RP :: Volume #31

#52: Iron

The Iron Feathered King corpse lies down on the ground, palm downward, is quiet, his palm splits, a black small snake crawls from his palm, this was Snake of the Depth, Iron Feathered King losses, where it also very to went certainly. 铁羽王的尸体躺在地上,掌心向下,悄无声息间,他的手掌裂开,一条黑色小蛇从他掌心内爬出,这是渊之蛇,铁羽王了,它当然也好不到哪去。 Snake of the Depth sneaks in the maple leaf quietly, a foot steps on. 渊之蛇悄然钻进枫叶中,一只脚踩来。 Su Xiao with double refers to gripping the head of Snake of the Depth, after Snake of the Depth changes small, Su Xiao sees clearly its complete picture, this is the Fenwei snake. 苏晓用双指夹住渊之蛇的头,渊之蛇变小后,苏晓看清它的全貌,这是条分尾蛇。 Comes out.” “出来。” Su Xiao sits by the Iron Feathered King corpse, the fingertip is clamping Snake of the Depth. 苏晓坐在铁羽王的尸体旁,指尖夹着渊之蛇 Haha, is really lively.” “哈哈,真热闹啊。” hybrid Ancient god Ursula after a maple tree goes out, according to the normal script, Ursula should be a secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator kind, what a pity, in this family/home squats hybrid Ancient god not that ambition, she lives in the , hears nearby has the fight sound, has a look. 混血古神・厄休拉从一根枫树后走出,按照正常的剧本,厄休拉应该是幕后黑手一类,可惜,这家里蹲混血古神没那野心,她就是居住在附近,听到附近有战斗声响,就过来看看。 Ursula's facial expression seems like the nature, in fact in her heart is very hurried, in a moment ago, her witnessed battle of Su Xiao and Iron Feathered King, she suspected, if goes on stage changes into itself, most is also several blades or several spear/gun edges, she can find a cool place to lie down, the serenity of quite such death. 厄休拉的神情看似自然,实际上她心中很慌,就在刚才,她目睹了苏晓铁羽王的厮杀,她怀疑,如果上场的换成自己,最多也就是几刀或几枪刃,她就可以找个凉快的地方躺着了,这样死的比较安详。 Iron Feathered King is world recognized strongest, but Snake of the Depth, is next to Iron Feathered King, but now, Su Xiao is sitting by the Iron Feathered King corpse, refers to is also clamping Snake of the Depth, sees this secretly, Ursula's leg was soft, she wants to go home. 铁羽王是本世界公认的最强,而渊之蛇,则是仅次于铁羽王,可现在,苏晓正坐在铁羽王的尸体旁,指间还夹着渊之蛇,看到这一幕后,厄休拉的腿都软了,她想回家。 Recently leaves Divine Country.” “近期内离开神之国。” „? Un!” “啊?啊,嗯!” In Ursula heart relaxes quietly. 厄休拉心中悄然松了口气。 Su Xiao no longer pays attention to Ursula, his thumb and index finger catch up, chirp, pinches Snake of the Depth. 苏晓不再理会厄休拉,他的拇指与食指发力,啪叽一声,将渊之蛇捏死。 You have struck to kill Snake of the Depth.】 【你已击杀渊之蛇。】 You obtain 2 7. 5% World's Origin.】 【你获得二7.5%的世界之源。】 You obtain Holy Spirit-level treasure box( deep pool).】 【你获得圣灵级宝箱(渊)。】 Prompt: If Holy Spirit-level treasure box has the exclusive suffix, will deliver the equipment probability to promote 12% additionally, will deliver the Gem probability to promote 6. additionally 3%, will deliver the bloodline class item probability to promote 3. 2%......】 提示:如圣灵级宝箱带有专属后缀,产出装备几率将额外提升12%,产出宝石几率额外提升6.3%,产出血统类物品几率提升3.2%……】 Pinches dead Snake of the Depth conveniently, Su Xiao throws the snake corpse in hand to Ursula. 随手捏死渊之蛇,苏晓将手中的蛇尸抛向厄休拉。 „, Gave me?! But Snake of the Depth......” “给,给我了?!渊之蛇可是……” Ursula eyeful does not dare to believe. 厄休拉满眼不敢置信。 „......” “……” Su Xiao looked at Ursula, stands up from the ground, arrives among the maple trees that a piece had not been fought to affect, takes out the iron shovel from the storage space. 苏晓看了眼厄休拉,就从地上站起身,来到一片没被战斗波及的枫树间,从储存空间内取出铁铲。 After the moment, Su Xiao digs out a big hole, before returning to the Iron Feathered King corpse, lifts up the corpse. 片刻后,苏晓挖出个大坑,回到铁羽王的尸体前,将尸体扛起。 