RP :: Volume #31

#46: The harvest is many

On the cot, large number of instruments place in this, Su Xiao has not left this after Snake of the Depth Residence the pavilion of area, the reason is periphery has declared martial law, Old God that he summoned had been scattered, but Skylong Race in Snake of the Depth Residence was also alarmed, the fight made their thoughts enliven, Su Xiao left this 3rd Layer pavilion at this time, instead was more dangerous. 地榻上,大量器械摆放于此,苏晓并未离开这栋位于渊蛇邸后区的楼阁,原因是周围已经戒严,他召唤出的旧神已经被打散,但渊蛇邸内的天巴族也被惊动,战斗让他们的思维重新活跃起来,苏晓此时离开这栋三层楼阁,反而更危险。 Su Xiao puts on the rubber glove, ten fingers of activities, start to transform lie down Skylong Race on place cot is cold. 苏晓戴上橡胶手套,十指活动,开始改造躺在地榻上的天巴族・桑冷。 Su Xiao must implant core Array Chart in the mulberry cold heart, lets coldly easier control, thoroughly does not transform the Alchemy lifeform the words, core Array Chart can treat as the remote control installment use. 苏晓要在桑冷的心脏内植入核心阵图,让桑冷更容易控制,不彻底改造成炼金生物的话,核心阵图可以当做远程操纵装置使用。 Boubo defends in the entrance of wooden staircase, once there is a sound, it will greet Su Xiao and Baja momentarily removes. 布布汪守在木质楼梯的入口处,一旦有动静,它会随时招呼苏晓巴哈撤。 Baja also rushed, it while the move that Old God makes, after forgiving a great-circle, flies from the rear area. 巴哈也赶到了,它是趁着旧神弄出的动静,饶了一大圈后,从后方飞来。 Will not be stopped up in this, this damned place.” “不会被堵在这吧,这鬼地方。” Baja stands under the window, following crack observation pavilion outside situation that it holds. 巴哈站在窗口下,顺着它抓住的破洞观察楼阁外的情况。 After time-consuming 9 hours 54 minutes, Su Xiao takes off the rubber glove on hand, and puts out injection shots, pricks Sang cold the nape of the neck, after the moment, Sang cold sits slowly sets out. 耗时9小时54分后,苏晓摘下手上的橡胶手套,并拿出一支注射枪,刺入桑冷的脖颈,片刻后,桑冷缓缓坐起身。 Baja.” 巴哈。” Su Xiao bulb throws to Baja one, this thing makes the marble size, on full is the scratch. 苏晓将一颗‘玻璃球’抛给巴哈,这东西约弹珠大小,上满是刻痕。 Baja tilts the head, the bulb including in the mouth, its vision gradually loses directly anxiously, falls down. 巴哈一歪头,直接将玻璃球含在口中,它的目光逐渐失去焦急,倒在地上。 This feeling, is really strange.” “这感觉,真奇怪。” Mulberry is cold the both arms lift, like the wing instigation, seems like both funny and funny, right, at this time Sang Lengzheng by Baja control. ‘桑冷’的双臂抬起,如同翅膀般煽动,看起来既滑稽又搞笑,没错,此时桑冷正由巴哈控制 Su Xiao wants to control Sang cold to act personally, but the present situation does not permit, he nearly was stranded in this pavilion, temporarily indeed there is no danger, but he is unable to guarantee that cannot have other Skylong Race to enter this pavilion. 原本苏晓想亲自操控桑冷行动,可眼下的情况已经不允许,他近乎被困在这栋楼阁内,暂时的确没什么危险,可他无法保证不会有其他天巴族进入这栋楼阁。 Strives to complete in one day.” “争取在一天内完成。” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” By the mulberry cold opens the mouth of Baja control, was walked toward downstairs following the wooden ladder. 巴哈操控的桑冷开口,顺着木梯向楼下走去。 Su Xiao, Boubo and Baja in this pavilion, as for A' Mu, he are located in the forest of Snake of the Depth Residence Qianmenwai, acts as companion with the night mosquito. 苏晓布布汪巴哈都在这栋楼阁内,至于阿姆,他正位于渊蛇邸前门外的森林内,与夜间的蚊虫作伴。 Baja and Boubo concerted action, the Baja control mulberry seeks for these soon to turn into the monster coldly Skylong Race, helping them before turning into the monster, died as Skylong, later will arrive at back side of the mountain the Tanqian of source their corpse belts, integrates the Tannei of source the source of their within the body, this set operates, so long as Baja does not give oneself away, the possibility of exposition is not big. 