luck bursting, Su Xiao decides to slow down the progress. 运气爆棚,苏晓决定放缓进度。 You opened soul purse x5.】 【你开启了灵魂钱袋x5。】 You obtain 6 Soul coin( Seventh Order).】 【你获得六枚灵魂钱币(七阶)。】 Sees this Prompt, Su Xiao's is very happy, dodges lost/carrying transports/fortunes potential success. 看到这提示,苏晓的心情很不错,规避‘负运势’成功。 You opened soul purse x2.】 【你开启了灵魂钱袋x2。】 You obtain 4 Soul coin( Seventh Order).】 【你获得四枚灵魂钱币(七阶)。】 Dodges again lost/carrying transports/fortunes potential, even Su Xiao, on face still reappearing smile. 再次规避‘负运势’,就算是苏晓,脸上也不禁浮现笑容。 You opened soul purse x10.】 【你开启了灵魂钱袋x10。】 You obtain 11 Soul coin( Seventh Order).】 【你获得11枚灵魂钱币(七阶)。】 The smile on Su Xiao face disappeared, his Boubo and Baja also turn the head, raises head to look at the day, a reorganization feather. 苏晓脸上的笑容消失了一些,他身旁的布布汪巴哈同时转头,一个仰头望天,一个整理羽毛。 Finally 20 soul purses, Su Xiao does not believe him to be hapless. 最后20个灵魂钱袋,苏晓不信他会一直倒霉。 You opened soul purse x20.】 【你开启了灵魂钱袋x20。】 You obtain 197 Soul coin( Seventh Order).】 【你获得197枚灵魂钱币(七阶)。】 Luck Emperor mode is credible, Su Xiao examines existing Soul coin( Seventh Order), 367! 欧皇状态靠谱起来,苏晓查看现有灵魂钱币(七阶),共367枚! So many Soul coin, enough Su Xiao exchange Godcleave With Sky Traveller, Even, surplus Soul coin, he can also in Electricity line( Holy Spirit-level necklace)】 With Honored wristlet( special equipment)】 In the middle chooses its one. 这么多灵魂钱币,足够苏晓兑换【神裁】与【天行】,甚至于,剩余的灵魂钱币,他还可以在【电行(圣灵级挂饰)】与【尊贵腕饰(特殊装备)】间选择其一。 Electricity line Su Xiao cannot use, but attribute obvious, ‚after clothing equipment, the thunder and lightning is the ability overall injury intensity promotes 32%, and supplements certain quota True Damage.’ 【电行】苏晓自己用不上,但属性可见,‘穿戴此装备后,雷电系能力总体伤害强度提升32%,且附带一定额度的真实伤害。’ Regarding the thunder and lightning is Contractor of ability, Electricity line Makes them crazy sufficiently, the thunder and lightning is the overall killing intensity of ability promotes 32%, True Damage of in addition quota , which thunder and lightning will be Mage will reject? 对于雷电系能力的契约者,【电行】足以让他们疯狂,雷电系能力的总体杀伤强度提升32%,外加一点额度的真实伤害,试问,哪个雷电系法爷会拒绝? Why as for sold to Mage, the reason is very simple ; first, Mage is a rich person ; second, if Su Xiao will run into this buyer from now on . Moreover the hostile relationship, he is capable of teaching the opposite party to cultivate the behavior, energy interception may be called the mage system killer, when same step, mage system to Su Xiao, fight besides the despair, will not have other psychological activities. 至于为何卖给法爷,原因很简单,一是法爷都是大款,二是如果苏晓今后遇到这买家,而且还是敌对关系,他有能力教对方做人,‘能量阻断’堪称法系杀手,同阶中,法系对上苏晓,战斗时除了绝望之外,不会有其他心理活动。 As for Honored wristlet( special equipment)】, Its value is lower than Electricity line, Exchanges its advantage is, the special equipment is quite general, Su Xiao has the big probability to be able directly to use, but equips specially mostly does not enhance the battle efficiency directly. 至于【尊贵腕饰(特殊装备)】,它的价值远低于【电行】,兑换它的好处是,特殊装备比较通用,苏晓有大概率能直接使用,不过特殊装备大多都不直接提升战斗力。 In special equipment that Su Xiao has, does not enhance the strength directly, moreover equips specially many can dress four, he has dressed fully, the material is as follows: 苏晓所持有的特殊装备中,都不直接提升战力,况且特殊装备最多能穿戴四件,他已经穿戴满,资料如下: Destiny Controller( Legendary): Promotes the Luck attribute. 命运主宰(传说级):提升幸运属性。 Soul-Locking Lamp( inconstant decides grade): May collect Shattered Soul Crystal( and Devourer talent perfect conjunction). 灵魂锁灯(无恒定品级):可收集灵魂晶碎(与噬灵者天赋完美契合)。 Stone of Origin( inconstant decides grade): Raises the Swordplay practicing speed, the inspiration of Swordplay style development, and large scale promotion contemplates the effect( Su Xiao gets the Fifth Order first place in Arena, obtained reward). 起源石(无恒定品级):提升刀术修行速度,刀术招式开发的灵感等,并大幅度提升冥想效果(苏晓竞技场打上五阶首位,所得奖励)。 Soul king it samsara( Legendary coverall): Compromises the function, lets Black King's Fall Sacrifice With Daytime King's Reincarnation Can also dress, Black King Armguard is dark attribute, daytime king Pendant is ‚the daytime attribute, without the soul king, cannot dress simultaneously the two. 魂・王之轮回(传说级・套装):调和作用,让【黑·王之陨祭】与【昼・王之转生】能同时穿戴,黑王护臂为‘暗属性’,昼王项坠为‘昼属性’,没有魂王,根本不能同时穿戴二者。 ...... …… Four special equipment, each is very important, therefore Su Xiao decided that this giving up Honored wristlet. 四件特殊装备,每一件都很重要,因此苏晓决定,这次放弃【尊贵腕饰】。 You obtain Sky Traveller( Holy Spirit-level necklace).】 【你获得天行(圣灵级挂饰)。】 Prompt: After clothing equipment, may promote long-distance kind of basic capability two rank in a short time, may promote to Grandmaster Level high, according to is specific, effect sustainable 5 ~ 30 minutes. 提示:穿戴此装备后,可在短时间内提升远程类基础能力两个阶位,最高可提升至宗师级,根据情况不同,效果可持续5~30分钟。 Prompt: a necklace kind of equipment is extremely rare, simultaneously only may dress. 提示:挂饰类装备极其稀有,同时仅可穿戴一件。 You obtain the electricity line( Holy Spirit-level necklace).】 【你获得电行(圣灵级挂饰)。】 You obtain Godcleave( growth equipment).】 【你获得神裁(成长装备)。】 ps:( Work and rest still keeps normal, today was Carvin, writes about the present from noon, therefore renewal late, later two chapters of quick renewals.) ps:(作息依然保持正常,今天是卡文了,从中午写到现在,所以更新的晚很多,之后两章很快更新。)
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