After several minutes, Su Xiao Iron Feathered King burying, this was his second buried Iron Feathered King. 几分钟后,苏晓铁羽王埋葬,这是他第二次葬了铁羽王 Iron Feathered King is born in a border region small country, after being grown, arrives at the Seira empire enlistment, fights up and down the country, from a nameless soldier, becomes Iron Feathered King that north lets scared, finally, he died in a crude log cabin, a straw mat, an earth pit, after this is Iron Feathered King dies the entirety, simple, purely, powerful. 铁羽王在一个边陲小国降生,成年后到塞拉帝国参军,南征北战,从一个无名士兵,成为让北部胆寒的铁羽王,最终,他在一间简陋的木屋内死去,一张草席,一个土坑,这就是铁羽王死后的全部,简单,纯粹,强大。 After Iron Feathered King falls into the death, Snake of the Depth reflects to summon to come him, at first, Iron Feathered King prepares to force to shake off the fetter of Snake of the Depth, returns to the death, but after discovering the opponent is Su Xiao, he changes the mind, two people once when that small log cabin, Iron Feathered King want to slaughter with Su Xiao. 就在铁羽王陷入永眠后,渊之蛇将他‘映召’来,最初时,铁羽王准备强制挣脱渊之蛇的束缚,重归永眠,但在发现对手是苏晓后,他改变主意,两人曾在那间小木屋内时,铁羽王就想和苏晓厮杀一场。 Without the goal, without the reason, is simplest, purest slaughters, that is all. 没有目的,没有缘由,就是最简单,最纯粹的厮杀一场,仅此而已。 What a pity that time Iron Feathered King was too old, when experienced and reliable dance spear/gun the metropolis/can asthma, under that mode, he chose dying of quiet , rather than compared notes with Su Xiao, because looked like in Iron Feathered King, kept comparing notes of hand mutually, is wasting the time radically, the fight...... was irreconciliable adversaries. 可惜那时的铁羽王太老了,老到舞枪时都会气喘,那种状态下,他选择安静的死去,而不是与苏晓切磋,因为在铁羽王看来,互相留手的切磋,根本就是在浪费时间,战斗……就是你死我活 The maple tree rustle makes noise, before Iron Feathered King grave, does not have the tombstone, but is inserting the blade spear/gun of break, on the stock, several cut the mark to be clearly discernible. 枫树沙沙作响,铁羽王的坟前没有木碑,而是插着把断裂的刃枪,枪柄上,几道斩痕清晰可见。 Su Xiao stands before the Iron Feathered King grave, in the hand takes Destiny Controller, clear iron character, has carved above. 苏晓站在铁羽王的坟前,手中拿着命运主宰,一个清晰的‘铁’字,已刻在上面。 On Destiny Controller has many small characters, seems like to the race the different kind aesthetic sense, because of each character, represents a powerhouse. 命运主宰上已经有很多小字,看起来给人种别样的美感,因为每个字,都代表一名强者。 present( in Ghoul world history first Ghoul) 斯(喰种世界史上第一名喰种) Scarlet( cuts scarlet world Akame) 赤(斩赤世界赤瞳) Dark( for the first time Trial by Fire World Dark King Minas) 暗(首次试炼世界暗王米纳斯) Dodges( Holy Grail world King of Heroes Golden Flash) 闪(圣杯世界英雄王金闪闪) hope( thinks that hope has died, now has died, does not need to carve again) 希(原认为希已死,现在已死,无需重刻) Thousand( First Generation Naruto/Hokage Senju Hashirama) 千(初代火影千手柱间) armor( Sia world Battle Armored Spirit) 甲(希亚世界战甲之灵) close to( dedicated lumberjack) 巴(执着的伐木工) Trillion( Offender Death Omen) 兆(违规者死兆) Crime( Ghost World Sin) 罪(幽鬼世界罪恶) Black( Black King) 黑(黑之王) Moon/Month( Ancient god Moon God) 月(古神月神) Iron( Seira Protector Iron Feathered King) 铁(塞拉守护者铁羽王) ...... …… Su Xiao receives Destiny Controller, lifts the step to walk toward the maplewood, leads the way about half kilometer, he sees to underground snake hole. 苏晓收起命运主宰,抬步向枫林内走去,前行半公里左右,他看到一条通往地下的蛇洞。 The snake hole has ten meters width fully, leads to slantingly underground, Boubo in the front takes the lead, Su Xiao has the wound after all in the body, moreover heavy of wound. 蛇洞足有十米宽,斜斜通往地下,布布汪在前方打头阵,苏晓毕竟有伤在身,而且伤的不轻。 