巴哈布布汪配合行动,巴哈操控桑冷寻找那些即将变成怪物的天巴族,帮他们在变成怪物之前,作为天巴死去,之后会将他们的尸体带到后山的源之潭前,将他们体内的源融入到源之潭内,这一套操作下去,只要巴哈不露出马脚,暴露的可能不大。 For to guard to expose, Su Xiao is very small to the mulberry cold transformation scope, even pulled out to Power of the Devil of opposite party within the body, at first when used Power of the Devil, but to fetter Sang cold fast, to complete plan, consumptions in some committed steps cannot be parsimonious. 为了以防暴露,苏晓对桑冷的改造幅度很小,甚至抽离了对方体内的恶魔之力,最初时使用恶魔之力,只是为了快速束缚住桑冷,为了完成计划,一些关键步骤上的消耗绝不能吝啬。 But Boubo, it is integrates in the environment, the entire journey is responsible for picking to take the soul purse, although Baja controls the movement risk that Sang cold makes to bend the waist to pick is not big, but here is Snake of the Depth Residence, even Seventh Order Contractor will come still to project on the shut-in region, in this region, minimized the risk, was the minimum general knowledge. 布布汪,它则是融入到环境中,全程负责捡取灵魂钱袋,虽然巴哈操控桑冷做出弯腰捡的动作风险不大,可这里是渊蛇邸,就算是七阶契约者来了也会被打到自闭的区域,在这种区域内,将风险降到最低,是最起码的常识。 When Baja controls Sang cold to look first will soon turn into the monster Skylong Race, the attitude of opposite party makes Baja be surprised, the opposite party knees down unexpectedly. 巴哈操控桑冷找上第一名即将变成怪物的天巴族时,对方的态度让巴哈大感意外,对方居然单膝跪地。 All Skylong Race soldiers who Su Xiao sees, wears the green loose clothing, but Sang cold, then wears the Purple long dress, the big probability is, Sang cold position in the Skylong Race soldier is special, this is the unexpected benefit. 苏晓看到的所有天巴族战士,都是身穿绿色宽松衣物,而桑冷,则是身穿紫色长衣,大概率是,桑冷在天巴族战士中的地位特殊,这属于意外收获。 Less than 20 minutes, Boubo stores in a soul purse the Adventure Group storage space, Su Xiao takes out, at this time he has three soul purses, does not worry. 二十分钟不到,布布汪就将一个灵魂钱袋存入冒险团的储存空间内,苏晓取出,此时他已经有三个灵魂钱袋,并不着急开。 The Destiny Controller Cooldown time is 3 day, at present has restored about half, in a day about, Su Xiao can by 1 Soul Crystal( fragment) the low price, adds to oneself holds Luck Emperor mode. 命运主宰冷却时间为三个自然日,眼下已经恢复近半,再过一天左右的时间,苏晓就能以一块灵魂结晶(碎片)的低代价,给自己加持欧皇状态 When Baja and Boubo coordinate even more tacitly, at first, Baja was also worried it is unable the Skylong Race corpse in source integrates the Tannei of source, may after experiment for the first time, it discovered, it does not serve as anything, in corpse source will sift to the Tannei of source, is only the speed is slower, without other Skylong Race situations on the scene, no issue. 巴哈布布汪配合越发默契,最初时,巴哈还担心它无法将天巴族尸体内的‘源’融入到源之潭内,可经过首次试验,它发现,它根本不用做什么,尸体内的‘源’会自行飘入到源之潭内,只是速度慢些,没有其他天巴族在场的情况下,就没任何问题。 Baja controls Sang cold in Snake of the Depth Residence transferred several to discover, will soon turn into the monster Skylong Race more than the imagination. 巴哈操控桑冷在渊蛇邸内转了几圈后发现,即将变成怪物的天巴族比想象中更多。 Facts showed that after entering the high-risk region, may not kill, in complete resentment situation, if wants other means profits. 事实证明,进入高危区域后,不一定要杀过去,在完全怼不过的情况下,就要想其他办法获利。 The time passes slowly, the soul purses were stored in the Adventure Group storage space, but Baja travels between Snake of the Depth Residence and back side of the mountain, is busy. 时间缓缓推移,一个个灵魂钱袋被存入冒险团储存空间内,而巴哈则是在渊蛇邸与后山之间往返,非常忙。 In the forest of Snake of the Depth Residence main entrance, the night wind has blown, A' Mu sits in one pile of bushes, possibly is too really bored, A' Mu will start to imagine becomes a tree. 