Su Xiao carries is also fainting whistling Baja, Baja is resolute enough, to avoid by Snake of the Depth control, it being dived from the upper air, hits on the mountain massif, with the Baja words is: Even if cannot help in the fight, that cannot hold back.’ 苏晓拎着还晕呼呼的巴哈,巴哈足够果决,为了避免被渊之蛇控制,它从高空俯冲,撞在山体上,用巴哈的话是:‘就算在战斗中帮不上忙,那也不能拖后腿。’ No meeting, Boubo runs on the half step, after its investigation, inside does not have the danger, Spacetime Hub Unit in inside. 没一会,布布汪就快步跑来,经它的探查,里面没危险,时空枢纽装置就在里面。 Meanwhile, the Snake of the Depth Residence main entrance first several hundred meters place, A' Mu squats in the shrubbery, it in this standby, because of too is throughout boring, it starts to camouflage the big tree. 与此同时,渊蛇邸正门前几百米处,阿姆蹲在灌木丛内,它始终在这待命,因实在太无聊,它开始伪装成大树。 Several birds are falling on A' Mu, but it is motionless, it is a tree, it the food eats not, it is quite hungry. 几只鸟正落在阿姆头上,可它一动不动,它是棵树,它莫得饭吃,它好饿。 GuLu ~ 咕噜噜~ The belly of A' Mu starts the sound, it hesitant is very long, has turned the head slowly, looks to its neighbor, another tree. 阿姆的肚子开始响,它犹豫很久,才缓缓转过头,看向它的邻居,另外一棵树。 ...... …… In the deep pool snake hole, Su Xiao looks at the front gray crystal, this thing is more than five meters fully high, the interior is the precise metal framework, this is Spacetime Hub Unit. 渊蛇洞内,苏晓看着前方的灰色晶体,这东西足有五米多高,内部是精密的金属框架,这就是时空枢纽装置 Su Xiao takes out a metal card from the storage space, just ejected, metal card fast distortion in midair, finally fitting on Spacetime Hub Unit. 苏晓从储存空间内取出一张金属卡片,刚抛出,金属卡片就在半空中快速变形,最终贴合在时空枢纽装置上。 The giant gray crystal turns white and gets older fast, finally becomes the irregular pellet shatter. 巨大的灰色晶体快速发白、老化,最终破碎成不规则的颗粒。 Has succeeded to destroy Spacetime Hub Unit of Death paradise in this world.】 【已成功破坏死亡乐园位于本世界内的时空枢纽装置。】 In space blockade......】 【空间封锁中……】 Blockade encounters Death paradise interrupt.】 【封锁遭到‘死亡乐园’中断。】 Forces to block......】 【强制封锁中……】 This world had been blocked, surplus Spacetime Hub Unit: 2.】 【本世界已被封锁,剩余时空枢纽装置:二处。】 Surplus Spacetime Hub Unit respective sides: Reincarnation Paradise.】 【剩余时空枢纽装置所属方:轮回乐园。】 Surplus Spacetime Hub Unit respective sides: Revelation Paradise.】 【剩余时空枢纽装置所属方:天启乐园。】 warning: Revelation Paradise tries to destroy in this world respective Reincarnation Paradise Spacetime Hub Unit.’ 警告:天启乐园试图破坏本世界内所属轮回乐园时空枢纽装置。’】 warning: Revelation Paradise has transmitted Battle angel to this world( 115).】 警告:天启乐园已向本世界内传送战斗天使(115名)。】 In transmission......】 【传送中……】 Prompt: 30 Hunter transmissions to this world.】 提示:将有30名猎杀者传送至本世界。】 Is Hunter will soon resume the body damage, Hunter must lead the personnel, repels Revelation Paradise side Battle angel.】 【即将为猎杀者恢复身体损伤,猎杀者需带领己方人员,击退天启乐园战斗天使。】 Has stopped transmitting Battle angel inspection to Revelation Paradise to this world.】 检核天启乐园已停止向本世界内传送战斗天使。】 【The Hunter injury restores to stop, has stored in this jurisdiction Hunter samsara imprint, Hunter may use to restore the jurisdiction free of charge one time.】 猎杀者伤势恢复已中止,已将本次权限存入猎杀者轮回烙印内,猎杀者可无偿使用一次恢复权限。】 Hunter Main Mission has completed.】 猎杀者主线任务已完成。】 You have obtained Mission Reward, Divine spirit bones Holy Spirit-level( rare item, murders god exclusive reward).】 【你已获得任务奖励,神灵骨圣灵级(稀有物品,弑神专属奖励)。】 In transmission...... Hunter will soon return to Reincarnation Paradise.】 【传送中……猎杀者即将返回轮回乐园。】 Prompt: Hegemony Battle will open in the next world progress, Hunter must be ready ahead of time.】 提示:强者争霸战将于下个世界进度开启,猎杀者需提前做好准备。】
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