渊蛇邸正门的森林内,夜风吹过,阿姆坐在一堆灌木内,可能是实在太无聊,阿姆开始将自己想象成一颗树。 Compared to has started camouflage bored A' Mu of big tree, Baja and Boubo are Anomaly are busy. 相比无聊到已经开始‘伪装’大树的阿姆,巴哈布布汪则是异常忙碌。 Unknowingly, the weather starts flood white, after Snake of the Depth Residence, in the pavilion of area, the Su Xiao examination storage space, inside has 34 soul purses, this is pays in him Old God bone ash In addition Devil's Pot After 20% Power of the Devil, obtained return. 不知不觉将,天色开始泛白,渊蛇邸后区的一栋楼阁内,苏晓查看储存空间,里面已经有34个灵魂钱袋,这是在他付出【旧神骨灰】外加【恶魔之罐】内20%的恶魔之力后,所得的回报。 Previous and Demon clan contacts, Su Xiao proposed that makes Lilimu make some Devil's Pot to come, highest lane ten cans of eight cans, hear this saying, Lilimu almost faint, a few words that blurted out were: You is a robber.’ 上次与恶魔族联络,苏晓提出让莉莉姆多弄些恶魔之罐来,最高弄个十罐八罐,听到这话,莉莉姆差点昏过去,脱口而出的一句话就是:‘你是强盗吗。’ According to Lilimu said that Devil's Pot In Power of the Devil is quite special, is their Demon clan special product, this Power of the Devil does not have the attribute and no spiritual imprint, although is not precious, but the output little arrives pitifully, is natural output of some place, sometimes dozens years are unable to deliver one can, in this can on the Su Xiao hand, accumulated 139 years of achievement. 根据莉莉姆所言,【恶魔之罐】内的恶魔之力相当特殊,属于他们恶魔族的特产,这种恶魔之力无属性、无精神烙印,虽说不是珍贵至极,可产量少到可怜,是某地的天然产出,有时几十年都无法产出一罐,就苏晓手中这罐,是累积了139年的成果。 However Lilimu still pledged, next time when will meet, will help Lane Su Xiao one can. 不过莉莉姆依然承诺,下次见面时,会帮苏晓一罐。 The plan continues, Baja Manipulator Sang cold, will search high and low in Snake of the Depth Residence will soon turn into the monster Skylong Race, naturally, was not all Skylong Race is willing to accept the death. 计划继续进行,巴哈操控者桑冷,在渊蛇邸内四处寻找即将变成怪物的天巴族,当然,也不是所有天巴族都愿意接受死亡。 Regarding this, Baja passed over gently and swiftly directly, under Sang cold who he controls with the long blade, Baja most Su Xiao's Servant, the ear washes with watercolors the eye to dye, naturally also understands some Swordplay, but it only the comparison when drawing a sword has the imposing manner, once fights with all might, divides minute to reveal the secret. 对此,巴哈直接掠过,他操控的桑冷是用长刀,巴哈最为苏晓的从者,耳渲目染之下,当然也懂些刀术,不过它只在拔刀时比较有气势,一旦拼杀起来,分分钟露馅。 Su Xiao does not control Sang cold, to guard against in the pavilion that Skylong Race enters him to be, at present he is discovered even, before Skylong Race in Snake of the Depth Residence were alarmed thoroughly, he has not the low probability to clash. 苏晓之所以不操控桑冷,是在以防有天巴族进入他所在的楼阁内,眼下他就算被发现,在渊蛇邸内的天巴族们被彻底惊动前,他有不低的概率冲出去。 Su Xiao sits on the place cot, just wants to extract cigarette to light, gives up, this will promote the risk additionally. 苏晓坐在地榻上,刚想抽出一支烟点燃,就放弃,这会额外提升风险。 Su Xiao must do now only, rests, the alleviation makes a long and wearisome journey the weariness of Divine Country. 苏晓现在唯一要做的,就是休息,缓解长途跋涉到神之国的疲劳。 According to his speculation, Spacetime Hub Unit big probability in Snake of the Depth that must fight a battle to force a quick decision at the appointed time, otherwise, Death paradise might transmit Retribution Knight, Retribution Knight is equivalent to Reincarnation Paradise Hunter. 根据他的推测,‘时空枢纽装置’大概率就在渊之蛇那,届时需速战速决,否则的话,死亡乐园很可能会传送来惩戒骑士,惩戒骑士相当于轮回乐园猎杀者 After Su Xiao rests for nearly 20 hours, the mulberry of Baja control is unable to continue to camouflage coldly finally, will search high and low in Snake of the Depth Residence will soon turn into the monster Skylong Race, twice there is no one time, but dozens times, after over a hundred times, will annoy the person to suspect surely. 苏晓休息近20小时后,巴哈操控的桑冷终于无法继续伪装,在渊蛇邸内四处寻找即将变成怪物的天巴族,一次两次没什么,可几十次,上百次后,必定会惹人怀疑。 Exposition!” “暴露了!” Lies down the Baja opens the mouth on place cot, the next quarter, in its eye loses the focal distance , to continue to take to control Sang cold. 躺在地榻上的巴哈开口,下一刻,它眼中又失去焦距,继续取操控桑冷。 Su Xiao carries Baja on cot, before arriving at the rear window, starts to wait. 苏晓拎起地榻上的巴哈,来到后窗前,开始等待。 Thump! 咚! A loud sound transmits, Su Xiao bang shoves open the rear window, leaps directly. 一声巨响传来,苏晓砰的一声推开后窗,直接跃出。 Most attracts their more than ten seconds.” “最多吸引他们十几秒。” A Baja pair of wings show/unfolds in Su Xiao hand, the bulb in spout, flies the low altitude, helping Su Xiao investigate nearby situation. 苏晓手中的巴哈双翼一展,吐出口中的玻璃球,就飞上低空,帮苏晓侦查附近的情况。 Su Xiao broke through the bamboo grove, across the crevices of two mountain peaks, arrives in stone forest. 苏晓冲过竹林,穿过两座山峰的夹缝,抵达石林内。 Su Xiao looked at soul purse in the storage space, obtains 61 soul purses! So long as the luck does not have bad luck to the pinnacle, Godcleave Has succeeded in obtaining, luck normal words, Sky Traveller Also succeeds in obtaining, if the luck is better, Electricity line( Holy Spirit-level necklace)】 Also can exchange. 苏晓看了眼储存空间内的灵魂钱袋,共获得61枚灵魂钱袋!只要运气不倒霉到极致,【神裁】已经到手,运气正常的话,【天行】也到手,如果运气好一些,【电行(圣灵级挂饰)】也能兑换来。 The Su Xiao half step rushes to the Tanqian of source, and takes out test tube, pours into inside solution pond water. 苏晓快步冲到源之潭前,并取出一根试管,将里面的溶液倒入潭水内。 GuLu...... 咕噜噜…… pond water on the ebullition, crash-bang, under pond water wells up instantaneously, this is the deep pool bottom sealing course causes shatter. 潭水瞬间就沸腾,哗啦一声,潭水下涌,这是潭底的封层破碎所导致。 In the meantime, the Boubo half step runs from the distant place. 就在此时,布布汪快步从远处跑来。 woof!” “呜嗷汪!” Boubo anxious spoke the logical expression quickly, Su Xiao just transferred the line of sight, an arrow arrow whiz has flown from his side. 布布汪急的都快说人话,苏晓刚调转视线,一根箭矢嗖的一声从他身旁飞过。 Lies, lies, lies | Trough!” “卧,卧,卧|槽!” Baja leaps forward the Tannei of source directly, below jet black piece, but compares more than 300 Skylong Race that to/clashes, in this is obviously safer. 巴哈直接跃入源之潭内,下面漆黑一片,但相比那冲来的三百多名天巴族,这里面明显更安全。 Su Xiao leaps forward the deep pool of source similarly, starts to fall, finally before Boubo of side is the body throws, suspended the modeling after the midair, falls to the Tannei of source. 苏晓同样跃入源之潭,开始下坠,最后方的布布汪则是身体前扑,在半空中摆了造型后,向源之潭内落去。 Bang! 砰! An arrow arrow raids, crystalline layer emerges from the Tannei of source, the Boubo package is one of them. 一根箭矢袭来,晶体层从源之潭内涌现,将布布汪包裹在其中。 Boubo just about to falls into the deep pool of source, exudes one miserably howling, its fart | In stock right side arrow, but there is a crystalline layer defense, this arrow punctures is not deep, but deepens because of the drowning attribute injury, the Boubo sore wind has the tears, it is integrating in the environment at this time, this arrow, is purely accidental. 布布汪刚要落入源之潭,就发出嗷的一声惨嚎,它的屁|股右侧中箭了,不过有晶体层防御,这箭刺的不算深,但因溺属性的伤害加深,布布汪疼的都飙出眼泪,它此时正融入环境中,这一箭,纯属偶然。 Finally, the clear tears and Boubo fall into the Tannei of source together. 最终,晶莹的泪花与布布汪一同落入源之潭内。
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